It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 264 "Marvel Year Plan", public acquisition of competitors: Walt Disney? !

Chapter 264 "Marvel Ten-Year Plan", public acquisition... Competitor: Walt Disney? !

"iron Man"

First-day box office: $4050 million!
Based on this data, among the Hollywood movies released at the same time, it is definitely the best!
Film critics in Europe and the United States are not like those in China, who can always give you a few unwarranted negative reviews no matter what. Their reviews are usually very fair.

On the day after "Iron Man" was released, major media outlets had already published reviews of the movie in newspapers, portals, Twitter and other websites.

"'Iron Man' is highly entertaining and story-telling. The characters are very charming, extremely smart, cheerful, humorous and confident, and are very popular with the audience."

"The film is accompanied by heavy metal rock and chase scenes with large and small explosions. The pleasure of watching this film is no less than watching Spider-Man swinging among high-rise buildings."

"Downey's brilliant performance, unexpected humor and first-class special effects allowed the film to smoothly complete the transition in the scene, and in the end, the audience finally saw the wonderful battle scene. The special effects production of the film is perfect!"

"The film vividly shows every detail of the armor being put on the human body. The audience almost believes that such armor is entirely possible, and the scene of Iron Man blasting the tank to the sound of heavy metal music and then leaving without looking back is absolutely enough. cool!"

"The technology in 'Iron Man' may be beyond reality, but within the body of this enhanced-horsepower action robot beats a very human heart, everything the audience wants to see in a superhero movie. "Iron Man" may be the same as "Iron Man", the film is flawless and strictly adheres to the standards of a blockbuster movie in all aspects!"

Many media outlets rushed to report on it and did not hesitate to praise it.

And among the audience, everyone also saw another side of "superheroes" from this movie!
Compared with other superheroes who prefer to fight one-on-one with their opponents, Iron Man's destructive power is obviously superior. The weapons all over his body provide him with sufficient material basis to show off his power.

On the other hand, other superheroes mostly appear as saviors and rarely show their exciting power. From this aspect, Iron Man is undoubtedly the bravest of all heroes!
Countless praises intertwined together to create the success of "Iron Man", which also gave Marvel a new lease of life!
The box office continues to rise. At the end of the three-day screening period on 27th, 28th and 29th, the North American figure has steadily exceeded 1.2 million US dollars.

There is no doubt that this will be another successful Class A production!

The name "Chen Fei" once again spread throughout Hollywood.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" has successfully placed Walton Pictures, an independent film production company, among the thousands of film companies in Hollywood.

An "Iron Man" directly revitalized Marvel and stopped years of losses.

Two A-category major productions in succession have been hugely successful, and the box office trends have continued to rise, which clearly proves his strength!
At this moment, in the eyes of all Hollywood film companies, Chen Fei's worth and status have been raised to the same level as Li Yin!

If he can continue this kind of glory in the next time, then the whole of Hollywood will regard him as a "guest"!

On the 30th, a grand celebration dinner was successfully held at Marvel Company.

Universal, New Line, Lionsgate, Sony Columbia, Paramount, [-]th Century Fox, Warner Bros.…

That night, with the exception of Walt Disney, almost all well-known Hollywood film companies sent representatives to participate in the celebration banquet.

Chen Fei once again became the focus of attention among the crowd, and people were talking to him all the time, asking for the next round of cooperation.

If his directorship is the focus of many Hollywood actors' pursuits, then his screenwriting ability is a feature that various companies are extremely jealous of.

There is no shortage of top directors in Hollywood, but top screenwriters are completely rare.

And someone like Chen Fei who can both write and direct is the target of countless film companies!

If the happiest person at the scene was everyone from Marvel, then the second person was Walker Engel, the producer of "2012".

"Fei! I am amazed by your ability! I now have great confidence in the success of "2012"."

Chen Fei smiled slightly and asked curiously: "Mr. Walker, when is the schedule of "2012" set?"

"After company discussions, we decided to schedule it for June [-]."

June [-]?

Chen Fei's face was slightly startled: "Wouldn't it just coincide with Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End"?"

"No, no, no, not really." Walker shook his head and added: "The release date of Pirates 3 is one week apart from ours. Although it has a certain impact, it won't be too big.

We will not foolishly compete with Disney for box office. They are too powerful and we cannot compete. "

The Big Eight in Hollywood have now become the Big Six.

Sony acquired Columbia Pictures and MGM Pictures respectively, but even so, they still couldn't compare with Walt Disney.

Since its founding in 1926, Disney has relied on classic characters such as Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and Snow White to win box office and awards!
In the 40s, Disney began to engage in live-action movies again, and successively filmed movies adapted from works such as "Treasure Island" and "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea".

In 1955, they built the first modern art theme park, Disneyland.

The period from 1926 to 1966 was an important stage for Disney to establish itself and become famous all over the world.

According to incomplete statistics, Walt Disney received a total of 59 Oscar nominations and 22 Oscar wins in his lifetime!

Last year, Disney quietly acquired Steve Jobs' Pixar Animation Studio, acquiring a series of movies such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, and Cars.

Suddenly, this company that started off by relying on animated movies became even more popular!
In particular, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series launched in 03 has established Disney's dominant position among the eight major Hollywood studios.

In the past two years, Disney has continued to produce high-grossing films in the field of animated films and live-action films, and now it has the power of the "leading boss"!

"Fei? Is there any conflict between you and Disney?"

Walker Engel's sudden words interrupted Chen Fei's thoughts.

"Why do you say that?" Chen Fei looked at him curiously: "So far we have no competitive relationship, there should be no conflicts."

"Then why do people from Disney never show up to your parties?"

"I do not know either."

"Want to hear my opinion?"

"Huh?" Chen Fei looked at him slightly surprised: "Do you still want Mr. Walker to clear up your doubts?"

“Have you not observed Disney’s development strategy? Their main development direction has always been animation and live-action movies based on animation.

So far, the only strong competitor that can compete with them, Pixar Animation Studio, has been acquired by them, and DreamWorks has been packaged and sold to Paramount.

And I recently got news that Disney is preparing to acquire Lucasfilm, which created "Star Wars", and even 20th Century Fox, which has a certain influence in the animation field, and... your Marvel company! "

Chen Fei frowned.

So, has his strategy of acquiring Marvel been exposed?

Walker Engel smiled slightly and continued: "'Rise of the Planet of the Apes', 'Iron Man', 'The Incredible Hulk', 'Wall-E'.

Waltons Pictures, Marvel, animation copyright buyback... Fei, none of what you do is actually a secret, or only you think it is a secret.

You have to know that in Hollywood, even Wall Street speculators have to flee, let alone you, a Chinese! "

Chen Fei's heart tightened, and there was an inexplicable ripple in his eyes.

As expected of Hollywood!

He originally thought that his plan was thorough enough, but now it seems that it is all going on under the eyes of others.

"Why didn't anyone come out to stop me?" Chen Fei asked his most curious question now.

"Why should I stop you?"

Walker Engel shrugged and said: "Your talent is your greatest protective shield. No one can find a reason to stop you, and no one can find a way to stop you.

Just like Marvel, when the Volton Consortium began to make acquisitions, many people noticed this situation.

But we can't stop it, because there is a price to pay for stopping it. Once we start to obstruct it, it means that this hot potato will fall into our hands.

Who can say it?Who can guarantee that they can stop Marvel's losses?Who else can have such great courage? "

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly realized!

According to Walker Engel's remarks, Walt Disney has actually regarded him as his biggest opponent in the future, because all his subsequent plans actually overlap with Disney.

But other companies are different!

For example, Sony, Columbia Pictures and Universal Pictures can definitely cooperate with Chen Fei and make this money together.

Driving Chen Fei away would not do them any good, but would cause them to lose a large part of their profits.Although the businesses between the two parties overlap and competition also exists, they can still form a cooperative relationship.

Just like Sony Columbia Pictures, they hold the copyright of "Spider-Man" in their hands, and the two parties can cooperate to jointly launch the "Marvel Universe", a setting that only exists in comics.

But Disney has two completely different concepts.

They need to form an absolute monopoly in the field of animated films and deepen their influence in the field of animated films so that when everyone mentions the word "animation", the first thing they think of is Disney!

Marvel is actually a type of animation, and Chen Fei's latest "Iron Man" can also be regarded as a live-action movie adapted from animation.

As a result, the competition between the two parties will naturally enter a fierce state!
However, while he was thinking, a leader from Time Warner suddenly appeared in his sight.

"Why doesn't Time Warner, which owns DC Comics, regard me as a rival? Logically speaking, Marvel and DC should be the real competitors, right?"

Walker laughed: "DC has almost been ruined. It shoots one series and loses another one. Time Warner continues to use box office to prove that this series cannot make money at all.

You don't have a competitive relationship for the time being. Time Warner is planning to replicate the success of "Iron Man", and they will very much want to cooperate with you. "

After hearing this explanation, Chen Fei couldn't help but murmur to himself.

Damn it, Disney is quite overbearing. As long as a competitor appears, it will find ways to acquire it or even suppress it!

Just like its previous competitor "DreamWorks Film Company"

Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen are ambitious and want to make "DreamWorks" a new highlight in Hollywood.

But in December 05, the three founders suddenly sold DreamWorks to Paramount, one of the eight largest companies in Hollywood!

Before the combination was reborn, Disney and DreamWorks suddenly announced their cooperation in 09...

It only took a few years for the original competitors to form a cooperative relationship. There must be many ulterior secrets in this!
“What a great trick from Disney!”

Chen Fei sighed secretly, but he was not afraid at all.

Afraid of him?

The buddy holds the system in his left hand, holds the script in his right hand, and steps on the "Awards" and "Theatres" with both feet respectively. The main focus is one-stop service.

No matter how awesome Disney is, can you still fly into the sky?
In the near future, China will be the largest ticket warehouse in the world, and that's where Chen Fei's base camp happens to be!

Not convinced?
Then let’s see the true story from the box office and awards!


The celebration banquet is over.

Carrying a lot of business cards, Chen Fei returned to the hotel.

Just after going to work the next day, the entire Marvel top management gathered in the conference room, waiting for Chen Fei to arrange the next plan and strategy.

However, what no one expected was that when he came up, he opened the door directly!
"Natasha, you will call the reporters to hold a press conference, and the others will cooperate to announce the acquisition of "Marvel Comics" by Volton Pictures.

Announced to the Asian region that the Chinese name of "Marvel" has been changed from "Marvel" to "Marvel". From today on, the company's full Chinese name will be (Marvel Comics Company).

Also, starting today, Marvel will be split into "Marvel Entertainment" and "Marvel Studios."

Marvel Entertainment still has Isaac Perlmutter as its executive president, responsible for television, movie peripherals, comic book distribution, film copyright recovery and other businesses.

Marvel Studios will have Kevin Feige as its executive president, who will only be responsible for film production, production and other businesses. The businesses of both parties are interconnected, but the responsibilities will be split into two independent companies.

At the same time, we will announce to the outside world the first phase of Marvel's ten-year plan, which will be based on "Iron Man", "Thor", and "Captain America", supplemented by "The Avengers"..."

This meeting lasted all morning.

The typist responsible for recording scrapped two keyboards before recording all the blueprints described by Chen Fei in the document!

Kevin Feige was completely confused. He never expected that Fade Chen would actually fulfill his promise!

"Iron Man" was a box office hit, and Marvel Studios was spun off as an independent production company under his leadership to continue film production.

On the other hand, Isaac Perlmutter couldn't help but feel a little regret in his heart at this time.

If he had known that Marvel would be successfully "resurrected" by Chen Fei, he should have left some shares for himself.

But now it's better. Although the shares in hand have been turned into cash, this part of the cash cannot increase in value.

If the "ten-year plan" described by Chen Fei at the meeting will be a great success, Marvel... Oh no!It should be that Walton Pictures will completely become one of the top six in Hollywood!

Although success is still unknown, from now on, the possibility has been greatly improved!
As long as "Chen Fei" is still at Marvel, and as long as he can continuously produce scripts, success will only be a matter of time.


A week goes by in a blink of an eye.

On May [-]th, Marvel Entertainment held a grand press conference, inviting all news, media, and reporters around the world.

Marvel Entertainment President Isaac Perlmutter, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, Volton Pictures President Natasha, and Volton Pictures Vice President Bruce attended the press conference.

Facing the dense crowd of media people in the audience, Kevin Feige stood up first and announced the latest box office data of "Iron Man".

"To date, the global box office has exceeded US$3 million."

A very concise and concise sentence, but it caused an uproar in the whole audience!

a week?
$3 billion?
This is an extremely terrifying box office growth trend. If this trend is followed, it is not impossible that the box office will eventually exceed the US$7.5 million created by Chen Fei last year!
The reporters subconsciously looked around, trying to find Chen Fei, but found that he was not at the scene.

But that's not the point.

The most important thing is, why did Walton Pictures’ female president Natasha and vice president Bruce appear at the Marvel press conference?
Before anyone could react, Natasha stood up and announced straight to the point: "Last June, Volton Pictures successfully acquired "Marvel Comics" for US$31 billion and became its actual controlling shareholder. .”

One stone caused a thousand waves!

When Natasha announced this situation, all the reporters in the entire venue opened their eyes wide with disbelief!

Walt Disney Studios spent $31 billion to acquire Marvel?

What are you kidding?

The two companies are not at the same level in terms of size, okay?
Where did this seemingly young girl get the courage to carry out such a sky-high acquisition strategy?

The last time the company dared to do this, it was Sony's "taken advantage of" that successfully acquired Columbia Pictures and MGM Pictures for astronomical prices of US$34 billion and US$48 billion respectively.

And now, Volton Pictures, a "rookie" who has just started, has actually imitated Sony?

Where did they get this qualification?

For a time, the entire press conference turned into a mess, and the noise continued.

At the same time, Chen Fei, the instigator of this incident, was busy filming "Wall-E" at the animation studio.

His skin color and race determine that he is not suitable to show up at the press conference. Being a behind-the-scenes manipulator who controls the overall situation is what he should do.

And he also likes the feeling of strategizing behind the scenes. Everyone is acting according to his plan. This sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is simply great!

Disney is indeed awesome, but Chen Fei is not bad either!
There is still plenty of time.

"Interstellar", "Inception", "Kung Fu Panda" series, "Twilight" series...

I still have a lot of cards in my hand!
Disneyland is really awesome too.

But if Chen Fei launches Marvel Park, or directly creates a hodgepodge, creating a "dream world" similar to "Ready Player One"...

Let me ask you if you are afraid of Disney! ?

(End of this chapter)

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