It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 243 Death Ice Climbing! 1250 meters! 90 degrees vertical!A dual challenge of strength and en

Chapter 243 Death Ice Climbing! 1250 meters! 90 degrees vertical!A dual challenge of strength and endurance!
Siguniang Mountain belongs to the Qionglai Mountains and is composed of "four peaks and three ditches".

The four peaks roughly follow the southwest-northeast direction and are arranged from low to high in altitude, namely Dafeng, Erfeng, Sanfeng and Yaomeifeng.

Among them, the highest Yaomei Peak is 6250 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak in the Qionglai Mountains and the second highest peak in Sichuan Province.

The three ditches are arranged in a "chuan" shape from west to east, namely "Shuangqiao ditch", "Changping ditch" and "Haizigou".


Because it took a lot of time on the road, it was already the afternoon of the next day when Chen Fei arrived at the area outside Siguniang Mountain.

In a small hotel, Chen Fei met Wang Yongfeng and Flory, as well as the team from the National Sports Administration and Red Bull.

"Chen Fei! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Haha, Captain Wang, Mr. Flory, you're fine..."

After greeting each other, the group returned to the hotel.

The system tasks will be refreshed in mid-August, and Chen Fei immediately notified Flory and asked him to prepare equipment for him.

The reason why Wang Yongfeng and his party came here was purely because this challenge mission was carried out in China, and it also involved mountain climbing, so Chen Fei informed them.

Both parties attached great importance to it, so they arrived at Mount Siguniang early.

Entering a temporarily modified conference room, the first thing Chen Fei asked was: "Has all the news been announced?"

"Well, the three major portals, sports networks, major print media, and even all external channels have announced the news that you are going to challenge ice climbing."

"That's good."

Chen Fei nodded and began to check the climbing equipment under the guidance of Flory.

Ice climbing is a sport developed from rock climbing. It is a required subject for climbing mountains and snow-capped mountains, and it is also one of the basic skills of mountaineering.

This is a sport that requires the use of equipment and equipment. The specific content is to climb up on ice walls, ice waterfalls, ice hangings and other natural ice in the way of rock climbing.

"Ice picks, ice picks, crampons, helmets, hiking boots, safety belts, ropes, ascenders, descenders, finger gloves, mountaineering clothing..."

Flory was like an old woman, introducing various equipment to Chen Fei in a nonchalant manner.

However, when he finished introducing all the equipment, Chen Fei only took a few of the equipment that must be used during the climb.

All other safety and protection equipment were abandoned by him.

Flory was a little confused, "Fei? What do you mean?"

"Nothing." Chen Fei shook his head and explained in a very sparse and ordinary tone: "I am going to climb without protection this time, so there is no need for safety belts and ropes."

"Oh? No! WTF?"

Flory was once again fooled by his desperate operation.

No protection?

Climbing an iceberg at an altitude of 6250 meters?

What international joke are you making?
If your hand slips, or if you encounter some irresistible natural disasters during the climb, it will end in death!

Even Wang Yongfeng on the side was frightened.

"Chen Fei, challenges are important, but safety is also a very important part. You can't be brave!"

"Don't worry, I'm confident. I can climb Mount Everest without oxygen. It's just an ice climb. Isn't it easy?"

Hearing this, the nervousness of everyone at the scene suddenly relaxed a little.

This statement indeed makes sense. Climbing Mount Everest without oxygen and extreme parachuting in blizzard areas can both be successful. In comparison, unprotected ice climbing seems nothing...

Of course, this situation only applies to Chen Fei personally.

The major forums are already going crazy!
The news of the "Ice Climbing Challenge" was exposed this morning. Thanks to the efforts of the Sports Bureau and Red Bull, it spread all over the Internet.

The headlines of the three major portals were originally about the casting of "Kung Fu King", the release of "The Night Banquet", and the announcement of the formation and project of "Assembly", but now they are all overturned by the "Ice Climbing Challenge".

Climb an iceberg at an altitude of 6250 meters?

Are you kidding me?

The first reaction of everyone who saw this news was that they couldn’t believe it!


"I'm just confused. Why does he, a director, play with his life every day?" Wang Zhonglei angrily complained in the office.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the popularity of the "Kung Fu King" casting to continue to increase Huayi's influence in the industry, but now, as soon as the Ice Climbing Challenge came out, the popularity of the casting was greatly reduced!

Wang Zhongjun was much more rational and guessed: "Maybe this is why he can continue to create new scripts."

When a person is facing a life or death crisis, the body will secrete a large amount of adrenaline, and the brain's operating ability will continue to increase.

At this stage, inspiration will naturally burst out!

Of course, this is Wang Zhongjun’s own analysis, and there is no scientific support.

"Take it slow, extend the audition time, and let's learn from Zhang Jizhong and at least maintain the popularity first."


Wang Zhonglei sighed and nodded helplessly.

Seeing his appearance, Wang Zhongjun asked again, "How are you and Liu Xiaoli talking about it? The signing of Liu Yifei is still not confirmed?"

"Not ideal." Wang Zhonglei shook his head and said: "That woman is very tight-lipped. Every time she sees me, it's like seeing a wolf. She just wants to gain fame and fortune, but she doesn't want to pay the due price. .”

"Keep fighting, increase your weight and intensity. As long as we can sign Liu Yifei, don't we have the final say in the future?"

As the most popular young actress born after 85, Liu Yifei has long been coveted by various agencies.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as she can be signed, the profits will be huge in the future!

"Yeah, okay, I understand." Wang Zhonglei nodded, his eyebrows suddenly trembled slightly, "By the way, Zhao Yanzi took the initiative to contact me."

Zhao Yanzi?
"What? She also has ideas?"

"Well, she also revealed the idea of ​​participating in the show, but she proposed to be affiliated with the studio instead of signing a contract with us like Zhou Xun."

"Then consider her as an alternative. Mainly focus on Liu Yifei."



The two Wang brothers are plotting, but netizens won't pay attention to this.

Fans have already opened new posts in the post bar, discussing the topic of "ice climbing".

Not many people know about this sport in China. Most people have only heard of rock climbing, and the word "ice climbing" is still quite new.

However, some masters still went to the Internet to collect information and specially gave fans some knowledge.

"Ice climbing, as the name suggests, is to use rock climbing to climb ice walls. Everyone should know about waterfalls, right? Ice climbing means climbing up from underneath a frozen waterfall."

"Good guy! The ice is so slippery, how do you climb on it?"

"It's very simple. It's not like you haven't seen Director Chen climb Mount Everest. He just used that ice pick to dig in and then climbed up."

"Hiss! When I talked about this, I immediately became energetic. Mad, that thing is so scary, especially when there is an ice avalanche. I almost thought he was going to fall somewhere."

"But it's just autumn now. Has the ice already formed in Siguniang Mountain?"

"Who knows? Just wait and see the broadcast."


Because time was tight, Chen Fei did not delay for too long.

After spending one night in a hotel, he packed up his equipment and started climbing the next morning.

Due to the weather, the foot of Yaomeifeng Mountain has not yet frozen, so if he wants to carry out this task, he must first climb to a position where the ice has already frozen.

Red Bull has already prepared broadcast equipment in advance. This time it is not like climbing Mount Everest before, and Chen Fei needs to carry the camera himself.

Several strong photographers will follow him on the mountain to complete this thrilling broadcast.

After riding to the foot of the mountain, the cameraman was preparing the broadcast equipment, while Chen Fei checked the equipment he carried one last time.

There were quite a few people accompanying him on this mountaineering trip, and Wang Yongfeng was one of them.

"How about I put the equipment on your back first? I'll give it to you when you start climbing. This way you can conserve your energy."

"No need, Captain Wang. I still have no problem with this. I just need to warm up first."

Chen Fei smiled and rejected his kindness.

Because of his physical strength and age, Flory would choose to wait at the foot of the mountain.

Seeing that Chen Fei only took some simple equipment, he was still a little worried, "Fei? Are you sure you don't need any protective measures?"

"I'm sure, don't worry, I will come back safely..."

"May God bless you!"

"God can't even protect himself..." Chen Fei secretly complained.

The two were chatting, and the broadcast over there had been connected.

"Director Chen, you can now say hello to the audience in front of the screen."

"it is good."

Chen Fei nodded and waved at the screen, "Hello everyone, I am Chen Fei. What I want to challenge today is to climb the Yaomei Peak at an altitude of 6250 meters along the ice wall without any protective measures. .

By the way, I would like to make a promotion here. The new movie "Source Code" that I directed and starred in will be released worldwide on October 10st. I hope everyone can support it when you have time.

Then, we start climbing now! "

Because there was no barrage, Chen Fei couldn't see what the audience said, so after a brief greeting, he started to set off.

The cameraman specially handed him a microphone so that he could impart some knowledge to the audience in front of the screen during the climb.

At this time, in the second round interview conference room of "The King of Kung Fu", Wang Zhonglei's face was a little gloomy.

"I finally understand. He is doing this ice climbing challenge to promote his new movie!"

Minkoff, who was sitting on the sofa, showed a very interested look, "This is a great publicity, even if it is the only one in the world."

Wang Zhonglei curled his lips and complained: "Who is like him, even risking his life..."

On the TV, Chen Fei's science popularization attracted the attention of many people.

“The Yaomeifeng Mountain Area has unique geological structure, steep mountains, surrounded by glaciers, diverse climates, coexistence of temperate and perpetual motion zones, and rich biodiversity, making it a habitat for wild giant pandas.

In 1995, Mount Siguniang was rated as a national scenic spot. In 96, it became a national nature reserve. In 01, it was also rated as a national AAAA tourist attraction. The scenery here is very good. Everyone is welcome to visit... …”

The group of people climbed the mountain very quickly, all professionally, and no one was left behind.However, the audience in front of the TV obviously didn't care about this. Their attention was focused on the "giant panda" that Chen Fei just mentioned.

"Uncle Lu, can you see the giant pandas?"

Jing Tian turned his head to look at Lu Zheng beside him with a curious expression.

"I can't say that. You have to try your luck. It may be possible, or it may not be possible."


The wealthy lady in the world was quite interested and stared at the TV without blinking.

There are many people paying attention to this broadcast.

Even Liu Yifei, who was about to appear on the show, was letting the makeup artist apply makeup on her face while she stared at the TV screen without blinking.

Liu Xiaoli looked at her daughter's appearance and felt a little weird.

Black tight vest, short skirt, stockings, curly hair...

This outfit directly covered up Liu Yifei's aura of being out of the ordinary!

But the stylist was arranged by Sony, and Sony was responsible for the publicity and planning, so she couldn't say much. She could only watch with a confused look on her face as her daughter was made more and more uglier by the makeup artist...

"Yeah! There really are giant pandas!"

The sudden exclamation startled both the stylist and Liu Xiaoli.

The two of them subconsciously looked at the TV screen, and then saw Chen Fei, Wang Yongfeng, and the Red Bull staff standing there, motionless.

In the camera lens, you can see a black and white giant panda standing in the forest, looking directly at Chen Fei and the others.

"There really are giant pandas!"

The fans who were watching the broadcast in front of the TV cheered, their eyes full of heat.

However, in the forest at this time, Chen Fei's face was very solemn!

"Please pay attention, retreat slowly, try not to make too much noise, and don't alarm it. Let's take a detour. There are many of us, so it won't dare to catch up."

Different from the excitement of the audience, the group of people in the forest were very nervous at this time.

Although the panda is very cute, it only needs to stay in a cage in the zoo instead of facing them face to face like now!
In the legend of "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", this thing was Chi You's mount in ancient times, and it also had a name called "Iron-Eating Beast"!
It doesn’t only eat bamboo, it also targets meat!

Perhaps because there were more people on Chen Fei's side, the giant panda did not rush over on its own initiative. After watching them leave, it turned around and hid in the dense forest.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Chen Fei said to the camera very solemnly: "If you encounter a giant panda in the wild, you must not take the initiative to tease it. The national treasure is not only vegetarian."

Wang Yongfeng nodded in agreement and added: "In the process of mountain climbing, beasts are the most dangerous part!"

The climb continues.

As the altitude continues to increase, the biting cold wind begins to fall.

Everyone stopped for a brief rest, and the cameramen all wore oxygen equipment to prevent their bodies from getting high.


With a steady pace, everyone climbed up.

When they reached an altitude of 5000 meters, when everyone turned around a mountain col, the scene in front of them suddenly changed!
The gravel underfoot was covered with snow, and the mountain road became uneven and extremely steep. The slope of the mountain peak approached 45 degrees.

Wherever you look, there is no flat surface!
At the same time, the oxygen content also began to drop rapidly, and the exhaled air was instantly completely covered with hoarfrost.

"We have arrived."

Chen Fei stood firm and looked up into the distance.

The vast sea of ​​clouds dispersed layer by layer, and the dazzling rays of sunlight swayed down, reflecting on an ice wall as translucent as a mirror, as if it was covered with a gorgeous coat.

The ice wall presents a 90-degree vertical plane, extending from an altitude of 5000 meters to an altitude of 6250 meters, like a dead end connecting the world and heaven!

Even though he had already had a preliminary impression of the word "ice climbing," when they saw this ice wall, the audience in front of the screen still widened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

Ultra-high altitude, huge drop, real natural danger...

Everything is telling: Danger! ! !

However, facing this desperate situation that ordinary people could not imagine, Chen Fei did not hesitate at all, but silently took out the ice manuscript from his backpack.

"The challenge... officially begins!"

The lens shook slightly, and the camera began to slowly move upward from the bottom of the ice wall, taking the entire ice wall into the frame.

The bright sun that originally existed in the sky disappeared without a trace.

In the dark sky, black clouds rolled like angry waves, raging and roaring!
The huge ice wall was as smooth as a mirror, and the frost and air connected with each other, creating a strong chill!

If the 300-meter ice and snow wall on Mount Everest is already full of dangers, then the 1250-meter-high ice wall in front of us is a desperate situation that is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Here, endurance, physical strength, reflexes, and even thinking and consciousness must be raised to the highest state, otherwise you will never be able to successfully climb to the top!

"Bang! Bang!"

With two crisp explosions, the ice pick pierced into the ice without mercy.

Because the bottom layer of ice is not too hard, the crampons on the hiking boots can be perfectly embedded into the ice, providing strong support.

Chen Fei started climbing resolutely.

When the camera lens was focused on him, the audience in front of the screen opened their mouths in unison, and their hearts were filled with strong shock!
They couldn't imagine how brave a person must be to charge against the death threat of ice avalanche, ice cracking, and slipping hundreds of meters at any time!

Chen Fei's climbing speed was very fast, and the ice ax flew up when he waved it. With the crampons, he crossed more than ten meters in the blink of an eye.

But this speed did not make the audience excited for him, but made more people start to be worried.

"What the hell? You won't fall down, will you?"

"Slow down, why are you climbing so fast? Are you risking your life?"

"Hiss! A thousand-meter ice wall, keep moving forward bravely, it's so shocking!"

"Director Chen... is too strong!"

"Looking at the entire entertainment industry, no one dares to promote their new movie in such an exaggerated way. This is completely gambling with their lives!"



Every time the ice pick falls, a cloud of ice flowers scatters in all directions.

However, because of wearing goggles, Chen Fei did not care about this, but continued to move forward while ensuring stability.

Lift your left foot and kick forward violently.

There was only a "click" sound, and the crampon teeth that were firmly stuck on the toes of the shoes instantly penetrated the ice and penetrated deeply into the ice.


With a sigh of relief, Chen Fei did not stop, but used "French ice climbing techniques" to climb skillfully.
Three points are fixed, one point is moved, and the center of gravity is shifted...

His movements are very smooth, and every move can be described as "flowing and flowing, done in one go".

The coordination of limbs, ice axe, and crampons is even more natural and very skillful.

It can be clearly seen in the camera lens that a zigzag path gradually forms on the mirror-smooth ice wall.

This is the "French Ice Climbing Technique".

It can minimize the fatigue of climbers and improve climbing efficiency.

This set of technologies contains two distinct sets of directions forward.

One is called flat step!

One is called the front kick!

At the beginning, Chen Fei chose the "flat step". As the name suggests, he climbed up in a straight line.

But now as the altitude increases, the ice layer is gradually getting harder, so he gradually switches to the "front kicking style".

As the name suggests, you kick the ice wall with your toes and use the front section of the crampons to bite the ice layer to assist ice climbing.

This method is carried in the "Extreme Survival Skills in the Wilderness". Chen Fei can be regarded as applying what he learned, and it happened to be put into practice here today.

"What a smooth move."

Wang Yongfeng sighed secretly in his heart.

As a mountaineering enthusiast, he also has a deep knowledge of rock climbing and ice climbing.

Therefore, he could tell that Chen Fei's physical fitness must be extremely strong, otherwise he would not be able to adapt to such a climbing method!
However, the shortcomings of this climbing method are also very obvious.

Without the help of an ascender and without strong physical support, this method will not last long at all.

Just like now, as the altitude increases and the hardness of the ice surface continues to increase, Chen Fei has begun to frown.

His physique is indeed strong enough, but the constant waving of his arms consumes a lot of "endurance".

And as the ice became harder, he gradually found that his "power" was not enough. Each time he swung the ice ax, he could no longer penetrate deep into the ice.

This situation is fatal!

If the ice pick cannot be embedded deeply into the ice during a certain chisel hit, it is likely to fall off during the transfer of weight.

And now, he has arrived at an altitude of 5500 meters. If he slips and falls, the consequences will be disastrous!


After taking a deep breath, Chen Fei finally gritted his teeth and issued an order to the system.

"Brother, it's your turn, give me 100 points of strength and 100 points of endurance!"

The voice of the system soon sounded in my mind:
[Ding·Deduct 200000 reputation points and increase strength and endurance values...]

According to Chen Fei's past experience, when a certain value exceeds 99 points, an (SSS level) challenge mission will be triggered.

Just like the last "Climbing Mount Everest without Oxygen", it was successfully triggered after the "Physique" attribute exceeded 99 points.

And now, as both strength and endurance have exceeded "99", this also means that two "SSS level" challenge tasks will be triggered next.

This also means that he has to start risking his life again!

But Chen Fei has no regrets. Anyway, the task will be triggered sooner or later. It doesn't matter whether it is completed in advance or delayed.

Moreover, the situation he is currently facing is too dangerous.

In order to ensure that he could safely cross this 1250-meter-high, 90-degree vertical ice wall, he had to take action!

(End of this chapter)

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