It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 239 Song Zhixiao?Li Zhien?Tolerance means great young women have high emotional intelligence

Chapter 239 Song Zhixiao?Li Zhien?Tolerance means great young women have high emotional intelligence! (Ask for monthly ticket)

I had just bought my ticket to Seoul, but before Chen Fei could officially board the plane, New Picture and Huayi started to fight again.

Zhang Weiping, who originally didn't say he wanted to apply for an Oscar, actually submitted the application materials to the film bureau as soon as the film was completed, catching the Huayi brothers off guard.

Ever since "The Banquet" was completed, it has been clamoring to participate in the Oscars. But now, it's a good thing that someone has won it first.

The film bureau has regulations that only one movie can compete for Oscars every year.

"City of Golden Armor" is obviously more popular than "The Night Banquet", and even Zhang Yimou's international reputation is far greater than that of Feng Xiaogang.

As soon as the farce broke out, the two sides started to yell at each other. It was a lively scene!
It even suppressed the publicity of "Dragon and Tiger Gate".

Chen Fei watched them all as amusement, especially Zhang Weiping. This guy's mouth was really poisonous, and Feng Xiaogang was so sprayed that he could hardly lift his head.


The flight from Shanghai to Seoul takes two and a half hours.

When we landed at the airport, CJ's people were already waiting here.

Park Seohan was very enthusiastic and led Guo Jingze, the director of "New World", several senior executives of CJ Company, and a lot of bodyguards.

Not to mention anything else, the noodles are on par with those on Hong Kong Island.

Korean movies are different from those in Mainland China. Here, the screenwriter is the center, and the screenwriter has the highest status in the entire crew.

Moreover, Chen Fei is also one of the investors of the movie, which makes CJ Company even more enthusiastic.

On the way, Park Qihan introduced the topography and landforms of Seoul while calmly repeating Chen Fei's words.

"I heard that Director Chen is preparing a new movie? Have the actors been decided? We at CJ also have many actors with excellent acting skills."

"It's all set and filming will start soon."

"That's a pity."

Pu Qihan sighed, looking a little sad.

Korean entertainment has a very fanatical pursuit of international awards. The top three European awards and Oscars have always been their goals.

"Next time, if there is a suitable opportunity, I will contact you."

"it is good!"

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Pu Qihan's face suddenly became happy.


The flight took two and a half hours, and we were stuck in traffic for more than an hour.

When he arrived at CJ Company, Chen Fei muttered in surprise: "Is this place the peak period from morning to night?"

Pu Qihan smiled awkwardly, "The place is small and there are many people, so it is inevitable that this will happen."

After entering the company, Chen Fei met several senior executives of CJ.

Their hair was dark and shiny, and they all had a big belly. They all wore glasses and looked polite. They smiled and bowed when they met.


Chen Fei didn't know Korean either, so he simply communicated with them in English.

The official opening ceremony will be tomorrow. After chatting with these senior executives about the development prospects of the film industry and future cooperation plans, it is already evening.

The reception banquet was held in a five-star hotel.

In addition to the senior executives of CJ, as well as Park Xihan and Guo Jingze, the main creative staff of the "New World" crew came to the box together.

The hierarchy in South Korea's entertainment industry is much stricter than at home, and there are very strict rules for ranking celebrities here.

Capitalists are the highest, followed closely by screenwriters and directors, and then by those powerful actors and variety show stars with relatively high national reputations.

As for those idols, as the rumors say, they are at the bottom of the entertainment industry.

Lee Jung-jae, Hwang Jung-ming, Choi Min-sik…

These are all powerful actors who left a deep impression on Chen Fei.

Of course, what made him most happy was that he actually met Song Zhixiao, a regular female guest in "Running Man".

Although this variety show has not appeared yet, he originally liked Song Zhixiao's performance in the show.

When the title "Muzhi" was selected for the title, he went out of his way to cast a vote.

Now that time has changed, it's still quite strange to see the actress I liked before being reborn.

"Hello, Director Chen. Nice to meet you. My name is Song Zhixiao."

Noticing that Chen Fei's eyes lingered on him for a long time, Song Zhixiao took the initiative to say hello and toast him with a glass of wine.

"Well, you are good."

Chen Fei nodded slightly, and suddenly thought of the "Palace" she starred in. This TV series can be said to be another shocking TV series after "Dae Jang Geum".


The dinner ended quickly, and several senior executives and actors left the hotel one after another after greeting Chen Fei.

Pu Qihan did not leave, because he had to be responsible for taking care of Chen Fei.

Of course, this care is not that care.

Chen Fei didn't drink too much, and he didn't have the special hobby of being acquainted with sticks. His original intention was to let Pu Qihan take him around Seoul.

After all, he was abroad. He heard that the nightlife in South Korea was very rich, so he thought about going out to the night market to see what delicious food there was.

However, Pu Qihan obviously misunderstood what he meant.

"Director Chen, Song Zhixiao's status is a bit special. I can't accompany you at night. I'll take you to a more fun place."

Fade Chen: "???"

What do you mean you can't stay with me tonight?
What on earth is this guy talking about?
Before Chen Fei could react, he heard Pu Qihan tell the driver a place name.

It didn't take long for the car to drive into the underground garage of a hotel on the edge of downtown Seoul.

After parking the car, Pu Qihan took the initiative to push the door open, then ran to Chen Fei's side in a very stupid way, and took the initiative to open the door for him.

"What is this place?"

A bold idea vaguely appeared in Chen Fei's mind.

"A very fun, safe, and exciting place. This should be regarded as a unique entertainment venue in South Korea."

With that said, Pu Qihan took Chen Fei into the elevator and pressed the 7th floor.

After stepping out of the elevator, it was a very sparse and ordinary pet shop. There were some very cute cats and dogs running back and forth. You could see many young couples teasing the kittens.

"Is this the entertainment venue you're talking about?"

Chen Fei felt as if he had been fooled.

But at this time, Pu Qihan smiled and shook his head, motioning for Chen Fei to follow him.

Arriving at the back door of the pet shop, what Chen Fei didn't expect was that there was another door here!

Open the door, take three steps to the right, and another elevator appears.

After pressing the door-opening button, Pu Qihan took out a card similar to a room card from his pocket, and then pointed it at the elevator and swiped it lightly.


With a soft sound, Chen Fei saw the number "12" popping out of the elevator.

As the elevator ascended, Pu Qi said with a smile: "Actually, I rarely come to this place, mainly because I can't afford it, but today I'm going to spend a lot of money for Director Chen."

While talking, the elevator has arrived.

When the elevator door opened, Chen Fei subconsciously raised his eyebrows slightly.

Outside the elevator, two rows of sexy girls were seen smiling and bowing in unison, not caring about the nudity at their necklines.

"Good evening, welcome. Thank you for your hard work."

good guy?
Looking at the young and beautiful faces, Chen Fei secretly sighed.

Could this be the legendary "Gold-Sale Cave"?
Before he could react, Pu Qihan hugged a girl and said, "Find a more spacious box. I want to entertain my best friends. Also, call all you new girls over here. Remember, keep it clean!”

As he said that, Chen Fei saw his right hand slipping in from the girl's collar, without any sign of pity.

"Producer Park! Are you a rare visitor?"

A soft and waxy sound came from the front desk, and then there was a sound of high heels approaching here.

Chen Fei turned his head curiously and looked sideways, and saw a young woman in her thirties, with plump fruits and a very smooth figure walking in front of the two of them.

"Huh? New friend? Looks a little strange?"

The woman looked at Chen Fei curiously, but she couldn't recognize who he was after several glances.

"Don't look at it. It's a friend from out of town. Our president specially ordered it."

"Okay, come with me."

The young woman responded, gave Chen Fei a charming look, and then led the way.

Pu Qihan let go of the girl, fell a few steps behind, and said close to Chen Fei's ear: "Just enjoy it boldly, you can have fun here, you can choose what type you like later.

Don't worry about problems. There is no surveillance here, and there will be no surveillance installed. There are at least 30 bosses above. This is just a place where people can relieve their fatigue. "


Chen Fei nodded slightly and glanced around calmly.

However, the next second, he suddenly saw a man who often appeared on South Korean TV.

The other party changed his usual serious look and was holding a girl younger than his daughter in his arms!

Pu Qihan lowered his voice and said: "Don't be surprised, it's normal. After you go out, just pretend that nothing happened and you don't know anything."

Chen Fei asked curiously, "Aren't they worried about being reported? After all, they are cadres..."

"Of course not. The media and channels for speaking out are in the hands of these people. Even if they want to report it, who can they report it to?"

As expected of South Korea!
As expected of a consortium!

Led by the graceful figure of the young woman, Chen Fei and Pu Qihan walked into the box marked "152".

"Producer Park, and this new guest, please wait for a moment while I go call someone."

"Wait a minute!" Pu Qihan called to the young woman to stop, and emphasized: "It doesn't matter whether you are high or low, but my brother's status is not ordinary, and he must be clean. Do you understand?"

"Okay, don't worry, I understand."

The young woman took a deep look at Chen Fei, turned around and left quickly.

After waiting for a while, the box door was pushed open, and more than ten girls with different styles walked in, followed by some waiters carrying fruit plates.

The waiter is also a woman... "Take your pick, please."

The young woman stood aside and waited with a smile, but her eyes were always on Chen Fei.

Inexplicably, she felt that this face seemed familiar?

To be honest, due to plastic surgery and medical aesthetics, many South Korean actresses have similar looks. They all look similar when standing together. It's just who has longer legs and who has shorter legs.

However, after scanning around, Chen Fei could still spot a very familiar face in the crowd at a glance.


Li Zhien?
When he saw that green face, Chen Fei was in a trance for a moment.

Be obedient?

How could this person appear in a place like this?Doesn't this match her pure style since her debut?Famous girl group members...

Oh, no, she seems to have only debuted in 08, and she is still a little-known and transparent at the moment.

However, the South Korean entertainment industry is really chaotic, and female idols are really at the bottom here.

It can be seen that Li Zhien is very nervous now, especially after noticing that Chen Fei's eyes fell on her, she did not even dare to raise her head.

The young woman was obviously a good observer of words and emotions. She walked over with a smile, held Li Zhien's arms, and personally sent her to Chen Fei's side.

"The little girl will inevitably be a little shy when she comes here for the first time, but she will get better once she gets familiar with it."

"Haha, if Director Chen doesn't like it, you can choose a few more."

Fade Chen shook his head, "No, just her."

"Okay, then I have to follow you to get some glory today." Pu Qihan said while waving to two girls in nurse uniforms in the crowd, "It's just you two."


The other girls who were not selected left the box one after another. Pu Qihan personally opened a bottle of wine for Chen Fei and motioned to one of the girls next to him to sing for fun.

"Most of the girls here were not selected to become trainees. Their purpose of coming here is very simple. One is to live a wealthy life, and the other is to find suitable opportunities.

As long as someone is willing to help them, everything will become easy for them to become wealthy and even famous in the rest of their lives. "

Pu Qihan did not deliberately lower his voice when he said this, so the girls could hear it clearly.

They did not object, but silently poured wine for Pu Qihan and Chen Fei, saying some unfamiliar compliments.

"I actually prefer those girls who have been in the field for a long time. Their skills are very good and their words are nice. These green little apples have to be developed several times before they are fully mature."

Pu Xihan's tone was very indifferent, and he did not treat these girls as living people.

This is not the first time that Chen Fei has seen this kind of scene, but South Korea has to behave more ruthlessly and unabashedly, exposing the scars nakedly.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked at Li Zhien beside him.

The girl pursed her red lips and her face was rosy. While she was sitting obediently, her long and slender legs were even more sexy under the black stockings.

Although she is not very old, her beauty is already natural.

After taking the wine glass she handed over, Fade Chen drank it in one gulp and asked casually: "With your looks and figure, can't you be chosen as a trainee?"

It seems that it has always been a man's nature to persuade a girl who is about to make a mistake to behave. For example, now, Chen Fei is a little ready to do something.

Of course, the premise of being ready to move is that she also has to move herself.

It's always better to be diligent.

Li Zhien shook his head slightly, "It's difficult. I participated in more than 20 auditions, including trainee auditions held by JYP and Entertainment, but I was rejected all of them."

"Then do you think you can be chosen if you come here?"

"I have no choice. My family owes a lot of money, and becoming a trainee is the fastest way I can think of to make money."

These words sounded very familiar, and Chen Fei vaguely remembered that every girl he met in the bath had a tragic story.

"Sing a song. If you want to make a debut, your vocal skills must not be too bad."

"it is good."

Li Zhien nodded slightly and began to show off her singing voice very skillfully.

"Great." Pu Qihan applauded with satisfaction, "She is indeed very strong. She can be ranked in the top ten among the female idols I have met."

"Does CJ have any business in this area?"

"A trainee?" Pu Qihan was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "CJ doesn't have any business in this area, but we have shares in many entertainment companies."

"Can you arrange for her to join the girl group? And give her some acting training by the way."


Pu Qihan was a little confused. They had just met, why did this person fall?

"Why?" he asked subconsciously.

"I have a script here. Her image and temperament are very suitable for a role in it, but I don't think she can take this role now."

Pu Qihan didn't listen carefully to the unnecessary words. He only heard the "script" in Chen Fei's words!
Pushing away the two girls in his arms, he asked excitedly: "Similar to "New World"? Can you collaborate with CJ?"

"It's even better than "New World". I can cooperate with you, but only if you train her for me."

"no problem!"

Pu Qihan's face was filled with ecstasy. He stood up suddenly and looked at Li Zhien, who was looking confused.

"You go with Director Chen tonight and come to Xijie tomorrow to report. We will be responsible for your family's difficulties. We must satisfy Director Chen. Do you understand?"


Li Zhien opened his mouth, his face full of confusion.

She didn't know why Chen Fei took a fancy to her. Wasn't it just because he sang a song?Isn't this very common among South Korean trainees?
"Why, don't you want to?"

"No, no, no! Yes! I do!"

The girl nodded hurriedly. This opportunity was a huge fortune for her. If she didn't grasp it firmly, she might never have such an opportunity again in the future.

Two girls with heavy makeup on the side looked jealous.

But looking at Li Zhien and then at themselves, they couldn't figure it out. Everyone was eliminated by many companies, so why could she soar into the sky?

Could it be that Director Chen likes younger people?

We played until 12 o'clock, and Li Zhien's voice became a little hoarse from singing.

Chen Fei stood up first and said, "Let's go back. There will be a press conference tomorrow."

"Okay." Pu Qihan dragged Zui Xiangxiang's body, hugged one of the girls, and restlessly touched everywhere with one hand.

Girls here can be taken out.

But before leaving, the young woman took the initiative to come forward and handed Chen Fei a pass card with a smile.

"Dear guests who have come from afar, take your time and welcome your next visit."

Tolerance means great women are not simple.

Chen Fei smiled back, turned around and entered the elevator, preparing to go back to the hotel.

He had seen it before coming out. There was no doubt about the safety of the hotel. After all, he was still a computer expert, so he could still confirm this.


The press conference started at ten o'clock in the morning.

At 08:30 in the morning, Li Zhien woke up Chen Fei.

"Have a good rest and go to CJ's place tomorrow."

"Okay, Oppa."

Li Zhien nodded slightly and watched Chen Fei leave with complicated eyes.

She originally thought that after following Chen Fei back, she would change from a girl to a woman, but what she never expected was that Chen Fei didn't touch her at all.

His reason was "too small."

Li Zhien, who is 93 years old, is only 14 years old this year, and Chen Fei can't do anything about it. He just enjoys the happiness of growing up.

It's just that the girl herself doesn't think so.

After squeezing hard, she whispered: "You're not too small, aren't you?"


The launch conference of "New World" was very lively. CJ took this film very seriously and invited many people to come to the stage.

Chen Fei almost thought this was a gala.

Many people came over to say hello to him, and at the same time handed him their business cards very respectfully. Each one seemed more polite than the other, and each one was more polite than the last!
During the formal press conference, Chen Fei was invited to the stage, and the host specially introduced his identity and resume.

The Golden Bear Awards, Golden Globe Awards, and Oscars he has won, as well as his various investments and filming plans in Hollywood, are all listed one by one.

There were many people in the audience who didn't know him at first, but as they listened, their eyes gradually widened!

This is a big golden leg!
Chen Fei is not only the screenwriter of "New World", but also one of the investors.

China Film Group also enjoys an investment share and sent representatives there, accompanied by many media and reporters.

"Director Chen, are you planning to expand your business to a global scale?" a reporter from asked in surprise.

Chen Fei smiled and said, "I like to write something when I have nothing to do. I didn't expect that I would be able to reach a cooperation with CJ.

Not much else to say, I hope the filming goes smoothly and I hope it will sell well at the box office! "

On the day the press conference ended, the news spread back to China.

Zhou Xun, who had just returned backstage from a talk show, looked at the script of "Shoplifters" in his hand with surprise after hearing the news.

"So, he asked us to familiarize ourselves with the script, but then he went to invest in a new movie?"

Zhang Ziyi, who was following behind, lightly shrugged and replied, "If you go to Hollywood, you will know that he never stops for a moment. Right now, he has participated in the investment and production of at least five movies in Hollywood!"

Huang Xiaoming still held the script of "The Night Banquet" in his hand. He laughed as he walked: "Sister Xun, you don't know him. Director Chen is a serious and all-around director.

Director Ning told us that Director Chen can stand up to the entire crew by himself, and he is very serious about filming and has very high requirements for actors! "

"Oh? Really? Then I have to wait and see."

Zhou Xun unconsciously clutched the script in his hand, looking forward to the day when the filming of the movie would start.

Zhang Ziyi calmly glanced at the script in her hand with a sad expression.

After all, Li Bian still didn’t want her, and Zhang Yimou also refused to cooperate with her. It seemed that he had to find a new way out...

(End of this chapter)

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