It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 249 Successfully promoted to director of the 3 million box office club, preparations for &qu

Chapter 249 Successfully promoted to director of the [-] million box office club, preparations for "Game of Thrones" are in progress, remember to eat but not fight!

The success of "Iron Man" is no accident.

Tony Stark is an ordinary person who has no superpowers but can become a superhero. These characters are three-dimensional in character creation, and their advantages and disadvantages are also clear.

In the early stages of the story, he showed the character traits of cynicism and arrogance, but this imperfect character flaw not only increased the fullness of Tony's character and the audience's emotional experience, but also left room for the character to grow.

And later in the story, he showed the audience that he gradually became a responsible superhero from a ruthless arms dealer!
After the whole story is over, it also means that Tony has perfectly blended the "divinity" of the superhero and the "humanity" of ordinary people!
This is a key factor in the film's success.

In addition to the protagonist, the supporting roles in the film are also outstanding.

Virginia Potts' character is iconic in superhero movies.

First of all, she has the basic characteristics of women in superhero movies: smart and beautiful, she has been the CEO of Stark Industries for many years, she is clear-cut and reliable.

Secondly, this image also breaks away from the stereotyped narrative of "women need to be saved by men".

When Tony lost his reactor and was dying, Pepper discovered Obadiah Stane's identity as the mole and asked S.H.I.E.L.D. for help.

When Iron Man was at a disadvantage, she did not rely solely on Tony. Instead, she pressed the button to activate the reactor out of a firm view of the overall situation.

It can be seen that the role of "Pepper Little Pepper" does not only exist as Iron Man's assistant, she also completes some tasks to promote the development of the story on her own.

The combination of the two caused a chemical reaction so strong that it abruptly pulled Marvel Studios back from the brink of bankruptcy.


"Donnie, I need your expression to be more exaggerated. Your life has been hit hard, and your face should be full of shock..."

What is currently being filmed is Tony Stark assembling the Iron Man suit in the garage.

The cool mecha fluctuations made the staff on the scene a little excited, and they couldn't wait to go up and replace Robert Downey Jr. to complete the shooting of this set of shots.

"Oh! Fei, I have to admit, I have never had such an experience!"

Robert Downey Jr. responded loudly, his voice muffled under his helmet, and sweat began to drip from his forehead.

Gwyneth Paltrow, who plays "Pepper Pepper", smirked from the side, "Director, I ask you to go up and give him a kick so that he can truly experience what it feels like."

"No!" Downey shouted loudly, "Fei, give me another chance. I believe I can do it. Don't let this vicious woman come over."


There was a lot of laughter at the scene and the shooting atmosphere was great.

At the same time, Sandra, the Industrial Light and Magic special effects artist sitting next to her, was laughing with deep envy in her eyes.

"Fei, can I take a suit of armor back after the filming is over? The props are so beautifully made."

All the steel armors used for filming here were made according to Robert Downey Jr.'s height and body type 1:1.

Except for some shots that require special effects, most parts are forged by hand.

And the forger is surprisingly Chen Fei!
The system's skill rewards directly made him the strongest prop master in the world, and there is no "one".

"Of course." Chen Fei happily agreed, but still added: "But it will have to wait until the movie is released. Before the movie is released, these steel armors need to be kept secret."

"Ok! No problem!"


Once you are completely in the shooting state, time will pass very quickly!

"Source Code" is still in theaters. Near the end of the month, the box office is as previously estimated, successfully breaking the 3.15 million box office record set by "Partners in China".

For a time, major domestic media began to publicize it again.

The second Mainland "2 million box office director" was born!

And what’s even more shocking is that 3 million is not the box office end of “Source Code”!

The daily box office is still around 1000 million. If we follow the current trend, it will only be a matter of time before it breaks through [-] million.

The domestic market is growing rapidly, and foreign countries will not lag too far behind.

On October 10, the North American box office of "Source Code" officially exceeded US$20 million, breaking the record of US$1.4 million set by Li An's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

At this point, the list of Hollywood foreign language films has been officially refreshed, with "Source Code" ranking first!

When receiving the news, Chen Fei was receiving some friends who came to visit the "Iron Man" crew.

According to the confidentiality agreement, the crew is not allowed to visit the team, but these people have special status and they also have the right to visit the team.

Bruce, Natasha, Wen Ziren... and Liu Yifei is dragging along.

"Fei, congratulations, you actually pinned Li Jian down!"

Bruce still had the same character that always talked about dirty jokes and female models, and Chen Fei was speechless for a while.

What do you mean by pressing Li Jian down?
How do two big men press it?
Recreate the scene from "Brokeback Mountain"?
"Congratulations to you for finally breaking the "5-minute" record."


The light words directly touched Bruce's pain point, causing the smile on his face to disappear instantly, and he silently stepped aside to chat with "Little Pepper".

"Natasha? Why do you have time to come over to visit the crew today?"

Chen Fei glanced at the rich woman and her best friend knowingly, and unconsciously recalled the scene of that night in his mind.

Neither girl seems to have been at her peak for very long?

"The two of us are here for vacation, so we came to the crew to take a look."

As they spoke, the two girls' eyes were unconsciously attracted to the steel suit, and they excitedly ran to visit.

Compared with them, Wen Ziren behaved much more steadily.

After first congratulating "Source Code" on its success, he also specially thanked Chen Fei for his recommendation!
Since opening the studio, he has made much more money than he did working alone with Lions Gate.In particular, "Insidious" established his "king status" in the field of horror thrillers.

After "Latent 1" was released in June, under Chen Fei's arrangement, he started filming "Latent 2".

After four months of hard work, the second part has now been completed, and even the post-production has been completed.

The release date is set for next year. After all, in order to sell the copyright and DVD, the gap between the first and second parts must be at least half a year.

After the filming of the second part was completed, Wen Ziren thought that he would go through a period of idleness.

But what he never expected was that Chen Fei actually recommended him to direct and shoot "Fast and Furious 4", and Universal Pictures actually agreed for the first time!
This situation directly confused Wen Ziren.

You know, none of the movies he shot in the past had an investment of more than 2000 million US dollars, but now he was suddenly given a "blockbuster" with an investment of 8500 million US dollars.

He subconsciously felt that it was difficult for him to shoulder this important task.

But in the end, with Chen Fei's encouragement, he mustered up the courage to go!

No matter how good a horror movie is, its status in the film industry is still not that high.

If you want to be truly famous and compete for Oscars, you still have to have A-class productions with high investment, high profits, and high reputation as support.Fast 4 will become James Wan's transformational work!
"You're welcome. If you need help with anything, just give me a call."

"Okay, I will!"

Wen Ziren nodded solemnly, and after chatting for a few more words, he went to talk to an actor he was familiar with.


As the only Chinese face in the entire crew, Liu Yifei seemed a little embarrassed.

Chen Fei laughed and joked with her: "Don't be nervous, just think that you are in China. I am the director. I am the biggest in the entire crew. With me protecting you, no one will dare to bully you."

When he said this, Liu Yifei really relaxed a lot.

"When are you going to return to China? I saw that you are on the guest list for the Hundred Flowers Awards and the Golden Eagle Awards. Do you have time to go back to participate?"

"In two days, how about you?"

"I'm going back tomorrow. Baihua and Golden Eagle have invited me, and I have to perform on stage."

"Oh? Are you so powerful?"

"Of course, my fans in China are not necessarily less than yours." Liu Yifei raised her eyebrows high. Reports on domestic portals have come out. She is the first Golden Eagle Goddess.

Chen Fei believed this. In terms of the degree of craziness, the male fans of today are much crazier than the male fans of later generations.


The group of people visiting the team from Walt Disney Pictures had just left, and another person from Marvel came.

Kevin Feige and Isaac Perlmutter joined the cast.

The former came to report to him on the progress of the filming of "The Incredible Hulk", while the latter came with the script of "Game of Thrones Season [-]" and a list of actors.

"Fei, according to your idea, I contacted many actors you liked. When they heard that you wrote the script, almost all of them agreed to audition. When are you going to start?"

"Oh? You agreed?"

Chen Fei was a little surprised when he took the list of actors. Looking at the names of the familiar actors, a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes.

Peter Dinklage, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington…

"Tell them I'll be waiting for them at the company after next year's Oscars."

The Oscars are a grand event for all European and American filmmakers. There will be many actors from the European and American film circles in attendance. At that time, the personnel were also the most complete, and they could just complete the auditions in one go.

"Okay, I'll let them know."

After a brief exchange, the two hurriedly left the set.

Since Marvel was acquired by Volton Pictures, under Chen Fei's arrangement, the entire company has once again entered a period of high-speed operation.

The two people in charge were busy with their feet on the ground and could not stop for a moment.

But I don’t know why. Although they are busy, the feeling of fulfillment makes them very happy. At least the company seems to be developing rapidly in a good direction.

However, the premise of all this depends on whether "Iron Man" can be successful!
A hit at the box office...the company is back from the dead!
The box office plummeted...the company fell into the abyss!

The day before the Hundred Flowers Awards and the Golden Eagle Festival were held, Chen Fei flew back to China from Hollywood.

As soon as he landed, he could clearly feel that the two award ceremonies were competing with each other for popularity. The Internet was full of news about the two award ceremonies.

Chen Fei's name appeared on both Baihua and Golden Eagle's guest lists. The only difference was that Baihua also had a nomination for the Best Original Screenplay Award.

After thinking about it, he planned to go to Golden Eagle to attend the opening ceremony on the 27th, and then rush to Baihua to attend the award ceremony on the 28th.

The main thing is to spread the rain and dew evenly.

After arriving at the hotel and just checking in, Chen Fei turned around and saw a group of Hong Kong and Taiwan actresses walking out of the elevator.

Mango Channel is indeed not comparable to other TV stations in terms of entertainment, and it invites so many guests.

Film, television, music, mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan...

The stars are shining brightly!Shine brightly!

Of course, this may also be because TV festivals have a larger audience than film festivals. After all, the requirements for becoming a TV actor are much lower than becoming a film actor.

Because they were wearing masks and sunglasses, the group of actresses didn't recognize Chen Fei and walked past him chattering.

However, just as they walked to the door of the hotel, they bumped into Liu Yifei, who was returning from the rehearsal.

There are many people on the Hong Kong and Taiwan side, but she is the only one on Liu Yifei's side.

When there were more people, the momentum became a bit turbulent. They had no intention of giving way and directly blocked Liu Yifei who had already entered the door.

The meaning is very simple, just let her quit again!

Liu Yifei frowned and prepared to go around them, not wanting to talk to them.

She has already entered, so there is no reason to leave?
It's just that the group of Hong Kong and Taiwan actresses seemed determined to humiliate her. People on both sides gathered around and blocked her way.

Seeing this scene, Chen Fei's face suddenly sank!
This group of people from Hong Kong and Taiwan really care about eating and not fighting. The incident between Weijian Zhang and Nicholas Tse still has an indelible impact. They don’t learn their lesson and strictly discipline themselves, so what if they still openly bully mainland actors in front of the hotel?
Who gave them the courage?

It's been so long since my return, can't I still change my arrogant mentality?
"Make way? What? Is the hotel entrance surrounded by you? No one else can enter, right?"

The sudden sound behind them attracted the attention of the female stars.

And when they turned their heads and saw Chen Fei, in an instant, the originally noisy chatter disappeared without a trace.

"Chen...Hello, Director Chen."

A group of female stars quickly greeted him, feeling sad in their hearts.

They never expected that they would hit an iron plate today!

That's Chen Fei!A serious boss in the entertainment industry!
Moreover, there are rumors in the circle that Liu Yifei, who is surrounded by them, is the girlfriend of the big boss in front of them, whom they usually have no contact with.

Although I don’t know whether the rumors are true or false, there is no doubt that this matter will never end today!

A group of people obediently moved out of the way, allowing Liu Yifei to pass through them and go to Chen Fei's side.

"what's your name?"

Chen Fei suddenly laid his eyes on a woman at the forefront of the crowd. He could clearly see from the side just now that this woman was the leader of Liu Yifei's blockade.

"Hello Director Chen, my name is He Yunshi, and I am a student of Teacher Mei Yanfang."

He Yunshi?
Listening to this extremely familiar name, Chen Fei's eyes became colder.

Time will tell whether a person's butt is crooked or not!

After giving her a deep look, Fade Chen turned around and walked towards the elevator.

(End of this chapter)

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