It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 262: Shooting starts, love at dusk?In the entanglements in Chibi, all the people Rong has de

Chapter 262: Shooting starts, love at dusk?In the entanglements in Chibi, all the people Rong has dealt with are not good people!
Auditions are over.

The next day, a list of "Mulan" was posted online.

Liu Yifei, Chen Daoming, Jiao Enjun, Chen Baoguo, Liu Xiaoli, Chen Fei...

"As expected of you, you are a famous fast shooter. You really don't procrastinate at all. An audition that took others several months to complete was completed in two days by you?"

Ren Zhonglun called. While feeling emotional, he specifically asked him if there was anything he needed help with.

"The actor has already taken shape. I just call him over and give it a try. I'll decide if it's suitable. I'm not like those at Huayi who do all kinds of bullshit deals..."


Ren Zhonglun was immediately happy. "The King of Kung Fu" took more than three months from the audition to the final announcement. Although it whetted the appetite, it was indeed quite deceiving.

"I don't have anything to help with. Come visit me when you have time."

After saying the last thing, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

He only gave the actors a week to prepare, and then they would gather directly on the set and hold the opening ceremony.


"Wow! When did you buy this house?"

In the Houhai courtyard, Liu Yifei, Zhu Yawen, and Zhou Yang looked at the spacious courtyard in front of them and sighed repeatedly.

Chen Fei put the hot pot ingredients in his hands on the table, and while calling Zhu Yawen to move the table, he explained: "I bought it last year and it was just renovated not long ago."

When Chen Fei and Zhu Yawen walked out of the room carrying the table, several girls had already arranged the ingredients.

Soon the steaming smell of hot pot emerged from the open-air pavilion.

Liu Yifei went out to answer a phone call and suddenly ran to Chen Fei and asked in a low voice: "Shu Chang wants to come over to play, can she come?"

"Come if you want. I sent her the address. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Hee hee, good."

Nodding happily, Liu Yifei ran out to pick up the person.

After a while, the two girls came in chirping like butterflies in flowers.

After taking Liu Yifei to so many catwalks, Victoria's Secret, and charity dinners, this girl's clothes have obviously improved a lot, at least to the same level as Shu Chang.

Chen Fei secretly thought that when he got the chance, he would try his best to fool Liu Xiaoli and first throw away the non-mainstream skirts in Liu Yifei's wardrobe.

"Hey, silly girl, come and sit down!" Chen Fei stood up and waved.

"Ah! How do you know that!"

Shu Chang suddenly felt bad. The role in "Magic Phone" had just been cast, so how could he know that he was going to play a silly girl?
Although this character is good, the name is too depressing.

"Haha, You Suowei told me."

"Hmph! Uncle Jiao is such a big mouth."

Shu Chang pouted and complained, moved a stool to sit next to Liu Yifei, picked up an apple and ate it.

The people at the table were all familiar with her, and Zhu Yawen even took the initiative to say hello: "What are you doing here? Are you so busy?"

"Oh, forget it."

Shu Chang sighed and said, "There was an audition for "The Prequel to the Lotus Lantern" over there. A relative of mine insisted on playing Nezha, so he asked me to be her recommender."

On the table, Zhou Yang's eyes widened suddenly!

"Ah! Is it such a fate? I am also on the crew of "The Prequel of the Lotus Lantern"."

Shu Chang looked over curiously: "Yangyang? Who are you playing?"

"I play Yang Chan, Uncle Jiao's sister. What's the name of your relative? Maybe I can help you take care of her."

"My name is Song Zuer..." Shu Chang said, with a slightly troubled expression on his face: "Although she is not very old, her temper and personality are a bit strange. Please be more patient."

The two of them were asking and answering questions, but they didn't notice the change in Chen Fei's face.

Song Zuer.

This person is no ordinary flower girl. She is still young now and has made her debut as a child star, but she still doesn’t know how to trick people in the future.

Zhou Yang didn't pay attention, and said with a smile: "It's okay, kids are like that."


A group of people sat together, eating and chatting.

Chen Fei and Liu Yifei did not come back from abroad for a long time, but most of the others were hanging out in various crews. Various scandals and shocking news broke out one after another, and Liu Yifei was stunned!

"Male director? Male actor? Real or fake?"

"Can I still lie to you?" Jiang Yiyan said firmly: "Many people on the crew saw it, the two of them were kissing so openly."

A gasp of cold air echoed through the courtyard.

Chen Fei suddenly fell silent. He thought that when he was working as a small player in Hengdian, he was "harassed" by an old man.

"Have you heard? Lin Daiyu has become a monk, and I heard that it is already in an advanced stage..."

Chen Fei can still express his opinion on this.

"You should also pay attention in the future and receive regular psychological consultation and rehabilitation to avoid such things from happening. Some directors will not care so much for the sake of the effect of the film..."

Lin Daiyu is one, and the most typical ones are Hu Jun and Liu Ye. I heard that these two were specifically told not to see each other for ten years!

The cell phone vibrated from his trouser pocket. Chen Fei took it out and took a look, his brows raised slightly.


On the other end of the phone, the wealthy lady in the world smiled brightly: "Director Chen, I'm Jing Tian. I passed Nortel's final exam. I will definitely be able to get to the set before the filming starts."

"Well, okay, keep up the good work."

"Are you still in the capital? Have you had lunch? I'll treat you to dinner."

"Eating..." After thinking for a while, Chen Fei said simply: "Let's do this, I'll give you an address, you take a taxi over here, and let's eat together."


As soon as she hung up the phone, she saw Liu Yifei looking over curiously.

"Who is it?"

"Your girlfriend."


Several people at the table were stunned, and Liu Yifei was even more confused. Why did she become my girlfriend?
"To be more specific, it should be the choice of a girlfriend for "Mulan"."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but become curious.

When Hua Mulan was serving in the army for her father, the general did matchmaker for "her", and she was talking about the general's own daughter.

In other words, this "daughter" will play father and daughter with Jiao Enjun.

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Fei went out specially, called the door, and brought Jing Tian back.

It is no exaggeration to say that Da Tiantian and Liu Yifei were on the same level when they were young.

Because of the art exam, she didn't wear makeup today and appeared without makeup the whole time!

But even so, the little girl still maintains her lips that are still red, her eyebrows that are still green, and her charming and rich appearance. Especially her big eyes, which are as penetrating as apricots, and also have some fearlessness of a girl.


Except for Liu Yifei and Shu Chang, everyone else suddenly realized.

They all met when they were filming "2012". Although Jing Tian was often trained by Chen Fei in the script at that time, his appearance was unparalleled!
"Hello, fellow senior brothers and sisters." Da Tiantian greeted enthusiastically, without any stage fright.

Chen Fei stood by and explained: "Junior sister from the 07 class, just passed the final exam."

"Sit down quickly..." Luo Jin greeted with a smile.

Maybe she was better protected by her family. This girl is very innocent. When chatting, her mouth is often faster than her brain. They discovered it when the crew was filming.

Looking curiously at the innocent and lovely face in front of her, Liu Yifei felt a sense of crisis inexplicably!

Many boys like this kind of naive girl, she just hopes that Chen Fei is not that kind of person.


After a three-hour meal, I went to the theater room to watch a high-scoring movie. It was getting dark when the show was about to end.

Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin both drove, so they sent the people back respectively.

The old man happily waved goodbye to a few people, and when walking back, he asked Chen Fei: "Which one of them is the grandson's wife? I think that Liu Hefei's girl and that Jing Tian are pretty good, and the other three wives are pretty good." Noisy, not suitable for you..."

"It's a pity for you, but actually they are neither."

"Hey! You kid! There are so many girls but you can't get even one of them back? Can you do that? You're not as good as an old man like me."

Fade Chen raised his lips slightly: "Huh? Are you having a love affair at dusk? When will you get it back? I'll check it for you?"

"Get out of here!"

The old man's steps were vigorous and he disappeared after a few steps.


Although the cast of "Mulan" has been announced, many people still called Chen Fei frequently during this period, or they were trying to get a suitable role by dragging people around.

On the way to the set, Chen Fei received a call.

"Fan Wenfang? From Huayi?"


"No, please reply to me. The actors have been decided and there is no chance of changes. But if you have time, you can come and play a role."


Huang Xiaoming nodded, hung up the phone, looked at Wang Zhonglei in front of him, and shook his head slightly.


Sighing, Wang Zhonglei had no choice but to give up.He failed to grab the investment, and now he can't even get the actors in. It's a complete failure.

Fortunately, "The King of Kung Fu" and "Assembly" are still there to support us, otherwise this wave would be a huge loss!


March 3th, Bashu, Huajia Courtyard!
All the actors gathered at the scene.

The Hua family are not poor people. Although Hua's father has been discharged and returned to his fields, he has made great military achievements and is also a well-known local family.

There were three animals placed on the document, and Chen Fei led a group of creatives to offer incense and worship, praying that there would be no problems on the shooting set.

Reporters stood on both sides, flashing lights.

When it came to the interview session, Chen Fei was immediately surrounded!

"Director Chen, Lu Chuan publicly announced that he has sent the film "Nanjing! Nanjing!" to participate in the Cannes competition and wants to compete with you for the Palme d'Or. What do you think?"

Chen Fei curled his lips and did not hide his inner sarcasm: "Let him be selected for nomination first."

"There is news from South Korea that "New World" is doing well at the box office. Do you have a share of it?"

"Do you even need to ask? There must be one."

"When is the Mulan movie expected to be completed?"

"Probably in June or July."

"Forbes released a list of domestic celebrities, and you ranked third among cultural celebrities. What do you think of the comparison?"

"Thank you for your love."


The old youtiao's interview focused on being watertight. Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of Chen Fei, the reporters surrounded Liu Yifei again.

"With an investment of US$7000 million, do you think you are qualified to be the heroine?"

"You have to ask Chen Fei about this. If he thinks I can do it, then I can do it."

Liu was not polite. She responded mercilessly to the pitfalls dug by some reporters.

Jing Tian was also besieged by reporters, but because she was still a little transparent, she didn't suffer much.


Here, "Mulan" started smoothly and went directly into shooting mode.

Jiao Enjun and Chen Daoming have not joined the cast for the time being because they have other scenes, but now they are mainly shooting scenes about the Hua family's main house, so they are not required to stay on set.

The market in March was completely suppressed by "The Devil Wears Prada", and "Tuya's Marriage" failed to make a single ripple, which was a disaster!

When Wang Quan'an came to visit the class, his face was full of sadness: "Hollywood movies are too strong, there is no comparison."

"You compare literary and artistic films to other people's commercial films? Isn't this just looking for abuse?"

Chen Fei said this rather euphemistically. In fact, anyone who has really seen the Hollywood film industry will find that the commercial films produced by both sides are completely different concepts!
Why can’t Hollywood directors have editing rights?
Because the Hollywood film industry has extracted almost all the commercial elements from the film, and the elements that the director wants to tell are likely to be deleted!
Most of the movies there are purely "commercial" in nature.

Just after Wang Quan'an left, the media broke the news about the change of roles in "Red Cliff".

Han Sanping announced the budget to the media.

Six hundred million!
Because the movie has been divided into two parts, one and two, many Hong Kong and Taiwan actors are clamoring for a salary increase. For example, Tony Leung Chiu-wei, who replaced Chow Yun-fat, offered a sky-high price of 2400 million!

Of course, the former is higher, otherwise it would not be possible to replace it.

Chen Fei has always felt that Lao Han's vision is not very good, that is, the stalls are too big. If these movies are given to private film companies, one movie can bring him down.

Originally, Han Sanping was planning to come over to visit the class, but "Red Cliff" directly "trapped" him.

However, Ren Zhonglun rushed over, and at the same time, he was also followed by the Emperor's Director Huo.

"Hey? Why are you here together?"

Chen Fei was still a little confused, but when Ren Zhonglun took out the script of "Slam Dunk" for him to read, he suddenly understood.

It turned out that these two families came to Zhou Jie to discuss making a new film.

Jay Chou's fan appeal means that he will not lose money when making a movie. As long as it is a movie starring him, his group of fanatical fans can directly push the box office to more than [-] million!

After briefly looking through the book, Chen Fei returned it directly to Ren Zhonglun: "Just shoot it like this, I'm sure you won't be compensated."

"Hey, I feel relieved with your words."

Ren Zhonglun left happily.


After Chen Fei's hard training, Liu Yifei's acting skills have also been significantly improved. In addition, she specially hired a martial arts and acting teacher in Hollywood some time ago, so it is quite easy to play the role of Mulan.

"Let go of the show and show off the momentum you used to fight against the pianist's father. What I want is not a weak and weak Hua Mulan, what I want is a woman who will not be inferior to a man..."

"Oh! It's all a thing of the past!"

Liu Yifei looked depressed.


Everyone is laughing.


The filming of "Mulan" went very smoothly, but "The King of Kung Fu" was in constant trouble.

News came back from the Internet that Li Lianlian is in contact with "The Mummy 3" and is suspected to appear as Zulong.

As soon as the news came out, netizens immediately became excited!

Everyone knows the plot of The Mummy. If he plays the role of Zulong, wouldn't he become a villain?

There was a heated quarrel over there, and Zhao Yanzi started to make a fuss again, saying that fans disliked her makeup photos for being too ugly, and asked the crew to replace her with a new stylist.

Zhu Yawen was a big talker. While reading the report, she muttered nonchalantly: "She is already ugly, so what's the point of changing her look?"


Chen Fei was delighted on the spot.

This is indeed the case, and it can be seen from the images and fan connections of the few at the back that there is not a single good person that Grandma Rong has beaten!
There is a scene in "Mulan" where Mulan cuts off her hair and wears a military uniform.

The original intention of the styling team was to graft a wig on Liu Yifei first, and then let her cut off the wig to create the effect of shaving her hair.

But the little girl shook her head very seriously: "No need to pick it up, I am willing to cut my own hair."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei and Liu Xiaoli couldn't help but be stunned.

"It's not necessary..."

Chen Fei was just about to stop her, but Liu Yifei took the initiative and said: "There are all men in the military camp, and my long hair is in the way, so I just cut it off and let it grow back later."

It just so happens that I have never tried a short hair style, so I took this opportunity to try a new style. "

Liu Yifei said it very seriously, and she had obviously made up her mind.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked at Liu Xiaoli. To his surprise, Liu's mother did not express any opinions, and there was even a little relief in her eyes.

"Okay, let's get ready. First, shoot the scene of going to the matchmaker, and let the stylist give you the most beautiful appearance in the Northern Wei Dynasty. After the battlefield scene is finished, reproduce the poem "An Neng can argue that I am a male and female"! "


The little girl was very excited. She had always wanted to have short hair, so she took this opportunity to satisfy her unconventional ideas.


Late March is still a period dominated by Hollywood movies.

As soon as Brad Pitt's "Babel" was released, "The Devil Wears Prada" was suppressed and its popularity dropped completely.

With the continuous contact between Hollywood and domestic films, more and more Hollywood filmmakers are gradually becoming known to the audience.

For example, the foreign boyfriend in the international chapter, many movie fans have a very bad impression of him.

Because in their eyes, Zhang Ziyi should have been pure and peaceful, but just because she had this foreign boyfriend, her image changed completely!
For example, in the eyes of fans, Zhang Ziyi would never have taken such a photo if it had been in the past.

"Hey? You know people, faces, but not hearts!"

Looking at the reports on the Internet, Zhou Yang murmured in a low voice: "Have any of you seen the reports about the International Chapter going to Berlin to walk the red carpet in 2000? They were just wearing bellybands at that time, which was much more slutty than this."

Chen Fei curled his lips and said, "What's so good about it? A tablet."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Yifei and Jing Tian lowered their heads subconsciously, and then breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

Thanks to the fact that they pay great attention to figure management, they are not flat at all.

It's just a pain for Liu Yifei. From now on, she will have to wear a girdle when wearing armor. That thing is very uncomfortable.


March flies by and April is here in a blink of an eye.

Marvel called and informed Chen Fei that all work had been arranged and he was waiting for the release of "Iron Man".

The post-production of "The Incredible Hulk" has also been completed. After comprehensive consideration, the release date is set in the second half of the year.

"Okay, I will go to Hollywood around the 20th. Please tell Downey and others that they must fully cooperate with the promotion."

"Okay, Boss!"

Kevin Feige is very obedient and does things quickly.

The reason is simple. Chen Fei had previously revealed to him that if "Iron Man" did well at the box office, Marvel Studios would be separated and he would be the president.

Ambition is rising in my heart, and I will naturally spare no effort in doing things.


Once people start to get busy, time will fly by unconsciously.

When Chen Fei woke up this morning, he was just about to tell the crew of "Mulan" to prepare for filming when he saw a large group of people walking out of the Hua family's house. The few people in front even had fireworks tubes in their hands!
boom! boom! boom!
Before he could react, there was an explosion and fireworks scattered all over the sky.

"What are you doing?" Chen Fei looked confused. It's not even his birthday?

Everyone looked at each other and shouted in unison: "Congratulations, Director Chen, for being nominated for the 60th Cannes International Film Festival!"

(End of this chapter)

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