It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 252 Cinema lines and theater plans, all-star lineup, disputes begin again!

Chapter 252 Cinema lines and theater plans, all-star lineup, disputes begin again! (asking for monthly ticket)

At Huo Qigang's urging, Chen Fei flew to Hong Kong Island non-stop as soon as the final dinner for "Iron Man" ended.

Driving to the Jiahe downstairs, looking at the towering high-rise buildings, he couldn't help but have some memories in his mind.

Golden Harvest was founded in 1970 and became a listed company in Hong Kong in 1994. It was one of the most influential film distribution companies during the heyday of Hong Kong films.

This company has single-handedly cultivated internationally influential film superstars such as Li Xiaolong, Chen Long, and Maggie Cheung, and has written a glorious chapter for Hong Kong films!
To date, the company has financed and produced more than 600 films, not only making Chinese kung fu films famous around the world, but also creating two categories: Hong Kong comedy films and action comedy films.

Huo Qigang drove the car into the garage and babbled,

"This kind of established film company is awesome. All its departments are well-run, and the distribution at all levels is very reasonable. It can operate as long as it injects capital..."

Chen Fei interrupted him, "How is the plan I gave you implemented now?"

"It's perfect. Regarding theaters and theater chains, I specially hired a professional team to be responsible for acquisition and investment."

After getting off the car, the two took the elevator directly to the top floor of the company.

After entering the office, Huo Qigang quickly walked to a safe embedded in the wall, took out several documents, and handed them to Chen Fei.

While Chen Fei was flipping through the pages, he introduced nonchalantly:

"In addition to distributing Chinese-language films, Golden Harvest also actively purchases the copyrights of high-quality independent films for distribution in Asia (including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China and Singapore) through its Pan-Asia Films or in the form of joint ventures.

As of October 10, Golden Harvest's Asian cinema network includes 1 cinemas with a total of 33 cinemas. The group has expanded its cinema business to the Mainland and Taiwan.

As the mainland's film distribution and theater operating markets gradually open up, Golden Harvest opened the mainland's first brand flagship cinema in Shenzhen last year.

The first phase of the cinema has 7 cinemas with unique design, advanced equipment and luxurious decoration. It is the first in China to implement mobile phone text messaging and Internet ticket booking services, creating a new milestone in the design and management of modern cinemas.

The cinema has performed satisfactorily since its opening. It ranks first in the country in terms of movie box office revenue and accounts for 35% of the SZ market share.

The group will further strengthen the development of its Shenzhen base and will continue to add two cinemas in 07, mainly operating IMAX and CGS giant screen halls.

In addition, a digital movie advertising network will be established in Shenzhen City, which will cover about 80% of the box office revenue of theaters in Shenzhen City.

In early February, Golden Harvest successfully acquired Taiwan's largest Warner Village Cinema Line, which owns 2 cinemas and a total of 8 theaters, accounting for approximately 79% of the market share.

In early September, GV VivoCity, the flagship cinema of Golden Harvest Singapore, officially opened. The cinema covers an area of ​​9 square feet, has 15 theaters with a total of 2173 seats, and has an annual attendance of one million.

At the same time, Golden Harvest also has 9 cinemas in Singapore, with a total of 73 theaters, and is expected to account for 50% of the market share.

Currently, there are 5 cinemas in Hong Kong with a total of 24 cinemas. In Malaysia, we also jointly operate a cinema chain with 10 cinemas and 77 cinemas..."

After spending nearly half an hour, Huo Qigang finally gave Chen Fei a thorough explanation of Jiahe's current operating strategies and its development plans.

Cinemas, theater chains...

This has been Huo Qigang's main work for the past year, and it is also the reason why he has been unable to start the filming plan of "October Siege".

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei said: "Acquisitions and mergers and acquisitions will continue. Next, the main development target will be on the mainland. The number of IMAX and CGS giant screen halls can continue to expand.

Expanding with points, starting from Shenzhen City and expanding outward in a network shape, real estate must be controlled in hand, and one would rather develop slowly than expand through leasing. "

"Okay." Huo Qigang nodded slightly, but suddenly hesitated, "Are you so optimistic about the future development of mainland movies? The investment in IMAX and CGS giant screen halls is very large. Just doing a good job in the Shenzhen market has already consumed us. Invest more than half of the capital, and this is on the premise that the bank provides loans.

If the market develops slowly or stagnates, those theater chains will be money-eating beasts without any returns. "

"The company has no money?" Chen Fei grasped the key point of his words.

"Well, I still owe a lot of debt to the bank."

If he hadn't been very confident in Chen Fei's ability to make money, Huo Qigang would never have followed him.

It has been almost two years since the two collaborated to acquire Golden Harvest, but the company currently has no output and has been investing money to expand its theater chain.

Fortunately, there are still movies being released in theaters, so there is still some liquidity.

But if we continue to expand without restraint, we will not be able to make money at the same speed, and bank debt will explode...

Huo Qigang doesn't want to see the company he just acquired declare bankruptcy!

"Then let's start making movies."

Chen Fei stood up from the sofa and picked up the "October Siege" script lying on his desk, "Notify the actors to hold auditions and prepare to start filming!"

Self-produced and self-sold...the extra income will be used to expand theater chains and purchase movie rights. This is Chen Fei's development plan for Jiahe.

In order not to be controlled by others, the theater chain thing must be in one's own hands.

But the situation in the Mainland is rather special. He cannot openly compete with companies such as China Film, Shanghai Film, and Wanda for theater chains.

It happened that Jiahe was also engaged in theater business, so Chen Fei came up with a plan.

Why can’t Golden Harvest be used for cinema business?
Surrounding cities from rural areas is a development method that has been personally proven by our ancestors. It is completely feasible!

Just keep developing and take your time. As long as the development direction is correct, with the expansion of capital flow, you will see results sooner or later.

This will be a long-term benefit.


The movie "October Siege" tells the story of a group of little people who escorted Mr. Sun to successfully attend a conference in Hong Kong.

Through gripping plot clues, vivid and three-dimensional characters, solid and rigorous narrative structure and thrilling action scenes, it has a subtle ideological effect of promoting patriotic sentiments.

The director still chose Chen De, but in terms of actor selection, Chen Fei decided to make a slight change.

Some people with crooked buttocks are not suitable to be in this movie.

So, on the second day after Chen Fei arrived in Hong Kong, Golden Harvest Pictures began to appear some long-established celebrity artists one after another.

Wang Xueqi, Donnie Yen, Nicholas Tse, Simon Yam, Lai Ming, Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Ng Chun Yu, Zhang Jiahui, Li Jiaxin, Wang Zuxian, Guan Zhilin...

There are not many actors from the mainland, they are all veteran actors, and the main actors are all from Hong Kong.

In the original work, Liang Chaowei, Fan Bingbin, and Li Yuchun were used... but this time Chen Fei abandoned them and replaced them with Liu Dehua, Li Jiaxin, and Zhong Xintong...

Those with crooked butts and poor acting skills were all replaced by him.

Compared with the paparazzi in the mainland, Hong Kong is much more exaggerated!
Digging through trash cans, stalking, secretly photographing, fabricating scandals...

There's nothing they can't do unless you think of it!
During these days of auditions, Chen Fei was really annoyed, so he simply held a press conference to explain.

"The new movie "October Siege" invested by Golden Harvest Films and written by me will start shooting in the first half of next year. The director has chosen Mr. Chen De. The actors are currently auditioning. The tentative actors include Wang Xueqi, Donnie Yen, Liu Dehua, Li Jiaxin, Zhong Xintong, Jacky Cheung, etc..."

As Chen Fei kept saying the names of actors one after another, the media, reporters, and paparazzi at the scene all widened their eyes in unison.

Good guy!
All-star lineup!

If you mention a name at random, they are all veteran actors and actresses who have been famous in Hong Kong for a long time, and most of them are at the level of movie stars!
The Sina reporter couldn't hold it back and asked curiously: "Director Chen, there are so many well-known actors! Can you give us a rough idea? How much will the investment in this movie be?"

"2 million."


"Hey, you are braver than me. Of course it's RMB."

"Hey...two hundred million yuan!!!"

The reporters who came from the mainland could barely keep their composure. After all, the investment in Chen Fei's last movie "Source Code" was as high as 1.6 million yuan, and the investment in "Mulan" was as high as 7000 million US dollars, which is more than 5 million yuan. .

But the media in Hong Kong were a little scared!
In the past year, the most invested film in Hong Kong was Chen Long's "Baby Project", with an investment of 1.3 million yuan.

This is a co-production between the Mainland and Hong Kong, and most of the investment shares come from Huayi.

As for those pure Hong Kong films, no one has invested more than 5000 million yuan in one step in the past two years.

But now Chen Fei asks for [-] million as soon as he opens his mouth, and it is an all-star lineup. Is this horse ready to go to heaven?
On the second day after the press conference, the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry was completely in ruins!
Those actors and agencies who were lucky enough to participate in the audition were all happy, while those actors who had no chance were all jealous and their eyes were red.

An investment of [-] million!
How big of a scene does this have to be?

A reporter interviewed the heads of several film agencies including Emperor, Media Asia, Shaw Brothers, Starlight, and Wing Shen, and asked them what they thought of Golden Harvest’s large investment.But what they never expected was that they would find out a "shocking secret" during this interview!
The heads of several companies including Emperor, Media Asia, Shaw Brothers, and Xinghui have made it clear that they have heard about Golden Harvest's film investment for a long time, and they all have investment shares in it.

Only Yongsheng's family said they had no knowledge...

As soon as the news came out, all kinds of rumors and scandals started flying everywhere!

The "old hatred" between Chen Fei and Yong Sheng was brought out again and flooded the screen. There was even news that the two sides had already become mortal enemies!


At the audition site, looking at the media reports, Huo Qigang and Liu Dehua stared at Chen Fei from left to right.

"Are you doing this on purpose?"

Chen Fei looked at the audition list and said casually: "Yes, it was intentional. Since he is not convinced, let's give it a try."

The auditions during this period were not very smooth. Some actors who had been scheduled in advance suddenly called shortly after leaving Jiahe, saying that due to some personal reasons, they could not participate in the subsequent filming plan.

Chen Fei didn't think much about it at first. If he didn't want to come, just forget it. At worst, he would have to replace him again.

But as the number of actors withdrawing gradually increased, he faintly sensed something was wrong.

There seems to be something fishy here?

It was Andy Lau who came over specifically to reveal the news to him. The Xiang family made a statement in the industry, saying that any Hong Kong actor who dared to participate in the filming of this movie would be against Yong Sheng!

Those big-name actors are naturally not afraid of threats, but some middle-level actors cannot bear it and have chosen to quit.

This actually didn't have much impact on Chen Fei's filming. At most, he could just call some actors from the mainland to fill the vacancies.
But what Yongsheng did made him feel very uncomfortable!

What's wrong with your labor and capital making a movie? You're beeping all day, jumping up and down like a monkey.

Chen Fei will not take the initiative to cause trouble. After all, he has always upheld the principle of "peace is the most important and win-win cooperation."

But that doesn’t mean he’s afraid of things!

If you want to play, then come.

Are you threatening actors?
Then I will isolate you from the foundation first!
Let's play slowly. Cutting meat with a rusty and dull knife is the most interesting.

Huo Qigang had a very gossipy expression on his face, "I heard news from the mainland that you have told all the film and television agencies to boycott Yong Sheng?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Chen Fei casually pulled out a list and corrected his sentence, "I just told other film and television agencies about the situation I faced and asked them to be careful. There are bad people in there!”

Huo Qigang clicked his tongue twice and silently gave him a thumbs up.

He thought Yong Sheng was cruel enough, but he didn't expect Chen Fei to be even crueler!
Liu Dehua let out a long sigh and secretly felt sorry for Yun Shi.

This is no longer as simple as being kicked on the iron plate!

The two were lost in thought when Chen Fei's voice suddenly came: "Can you contact this actor named Wu Jing? There is a role that suits him very well. Ask him to try it."

Wu Jing?

Huo Qigang frowned and began to search his memory bank.

"Let me help you contact him. The movie "Black Fist" produced and released by China Star Group not long ago was very popular, and he happened to play the leading role of Gao Lan in it."

China Star Group?
Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at Huo Qigang, "Do we still have shares of China Star Group's shares in our hands?"

"Well, yes, what's wrong?"

"If you sell them all, the company's stock price will fall to the limit in a few days."

"Okay, I understand."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Dehua's expression changed drastically.

He also owns shares of this company. It may be said that almost all actors in Hong Kong own shares of this company!
Because this is a listed group mainly engaged in film-related business. It was established on August 1992, 8, and the founder is Xiang Huaqiang!

The auditions are still going on, and the competition has not stopped.

Wu Jing came to Jiahe the next afternoon. After the audition, both he and Chen Fei were very satisfied.

But then he put forward another condition, "I heard that Director Chen's company also signed actors and directors? Do you think there is hope for me?"

This sentence can also be understood in another way.

I want to join your company!

I want to succeed!

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you talking about Jiahe? We do have brokerage business here. If you want to sign a contract with us, you can talk to the human resources department."

"No, you misunderstood me." Wu Jing shook her head and said bluntly: "I want to return to the mainland, and I want to sign with Feiyue Film and Television.

The film market here on Hong Kong Island is getting smaller and smaller. There are only so many theaters, and the box office cannot meet my expectations at all. "

"Then why don't you consider Huayi? In terms of artist management, Huayi is the best in the country."

Wu Jing shook her head: "It's not suitable for me there. There's too much competition. Besides, I've been in contact with Wang Zhonglei. He's narrow-minded and not a suitable partner."

Chen Fei suddenly became happy, "So, do you mean that I will be a good partner?"

Wu Jing nodded heavily, "I admire your talent, your strength, and your mind. Working with you, I will definitely be able to realize my dream."

"What is your aspiration?"

"Become the second best martial arts actor in China after you, surpassing Li Lianjie and Chen Long!"

Chen Fei still admires this person. At least he dares to reveal his true feelings and his desire for success is deep enough.

Such a person usually has one advantage: as long as it is in the right direction, he will definitely work hard to climb!
As for the shortcomings, he is outspoken, does not know how to adapt, and has low emotional intelligence...

"I'll let the company know. Which company is your agency currently with? Is it about to expire?"

"Currently with Yong Sheng, the contract period will be up in half a month."


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, "How is the situation over there now?"

After achieving his goal, Wu Jing also relaxed a lot.

He curled his lips and said with some disdain: "I didn't believe it before, but after joining Yongsheng, I realized that oppression is everywhere, so it's no wonder that I broke up with Master Xing.

The atmosphere in the company has been very bad recently, cooperation with the mainland has been cut off, and most of the original filming plans have been cancelled.

Kyouta has been guarding the company recently, strictly prohibiting artists from accepting interviews with reporters at will, and all the paparazzi have been kicked out..."

As he spoke, Wu Jing's eyes wandered over Chen Fei's face.

This is actually no secret. Yong Sheng's current situation was almost caused by Chen Fei.

Many people in the circle are even speculating, how long will Xiang Huaqiang persist before he gives in?
Or, does he have other back-ups?

Chen Fei definitely couldn't wait here in Hong Kong. He still had a lot of schedule. How could he have time to play house with Xiang's family?

After the casting, he directly asked Huo Qigang to take him to the airport.

Next he had to fly to South Korea. "New World" was finished filming, and CJ called him to come over and support the show.

In addition, ShowBox contacted him through a special channel and wanted to discuss a cooperation with him.

The price offered by the other party was very high and the sincerity was very high. After checking his script library, Chen Fei agreed to the request to go to its headquarters for negotiation.

Although there are many eggs, they cannot be put in the same basket.

Put it in several baskets. Even if one basket is broken, the eggs in other baskets can fill the gap.

(End of this chapter)

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