It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 254 Entering Level 3 films?The premiere of the famous scene of War for the Planet of the Ape

Chapter 254 Entering the third-level film?The famous premiere scene... War for the Planet of the Apes is in theaters!Big bang!
Just after returning to China, two pieces of news came from Hong Kong Island.

"China Star's stock price fell to the limit due to external adverse factors. The founder Xiang Huaqiang actively sought changes, had the courage to pioneer and innovate, and sought external support. He has now reached a cooperative relationship with Japan's "Toei Co., Ltd." and "Nikkatsu Co., Ltd." and has full power. Representing its film and television works.”

"Yongsheng Film Company announced that it has reached a cooperation with "Kadokawa Pictures Co., Ltd." and its artists will go to Tokyo to shoot movies, aiming for Oscar..."

Have you co-produced a third-level film with Xiaorizu?
Chen Fei curled his lips, with a hint of ridicule on his face.

He thought that Xiang Huaqiang had some way to break the situation, but it turned out that he had gone to work as a traitor in his childhood.

Not to mention, Kyouta's temperament is indeed similar to those of women wearing kimonos.

By the way, there seem to be several high-quality scripts from Little Days in the script library, how about...

Check him? !

While driving with Ning Hao to the premiere of "A City of Gold", Chen Fei paid special attention to the situation in the TV drama circle.

The ratings of "Young Bao Qingtian 3: Legend of Tianmang" starring Deng Chao and Shi Xiaolong were slightly mediocre.

The audience found it hard to accept that Bao Qingtian was obviously a famous historical figure, but "Shaobao 3" turned such a famous historical figure into a fool, which was a bit of a "spoof". It was really difficult to reconcile with that fair and honest character. , the witty and clever Bao Qingtian.

The Chinese costume historical TV series "The Legend of Xue Rengui" starring Bao Jianfeng, Jin Qiaoqiao, Wang Weiguo, Zhang Tielin and others is currently on the air, and once entered the top ten in the annual ratings.

There are rumors that although Shu Chang, Cao Ying, Hu Jing and others competed for the role of the female lead Princess Zhaoyang, it was finally decided that Jin Qiaoqiao would play the role. It is suspected that there is an amazing inside story!
The costume TV series "Young Generals of the Yang Family" starring Hu Ge, Liu Shishi, Peter Ho, Peng Yuyan, Yuan Hong, Chen Long and others is having its national premiere on Oriental Movie Channel.

Chen Fei vaguely remembered that this TV series seemed to be banned later, and he didn't know why?
"Eight Formations of Gods and Ghosts" invested and filmed by Zhou Yi is also online, starring Zhou Yi's old team such as Bo, Cai Shaofen, and Zhou Huanmei.

The costume fantasy TV series is still in the style of Zhouyi, with an average ratings of 10.4%, an average share of 20.8%, and a mid-range response.

In addition, the first season of the "Country Love" series starring Uncle Benshan has also been officially launched on CCTV.

This drama is not ordinary, there are more than a dozen of them produced, and I heard that it has become a household name in the Northeast.

Judging from the comprehensive data, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" currently ranks first in the TV drama ratings in 06. Yang Guo and Xiao Longnu are loved by audiences across the country.

The second overall ranking is "Soldier Assault".

There will also be "The Unruly Princess" and "The Reign of Zhenguan" in the coming December. If nothing else happens, the ratings rankings will not change much.


Arriving at the premiere, it was a star-studded scene!
Zhang Weiping led Chow Yun-fat, Gong Li, Liu Ye, Zhou Jielun, Li Man, Ni Dahong and other creatives to greet the guests who came to attend the premiere outside the hotel.

"Haha, welcome Director Chen, the director of the 4 million box office club, so awesome..."

Zhang Weiping had a very eager expression on his face, not at all as arrogant as when he faced the media and reporters abroad.

"Where is Director Zhang?" Chen Fei looked around, but could not see Zhang Yimou.

Zhang Weiping looked attentive: "I am still preparing for the Olympics in Australia. I am not here today. Director Chen will go and sit down first."

The protagonist is not here?

Chen Fei lost interest in an instant. He was still thinking about talking to Zhang Yimou about the Olympic torchbearers, and he didn't know how to arrange it.

But since no one is here, there's nothing we can do. Just sit there for a while and then leave.

But he never expected that as soon as he walked into the venue, Chen Fei was stopped by Jing Tian and Lu Zheng who were coming towards him.

"Director Chen, Director Ning, long time no see."

"Mr. Lu? Haha, it's been a long time indeed."

While the two were chatting, they saw Jing Tian standing beside him eager to try, as if he wanted to say something, but he was a little scared.

"What's wrong, is something wrong?"

Chen Fei glanced at her curiously, and the girl's pretty face instantly turned red.

Although a little shy, Jing Tian still gritted his teeth and summoned up the courage: "Director Chen, Director Ning, my film press conference and EP press conference will be held at the end of the month at the same time. Do you two have time to attend?"



Tsk, it’s finally here.

Looking at the girl in front of him with big eyes flashing and full of expectation, Chen Fei turned his head and looked at each other with Ning Hao.

"If I am still in China, I will definitely attend. Even if I don't have time, Director Ning will definitely go. At least he will still be your MV director."

"Okay, thank you, Director Chen, thank you, Director Ning."

A smile that was no weaker than Liu Yifei's broke out on the girl's face. It was so bright that Chen Fei couldn't help but think of "Si Teng".

"Looking forward to your visit..."

Lu Zheng exchanged a final greeting and then led Jing Tian away.

Ning Hao watched them leave with some emotion: "This girl is quite good, but her acting skills are not that good. She will be frustrated when she plays the heroine as soon as she comes on."

"Who says it isn't?" Chen Fei shrugged, secretly thinking it was a pity.

If this girl was given to him for praise, she would definitely start her career in TV dramas and hone her acting skills along the way.

To describe Jing Tian’s development in one sentence: She becomes a movie heroine, but she fails as a movie heroine!

Chen Fei also saw Jiang Wen at the scene.

This guy is really awesome. It took a year and a half to make a literary film. If it doesn't win awards from the three major European movies, the film will lose a lot of money!

"Chen Fei, come on, come and sit here, stay away from Lu Chuan."

"Hey? Please keep your voice down, there are reporters here."

Chen Fei looked helpless when he heard Jiang Wenfang calling him.

This guy really doesn't mind the excitement.

Many people in the venue heard his shouting and cast admiring glances, while Lu Chuan stared at him with a look of resentment.

The unpleasant past of the "Gun Hunting" crew seems to have surfaced again.

Coming to Jiang Wen, Chen Fei asked directly: "I heard that Director Jiang is going to participate in the Venice International Film Festival? Are you confident?"

Waving his hand rather free and easy, Jiang Wen responded casually: "It doesn't matter whether you have it or not. The arrow is on the string and it has to be fired."

As he said that, he asked again: "What's going on with your movie? Are you going to compete with Lu Chuan at Cannes?"

"Yes, competing for Cannes, I hope I can gain something."


Everyone in the audience was socializing, while the host was talking hard about the highlights of the movie.

After Zhang Weiping came on stage and finished his speech, the movie officially started.

Jiang Wen, Chen Fei, and Ning Hao simply sat in a row, staring at the screen, looking forward to the exciting scenes in the next movie.

During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period, the king (played by Chow Yun-fat) of a small country returned from a victorious battle. The queen (played by Gong Li), the prince Yuanxiang (played by Liu Ye) and the third prince Yuancheng (played by Qin Junjie) hurriedly dressed up and prepared to welcome the king's master. Unexpectedly, they were The messenger informed Wang and the second prince Yuan Jie (played by Zhou Jielun) that they would spend the night repairing at the suburban post station before returning...

The film investment is as high as 3.6 million yuan, and even the photography equipment is rented from the United States.

For the image of the actors, the crew produced more than 3000 sets of costumes, and the cost of costumes alone exceeded 1000 million yuan!
The theme song "Chrysanthemum Terrace" is very nice, the perspective effect is also great, and the lines are even more shocking!
"Feng Zhaoxiang, sun and moonlight, rising from the four seas, opening up territory, benevolence, wisdom and trust, etiquette and loyalty, honest and virtuous, holy kings, inheriting the way of heaven, longevity and longevity, Haotian becoming the destiny, transforming all nations!"

"Everything in the world is yours if I give it to you. If I don't give it to you, you can't take it away!"

"What crime should the prince commit for treason?"


There are so many famous scenes in the movie!

Putting aside the plot and just talking about the perspective effect, Chen Fei was sincerely impressed.

Three Thousand Beauties in the Harem, Color Matching, Chrysanthemum Terrace, Square Formation, Battle of Gold and Silver...

Lao Mouzi does have two skills in creating big scenes.

The only thing that Chen Fei felt was a pity was that the army in Golden Armor was not as oppressive as in "Heroes". The black armor with red tassels was much more handsome than the gold and silver armor!


After watching the 113-minute movie, commotion broke out in the venue.

Some were shocked, some frowned, some ridiculed, some sneered, some admired...

Chen Fei noticed that the name "Zhang Tianai" appeared on the final thank you subtitle. Lao Mouzi did much better than Feng Xiao in this regard.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Wen's voice suddenly sounded in Chen Fei's ears: "You are all great directors and you shoot big scenes. Can you give us your evaluation?"

"The perspective effect and commercial elements are good, but it's a pity that it doesn't have the atmosphere of a hero."

Chen Fei shook his head with some regret, stood up and prepared to leave first. He didn't want to talk to the reporters about his views on the movie. It was pointless.

The release of "Ink Attack" continues.

There is a very special situation in the entertainment industry. It is very difficult for actors who are beautiful and handsome to prove their acting skills in awards!

Just like Fan Ye.

During this period, Chen Fei paid attention to a lot of her speeches in front of reporters. When talking about her acting skills and some situations during filming, her expressions were very pertinent, at least much better than another person named Li.


~After attending the premiere, Chen Fei flew directly to Hollywood without staying too much in the mainland.

There are less than ten days left before the release of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". The promotion in North America is in full swing, and he, as a director, also needs to go to the platform.

The feature film "The Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith has also been released in North American theaters as scheduled. Chen Fei sincerely admires this macho man who dared to slap his face at the Oscars!

He went to the theater to donate a movie ticket to the movie.

It is worthy of being one of the representative figures guaranteed to be a box office hit, and his acting skills are really great.

He plays a single father who lives in poverty, has experienced troughs in life, suffered hardships but still worked hard, and finally succeeded in starting a business and became a financial investment expert.

For the portrayal of the characters in the play, Will Smith performed just right.

"If you have a dream, defend it!"

"When people can't do something, they will say that you can't do it too. Don't trust the judgment of others."

“When you have a goal, you have to go all out!”

After watching this movie, Chen Fei felt deeply.

There is currently no director in China who can make this kind of inspirational movie. Most of the movies on the road to chasing dreams are very superficial, making it difficult for people to empathize with them.

"Maybe I can do it in the future."

Chen Fei murmured, breathing in the air of a foreign country, feeling only the sour smell of car exhaust.

The air abroad is not fresh at all!

The first-day box office of "The City of Gold" was reported to be only 1500 million yuan, which was barely close to the tail end of "Source Code".

Zhang Weiping's interview abroad was uncovered, and his face was slapped with a "slap" sound.

Online reviews so far have been positive, but Douban ratings are plummeting.

As soon as some idiosyncratic comments come to the fore, they will be under heavy pressure. It is obvious that New Picture is controlling them.

But what Zhang Weiping doesn't know is that sometimes the stronger the suppression, the more terrifying the final rebound will be!
Media Asia sent an invitation letter to invite Chen Fei to attend the premiere of "Hurt City", and Zhuang Cheng even called him personally.

Chen Fei rejected the offer on the grounds that he wanted to promote "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

In order to participate in the selection of Oscars and Golden Globe Awards, "War for the Planet of the Apes" had a small-scale premiere in Hawaii in advance. The attendance rate reached 95% and the response from fans was excellent!
As a competitor among Category A production films of the same period, the fantasy comedy "Night at the Museum" produced by 20th Century Fox Film Company has also been receiving strong publicity recently.

On the 17th, "Night at the Museum" premiered in New York.

Chen Fei happened to be in New York at the time and simply bought a ticket to attend the premiere.

The story is great and it is a movie suitable for all ages. You can see countless fantastic landscapes during the movie.

The film combines the highlights of several movie genres, the whimsy of fantasy films, the daily landscape of family films, and the confrontation between good and evil in action films, all of which are integrated within the framework of a comedy.

"As expected of Sean Levy, his directing skills are really awesome!"

Natasha was a little nervous and asked Chen Fei for his opinion, hoping that he would make a fair comparison between "Night at the Museum" and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

After thinking for a moment, Chen Fei gave four words.

"Compared to!"

"Huh..." Natasha let out a long breath, and was quite excited: "Then I can rest assured, the investment in "Night at the Museum" is comparable to our movie."

Chen Fei shook his head and laughed.

"Don't worry, you won't lose money."

In the previous life, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was just a 2D movie with a production cost of only US$9000 million.

But even so, this movie still earned nearly [-] million US dollars in box office and good reputation around the world!
This time, Chen Fei mentioned the investment to the standard of Class A production, which is divided into two production modes: 2D and 3D. He is very confident that this movie will definitely surprise him!


As the release date approaches, Chen Fei is busy every day, participating in various promotional activities.

Huo Qigang called and informed him that the creative team of "October Siege" had finally been decided, and the scene setting and filming would begin next.

Among other things, he brought another piece of news.

Warner decided to withdraw from the domestic market due to radio and television policies. Yonghua Cinema, which has been the box office champion of theaters for several consecutive years, is about to change shareholders.

At the same time, a large number of cinemas controlled by foreign investors were forced to transfer part of their shares or sell them outright.

"This is a good opportunity!"

Chen Fei's eyes lit up and he quickly asked: "Is there any chance of merger or acquisition? If you buy a mature theater, you can make a profit instead of investing in construction."

"Of course there is, but we have to say hello to China Film and Shanghai Film Group. Only with the permission of those companies with the prefix "国" can we eat this piece of cake."

"Okay, I'll get in touch."


When receiving Chen Fei's call, Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun first expressed surprise, but then agreed to his request to become a shareholder.

"You kid? Do you want to take it all from the upstream to the downstream?"

"I don't have that ability. I just feel that the future film market will be a blue ocean. Make some preparations in advance to avoid falling behind too much."

"It's okay to enter the market, but you can only share the money by holding shares, and the management rights will definitely not be given to you."

"It doesn't matter, just think of buying a fund."


Since you have decided to participate in the Oscar selection, some banquets and activities are definitely indispensable.

Chen Fei has been frequently participating in various banquets recently.

And through hearing and seeing, he gradually discovered that the class differentiation in Hollywood is also quite strange.

The eight major film giants have always looked down upon the independent film industry, and the independent film companies founded by Lionsgate and some famous movie stars have also had a long-standing feud with the eight major film giants.

Although the two parties often cooperate, the competition is also very fierce.

The two parties are in the kind of relationship where when they meet, they say "Hello, I'm hello, everyone", but after they separate, they will do cruel things behind their backs!

Chen Fei is barely a special case, because he is doing well in the independent film industry, and he also gets along well with Universal Pictures and Sony Columbia Pictures.

As for 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Warner Bros., etc., they can be considered to have friendly relationships.

Only Disney has never treated him well. Occasionally, when he meets Disney producers at some events, they are also very cold.

Chen Fei didn't know if he had offended the other party, but he didn't care too much.

Just ignore him. Is it possible that he can't live without the other person?
He doesn't have the habit of kneeling down and licking foreigners.


In this way, as time flies by, the 23rd is finally here!
Many people at home and abroad are paying attention to Chen Fei's first A-class film production.

Is it going to bring down MGM like Wu Yu's "Wind Whisperer"?Or is it like "Pirates of the Caribbean" that made Walt Disney famous?
The success or failure of this film is related to Chen Fei's honor and status in Hollywood, as well as to the financial report of Volton Pictures for 06. It also determines whether the mainland film and television industry will be riddled with thorns on the road of "going outward". , it’s still a smooth journey!

"Night at the Museum" was released on the 22nd, with a box office of 2427 million US dollars on the first day, which can be said to be a huge success.

But now, the pressure is on Chen Fei!
On the 23rd, Natasha specially booked a theater and invited all the company's employees and the film's creative team to the theater.

Since you want to watch a movie, it is natural to choose 3D mode.

Wearing 3D glasses, everyone looked at the large 3D screen in front of them, preparing for a hearty 3D experience.

Through the perspective of Caesar, an orangutan who was treated with drugs to improve his intelligence, the film shows the audience the story of an orangutan who was used as a scientific experiment and began to rebel against humans after possessing human emotions and thinking abilities.

Inheriting the wisdom brought by the drug ALZ-112 from his mother, Caesar learned games, drawing, sign language and other skills in three years under the guidance of the male protagonist Will.

For some special reasons, Caesar was put in "prison" and was humiliated!

The disappointed Caesar began to use his wisdom to change his status in the ape group, and planned to take the apes trapped here out of the care center.

He sneaked into his home and stole ALZ-113 to enhance the intelligence of his ape companions. After a collective plan, the apes destroyed the care center and escaped, and then went to Gen-Sys to rescue the chimpanzees being used for experiments.

At this point, the apes were rounded up by the human army and police. After a chase, Caesar fled to the redwood forest with the apes.

Will arrived and tried to persuade Caesar to go home with him, but Caesar resolutely refused!
And when Caesar said the words "Caesar is home" in Will's ear, the whole theater instantly burst into uproar, because this meant that it already had a self, and it also meant that the battle between man and ape had officially begun. !
In addition, there is an Easter egg at the end of the film.

The man whose face was sprayed with blood turned out to be a captain. ALZ-113, which is harmless to apes but fatal to humans, is spreading to all parts of the world through flights!

This also paved the way for the filming of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2".

After a long 24 hours, before dawn, everyone was waiting in the company, waiting for the summary of the box office on the first day.

"Jingle Bell!"

The piercing ringtone of the phone made everyone in the office area start to feel their hearts beat faster!
Natasha picked up the phone, took a deep breath, and pressed the connect button.

A very excited voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone:

"First-day box office in North America: US$3770 million! Congratulations! Another success!"


In an instant, cheers, screams, and shouts resounded throughout the company, driving away the rich and deep darkness before the sun rose!

(End of this chapter)

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