It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 245: The new film project draws a fragrant pie for Liu’s mother!The most important piece of

Chapter 245: The new film plan is a delicious cake for Liu’s mother!The most important piece of territory!
On the night when he returned from Siguniang Mountain, Chen Fei was not in a hurry to return to the capital. Instead, he went to see He Shiping, the deputy director of Emei Film Studio.

Under the recommendation of the other party, he met a leader from Sichuan Province.

The two parties met in a teahouse.

After saying hello, the other party confirmed to him again, "Mr. Chen, are you sure you want to invest in a filming location similar to Hengdian Film and Television City in our Bashu region?"

"Yes, I'm pretty sure."

Chen Fei had no interest in fighting with him, so he nodded and admitted the matter.

"Then how much have you decided to invest? Do you have any intended investment areas?"

Chen Fei thought for a while and said: "The construction of the film and television city is not accomplished overnight. There is no upper limit for investment in this area. Investment will be gradually increased according to needs."

The other party nodded to express understanding.

Hengdian Film and Television City was not completely built in a certain period of time, but was continuously expanded according to the needs of the crew.

"The initial investment will start with 10 billion, and will gradually increase in the future."


The leader on the other side was immediately confused.

Didn’t you just say that it wouldn’t happen overnight?How come this is one billion?

The price of land now is not tens of thousands in later generations. If this money is invested, it will be enough to completely transform a small county.

After a long silence, the leader continued to ask: "Where should we choose the investment area?"

"Is there a map?"


The other party nodded, and after a while, someone sent a topographic map of the Bashu region.

Chen Fei did not hesitate, took a look at the overall landscape, and pointed his finger at one of the areas.

Wenshan County?
"Is this place suitable?" The leader looked at Chen Fei suspiciously.

"There are mountains, water, and vegetation, so why isn't it suitable?"

The leader stopped talking. That place was a poor place. Since people were willing to invest in that area, he naturally had no objection.

Afterwards, the two parties had a brief discussion on the initial investment and then said goodbye to each other.

Cooperation cannot be accomplished with just a word, and development cannot be successful in a day or two. For such a large investment, a planning document must be prepared in advance to coordinate the cooperation of the following areas.

It all takes time.

Chen Fei was not in a hurry. It was only 06, and there was still more than a year, which was enough for him to complete the plan he had planned in advance.


After returning to the capital without stopping, Chen Fei went back to the company first.

The first round of broadcasts of "Soldier Assault" has ended, and it has received rave reviews.

Since Douban was founded in 05, the number of users has continued to increase.

After the first round of broadcast of "Soldier Assault", a scoring system was launched on Among the evaluations of more than 3 viewers, the average score reached 9.5 points (out of 10 points), of which more than 78.1% of the viewers rated it 5 star rating!
Su Guohai said very excitedly: "Mango Channel is in contact with us recently, and it won't take long for the first round of proceeds to arrive.

The other party hopes to reach cooperation with our new TV series "Latent". In terms of advertising sharing, the other party also agreed to our request to increase the revenue share. "

"Okay, I understand. Since they have agreed to our request, let's continue to authorize them."

Regarding the first round of broadcasting of the TV series "Latent", Wang Ke and Chen Fei have discussed it in private.

Wang Ke wants to stabilize his position as the deputy director of Mango Channel, so he needs to achieve results, and Chen Fei is also willing to invest in him. Moreover, cooperation with Mango Channel will also help increase profits.

This is a win-win cooperation, and he has no reason to refuse.

"How are the sales of the second-round broadcast?"

"Many TV stations have already given us quotations, and so far the highest one is from Shantou TV Station."

While talking, Su Guohai handed a list to Chen Fei.

The highest bidder is Shantou Channel, while the lowest bidder is... Yangma Comprehensive Channel?
Chen Fei was a little surprised, "Yang Ma also has the intention to buy the second round of broadcasting?"

"Well, it's a pity that their price is not high."

Chen Fei thought for a while and said: "It doesn't matter, just give it to the central government. Anyway, the cost has been recovered in the first round, which also makes the leaders happy and is conducive to our subsequent development."

"Okay, I'll do it right now."


After leaving Su Guohai's office, Chen Fei turned around and went to the screenwriting department.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Ni Xuelin and Tang Honglei discussing in front of the computer and arguing from time to time.

Curiously, he walked behind the two of them and saw dense text written on the computer screen.

Taking another look at the title, it was "My Captain, My Group"!
"What? Is there any problem with the script?"

The sudden sound startled Ni Xuelin and Tang Honglei.

The two of them turned their heads subconsciously and saw Chen Fei staring at the screen curiously.

"Brother Fei, you're back." Ni Xuelin greeted him with a smile and explained: "It's okay, it's just some details. We want to continue to improve this book."

"Director Chen."

Kang Honglei also said hello with a smile.

It has been determined before that the script "My Leader, My Group" will be directed and filmed by Kang Honglei, so he has been staying at the company almost all the time recently to help improve the script.

"Can this script be on TV in time for August [-] next year?"


Kang Honglei nodded heavily, he had this confidence.

"That's fine."

Chen Fei smiled, reached into his bag and took out a new script, and threw it in front of Ni Xuelin.

"After "My Leader, My Group" is finished, you will refine the script for me and then send it to the higher-ups for review. Isn't "Latent" finalized? I asked Wang Shiliang to shoot this script and give him some tips. strength!"

Wang Shiliang was introduced by Tian Zhuangzhuang, and he directed and filmed "Latent".

Like Ning Hao, he also signed a ten-year long-term contract, which stipulates that one TV series will be produced in a year, and the rest of the time will be free for activities.

"My brother's name is Shunliu?"

Ni Xuelin murmured and opened the script.

Kang Honglei also approached with curiosity.

This is also a military-themed TV series, telling the story of an ordinary grassroots hero Shunliu who relied on his shooting talent to devote his passion, blood, and life on the battlefield during the Anti-Japanese War.

After spending more than half an hour reading the script, Kang Honglei suddenly fell silent.

There are many light-hearted and humorous lines in the script, which is fundamentally different from the war-themed TV series he imagined.

However, the sadness becomes even more apparent in the joy, and after bringing people joy, the script tells a tragic story, which makes people feel more poignant and shocking.

Even though he only read it once, those lines that engraved the spirit of the characters seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind!

Taking a deep breath, he turned around subconsciously, wanting to explain his understanding of the script to Chen Fei.

But when he turned around, he discovered that Chen Fei had left the screenwriting department at some point.

Helpless, he could only express his inner feelings to Ni Xuelin: "Director Chen's screenwriting level is the best I have ever seen in the industry!"

Ni Xuelin shrugged, "He told me before that actually movie scripts are his strength, and TV series are just written casually when he occasionally gets inspiration."

By the way? ? ?

Listening to this word, Kang Honglei suddenly felt bad.

"Soldier Assault", "My Captain, My Regiment", "My Brother's Name is Shunliu"...

Are the scripts for these TV series written by chance?Are you kidding me?

Competition in the film market in September is fierce.

Although "Overheard" has been released for almost a month, its good reputation and novel subject matter have made it still very popular.

But "Night Banquet" was a bit unlucky.

Feng Xiaogang and Wang Zhonglei excitedly took the film to the Venice Film Festival, but many critics commented that the film was neither fishy nor foreign, and they finally ran back dejected.

In addition to the failure at the film festival, Feng Laopao has been deeply under the pressure of public opinion these days.

The actress who did Zhang Ziyi's nude stand-in made crazy complaints about him on the Internet!
He had promised when he signed the contract that the actress' name would be tagged after the movie was released, but when it was officially released, the actress' name was not at the end.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Feng Xiaogang is playing up the information gap, making many viewers think that Zhang Ziyi really made a huge sacrifice for the movie.

But the actress didn't agree to it. You said you had agreed to it, but now you regret it.

What about great directors?
Can a great director break his promise and go back on his promise?
Suddenly, there was a lot of noise online.

In addition, reviews about the movie are also scattered in major forums, post bars, and Douban comment areas.

Director Feng's dream of a blockbuster film finally disappeared. The serious-themed Eastern version of "Hamlet" directly made the audience realize what "magic reform" is!
The lines here are simply filled with a strong comedy style.

"After tonight, if you have a sister-in-law, what else will Jiangshan do?"

"Our great country is based on integrity!"

"You are a queen and a mother to the world, but you still sleep under the quilt?"

The more polite media used the headline: First-class pictures, sparse story.

And the headlines used by those fearless entertainment tabloids are: Director Feng's new film "The Banquet" is comparable to director Chen's "The Promise"!

Chen Fei seriously suspected that Han Sanping must have contributed to this!
Brother Chen Kai has been very calm during this period. I heard that he went abroad to study hard.

But Chen Fei knew that he had broken his defense after being scolded.

“A perfect pair of sleeping dragon and phoenix chicks!”…

At the same time, just when "The Night Banquet" was being criticized, the three movies "Source Code", "Baby Project" and "Tuya's Marriage" began to take the lead and appeared on major portal websites, variety shows, talk shows and post bars. On the forum, overwhelming publicity began.

After the ice climbing challenge mission was over, Chen Fei gave all the domestic film promotion plans to Liu Yifei, Sun Honglei, and Liu Yijun.

And he himself is preparing to go to Hollywood. While filming "Iron Man", he will also do some promotion in Hollywood.

The promotion and distribution channels for "Source Code" in Southeast Asia are jointly handled by China Film, Shanghai Film and Television, and Wanda. As for the distribution in other regions, Chen Fei leaves it to Universal Pictures, Lionsgate Pictures, and Walt Disney Pictures. The three industries are jointly responsible.

We are all old friends, and no one will be lazy when it comes to publicity.

But before leaving, Chen Fei had one more thing to do!
He had to go to Shanghai to confirm the new script with Liu Yifei, and he must not let her be fooled by the two brothers "The King of Kung Fu" and Hua Yi.

If such a good tool man has a "stain", many of his arrangements and plans will be disrupted in the future.

Zhang Yimou has also been on the move recently.

"A City of Gold" is preparing for the Oscars. The ending song "Chrysanthemum Terrace" sung by Jay Chou has been released, and many fans said it was very nice!

When heading to the airport, Chen Fei even heard this song on the radio.

There is some truth to the saying "a bad movie makes a great movie".


The fan base of "Liu Tianxian" is indeed very impressive. Even if the songs he sings are not very good and the appearance is weird, the records are still selling like hot cakes.

In just half a month, sales reached more than 30!

This data simply blinded the eyes of a bunch of popular singers in the music industry!

However, when meeting the Liu family's mother and daughter, Chen Fei clearly felt that something was not right in the atmosphere. The two seemed to have just had a quarrel, and the air in the room was very depressing.

"Xiao Chen is here? You guys chat, I'll go out first."

Mother Liu stood up, said a simple hello and hurriedly left the room.

"What happened? We had a quarrel?" Chen Fei looked at Liu Yifei curiously.


Liu Yifei nodded and explained: "The auditions at Huayi have reached the third round, and only the final makeup audition is left. As long as I pass, I can join the filming of "The King of Kung Fu".

But Sony wanted me to go to the United States, and my mother and godfather thought this was a good suggestion, so they wanted me to quit auditioning and study music! "

Chen Fei was a little curious, "Then what do you think?"

Liu Yifei was full of resistance, "I don't want to go. It will take at least more than a year to go, and the number of fans I have finally accumulated will definitely be exhausted during this period.

And I don’t have any singing talent. The success of my records is just because of the fans’ support. It’s not because I sing well at all. "

Chen Fei nodded secretly, this girl is not stupid, at least she still has a very clear understanding of herself.

The sales volume of domestic records is indeed quite high, but overseas sales are very poor.

It can be seen from this point that her album is completely supported by the huge fan effect.

"Director Minkoff recognized me very much, and Mr. Wang from Huayi also had a private chat with me. They all thought that I was very suitable to play the heroine in it. But for some reason, my mother didn't agree, and even my godfather didn't support me. "


Chen Fei didn't know how to reply to her words.

Judging from what Liu Yifei said, Liu Xiaoli obviously did not tell her Huayi's other request.

If she wants to participate in this movie, she must sign a contract with Huayi, otherwise this role will never be given to her, even if her fan base is high enough.

The two Wang brothers are both born in the year of Pixiu, and they will never make wedding clothes for others.

If the original trajectory is followed, Liu Xiaoli should have entrusted Sony to contact foreign countries, and finally Liu Yifei signed a contract with the American William Morris Agency, becoming the company's second Chinese actress after Zhang Ziyi, and finally got the "Kung Fu Warriors" The character "Golden Swallow" in "The King".

But it was from then on that Huayi began to semi-ban her after the movie was released.

If she takes resources but doesn't sign a contract, no one will be willing to cooperate with her.

After a moment of silence, Chen Fei took out a script from his bag, handed it to her and said at the same time: "Call your mother to come back. I have something I want to talk to her about."

"what's wrong?"

After taking the script, Liu Yifei looked down at it and took out her mobile phone.


Liu Xiaoli did not leave the hotel, but went to the restaurant downstairs to order food. After receiving the call, she quickly returned to the room.

"Mom, Chen Fei gave me a heroine script!"

Liu Yifei said very excitedly and handed the script to Liu Xiaoli.

"Hua Mulan???"

Looking at the three big characters on the cover of the script, Liu Xiaoli's face was slightly startled, and her eyes instantly became complicated.

She didn't read the content inside, it was enough for her to know that this script was produced by Chen Fei.

Chen Fei took the initiative to look at her, "Auntie? Let's talk?"

"it is good."

Liu Xiaoli nodded silently and asked Liu Yifei to read the script on the sofa before leading Chen Fei into the study.

After sitting down on the sofa, Chen Fei didn't make any detours with her and said directly:

"I plan to invest US$7000 million in the movie "Mulan". It will also follow the route of Sino-US co-production and global distribution. It will use actors and scenes from mainland China, coupled with Hollywood's special effects team and production team, to make a movie about ancient Chinese legends. The majesty of "Mulan", one of the four heroines..."

Before the rebirth, Disney's "Mulan" caused quite a stir in the film and television circles.

It was 1 hour and 55 minutes long. Chen Fei did not fast-forward the whole process and watched it carefully.

This is a movie that had polarizing reviews upon its release.

Since there are many differences between European and American culture and Chinese culture, many misunderstandings have occurred in cultural communication.

Exaggerated looks with heavy makeup, incorrect use of Chinese elements, and forced background atmosphere...

These are the flaws of the film!
However, when the script appears in Chen Fei's hands, all this will cease to exist.

He has taken the time to make a major overhaul of the script, eliminating the dross, leaving the essence, and filling in some things that both European and American audiences and Chinese audiences can understand.

The revised "Mulan" not only has magnificent scenes similar to "Heroes", but also has a rich story core.

Chen Fei's purpose is actually very simple. He wants to use a tragic heroic epic story to convey China's profound cultural history to the world!
Just like the movie "Kung Fu Panda", in this life it no longer belongs to Disney, but to China!

He wants to use "Mulan" to let Chen Kaige and Feng Xiao have a good look at how real Chinese culture should be filmed and how to present it.

And "Liu Yifei" will be the most important part of it.

Chen Fei, the tool man, is determined, and he must not let the two brothers from Huayi take it away!


After hearing Chen Fei's words, Liu Xiaoli, who was sitting opposite, began to breathe rapidly.

A big investment of 7000 million US dollars, a Sino-US co-production, and her daughter is used as the protagonist. Just thinking about it for a moment makes her unable to suppress her excitement!
However, after calming down for a moment, Liu Xiaoli quickly recovered her senses and asked with some vigilance: "What are the conditions?"

She didn't believe that there was a free lunch in the world. Even if Chen Fei and Liu Yifei had a good personal relationship, they couldn't give her such a script for nothing.

The previous "Source Code" had already surprised her, and now there is another "Mulan"...

This is very unreasonable!
She firmly believed that Chen Fei must have other purposes, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible for him to repeatedly give Liu Yifei benefits.

"Just like the conditions Huayi offered you, I want her to join my company."

After hearing this, Liu Xiaoli, instead of being nervous, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If she hadn't put forward any conditions, she would have started to wonder if Chen Fei was plotting against her daughter, but now that she had put forward conditions, she felt that it was very reasonable.

It is a generally accepted common sense in the industry that good news should not flow to outsiders.

Liu Xiaoli thinks this requirement is normal for the contracting company.

However, she still asked specifically, "But doesn't your company not do artist management projects? After Sissi signs the contract, what will be her future development path?"

"No, no, no, you may have misunderstood. I didn't ask her to sign with my company in the mainland."

Ok? ? ?
As soon as Chen Fei said these words, Liu Xiaoli's eyes suddenly widened.

"Do you have a company abroad?"

"Yeah." Chen Fei didn't hide it from her, "You should know Waltan Pictures, right? That is also my company, and there are artist management projects there.

As for Liu Yifei's future development path, in fact, I have said before at the Academy Awards ceremony that my goal has always been to help mainland actors go global and promote the 5000-year cultural history of our Chinese nation.

Wang Luojue is the first actress to enter Hollywood, and Liu Yifei will be the second. I will try my best to promote them into international superstars and let them shine in the global cultural film and television industry..."


In the next half hour, Chen Fei drew a huge "cake" for Liu Xiaoli.

It was a piece of cake sprinkled with various "dark seasonings" and added with countless "seasonings" of essence elements extracted from the indescribable. It could be called the most delicious "cake" in the universe!
Liu Xiaoli ate happily, her face flushed, and her breathing became rapid.

And when she finished eating the "cake" drawn by Chen Fei, she directly extended her hand to Chen Fei without any hesitation.

"I will ask you to take care of Sissi from now on. I hope you will not betray my trust in you, and I hope you can do what you say."

"Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of her and I will never let her be bullied outside."


The conversation between the two was normal in the current scene, but Chen Fei felt a little strange inexplicably.

Why do I suddenly have the feeling that my mother-in-law is telling her son-in-law to treat her daughter well in the future?

Obviously he regards Liu Yifei as a "tool man"!
It even includes letting her be the heroine of "Source Code". In fact, this is also part of Chen Fei's plan, in order to complete his grand territory.

But now that Liu Xiaoli has said this, it feels like she is being "entrusted with life"...

(End of this chapter)

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