It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 255 Breaking records repeatedly!Victoria's Secret, is it wrong to be handsome?

Chapter 255 Breaking records repeatedly!Victoria's Secret, is it wrong to be handsome? (asking for monthly ticket)

3770 million dollars!
When this number appeared on the headlines of major media, it instantly caused a sensation throughout Hollywood!

"Night at the Museum" opened with a box office of 2427 on the first day, which has shocked the entire Hollywood. According to this trend, combined with the evaluation of Rotten Tomatoes, it is absolutely certain that the box office will exceed 4 million US dollars.

The mature Hollywood film industry can already predict the final box office trend from various data surveys.

Twentieth Century Fox is definitely making money this time.

But when "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" suddenly showed up with $3770 million, various media and film critics took notice.

This data is very rare even in the history of Hollywood movies!

If in the next few days, the audience thinks this is a good movie, then it is very possible that the box office will exceed 5 million, or even 6 million!

And the most important thing is that it is a 3D movie!

3D movie tickets are much more valuable than regular 2D movie tickets!

Major media outlets rushed to report, and some TV stations and talk shows sent invitations to Chen Fei and the main actors of the movie, hoping that they could come to participate in the show.

Just one day later, more than 5 viewers rated the film on the Rotten Tomatoes movie website, which rated the film’s freshness as high as 70%!

In comparison, "Night at the Museum" on the other side only had 2 reviews.

Lionsgate, New Line, Marvel and many other companies have sent congratulatory emails, wishing continued success at the global box office, and also congratulating Chen Fei for officially crossing the threshold of Class A film production.

On the morning of the 25th, the next day’s North American box office data was released on time.

3814 million dollars!
"Oh! My God! It's still going up?"

Looking at the data published in the newspaper, Bruce was filled with disbelief!

It is quite rare for the box office to increase on the second day. In everyone's subconscious mind, the highest box office should be on the first day, and then it will decrease successively.

Everyone was shocked, except Chen Fei who was quite calm.

The reason for the increase is simple, because after a day of fermentation, articles by some famous Hollywood film critics began to be published online.

The famous reviewer Pepe Lozano published an article saying: "The film suddenly made me start to reflect on the unreasonableness of scientists in real life using orangutans or other animals for experiments, and more importantly, it caused reflection At the same time, the film is a pure entertainment film with wonderful action scenes, suspenseful comedy effects and stunning visual special effects."

Slate reviewer Dana Stevens commented: "The ape army in Planet Rising looks great using a mixture of motion capture and digital animation, and the fight choreography in the film imaginatively explores the relationship between apes and The possibility of human war.

The fact that a movie starring a CGI chimpanzee can achieve this level of emotional resonance is largely due to the performance of Andy Serkis.

While the question of whether a motion-capture performance like Serkis's is Oscar-worthy is still up for debate, War for the Planet of the Apes will serve as a declaration of liberation, not just for the world's oppressed apes, but for A growing team of motion capture actors. "

Reviewer Owen Gleiberman commented: "This movie should be a warning movie to some extent, but unfortunately, the filmmakers did not bother to think about what the movie should warn about. These Apes may be smart, but with the exception of Caesar, the other orangutans are just decorations..."


The articles published by these famous film critics will attract a large number of passers-by and let them enter the theater with expectations.

After confirming that the style and content of the film meet their expectations, these casual fans will quickly turn into die-hard fans and start introducing the film to their relatives and friends.

Based on this, the box office is still in a stable state and there is no significant downward trend.


According to the data guidance after the release of a Hollywood Class A production blockbuster, the first three days before filming is a very important watershed.

Because the highest box office revenue is in the first three days, followed by the first week, and then it will gradually enter the next reprieve...

On the morning of the 26th, the media disclosed the three-day box office data of "War for the Planet of the Apes".

1.12 billion dollars!
As soon as the news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar in Hollywood!

Breaking [-] million in three days?

Why so crazy?
Is this a rush to see God?
Sony Columbia, Universal Pictures, Lionsgate, New Line, 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Warner Bros.…

A steady stream of calls came to Chen Fei. Without exception, they all wanted to have more in-depth cooperation with him.

In the face of interests, the eight major Hollywood companies and independent film companies are all fake!
Working together to create beautiful knives is the right thing to do!
After discussing with Natasha, Walton Pictures held a celebration dinner and specially invited many famous producers, directors, and actors in the industry.

The stars were shining brightly at the dinner party!
There are a lot of Hollywood actors and actresses. Although it is not as spectacular as the Oscars, it is definitely comparable to the Golden Globe Awards for film and television.

Chen Fei and Natasha arrived at the dinner in a Rolls-Royce.

Seeing the two people walking in, Bruce stepped forward quickly and said, "Walt Disney didn't reply to our email, and they didn't send anyone to attend the celebration dinner."

Natasha curled her lips and did not reply. Some past events that made her angry suddenly appeared in her mind.

Chen Fei smiled and shrugged nonchalantly: "Forget it if you don't come. If you have more of them, it's not too much. If you have less of them, it's not too little."

Just as he was talking, a laugh suddenly came from the side: "Fei, long time no see. Congratulations on your box office success."

Chen Fei turned his head and saw Leonardo walking over with a cheerful look and a smile.

The two had exchanged contact information after the last meeting at Oscar, but they had never contacted each other.

"Thank you for your congratulations." Chen Fei smiled and nodded.

But just when he was about to greet the other party politely, he saw Leonardo put his hand into his pocket with a wicked smile, and then took out three invitations.

"Bruce, this is what you want. Remember the agreement you made with me."

"Oh! My God, thank you for your generosity. Don't worry, I will remember it."

What the hell?
Chen Fei curiously looked over and saw a few English words written on those invitations.

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show


Two guys who love female models the most are having sex!

"Fuck, all men in the world are the same." Natasha snorted and walked away quickly.

Her "girlfriend" also came to the scene today.

Leonardo didn't stay here too long. He picked up a glass of red wine and went to strike up a conversation with a tall girl in a very gentlemanly manner.

Chen Fei looked at Bruce with some curiosity: "Why do you want the invitation letter from the Victoria's Secret Show? Also, what did you promise him?"

Bruce grinned and handed Chen Fei an invitation letter.

"Fei, here is your share. Didn't you ask me to improve Crystal's aesthetics before? What better place than the Victoria's Secret Show?
As for the agreement, I just told him that if you make a foreign language film that hits the top three in Europe in the future, you will be the first to choose him as the leading actor. "

I Nima...

Chen Fei looked depressed. Is this guy trying to pluck himself out?
If it weren't for the fact that he also gave me a Victoria's Secret invitation letter by the way, I wouldn't be able to forgive him no matter what happened today!

This kind of celebration dinner is actually nothing. Everyone just eats, drinks, and exchanges friendships with each other.

However, because the organizer was Waltons Pictures, Chen Fei naturally became the center of the dinner.

First, a group of well-known producers chatted around him for a long time, and they all expressed their desire to cooperate and the generous conditions they could offer.

What followed was a social gathering with a group of well-known Hollywood male and female stars.

Will Smith also came to the dinner today.

"I went to see your movie a few days ago. It was great and shocking!"

"Thank you for your compliment." Will Smith also said seriously: ""Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is really great. The special effects, CG images, and film concept are all worth thinking about..."

Although there was no one from Disney, Depp came to the scene.

Perhaps because he was too involved in the drama, Chen Fei always felt that he had some mental problems, and it was really difficult to follow his thoughts when chatting...

What surprised him most was that both Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise came to the dinner.

Needless to say about the latter, the nickname "Tom Cruise" is resounding both at home and abroad, and is very affectionate.

As for the former...

Pure idol!

Chen Fei still clearly remembers that when a media interviewed Tom Hanks, he asked him: "What do you think about the success of "The Shawshank Redemption" that you rejected?"

This "acting master who has never made a bad movie in his life" responded like this:
"I was filming 'Forrest Gump.'"

OMG!So cool!

"Philadelphia Story", "Forrest Gump", "Cast Away", "Cat and Mouse Game"...

Chen Fei has not missed any of the movies he starred in, and even made a special effort to give each one a second or third shot.

Chen Fei was still a little curious at first. Logically speaking, such an actor should not need to continue to participate in these entertainments, right?

Fame and altruism have both been obtained, and these should not be what he pursues.

It wasn't until he greeted the other party that he understood what the Oscar-winning actor was thinking.

"Fei, it's nice to meet you. I really like your films "Buried Alive" and "No Man's Land". The concepts are very far-reaching and shocking!"

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly realized.Since Universal Pictures bought the rights to "No Man's Land", it has begun preparations for adaptation and filming, and now it has been completed.

I think Tom Hanks must have seen the finished film shot by Universal Pictures, and also paid attention to the original film.

"I'm glad to get your approval..."

Chen Fei responded politely and specially exchanged contact information with the other party.

He finally understood that these Oscar-winning actors and actresses were actually here for his reputation as a Golden Bear-winning director.

For them, Oscar no longer has any temptation (except for Leonardo DiCaprio). What they want to pursue more is the top three in Europe!
Golden Bear, Golden Lion, Golden Palm…

These three trophies have a very strong appeal to both directors and actors, tempting countless people to rush for them!

This celebration dinner was very successful, at least in the eyes of the media, it was very representative.

It is indeed rare to see so many well-known Hollywood producers, movie stars and actresses gathered at a non-Oscar awards ceremony!

The name "Chen Fei" has been mentioned constantly, and even the two movies "Iron Man" and "Twilight" have caused a lot of enthusiasm.

A Category A production directly launched him into the ranks of Hollywood directors, and the contact information of many actors and actresses was added to his address book.

Although there is a time difference between North America and China, due to the presence of portals such as Sina, NetEase, Sohu, and Six Princesses, as well as media people, news from abroad is still continuously sent back.

3770 million dollars!
3814 million dollars!
3652 million dollars!

As the North American box office data of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" continues to appear on the headlines of major portal websites, mainland film and television companies and actors gradually changed from shock to horror!
The box office exceeded 1 million in three days, hit 1.8 million in five days, and successfully exceeded 2 million in one week...

Although the North American box office data experienced a sharp drop after seven days, it took only one week for "War for the Planet of the Apes" to have earned back the cost of the film.

And in the following time, it will be a fun and exciting moment of "making money"!
According to this growth trend, the box office in North America alone can exceed US$4 million. What about other theaters around the world?

At least 7 million!

The 3D movie tickets are really expensive, but the 3D viewing effect is really good, and all the movie fans who watched it were full of praise!

Keep doing the math...

With a revenue of US$7 million, according to the 50% sharing model of North American theaters, at least US$3.5 million can be obtained. After deducting the US$1 million production cost, there is still US$2.5 million.

20 billion RMB! ! !

When this number was placed on the desks of various film and television company bosses, a group of people were shocked.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Wang Zhonglei was breathing heavily, his eyes were red, and he was mumbling to himself:

"If "The King of Kung Fu" can achieve such results, how much money can Huayi, one of the investors, get?"

The answer quickly appeared in his mind.

At least 10 billion yuan!
With this money, the big hole that "The Night Banquet" and "Baby Project" lost before can be filled, and Huayi can also use this to achieve a big development...

Thinking of this, he could no longer contain his excitement.

"I'm going to follow up on the filming of "The King of Kung Fu" myself."

Wang Zhongjun didn't stop him. Even he couldn't contain the envy and shock in his heart when he looked at this data.

too exaggerated!

It’s really too exaggerated!

"Immediately start the 3D screen development plan, and we must ensure that in the next theater development plan, every theater has at least one 3D screen."

In the office of Wanda Pictures, Ye Ning's eyes were red at the moment when he looked at the box office data and attendance rate sent by the people below!

He never expected that even though a week had passed, the 3D screen still maintained an attendance rate of 95%.

Even including the midnight show, the attendance rate was as high as 90%!

In comparison, the attendance rate of 2D has been declining.

It can be seen that it is not that movie fans have no money in their pockets, it is simply that the quality of the film is not good enough!

If every movie could be as story-telling and entertaining as "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", many people would be willing to pay high prices for 3D movie tickets.

For a time, not only Wanda, but also China Film, Shanghai Film, Bona, Guangguang, etc. all set their sights on the expansion of 3D and IMAX giant screen halls.


There are constant actions in the Mainland, but in Hollywood, Chen Feizheng, Bruce and Liu Yifei came to the Kodak Theater.

The Kodak Theater, also known as the Dolby Theater, is the venue for the Academy Awards and has 3400 seats.

This time the Victoria's Secret show will be held here.

Just like attending the Academy Awards, the seats for the Victoria's Secret Show are also separated by distance, but since it is an invitation from Leonardo, the seats will definitely not be at the back.

Sure enough, when the staff led them to the front row, Chen Fei secretly sighed.

As expected of DiCaprio whose girlfriend will never be over 25 years old!

Not long after the three of them sat down, Leonardo walked in from outside.

Unlike Chen Fei and Liu Yifei who were still wearing masks, he was very generous and even greeted some fans around him warmly.

After sitting down next to Bruce, he did not forget to say hello to Chen Fei and others.

"Bruce, Fei, Crystal, good evening."

Chen Fei nodded slightly. After all, it was his first time in such a place, so he was still a little cautious.

But Bruce, like a seasoned driver, started a discussion with Leonardo directly: "Hey, there is one of my favorite models tonight, I will introduce it to you later..."

Listening to the discussion between the two people, Liu Yifei's cheeks were rosy and she pulled Chen Fei's arm with some restraint.

"There won't be that kind of naked model in the future, right?"

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Fei looked at her funny: "This is a serious place, not one of those messy places. There will definitely be no naked models."

Seeing her body collapse, Chen Fei asked with concern: "If you don't feel comfortable with it, can I leave with you first?"

"No, I want to see it."

Liu Yifei shook her head. Although her cheeks under the mask were glowing red, her eyes were full of anticipation.

With the host's introduction, the model show officially began.

A pair of long white legs walked out from the entrance, arrived at the front of the T stage, posed in a variety of styles, and then walked back to the backstage.

Chen Fei is somewhat face-blind, so most of his eyes are focused on the figures of these models.

The legs are indeed quite long, and the clothes are very sexy, which can arouse men's instinctive desires. However, the upper body is a bit "flat", and from the outside, it is not even as big as the little girl next to her.

Liu Yifei obviously agreed with Chen Fei's opinion. She was still slightly uncomfortable at the beginning of the show, and her legs retracted unconsciously.

But at the end, she stood up proudly.

Chen Fei could still vaguely hear her muttering in a low voice: "Looking at it this way, I don't seem to be bad at all..."


The big show lasted for more than an hour and came to an end.

The group of people walked towards the outside of the Kodak Theater under the guidance of the staff.

Suddenly a cell phone rang in Leonardo's pocket.

After the call was connected, his face changed visibly, and even after hanging up the phone, he looked quite complicated.

"What's wrong?" Bruce looked at his "model partner" curiously.

Leonardo let out a long sigh: "The nominations for the 64th Film and Television Golden Globe Awards have been announced. Two of my films were nominated for Best Actor in a Drama Film."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Chen Fei looked at him with some doubts, and sighed sadly. Is there too much water in his head?

Leonardo shrugged: "Fei, you may not know that I seem to be under the spell of a witch. Whenever I am nominated, I will definitely not win!"


After a moment of silence, Chen Fei said tentatively: "Is it because you are too handsome? So the judges think your acting skills still need to be polished?"

"But it's not my fault that I'm handsome!"

"Why don't you go find God? Let Him give you some ugliness? Then try to win the prize?"

"Fei, are you a devil?"

(End of this chapter)

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