It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 253: Use this to test cadres?Which cadre cannot withstand such a test!

Chapter 253: Use this to test cadres?Which cadre cannot withstand such a test!

When he landed in Seoul, it was still the people from CJ Company who were responsible for receiving him.

With a smile on his face, Pu Xihan bent down, bowed, and said hello... The lower-ranking people in this country are always very polite to the upper-ranking people.

"Director Chen, welcome to South Korea again."

"Well, you're welcome."

Chen Fei nodded slightly and looked around.

Flashing lights bloomed in all directions without concealment. From the moment Chen Fei got off the plane, his whereabouts had all fallen into the eyes of those who were interested.

"Reporter arranged by CJ?" Chen Fei asked curiously.

"Some of them were prepared by us, in order to increase the popularity of the movie, and some of them may be people from other media specially responsible for staying at the airport."

As he spoke, Pu Qihan led Chen Fei to the parking lot.

Someone along the way recognized him and shouted loudly:

"Chen Fei! Oppa!"



CJ was responsible for the distribution of "Source Code" in South Korea. The box office results were very good, and Chen Fei's popularity also increased a lot.

The female fans were very enthusiastic, and some of them were so enthusiastic that they rushed towards him crazily, but they were all stopped outside by the bodyguards.

Chen Fei vaguely remembered that the term "rice circle" seemed to have been introduced to China from South Korea. Looking at it now, it is indeed quite scary!

Fortunately, they walked faster, otherwise they might have been surrounded by enthusiastic female fans.

"Director Chen, as a token of friendship, there is a gift from me in the car."


Does this stick have a lot of heart?

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows in surprise, and couldn't help but wonder, what kind of gift was it, and why was it so mysterious?
And as Pu Qihan opened the car door for him personally, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

In the back seat, Li Zhien was sitting upright, with a little fear in his eyes at first, but after seeing that the person coming was Chen Fei, a bright smile instantly appeared on his face.


The 13-year-old girl is still in the bud-like state of a flower. Her big eyes are twinkling and she looks very cute.

Fade Chen sat next to her with a smile and touched the girl's little head.

"How did you come?"

"Senior Park said you were coming to South Korea, so he specially picked me up from the company and picked me up at the airport together."

From the passenger seat, Pu Qi smiled apologetically, "It's a bit self-inflicted. I hope Director Chen won't take offense."

"It's okay." Chen Fei replied and looked at the little girl again, "How do you feel about training as a trainee? Are you tired? You've lost weight no matter how you look at me?"

Li Zhien nodded lightly, "I am a little tired, but only by training hard can we achieve good results."


Heaving a sigh of relief, Pu Qihan quickly added: "Don't worry, Director Chen, Xijie will definitely take good care of her. Zhien is very smart and hardworking. She usually increases her training by herself..."

Chen Fei interrupted him: "How is her family arrangement going?"

"It's all done. Her family is in the food business, and CJ happens to be involved in this business, so the president decided to let her father be the agent for one of the company's food products..."

Bangzi is quite quick in handling matters. All procedures are handled by the consortium itself, which is quite convenient.

Driving all the way to the CJ headquarters, Chen Fei once again met the CJ company executives he saw when the last movie started.

It is inevitable to have another feast to welcome the wind.

However, during the banquet, a CJ executive suddenly said: "Director Chen, I heard that ShowBox is in contact with you recently?"

Chen Fei took a bite of the pickles and felt that the taste was a bit strange. He always felt like eating pickles from the Northeast, so he simply threw the remaining half of the pickles aside.

"Well, it does happen."

Hearing his admission without hesitation, the group of people at the table suddenly became nervous.

CJ and ShoeBox are competitors. The South Korean film market is already so big, so they compete fiercely for profits.

If Chen Fei is poached by ShoeBox, it will be a big loss for CJ!
The senior executive hurriedly added: "Director Chen, please be careful. The situation at ShoeBox is complex and ever-changing. What they are best at is using contract loopholes and conspiracies to compete for the interests of their partners."

"Oh? Really?" Chen Fei looked up at him curiously: "But they are quite generous over there."

The senior executive suddenly showed a nervous expression on his face: "Director Chen, that is just one of their tactics. We have an old saying in South Korea: If you show courtesy for nothing, you will be raped or stolen. You must not be fooled by them. "

Set a trap for me?

Chen Fei smiled: "Don't worry, I can develop to this point, and I'm definitely not too stupid. It's not easy to fool me."

As he spoke, he corrected him seriously: "Oh, by the way, I have to remind you that to be courteous for nothing is to commit adultery or to steal. This is an old Chinese saying. It comes from The West Chamber."


After a moment of silence, the senior executive smiled awkwardly: "Oh, really? I actually saw this sentence on the Internet last night. It is marked below that it came from a famous writer in South Korean history."

Chen Fei curled his lips and stopped talking to him.

Your experts also said that the Republic of Korea has a cultural history of 6000 years. This is like fart.


After the dinner, Park Qihan took the driver to send Chen Fei and Li Zhien to a villa area.

"This is the residence arranged by XJ for Miss Li Zhien. It is very safe. Director Chen, have a good rest. I will pick you up at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Chen Fei nodded, followed Li Zhien out of the car, opened the door and walked into the room.

Opening the door, the girl thoughtfully brought Chen Fei slippers, and then asked: "Oppa, do you want to take a bath? Or just take a shower? I'll go and put the bath water for you first."

"Let's take a dip. You'll be smelling of kimchi after all this meal."

"Okay, wait a moment."

While Li Zhien was filling the bath water, Chen Fei walked around the room and looked at the surrounding environment.

No monitoring…

"Oppa, the water is ready, it's time to wash." The girl shouted from downstairs.

After going downstairs and taking the men's pajamas prepared in advance from her, Chen Fei walked into the bathroom.

The water temperature in the bathtub is just right, and rose petals are specially sprinkled, which makes it smell fragrant.

"Oppa, you wash up first, I'll come in later."

"Don't bother." Chen Fei called to her.

"Ah?" Li Zhien didn't react for a while.

"Let's take a bath together." Chen Fei pointed to the position of the bathtub and said, "Help me squeeze my shoulders, they're very sore."



The warm air was turned on in the bathroom, and the water temperature was just right. Chen Fei lay quietly in the water, enjoying the massage from the soft, boneless hands.

It's just that the little girl was a little dishonest. She was still pressing her shoulders, but in the blink of an eye she slipped away, like a small fish.

"Just massage, don't move around." Chen Fei warned her.

"Oppa? Why?"

Li Zhien pouted, feeling a little unhappy. It was like this last time, why is it still like this this time?She was obviously working very hard to drink papaya juice.

"Underage, indefinite."



At nine o'clock sharp the next morning, Pu Qihan's car appeared at the door of the villa on time.

Chen Fei and Li Zhien walked out one after another and got into the car.

"Send her to the company first. She has already taken a day off. If she takes too long, she will not be able to keep up with the training progress."

"Okay." Pu Qihan nodded slightly.

"Oppa, when are you going back? Can I visit you during my vacation?"

The little girl blinked her watery eyes and looked at Chen Fei expectantly.

"It should be tonight's flight. There are quite a lot of things going on at home. Give me a call when you are on vacation. You are always welcome to come and play."


The name of the trainee company that XJ arranged for Li Zhien is "LOEN Entertainment", and she will be a trainee for 10 months, and will arrange for her to debut later.

Unlike other trainees, Li Zhien has not signed a contract with any company.

In Xijie's opinion, the girl's ownership belongs to Chen Fei, and what they are responsible for is only temporary "support".


The stars were shining brightly at the final scene.

A group of Korean artists who were very familiar to Chen Fei but whose names he couldn't name were surrounding the scene. Everyone was holding champagne, imitating the closing banquet at Oscar's.

After searching for a long time at the scene, Chen Fei finally saw a few actors whose names he could name.Gong Ryu, South Korea’s Last Man Ma Dong Suk, Kim Yoon Sil…

These are his favorite actors.

Especially Ma Dongxi. Although he has just debuted, his muscular body and round waist are still quite conspicuous among a group of people.

Chen Fei suddenly wanted to try, can this guy really knock people out with one slap?

But when he took the initiative to strike up a conversation, the other person's respectful gesture of bowing made him suppress his inner doubts.

Taking the initiative to ask you if I can fight seems a bit too abrupt...

The host at the scene shouted congratulations on the completion of "New World" on the stage, and invited the director and the creative team to come to the stage to give speeches.

Chen Fei was also among those invited, and he was still standing in the front row.

However, he didn't say much, he just wished the movie a great box office success and briefly praised the acting skills of several actors.


The closing banquet ended quickly, and Chen Fei did not stay too long because ShowBox's car was already waiting for him at the door of the hotel.

CJ's group of people looked at him with complicated eyes as they stared at him as he got into his competitor's car and then disappeared into the traffic.

One of the senior executives turned to look at Pu Qihan with solemn eyes: "We must take good care of that girl. She is an important link between our cooperation with Director Chen. We must ensure that her trainee process is safe and sound.

Also, go to the producer immediately and make a debut plan for her according to her style, and be sure to make her a national idol. "

Men understand the inner thoughts of their fellow men best.

CJ's senior management thought they had read Chen Fei's mind and felt that he was the kind of person who had a habit of developing fetishes. Otherwise, why would there be so many hot girls who didn't choose him, but they chose Li Zhien and specially arranged for her to be the one? Trainee.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious!
Nurture and desire to conquer, many people in South Korea love this...


A group of senior executives from CJ were trying to figure out Chen Fei's psychology, and at ShoeBox, Chen Fei met an acquaintance.

That mamasang young woman!
"Director Chen, we meet again. Forgive me, I didn't recognize you last time."

Chen Fei looked at her with some surprise and said in amazement: "I didn't expect that you are actually from ShowBox company?"

"Meet Zhu Zhihui, SM's trainee manager and deputy director of artist management at ShowBox."


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, suddenly having a clear understanding of the chaos in South Korea.

As a trainee agent, he is actually the person in charge of a well-known club and one of the top executives of a film and television agency.

What a mess!

This nepotism is really complicated!
Chen Fei was trying hard to smooth out the relationship, but Zhu Zhihui suddenly pointed his finger at a middle-aged man next to him: "Let me introduce to you, this is Park Bucheng, the producer of ShowBox Film and Television Department."

"'s always good."

Chen Fei reached out and shook hands with him, muttering to himself, the name of this stick is really strange.

"I understand that you haven't eaten yet, so we have prepared a rich reception banquet and a wonderful welcome program."


Following the other party into a private room, Chen Fei saw what the other party called a "wonderful show" in addition to the familiar kimchi on the table.

Nine girls with different styles were waiting in the box. Seeing them come in, they all bowed and said hello.

"Hello Director Chen, thank you. Welcome to ShowBox. I hope you will have a home away from home experience."

What the hell is it that suddenly feels like entering a brothel?

Park Bucheng happily invited Chen Fei to the first place, and then sat on his left hand, while Zhu Zhihui took a seat on his right hand.

A group of other senior executives sat in the seats they should sit in according to their position.


Zhu Zhihui clapped his hands, and the girls walked straight to a small stage opposite the box, and danced passionately to the rhythm of music that Chen Fei didn't understand.

Grandma has legs?

Take this to test the cadres?

Which cadre cannot withstand such a test?

Zhu Zhihui lay next to his ear, exhaling like a blue breath, and introduced in a low voice: "This is Girls' Generation, a new group launched by SM Company. It is expected to debut in 07. Director Chen, can you take a look and see if you like it? "

Girls' Generation?

You are challenging my weakness!

By the way, who is Lin Yuner?

"Ahem." Chen Fei suddenly became serious: "I'm hungry, let's eat first."

"To Director Chen."

One advantage of dining with a group of polite people is that each of these people speaks better than the other, and the compliments come out as if they are free.

During the banquet, while several girls from Girls' Generation came over to toast, Chen Fei also remembered everyone's names.

Maybe it's because she hasn't grown yet. Lin Yuer is not as cute now as she will be when she grows up, and her little face still has a trace of baby fat.

Born in 1990, she has just turned 16 this year and will not officially become an adult for another three years.

The three words "underage" still failed to break through Chen Fei's weakness!

After eating, the group headed to the conference room.

Park Bucheng said very sincerely: "We very much hope to cooperate with you. We uphold a sincere attitude and promise to be more generous than CJ."

40.00% box office + copyright share!

This is the sincerity conveyed to Chen Fei by someone from ShowBox, which is 5.00% higher than that from CJ.

But don’t underestimate this 5%. If the unit of measurement is US dollars, and combined with a movie with a huge reputation, this 5% is at least a gap of tens of millions of dollars.

Chen Fei had already decided before coming. He was going to try putting his eggs in two baskets.

Since the other party showed such sincerity, he would naturally not be stingy.

Anyway, these Korean scripts are just gathering dust in the script library. Simply not taking them out and exchanging them for money can also increase their popularity.

why not?

"I believe in ShowBox's sincerity."

Chen Fei chuckled, took out a script from his bag, and handed it to Park Bucheng who was sitting opposite.

The other party showed great importance. He stood up suddenly, bent down slightly, stretched out his hands, and showed a look of surprise on his face.

After taking the script, I saw two words marked on it.

Park Bucheng didn't even open the script, and directly led a group of guests in the conference room to bow: "Thank you very much. I can promise you that the next cooperation will be very smooth."

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Chen Fei's record of "fighting and winning" has spread throughout the South Korean entertainment industry!
What's more, his Oscar for Best Screenplay and Berlin Film Festival's Golden Bear Award are really impressive. These two awards alone are enough to make him famous in the South Korean entertainment industry.

Zhu Zhihui asked thoughtfully: "Is there anything else you need to tell me?"


Chen Fei was silent for a while and said: "That Lin Yuner just now is pretty good. Let's arrange for her to play a role in the movie."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the conference room brightened up, and the smile on Zhu Zhihui's face became even brighter.

When doing business, what you are most afraid of is a partner who has no desires or demands. It is really difficult to enhance the relationship with that kind of people. Maybe there will be no chance to continue cooperation after this time.

But if a partner is willing to make demands, regardless of whether they are demands that cannot be put on the table, this is considered to be sending a signal.

The cooperation can continue!

Zhu Zhihui stood up and said with a smile: "It's quite late. I've prepared a room for you in the hotel next door. I'll arrange for Yun'er to take you to rest."

Here I have to mention the class divisions in the South Korean entertainment industry.

Chungmuro ​​movie actors > TV drama actors > singers > idols > comedians.

Although idols are not ranked at the bottom, in the eyes of real financial groups and capital, they are almost like commodities, the kind of items that can be traded at any time!

"Girls' Generation" is obviously also within the scope of being traded. The only difference may be that they are facing high-level figures.

Mudd! You gave away a 16-year-old girl who was not yet an adult?
Chen Fei secretly complained, shook his head, and glanced at his watch.

It was exactly six o'clock in the afternoon.

Too late!
"Take me to the airport. I'll keep you there for now. We'll talk about it later. I have a lot of things waiting for me in the country. I don't have time to stay here any longer."


Park Bucheng quickly took over the topic, took out his mobile phone and started arranging the driver.

Zhu Zhihui was a little disappointed, but still smiled and said: "I will ask Yoon'er, and the filming of the movie will be arranged for her. We look forward to your visit again."

"See you."

Chen Fei waved his hand casually, briefly sorted out the things in his backpack, and "accidentally" revealed several scripts.

A group of stickmen watched eagerly, and some even couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Rich and generous...

(End of this chapter)

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