Chapter 263 "I am Iron Man"


Wong Jiawei's first English-language film "Blueberry Nights" will serve as the opening film of this film festival.

There are 9 judges in the main competition unit, and the chairman is Stephen Frese.

It is worth mentioning that among the judges there is an actress that Chen Feiman admires: Zhang Manyu.

She is the winner of the "Best Actress Award" at the 42nd Berlin International Film Festival and is famous in the fields of literary and commercial films!

After the fireworks were released, a newspaper was handed over by Hu Ge who came to visit the class.

It marks the shortlist of films for this year's Cannes International Film Festival.

There are 23 shortlisted films, and "Shoplifters" is among them!
At this moment, Chen Fei's eyes unconsciously glowed with joy.

Although he had long expected to receive a nomination, when his name actually appeared on the list, he could not conceal his excitement!
Keep looking down.

Except for Wong Jiawei's "Blueberry Nights" and his "Shoplifters", there are no other works by Chinese directors on the list.

I recall that Lu Chuan recently vowed to shout "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》can definitely be shortlisted, he couldn't help but want to laugh.

This was a good time, my face was slapped!
Putting away the newspaper, taking a deep breath, Chen Fei waved his hand and shouted directly: "I'm happy today. Everyone in the crew has a day off. I'll treat you to a five-star hotel!"

"Yeah! Director Chen is awesome!"

Cheers resounded throughout the audience, and everyone was excited.


The crew of Mulan took a day off, and the media was completely outraged.

The official media and several major portal websites directly pinned the nomination list announced by the Cannes Film Festival for netizens to view.

Post bars and blogs were the first to become lively.

"What the fuck? Director Chen is so awesome. Hundreds of films participated, but only 23 were selected. And they still got nominated. His strength should not be underestimated!"

“Look at this place, it’s ranked second among so many nominated films!”

"It's amazing. I won the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival before, and this time I went to the Cannes Film Festival and was nominated. This is not something ordinary people can compare to!"

"Damn it, Director Chen doesn't want to win all three European gold medals, does he?"

"Maybe he really has such a purpose."

"Pfft, oh, I'm laughing so hard. Didn't Lu Chuan swear before that he would be nominated for Cannes? Can anyone tell me where the film he made went?"

"Hahahaha, I got slapped in the face again."

"Don't brag if you don't have the ability. It's better now. I want to see how he plans to end it."


There was constant hustle and bustle on the Internet, and Chen Fei's phone calls kept coming.

"You kid, you can just make a movie and be nominated for Cannes?"

"Hey, Mr. Han, I don't like hearing what you say. How can you call it casual? I have worked hard!"

"Ouch, my bad, I apologize."


As soon as the phone was hung up, Ren Zhonglun called eagerly.

"Oh, if I had known this was the case, I would have had to shamelessly ask for investment permission no matter what I said."

"Didn't Shanghai Film Academy get Xuanfa?"

"The announcement of literary films..."

As Ren Zhonglun was talking, his face suddenly became startled!

If this were a literary film made by someone else, even if it won the Golden Bear, the box office would probably not be much better.

But Chen Fei is different!
Think about the last movie "No Man's Land". The investment was less than 500 million, but it made more than [-] million at the domestic box office, brightening the eyes of countless people.

Maybe this "Shoplifters" can also regain its glory!

Thinking of this, he immediately patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I will definitely get Xuanfa done for you."

Chen Fei shook his head and laughed. This old man is also quite interesting.


Wang Zhiwen, Zhou Xun, Zhu Zhu, Wan Qian and others called Chen Fei one after another, their words full of excitement.

"Sister Xun, I know you are very excited now, but don't be excited yet. We just got a nomination, and we don't necessarily know whether we will win the award."

“I don’t care if I get it or not, I’ll be happy if it’s nominated!”

"Hey, then you have to save your schedule for me. From the opening ceremony to the final acceptance of the award, we have to promote it in Cannes."

"Okay, that's fine! Isn't it just ten days? I can afford to wait!"

Zhou Xun agreed without hesitation, and Wang Zhiwen did not hesitate at all, and immediately promised that he would be there to help promote the event.

This is the Cannes Film Festival, everything else has to stand aside!

Phone calls, text messages, emails…

Acquaintances at home and abroad are sending congratulatory messages to Chen Fei.

Looking at the entire film and television industry, almost everyone was attracted by the news that Chen Fei was shortlisted for the Cannes Film Festival.

Various media outlets even applauded:

"Win the Golden Bear! Go straight to the Palme d'Or!"

"Although he is young, he is very powerful. Director Chen will achieve great success again!"

"Comparatively speaking, polishing the film in a down-to-earth manner is what a director who can really make a good film has."


There was a call from Nortel, and Old Zhao laughed: "I'll pull a banner for you first, and you have to work harder for me to get the Palme d'Or back for us!"

"I try my best…"

Chen Fei was quite dumbfounded. He was just thinking that he had forgotten something, but when he turned around, Lao Zhao brought up the matter of "pulling banners."

To be honest, it would be a bit awkward not to put up a banner.

Leonardo took the initiative to call, and in addition to envy in his words, he was more eager!

"Fei! Let's work together once! Three European gold medals! I don't even have a chance to be nominated."

"But I don't have a suitable script in my hand!"

"Then you must remember that if you write a script that suits me, you must contact me. I will wait for your news. I can star in it for free!"

"Okay, I'll try my best to fulfill your wish."

CJ also called. In addition to congratulating Chen Fei for being nominated, he also informed him of the box office trends of "New World".

"One month after its release, the film has been watched by a total of 468 million people! Not only has it recovered its cost, but it has also been a huge success!"

Pu Qihan was excited, but Chen Fei was curious.

"How much does the 468 million moviegoers you mentioned translate into box office?"

Park Seo-han forced himself to calm down, and then explained: "The domestic box office in South Korea was 4121 million U.S. dollars, and the international box office was 1300 U.S. dollars. The total global box office was 5421 million U.S. dollars. It is extremely rare in the history of South Korean movies..."


Chen Fei responded very calmly, without any ripples in his heart.

It’s only more than [-] million yuan, and it’s not even as much as what you make from making a horror movie. What’s so exciting about this?
To sum up, South Korea’s population is still too small.

After chatting for a while, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

He has already roughly understood the South Korean film market through the movie "New World". From this point of view, the market in North America is still awesome!

The Internet is full of news that "Shoplifters" has been nominated. Major portals and official media have praised it and believe that Chen Fei is very hopeful to win the Palme d'Or.

As for Lu Chuan, who was still clamoring, he was completely wilted now.

When he appeared at Nortel School with a cane and a bruised face, he immediately attracted many people to watch.

If it were in the past, he would definitely walk across the playground with his head held high.

But now he just hopes that fewer people will see him...

Lose your face!

It's so embarrassing!

"Nanjing!Nanjing! After the filming was completed, he deliberately showed the edited original film to his teacher.

At the movie viewing scene, the teacher specially invited several well-respected old professors in the literary and art circles to evaluate the movie.

Without exception, everyone praised it after watching it and thought it was particularly realistic and representative...

So the film was sent to the Cannes Film Festival for review by world-renowned judges.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Professor Jiang even contacted Zhang Manyu and wanted to establish a relationship.

The other side readily agreed.

Lu Chuan thought that the nomination was a sure thing. After all, didn't Wang Quan'an find Chen Fei as a judge, so he got the nomination, and even won the Golden Bear?
He found Zhang Manyu, who should be no worse than Chen Fei.

But he never expected that he would become a joke on the day the nominations were announced!
The Haikou that he boasted about in front of the media has now become a slap in the face, slapped hard on his face.

He completely lost!
Lost a mess!
When he walked to the teacher's door, before he even raised his hand to knock on the door, he heard an angry voice coming from inside:

"You are right. This movie does objectively reflect the image of some "conscience" Japanese people, but it cannot cover up their monstrous bestiality. And at present, they cover up and even promote crimes. Textbooks and shrines describe themselves as " "Victim country", even calling launching a war "saving the nation", this is unforgivable, let alone unforgivable!
If "Nanjing!"Nanjing! 》This movie was nominated and even received an award. I directly became an aide and a traitor!You know! "

Lu Chuan heard very clearly that these words were spoken by Zhang Manyu.

"Beep beep..."

A busy tone sounded and the phone was hung up.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" A heavy breathing sound came from the office. Lu Chuan's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly opened the door and rushed in.

"Teacher, please calm down and don't get angry. There is no need to be angry with them. Those people are blind and cannot understand the connotation of this movie..."

" medicine..."

Professor Jiang raised his hand and pointed tremblingly at the desk, his face pale.

"Okay, I'll get it for you."

Very skillfully, he handed the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill to Professor Jiang. As he swallowed it, a trace of blood appeared on his face, and Lu Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This person is considered his biggest supporter in the art film industry, and he must not fall down.

After relaxing for a while, Professor Jiang's breathing gradually stabilized, with determination in his eyes: "Postpone the release date and apply for the Venice International Film Festival. I still have connections there, so I must win the award!

This film contains profound truths. Those rubes in Cannes couldn't understand it, and I don't believe that the judges in Venice couldn't understand it either! "

Hearing this, Lu Chuan's eyes lit up and he nodded hurriedly: "Okay, I'll do it right away."

He knew very well that the teacher had been in the literary and art circles for so many years and still had a wide network of contacts.

If Zhang Manyu doesn't give him face, the worst he can do is go to the Venice International Film Festival and give it a try. The teacher there also has acquaintances, and he might even be able to compete with Li Bian's "Lust, Caution"!

The heat in April almost always stays with Chen Fei.

Even though Wong Jiawei was nominated for the Cannes Film Festival, and the film also served as the opening ceremony, because he was filming a foreign film, people didn't pay much attention to it.

The filming of Mulan became smoother and smoother.

Twelve volumes of military books, each with his name...

Chen Baoguo very well showed his love for his daughter as a father and his loyalty to the country as a soldier!
Even though he was disabled, after receiving the military certificate, he still continued to train himself unremittingly, determined to serve the motherland with his disabled body.

Hua Mulan hid behind the beam, watching her father fall down repeatedly, and her mother's face filled with worry, and a bold idea began to emerge in her mind!

My grandfather has no eldest son, and Mulan has no eldest brother.
I am willing to be a pommel horse for the city and fight for my father from now on!
Buy horses in the east market, buy saddles in the west market,
Buy bridles in the southern market and long whips in the northern market!
It was late at night, facing the bronze mirror in front of her, Mulan raised the long sword in her hand, with tenacious faith on her face.


The sword blade shone with a cold white light under the night sky, and a head of black and silky hair was cut off directly.

Wearing armor and holding a sword, Mulan took advantage of the dark night and galloped towards the battlefield!


Behind the camera, Chen Fei suddenly stood up and applauded Liu Yifei on horseback.

"Clap clap clap!"

For a time, the crew was filled with enthusiastic applause.

Liu Yifei turned her horse around very skillfully and returned to the shooting scene. She turned over and dismounted neatly. She was really like a heroine among women, with extraordinary bravery!


Chen Fei took her and watched the replay. The long shot just now was completed in one go without any problems. It was called a clean shot.

Touching her half-cut hair, Liu Yifei pouted, feeling a little distressed after all.

"I have short hair now, does it look good?"


Chen Fei expressed his appreciation very sincerely.

The girl suddenly laughed.

After this scene ended, the filming of the Hua Mansion came to an end. What will be filmed next is Mulan rushing to the battlefield and the confrontation between the Northern Wei Dynasty and Rouran.

Chen Fei found Feng Taoxin and assigned him a very difficult task.

“In the next month, I will go to Hollywood to accept awards at the Cannes Film Festival and the Saturn Awards, and one of my movies is about to be released there.

The crew of "Mulan" will be suspended for a month. Some actors will be busy with other work, but other actors will cooperate with you in rehearsals.

I need you to recreate the battle between the Northern Wei Dynasty and Rouran. Each battle must involve at least 5000 people. I need to shoot a more magnificent battle scene than "Heroes"!

Do you have the confidence to develop this team before I come back? "

Feng Taoxin swallowed: "I have confidence. This is actually not difficult, but...but where can I find so many extras who are in good physical condition and are obedient?"

Chen Fei smiled.

"The National Sports Administration will help us complete the filming of this scene, and there will be real soldiers to cooperate. You just wait here, and someone will contact you tomorrow."

Sports Authority?A real soldier?

Feng Taoxin was stunned at first, and then his eyes suddenly widened!
"Director Chen, you mean the army..."

"Yes, this is not so much a movie as it can be said to be an exercise. A confrontation in the era of cold weapons. Those extras in Hengdian cannot capture such momentum."


Feng Taoxin's face turned red: "Those who stepped on grandma, I get excited just thinking about it. Brother Fei, did you do it? Can those people be invited?"

"The investment in the movie is as high as 7000 million U.S. dollars. How much are these actors worth? What are you going to do with so much money left? Of course it is to have a wonderful cold weapon charge!"


After arranging the follow-up work for Feng Taoxin, and at the same time bringing Ning Hao, who was working as a babysitter at home, to cooperate with Huang Bo, who was responsible for the arrangement and coordination of the crew, Chen Fei took a plane directly to Hollywood.

The promotion of "Iron Man" is in full swing, and several leading actors have even appeared on all the shows they can appear on.

After Chen Fei landed in Hollywood, he naturally did not sit idle in the company.

Compared with several other leading actors, he is even more famous in Hollywood. Whenever he participates in some activities, he attracts more attention than Robert Downey Jr. and others!
Marvel Studios is also sparing no effort, with various posters, media, websites, etc. taking turns to promote it.

This is a turnaround battle related to the future of the company. If it is fought well, Marvel will be directly revitalized!
But if they fail, they will be faced with bankruptcy and liquidation!
"What movies were released at the same time?"

Hearing Fade Chen's question, Natasha was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and walked towards the table.

After a while, a list appeared in Chen Fei's hand!
4.27 "Death at a Funeral" Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

4.27 "Fractured" New Line Cinema.

4.27 "The Golden Man" Paramount Pictures.

4.27 "Death Row" Lionsgate Pictures.

5.4 "Lucky Player" Warner Bros.

5.4 "Spider-Man 3" Sony Pictures.

Natasha shrugged and said with a smile to herself: "We are lucky. Except for Sony Pictures' "Spider-Man 3", the cost of other films is controlled below [-] million US dollars, and they do not involve Class A production. "

"Well, it doesn't matter. After "Spider-Man 3" is released, we have already obtained the box office in the first week. Although it will have a certain impact, it is not big."

"I hope I can get good results!"

"Trust me, it will!"

According to statistics, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" finally received a global box office of US$7.5 million. Although it failed to surpass the US$7.6 million of "The Da Vinci Code", it was an impressive victory.

As for "Iron Man", Chen Fei does not expect it to surpass the former. As long as the global box office can exceed 5 million US dollars, this will be a heart-warming victory!


At the same time, while Chen Fei was promoting in Hollywood, a poster suddenly appeared on the headlines of major domestic portals, and also appeared on the bulletin boards of major domestic theaters.

Movie: "Iron Man"
Director: Fei Chen
Screenwriter: Fei Chen
Producer/Producer: Marvel Studios

The post bar was suddenly filled with excitement again!
"What the hell? Director Chen's new movie!"

"With an investment of US$1.4 million, it is still the same as last year's "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", and it is also a top-notch Class A production!"

"What's going on? Why are there no publicity activities here in China? I see it's very lively on the external network!"

"After all, it is an imported film. There are restrictions here in China, as are other Hollywood films. It is already awesome to be able to be released simultaneously around the world."

"Brothers, come and watch a movie here in Shenzhen City. United Artists Cinemas has launched a pre-sale event. Hehe, you guys have already got your movie tickets in advance, so you don't have to go to the venue to grab them!"

"What the hell? Are you holding it in your mouth like that?"

The same scene occurs in various regions around the world.

Switzerland, China, France, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia, Germany, Italy, Russia, Canada, the United States, Japan...

Countless regions and countless fans are eagerly looking forward to it!


27th, 0 o'clock.

As major theater chains around the world pressed the switch button on time, "Iron Man" also officially ushered in a simultaneous global release.

Order from Stark Industries, kidnapped by the Ten Ring Gang, installing an electromagnetic device in the heart, making the mechanical armor Mark 1, escaping from the base...

Scenes of wonderful and exciting scenes slowly unfolded, showing the process of Tony Stark's transformation from "human" to "god".

Mark 3 appears, goes to the battlefield alone, fights Obadiah, activates energy with the intention of dying with the enemy, is rescued, S.H.I.E.L.D. appears...

This is a purely commercial film, and it is also a commercial film that ignited many people's adrenaline!
Let me ask, who hasn’t had the dream of “saving the world” when they were young?
At the final press conference, when Robert Downey Jr. said the words "I am Iron Man", extremely warm cheers suddenly erupted in movie theaters around the world!
And this warm cheer also means that the door to the rise of Marvel Studios has been officially opened!

On the 28th, eight o'clock in the morning.

All Marvel employees arrived at the company early, with their eyes fixed on Chen Fei's mobile phone, waiting for the moment when the box office appeared on the first day.

"Jingle Bell!"

The piercing ringing of the phone instantly ignited everyone's adrenaline.

Chen Fei pressed the connect button, turned on the speakerphone, and placed the phone flat on the table.

Natasha's excited scream came from the receiver: "According to statistics, the box office on the first day of opening in North America: US$4050 million!"


Chen Fei stood up suddenly, his eyes widened!

Are you kidding me?Higher than "War for the Planet of the Apes"?
(End of this chapter)

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