It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 258 Chang'an: First-line tomb scene, sitting in the CBD of Qin and Han Dynasties!Nomina

Chapter 258 Chang'an: A line of tomb scenes, sitting in the CBD of Qin and Han Dynasties!Nominations announced!Public opinion begins!
"Introduce yourself, Sun Yi'an, deputy general manager of Western Film Group Co., Ltd."

"Hello, Chen Fei, please sit down."

After saying hello, both parties sat down.

As expected, the deputy director did not come alone. He was indeed accompanied by Wang Quan'an.

This also made Chen Fei more and more certain that their purpose was for "Tuya's Marriage".

Unfortunately, their wishful thinking was wrong. He was only one of the judges and could not make the decision at all.

"Director Chen is really young and promising!" Sun Yi'an sighed with emotion.

Chen Fei quickly said modestly: "Vice President Sun is so complimentary. It's just that he was lucky and caught up with the good times."

"Well, it's true that now is a good time to start a business overseas. As long as you have real skills, you won't have to worry about making money."

These literary and artistic people like to talk about other things, and they can't even get to the point for a long time.

After running a company for so many years, Chen Fei has been trained.

The other party didn't want to get to the point, so he was more happy to chat, just to get to know Xiying's strength.

The 20s were the highlight moments of Western films, such as "Old Well", "Red Sorghum", "The Horse Thief"... It can be said that Chinese films entered the world from here.

Core figures of the "fifth generation" film directors such as Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Huang Jianxin also continue to gather here.

Perhaps he realized that there was no point in continuing the conversation. After more than half an hour, Sun Yi'an finally got to the point.

"I heard that Director Chen was just selected as a judge for the Berlin Film Festival?"

"Yes, the 57th."

"That's a coincidence. "Tuya's Marriage" directed by Wang Quan'an is also among the films in the running. Please give me more opinions when the time comes."

"Okay, I will."

The topic ends in three sentences, but it took more than half an hour to set the stage!
Chen Fei felt a little helpless. This was the domestic talking strategy. He always had to chat for a long time, and the final topic was just one or two sentences.

However, just when Chen Fei thought the matter was over, Sun Yi'an suddenly changed the topic elsewhere.

"I heard that Director Chen is planning to build a film and television city in Bashu area?"

A flash of surprise suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's heart.

"Well, I do have this idea."

Sun Yi'an smiled slightly: "I just went shopping in Bashu recently. To be honest, that place is not very suitable for a film and television city. On the contrary, our Chang'an City has a wide space, a large area and a dense population, which is suitable for replicating the Hengdian Film and Television City.

If Director Chen is interested, you can come to our place to investigate, and Xiying Film Studio will provide you with the support you deserve. We have the qualifications and the ability..."

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly realized!
He previously thought that the other party's purpose was just for "Tuya's Marriage", but now it seems that "investment" is the purpose of the deputy director of Xiying!
Indeed, compared to the Chang'an region in the northwest, Bashu does not have a very open landscape. There are many peaks and depressions, which is not suitable for building large-scale palace complexes.

But in fact, his real purpose of going to Bashu was to deal with the disaster in 08.

When you are reborn, you have to do something within your ability, at least you have to have a clear conscience!

"Mulan" was specially arranged by Chen Fei to deal with this disaster.

Don’t ask for a big contribution, just save as much as you can!
But... after the disaster, the venue there will probably be almost destroyed, and the plan to replicate Hengdian Film and Television City will come to an end.

Now Sun Yi'an suddenly proposed that he go to Chang'an to build a film and television city, and Xiying Film Factory can also protect his plan...

"Chang'an Ancient City?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

After a moment, he looked up at Sun Yi'an and said with a smile: "I will carefully consider this matter raised by Director Sun. If there are new plans in the future, I will contact you as soon as possible."

"Okay." Sun Yi'an stood up and invited: "This time, I brought some specialties from Chang'an, and also prepared some good wine. I hope Director Chen will show his appreciation."

Chen Fei did not refuse.

"Haha, okay, let's try it."


The guests and hosts enjoyed a meal.

Sun Yi'an kept talking and briefly explained to Chen Fei some of the resources and help that Xiying Film Studio could provide.

"Chang'an is a world-famous historical ancient city. It is also the one with the longest history among the six ancient capitals in China. It has been the capital of the Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han, Xin, Eastern Han, Western Jin, Former Zhao, Former Qin, Later Qin, Western Wei, Northern Zhou, Thirteen dynasties including the Sui and Tang Dynasties established their capitals here, and its geographical location is definitely not inferior to Hengdian.

If Director Chen launches the film and television city project here, Xiying Film Studio will definitely go all out. We can provide skilled craftsmen, and with the assistance of a large number of historians, we will definitely be able to recreate the glory of Chang'an.

In addition to being used for filming, it can also attract a large number of tourists to visit, and the cost will definitely be recovered in a short time! "

Hearing his words, Chen Fei smiled and said: "There are many dynasties and many ancient tombs. I have heard netizens comment that there is probably the entire Xianyang City under Chang'an, right?"

Sun Yi'an shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"This is inevitable. More than half of the country's archaeologists are in Chang'an City right now, so we can only try to avoid it."

"Ha ha!"

Thinking of netizens' comments, Chen Fei couldn't help but want to laugh.

The ancient capital of the Thirteen Dynasties, a city where the underground is more crowded than the ground, and old owners can be dug out accidentally.

Other coastal cities focus on "ocean view rooms," but Chang'an is famous for "tomb view rooms."

Someone spoofed and adapted Chang'an City's real estate slogan:
"A line of tomb scenes, sitting in the CBD of Qin and Han Dynasties, the hometown of emperors, neighbors with sages, and listening to the echoes of history."

"One cultural relic every five steps, an ancient tomb every ten steps, and one subway line can connect half of China's history."

"Real estates in other cities are dug with excavators, but in Chang'an, they are cleaned with small brushes to ensure that there are no foreign objects or ancestors at the bottom!"


After dinner, Chen Fei saw off Sun Yi'an and Wang Quan'an.

But what he didn't notice was that just as they were saying goodbye at the door of the hotel, they were secretly photographed by the paparazzi hiding nearby!
"Eh? Who is Chen Fei eating with?"

"Wang Quan'an! Don't you know him? He's the director of "Tuya's Marriage" that was released some time ago."

"How did they end up together?"

"Do you still need to ask? "Tuya's Marriage" has participated in the selection of the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival."

"So, Wang Quan'an came to Director Chen specifically for help?"


"Are you kidding? Director Chen can still influence the selection of the Golden Bear Award? I see that in that list, he is only one of the jury members. Most of the others are famous directors and producers in Hollywood. "

"Have you forgotten Director Chen's influence in Hollywood? Sony Columbia, Lionsgate, New Line, and Universal Pictures are all his partners."

"Don't break this news yet. Let's wait and see. If "Tuya's Marriage" can be nominated, it will be great fun!"


The company's affairs had been dealt with, so Chen Fei didn't go back and took a taxi directly back to the courtyard.

I stayed with the old man all night, and was talked about for a long time about finding my grandson's wife.

When he got up early the next morning, he rushed to the airport and went straight to Berlin!

The organizer of the film festival had someone assigned to pick him up. The staff was waiting at the airport early and picked him up smoothly.

In the car, Chen Fei received a call from Bruce.

"Fei, there is something going on with the matter you asked me to pay attention to. "The City of Gold" directed by Zhang Yimou opened in more than 1000 and 1000 theaters, but the attendance rate is extremely low. A professional organization has given an evaluation. North America I’m afraid the box office will be difficult to exceed US$[-] million.”

"Tsk! Zhang Weiping will probably faint in the toilet from crying!"

Chen Fei also went to the theater to watch it before. The plot was indeed quite exaggerated. Lao Mouzi probably didn't think about making much money at home. Those messy plots were purely customized for foreign countries.

It's a pity that in the end, it became acclimatized.

With an investment of 3.6 million, the domestic box office cannot exceed 3 million, and the North American box office is less than 1000 million US dollars...

Even if you include the box office revenue from other countries and the sale of copyrights, it is estimated that the cost will be barely recovered in the end.

Don't even think about making money. As long as this movie didn't destroy Lao Mouzi's reputation, it's already considered good!


Arriving at the hotel designated by the organizer, Chen Fei met the other judges.

Paul Schrader gave him a hug when he came up and said with a smile: "Fei, you are the last one to arrive, but you just made it."

"Haha, I almost missed the plane."

There are ten jury members from all over the world.

The United States, Germany, Mexico, Denmark, Nigeria, Estonia, Palestine...

They are all well-known producers and directors in various regions and enjoy a certain reputation internationally. There are even many directors who have won the Golden Bear.

In addition, there is also a director from Hong Kong on the jury.Shi Nansheng!
This is a female director and producer. She is also the vice chairman of Hong Kong Media Asia Film and Television Co., Ltd., and can be regarded as Zhuang Cheng's boss.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see."

"Haha, Mr. Shi, long time no see. I wanted to call you before, but thinking about it, one of us is in the mainland and the other is in Hong Kong. We probably won't be able to get on the same plane."

The first time I met Shi Nansheng was after "Overheard 1" was released.

Media Asia held a celebration dinner, and Chen Fei also attended, so naturally he got to know this heroine.

Her identity as the producer of "Infernal Affairs" has made her famous throughout Hong Kong and Macao!

"Let's go have a meal first and have a good rest tonight. Construction will start tomorrow." Paul Schrader greeted everyone towards the restaurant.

The nominations will be announced on the 15th, which means they have to select suitable films from hundreds of films sent from all over the world in the next ten days or so.

Main competition unit, panorama unit, short story competition unit.

This is their next task!

Silent all night.

After getting up the next day, under the arrangement of the organizer, everyone officially entered working mode.

"Tuya's Marriage", "Apple".

These two movies are the focus of Chen Fei's attention!
At the same time, while he was busy, the box office data for "War for the Planet of the Apes" at home and abroad were also rising.

Even though it's already January, the domestic film market is still going strong.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" became the first major Hollywood movie in China to exceed 3 million yuan, and the 3D viewing mode has received a lot of praise!
On the other hand, "The City of Gold", although it showed a state of excellence among mainland movies of the same period, it is still far behind "Source Code".

Whether it can even break through the 3.15 million box office created by "Partners in China" is still unknown.

Zhang Weiping is still firing shots everywhere, either scolding the movies of the same period for preempting the film schedule, or scolding China Film Group for not following the rules, deliberately inflating the scheduling of Hollywood movies and suppressing mainland movies.

He even went to the film bureau to report it several times, but he didn't get good feedback.

If it were other imported films, they would definitely be suppressed in the film schedule, but "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is different from other imported films!

China Film, Shanghai Film, and Wanda all have to share money from it. The higher the box office, the more shares they can get.

If we suppress the number of film releases, wouldn’t it mean that we are pushing out the money we should have received?

They are not stupid, how could they do such a thing?
The foreign box office data of "The City of Gold" was disclosed by the media one by one. The dismal box office of several million US dollars made people feel sad when they saw it. It was almost the same as "The Banquet".

At the launch ceremony of "The King of Kung Fu", Wang Zhonglei openly mocked:

"Some people even boasted about Haikou in the first half of the year, saying that they wanted to show domestic movie fans what a costume blockbuster is, so they just made this thing? How dare they make such a fuss?"

With Huayi taking the lead, a wave of "counterattack" is coming!
Sohu specifically put a report at the top of the list.

"Three Brothers of Bad Movies": "The Promise", "The Night Banquet", and "The City of Gold", the mainland's top three box-office directors with over [-] million yuan!
Su Guohai was very smart. After realizing that this was a good publicity opportunity, he followed the popularity and directly announced that "Mulan" would officially enter the preparation period.

7000 million dollars!
Chinese and foreign co-production!

Waltons Pictures, Feiyue Pictures, China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, Enlight, Bona, Starlight.

Eight investors come together to compete in costume films again!
The slogans shouted by the media are particularly interesting:
"Chen Fei, the first mainland commercial film director with a box office of over 4 million, a Hollywood A-category producer, and winner of the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin International Film Festival, will invest 5 million yuan to let the world see what the real ancient China is. Cultural history!”

"This time! Chinese culture will officially enter the global stage!"

"Put your feet on "The Golden Armor", hold "The Night Banquet" on your hands, use "The Promise" as a ladder, use "Ambush from Flying Daggers" as a guide, surpass "Hero", and kill "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" under the horse !”


Han Sanping originally wanted to use this to advertise "Red Cliff", but after seeing this battle, he suddenly felt that he should wait a little longer.

The media dared to put Chen Fei on the fire because he is real gold and is not afraid of fire at all.

But Wu Yu...

As a director who was "driven" back by Hollywood, he may not be able to bear such a heavy burden!
In such a crazy state, Rong Xinda took the new movie "Gate" and started a promotional strategy like survival in the cracks.

After graduating from the Class of 02, the most famous among Nortel freshmen is Yang Mi, who is called the "Nortel Newcomer King of Class of 05" by many media!

If there is no hype from Rong Xinda, then it must be false!

As the "first sister" recently launched by Rong Xinda, Yang Mi's performance is also being watched by many people. Whether she can secure the title of this sister has yet to be verified.


On the evening of the 14th, a group of Golden Bear Award judges in Berlin dragged their tired bodies out of the conference room.

It took 11 days to finally select the list of films nominated for this Berlin Film Festival.

After the nominations are announced, the official awards ceremony will start on February 2th and last until the 8th, and at that time the final competition for the Golden Bear Award will also begin!
"Everyone, I'm going to take a step ahead. The Golden Globe Awards are about to open, and I have to rush to attend the award ceremony."

Chen Fei said hello to a group of "temporary colleagues" and hurriedly left the hotel.

The schedule is quite tight. The Golden Globe Awards will start on the 16th, leaving him only one day to rest.

In other words, Chen Fei's physical fitness is relatively good, otherwise if he keeps spinning like this, he may collapse!

Paul Schrader looked at Chen Fei who was walking away with some envy, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's no wonder that he can repeatedly create high-quality scripts. This full mental state is also the key!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded.

On the morning of the 15th, while Chen Fei was still flying over the Atlantic Ocean, the competition list for the seventh Berlin International Film Festival was officially announced!

There are many people waiting for this list, various media, participating parties...

As soon as the list was announced, everyone started looking for any familiar names.

When the two familiar Chinese characters Wang Quan'an from "Tuya's Marriage" and Li Yu from "Apple" appeared on the list, practitioners in the domestic film and television industry were completely shocked!

Everyone's first impression is this possible?

"Apple" is not bad, after all, it has the participation of well-known actors such as Fan Bingbin, Tong Dawei, and Liang Jiahui.

But "Tuya's Marriage" has no big-name actors, and it tells the story of a Mongolian woman seeking marriage with her disabled husband. How could it be nominated?
However, at this moment, someone noticed that there was a comment following the nominated film:
"The film focuses on the underlying reality, and the overall temperament full of humanistic feelings brings people a fresh look. Their 'grassroots' color and artistic pursuit coupled with commercialization efforts are gratifying."

The author of this comment is surprisingly none other than Chen Fei!
For a moment, the major media couldn't sit still.

A few paparazzi took advantage of the situation and leaked the photos taken some time ago to the media and newspapers. In just half an hour, the news hit the headlines of major websites.


When netizens saw the photos of Chen Fei and Wang Quan'an walking out of the hotel, their first reaction was not condemnation, but shock and excitement!
"Oh, let me go? Director Chen can actually influence the selection of three major European films?"

"Hey? This Wang Quan'an is smart enough. He actually turned to Director Chen when he was looking for connections. Was he really selected?"

"Not much to say, Director Chen is awesome! His connections have reached all the way to the Berlin Film Festival!"

"Would it be interesting if "Tuya's Marriage" actually won the Golden Bear?"

"Are you kidding me? Director Chen is so capable?"

"That's not certain. It would be interesting if we really got the Golden Bear!"


When we landed at the airport, it was already noon on NO.15.

As soon as he turned on his phone, Chen Fei saw a bunch of missed calls!
Wang Quan'an alone hit more than 20, Sun Yi'an's five, and Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun and others' two...

Chen Fei thought for a while and returned to Su Guohai first.

He had a vague feeling that something was wrong. With so many missed calls, why was there a sudden sign that something big was about to happen?

As soon as the call was connected, Su Guohai's shocked words rang in Chen Fei's ears: "Mr. Chen, someone took a photo of you and Wang Quan'an having dinner.

Now netizens are clamoring, saying that you gave him a backdoor and forced "Tuya's Marriage" to be included in the competition list. "

WTF? ? ?

"Are you crazy? I have a back door for the king's power? I don't have the final say in this selection alone!"

"That's what the Internet says..."

"Ignore them. If I have that ability, I will make movies and go to Berlin every day to win awards. Isn't this a joke?"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei went back to Beverly Hills to catch up on jet lag.

There is no need to pay attention to this kind of thing at all. Netizens just watch the excitement and don't take it too seriously, and follow the group of media to make noises.


Suddenly, Chen Fei frowned slightly.

As a born-again party, no one understands the horror of "public opinion" better than him.

This sharp weapon must be firmly in hand!
Not having a sword in your hand and having a sword and not using it are two different things!
"By the way, when was Weibo established?"

(End of this chapter)

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