It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 259: The little brother of the CG award is hibernating?Climb the Olympics

Chapter 259: The little brother of the CG award is hibernating?Climb into the Olympics... (please vote for me)
For awards, not only domestic actors are crazy and obsessed with them, but also the whole world!
In Hollywood, Andy Serkis is considered the top CG action actor, and has appeared in major A-level productions such as "Lord of the Rings" and "King Kong".

Logically speaking, the salary of a top CG actor like him should be comparable to that of Hollywood's top male actors.

But this is not the case. Although he is the leading male actor, his salary is only in the category of a second-tier actor.

In the final analysis, it’s because of the awards!

With the exception of Leonardo, for other actors in Hollywood, the more awards they win, the higher their net worth.


No. 60 In the venue of the [-]th Golden Globe Awards Ceremony, Andy Serkis' eyes were extremely complicated as he watched the host on the stage talking.

"I won the 20th Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor. This award tripled my salary."

Wen Ziren, who was sitting next to him, added: "Fei, in Hollywood and even around the world, almost all the top actors and directors are crazy about chasing awards.

After all, box office success is only temporary, and awards are the standard for measuring the worth of actors and directors! "

After hearing these words, the name "Brother Chen Kai" suddenly appeared in Chen Fei's mind.

A "Farewell My Concubine" and a Palme d'Or.

Just relying on these two, Director Chen has reaped the dividends of his life!
Even Chen Fei himself is like this.

A Golden Bear Award made him completely famous overseas, favored by Universal Pictures, and also earned him his first bucket of US dollars.

This is why he can gain a foothold as a yellow man in Hollywood, which is so heavily discriminatory.

Why do CJ and ShowBox in South Korea respect him so much?
The box office is only a negligible amount, and it is more due to the multiple nominations at the Golden Bear Awards, Golden Globe Awards and Oscar Awards!

Give another example.

Why were Zhang Yimou and Chen Kai Ge able to attend when collecting performances for the Olympic Games opening ceremony? Even Chen Fei himself received an invitation letter, but Feng Xiaogang was not even qualified to attend!
The key factor is the prize!

Only by continuously winning awards can we have international influence and gain more benefits!


On the stage, the award-winning guests were chatting in a funny and humorous manner.

"The winner of the 64th Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay is-Pete Morgan for "The Queen"!"

When the applause rang out, Chen Fei smiled slightly and also applauded, not caring about his defeat.

He came here just to watch the fun.

In the face of feature films such as "Tower of Babel" and "The Departed", the grand prize is definitely not as big as that of popcorn movies like "War for the Planet of the Apes". Being nominated has already given him enough limelight.

The best foreign language film was won by "Letters from Iwo Jima", produced by DreamWorks, starring actors from my childhood. It is not as nondescript as "Memoirs of a Geisha"...

The originally well-received "The Golden Armor" didn't even have the right to be nominated. Looking at it, the entire venue except Chen Fei was almost all Chinese.

Last year, we still had Brother Chen Kaige and Zhou Xingchi with us, but this year not a single Chinese-language film was selected.

However, the famous pianist Lang Lang won the Best Score Award.

When he saw this person on stage, Chen Fei suddenly felt regretful. Why didn't he bring Liu Yifei here tonight?

"The winner of the 64th Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical/Comedy is Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada"! Let us welcome a talented actress who graduated from Yale University!"

"Thank you so much…"

The 57-year-old American actress burst into tears on the podium.

Andy Serkis, who was sitting next to Chen Fei, clenched his fists and was very nervous.

The next thing to be announced was the award for Best Actor in a Musical/Comedy. The biggest competitor, Johnny Depp, was sitting in the front row, like a mountain!
Meryl was left on stage to announce the next award.

"I announce that the winner of the 64th Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy is: Andy Serkis, "War for the Planet of the Apes"!"

Huh? !

what's going on?
Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, his face full of disbelief.

Has the rule that CG actors cannot participate in the award selection been broken?

Chen Fei was not the only one who thought so. At this moment, all the participants in the entire award ceremony were full of doubts.

The buzz echoed throughout the venue, even overshadowing the background music that greeted the award recipients.

"Andy, hurry up, go up and receive the award!" Chen Fei pushed Andy Serkis, who was dumbfounded in his seat.

"Huh? I...did I win the prize?"

Several minutes have passed, but Andy Serkis has yet to recover from the shock.

I had already thought about it before and came here just to watch the excitement. Why did I just accept the award?I’m not even ready for my acceptance speech yet…

As if stepping on cotton, Andy Serkis walked to the podium in a daze and took the trophy.

"Andy, congratulations." Meryl sincerely blessed him.

"I...did I really win the award?"

There was a burst of laughter from below the auditorium, mostly with good intentions.

Andy Serkis finally came to his senses, his eyes full of enthusiasm, and he held the trophy tightly in his arms, fearing that it would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Thank you very much! Fei! I love you! You let me prove myself! CG actors can also win awards!"

Although he did not prepare a speech to receive the award in advance, Andy Serkis still emotionally expressed his joy on the awards stage and also told many stories during the filming of the film.

He even revealed that Chen Fei played another gorilla in the play.

"Fei! Rockets are staged???"

In the front row, Leonardo turned his head and looked at Fade Chen in shock.

"Yeah." Chen Fei shrugged and smiled: "Many people may not know that I am actually an actor, and I was nominated for the Best Actor Silver Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival."

"so amazing!"

Leonardo gave a thumbs up and said with envy on his face: "Fei, if you have a suitable script, please contact me. According to the Hollywood Screen Actors Guild's minimum salary, it is ok."

His current box office appeal is already at the top of the entire Hollywood, but it is a pity that in terms of awards, awards big and small will always go around him.

Just like tonight...

As Andy Serkis excitedly walked off the stage, the real competition for the grand prize officially began!

Best Actress: Helen Mirren.

Best Director: Martin Scorsese, "The Departed"

Leonardo, the "new generation acting genius" who was on the list for "The Departed" and "Blood Diamond", once again failed miserably in the selection of the Best Actor in a Drama Series.

“Can’t win two nominations?”

Chen Fei was immediately confused. Is this guy really cursed by a wizard?


The 64th Golden Globe Awards ended perfectly, and the next day, media reports spread throughout Hollywood!
"'Babel' defeated 'The Departed' to win the best drama film, breaking the biggest upset at this year's Golden Globe Awards."

""Babel," which was completely suppressed by the popularity of "The Departed" beforehand, defeated its opponent at the last moment, which is quite similar to "Crash" overturning "Brokeback Mountain" at the Oscars."

"The threshold between CG actors and awards has been officially broken. The emergence of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is epoch-making!"

"Andy Serkis burst into tears at the scene. According to the news, the role of "Rocket" in the film was actually played by director Fei Chen!"

"Leonardo DiCaprio once again missed out on a major award. Unfortunately, the two nominations eliminated themselves. The curse of not being able to win is still going on."

Following media reports, many actors who specialize in the CG field have contacted Chen Fei and want to participate in the filming of the next "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

Chen Fei specifically asked Bruce to remember the contact information of these people.

Tool man!

his favourite!
Universal Pictures was very aggrieved. Andy Serkis had played King Kong, and they also participated in the selection with "King Kong", but in the end they didn't even receive a nomination.

But why did "War for the Planet of the Apes" help him win Best Actor in a Musical/Comedy?

There was no reply from the Golden Globe Awards, but everyone knew that with Andy Serkis winning the award, the path for CG actors to win the award was gradually opened.

And the person who opened the door was none other than Chen Fei!
It seems that someone is constantly paving the way for him, and even using his own influence to help him become famous in Hollywood!


After the award ceremony, Chen Fei went straight back to the animation studio.

Taking advantage of this free time, he planned to promote the progress of "Wall-E" and soothe the depressed mood of Andrew Brocher.

Woody Allen is still busy editing.

Although he is older, his progress is not slow, and he has already completed 80.00% of the content.

Marvel Studios sent the rough cut of "Iron Man" over, and Chen Fei did the editing himself, taking advantage of his free time to start the final cut.

There is also news coming from the domestic side.

"囧" has been completed, and under the arrangement of Su Guohai, a grand finals banquet was successfully held.

Ning Hao also became more assertive at this moment. He spoke confidently at the dinner, and his target was "Source Code"!
As one of the directors of commercial films with a box office of over 3 million, he has this tough capital.

Luo Jin called him and chatted with him for a while. While congratulating him on winning the No. 06 ranking of mainland commercial film box office directors in 1, he also revealed some news about domestic TV series to him:
"The ratings of "Ming Dynasty 1566" starring Chen Baoguo were very dismal. The first broadcast ratings were less than 0.5%, and it was removed from the shelves by Mango Channel."

"What? It's been taken off the shelves?" Chen Fei couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He seemed to remember that this drama was quite good, and its Douban score was also very high.

"I think this drama is quite good, but it's a little inappropriate to put it on Mango Channel, and the broadcast time is scheduled to ten o'clock in the evening. Those who like this type of drama are older viewers. Who can stay up until that time? "

Luo Jin made a very pertinent evaluation.

"That's true." Fade Chen responded, and then asked: "Is this a TV series to start the new year? Nothing else? At least it has to get off to a good start."

"Yes! "New Shanghai" starring Huang Xiaoming, Huang Haibo, Sun Li, Chen Shu, and Li Xuejian has been very popular recently. I guess the ratings will not be too low."

"Haha, Huang Xiaoming still has two brushes. It's a pity that Huang Haibo is the only one."

"What a pity? What a pity?"

"Nothing. What have you been busy with recently? Remember to save your schedule. I have prepared a role for you in "Mulan"."

"Oh, this feeling is so good!"


The preliminary preparations for "Mulan" went very smoothly. Several companies with investment shares sent the money the next day, which was called a quick success.

Lu Zheng personally called and pointed out the topic directly: "Director Chen, can you leave a role for Jing Tian? I don't want a second or third female lead, so you can arrange a supporting role."

"Hey, you're really rich."

Chen Fei couldn't help but smile.

Originally, there were no bright stars among the investors, but Lu Zheng couldn't bear the crazy increase in price, so he just bought an investment share by "throwing money" at more than [-]%.

The reason is very simple, just to pave the way for Jingtian!
"No problem, I promise to arrange a suitable role for her."

Chen Fei swore to agree. Anyway, the two girls are about the same age. It is absolutely suitable for the role of sister Hua Mulan to be played by the rich and noble flower girl in the world!
"Thank you so much..."

Lu Zheng quickly thanked him and hung up the phone.

"Uncle Lu, how are you? What did Director Chen say?" Jing Tian, ​​who was sitting next to him, asked quickly.

Lu Zheng smiled and said, "No problem. Director Chen has promised me that he will definitely arrange a suitable role for you. Just wait for the call with peace of mind."

"Thank you Uncle Lu!"

Jing Tian hurriedly thanked her, unable to help but feel a trace of expectation in her heart.

When filming "2012", although Chen Fei had been training her on the set, she could clearly feel that her acting skills were improving rapidly.

Now it is her honor to be able to cooperate with Chen Fei again. She can't wait to follow Chen Fei's new guidance!


The filming of "Wall-E" went very smoothly, and with Chen Fei's all-out efforts, the progress was very fast.

Time moves forward rapidly.

On January 1, "The City of Gold" was officially released from theaters, with a domestic box office of 14 million yuan.

When the news came out, the film and television industry was in an uproar.

The title "A murder caused by a pile of steamed buns" was on the headlines of the three major portals.

When Liu Yifei came to visit the animation studio, her face was still full of curiosity: "Why is it a pile of steamed buns?"

Chen Fei replied to her with a poem: "Looking at it from the side, it looks like a ridge and the side looks like a peak."

Instantly, the little girl's face turned red!

" are acting like a hooligan!"

"Hey? It's obviously you who wants to ask, why am I acting like a hooligan?"

Liu Yifei covered her face and turned around and ran away.

After questioning the meaning of this sentence, Bruce sighed repeatedly: "Fei, Chinese culture is so broad and profound!"

Chen Fei gave him a suppressed look: "What's going on with you recently? Are Zuogui Pills and Yougui Pills still effective?"

"I haven't eaten recently."

"Oh? Why?"

"Winter is coming, and I have put my brother into hibernation and will let him come back to life when the flowers bloom in spring."


Isn't it just because I'm too fat that it shrinks?
How can it be related to hibernation?


Lao Jia is currently blasting Lao Mouzi from a distance, saying that his Golden Armor has taken over most of the domestic screens, leaving no room for other films to survive.

Not to be outdone, Lao Mouzi said bluntly: Some directors have to look for reasons within themselves when their results are not good.

Nortel was caught in the middle as a lobbyist, and it was a headache.

Zhang Weiping also jumped out, accusing the imported film "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" of being unreasonable in its schedule, and even directly named Chen Fei for engaging in unfair deals with major movie theaters.

"Mulan" didn't take him to play with him, and Zhang Dapao was unhappy.

Chen Fei did not reply, but arranged for Su Guohai to be interviewed by reporters and announced the global box office data of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" one month after its release.

$4.5 million in North America.

Mainland China 3.5 million yuan.

The total box office in other regions was US$2 million.

Add the total to $6.9 million!
This data is a bit scary. The domestic killings are complete, and even if it is put on a global scale, it is enough to rank in the top three!

The first is "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest" with a global box office of US$2 billion, and the second is "The Da Vinci Code" with a global box office of US$10.66 million.

According to the current growth trend, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" may even break the record of "The Da Vinci Code" and go straight to second place!
Zhang Weiping immediately shut up.

He suddenly regretted naming Chen Fei. He was digging his own grave!

1 month 23 number.

For ordinary people, today is a very ordinary day.

But for filmmakers around the world, today is an extremely exciting day for everyone!

The Oscar nominations are about to be announced.

In the morning, after finishing the editing work of "Iron Man", Chen Fei and Woody Allen met in the screening room.

The Twilight Saga editing is also over.

This morning's work content is to watch the finished films of the two movies respectively, and then send them to theaters for copying as soon as possible.

Vampires, werewolves, girls...

Super hero!save the world…

It started at eight o'clock in the morning and lasted until one o'clock in the afternoon. Finally, both movies were watched.

Chen Fei and Mr. Woody Allen looked at each other and smiled knowingly.


Natasha was cheering on the sidelines, as if she had already seen the two movies killing everyone in major theaters.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door. Chen Fei walked over and opened the locking device, and saw Bruce walking in excitedly.

"Here, this is the nomination list for the 79th Academy Awards."

He casually thrust a newspaper into Chen Fei's hand, and stared directly at the other magazine in his hand, his eyes radiating a unique male appreciation.

"What are you looking at? So fascinated?"

As Chen Fei spoke, he looked around curiously.

I saw Bruce holding a copy of "Minley Fair" magazine in his hand. On the cover, as victims of the Hollywood photo scandal, naked actresses such as Scarlett and Knightley were showing off their proud figures!
"Hey, didn't you say that little brother is hibernating? Are you still reading this kind of magazine?"

"No! No! No! I am admiring the beauty of women."

"Oh, Sima Zhao's heart is known to everyone on the road."

Chen Fei glanced at him with disdain and unfolded the newspaper in his hand.

Best perspective effect: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

"Hey? Is this the one?"

Chen Fei was a little dumbfounded. Who said that the Golden Globe Awards are an important indicator of the Oscars?Isn’t this deceiving people?
He curled his lips, but he didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, he didn't expect to gain anything at the Oscars before.

Keep looking down.

Best Costume Design: "A City Full of Golden Armor"

Lao Mouzi failed to win the Olympics!

(End of this chapter)

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