It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 240: Finally have a home, build a film and television city?With great ability comes great re

Chapter 240: Finally have a home, build a film and television city?With great ability comes great responsibility! (Ask for monthly ticket)
After telling CJ to cultivate the acting skills of "Li Zhien", Chen Fei returned to China directly.

Another email came from Hollywood.

Relying on Universal Pictures' strong global distribution capabilities, "Dangerous Laughter" ultimately earned a box office of US$1700 million in more than 20 countries and regions around the world at a cost of US$1.03 million.

The local box office data in North America was US$9909 million.

The two want to add, breaking the US$2 million mark!
When Universal Pictures announced this situation, for a while, the major independent production companies in Hollywood could not contain their excitement and began to contact Chen Fei in every possible way.

This ability to make money is simply crazy!
At the same time, the total box office of "Insidious", produced by Volton Pictures, Chen Fei, and James Wan, also exceeded US$1.5 million.

Although it has been painted on the big screen, the sale of DVDs and copyrights has just officially begun, which is another huge profit!
Chen Fei's US dollar account received another huge amount of money.

Of course, this money was not idle. He invested all of it in Longxiang Capital and made various investments.


After the plane landed in the capital, Chen Fei first went back to the courtyard house he bought at a high price.

The reinstallation has been completed, and a message was sent from the decoration company, asking him to go back and check for acceptance.

When I saw Liu Pingan again, he was wearing a safety helmet and running back and forth in the house, instructing the cleaners to be careful.

Seeing Chen Fei walk in, he hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Chen, the decoration has been completed. Once the workers clean the place and let it dry, you can officially move in in September."


Chen Fei nodded and followed him to start the acceptance process.

There is no problem with the exterior decoration. Fences, surveillance cameras, ambient lights, floors, walls, everything that needs to be installed and renovated are all done very well.

After walking into the innermost courtyard and making sure that no one was around, Liu Ping'an lowered his voice and said, "The secret door has been prepared for you. Let's go visit it?"

"Okay." Chen Fei was quite interested in this.

Liu Ping'an led the way and said with great interest: "I have been looking at this area for two or three days. Your house faces Qianhai to the west, and the Yuhe River tributary of Qianhai to the north. Walking in these two directions The car definitely won't work.

I also looked in the other two directions. If I want to get out of the car, there is only an open-air parking lot nearby that can be operated, but the distance is too far, a full kilometer!

It is unrealistic to dig underground passages at this distance. It is not only a matter of money, but also involves underground pipe networks, etc. This is very complicated and very troublesome. "

The underground network in the capital is very complicated. Digging a kilometer of underground passages is definitely a wishful thinking.

Chen Fei asked curiously, "So? What was your final design?"

Liu Ping'an replied: "After much thought, there is only one way, which is to leave without taking the car. At worst, the people will go out first, and then drive outside.

This is much simpler, because more than one meter away from the west wall is the back of a shop in Houhai. These shops all sell tourist souvenirs.

The location behind the house was blocked by some willow trees, so it became a place for tourists to urinate and defecate.

The secret door opened at this location just right. Then I asked the Houhai management office to install iron fences on both sides so that tourists couldn't get in. You just need to open it with the key yourself. "

While talking, the two of them had arrived at a very hidden warehouse in the Sanjin courtyard.

There are several rows of brand new tool racks in the room, but now they are all empty.

"You step back."

Liu Ping'an first asked Chen Fei to leave the place, then walked to the shelf against the wall with a mysterious look, and then stretched his hand to a hidden position on the back of the shelf.

With a gentle pull, he saw that the shelf in front of him and the row of shelves alongside it began to slide slowly to both sides at the same time, without any movement during the process.

"Huh? So magical?"

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, very satisfied.

There was about two meters of space between the two rows of shelves before the movement stopped.

Chen Fei walked over and saw a door vaguely visible on the wall.

The width of this door is narrower than the door at home, and there is no door handle on it. The white paint is the same color as the wall. It is really difficult to tell without looking carefully.

Liu Ping'an's tone was full of emotion, "It took a lot of effort to make this door. I specially hired a master to make it by hand using his family's ancient methods."

As he spoke, Liu Pingan began to demonstrate.

He took a few steps forward and stood in front of the door. He stepped a few times in front of the door with his feet, and then the door suddenly moved!

The door first protruded as a whole, and then slid to the right.

Soon, Chen Fei saw the thick tree trunks outside, and the vague voices of tourists came over.

Then he lowered his head and looked at the ground. It was all paved with bluestone slabs, but there were a few slabs in front of the door that seemed to be slightly protruding, but there was nothing unusual about the rest.

The terrain outside the door is lower. The ground is newly paved with bluestone and is very flat. There are many willow trees planted around it, making it very secluded.

"The exit is on the north side." Liu Pingan reminded in a low voice.

"Go and have a look."

The two walked more than ten meters one after another and came to the north exit.

A thick and tall iron railing connected the house's wall to a residential house. There was an iron door in the middle of the railing, and there was a hidden lock on the iron door.

Chen Fei subconsciously looked up and saw that the two-meter-high iron railings and the fence of his house were covered with barbs, and there were also several cameras.

Liu Ping'an added a few words, "In addition to cameras and barbs, I also arranged for the company to install an infrared anti-theft system. There are sensors at every other section on the wall. Once someone climbs over, the infrared light will be cut off and the alarm system will be activated. .”

"Where are the birds?"

"Don't worry, it's already equipped with a bird repellent device. Those birds can't fly over."

"Okay, very good."

Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.


The subsequent process is the final payment.

After looking at the invoice handed over by Liu Ping'an and confirming that there was no problem, Chen Fei signed his name and wrote him a check.

"We have a cooperation with a housekeeping company here, and we will give you a one-year door-to-door cleaning service for free. I will leave you a phone number. Just call if you need it.

As for later repairs, we have a three-year warranty. If you have any questions, you can contact our company. "

"it is good."

Chen Fei responded, looked around, and secretly sighed in his heart.

"Brother, I have finally settled in the capital!"

By the time the housekeeping company finished cleaning, it was getting late.

Chen Fei didn't go to the hotel, but went directly to the master bedroom, planning to experience it first tonight.

All daily necessities were purchased by the decoration company, even the sheets and bedding, which they purchased under Chen Fei's conditions.

My own home is comfortable to sleep in. The bed is soft and big enough for two or three people to lie down together without feeling crowded.

After a good sleep, when he woke up the next morning, Chen Fei called the old man directly.

"Old man, please clean up your house. I will go back to pick you up now. Your eldest grandson has bought a house in the capital and he can take you over to live here."

"Yo? Did you buy a house?"

The old man smiled cheerfully, and did not refuse to say that he did not want to live in the city. He promised to take care of things immediately.

All the young people in the village have gone out to work, and the remaining old men and women just work in the fields every day, and the old man cannot talk to them.

The grandson has bought a house in a big city, and the old man will definitely be happy to come over.

Speaking of which, the old man used to live in a big city, but later due to some unavoidable reasons, he ran to that remote village.

"Oh, I haven't been to the capital for a long time. Things have changed and people have changed!"

Carrying his suitcase and walking on the streets of Houhai, the old man's face was filled with emotion.

"Haha, if you get familiar with it for a while, you will get used to it. If you have time, go to the park for a walk, have a love affair at dusk, and you will easily integrate into the big city."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Fei was kicked on the butt.

"Hey, you kid? Are you still teasing me?"

"I'm telling the truth!"

"Then when are you going to bring me a granddaughter-in-law? You are not young anymore, so hurry up and have a baby. I can still take care of you for a few years before I am too old."


The matter of love at dusk ends here.

After entering the house, the old man was filled with emotion again, and kept muttering that he was finally enjoying the blessings of following Chen Fei.

"You just live in a down-to-earth manner, and you can go and play wherever you want on weekdays. If your house is dirty, there will be housekeeping, so just call. I'll put some money in your card, and you can buy whatever you want, whatever you want." flower."

"it is good."

The old man was not polite to him. He leisurely chose a house for himself and started packing his luggage.


After spending two days shopping with the old man and familiarizing him with the surrounding environment, Chen Fei flew directly to the Magic City.

"Shoplifters" is about to start filming.

All the actors were in place. With the cooperation of Shanghai Film Studio, Chen Fei led the crew to hold a press conference.

Han Sanping came to the scene in person and supported him with Ren Zhonglun.

A reporter curiously asked: "Director Chen, there are rumors that your new movie will be in the style of an art film. Is this true or false?"

"It is indeed a literary film." Chen Fei didn't mean to hide it. "Are you going to win the prize? Are you confident?"

"It's hard to say. Before the film is released, no one dares to say whether they are confident or not."

Chen Fei spoke very modestly, but the reporters became restless.

According to their understanding of Chen Fei, although he never boasts, his final results often exceed expectations.

And the more humble you are, the better your grades will be!
Just like the Golden Bear Award.

At that time, everyone thought that "No Man's Land" was already very impressive for entering the main competition, but who would have thought that he actually took home the Golden Bear trophy!

"Director Chen, what do you think of the competition between "The Banquet" and "The Golden Jacket" for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film?"

Hearing this, Chen Fei turned his head curiously.

He is a reporter from Sohu.

With a chuckle, Chen Fei shook his head, "Sorry, I haven't paid attention to these, but I do hope that domestic films can win awards, and I also hope that Directors Zhang and Feng can become famous in Hollywood with Chinese films!"

What he said was in line with the expectations of reporters from Yangma.

It’s open enough!
Let’s look at the Lu Chuan again. What’s that thing about riding a horse?
The reporters from NetEase had stood aside quietly before and didn't say much, but they suddenly asked a big question.

"Director Chen, "The Deer and the Cauldron" was officially announced yesterday. Director Zhang Jizhong said that he had invited you to play the role of Wei Xiaobao? But you declined. Is this true?"

Hearing this question, Chen Fei almost couldn't help laughing.

Zhang Beard has been in a miserable state these past two days, and has become the target of verbal and verbal criticism from many actors.

Actor Du Chun even held a press conference, accusing the casting event of being a complete hype, and wanted to call on all actors in the industry to boycott Zhang Jizhong.

The popularity of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" made Zhang Dabeard see a feasible hype plan.

But he never expected that when he used it on "The Deer and the Cauldron", he would be severely criticized by actors in the industry who had lost their fame.

In fact, the key point is that he delayed the schedule and time of those actors.

Whether the casting can be passed or not is a matter of one sentence.

But for the sake of publicity, he did the first test, second test, third test, final test, final makeup test...

After a set of procedures, the actors were exhausted and wasted time.

"Ahem!" After clearing his throat, Chen Fei said: "Today is mainly the launch conference of "Shoplifters". Some questions that are off-topic can be discussed in subsequent interviews..."

Chen Fei was not prepared to let Zhang Dabeard rub off on his popularity.


After the press conference, "Shoplifters" officially entered the filming period.

Wang Zhiwen, Zhou Xun, Zhu Zhu, Wan Qian, Jiang Long, Zhang Zifeng...

All actors are in filming mode.

In fact, it's quite a coincidence that it happened to be during the vacation, so Jiang Long and Zhang Zifeng didn't have to worry about delaying their studies.

The parents of both parties were on the set, and Chen Fei promised them that the filming could be completed before school starts on September 9st.

This is a realistic-themed literary film, and there are no CG special effects in it. It mainly reflects the acting skills of the actors and the director's ability to control the overall story.

Just a few days after filming started here, the cast list for "Lust, Caution" was also announced.

Liang Chaowei, Tang Wei.

It's time to come!
Ning Hao called Chen Fei back and said that Tian Yu was in a very bad condition and wanted him to help enlighten him.

"Has the filming of his part been finished? After the filming is completed, ask him to come over and play a role on my side. Let him and I have a good chat."

No normal man would be able to accept this situation.

Of course, except for ntr sick patients...

"Shoplifters" is currently filming, and the promotion of "Source Code" has also begun.

Liu Yifei's album of the same name has been very popular recently. After all, there is no new singer in the music world who has had his first album released throughout Asia.

As expected of a fairy sister, things that ordinary people would never dare to think about are not difficult at all for her.

That's the power of visibility.

In order to take advantage of this wave of popularity, and because Liu Yifei has not been too busy recently, Chen Fei simply sent her to participate in some shows.

Occasionally, when he has free time, he and Liu Yifei will team up to appear on some variety shows or interview shows.

Suddenly, the scandal between the two began to spread in the circle!

After an exclusive interview with "Source Code" at Shanghai Film Studio, the two chatted while walking to an urban village near Lujiazui.

"Hey? I should be rubbing off on your enthusiasm, right?"

Hearing Chen Fei's words, Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Then how are you going to compensate me? Not everyone can take advantage of my popularity."

"Oh? What compensation do you want?"

"I still want to film. I want to film a film with a female protagonist. I have been practicing dance and martial arts for a long time, but there are no opportunities to show off."

"You had a lot of fighting scenes in The Legend of the Condor Heroes, right? Isn't that enough?"

"It's all just showmanship, just kicking and dancing with swords. There are no difficult moves. I like horseback riding, and I like dancing with guns and swords."

Seeing Liu Yifei walking forward and demonstrating the various martial arts moves he had learned, Chen Fei couldn't help but laugh.

"I didn't see it before, but there is still violence hidden in the heart of the fairy sister?"

"That is!"

Liu Yifei pouted, wiped her thumb under the tip of her nose, and said proudly: "My idol is Hua Mulan, who joined the army on behalf of my father! Why can't I not do what others can do?"

Hua Mulan? !

The moment he heard the name, Chen Fei's face suddenly froze, and he stopped subconsciously.

"What's wrong with you? Are you leaving? What are you doing standing still?"

Liu Yifei looked at Chen Fei who was standing motionless with some suspicion, with a trace of confusion on his face.

"Oh, it's okay, I just thought of something."

Chen Fei responded casually.

The story of "Mulan" is quite good, but it's a pity that the group of foreigners in the previous life made it unrecognizable and stuffed a lot of unreasonable factors into it.

If he were asked to reshoot it, he would definitely not mess around with it. At the very least, it would have to be consistent with history.

"Come on, come on! Move your filming equipment, we are moving, don't block the road!"

A sudden sound not far away interrupted Chen Fei's thinking.

He subconsciously raised his head and saw four or five middle-aged men dressed as migrant workers carrying snakeskin bags and shouting outside the filming location of the crew.

In places like urban villages, the roads are inherently congested.

There are a lot of equipment used for filming, which will inevitably cause road blockage and cause great inconvenience to the surrounding residents.

At first everyone was quite dissatisfied, but after receiving some small favors, everyone no longer cared.

But this kind of moving is definitely unavoidable.


Feng Taoxin sighed and could only shout to the prop team, "Brothers, please give way and let these uncles pass first."

There was another burst of lamentation from the props team. The shooting track that was finally built was really difficult to adjust when there were errors. It was not only time-consuming, but also labor-intensive, which also made everyone very dissatisfied.

But there is nothing we can do if we are not satisfied. The terrain is limited and the shooting scenes are also limited, so we can only cooperate.

"Director Chen", "Brother Fei"...

Seeing Chen Fei coming over, a group of people in the crew shouted hurriedly.

"Everyone, please work hard. Let the residents go over first. I'm going to treat you tonight. Let's go make hot pot as a reward for your hard work these days."

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that everyone became lively and lively.

Feng Taoxin came over and said nonchalantly: "This situation is very troublesome. We are most afraid of encountering this kind of problem when shooting. It not only delays time, but also easily causes conflicts.

Damn it, when will we build a venue like Hengdian World Studios?Just use it to shoot our own company’s movies and TV series, it’s fun just thinking about it! "

Build a venue like Hengdian World Studios?

Hearing these words, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Chen Fei's mind!
What the fuck?

Why not?
Choose a suitable terrain and find a venue for your company to save yourself trouble later.

It doesn’t cost much, and at most the revenue from one or two movies will be enough, and all you need to do is find a suitable venue and slowly fill in the buildings inside.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei suddenly felt moved.

As for location selection…

Bashu region seems to be a good choice!

In fact, Chen Fei had always wanted to do something about the disaster two years later.

If you propose that you want to build a venue similar to Hengdian Film and Television City in that area, and then let the residents there relocate in advance, will this reduce the damage?

With great power comes great responsibility!
You can't just watch and do nothing, right?

In that case, what's the point of being reborn again?

(End of this chapter)

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