It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 265 "The Father of Horror Films" Chief Content Executive?Strong Bullying Saturn Aw

Chapter 265 "The Father of Horror Films" Chief Content Executive?Strong Bullying Saturn Award!
As soon as the acquisition of Marvel by Volton Pictures was announced, it became the hottest news in Hollywood!

Major media outlets rushed to report, and many well-known producers and film company presidents were shocked by the courage of this independent production company.

A sky-high price of $31 billion?

How long does it take to earn back such a large amount of money?

The success of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" has already made Walton Pictures shine, and now combined with the acquisition of Marvel, it has made it even more popular and has become the top independent production company. batch.

The name "Chen Fei" has once again become the focus of many companies.

Because according to the announcement issued by Volton Pictures, he has suddenly become the chief executive content president of Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Pictures, and Volton Pictures.

In short, he will be responsible for all content output of these three companies.

"Get Out", "This Man from Earth", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", and "Iron Man", these four movies were directed and shot by Chen Fei after he came to Hollywood.

Without exception, all were a huge success!
As for the film works written by him, there are countless, and there is also no failure.

In the field of horror thrillers, he is affectionately called by the group of horror film lovers in North America: "The Father of Horror!"

Almost all of the excellent horror films in 06 were written by Chen Fei, and several horror thrillers nominated for the Saturn Award were also his works.

So what kind of glory will he create next?
Many film companies in Hollywood are striving for cooperation opportunities, and actors who have not signed with a brokerage company are coming to their door one after another, wanting to sign with Waltons.

There is no other reason.

Chen Fei has too many resources at his disposal!
Just based on the "Ten Year Plan" released by Marvel, the film catalog in it is enough to blind countless second-tier actors.

Coupled with the three major series of "War for the Planet of the Apes", "The Twilight Saga" and "Insidious" from Volton Pictures, there are so many characters to choose from!

And more importantly, the agency department of Walton Pictures did not sign many actors.

The only one who is famous seems to be the Chinese actress Liu Yifei...

Early admission means they can appear on the big screen as soon as possible!

When the news spread back to China, it once again caused an uproar!

"What are you talking about? Walton Pictures, which Chen Fei collaborated with, spent US$31 billion to acquire Marvel? He also became the chief content executive of several companies?"

In the office of Chairman Huayi, Wang Zhongjun stood up suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

"Yes." Wang Zhonglei nodded heavily, his eyes full of shock: "This kid has finally established a foothold in Hollywood, and I suspect that he also has shares in the Waltons Pictures."

"There is no need to doubt this kind of thing, it must exist, otherwise he would not have allowed so many cooperation opportunities and only cooperated with one independent production company."

"So what now? Are we going to do something?"

"What do you think we can do? Go to Hollywood and start a company?"

Wang Zhonglei's face stiffened and he sighed.

Indeed, Huayi can only move a small bench and sit and watch. The mainland has not yet understood its development. If it plunges into Hollywood, it will probably die miserably!

They don't have the ability of Chen Fei, who has achieved great success in two Hollywood A-class productions in succession, and they are even more successful in blockbusters with an investment of [-] million US dollars.

Now he has become the "Chief Content Executive" of Waltons Pictures, which is definitely developing in the direction of Spielberg!

Suddenly, Wang Zhongjun frowned: "Who is the foreign investor in "Mulan"?"

"This is Waltons Pictures, with an investment of up to 4000 million US dollars!"

"Then there's no need to think about it. Walton Pictures must have a deep cooperation with Chen Fei. If my guess is correct, his share in it is probably not low. In other words, he is one of the partners. one!"


The Huayi brothers can guess the conclusion, and other companies will naturally not be so stupid.

"I just asked what this kid is doing abroad quietly. It turns out that he is playing such a big game of chess, including Volton, Marvel, and the ten-year plan..."

Han Sanping murmured, as if thinking of something, she turned on her computer and quickly drew up a plan.

Ren Zhonglun was about to be more straightforward and called Chen Fei directly: "Damn it! Can you, chief content executive? I now find that you are getting more and more awesome in Hollywood!"

"It's just that I have better luck."

Chen Fei is very humble.

If it were not for the purpose of explaining the doubts from the outside world, he would not even be prepared to hold the position of "chief content executive".

We are not fools. The reason why a film company can become bigger and stronger depends on "content".

On the surface, he, the executive officer, is just a part-time job, but if you look into it a little more deeply, you will know that this is a position with real power, and he must have shares.

Of course, as long as you know this in your heart, no one will say it out loud.

As long as Natasha, Bruce, and Chen Fei don't make it public, no one will know the company's equity structure.

"If there is a suitable opportunity in the future, remember to take my brother with you. If anything happens to me in Hollywood, I have to ask you."

"Haha, no problem, who among us brothers will follow the other!"

Just after hanging up the phone, Wang Jinghua suddenly called.

"Huh? Rare visitor?"

Chen Fei got on the phone and chatted with her for a few words. As expected, the person on the other end first congratulated him on his achievements abroad, and then asked her for cooperation.

Ever since Wang Jinghua left Huayi and joined Chengtian Entertainment, life has become increasingly sad!
Fortunately for those A-list actors, they have a certain degree of fame in themselves, and coupled with the huge network of contacts in the industry, they are constantly booked for roles wherever they go.

But those middle-level and lower-level actors are having a much harder time, and many of them even encountered the dilemma of not being able to open their businesses for half a year.

Although Chengtian Entertainment also covers film, television, music, musicals, advertising and other fields, after all, this is just a new company established in 05.

Compared with those established companies, Chengtian is still too young.

They simply cannot come up with good resources. In addition, artist managers and film and television producers are naturally at odds with each other. Uneven distribution of benefits is also a major problem.

Many of the things Chengtian promised her before were not fulfilled, so Wang Jinghua had no choice but to go out and run the business on her own.

Feiyue Film and Television is her first goal. After all, this company hardly does any artist management, and its artists are only three or two kittens.

"If there is a suitable role, I will definitely contact Sister Hua."

Chen Fei said a few words casually and then hung up the phone.

Judging from what Wang Jinghua just revealed, it is probably a matter of time before she and Cheng Tian part ways.

After fielding calls from many people and calling to check on the progress of "Mulan," Chen Fei packed up his clothes and prepared to leave for California.


5 month 10 number.

Saturn Awards Ceremony.

In accordance with the organizer's request, Chen Fei led the creative members of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" to the hotel where they were gathering at about nine o'clock in the morning.

There are many participants at this year's Saturn Awards, and the red carpet ceremony will last for a long time.

Chen Fei thought that he would be the only Chinese person to receive the award this time, but what he didn't expect was that he saw a familiar face as soon as he entered the hotel lobby.

Zhang Yimou!
Lao Mouzi looked a lot more haggard. The work of the Olympic opening ceremony already made him very tired. In addition, "The Golden Jacket" did not win the Oscar, and the comments from netizens and fans also doubled his pressure.

"Director Zhang."

Leading a large group of people, Chen Fei walked to Zhang Yimou's side.

"Director Chen."

Zhang Yimou glanced behind Chen Fei and sighed inexplicably: "Your team is really impressive. In just a few years, I have already fallen behind."

Looking back, the two met during the summer vacation of 02.

In just five years, the young man who was on the set has now become a guest of major Hollywood film companies, winning box office and awards!

The world is impermanent!
Because he was nominated for "Best International Film", many people followed Zhang Yimou.

But looking around, there is only one Gong Li who can barely handle it.

Jay Chou is currently filming "Slam Dunk", and Chow Yun-fat has completely broken up with Zhang Weiping, and now he has no chance to come to accept the award.

From this point of view, Zhang Yimou's team is indeed a bit shabby.

"What you said is a bit too modest. There are not many people who can make Chinese-language films go out into the world. You are the one I admire the most."

This is true at all. "Hero" has completely opened the door for Chinese-language films to Hollywood. Lao Mouzi's record is representative!

"Haha, let's stop complimenting each other. Let me introduce to you. This is our famous domestic art director Xi Zhongwen. If you need anything in the future, you can contact Mr. Xi. He is an expert in art direction."

Chen Fei took the initiative to reach out and say hello to the other party: "Hello, Mr. Xi, we met on the crew of "Ambush from Flying Daggers"." This person's record is indeed awesome, starting from "Hero" to "Manchu" "The City Ends with Golden Armor" can be said to be Lao Mouzi's royal "art director".

He has won almost all domestic art direction awards!
"Hello, Director Chen, this is my business card. If you need anything, you can contact me."

"Okay, definitely will."

After saying hello, the two parties separated.

There were also many directors, producers, and actors familiar to Chen Fei in the hall.

"Fearless" was also nominated for Best International Film. Yu Rentai led Li Lianlian, Sun Li and others to the scene.

The name of a kung fu superstar was not blown out, but punched one after another. At this time, many people were surrounding Li Lianjie, asking for photos.

Unless white people have some unforgettable features on their faces, they will become face-blind after seeing them too much.

After saying hello several times in succession, Chen Fei couldn't tell who these actresses were, except of course the broad-minded ones.

"... "

The Korean language that suddenly came from behind made Chen Fei stunned for a moment. He turned his head curiously and saw a little girl about 14 or 5 years old greeting him with a smile.

Looking back, South Korean director Bong Joon-ho's iconic instant noodle hairstyle instantly comes into view.

"Han River Monster?"

"Yes, nice to meet you, Director Chen."

The group of stickmen were very polite and bowed to say hello.

"Hello." Chen Fei also returned the greeting.

More and more people noticed him and came around to say hello.

Daniel Craig, who plays James in 007, is indeed handsome, and the British handsome man deserves his reputation.

Tom Cruise also came to the scene and joked that Chen Fei could ask him to play Iron Man next time and kick out Robert Downey Jr.

The two obviously have a good relationship.

Brandon Routh, who made his first appearance in "Superman Returns", is a tall man with uniquely American deep eyes, which attracted the attention of many actresses on the scene.

As more and more crew members arrived at the scene, the two Hollywood actresses who impressed Chen Fei more deeply also came towards him.

Eva Green and Natalie Portman, both are girls under the age of 25, and both maintain a toned figure, giving people a sense of volume and smoothness.

As for those actresses over 25...

Sorry, I forgot in the blink of an eye!

The red carpet ceremony soon began.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" ranked relatively low, and I waited until it got dark before entering the awards ceremony.

The host is a famous talk show actor.

As soon as he came on stage, he immediately made fun of many people present, and even Chen Fei became one of his laughing points.

Everyone knew it was a joke, and the other person was very restrained, so no one was angry.

The award ceremony went on smoothly.

When it came out, it was awarded the best special effects drama, which was directly included in "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", and it won another trophy for Disney.

Then there are awards for best makeup, costumes, music, etc.

When the Chinese name of "Xi Zhongwen" sounded on the stage, bursts of cheers suddenly erupted from the Golden Armor side.

Zhang Yimou's face looked slightly relieved, at least this trip was not in vain.

The female supporting role, male supporting role, and female lead role were won by "X-Men 3", "Hollywood Estates", and "V for Vendetta" respectively.

Natalie Portman stepped onto the podium wearing a black dress, and her graceful body lines attracted countless eyes.

Andy Serkis is getting nervous again, because the next one is the Best Actor Award.

He has a nomination!
"Don't be nervous, there are several more films to come, and there are plenty of chances to win awards."


He breathed a sigh of relief, but his calves were still a little weak.

The Golden Globe Award was given to him, will he still get something at the Saturn Award?
"The winner of the No. 30 Saturn Award for Best Actor for "War for the Planet of the Apes" is Andy Serkis. Congratulations, you are a pioneer on the road to success."

"Winning a prize!"

Andy Serkis stood up suddenly, his face full of joy.

Chen Fei on the side was thoughtful because he heard the three words "pioneer".

"The winner of the No. 30 three-time Saturn Award for Best Screenplay is: "Superman Returns."

Huh? ?

Under the stage, a trace of surprise appeared on Chen Fei's face.

What is this scenario?
He was bound to win the best screenwriter. After all, the script of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is much better than that of "Return of Superman", and the more important thing is "original"!
But before he could react, he heard the host continue to announce:
"The winner of the No. 30 Saturn Award for Best Director for the third time is Fei Chen's "Rise of the Planet of the Apes"!"

Okay, so I'm waiting here.

A faint smile appeared on Chen Fei's face, he stood up, hugged the actor next to him, and walked onto the podium.

"I'm quite lucky. I didn't expect that I would win such a substantial trophy when I participated in the Saturn Awards for the first time. Thank you to the organizers and the judges for their recognition. Please continue to look forward to my next works. I believe that everyone will You will see me frequently at the Saturn Awards, and I hope you won’t spit on me then.”

There were bursts of laughter from the audience.

There is a big difference between foreign and domestic award ceremonies. People here usually don't pay much attention to modesty, but prefer people who dare to laugh at themselves or "talk big words".

Chen Fei is profound in his ways.

Best animated film went to "Cars," Walt Disney's first project after acquiring Pixar Animation Studios.

As expected of a professional animator, he is indeed awesome!

The best international film was won by Spain's "Pan's Labyrinth". At this point, The Golden Armor completely bid farewell to all Hollywood awards.

Zhang Yimou's expression became gloomy again. He had a hard fall in his best field, which had a huge impact on him.

The best action/adventure/thriller movie was won by "007: Casino Royale". Jason Browne shrugged towards Chen Fei's position, a little helpless.

The box office and reputation of "Dangerous Laughter" are quite good, and the DVD sales are also very good, but it is a little sluggish in terms of awards.

"What will be announced next is the best horror movie. It's very interesting. The screenwriters of these five horror movies are all the same person, which is our great "Father of Horror", Fei Chen, hahahaha!"

Many people at the scene turned their attention to Chen Fei, with sighs in their eyes.

"Father of Terror", this title is not something that ordinary people can take!
The Saturn Awards have been held for 33 years, but this is the first time this kind of situation has happened. Last year's horror film market not only brought high remuneration to Chen Fei, but also caused the entire Hollywood horror film to be shrouded in the shadow of "Chen Fei" middle!
Those independent film production companies that specialize in horror films couldn't help but tremble when they heard the name "Chen Fei"!

"Congratulations, Insidious."

Chen Fei turned his head and looked behind him, only to see Wen Ziren's eyes shining.

Applause rang out, and people from Universal Pictures also stood up to encourage him. During this period, the filming of Fast 4 was extremely smooth, but more and more luxury cars were crashed.

After the horror movie awards were announced, there were only two awards left.

Best fantasy movie, best science fiction movie.

There isn't any "suspense" that fantasy movies give "Superman Returns."

As for science fiction movies, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" crushed blockbusters such as "Children of Men" and "X-Men: The Last Stand" to win the grand prize!
The producers of Twentieth Century Fox and Universal Pictures both looked helpless, but there was nothing they could do.

Perhaps their film investment is higher than that of "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", but in terms of box office and reputation, it is completely unable to compare with "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

As the producer of the film, Natasha hugged Chen Fei very excitedly, and then ran to the stage to take home the trophy.

She didn't say much, just six words, but the producers and directors below felt their hearts tremble, and they felt like a beast was rubbing its sharp fangs on the stage!

"Saturn Award, see you next year!"


Five nominations, three awards.

News of the Saturn Awards quickly spread throughout Hollywood and the country.

There is no doubt that it has once again sparked a craze!
However, for Chen Fei, the Saturn Award is just an appetizer.

The next Cannes International Film Festival and the eight extreme "Life of Water" missions released by the system are the real big dishes!
(End of this chapter)

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