It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 242: China and the United States co-produce Huayi’s big move. Not to be outdone, Master 3 an

Chapter 242: China and the United States co-produce Huayi’s big move. Not to be outdone, the third master announces a new challenge mission!monthly pass
On the morning of the 29th, Hu Ge arrived at the set on time.

"Director Chen, good morning, I haven't seen you for a long time, haha, I miss you so much!"

Privately, Hu Ge has a purely funny style, just like the "Sedum" he plays, he is good at making tricks and being funny.

"Go eat first."

Chen Fei smiled and pulled him towards a morning market outside the village in the city.

In his last life, Hu Ge accidentally got into a car accident on the highway because he was rushing back to Shanghai to participate in the promotion of a new drama, resulting in a tragedy that would determine the rest of his life.

But this time, Chen Fei decided to pull Hu Ge.

Although he didn't know whether the wings of his butterfly would be effective, but now that he had met him, he couldn't choose to die without saving it, right?
While chewing fried dough sticks, Chen Fei asked: "How is the filming of your movie "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" going? Is it almost finished?"

Since the cooperation with Tang Ren, Chen Fei will also enjoy a certain share of investment in some TV series.

For example, this new "The Condor" starring Hu Ge, Lin Yichen, Liu Shishi, and Yuan Hong, Chen Fei is also one of the co-producers.

"It's almost time." Hu Ge took a sip of tofu and muttered incoherently, "More than half of the filming has already been done, and it will be finished in another month."

As he spoke, he seemed to have thought of something, and turned around and asked, "By the way, "Latent" starring Sun Honglei is a TV series invested and produced by your company, right?"

"Well, what happened?"

"It's okay. It's just that yesterday when I was in Hengdian, I saw the lurking was completed. There were many reporters around. Some of the people inside looked familiar."

Is the lurking completed?

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and had not yet reacted.

"Huh? You don't know yet, right?" Hu Ge looked at him in surprise.

"You really guessed it right, I really didn't know."

Shrugging, Chen Fei didn't say much. He had collaborated on many scripts, and Hollywood had recently completed several horror films.

Several independent production companies called him and wanted to invite him to participate in promotions, but he rejected them all.

It’s really too busy!
Even the original shooting time of "Iron Man" was postponed by him. He was running around a while ago, which made him unable to keep up with the rhythm of "Shoplifters".

September [-]st is the beginning of the school season, and both young actors have to go back to school.

Zhang Zifeng's scene is over. After finishing filming last night, he returned to his hometown overnight to prepare for the new semester's enrollment plan.

There is another scene with Jiang Long, and Chen Fei decided to finish filming his scene today.

Fortunately, there are still August 30th and 31st, otherwise it would have to delay the young actors going back to school, which would be a bit embarrassing.


After breakfast, we returned to the set and filming officially began!
This is Jiang Long's last scene, and it is also the most difficult scene.

The son has a new host family, but last night, the unrelated father and son stayed together for one night.

In front of the bus stop, my father was a little confused and said a little embarrassedly: "Go back and apologize properly. Just say that it was my uncle who insisted on keeping me."

"Well, I'll tell."

"Sorry, uncle can't be here..."

"I did it on purpose, I actually got caught on purpose."

"That's it..."

The expression on the father's face was very complicated, his waist was slightly hunched, and he seemed to be unable to accept that all this suffering was caused by his son.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and patted his son's shoulder repeatedly. He wanted to blame his son, but he was afraid that his son would care, and he didn't dare...

The bus is coming from a distance.

The son did not hesitate and got into the car without any hesitation.

With the "rumbling" sound of the engine, the bus drove forward without hesitation, and the son's figure gradually faded away.

It seems that after knowing this farewell, the two of them had no relationship or contact for the rest of their lives. My father began to call constantly, wanting to chase the bus that was speeding forward.

It's a pity that how could the two people who were destined to separate get back together because of their unrealistic pursuit?

The father's figure outside the window gradually faded away. The boy's head was completely lowered, and the brim of the hat covered his face, hiding his gaze.

The bus goes farther and farther.

As if he had thought of something, the boy slowly turned back until his body turned completely sideways, and then looked out the car window.

The figure outside the window gradually fades away.

The boy took off his hat, looked at the figure completely submerged in the traffic, and opened his mouth slightly.


No sound came out, and the camera only captured the slightly trembling mouth. This was the only time in the whole play that the boy called the unrelated man - daddy.

The story is very plain, just telling a parting.

However, when seeing this section, everyone in the crew was silent.

Everyone feels like they want to cry but can't. It's very depressing, uncomfortable, and like a lump in the throat.

This is life, there is no deliberate sensationalism, everything is plain and simple, the true feelings are revealed, but it is shocking!
"Clap clap clap..."

The applause on the set was sparse at first, but gradually became very enthusiastic.

This applause is dedicated to life, to actors, and to myself.


"Overheard" is still in its hot season, and its box office is also growing steadily.

The completion of "Insidious" caused a small-scale sensation. Major TV stations were ready to make a move, and calls came to Chen Fei one after another.

However, no matter how generous the conditions offered by other TV stations, he is still more inclined to cooperate with Mango Channel.

Ni Xuelin sent a message that the script filling for "My Captain, My Group" has come to an end, and he is conducting final inspections with Kang Honglei.

The crew of "囧囧" has also arrived in Thailand. The filming is going smoothly and is expected to be completed before the end of the year.

After getting the script of "Overheard 2", Zhuang Cheng immediately announced that he would be filming a sequel, which also made other companies salivate.

Emperor's side appropriately made a conspicuous package and announced that "Ip Man 2" is being filmed.

For a time, there was a complete sensation on Hong Kong Island, and even the box office of "Dragon and Tiger Gate" was somewhat improved.

Guo Jingjing went abroad for training, and Huo Qigang, the love-minded guy, finally stopped chasing his wife and started casting for "October Siege."

Just when the entertainment industry was about to be rounded up by "Chen Fei"'s various investments, Huayi finally couldn't sit still.

Some media revealed that a major production with an investment of 7000 million US dollars is looking for actresses. It is a Sino-US co-production, the male lead has been decided, and the top lineup in Asia...

The moment they saw this message, the first thing everyone in the entertainment industry thought of was Chen Fei.

A Sino-U.S. co-production is still worth US$7000 million. Who else could make such a big deal besides him?
But just in the afternoon of that day, a reporter took a photo of Hollywood director Rob Minkoff and the two presidents of Huayi having dinner together.

Is it Huayi? ? ?
For a moment, the internal entertainment became restless again!

Some reporters blocked outside the Huayi Building in order to get the exact news.

The two Wang brothers did not hide it and held a press conference to proactively announce the news.

"A US$7000 million investment, a Sino-US co-production, with the theme of promoting kung fu. The male protagonists have been determined to be Chen Long and Li Lianjie. The film will be released globally, and the remaining actresses in need will be exported throughout Asia. select…"

On the day the news was confirmed, luxury cars were crowded outside the Huayi Building!

The male protagonist has been decided, but the female protagonist and supporting roles can also be worked hard to win.

Celebrities from mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and other regions have all flown to China, hoping to get a role.

This is a big piece of fat meat. Even if you can't take the freshest bite, licking it on the outside is enough.

Chen Long and Li Lianlian, these two have never collaborated before, not to mention that they are both international superstars and are synonymous with "Kung Fu" in the eyes of foreigners.

The outside world has been applauding, and in the eyes of others, the collaboration between these two means that the movie is already half "successful"!
Chen Fei called Liu Yifei specifically to ask about the situation.

On the other end of the phone, the girl had no intention of hiding anything, "Director Minkoff said that I am very suitable for this role, but I may not be able to cast it in a short time.

Mr. Wang from Huayi made a condition to my mother. If you want to play a heroine, you must join Huayi. They can't let their wealth go to outsiders..."

Chen Fei curled his lips, and it was as expected!
Huayi has always taken the path of exchanging resources for actors. Even if it offends other agencies, they don't care at all.

The two Wang brothers mainly focus on the word "dig", dancing like a hoe, and they don't even think about cultivating new actors.

However, compared to those actors, stars and brokerage companies, the film and television production companies in the industry are not very happy.

Hua Yi quietly ate by herself without even thinking about sharing the cake, and didn't even give a signal.

"Wolf with white eyes, he eats alone. If there are other opportunities in the future, don't pay attention to them. Just like Zhang Weiping, they are all scoundrels..."

Han Sanping kept complaining on the phone.

But his complaints can't hinder anything. With the blessing of this Sino-US co-production, Huayi's recent attention is constantly increasing.


On September [-]st, "Shoplifters" is finally officially finished.

China Film proposed to hold a closing banquet, and Chen Fei didn't object. Mr. Han didn't like anything about Huayi in the past two days, and he deliberately wanted to compete with them for popularity.

When the news came out, the media were in a daze.

This is the end?

You know, "Lust, Caution" has only been filmed for a third of the time, while Lu Chuan's "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》It hasn’t been long since I just turned it on!
When the news headline came out, the words "Quick Gunner" were prominently listed!

At the same time, on the day of the wrap-up party of "Shoplifters", Director Feng took advantage of the popularity of the release of "The Banquet" and announced that he would start a new movie.

"Assembly Number"

This is the name of the new film.

According to what Feng Xiaogang said at the press conference, this will be a war film, and the script is adapted from Yang Jinyuan's novel "The Lawsuit".No more details were disclosed.

Seeing that they could not get any useful information, the reporters simply asked about the news about "The King of Kung Fu", which immediately made Feng Xiaogang look bad.

I'm promoting a new film. What do you mean by asking about other films?
Thanks to Wang Zhonglei, he quickly changed the subject. After a few vague words, he hurriedly ended the new film conference.

He knew what Feng Xiaogang's temper was like. If these reporters asked more boldly, this veteran would really know how to curse!

Studying for postgraduate studies didn't mean much to Chen Fei. He wasn't going to take classes anyway, just for qualifications.

After going back to school to register and fill in some information, he was ready to attend the premiere of the night banquet.

Feng Xiaogang specially sent him an invitation letter, and he happened to have nothing to do, so he was ready to join in the fun.

But I never thought that as soon as I walked out of the teaching building, I bumped into Huang Xiaoming and Zhao Yanzi walking from the other side, laughing and talking.

"Director Chen?"

Huang Xiaoming shouted in surprise.

"Eh? Why are you here?" Chen Fei also looked at the two of them in surprise.

Huang Xiaoming explained: "I just happened to be admitted to graduate school. The two of us came over to report and fill in some information."

"Oh, that's it. Then you guys should be busy first. I have something to do here, so I'll take the first step."

While saying this, Chen Fei was ready to leave first.

He really didn't want to talk to Zhao Yanzi anymore. This woman had already started to make trouble. She was determined to make capital.

"Where are you going?"

"The premiere of "The Night Banquet."

"It just so happens that we are going too, let's walk together and we can chat on the way."

Unable to defeat Huang Xiaoming, Chen Fei could only get into the same car with them.

As the hottest news these days, the news of "The King of Kung Fu" was inevitably mentioned, and Huang Xiaoming's face was full of envy.

"It's no exaggeration to say that this lineup of two Kung Fu superstars has attracted global attention. It will definitely attract global attention after it is released."

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you sign a contract with Huayi? Didn't you get a role in it?"

"No." Huang Xiaoming shook his head and said bluntly, "This movie is not something you can join casually. The two presidents want to use this to attract some fresh blood to the agency department.

There are many people watching over the heroine, and various companies are playing games, so it is impossible to determine in a short time. "

Zhao Yanzi listened quietly to the side, his eyes wandering, as if he was thinking about something.


The premiere was very lively!

Although Chen Fei had expected it, he still didn't expect that first- and second-tier actresses in the industry would be present!

Fan and Li Bingbing, Zhang Ziyi, Gong Li, Zhou Xun, Sun Li, Huo Siyan, Zeng Li, Huang Shengyi, Jiang Wenli, Zhang Jingchu...

"Tsk, with this ostentation, the attraction of US$7000 million is really big enough."

Huang Xiaoming nodded silently, "Being able to play opposite Li Lianlian and Chen Long is a temptation that no ordinary actress can withstand."

A reporter from Sina saw Chen Fei and came up to say hello to him.

"Director Chen, are you here too?"

"How about coming over for a walk? Did you get any useful information?"

"Yes!" The reporter was an old acquaintance and said bluntly without any concealment: "80.00% of all first- and second-tier actresses present have passed the first round of auditions."

"Hey, thousands of troops and horses are crossing the single-plank bridge?"

"more or less…"

Chen Fei's arrival attracted a lot of attention, but because he didn't have any new movie plans at the moment, everyone just came over to say hello and went to other places to socialize.

However, Feng Xiaogang came over and said very seriously: "Please take a good look at this film later and give me a fair opinion. I'm a little unsure."

"it is good."

Chen Fei nodded, secretly thinking about how to give this opinion.

The main thing is to save him some face.

After the hustle and bustle, the movie was officially released.

Chen Fei is sitting in the middle and to the right, with Feng Xiaogang on his left and Uncle Ge on his right.

Liu Yifei and Jing Tian were sitting behind them. The two girls were quite calm and didn't interact too much.

The story of "The Banquet" is derived from "Hamlet", one of Shakespeare's four great tragedies. The film is set in the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and tells a tragic story about power and love fate in ancient Chinese court struggles.

After 131 minutes, the only thing that impressed Chen Fei was the curve of his raised hips...

"The production is top-notch, but the script is weak."

This is Chen Fei’s objective evaluation of this movie.

Feng Xiaogang's expression changed and he remained silent.

This movie actually competes with Zhang Yimou's "Hero". It focuses on magnificent sets, gorgeous costumes and majestic momentum, hoping to conquer the audience visually.

It's a pity that neither Feng Xiaogang nor Chen Kai understands the selling point of "Hero".

Audiences will also experience aesthetic fatigue. "Hero" is the first domestic large-scale production. What fans go to the cinema to see is novelty, macro, and Qin Jun's gesture of shouting "Wind"!
But what about "The Promise" and "The Night Banquet"?

They barely learned the form, but what they didn't know was that the audience's vision had become higher.

While seeing the big scenes, they also began to pursue the core of the movie's story.

In this regard, neither Chen Kaige nor Feng Xiaogang could do this. They just continued to fill the movie with various big scenes, completely abandoning the core of the story.


After the premiere, Chen Fei did not attend the dinner, but went to China Film Academy.

As soon as they met, Han Sanping asked excitedly: "How about "Night Banquet"? Can it surpass "Heroes"? Who is better than your "Source Code"?"

"how to say…"

Chen Fei thought for a while and said: "Maybe it will lose both at the box office and in word of mouth."

"Ah?" Han Sanping was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

In order to make him understand more clearly, Chen Fei continued to add: "It is almost on the same level as "The Promise"."

As soon as these words came out, the third master suddenly fell silent.

It really poked his lungs...

"You haven't said why you called me here in such a hurry?"

Chen Fei changed the topic in time.

"Oh, there is good news." Han Sanping followed Chen Fei's question: "Wu Yu is going to make a new movie, focusing on epic war blockbusters. We have had several meetings and it is probably confirmed."

Wu Yu?
Epic war blockbuster?

Two big words suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's mind.


Hey?What's going on in September?Why do bad movies start to pile up?
"I called you here this time just to tell you that this movie is controlled by China Film Group Corporation, and we can give you [-]% of the investment share. Are you interested?"


Chen Fei didn't know what to say. He expected Wu Yu to make an epic war movie?Isn't this simply making yourself unhappy?
He doesn't want this investment share. He also wants to establish his "undefeated" image in front of fans.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Fei refused directly and said: "Mr. Han, thank you for your kindness, but no need. I have additional plans here."

"Oh? Is there a new script?"

"That's not true. I'm going to build my own film and television city."


Seeing his confused look, Chen Fei could only briefly explain his plan.

However, after listening to this, although Rao was already mentally prepared, Mr. Han still took a long time to recover.

"Clone a Hengdian again? Just for your company to make movies?"

"It is mainly for my own use. Of course, it is also open to the public and provided to other crews."

Han Sanping didn't say anything more. After a moment of silence, she gave Chen Fei a thumbs up!

Most people would not dare to make this kind of investment, but Chen Fei was strong and had enough liquidity, so he had the courage and confidence to put it into practice.

After leaving China Film Group, Chen Fei went straight to the airport. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and called Wang Yongfeng, vice chairman of the National Mountaineering Association, and Flory, the investor of Red Bull.

"Are you all in place?"

"Well, it's already in place, waiting for you to come over."

"Ok, let's announce it to the outside world. I'm walking to the airport now. We'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei slowly closed his eyes and his consciousness was immersed in the system.

The new mission has been announced, and we have to complete the mission first.

[Go to Siguniang Mountain in the eastern part of Xiaojin County, AB Prefecture, Sichuan Province, and complete an unprotected ice climbing challenge on Yaomei Peak at an altitude of 6250 meters! 】

[Mission level: S level! 】

(End of this chapter)

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