It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 256 Golden Globe nomination?Putting gold on your face? A ruthless person among the 07 art ca

Chapter 256 Golden Globe nomination?Putting gold on your face? A ruthless person among the 07 art candidates!
Chen Fei initially regarded Leonardo's nomination as a lively event, but when Natasha and Andy Serkis both called him, he realized that "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" was also Nominated!

Best Picture—Comedy/Musical: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Best Actor - Comedy/Musical: Andy Serkis, "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Best Film Director: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Best Screenplay: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Four consecutive nominations directly confused Chen Fei himself.

what's going on?
Logically speaking, this kind of award should be more likely to go to drama movies, similar to "The Pursuit of Happiness" starring Will Smith.

But "War for the Planet of the Apes" is just a popcorn entertainment comedy, so why did it get so many nominations?

Chen Fei said he didn't understand very much.

Andy Serkis shouted excitedly on the phone: "Fei! I didn't expect that I would be nominated. This is really unexpected. This is simply a dream..."

Whether CG motion capture actors can participate in important awards selections is a topic that has been debated in Hollywood.

Some people think that motion capture actors rely entirely on post-production CG design and should not participate in the selection, but others believe that without their efforts, good effects would not be possible in post-production.

Every time any award ceremony is about to be held, this matter will be brought up and gone through countless discussions and arguments.

And this time Andy Serkis was nominated, it may be a test for the "Golden Globe Award"!
They are testing the acceptance of audiences and movie fans, as well as the attitude of practitioners in the entire industry, and even the bottom line of major award ceremonies!

After thinking about this, Chen Fei responded calmly: "Andy, you have to be mentally prepared, maybe there is only a nomination.

After all, our film is not a comedy drama in the traditional sense, but an entertainment film, and there is a high probability that it will become a companion film. "

On the other end of the phone, Andy Serkis did not calm down after hearing this sentence, and was still saying excitedly: "Oh! Fei! Actually, I don't care whether I can win an award, even if it's just a nomination, for me It’s an important milestone to say the least!”

"That's true, it's difficult for others to even get nominated."

Chen Fei quickly understood his psychological thoughts.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" went to the Golden Globes and Oscars to get nominated, give yourself more money, and then go to the "Saturn Awards" held by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films, and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: A wave of real-life battles in movies such as "The Soul's Chest" and "Mission: Impossible"!
After thinking about this clearly, Chen Fei immediately forgot about being nominated.

The Cannes Film Festival was already collecting films, and he had to submit "Shoplifters" first for review by the judges there.

As for the Saturn Awards, Natasha will be in charge.


After the Victoria's Secret show ended, it happened to be December 2007, 12.

If we are in China, today will only be the New Year's Day of the lunar calendar, but the New Year has already begun here in the United States.

Late at night, people gather in churches, streets or squares to sing, pray, bless, repent, and welcome the moment of eradication and renewal.

At 12 o'clock at midnight, church bells across the country rang in unison, and the band played the famous nostalgic song "Have a safe journey".

In the sound of music, excited people hugged each other and welcomed the new year together with the sadness of farewell and the yearning for a new life.

Natasha went home, and most of the company's employees were on vacation.

Woody Allen has already completed more than half of the post-production of "Twilight", and he decided to continue completing the work after his vacation is over.

The editing of "Iron Man" is also in progress. Marvel has a professional post-production team that will perform rough cuts according to Chen Fei's requirements.

This movie is relatively urgent. After the editing is completed, Chen Fei will arrange for it to be released in the nearest time.

Most likely it will be in the first half of the year.

the reason is simple.

Return of funds!

Marvel Studios urgently needs a high-quality movie to lift the company's sluggish financial results to a higher level and give all employees hope.

And some later developments will also require a lot of capital investment.

In order to acquire Marvel, Chen Fei has spent more than 30 billion US dollars. It is impossible for him to continuously pour money into it himself. He still has to produce and sell his own products to make the company profitable.

The total investment in "Iron Man" reached US$1.5 million, making it a proper Class A production.

Chen Fei's hopes for it are quite high. At the very least, it has to be comparable to "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

This is not the period of the 08 economic crisis. People here in the United States have not yet experienced bankruptcy. I believe that breaking through 5 million US dollars should be no problem.

In comparison, the progress of "Wall-E" is much slower.

With Bruce's busy work, the voice actors have already been found and are cooperating in filming and recording.

But because the director of Wall-E is Chen Fei, and he is the kind of hands-off boss who is only responsible for controlling the general direction, without his help, Andrew Brocher can only set up the scenery first, and then wait patiently for him to arrive to direct. .

The birth of an animated screen masterpiece requires the concerted efforts of all departments.

From sequence shots to individual shots to every frame, every aspect requires in-depth cooperation between people in various positions in the studio to achieve it.

Animated movies are composed of multiple sequences of shots, and these are closely related to Chen Fei. It is not just a script.

Drawing, setting, production, photography...

The procedure is very complicated!

But because Chen Fei was too busy, he could only take the time to come over and try his best to keep the filming schedule moving forward.

When he is away, other people in the studio will set up the scene according to his requirements and make some preliminary preparations.

However, according to the plan, Wall-E can be released before the end of the year, so there is still plenty of time.


After roughly surveying the existing shooting plans in the company, since most of the employees were on vacation and it was okay to stay here, Chen Fei simply took the opportunity to fly back to China.

The airport is always blocked by reporters and paparazzi. In order to avoid being surrounded, Chen Fei took the VIP channel.

He went back to Nortel first. More than half the semester of his first year of graduate school had passed, but he didn't even attend a single class.

It doesn't seem to make any difference whether you go to graduate school or not...

But as the end of the year approaches, I still have to go back and report.

Lao Zhao is still such a "dog", and a banner is hung for him at the school gate again!

[Warm congratulations to Chen Fei, a graduate student in the Acting Department of our school, for directing and filming the Hollywood Class A production film "War for the Planet of the Apes", which won four nominations for the Film and Television Golden Globe Awards! 】

The huge banner stretched directly from the starting point of the iron fence at one end of the school gate to the end point at the other end of the iron fence.

"Grandma, you're a jerk. This is your fifth year, so the banners will cost a lot of money, right?"

He was used to it, so he shook his head speechlessly and walked straight into the school.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he walked into the campus, he saw many people lining up on the playground.

"Why is this?"

Chen Fei was a little confused at first, but after carefully counting the days, he realized that today seemed to be the first round of preliminary examinations for the 07 art candidates!
"A lot of people!"

Looking at the endless team, he secretly sighed that the entertainment industry had finally entered a period of vigorous development.

The only pity is that Nortel can't produce any good actors, and those who become famous can barely be called "stars."

On the contrary, Chinese dramas are different. There are frequent actors and actresses who can always make a name for themselves in the film and television industry.

But there are not many good directors there, and the most famous one in the past two years is Jiang Wen.

As for those who have graduated from the directing department of the Chinese Opera Department, most of them are currently immersed in the field of literary films and dramas, and few can succeed in the field of commercial films.

While thinking, Chen Fei walked towards the performance department teaching building.

From a distance, many freshmen from Grade 06 recognized him, but they did not dare to come up and say hello.

After Level 05, Chen Fei had almost never seen the freshmen who had re-enrolled.

Occasionally, when I talk to Lao Zhao on the phone, I can hear relatively familiar names such as "Gao Ye, Peng Guanying, Zhu Yilong, and Zhai Tianlin" from his mouth.

Especially Zhai Tianlin, who is the most "loved" person among college students.

Near the teaching building, several 05-level school girls saw him and came over with joy on their faces.

"Brother Chen Fei, are you back? Congratulations on being nominated for the Golden Globe Award again. It's amazing."

"That's it! That's it! We all went to see Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The 3D version is so cool!"

"Brother, can you sign your name for us?"


Glancing at Zhang Xiaofei in the crowd, Chen Fei couldn't help but think of the first round of the 05-level entrance exam. This girl's performance was considered to be very top-notch among the group of people.

"I watched You's "War Years" and the performance was great, so keep up the good work."


When he realized that Chen Fei actually took the initiative to talk to him, Zhang Xiaofei was stunned for a moment, and then responded with a face of joy: "Thank you for the encouragement, senior brother, I will definitely keep up the good work!"

After saying goodbye to a few people, Chen Fei went straight to his mentor's office.But he never expected that as soon as he walked outside the office door, before he knocked on the door, Wang Jinsong suddenly opened the door and walked out.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but be stunned.

Such a coincidence?
"Why did you come back?"

Wang Jinsong looked shocked. Why did his "national treasure" run back without saying a word?

Chen Fei smiled and said: "The work abroad is over, I will come back to report."

"Hey? Half the semester is almost over? You just came back to report?"

Wang Jinsong shook his head dumbfounded, thought for a moment, and simply said, "Let's go, today happens to be the first round of the 07 art exam interviews, you go and have a good time."

"Does it fit?"

Chen Fei's face was a little tangled, he was a little afraid of scaring those art candidates.

"What's inappropriate about this? It just exercises their ability to deal with situations."

Wang Jinsong couldn't help but lead Chen Fei straight to the art examination site.

Walking into the familiar art examination site, you can still see the same familiar faces. In addition to the teachers and other graduate students from the acting department, there are even professors from the directing department who came to help.

Lao Zhao was busy checking the list of candidates and didn't notice anyone coming in from the door.

Chen Fei gestured to the other teachers who recognized him, then sneaked up and covered Lao Zhao's eyes: "Ahem, guess who I am?"

"Don't make trouble! I'm busy!" Lao Zhao frowned and scolded.

"Huh? Lao Zhao, it doesn't matter that your age is getting older, but why is your temper also getting older?"

While teasing, Chen Fei let go of his hand.

Zhao Zhenyang turned his head curiously, and when he saw it was him, he was immediately happy: "Hey? Why did you come back without saying a word?"

"Don't I miss you? That's why I came to see you."

"Hey, don't be numb, I'm so scared."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

After chatting with Zhao Zhenyang for a while, Chen Fei said hello to other teachers and professors at the preliminary examination site.

When they heard that Chen Fei was called by Wang Jinsong to participate in the preliminary examination, several teachers at the scene immediately became happy.

One of the professors laughed and said: "This is a good relationship. You can test the psychological quality of those candidates in minutes, and you can also see their true qualities."

Chen Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I hope I won't scare them."

It was better to face other judges and teachers, but if those candidates knew that he was coming, they would definitely be uncontrollably nervous.

If this causes problems during the exam, it would be a sin.

Chen Fei secretly made up his mind that it would be better for him to talk less later, or to give praise and encouragement.


The initial test is actually very simple, just introduce yourself and show your talent in sound stage appearance.

Of course, this is Nortel after all, and appearance is also a key plus.

Chen Fei was already familiar with the process, but because he participated temporarily, he did not have the right to score. He just sat next to the jury and acted as the "mascot."

The candidates in Wuyangyang raced against time to adjust their condition in the open air environment. Although the weather was relatively cold, many students were not wearing bulky clothes, and at most they only wore a down jacket.

Some people in the corridor were calling the candidates' names, while others were holding makeup remover and carefully examining the candidates' appearance.

Makeup is not allowed during the art exam. This is a hard rule.

Soon, the first batch of candidates walked into the examination room with anticipation and nervousness.

It’s time for thousands of troops to cross the single-plank bridge!
As Chen Fei expected, when the candidates who walked in saw him, their eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!
Isn’t this big shot killing people in Hollywood?

Why did you suddenly appear at the art exam?

Several little girls became visibly nervous, their legs were trembling slightly, and the confidence they had finally built up collapsed in an instant.

Berlin International Film Festival Golden Bear Award-winning director, Hollywood Oscar-winning screenwriter, the first domestic director of a commercial film with a box office of 4 million, and a Category A film producer...

Chen Fei had too many names, and they couldn't imagine how they could survive this exam safely in front of such a judge.

Of course, there were still some candidates who were not nervous at all and were just shocked by his appearance.

Just like the rich flower in the world, Miss Jingtian!

"Chen...Director Chen? Why are you here?"

"Come here for a walk." Chen Fei smiled, and looked at the girl in front of him who was wearing simple clothes and no makeup: "What? Have you thought about it? Are you ready to improve your acting skills?"

"Yes, I've thought about it."

Jing Tian nodded very seriously: "You are right in teaching, acting is the motivation and confidence that determines whether an actor can go further."

"Okay, come on."

After giving encouragement, Chen Fei said nothing more.


The exam officially begins.

Compared with others, Jing Tian's self-introduction is much "richer".

"Hello teachers, my name is Jing Tian. I just turned 18 this year. I studied Chinese folk dance at the High School Affiliated to the Capital Dance Academy. I have released my first solo album "Who Are You" and also participated in a film produced by Sony Columbia Pictures. I played the second female lead in the disaster film "2012", which was invested and produced by companies including Feiyue Film and Television. At the same time, the filming of my first movie "Anaconda" officially started last month..."

Rich resume, confident demeanor, and the best vocal performance in the group.

There is no doubt that Jing Tian passed the preliminary examination 100%.

"Thank you teachers."

After the examination, Jing Tian bowed to express his thanks, turned and left the examination room.

Zhao Zhenyang looked at Chen Fei curiously and asked, "Do you know each other?"

"Well, we have filmed together, and that "2012" was also my script."

Chen Fei had no intention of avoiding suspicion. Jing Tian's performance today was indeed very good, and it was obvious that she had worked hard.

And because of the release of "War for the Planet of the Apes" last month, he was a little sorry that he couldn't make it back to attend Jing Tian's EP press conference.

Later, I heard from Ning Hao that the little girl was sad for a while after learning that he could not come.

Say a few nice words to her as compensation.


The three art schools of Nortel, China Theater and Shanghai Theater have supplied almost 95% of the actors in the entertainment industry.

The annual art exam is the focus of major media attention, and the school will also allow some reporters to come in for interviews and reports for the first time.

As batch after batch of candidates walked out of the examination room, the examinees revealed Chen Fei's role as a judge to reporters at the scene and other art candidates who had not yet participated in the assessment.

For a time, the whole Nortel was in a sensation!
No one expected that the school would invite this "great master" back to serve as a judge for the preliminary examination.

What is this going to do?
Going the boutique route?

Reporters reacted one after another. Although they could not get close to the examination room, this did not stop them from grabbing headlines!
In less than an hour, news about Chen Fei's return to China and his participation in the preliminary examination for Beijing Electronic Arts candidates quickly appeared on the headlines of major portal websites.

Of course, Chen Fei doesn't know this yet, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

With such a big living person sitting there, the news must not be hidden.


At first, Chen Fei thought that Jing Tian was already the representative of Nortel's Class of 07, but as each candidate entered the venue, he suddenly discovered that there were ruthless people among them!

Not to mention Kan Qingzi, Tan Songyun, and Zhang Ruoyun, they are all good actors and the mainstay among actors born after 85.

What really shocked him was that Zheng Shuang was also from the 07 class!

"Hello fellow judges, my name is Zheng Shuang. I am 15 years old this year. I started performing on stage when I was 4 years old. I started participating in TV shows and competitions when I was 5 years old. I went to Chengdu to study art at the age of 12..."

This girl is really good-looking. Her acting career is almost based on Liu Yifei's template, and she is also proficient in every aspect of her stage appearance!
After the presentation was over, Chen Fei could clearly see that all the teachers and professors present were very satisfied with her.

If she goes by her current performance, it is inevitable that she will pass the preliminary examination, and she may even be robbed by the other two universities!
Just like Liu Yifei back then, both China Theater and Shanghai Theater had offered her an olive branch.

But Chen Fei never imagined what kind of things a girl who looked weak and well-behaved could do?


The mistakes this girl committed were even more exaggerated than those of Mr. Fan, almost on the same level as Zhao Yanzi!

This is the real ruthless person!
Even more ruthless than Hou Guifen!

(End of this chapter)

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