It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 241 Invitation from the Golden Eagle Goddess? "Soldier Assault" achieves greater g

Chapter 241 Invitation from the Golden Eagle Goddess? "Soldier Assault" achieves greater glory again!A new cop record is born!monthly pass
After calling He Shiping at Emei Film Studio and saying this, the person there was stunned on the spot.

"Director Chen? What do you mean? You want to invest in a film and television city here?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded and said directly: "My hope is to be able to compete with Hengdian Film and Television City, but I don't know who I should approach to do this. I don't understand policies or terrain, so I want to You be the middleman.”


He Shiping couldn't help but swallowed, and his whole body was in a trance.

Comparing Hengdian Film and Television City?
If this were accomplished, what a great achievement it would be?
If someone else made this call to him, he would definitely treat the other person as a fool and ignore it completely.

But this call was made by Chen Fei, which means the success rate is at least [-]%!

"In this case, you go ahead and go and report to our superiors."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news, but it needs to be as soon as possible, because my next movie needs a big location, so it's best to get it as soon as possible."

"no problem!"

Others don't know, but how can He Shiping not know?

Judging from Chen Fei's income from the movies he has made in the past few years, the capital flow in his hands is simply terrifying. Not to mention buying a piece of land, even buying a county seat is probably no problem!


After deciding on the plan, Chen Fei posed the problem to Bashu.

This is not only a big investment that boosts the local economy, but also a huge achievement. As long as he puts forward this idea, there will definitely be many people to promote this investment.

Afterwards, Chen Fei once again devoted himself wholeheartedly to the filming of the movie.

But within a few days, the Hundred Flowers Awards suddenly contacted him and wanted to let "Source Code" participate in the selection of this year's Hundred Flowers Awards.

"No need, just arrange for "China Partner" to go."

Chen Fei declined the offer directly.

He has already won a Hundred Flowers Best Actor, so there is no point in going there again.

And he decided a long time ago that he would let "China Partners" win the mainland awards, and now he is arranging "Source Code" to do it. Isn't this a PK with himself?
Totally unnecessary.

The organizers of the Hundred Flowers Awards expressed regret, but were finally relieved after learning that Chen Fei would be present as a screenwriter.

This kind of award ceremony is nothing more than pomp and circumstance. The more guests and celebrities who attend, the higher the value of the award.

Chen Fei can agree to go there, which will undoubtedly add a touch of color to the Hundred Flowers Award.

The phone call had just been hung up when another invitation letter came from the Golden Eagle Awards, hoping that he would attend the ceremony as the producer of "Bright Sword".

According to Wang Ke from Xiaoxiang Film Studio, this year’s Golden Eagle Awards will be a big event.

All the main theme TV series are among the invited ones, and there are also many invited hosts.

At the same time, in order to make the image of the Golden Eagle Goddess more vivid and concrete, the organizers decided to select a young, beautiful and extremely popular actress who has suddenly emerged in the field of TV dramas in the past two years in each subsequent Golden Eagle Festival. The new generation actress serves as the "Golden Eagle Goddess" and is the image spokesperson of the current Golden Eagle TV Art Festival.

"So, at this year's awards ceremony, will the first Golden Eagle Goddess be announced?"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Ke said with great certainty: "Yes, and if nothing else, it should be the one who partners with you."

"Okay, if I have time then, I will go and take a look."

After getting the promise, Wang Ke hung up the phone happily.

With his efforts as a middleman, Chen Fei agreed to put "Soldier Assault" on Mango Channel, which was a big political achievement for him.

Now, at his invitation, Chen Fei agreed to come and attend the Golden Eagle Award ceremony.

These are all achievements he has truly made!

The places to enter the Mango Stage were almost selected, and he was very sure that his name would definitely appear on the list.

Perhaps just to join in the fun, as Chen Fei's "Shoplifters" and Li Bian's "Lust, Caution" were announced to be released, Zhou Xingchi, who had been silent for several years, also made an announcement recently.

The casting of the new movie "Yangtze River No. [-]" has been announced. The theme is a science fiction comedy movie. At the same time, the new star girl "Zhang Yuqi" also made her debut at the movie conference.

Chen Fei still likes this star girl. First of all, she has a good figure and a good personality.

The press conference for "Yangtze River No. [-]" had just ended and Chen Fei was filming when Zhou Xingchi's phone call came in.

"I have left a role for you. I will definitely come when the time comes."

On the other end of the phone, Master Xing's voice became obviously hoarse.

"no problem."

Chen Fei nodded directly without thinking.

Recalling Zhou Xingchi's head of white hair in "Yangtze River No. [-]", Chen Fei couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It is better to pursue a comfortable life as much as possible.

What Huang Shengyi did was a bit disgusting.

Wang Luojue called him and told him a gossip, "Huang Shengyi said in the group that she signed a new company and said a lot of bad things about Master Xing."

"Oh, let her do her best."

Whatever you sow will bear fruit. Whether it is gain or loss, Huang Shengyi will eventually taste it.


Liu Yifei has been following Chen Fei on the set of "Shoplifters" for the past two days. She occasionally appears on the show or plays a guest role and has a great time.

But just today, Liu Xiaoli came on a plane.

As soon as my mother arrived on the set, it was obvious that she had become much more well-behaved, and she no longer even bothered Zhou Xun to ask various questions about acting.

"Hello Auntie."

Chen Fei greeted her with a smile.

"Yes." Liu Xiaoli responded with a smile, and then asked, "Is Sissi's scene almost over?"

"We still have to wait two days. What's wrong? Is there anything you can do?"

"It's nothing. It's just that Huayi sent an audition invitation and wanted her to try out for the heroine's role."


Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and asked curiously, "What kind of show is it?"

Liu Xiaoli thought for a while and replied: "It is an action movie. According to Wang Zhonglei, it has the top cast in Asia. It is also a large-investment film co-produced by China and the United States."


Isn't it just the weird stuff from "The King of Kung Fu"?

Chen Fei curled his lips and became increasingly suspicious of Huayi's investment.

How did these two brothers make Huayi the leader in the industry?If we keep going through this, can we still complete the listing?
Of course, Chen Fei was just thinking about it, and it had nothing to do with him.

But when he turned his head, he saw Liu Yifei's face showing a high-spirited look, as if she was very interested.

Action movies, Asia's top lineup, large investments in Sino-US co-productions...

These words are indeed quite bluffing!
But who would have thought that the final film would be a film that disgusted domestic audiences, and Li Lianlian and Chen Long were blackmailed for a long time.

Chen Fei subconsciously prepared to persuade Liu Yifei not to go, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he didn't know what reason to use to persuade this silly girl.

You can’t just say this is a bad movie, right?

He also hopes that the reputation of "Source Code" will continue to increase. If Liu Yifei has reputation problems due to "The King of Kung Fu", a series of subsequent plans will have to be suspended.

Several times in the entire entertainment industry, Liu Yifei is the only person who has a fairy spirit about her.

There are still many scripts behind him that need this fairy spirit. He is a good tool man, and he cannot let the two brothers from Huayi be wiped out.

"Find a chance to mess with Huang."

Thinking of this, Chen Fei secretly began to think about countermeasures.

According to the behavior of the two Wang brothers, the actress audition will definitely not end within half a year. He has plenty of time to operate.

What's more, Mother Liu's personality is also Pixiu, so it's not that easy for both parties to negotiate.

The purpose of Huayi was nothing more than to take the opportunity to sign Liu Yifei, but Liu's mother wanted to hold her precious daughter in her arms.

At this point, it will be difficult to negotiate cooperation between the two parties.

If I remember correctly, it seems that because of this movie, Liu Yifei began to be suppressed continuously in his later period, and then fell silent for several years...

July flies by so fast and the end of the month is here in a blink of an eye.

"Dragon and Tiger Gate" held a premiere in the capital, and all four investors, Dongfang Film, Shanghai Film, China Film and Bona, were present.

Donnie Yen, who is filming "Ip Man 2", and Nicholas Tse, who has risen from the failure of "The Promise", arrived at the scene.

The premiere was very lively, and Chen Fei was also invited, but he excused himself as being busy, so he didn't go.

This should I put it, seems to be made out of "fighting for the sake of fighting".

If Chen Fei were to evaluate it, it would be in eight words. "Full marks for action, zero marks for drama!"

The entertainment headlines section of the portal has been very busy these days.

"Dragon Tiger Gate" was released, "Overheard" followed closely, followed by "The Banquet", "Baby Project", "Source Code"...

Mainland filmmakers can finally breathe a sigh of relief. At least the moment of being surrounded by "Hollywood blockbusters" is finally over.

"The Fast and the Furious III: Tokyo Drift" has also officially come to an end. Although the awards were widely divided, the final box office still exceeded 2.5 million.

This data is much higher than before Chen Fei was reborn.

The reason is very simple. The promotion of "Leap over the Broken Bridge" first attracted global attention. In addition, there were many big-name celebrity guest appearances, and the box office results brought by the fan effect were also very high.

Universal Pictures has already started the production of Super 4. Arnold asked Chen Fei to continue directing, but he refused.

"Iron Man" is still waiting. How can he have time to make movies for other companies?

The movie has officially started a hundred flowers blooming.

As for TV series, "Soldier Assault", which is solely produced by Feiyue Film and Television, has also been officially launched on Mango TV.

The military drama coincides with the "August [-]st" holiday. Chen Fei believes that this TV drama will definitely be able to recreate its glory!

On the first day of the broadcast, he even specially invited Zhou Xun and Wang Zhiwen to watch the first two episodes of the premiere.

And in the end, the evaluation he got from these two people was: "Not weaker than a bright sword!"

Professionals have such high evaluations. For viewers who love military movies, this is a very good TV series!

Half a month after it started airing, it has been receiving rave reviews online!

The famous military forum - "Iron Blood Forum" has always been harsh in its reviews of military-themed film and television dramas, but it gave this drama a very high evaluation.

At the same time, many netizens continued to post on the "Soldier Assault" forum, and some netizens spent their own money to create a beautiful official website for the show.

In addition, the influence of the play has spread beyond the country. Many overseas Chinese have been attracted by the spirit of self-improvement conveyed by this play after purchasing related DVD products or watching "Soldiers Assault" from other channels. I was infected and inspired. After watching it, I recommended this drama to my friends around me.

Oriental News Network even commented: It is surprising that a drama without the participation of big-name celebrities, no emotional entanglement between men and women, and even no female characters has conquered so many discerning audiences!
Han Sanping made a special call, praising her but full of envy.

"You don't know! During the meeting yesterday, the leaders above were so happy that they laughed so hard. They praised "Soldier Assault" so much!

Someone specifically mentioned your name, saying that outstanding and patriotic young people like you are an important benchmark for the future development of our cultural industry. "

Chen Fei responded with a smile: "Haha, you are tired, please tell me, I will continue to work hard and create greater glory!"

At the end of the conversation, Han Sanping said earnestly: "Keep your current state, as long as your butt is not crooked, no one in the country can touch you.

Others can either use their real skills to compete with you for grades, or they have to go home and shrink away, and their dirty tricks will never get to you. "

"Okay, I feel relieved with your words."

Chen Fei responded happily, feeling that his golden body seemed to be much more stable.

As soon as she cut off the phone call with Han Sanping, Wang Ke's call came in with a bright smile.

"Director Chen, congratulations, the ratings of "Soldier Assault" have been soaring!"

"Who am I?" Chen Fei joked: "I was watching the news yesterday. Congratulations to Deputy Director Wang for your high promotion. I will have to rely on you to take care of me in the future."

"Hey, don't be joking. When will you come to Xiaoxiang? I will arrange the whole process!"

"I may not have time for now, let's wait for the Golden Eagle Awards ceremony."

"Ok, I will wait for you!"


Good news is coming one after another.

The ratings of "Soldier Assault" are getting higher and higher, and the Olympic Organizing Committee has issued another notice.

The general content is to announce the list of "Olympic Torchbearers" to the outside world.

Someone curiously clicked in and took a look, only to see that most of the names at the front of the list were those who had won Olympic gold medals or were touching Chinese figures with great social influence.

However, further down the list, the name "Chen Fei" is clearly listed!

After the news was exposed, it instantly caused a sensation in the entertainment industry!
No one knows what this name means better than these public figures.

Being able to become a torchbearer represents recognition and affirmation from the country, and it is also an elevation of Chen Fei's status.

All the fans in the Tieba forum were very excited and began to build buildings crazily.

"Director Chen is so awesome, he actually became an Olympic torch bearer."

"Good boy Long Dilong, who's idol is more awesome than my brother Fei?"

"The soldiers' assault is so beautiful. Come on, Director Chen, keep filming!"

"I just want to see the source code now. Oh my god, that variety show that Chen Fei and Liu Yifei promoted was so sweet."

"I heard that "Eavesdropping" written by Chen Fei will be released in mid-August. If you can afford it, go watch it and support the box office."


The reporters rushed to the set and gathered around Chen Fei for another interview.

Of course, most of the questions asked during the interview were positive interviews, and he was not asked about some gossip about the entertainment industry. Obviously, someone above had specifically told him.

The day "Eavesdropping" was released happened to be the 20th day after "Dragon Tiger Gate" was released.

It's a pity that even with Donnie Yen and Nicholas Tse, the movie's mainland box office was still very dismal, failing to even break through 3000 million.

Originally, Bona was still clamoring to hold a celebration banquet, but as time passed, Yu Dong simply lost his temper.

After sharing the share with the theater, even the capital may have to be lost. Is this a point in celebrating?
On the contrary, viewers who have watched "Eavesdropping" rated it very highly.

The combination of Gu Tianle, Liu Qingyun, and Wu Yanzu is very eye-catching. This kind of police and criminal film about economic crimes can be regarded as opening up a new way for police and criminal stories at present.

On the day when the film viewing party was held, Chen Fei, as a screenwriter, also took the time to come to the scene.

When being interviewed by reporters, he directly spoke with "positive energy", which directly raised the tone of the film to a social level.

"At the beginning of creation, I thought that this film must have the excellent elements of Hong Kong police and gangster films. While the plot is exciting and attractive to the audience, it must also have a certain cautionary significance and sense of social responsibility.

Audiences who watch carefully may find that this movie conveys simple truths such as "don't be greedy", "don't do evil for small things", and "one mistake will lead to eternal hatred".

The three policemen in the film all had small greed for their own reasons, and the greed continued to expand, leading to the final uncontrollable ending. I hope that this film will make the audience think and serve as a warning. itself. "

This speech made the headlines of major portal websites that afternoon, triggering a greater wave of movie watching.

And when the first-day box office data came out the next day, the Hong Kong film industry was immediately stunned!
2100 million!
This figure easily broke the previous first-day box office record of "Infernal Affairs" and became the first Hong Kong police film to have a box office of over [-] million in the first day in the mainland!
While receiving rave reviews, Media Asia has also greatly eased the company's internal profit pressure.

Zhuang Cheng stayed in Shanghai for several days, almost inseparable from Chen Fei, and made countless promises, and then he got the scripts for the subsequent installments of "Eavesdropping."

Before he left, he was still talking nonchalantly, "Don't worry, we and Tangren will do our best to ensure that the reputation and box office results of the first part are continued..."

Tang people?

Damn it!Tang people!
Suddenly, a piece of news popped up in Chen Fei's mind.

He hurriedly took out his cell phone and glanced at the date marked on it.

February 2006, 8.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Fei turned on his phone and found Hu Ge's contact information.


The phone rang twice and was answered.

"Huh? Why did Director Chen call here? What's the matter? Please give me your orders."

Chen Fei didn't talk too much nonsense to him and asked directly: "What are your plans tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Hu Ge thought for a while and replied: "I am filming in Hengdian right now, and I have to go back to Shanghai to participate in a promotional event arranged by the company tomorrow. The schedule is quite tight."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Fei said solemnly: "I have a very important scene here that requires you to guest star. You go to the airport now and fly back overnight."

"Ah! But over there at the company..."

"I will tell Cai Yinong personally."

"Oh, okay, then I will ask my assistant to book the flight first. You will send the script to my email later, and I will recite the lines on the plane."

"Let's talk about it when we come back. There are no lines, just one scene."

Chen Fei casually found a reason to be vague.

Afterwards, he took the initiative to contact Hu Ge twice more. After making sure that the other party was on the plane safely, he breathed a sigh of relief.

In the future, he is going to try hard to plunder the wool of these "tool men". He must not let them be ruined at such a young age!
Liu Yifei counts, so does Hu Ge, and there are many others he likes in the industry...

(End of this chapter)

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