It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 248 is a remake of "Hero", aiming to be No. 1 in the global box office of foreign

Chapter 248 is a remake of "Hero", aiming to be the world's top box office foreign language film!Give me leverage!

The box office on the first day, 4200 million!
This data was jointly announced by China Film, Shanghai Film, and Wanda, and its authenticity is self-evident.

Looking at the numbers marked on the major portal websites, the entire domestic entertainment industry was once again in a state of shock. All the film and television company bosses and actors had their eyes widened with shock on their faces!

In this era when most movies can't even break through 1000 million at the box office on the first day, 4200 million suddenly pops up. What kind of concept is this?
Kill crazy!

Completely insane!

"The first-day box office of a movie even exceeds the figures that most movies can get in a month. How on earth does this happen?"

Everyone is deeply suspicious.

The market research reports of major film and television companies are full of information.

Movie quality, actor fame, publicity methods, distribution channels, strict prevention of piracy...

All the prerequisites for an excellent movie were written into the report, which made the film and television company bosses feel sore in their teeth.

How can it be so easy to meet so many conditions?

Besides Chen Fei, which company can be willing to bring in so many investors generously?Is there any company that theaters should strictly guard against and prevent piracy from flowing out?
More importantly, which movie star has Chen Fei's fame and box office appeal?

He can achieve his current box office appeal because of one high-quality film and television production after another. How can others compare?

Three days passed by in a flash, and the box office exceeded [-] million very smoothly, setting another record in film history!

"Director Chen, please do an exclusive interview, I beg you!" The reporter from Sina made several phone calls, his tone was trembling, and he was about to cry.

"You come to the celebration party."

"Okay! Great! I will definitely be there!"

Most netizens have very good comments about "Source Code", thinking that it is a suspenseful, beautifully produced, and very classic science fiction horror work.

Good science fiction doesn’t have to be bizarre.

However, those film critics are a bit embarrassing. In order to show their specialness, they always sing the opposite.

"The plot is convoluted, bizarre, and occasionally exceeds expectations. Without Chen Fei and Liu Yifei's fame and hard promotion, the film would have achieved nothing."

"Movies have repeatedly broken box office records? Hey, with this rate, which movie can't break box office records?"

"I'm still too young, and I still feel a little uncomfortable in big scenes. Compared with Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, and Chen Kai, they are still a little immature."


Liu Yifei called and said angrily, "These people are just finding faults just for the sake of finding faults. If the movie was really that bad, fans would have stopped watching it a long time ago."

Chen Fei comforted her: "Ignore those people. Just listen to what they say. Box office and reputation are the key."

"China Film Group contacted me and wanted me to do an exclusive interview."

"Let's go together, you invited me too."

"The two of us have to agree in advance that the first kiss on screen is just for movie effect and doesn't mean anything. Otherwise, the hosts will have to ask nonsense questions."


"What are you laughing at?"

"When the time comes, I'll say it's a kiss and I'll take this opportunity to make the relationship public."

"Ah! If you dare to say nonsense! I will beat you up! I am currently learning martial arts!"

"Ahem, I'm sorry, please allow me to introduce myself. I am recognized as the number one martial arts instructor in the Mainland."

"Hey, I'm ignoring you!"


The domestic situation is very good. At the same time, there are no competitors.

In foreign countries, the only blockbuster film of the same period was the animated film "The Jungle Book" produced by Sony.

The two movies have different audiences, and coupled with the joint efforts of Universal, Lionsgate, New Line, Columbia, and Waltons, it has helped to achieve great box office results!
What's more, Chen Fei's global influence is now comparable to that of Chen Long and Li Lianjie.

Red Bull's several extreme challenge broadcasts have greatly enhanced his reputation. For a time, he was far ahead of the previous two, and he has an irreplaceable image of majesty in the eyes of fans around the world.

Based on this, the global distribution effect of "Source Code" is also very good.

The North American box office opened at 1400 million US dollars on the first day, and exceeded 6000 million US dollars in the first week. It is already close to breaking [-] million US dollars!

As for the box office data in other regions, it is not possible to summarize it in a short period of time, but judging from the reviews of movie fans, the results will definitely not be too bad.

Universal Pictures, Lionsgate, New Line and other companies have sent congratulatory emails.

"Thank you for your help, and I hope our future cooperation can achieve greater success!"

Chen Fei responded to emails to several film and television companies and expressed his thoughts on continuing to cooperate with them for win-win results.

All of a sudden, the producers of several companies started to get excited.


The National Day holiday passed quickly.

At the same time that Chen Fei was finishing "Shoplifters" as a film, the first week's box office was finally released.

2.5 billion RMB!

When the news spread, the entire industry shouted: "The wolf is coming!"

At the finals banquet, Han Sanping smiled even happier than Chen Fei.

He also had a part in the success of "Source Code". These are all tangible achievements and are the cornerstone for him to go higher and further in China Film!

"So far, the daily box office is at least around 500 million, with a slow decrease, and there are many second and third records."

Hearing this, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is it okay if the box office exceeds [-] million?"

"No, no, no!" Han Sanping shook her head with a smile, "You should ask me if it's okay to exceed [-] million. [-] million is no longer our expected goal."

"Hey? I seem to be a bit petty?"


Next to them, Wanda’s Ye Ning and Shanghai Film Academy’s Ren Zhonglun both laughed happily.

If this achievement was achieved in 05, they would not even dare to think about it!


The closing banquet was very lively.

Many film and television brokerage companies have received invitations, and most of them are led by the boss himself, leading the core members of the company, or a brother or sister.

At the main table, the CEOs of several leading companies such as Bona, Wanda, China Film, Shanghai Film, Enlight, and Huayi were sitting together.

"Huh? Isn't the person from the new picture here?"

Wang Changtian looked around curiously, but did not see Zhang Weiping.

Chen Fei explained with a smile: "I sent an invitation letter to Mr. Zhang, but he declined, saying that he was preparing for the Oscar-winning film "The Golden Armor", so he wouldn't come this time."

After the words fell, Feng Xiaogang's face suddenly stiffened on the table.

As the reputation of "The Banquet" has completely collapsed, foreign media reports on Zhang Yimou's new film have gradually increased. Sony is very optimistic about this film and is helping with public relations in an attempt to compete for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

The contrast between the two sides immediately made him feel frustrated.

"Aren't you planning to win an Oscar with this movie?" Feng Xiaogang asked curiously.

The foreign box office data of "Source Code" has been exposed by the media. In just one week of release, it earned US$6000 million in box office. This achievement can be said to have blinded countless people's eyes!

It is generally difficult for foreign language films to achieve very good box office results in North America.

So far, the highest-grossing foreign language film in North America is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" directed by Li Yin, and it is also the only foreign language film in the North American market to have a box office of over 1 million US dollars.
Zhang Yimou's "Hero" ranks third on the all-time list of North American foreign-language films, behind "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and the Italian film "Life is Beautiful," earning $5370 million.

It can be seen that this movie by Chen Fei is indeed awesome!

It is rare to not only win the love of domestic movie fans, but also win the praise of foreign audiences.

"I never thought about participating in the Oscars before. It's too late to sign up now. Let's wait for the next movie."

The Oscars are different from the three major European film festivals. Hollywood has always believed in dollar supremacy. If you want to win awards, you need to engage in public relations.

Chen Fei doesn't have time to do this. He has too much work at hand now.

After "Mulan" is released next year, Waltons Pictures can do some public relations and compete for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

It's better to forget about "Source Code". Time is too tight and he really has no time to take care of it.

"Do you have any plans for Director Chen's new film?"

Yu Dong from Bona came over and asked curiously, which immediately attracted countless eyes.

They had no chance to get involved with Huayi's $7000 million production, but Chen Fei was different. He was famous for his love of "sharing."

Anyone who has been to Chen Fei's company knows that the slogans in his office are not "God rewards hard work" and "Prosperous financial resources", but "win-win cooperation".

He is really willing to share good things with others.

It is precisely because of this that his connections in the industry are so strong!

When "Source Code" was finalized some time ago, the dog surnamed "Song" was crazy about him and Liu Yifei in the circle.

But since he called Wang Changtian, the dog has completely disappeared from the circle, and he has never been seen barking again.

Lu Chuan's family background is relatively tough, and everyone is more taboo about the General Administration's side, otherwise this "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》Don’t even think about starting filming.


Seeing a group of people at the table looking at him eagerly, Chen Fei smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will notify you when we start preparations.

You just have to prepare the money and people. Currently, Liu Yifei has been selected as the heroine. The other roles have not been decided yet, so there will inevitably be another open casting call. "

As soon as these words came out, several film and television company bosses at the table suddenly became happy.

Yu Dong raised his wine glass with a serious look on his face, "Mr. Chen, I won't say anything else. It's all in the wine. If you need anything, just give me your orders."

Several other people stood up one after another, picked up their wine glasses, and saluted Chen Fei from afar.

Chen Fei stood up and responded, "Haha, thank you, Mr. Yu, and thank you all for your support. Let's cooperate for a win-win situation."

The sound of clinking wine glasses attracted the attention of many celebrities and artists around him, and envious eyes fell on Chen Fei.

At just over 20 years old, he is able to exchange glasses of wine at the same wine table with so many "old people". His current achievements are something that many people cannot achieve in their lifetimes.

At this moment, even the two brothers from the Wang family felt sincere admiration!

They can't be as generous as Chen Fei. They can't even understand why Chen Fei is willing to give away his vested interests.

Isn’t it good to be a selfish person?

Reports about the "Source Code" celebration party and overseas box office results dominated the headlines of major portal websites and entertainment newspapers the next day.

"The National Day Golden Week has officially ended. The box office of "Source Code" exceeded 2.5 million yuan in one week, setting a new record again, and the domestic box office reputation has won a great victory.

In addition, despite being pursued by many Hollywood blockbusters, the North American box office still surpassed "Heroes", earning 6000 million US dollars, successfully promoted to No. 3 on the North American foreign language film list, and launched a charge towards "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"! "

Along with the report, there is another situation.

Those film critics who were still criticizing "Source Code" from all aspects on the Internet suddenly disappeared without a trace overnight.

Many film critics who were complaining yesterday suddenly changed their tone today and began to praise and promote it.This situation was not caused by Chen Fei's actions, but an "unexpected" situation that suddenly occurred after yesterday's celebration banquet!
This is the advantage of having many friends. Sometimes, some problems will be solved by the partners without Chen Fei having to step forward.


"The Night Banquet" and "Baby Project" both failed, but Zhang Weiping suddenly jumped out like a cannon.

Even though he was abroad, he still accepted interviews from reporters.

"Just like "Hero", which was a hit in 02, the annual box office record for domestic films this year will only be "The Golden Armor" produced by New Picture, "The Banquet", "Baby Project", "Source Code" 》, all of them will be killed without mercy!"

The news spread back to China and once again caused an uproar!
Everyone is very curious, is "A City Full of Golden Armor" so awesome?It actually gave Zhang Weiping such great confidence!
Feng Xiaogang did not respond. He is currently casting for his new film "Assembly".

Huayi has completely immersed itself in the filming of "The King of Kung Fu" and did not give him this opportunity to gain popularity.

On the contrary, Han Sanping suddenly laughed and said four words when being interviewed by reporters:
"Wait and see!"

The reporters wanted to block Chen Fei, but when they all rushed to the downstairs of Feiyue Film and Television Company, they discovered that he had already arrived in New York.

Foreign reporters stopped Chen Fei, but they paid more attention to "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", which was about to be released in major theaters in North America.

Regarding this science fiction work with an investment of up to [-] million US dollars, the media has many questions waiting for him to answer.

"This is not a particularly pure entertainment movie. It has wonderful action scenes, suspenseful comedy effects and shocking visual effects. In addition, it also contains thought-provoking philosophical concepts... …”

Chen Fei chatted with the reporters for more than half an hour, but what frustrated a group of reporters was that they didn't seem to get much useful information.

Having said that, it actually raised the suspense!

For a time, a seed called "curiosity" was deeply buried in their hearts.


After dealing with reporters, Chen Fei went straight to Longxiang Capital.

Eric was still sitting alone in the office, typing on the keyboard, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

Different from the empty office area before, when Chen Fei arrived this time, he could see that there were already many employees in the office area.

Most of these were stockbrokers hired by Bruce, the "intermediary leader" he entrusted. Their task was to manage the personal funds Chen Fei earned.

In addition, another of their tasks is to purchase stocks of major companies and buy and sell them at the right time.

Chen Fei gave them some suggestions based on the experience of later generations, but because he didn't know much about stocks, he could only give a general direction, and then let these people delve into it in depth.

There is also a supervisor above these stock brokers named Leon Walras, who Chen Fei poached from Goldman Sachs Group at a high price.

He is responsible for the general review of investments and the general manager of the entire investment department.


Opening the door and walking into the office, a strong smell of black coffee filled Chen Fei's nose.

"Leon, is it time for you to take a rest? If you continue to consume caffeine, it will completely destroy you!"


Looking up at Chen Fei who walked in, Leon Walras slowly stood up, straightened his suit, and grabbed a handful of his few hairs.

Then, he picked up a very thick document from the table and walked quickly towards Chen Fei.

"Boss, according to your instructions, I have collected the stock data and stock price fluctuations of major theater chains around the world. When will we start?"

After taking the document, Fade Chen shook his head while reading it.

"There's no rush. It's not the time to get it yet. I have a more important thing for you to do."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Chen Fei closed the document and looked at him seriously, "I need you to make a summary of the company's resources. I now need a large sum of money to make an investment with huge returns!"

Make an investment?
Leon became increasingly curious, "What type of investment?"

He has been on the job for several months and already has a basic understanding of his boss's unbridled thinking.

Whenever Chen Fei says the words "huge profits", it means that he is going to play a big game again!

"Let me explain it to you in the simplest and easiest way."

Chen Fei sorted out the memories in his mind, and then said: "Since I came to work in North America for more than a year, I often read news on the Internet, especially news about real estate. Through my research and analysis, I It is predicted that by the year after next at the latest, a financial crisis will occur here that will shock the whole world..."

Leon was dumbfounded and rubbed his face unconsciously, even thinking that he was hallucinating.

financial crisis?

What an international joke?
Until he saw Chen Fei's extremely firm eyes, he couldn't help but asked: "Boss, are you talking nonsense?"

Chen Fei knew that he would react this way, and ignored his doubts, continuing: "I want to plan for this financial crisis in advance, so I need a lot of money.

Through my analysis, the trigger of this financial crisis is the subprime mortgage crisis, so my idea is to buy their CDS. "

As a professional stockbroker, Lyon had certainly heard of the term "CDS".

This is a high-risk subordinated security, a credit default loan swap, which simply means buying insurance for those mortgage securities.

To put it simply, buying CDS means shorting housing prices and buying them when prices fall, while the corresponding CDO means buying up prices.

According to Chen Fei, he wants to buy a large amount of CDS, betting that housing prices in North America will plummet in the future!

Leon was dumbfounded, but Chen Fei continued to talk,

"When the real estate crisis comes as expected and mortgage defaults continue to increase, housing prices will fall. At the same time, the price of CDOs will be affected. Mortgage security holders will definitely sell CDOs and buy CDS in large quantities. At that time, , CDS will become the hottest security in the market.

And with CDS alone, we can make at least 10 times more profit. With this money, we can put it into the stock market and invest again..."

Seeing the enthusiasm he spoke with, Leon felt chills all over!
"So what if this real estate crisis doesn't come for a long time? After all, buying CDS is betting that house prices will fall. If it falls, investment banks will compensate us for our losses.

But if house prices continue to rise and mortgage securities remain safe, no one will buy the CDS in our hands, and we will have to continue to pay bank premiums. This will be a sky-high premium. Can we afford it?

How can you guarantee that this real estate crisis will definitely come? "

Chen Fei smiled slightly, his face filled with enthusiasm and confidence.

"You can check it out. In early February this year, New World Financial Corporation issued a profit warning for the fourth quarter of 06, while HSBC Holdings announced its results and increased the amount of provisions for subprime housing credit. As high as 70 billion US dollars, a total of 105.73 billion US dollars, an increase of 33.6%!

What's more, haven't you noticed?The top three subprime mortgage companies in North America have announced their bankruptcy. All of this is an early warning that the American dream is about to be shattered! "

Leon Walras suddenly fell silent.

He didn't want to believe that the financial crisis would come, but at the same time, he couldn't defeat Chen Fei. After all, the man opposite him was his boss.

Chen Fei did not continue to give him a more in-depth explanation. After a brief chat, he directly issued the order.

"In the next time, you need to collect all my available funds, and then go to those hedge funds, insurance companies, commercial banks and investment banks to buy back all the mortgage CDS in their hands. If there are divided contracts in the financial markets, we will buy them."

Leon shrugged, "Okay, I'll follow your lead, but we need permission from ISDA first."

The ISDA license is the first big problem Chen Fei has to face, because without a license from the International Futures and Derivatives Association, no institution can directly trade CDS contracts.

"I have arranged for someone to handle it, and it will be done within a week at most."

For others, obtaining this permit is a daunting task.

But Chen Fei is different. Who let him know a rich woman?

He still owes US$30 billion to the Walt family, which means that the two parties are already very good friends, otherwise it would be impossible for them to grant him this huge loan.

"Boss, you are really powerful!" Leon said with some surprise.

Chen Fei smiled slightly, "Remember, the acquisition must be done slowly without causing any market fluctuations. Don't be anxious! Don't attract too much attention."

"Ok, I'll pay attention."


After leaving Lyon, Chen Fei turned to Eric and paid attention to his progress.

"It won't be until early next year at the earliest."

"Okay, don't worry, you should also pay attention to rest."

Chen Fei also smelled the strong smell of coffee in the air.

Then he left the company directly and went to the Rhea Vista platform again to continue filming "Iron Man".

At the same time, he secretly began to gather his own funds and invested them all in Longxiang Capital for Lyon to purchase more CDS.

More than a dozen horror films previously co-operated with independent film production companies have now been released in various theaters, and their box office results have been very good.

And this also means that from now on, US dollars will be continuously added to Chen Fei's account.

According to his plan, combined with the sold stocks, movie box office share and copyright income, at least US$5 million can be used to purchase CDS.


But what he didn't expect was that within a few days, Leon Walras suddenly called and informed him of the good news.

"Boss, we learned a new situation from major insurance companies. CDS products do not require us to pay principal. We only need to pay 1% of the premium every year!"

"Oh? Please tell me carefully?"

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he directly announced that the crew would temporarily suspend work, while he walked into the dressing room nearby.

"Okay." Leon responded and continued: "For example, if you have a principal of US$1 million, you can purchase a CDS product of US$12 billion for BBB-rated bonds, but we do not need to actually pay US$12 billion. Just pay a premium of 12% of US$1 billion every year, which is US$1200 million.”

Can you use $12 million in principal to purchase $1200 billion in CDS and only need to pay $[-] million in premiums?

"Fuck! Are you so crazy?"

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly felt that his heart began to accelerate crazily!
Based on this calculation, isn't this equivalent to increasing leverage by a hundred times?

On the other end of the phone, Leon also thought this was crazy!
He continued: “Although in principle the principal cannot be moved, if we deposit the 1 million principal in the bank before paying the premium, we can still earn 5% interest, which is US$500 million.

In this way, only 700 million US dollars are needed in the first year, plus an annual commission of 100 million US dollars. A product worth 1 million US dollars will lose up to 8% a year, which is 800 million US dollars.

But in theory we can earn 1200%, which is 12 times the profit!

Of course, the so-called theoretical profit refers to all bonds defaulting and all CDS compensation being paid. In fact, the amount you can get back is the amount you can get back!
The insurance companies believe that the 1% insurance premium is simply giving them money, because no one believes that house prices will fall, people will not be able to repay their mortgages, and bonds will not default!
No one buys CDS, so the price of CDS as insurance is very low, even to the point of outrageous low! "

At this moment, Chen Fei was calculating quickly in his mind.

If you can use US$60 million as principal, you can purchase US$[-] billion of CDS!

And if there can be twelve times the income in the future...

That would be more than $720 billion in profit?


Chen Fei took a sharp breath, his eyes gleaming with heat!

What would happen if this money was transferred into your own film and television territory?
Punch Walt Disney, stomp on [-]th Century Fox, kick Time Warner, backhand slap Paramount, overthrow Columbia, throw Universal Pictures over the shoulder...

These will all become a reality!


After taking a deep breath, Fade Chen resolutely ordered: "Leon, go all out!"

"Boss! I need to remind you again that the risks here are very high. Once your prediction fails, all the money will be wiped out."

"I have full confidence!"

(End of this chapter)

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