It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 251 5 million?Dollar?So confident?This damn love brain!

Chapter 251 5 million?Dollar?So confident?This damn love brain!

With the end of the Golden Eagle Festival and the Hundred Flowers Festival, October officially ends.

"Ink Attack" has started to promote on the screen, "The City is Full of Golden Armor" followed closely, and Rong Xinda's "Gate" has also started pre-heating.

That face of Yang Mi... no wonder she has such a weird title.

Looking at the photos posted on the portal, Chen Fei had a complicated expression on his face. This girl had completely lost her "little Guo Xiang" feeling.

Compared to other movies, the publicity for "War for the Planet of the Apes" is not high.

the reason is simple.

First of all, this movie relies on global box office, and the main box office is in North America.

Secondly, there is still a domestic protection mechanism for Chinese-language films, and the promotion of foreign films must be controlled and cannot be too exaggerated.

That is to say, Chen Fei is the director of this movie, and China Film, Shanghai Film and Wanda are also investors, otherwise the film arrangement will also have a great impact.

But even so, Andy Serkis and James Franco were called to China by Chen Fei to cooperate with Wang Luojue in several promotions.

This situation was very rare in the past!
Hollywood actors come to the mainland for promotion, and Chen Fei is the only one who has done this so far.

Major portals made several headlines because of this incident, and mainland filmmakers suddenly had a new understanding of Chen Fei's status in Hollywood!

On October [-]rd, under the organization of Su Guohai, Chen Fei held a press conference.

After a one-month release period, "Source Code" officially withdrew from major theaters and finally earned 4.27 million in box office.

There is also news from abroad that the North American box office is 1.6 million US dollars, and the total box office in other regions is as high as 2.5 million US dollars!
What is this concept?
If all were converted into RMB, the box office of Chen Fei's movie would be as high as 37 billion RMB!

You know, its initial investment is only US$2000 million.

A box office yield of up to 23 times!
The two brothers Wang Zhonglei and Wang Zhongjun are almost crazy with envy. Feiyue Film and Television has far exceeded Huayi's total annual revenue with this movie alone.

"Director Chen, what do you think about the box office hitting record highs?"

"First of all, I need to thank my fans. If it weren't for your support, this movie would never have achieved such good results!"

This sentence is very serious.

Regarding the domestic box office data, Chen Fei had already had a hunch before. After all, the entire film schedule in October was concentrated on "Source Code".

But the reason why overseas box office is so high is entirely due to his global popularity!
Red Bull's extreme challenge has attracted him too many fans. With the strong support of these fans, the box office of the movies he stars in will naturally not be too low.

"Director Chen, when will the new film plan be implemented?"

"Perhaps it will wait until the spring of next year. There is still a lot of work to be done in Hollywood, and Liu Yifei is systematically training martial arts and will not consider starting filming for the time being."

"What is your expected box office for the Hollywood movie "War for the Planet of the Apes"?"

"More than 5 million."


"Of course, the RMB will lose your money!"


The press conference started in the morning, and the headlines appeared in the afternoon.

When the figure "US$5 million" came up, the entire domestic entertainment industry was shocked. Even Li Yin, who was filming "Lust, Caution," was shocked.

Someone specially made a box office ranking of foreign A-class blockbusters in 06.



Taken together, the total box office of A-category blockbusters can exceed US$[-] million, which is already very impressive!
But Chen Fei said "5 million U.S. dollars", and this also means that his first A-class production will be a big success?
"Are you so confident?"

Liu Dehua called and chatted with Chen Fei about some random things.

Chen Fei didn't want to fight with him, so he made it clear: "Brother Hua, it's not that I don't give you face, I just want her to apologize. Isn't this too much?"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Dehua was silent for a while and sighed.

"Forget it, I don't care. Let her make trouble on her own. Sister Mei is kind to me. I can help her for a while, but I can't help her forever."

Chen Fei smiled slightly and changed the topic directly.

"Are there any dates next year? Can you play a role in my new movie?"

"Hua Mulan?"


"Of course! Give me a call when the time comes and I'll be on call."


After returning to Hong Kong Island from the Golden Eagle Festival, He Yunshi finally understood who she had offended!

The entire Hong Kong community is beginning to boycott her, and some previously scheduled events have been canceled directly.

So far, except for some cooperation with Yongsheng Films, which is still continuing, other companies have cut off contact with her.

No one in the industry publicly said that she was going to be banned, but she was removed from 98% of the activities in mainland China and Hong Kong.

This is a very scary state, as if there is a big hand pushing her out of the circle!
Forced to have no choice, she found Liu Dehua and used her teacher's kindness to ask him to take action.

But what she didn't know was that in front of Chen Fei, even the King of Heaven was useless!
He respects Liu Dehua's character, just like he respects Zhou Xingchi, but when it comes to issues of principle, he always stays on track!

No matter who it is, don't even think about violating some principled issues in front of him!

Not even the King of Heaven!


The filming of "Iron Man" is on track again.

Under Chen Fei's arrangement, Bruce began to lead Liu Yifei to frequently attend parties of major luxury brands and some model shows, and began to crazily improve her aesthetics.

The sales of "Heartpalpit" are soaring, and the MV video has also appeared on major music charts.

That look...

It’s still terrible!

"You just have this face. If anyone else had worn these clothes, they would have been scolded as autistic."

"Huh? Is it that ugly?"

Liu Yifei looked suspicious, obviously fans like her very much, right?


Sighing helplessly, Chen Fei hung up the phone directly, thinking to himself that it seemed that he would have to find a styling team for her in the future.


News came from the "Twilight Saga" side that the filming of the movie has reached the final moment and will be completed soon.

Woody Allen asked if he could give him the editing rights.

After hanging out with young people for so long, he felt that he was in great shape and wanted to edit the film himself in one go.

"No problem, you can just go back to the company to edit. There is a professional editing team there and they can help you."

"Ok! Fei, thank you, you are such a great boss."

Europe and the United States attach great importance to editing rights. Usually, the production company hires someone to do the editing, just to extract all the commercial elements.

A movie is a commodity, and before filming, it must be for profit!

In Hollywood, except for some famous and powerful directors, generally few people can obtain editing rights.

Just like the movie Super 3 that Chen Fei shot for Universal Pictures before, Universal Pictures hired someone to do the editing work. He, the director, is just a tool.

However, Chen Fei doesn't care about the editing rights, because in his opinion, the director's knowledge of a movie must be higher than others.

Why can’t the director take the lead in editing?As long as you grasp the general direction, you'll be fine!

Therefore, he agreed to Woody Allen's request without hesitation.

Lionsgate has also completed the production of "The Haunting of the Morgue 2". After discussing with Chen Fei, they decided to set the release date in 07.


With the arrival of November, Hollywood has officially entered the stage of blockbuster disputes!
On November 11, "Happy Feet" produced by Warner Bros. will be released in North American theaters. At the same time, it will compete with "17: Casino Royale" produced by United Artists and "Casino Royale" produced by Universal Pictures. "Miami Vice".

Daniel Craig is going on a killing spree!
At the same time, the horror films that Chen Fei previously collaborated with various companies have also been released in major theaters in the second half of the year.

On November [-]th, New Line announced that "Happy Death Day" has officially been put into production, which also means that all the horror movie scripts that Chen Fei developed in the first half of the year have come to an end.

Starting from "The Incident in the Morgue", continuing to "Dangerous Laughter", "Latent"...and finally "Happy Death Day".

A total of ten horror film scripts grossed a total of US$16 billion at the box office.

You know, the investment in each script will not exceed 2000 million US dollars!
Just from the box office split, this business brought Chen Fei at least US$3.5 million in income, and all of this money was invested in Longxiang Capital to purchase CDS.

The continuous inflow of funds frightened Leon Walras to the point of trembling with fear!

As more and more CDS were successfully purchased, he took a breath while calculating the premiums he needed to pay.

If Chen Fei's prediction fails, if the financial crisis does not happen, if housing prices remain at the same level...then this $[-] million gamble will all be in vain!

The premium is not just paid for one year, it has to be paid every year. The bankruptcy liquidation will not stop until Longxiang Capital can no longer obtain working capital!

Capitalists have a very keen sense of smell. No matter how small the movement of buying CDS is, it still cannot escape the attention of interested people.

"What is the mentality of those onlookers?"

This is Chen Fei's problem.

"They were all watching the show, and some even took the initiative to bring their shares to the door. In Chinese terms, those people completely regarded us as "wealthy boys" who are stupid and rich."

"That's what I want!"

Chen Fei raised his lips slightly and ordered with great satisfaction: "Keep buying, don't stop!"


A lot of big things happened in November.

The most exciting thing in the entertainment industry is the news about the release of "Ink Attack".

Andy Lau, An Sing-kee, Nicky Ng, Wang Zhiwen, Fan Bingbin... several leading actors frequently make entertainment headlines!
On the eve of the release, Huayi held a premiere. Although Chen Fei did not go back to participate, he was always paying attention to the news.

Su Guohai made a cross-country phone call to him after the premiere.

"When a reporter asked about the copyright sales status of "Baby Project" and "The Night Banquet", Wang Zhonglei became angry on the spot and refused to answer the question."

"You still have to ask? You must have suffered a heavy loss."

"Haha, if "Mo Gong" fails again, Huayi's internal financial report for 06 may fall to the deficit line."

"The Huayi family has a very strong foundation, and it should be enough for a year or two..."

In addition to the news about the release of "Ink Attack", Brother Chen Kai, who has been dormant for a year, has once again emerged.

News that Director Chen, his wife and son visited the theater for several days in a row was exposed by the media. Some reporters were surprised to find that all he watched was "Mei Lanfang" for several days in a row.

In an interview that day, Chen Kaige suddenly said, "The next new film will revolve around the character "Mei Lanfang"."

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused shock in the domestic film and television industry!
Everyone suddenly remembered, isn't Brother Chen Kai's greatest honor the biographical film "Farewell My Concubine"?

Now that he suddenly announced that he will make a new film based on "Mei Lanfang", is he trying to wash away the stain caused by "The Promise"?

For a time, celebrities from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan heard the news and flocked to the capital, wanting to know the specific inside story.

"Return to glory?"

Chen Fei shrugged, he found it difficult.

The filming of "Iron Man" has come to an end and is expected to be officially completed before December. At that time, Industrial Light and Magic can first improve the special effects in the later stage.

The progress on "The Incredible Hulk" is a little slow, and it is estimated that it will not be completed until around February next year.

News came from South Korea, saying that "New World" is about to be completed, and I hope he can attend the filming banquet by then.

Chen Fei did not refuse, nor did he agree immediately.

It depends on whether you have time. If you have time, go for a walk. If not, don't go. Just let CJ make their own arrangements.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Zhang Yimou called again and invited him to attend the premiere of "The Golden Armor".

Chen Fei nodded in agreement without hesitation, and then asked: "Is there any hope for the Olympics?"

"It's difficult." Zhang Yimou didn't hide it from him, and said directly: "There is no chance of nomination at the Golden Globe Awards. It's hard to say about the Oscars, but I always feel that there is little hope. Compared with "Heroes", this film is always I feel like I almost missed something.”

"All right…"

Chen Fei stopped the topic in time and muttered to himself, no wonder Zhang Weiping suddenly stopped talking these days.

"Is your movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" also preparing to participate in the Oscars?" Zhang Yimou asked curiously.

"Well, I have already applied for the Film and Television Golden Globe Awards, and I will apply for the Oscars and Saturn Awards in a while. I hope I can win something."

"Okay, I wish you a great prize."

"I also wish you double your luck."


Domestic entertainment headlines change every day.

The news that Chen Fei's more than ten horror films have grossed a total of 16 billion US dollars was first reported by Sina, which once again caused an uproar.

16 billion US dollars, converted into RMB, this is 128 billion!

Movie fans fly to Hong Kong and Bay Area in droves just to watch these horror films that have been "extremely praised" by the Internet.

There’s even a new section in Tieba.

[Let’s go and fly to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to watch horror movies! 】

Han Sanping called rather resentfully, hoping that Chen Fei could explain to his group of fans that this kind of film was really not allowed to be imported into the mainland.

"Haha, I can't explain this. Domestic film policies must be popularized by the General Administration..."

"Oh, my head hurts."

While sighing, Han Sanping pressed the hang up button.

Huo Qigang also called excitedly.

"Chen Fei, I have sent audition invitations to a group of celebrities and artists in Hong Kong. When will you come back? Come to Hong Kong and check it for me."

"Good guy!" Chen Fei looked depressed, "You really delayed the casting until the end of the year?"

"Cough cough!"

Huo Qigang coughed twice in embarrassment and hurriedly changed the subject, "You must come. I'm waiting for you. When you come back, we will start casting."

The call was immediately hung up, and Chen Fei shook his head helplessly, hating that iron could never become steel.

This damn love brain!

Before the excitement caused by Chen Fei had subsided, Feng Xiaogang suddenly announced the cast of "Assembly".

At first, Huang Xiaoming was the most vocal, but after the role was announced, everyone discovered that the protagonist "Zhao Erdou" turned out to be Deng Chao!

And what's even more surprising is that Sun Li actually became the actor of "Sun Guiqin"!
"Hey, has this young couple talked about their love on the big screen?" Chen Fei joked with a smile.

On the other end of the phone, Huang Xiaoming laughed happily, "I have to tell Deng Chao, and tell Director Feng by the way, please don't arrange a kissing scene for them, otherwise they will lose control on the set. "

"Go! Go! Just say it was me!"

Chen Feili watched the excitement happily and hurriedly cheered.

After the release of "Ink Attack", the box office effect is still good. The box office in the mainland has exceeded 4500 million yuan in just one week, and the box office in Hong Kong has reached 1100 million Hong Kong dollars.

But "Miami Vice" at the same time had a mediocre response.

Universal Pictures has reported on the North American box office and word-of-mouth. Unfortunately, the box office results and fan reviews are not very high. Now we have to wait and see what the situation is like in China.

After Chen Fei and Zhu Yawen talked on the phone, they learned that the passionate scenes of Emperor Gong had been deleted.

"It's a pity. The mainland is too strict, so this kind of clip is quite rare."

"Did you reveal a lot?"

"Compared to Zhang Ziyi, that thing is almost perfect."

"Tch, what's the point of deleting it or not? Anyway, I don't think this movie is very good, and the viewing experience is not strong. I'm just waiting for your movie "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"."

"Okay, if you have time, call Luo Jin and the others to come out and get together."


The filming of "Iron Man" came to an end at the end of November.

The last scene is the conversation between Pepper and the female reporter.

"You must be the famous Virginia Potts?"


"After all these years, Tony still asks you to pick up dry cleaning for him?"

"I'll do anything Mr. Stark asks me to do, including...take out the trash!"

On the last word "trash", Gwyneth Paltrow deliberately emphasized her tone and looked directly at the female reporter in front of her who had spent the night with Tony last night.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

You are "trash"!
Robert Downey Jr. and Terrence Howard stood beside Chen Fei, muttering quietly.

"Women are born actors."

"Oh! Donnie! I totally agree with what you said!"

Chen Fei shook his head and laughed. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the shot of the scene just now, he stood up and picked up the big speaker next to him.

"Cut! It's finished!"

(End of this chapter)

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