It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 246 September!Good news is coming one after another, Zhao Yanzi successfully ascended to pow

Chapter 246 September!Good news is coming one after another, Zhao Yanzi successfully ascended to power? (Ask for monthly ticket)
The fourth round of auditions for "The King of Kung Fu" has begun.

This is the last audition. All actors will undergo makeup design today, and Minkoff will finally make the decision as to who will play the role of "Golden Swallow".

Outside the Huayi Building there are still luxury cars everywhere and stars are shining brightly.

Reporters gathered in crowds waiting at the gate, and every actress' arrival was met with a baptism of flashes.

"Look! It's Zhao Yanzi! Why is she here too?"

"Oh! Li Bingbin's look is so beautiful today."

"As expected of Mr. Fan, this look is really amazing and his aura is really strong!"

"Huh? Huang Shengyi is here too? Her lawsuit hasn't been finished yet, right?"

"Eh? Isn't this the heroine from Sohu's advertisement? What's her name? Is she Zhao Liying?"

"Look, it's little Guo Xiang!"

"Who is that actress? Is her name Jing Tian? She is so beautiful, she can almost keep up with Liu Yifei."


As actresses walked into the Huayi Building one after another, the reporters felt what it means to be starry.

Tomorrow's headlines are almost already scheduled.

What made them curious was that until the audition was over, they didn't see Liu Yifei!
"Where has Liu Tianxian gone? Why didn't you come today?"

"Been dismissed? Shouldn't it be? She seemed to be the most popular among the previous three rounds of auditions?"

"What's going on? Did we make a mistake?"

"It's impossible. With so many pairs of eyes staring at her, can she still fly? She just didn't come."

"Hey? That's interesting!"


Reporters outside the company were speculating, while inside the company, Wang Zhonglei was frowning with confusion on his face.

According to Liu Xiaoli's character, she should arrive very early for today's makeup audition, but why is it that at this hour, Liu Yifei still doesn't come?

Even Minkoff was a little curious and asked: "Wang Zhonglei, where is that girl who is great at acting?"

"I'll make a call and ask."

Wang Zhonglei took out his mobile phone and hurriedly walked out of the office.

He had a vague feeling that something bad was going to happen.

Now he just hopes that this hunch is wrong...

After working hard for nearly a month, if the signing of Liu Yifei goes wrong, he feels like he will vomit three liters of blood every minute!

Liu Xiaoli's call was quickly answered.

"Ms. Liu? Didn't I send you an invitation letter for the final round of makeup auditions before? Why didn't you come to participate today? Is there something wrong?"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Xiaoli, who had arrived in Los Angeles, was looking at the agency contract between Volton Pictures and Liu Yifei.

Hearing Wang Zhonglei's words, she smiled slightly: "Mr. Wang, I'm really sorry. After careful consideration, we have decided not to let Sissi star in "The King of Kung Fu"."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because there are better options."


The news that "The King of Kung Fu" held the final round of makeup auditions quickly occupied the headlines of major portals, and everyone was curious about who would win the "heroine" role in the end.

The one with the highest voice is still Liu Yifei. After all, in the previous rounds of auditions, her performance was the best.

Even fans are looking forward to it. What kind of sparks will come from her collaboration with Chen Long and Li Lianlian?
Some media also revealed that Liu Yifei did not attend the makeup audition.

However, this news was classified under the "rumor" column. After all, no one wanted to believe that Liu Yifei would actually choose to leave at this last moment.

However, when the time came in the evening, a piece of news came back from Hollywood, and it quickly dominated the front pages of major portals!

"Walton Pictures, a well-known independent film and television agency in Hollywood, announced today that it will cooperate with Chinese actress Liu Yifei and officially sign an agency contract with her.

Well-known agent Bruce Kovner even revealed at the press conference that he will cooperate with the famous screenwriter Chen Fei and jointly participate in the production of the movie "Mulan" with the mainland Feiyue Film and Television Company!
It is reported that the production cost of this film is as high as 7000 million US dollars. It focuses on the story of the heroine "Mulan". The heroine is Liu Yifei, and the film will be directed by director Chen Fei..."

As soon as the news came out, domestic entertainment became a sensation!
Liu Yifei signed a contract with a foreign agency, Volton Pictures reached a cooperation with Feiyue Pictures, a large investment of 7000 million US dollars, the movie "Mulan", Chen Fei personally directed...

As one big piece of news came to light one after another, mainland actresses' eyes turned red with envy.

A large investment of US$7000 million, a Sino-US co-production, with Liu Yifei as the heroine and Chen Fei personally in charge of filming.

Why didn't this good thing happen to them?
The reporters who were squatting at the entrance of Huayi Company during the day also suddenly woke up. No wonder Liu Yifei didn't come to the audition. It turned out that she was going to Hollywood!

"Damn it, I got cut off by that boy Chen Fei again."

In the Huayi Building, Wang Zhonglei was furious.

He never expected that something like this would happen at the last moment of the audition!
This is like when playing a game, the progress bar has finally reached 99%, but it returns to zero in the blink of an eye.

Not to mention how frustrating it is.

But what he actually didn't know was that even if Chen Fei didn't interfere, the "progress bar" of signing Liu Yifei would not come to an end.

Liu Xiaoli, who is well aware of what Huayi's agency is, will never push her daughter into the fire pit. Even if she decides to join the filming of "The King of Kung Fu", she will never use Huayi as a channel.


Wang Zhongjun sighed, but he was helpless.

Actresses will not sign a contract before auditioning, and they cannot require Liu Yifei to participate. It is not up to them to decide whether to come to the audition.

Now that everything is done, it's useless to say anything.

But well...

"Walton Pictures?" Wang Zhongjun murmured to himself, frowning, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Go and investigate, what is the relationship between Chen Fei and this Volton Pictures? Why did Liu Yifei sign there? "

There are not many people paying attention to this matter.

Some people have suspected before that there is a connection between Chen Fei and Waltan Pictures. After all, the cooperation between the two parties is too close.

Combined with the fact that Liu Yifei signed a contract with Waltons Pictures, it seems more like confirming something.

Many film and television brokerage companies have contacted Chen Fei and asked him whether new movies require investment and what the audition process is like.

He gave a unified reply: "We'll wait until the end of the year. We have no plans to start filming yet."

Sony is still strongly recommending that Liu Yifei participate in a music training program and take the three-dimensional route of film, television and singing.

It just so happened that "Mulan" wouldn't start filming in the near future, so Liu Yifei simply agreed.

"You take the script first, and ask your mother to hire a martial arts teacher for you when you have free time. There are a lot of fighting scenes in Mulan, so the shooting will be very intensive, so you have to start training in advance."

"Okay, I get it,"

The girl shook her head happily and looked around, unable to conceal her surprise, "Did you buy this villa? It actually has a swimming pool. It's really big."

"Well, it's mine. You can come over and play when you have time."

"Hee hee, okay."


The promotion of "Source Code" was very successful.

Chen Fei came up with a wave of "ice climbing" challenges, and Liu Yifei made another move to sign a new agency, plus a US$7000 million Sino-US co-production...

After a series of operations, the movie has become very popular, and now it is waiting for its release on October [-]st.

Another major incident occurred in September that attracted national attention.

New Oriental is officially listed on the New York Stock Exchange!
Many media went to the bell-ringing site, and domestic attention was also very high. After all, this is the first Chinese educational institution listed in the United States.

At this time, New Oriental has established 24 learning centers, schools and 136 bookstores in 13 cities across the country, and its growth momentum is very strong.

However, what surprised the reporters was that at the bell ringing scene, they actually saw Chen Fei!

"Director Chen, why are you here?"

As soon as the ringing of the bell was over, reporters stopped him.

Chen Fei adjusted his suit and explained with a smile: "It was Mr. Yu who called me here. After all, the script of "Partners in China" was adapted from the background of New Oriental. The company in the movie was also listed on the market, and now New Oriental has also been successfully listed. Yes, it can be considered a special linkage."

The news spread back to China the same day, once again triggering a heated discussion.

Huang Xiaoming, Deng Chao, and Dong Dawei were all "forced" to accept an exclusive interview.

Zhang Beard still couldn't change his love for hype, so he bought the draft and bundled "The Deer and the Cauldron" with "The Chinese Partner" for a publicity campaign.

"Xiao Ming, you are rising step by step now. Taking advantage of New Oriental's stock market trend, you can strive to win another Best Actor at the Hundred Flowers Awards, which will also help our TV series."

"I try my best…"

Leader Huang’s ears are too soft and he can’t bear to grow a big beard, but he still mentioned a few words about The Deer and the Cauldron in the interview.

...After having a meal with Mr. Yu from New Oriental, Chen Fei went directly to the Playa Vista Platform in west Los Angeles to start filming "Iron Man".

Robert Downey Jr. fulfilled his promise and spent three months restoring his condition to its peak.

"Fei, how are you? Are you okay?"

Downey waved his arms, showing the strong muscles on his arms to Chen Fei.

"Yes, this is the state I want."

Pepper Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays Stark's assistant, joked from the side, "This looks like a boss. After all, he is also the boss of Stark Industries. He must be stronger."

"Ma'am, you will be my assistant next."

"Haha, happy to help."

The atmosphere on the set was very good. Everyone got to know each other on the first day, and filming officially started on the second day.

Many reporters got the news and rushed to the Leia Vista platform from all over the country to conduct interviews.

But without exception, all reporters were stopped outside by staff.

At Chen Fei's request, Kevin Feige came out to explain, "Because this is a superhero science fiction movie, it will involve a lot of science fiction equipment. In order to keep the "mystery" until the end, we shot We will not accept interviews during this period, please understand.”

Although the reporters were a little regretful, they could only return the way they came.

But even so, the news that Chen Fei and Marvel's new movie had started filming came back to China the next day.

However, apart from the name "Iron Man", the report did not reveal any other information.

But even so, this report still suppressed the news of the casting of the heroine in "The King of Kung Fu".

Without the fairy sister, fans' attention naturally began to decline, and Zhao Yanzi was finally chosen as the heroine. This decision was quite unexpected.

When interviewed by reporters, Wang Zhonglei explained this.

"The title of the heroine in the play is "Golden Swallow", which coincides with Zhao Yanzi's name. I believe that with Zhao Yanzi joining the cast, this movie will definitely be taken to the next level."

Zhao Yanzi, who was standing nearby, nodded in agreement, "My fighting scenes are also very good. You can wait and see."


"Zhao Yanzi will be the heroine?"

When receiving the news, Chen Fei was stunned for a while.

He originally thought that after Liu Yifei's withdrawal, Huayi would give the roles to Fan and Li Bingbing, or at worst to Zhou Xun and Zhao Liying.

But I never expected that this role would actually be taken away by Zhao Yanzi!
On the other end of the phone, Su Guohai explained: "There is news that Zhao Yanzi's studio has affiliated with Huayi, and the two parties have deepened their cooperation."

"Hey! These two brothers are quite capable!"

First came "Fan", and then came "Zhao".

Chen Fei has already begun to wonder, how will the two brothers clean up this mess?

He was ready to move the bench and watch the show.

"Any more news?"

"Baby Project" starring Chen Long has been released, and the reviews are divided into two levels. Some viewers say that this film is of great significance to Hong Kong movies, which are currently in a sluggish stage, while others think that it is old wine in new bottles and the story is old-fashioned. .”

"How much is the box office?"

"The domestic box office on the first day was 1053 million yuan. Ten days after its release, the box office just exceeded 5000 million yuan. The growth rate is very slow."

"It seems that the maximum is about [-] million, no matter how much it is, it won't be much more."

Chen Fei muttered to himself and continued to ask: "What's the situation in "Tuya's Marriage"?"

"It's miserable! Very miserable! The box office on the first day was only a few hundred thousand!"

"Tuya's Marriage" is a film directed by Wang Quan'an. It tells the story of a Mongolian woman "Tuya" who shouldered the burden of supporting the family after her husband "Bater" accidentally became disabled while digging a well. However, she could no longer support her family due to overwork and lumbar muscle strain. She had to do heavy work, so she started looking for marriage with her disabled ex-husband.

This is a realistic movie.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of movie would not be paid special attention by Chen Fei. After all, its investment is too small and it is completely uncompetitive at the box office.


This is why Chen Fei pays special attention to it.

But judging from the current box office, this is just an award-winning film.

"How about the box office data of "The Overheard"?"

"Within one month of release, it has made a box office of 1.25 million yuan in the mainland and about 3350 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong. The praise rate is very high."

"Very good!" Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction, and finally warned: "The next main task is "Source Code", invest the rest of the budget in it, and be sure to ensure that exposure is the first echelon."

"Ok, I see."


Chen Fei is very confident about the movie "Source Code".

Parallel world, science fiction, thriller...

These are the selling points of the movie, and they are also styles that have never appeared in the domestic film and television industry.

He believes that this kind of real creativity and imagination will surely conquer the audience and win high box office for himself!
During this National Day holiday, the mainland film and television industry will be completely overwhelmed by "Source Code"!

Robert Downey Jr.'s acting skills are very good. Perhaps because his own experience is somewhat similar to that of the male protagonist, he can always perfectly show the effect Chen Fei wants in the camera.

In the cave, Chen Fei took the initiative to show him how to use the welding gun.

Seeing the spurting sparks, everyone in the crew subconsciously looked at each other and secretly sighed.

Most of the people present are experienced veterans. They have worked with at least five crews and worked with many directors.

But they have never been exposed to a director like Chen Fei who can use a welding gun, make props, and is proficient in CG special effects.

Even before the filming started, no one expected that these props and post-production special effects models were all designed by Chen Fei himself!

The special effects artists who came to help from Industrial Light and Magic have completely become his tools. They work wherever he wants. Each one is more obedient than the other, and they even occasionally ask him questions!
This scene stunned all the actors on the scene.

Such a versatile director is completely unique in Hollywood!
The mature Hollywood film industry pays attention to efficiency, everyone performing their duties, and coordination.

Although the director is important, he is just a tool man in film shooting, but Chen Fei changed his identity from a "tool man" to a person who uses "tools".

This is very rare in Hollywood.

But I have to say that this shooting mode is indeed quite novel.

If making a movie is compared to a war, then Chen Fei is the top general in the war, commanding each unit to do what they should do.

Although this kept him busy, the filming progressed very quickly!


September came to the end of the month almost in the blink of an eye.

News is constantly reaching Chen Fei at home and abroad.

First of all, the disaster film "2012" led by Columbia Pictures has officially finished production.

Walker Engel specially called Chen Fei and warmly invited him to attend the closing dinner. He even arranged a special car transfer for this purpose.

The filming of the film took a long time, and the post-production also took a long time.

At the dinner, Walker Engel vowed: "I will follow up the whole process and make sure this movie is released in theaters around the world before June."

Chen Fei promised that he would cooperate with the promotion at that time.

On the Volton Pictures side, with the persistence of Pedro Lyle, the post-production of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was finally completed.

After discussing with the theaters, Chen Fei finally set the release date of Rise of the Planet of the Apes on December 12, which is the day before Christmas Eve.

It will also be released domestically at the same time.

There are many competitors in the Lunar New Year festival. Domestically, they need Zhang Yimou's "The City of Golden Armor" and "Hurt City" co-directed by Liu Weiqiang and Mak Zhaohui to compete for the box office.

In Hollywood, it can be described as a "messy"!

"War for the Planet of the Apes" will first have to deal with Sony's animated film "Happy Feet" and the drama "The Pursuit of Happiness," followed by 20th Century Fox's fantasy adventure comedy "Night at the Museum," and finally United Artists. The company's action movie "007: Casino Royale".

This is a box office war without gunpowder!

Under Chen Fei's arrangement, Universal Pictures, Lionsgate Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Marvel Pictures, New Line Cinema and many other companies will all contribute to this film release!


Time soon came to September 9th. After the day's shooting, at seven o'clock in the evening, Chen Fei and Liu Yifei got on the plane back to China together.

There are still two days until "Source Code" is released, and he has to go back to prepare for the premiere.

As one of the investors, Han Sanping strongly requested that the premiere of this movie be fully booked!

Therefore, the "CPPCC Auditorium" once again became the best choice.

(End of this chapter)

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