It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 261 Saturn Award Nomination, Horror Movie Grand Slam!DiCaprio’s unlucky day, flower casting!

Chapter 261 Saturn Award Nomination, Horror Movie Grand Slam!DiCaprio's unlucky day, flower...casting!

News from Berlin quickly spread back home.

Suddenly, there was an uproar!
"What the hell? Did you really get the Golden Bear?"

"Director Chen is awesome. This judge is really awesome. He actually managed to get us another golden bear."

"What a historic moment, Director Chen awarded this Golden Bear Award to Wang Quan'an!"

"Tsk, look at Fan Bingbin's eyes, he's almost attracted to Director Chen."

"That's awesome! Director Chen's achievements have far surpassed those of domestic directors..."

After two years, a mainland director won the Berlin Golden Bear again. At this moment, all other domestic hot news had to be put on the sidelines.

Photos of Chen Fei and Wang Quan'an's private gathering were revealed again, and a bunch of old men in the literary and art circles fell silent. No one dared to talk nonsense on the Internet anymore.

If Chen Fei can really influence the Golden Bear Award selection, then they will suffer the same consequences in the future.

The lifeline is pinched!

The day after the award ceremony, Wang Quan'an was ready to return to China.

The copyright has been sold, which not only allowed him to recover the cost, but also earned enough money to invest in the next film.

"Director Chen, I will make arrangements after returning to China. You must give me this opportunity."

"it is good."

Chen Fei said goodbye to him with a smile.

Li Yu and the others are also going back. Although they didn't win the award, they were considered good candidates and the copyright was also sold at a high price.

After Liang Jiahui flies back to Hong Kong this time, he will devote himself to the filming of "October Siege". When bidding farewell to Chen Fei, he also took the initiative to leave his contact information.

Fan Bingbin walked over, her tight jeans outlined the perfect curve of her hips, and she smiled brightly.

"Director Chen, my studio has been successfully established now. If there is a suitable script in the future, please give me a chance, Director Chen. Investment, production, and casting will all be involved..."

"Okay, I'll contact you if you have the chance."

Chen Fei smiled slightly and let go of the tender white jade hand that he took the initiative to hold.


The Golden Bear Awards are in full swing, and the topic of flying to Hong Kong to watch a movie has once again appeared on Tieba.

"Insidious 2" officially hits North American theaters on the 16th.

A poster spread back to China and made the headlines on

Video: "Insidious 2"

Director: James Wan

Screenwriter: Fei Chen
Producer/Producer: Waltons Pictures
Along with this poster came back the box office data on the first day of the show.

1934 million US dollars.

For a time, horror film lovers rushed to Hong Kong and Taiwan like crazy, wanting to see what the sequel was like and whether it would be scarier than the first one.

Foreign media are also rushing to report that the opening data on the first day is really eye-catching.

It is no exaggeration to say that on the day "Insidious 2" was released, almost all horror film lovers in North America went to the theater closest to home.

Seeing this situation, Lionsgate quickly picked up the popularity of Chen Fei and James Wan, announcing that the "Morgue 2" and "Saw" series have been finalized.

After Chen Fei returned to Volton Films from the Berlin Film Festival, Natasha asked curiously: "Are we going to continue to make horror films?"

Chen Fei nodded: "Well, continue. After Wen Ziren completes Super 4, we will continue to connect."

Since sorting out the mess of horror movie scripts, the script library is now full of "high-quality products", and these must not be given to other companies.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Chen Fei has decided to put one or two movies into production every year.

One in the first half and one in the second half...

Just right!

Filming of "Wall-E" continues.

Chen Fei's craftsmanship is quite exquisite, and the props he produces make a group of foreigners in the animation studio often shout "OMG"!
On the 23rd, the nominations for the Saturn Awards were officially announced.

In the morning, Natasha was extremely excited and rushed into the animation studio with the newspaper. Without saying a word, she first gave Chen Fei a sweet kiss.

Everyone in the studio was having fun, except for Liu Yifei, who had a pout on her face and had a look of reluctance on her face.

Kiss again!

"How's it going? How many nominations did you get?"

After taking the newspaper, Chen Fei lowered his head and looked down.

Best Science Fiction Movie: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Best Actor: Andy Serkis

Best Visual Effects: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Best Director: "War for the Planet of the Apes"

Best Screenplay: FeiChen
Five consecutive nominations, shining brightly!

Natasha was chirping at the side: "I don't know how many awards I can win. It would be best if I win the best science fiction film. That would be great..."

Chen Fei ignored her and continued to look at other competitors.

"X-Men: The Last Stand", "007: Casino Royale", "Mission: Impossible 3", "Pirates of the Caribbean: Soul's Chest"...

Looking at it, his eyes suddenly became fixed.

"Huh? "The Golden Armor" was nominated for the best international film?"

Looking at Zhang Yimou's competitors again, he suddenly became happy.

"Pan's Labyrinth", "Apocalypse", "The Monster of the Han River", "Letter from Iwo Jima"...

Is this even more bullshit?

Sina reporters acted very quickly. As soon as the nomination was announced, it appeared on the Sina headline page in less than half an hour.

Netizens rushed in one after another.

"Saturn Award? What kind of award is this?"

"What the hell? Five nominations? Is that so awesome?"

"And "Golden Armor"? Isn't the Saturn Award very valuable?"

"Hey, dear, if you look around, they are almost all Category A productions!"

"Pfft... look at the nominations for Best Horror Film. With Director Chen's record, he almost won all the horror films in 06, right?"

Someone yelled in the forum, and a bunch of horror movie fans immediately rushed to the nominations section of the Best Horror Movie.


"The Incident in the Morgue"

"Happy Death Day"

"Seeing the Devil"

"It's Behind"

Even in the best action/adventure/thriller movie column, there is also "Dangerous Laughter", a movie written by Chen Fei and produced by Universal Pictures.

"Hahaha, isn't this just comparing yourself to yourself? No matter which film wins an award, it is inseparable from Director Chen. It's a true horror film Grand Slam!"

Most people don't know much about what the "Saturn Award" is. After all, Chinese-language films rarely get nominations here.

Someone came out to do some popular science:
"The Saturn Awards is an annual film and television award organized by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films. It awards different awards each year to the best science fiction, fantasy and horror films and TV series of the year.

The Saturn Award was founded in 1972 to reward and promote outstanding works in the science fiction and horror categories in film and television, as well as outstanding works with breakthrough and innovative significance.

In short, this is an awards ceremony that combines A-level blockbusters and fantasy horror films. "

As soon as this piece of popular science came out, netizens suddenly realized it!
"The Golden Globes and Oscars are the battlefields for feature films, while the Saturn Awards are the battlefield for A-class blockbusters with investments of more than $[-] million!"

After realizing this, netizens suddenly had a clear understanding of Chen Fei's awesomeness!

The first A-category production directed by a director actually received five nominations. This is no ordinary success!
Phone calls, text messages, emails...

A steady stream of congratulations came from all over the country, without exception. In addition to congratulations, most of them wanted to cooperate with him in the next film.

Especially the female stars in China, all of them have red eyes with envy!

During this time, they could frequently see Wang Luojue on the Internet following the crew of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" at major award ceremonies.

That posture makes him look like an international movie star!

It's a pity that the opportunities to go abroad are limited. So far, except for Wang Luojue, no one has been taken out by Chen Fei.

But the next candidate has already been decided.

Once the filming of "Mulan" starts, there is no doubt that Liu Yifei will become the new "Flying Girl", and she will also officially embark on the international route!


On the 23rd, the nominations for the Saturn Awards were announced.

On the 26th, the 79th Academy Awards ceremony was successfully held at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, Los Angeles, USA.

Just after walking on the red carpet, Su Guohai called from across the country: "The preliminary preparations for "Mulan" are almost done, what are the next arrangements?"

"Follow the normal process and send audition invitations to each agency and the original actors. I will go back in March and prepare to start filming directly after the audition."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Guohai immediately went to make arrangements.

There are no Chinese-language films in this year's Oscars, and even the only Chinese director is Chen Fei. Zhang Yimou has already focused on the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

The Sixth Princess did not arrange a broadcast, and planned to wait for the award ceremony to be over and then record it.

Leonardo happened to be sitting on his right, and Chen Fei asked him curiously: "Are you confident?"


Shrugging his shoulders, Leonardo complained in a self-deprecating tone: "I have tried my best to move myself towards the acting school, but unfortunately, the judges don't seem to think so."

What happened next was exactly what he said.The 79th Academy Awards has a total of 24 regular awards.

"The Departed" won the best picture award, and Martin Scorsese also won the best director award for the film.

Forest Whitaker won the Best Actor award for "The Last Day" and Helen Mirren won the Best Actress award for "The Queen."

Unfortunately, Xiao Li Zi failed again.

"Oh, I never thought that my face would be an obstacle to winning a prize. Do you really want me to completely give up my advantages and pursue another direction?"

Xiao Lizi said to himself, as if he had made some kind of determination.


3 month.

After arranging some remaining work for "Wall-E", Chen Fei took a plane back to China.

International Zhang started to cause trouble again. He and his foreign boyfriend were passionately kissing each other at a football match, and they happened to be caught on camera by reporters.

Netizens were so noisy that they expressed their opinions, some in support, some in ridicule, and some in contempt...

Audition invitations for "Mulan" have been sent out, and there are only a few roles required in total.

The emperor, the flower father, the flower mother, the general, the enemy general...

Chen Fei modified many unreasonable elements in the script.

For example, letting Hua Mulan from the Northern Wei Dynasty live in a Fujian earth building is absolutely not allowed!

After all, the Northern Wei Dynasty was a northern regime, and the appearance of southern architectural styles was really bizarre. He really didn't understand what Disney was thinking at the beginning?

There is also the matchmaker played by Zheng Peipei. The couplet on the door of her house actually reads: May all lovers in the world finally get married, and hope that all the lovers in the world will be lovers.

This sentence can only be traced back to "The Romance of the West Chamber" by Wang Shifu of the Yuan Dynasty. Why did it appear in the Northern Wei Dynasty?
This weird appropriation is as outrageous as asking Mei Lanfang to rap!
There are also those concubines wandering around the front hall of the palace. Audiences with a little common sense can see that this was an operation that would definitely lead to beheading in ancient times.

What Chen Fei couldn't bear the most was the eye-catching makeup. Liu Yifei could barely bear it, but the others were a disaster!
The original intention of painting flowers and goose yellows is for beauty. What does it mean to paint actors as witches?
To vilify the image of Chinese people?

If Chen Fei is allowed to film, for a story like "Mulan" that is stuck in a specific historical and cultural background, the characters and background must fit the era!

For this reason, he also specifically told Su Guohai to invite scholars who are familiar with the Northern Wei Dynasty and history to serve as film consultants to ensure that there are no mistakes in every detail!

He wants the audience to immerse themselves in that cultural history while watching the movie, rather than frequently appearing in the drama.

Beyond that, the story itself is a focus.

The story of "Mulan" is actually very simple. Mulan joins the army on behalf of her father. After hard work, she gets the recognition of her comrades and generals, and finally achieves military exploits and returns home with great honor.

This is a typical mortal novice counterattack text!

Based on a Chinese legend, it tells a story with universal significance that anyone at home and abroad can understand if they follow the story.

After all, Mulan is just an ordinary girl, with a carefree and boyish temperament at most. There is no cheating on her road to success. She also relies on hard work to gain recognition from the people around her.

This is more like an ordinary person’s path to success!
But Disney has forcefully used "qi" and "witchcraft" to create a nondescript thing that makes people's teeth ache!

And at the beginning, the nomadic "Rouran Clan" were so awesome?Only a dozen or so people captured half of China?
What is this shot about?

It’s no wonder that Disney suffered such heavy losses because of this movie. It’s such a weird thing. It would be weird not to lose money!

After landing in the capital, Chen Fei pressed the power button and was about to leave from the VIP channel when he suddenly received a call from Yu Xijie.

After being stunned for a moment, he slapped his forehead suddenly, with a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"New World" happened to be released yesterday, and CJ specially invited him to attend the viewing ceremony, but he was so busy that he forgot...

After pressing the connect button, he was just about to explain to Pu Qihan when he heard a very excited shout from the other side:
"Director Chen! The movie was very successful! It mobilized 16 viewers on the premiere day and successfully topped the single-day box office list! It also broke the record in South Korean film history..."

Chen Fei was not used to the word "mobilization", but after hearing about breaking the "film history record", he didn't care anymore.

Breaking the record in South Korean film history naturally means a high box office. He just needs to wait for the money.

"Congratulations, congratulations, keep up the good work."


Pu Qihan was suddenly confused. Why did he say congratulations and congratulations?

Before he could react, Chen Fei had already hung up the phone.


The success of "New World" in South Korea also spread back to China. It was not until it made the headlines on major portal websites that netizens discovered that Chen Fei had gone to South Korea to make a movie at some point!
It doesn't matter if it sells the script, but it's quite interesting that it broke the record in South Korean film history with this release.

Countless people flocked to South Korea, wanting to express their opinions and let South Korean netizens see what a Chinese director is!
But before they could take action, the media over there had already started reporting on it.

"The famous South Korean director and screenwriter Chen Fei's new film "New World" was a huge success. Many film critics spoke publicly and praised the film for being the first to tell the story of a South Korean corporate criminal group with patience, elegance and a small amount of bloodshed. Stories of internal strife…”

Chinese netizens who rushed over were stunned after seeing this report.

When did Chen Fei become a South Korean?
It’s okay for the Bangzi Kingdom to rob Qu Yuan, but how can they also rob people who are still alive?


Netizens were noisy, but Chen Fei didn't care.

He already knew what kind of pee-wee person that was over there at the stick. They wished they could claim all 5000 years of Chinese culture and history as their own.

There is no point in debating this thing at all.

Seriously, you lose.

It's enough that "New World" is doing well at the box office.

On the contrary, the domestic film side has once again fallen into a period of silence. The TV series is still supported by "New Shanghai", but the film side has been directly killed by Hollywood!

"War for the Planet of the Apes" dominated the charts for a month last December.

January of 07 is the "007" series, February is "Night at the Museum", March is "The Devil Wears Prada", "Tower of Babel", "Han River Monster", and April is another Chen Fei's big movie. Making Iron Man…

According to this trend, the entire first half of the year will be wrapped up by Hollywood blockbusters!

Some netizens are shouting: Where have the domestic movies gone?He even asked Chen Fei by name to quickly take out "囧囧" and "Ip Man 2" and stop hiding them.

The Internet was so noisy that Su Guohai had no choice but to explain to the media as the vice president of Feiyue Film and Television.

"Ip Man 2 has just finished filming less than a month ago, and the post-production phase has just begun. Two-thirds of the post-production phase of "囧囧" has been completed, but there are still many processes to go through in the follow-up, and it will not be able to make it in time for the first half of the year. It will all be concentrated in the second half of the year, and "Overheard 2" is far from being completed..."

When the report came out, netizens sighed.

Some people who were quite excited directly named Huayi, New Picture, Enlight, Bona, Orange Sky and other film and television agencies online.

"What do you do for a living? On weekdays, each of you is more awesome than the other. How come you all languish when we really need you? Where are the movies you made?"

For a time, the major film and television companies were speechless.

Chen Fei's importance is highlighted again!
It seems that without him, domestic commercial films will be completely finished.

If this had happened before, one of Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and Feng Xiaogang would definitely stand up and reply, but with three movies in a row being dumped on the street, they lost their confidence.

To compete with Hollywood blockbusters?

No one has the courage.

On the contrary, "Tuya's Marriage", which won the Golden Bear Award, was re-released in March, but netizens did not take it seriously.

The audience for literary and artistic films is too small, and there is no hope compared with those blockbusters!

Despite the commotion on the Internet, Chen Fei is immersed in casting.

The role of the emperor was undoubtedly chosen by Chen Daoming. This national first-class actor with a background in Chinese opera has become synonymous with "emperor".

As for the role of the general of the Northern Wei Dynasty, among the powerful actors such as Hu Jun, Zhang Hanyu, Duan Yihong, Jiao Enjun, etc., combined with the costume appearance, Jiao Enjun finally won.

That look, that temperament, that ancient costume...

It's really hard to compare to ordinary male actors, but the Qingdao dialect that pops up from time to time ruins the image a little bit.

As for the role of Hua Fu, his name is "Hua Hu". According to historical records, he was a famous general in the Northern Wei Dynasty and the most powerful general at that time. Later, he became old and retired to the fields when he was in his sixtieth year.

Combined with the "year of sixty" described in history, after comprehensive consideration, the 50-year-old Chen Baoguo was finally cast.

Whether he is a strict father or a loving father, this person can show the effect Chen Fei wants.

As for the flower mother...

Under the persuasion of Chen Fei and Liu Yifei, Liu Xiaoli was once again captured as a young man, and he played the role of "Mrs. Flower".

As for Mulan's husband "Zhao Junsheng", Chen Fei simply modified this character and made him a soldier who fights side by side with Mulan.

The actor is naturally Chen Fei himself, and his appearance can also help boost the box office.

As classmates and friends at level 02, Zhu Yawen, Luo Jin, Zhou Yang, and Jiang Yiyan also got their own roles.

As for the wealthy flower "Jing Tian", Chen Fei changed his mind temporarily and decided to let her have an interesting "rival scene" with Liu Yifei.

Even Wu Jing, who had just signed a management contract with the company, was pulled in by Chen Fei.

As for Wang Baoqiang and Zhang Yi, because one of them was filming "My Brother is Shunliu" and the other was filming "My Captain, My Group", they did not come to participate.

Huang Bo ran over excitedly and wanted to ask Chen Fei for the script and become the director himself.

Chen Feisi thought about it and decided to let him take up the position of assistant director first, and then start training after a few months.

The most important villain in the play, the general of the nomadic "Rouran Tribe", is played by "Ba Yin".

Although this person is not well-known in the industry, Chen Fei was extremely impressed by the "Golden Wheel King" in the 06 version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

After the roles were decided, the actors signed the contracts.

Only when Liu Xiaoli came here and looked at the contract in front of her, she couldn't put pen to paper.

Chen Fei asked curiously: "Auntie, do you have any concerns?"

Liu Xiaoli frowned, feeling very entangled in her heart: "I...I'm worried that I can't perform well. With such a high investment, what if I mess up?"

"Don't worry, I'm here for this, and you don't actually need any acting skills, just be yourself in the movie. You are Hua Mulan's mother and Sissi's mother. No one is more suitable than you. "

Liu Xiaoli felt a little relieved, but she was still a little nervous.

An investment of US$7000 million!
Can it work?
Liu Yifei persuaded with a smile on the side: "Mom, don't worry, you can definitely do it. I believe in you. You have appeared in "The Journey" and "Source Code", so why not do it again?"

"OK then……"

Gritting her teeth, Liu Xiaoli resolutely signed her name at the end of the contract.

At this point, Mulan’s casting has officially ended!

(End of this chapter)

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