It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 267 The water creatures are in full swing!What are you trying to do as a director? !

Chapter 267 The water creatures are in full swing!What are you doing as a director? ! (Ask for monthly ticket)
Unlike recreational surfing, ordinary surfboards cannot withstand this high-intensity surfing challenge.

Red Bull was very considerate and prepared a lot of extremely "hard" and various types of surfboards for Chen Fei.

In fact, surfboards and skateboards are the same concept, because the latter is an extension of the former, and there is essentially no difference.

The longer and thicker the board, the more beginner-friendly it is and the favorite of most beginners.

The length of a beginner's surfboard is about 2.6 meters to 3.6 meters. The board head is semi-circular, has high buoyancy, and is slow. Even small waves can be fun.

However, this kind of surfboard is not among Chen Fei's choices.

In order to make the completion of this system task infinitely higher, he is ready to challenge some more difficult surfing moves.

So facing the several surfboards prepared by Flory, Chen Fei abandoned the long boards and took the lead in picking up the shortest board.

The length of the short board is between 1.8 and 2.1 meters, and the nose of the board has a sharp triangular shape.

Compared with longboards, shortboards are very flexible in turning and can do many fancy moves.

But the problem comes again. The shortcoming of the short board is that there are too few places to stand, and the surfer is likely to be knocked into the sea by a sudden wave.

And more importantly, the speed of the short board is too slow, and it is likely to be overtaken when facing big waves.

Facing the Corster Sea, the birthplace of huge waves, coupled with the blessing of storms, the speed of the waves will inevitably be extremely fast, and the shortcoming of the short board's slow speed will also have a great impact on the completion of the task. trouble.

Therefore, the short board can only be used as a backup and used in conjunction with another motherboard.

"Just take this gun board, and take a short board as a backup."

Chen Fei made a decision quickly.

The length of the gun board is very close to that of the long board, but the head and tail are sharp.

This kind of surfboard has the fastest speed, just like a bullet being shot, showing an extremely excellent wind-breaking state.

"Are you going to play a big one?"

There was a hint of shock in Flory's eyes. Only professional surfers with high skills and courage would use the gun version.

In order to pursue extreme speed and pleasure, professional surfers usually choose gun boards.

However, when most people use a gun board, they will only play on some smaller waves to prevent accidents, but there are only a handful of people like Chen Fei who are risking their lives!
"Either you don't play, or you play a big one."

Chen Fei's eyes were filled with enthusiasm.

In this life, he wants to make the movie "The Thief" himself.

After all eight extreme events are over, it will be the day when he actually starts filming!
Picking up the surfboard Chen Fei needed, Flory asked again: "Which one should I choose for the tail fin?"

The tail fin is the rudder, which is the thing installed at the tail of the surfboard. It can be used to control the direction and improve the maneuverability of the surfboard.

"Use the one with five fin grooves."

The more slots on the tail fin, the stronger the maneuverability.

Since you want to challenge the Kolster Sea, you must choose the best quality!
There are many preparations before surfing. In addition to the necessary surfboards and tail fins, you also need to prepare professional surfing clothes, leg ropes, wax blocks, etc.

These are essential.

Proper selection of equipment is for the safety of the surfer and for the successful completion of the challenge.


In Mexico, Chen Fei is actively preparing for the upcoming challenge.

As for Red Bull, the preliminary publicity work is proceeding in an orderly manner!

YouTube, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Sohu, Sina, NetEase, Tieba...

Globally, as long as there are websites that can broadcast, there are almost all Red Bull accounts.

Therefore, when Chen Fei's latest challenge began, all Internet websites around the world were promoted at the same time.

Even the print media and the China Sports Bureau reported the news at the same time.

In an instant, all extreme challenge enthusiasts at home and abroad became excited.

"Mexico, the Baja Peninsula, the Sea of ​​​​Colce, right? Wait, buddy, I will definitely go to see it live this time!"

"Oh shit, extreme surfing in a storm zone? This is awesome!"

"Good guy, after half a year, Director Chen is preparing to commit suicide again?"

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. Didn't he receive the award at the Saturn Awards a few days ago? Why did he go to Mexico in the blink of an eye?"

"Hey, be nice. I've heard of surfing, but I haven't heard of surfing in storm zones. Are you looking for death?"

"I declare! Director Chen is the living Iron Man!"


There was constant commotion online. In order to make the signal more stable, the Sports Bureau even temporarily sent professionals to arrange the broadcast equipment.

Zhou Xun called with a confused look on his face: "Didn't you ask us to gather at Cannes? Why did we suddenly go to Mexico again?"

Chen Fei simply explained: "You guys go over and play for a few days. I will be there on the 16th."

In order to prevent anyone from disturbing his preparations, after replying to Zhou Xun, Chen Fei directly turned off his phone and prepared for the challenge with all his strength.

Red Bull is also becoming more and more professional. The live broadcast equipment has been greatly improved. Even if Chen Fei goes deep into the sea, he can still use high-focus lenses to capture his movements.

When he arrived at the beach with surfing equipment and looked at the cameras around him and the Red Bull staff who were arranging live broadcast signal sources, Flory felt quite emotional.

"Because of your challenge plan, the company that provides live broadcast equipment is currently working hard on research and development. I heard that they are working on what kind of drone? It is the kind of equipment that can fly into the sky to shoot..."

Flory was talking nonchalantly, but what he didn't notice was that Fade Chen's expression changed slightly.

By the way...when was DJI established?

It seems to be just in the past few years, right?
“After the U.S. economic crisis is over, it seems that we will have to arrange people to get involved in the fields of technology and games.”

Chen Fei thought secretly.

It is inevitable that a large amount of money will be recorded. In the future, he can also let Longxiang Capital become an angel investor, or buy shares of major companies and become its shareholders.

The filming of "Ready Player One" requires too many copyrights, and he will definitely not be able to gather it all by himself, but if he becomes a shareholder of Sony, Nintendo, Time Warner and other companies...

This can be interesting.

Ultraman vs. Godzilla makes a lot of people excited just thinking about it!

The debugging of the broadcast equipment went very quickly.

On the night of NO.13, under the arrangement of Chen Fei, the broadcast officially started.

It was daytime in China, so most viewers had a lot of free time to watch the broadcast.

But it’s night on the other side of the ocean!
Everything covered by the lens was pitch black. Because the light was not very bright, there was only a rough outline of Chen Fei's figure.

The radio worked very well, allowing the audience in front of the screen to hear the sound of waves crashing against the shoreline.

"Huh? Why is it so dark? Has the challenge begun?"

"What's going on? Surfing is about to start? Can we see it at night?"

"Where is Chen Fei? Is it that shadow?"


The audience in front of the screen was full of doubts.

Although Chen Fei couldn't see the barrage or hear the voices of the audience, he probably had a guess in his mind.

A magnetic voice sounded in the darkness: "Dear viewers, you can take a nap first, or you can listen to the sound of the waves with me.

It's still early, our challenge will start during the day, and the current storm is not severe enough. We will wait until the storm passes before setting off, probably around tomorrow morning. "

Will we set off again when the storm passes?

These words immediately confused the group of people in front of the screen.

Red Bull's broadcast announcement happened to include the situation here, so it is already known to everyone that there will be a storm coming to No. 14.

Everyone thought that Chen Fei would either set off after the storm passed, or set off before the storm came, but they never expected that he actually said that he would set off when the storm came!
The geographical location of the Corster Sea determines that when a storm comes, it will become a desperate situation. Waves more than ten meters high can completely capsize some small ships.But Chen Fei actually wanted to challenge this storm with manpower!

Secondary illness?
Want to make people win over God?
There was a lot of noise in front of the screen, but Chen Fei didn't explain too much.

Accompanied by the crashing sound of the waves, he was reviewing the surfing skills given by the system and waiting for the moment the "wind" came.

Surfing needs wind to help.

Ordinary surfing may just involve playing with small waves, but when facing waves more than ten meters high, even using a gun board requires a certain amount of power.

And this storm happened to be the strongest help God gave Chen Fei!

Time passed by minute by second, the storm accelerated this night, and the wind sound on the coast became louder and louder, even making Chen Fei a little unsteady.

Until dawn came, big raindrops suddenly fell from the gloomy dark clouds and hit him on the head.

The sky was terrifyingly gloomy, and wisps of sunshine tried hard to break through the clouds, but in the end they failed.

But the good news is that the surrounding sky is gradually brightening, and countless rays of light are returning from distant places.

And along with the storm came the continuous combination of waves, which continued to rise and fall on the sea level...repeatedly!
Chen Fei, who was standing on the beach, suddenly took a step forward, frightening the audience watching the broadcast.

"Are you going to start?"

Everyone who stayed with him all night widened their eyes and stared at the screen without blinking.

I saw a sudden surge of excitement on Chen Fei's face!

Then, with everyone watching, he put the surfboard behind his back, jumped on the speedboat, and started the engine.

"The challenge officially begins!"

As Chen Fei shouted angrily, the speedboat's engine suddenly erupted with a "rumbling" sound.

The propeller rotated rapidly, carrying the "Challenger" fearlessly towards the depths of the Corster Sea!
At this time, the screen suddenly flashed slightly, and the main perspective of the live broadcast changed to the speedboat, becoming the No. 1 visual.

In an instant, the viewers on the screen felt their hearts tightening!
The waves seem to be right in front of you, and they are constantly rushing towards this speedboat abandoned by the world.

When I raised my head, the sky as dark as splashed ink seemed to have collapsed, pressing heavily on my head!
A strong sense of depression completely enveloped me!

Some viewers suffering from "trasophobia" and "deep-sea phobia" even felt that their breathing began to become rapid inexplicably, as if they could not breathe.

And as the speedboat charged, the sound of raindrops became more and more crisp!
In front of the screen, everyone felt as if the sound of drums was ringing in their ears, which was extremely shocking.

The speedboat drove for more than half an hour. When Chen Fei arrived at the designated location, he immediately turned off the engine and looked up at the deep ocean ahead.

A staff member quickly switched the lens and switched the main perspective to the portable camera carried by Chen Fei.

As soon as the screen changed, everyone in front of the screen felt that their position seemed to have become higher.

However, when they subconsciously looked forward, a strong sense of depression instantly enveloped their bodies!

The ten-meter-high wave was like a high wall connecting heaven and earth. Driven by an unknown force, it crashed hard in the direction where Chen Fei was!

Looking around, the deep darkness is like the gate of hell, as if it wants to swallow up everything in the world!
"Oh, let me go! It's scary! It's so scary!"

"Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Are you going to go surfing here? Aren't you going to die?"

"Don't say anything. If Director Chen comes back from this place, I will definitely give him a kiss when I meet him."

"Grandma, what a leg. If I were to stand under that wave, I would be beaten to death in minutes."

"Oh my God, what a spectacular scene. If this wasn't live broadcast, I would have suspected that I was watching a science fiction movie now."


There was constant noise in front of the screen, and some fans who came to Mexico just stood on the shore and felt great pressure in their hearts.

They couldn't imagine how they could complete this challenge in the face of such a terrifying desperate situation.
You are a director, what are you trying to do with your life?


The violent waves carried the storm like a brutal collision. Chen Fei took a deep breath, with strong heat in his eyes.


He took a deep breath, picked up the surfboard, and stood at the front of the yacht with his head held high.

The ten-meter-high wave seemed like nothing in front of him. He even leisurely took out an orange from his pocket and ate it in front of everyone.

While chewing, he also introduced the current scene to the audience:
"This is the Pacific storm. According to the height of this wave, it should be a symbol before the hurricane comes. Maybe there will be even more terrifying waves behind it!

but!Even so, I am still fearless. Only with a fearless attitude can we conquer this huge wave in front of us! "

An orange was eaten quickly and all the peels were put away. Chen Fei stared into the distance and jumped up resolutely.

There was only a "pop" sound, and he disappeared into the vast sea!
The rising waves hit the yacht and kept retreating. Countless people were looking for his figure on the sea, but there was still no trace.

"What happened? Was it swept to the bottom of the sea by the waves?"

As soon as the doubts came out, a bright red color suddenly appeared from a distance on the vast and turbulent sea.

In the "Mulan" crew, thousands of people were sitting in front of a big screen, watching this terrifying challenge together.

At this time, Liu Yifei suddenly stood up and pointed to the end of the huge wave.

"There! Look! Where is he!"

The camera quickly focused and everyone saw Chen Fei's figure.

He stepped on the surfboard, and with the surging waves under his feet, he was approaching the wave that was more than ten meters high!

The water curtain connecting the sky and the earth spread to an unknown place, giving people a strong sense of depression, as if it was going to completely press the red figure into the bottom of the sea.

However, the surfboard under Chen Fei's feet was like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the heart of the enemy!
With the push of the wind, he actually rushed directly to the waist of the wave, controlled the water curtain, and charged wantonly!

As if it felt a provocation from the outside, the huge wave that could cover everything completely opened its fangs and kept chasing behind Chen Fei, wanting to swallow him completely!
But under the rapid speed of the gun board, Chen Fei seemed to be riding a jet fighter, leaving a long white mark on the water curtain and quickly dodging the bite of the fangs!
The water curtain more than ten meters high in front of you is actually a standard forehand wave. For surfers, this is a very good wave.

Riding a surfboard, driven by the water and wind, you can travel along the middle of the wave.

As long as the speed is fast enough, you can even ignore the waves approaching behind you and enjoy this smooth and smooth gliding.

However, storms don’t just bring this kind of waves!

As the power weakened, the ten-meter-high waves continued to suppress downwards, and Chen Fei's body was also carried and thrown towards the depths of the Corster Sea.

And there, new challenges are waiting for him!

A wave of peace!
Another wave!
As this forehand wave gradually dissipated, a backhand wave followed.

The connection between the waves formed a terrifying whirlpool. The deep darkness seemed to swallow everything and tear into pieces any object that dared to get close.

Chen Fei could clearly see that many swimming fish were forced to swim towards the center of the whirlpool. Once they were sucked into the depths of the whirlpool, what awaited them would be a crushing ending!

However, faced with such a terrifying crisis, Chen Fei was not afraid.

In an instant, no less than ten ways to deal with it appeared in his mind.

After a short period of thinking, he decided to use a very "handsome" way to overcome this trivial difficulty!

His bent body was all attached to the board, and the reduction in resistance accelerated his gliding speed. Combined with the push of the forehand wave and the storm, Chen Fei's speed suddenly increased a lot.

As he quickly approached the end of the wave, he concentrated his weight entirely on his lower body, causing the front half of the board to rise high.

"Are you ready for a perfect flight?"

A loud shout echoed in the ears of all the viewers in front of the screen.

Under the eyes of countless people in disbelief, when Chen Fei reached the end of the wave and approached the vortex, a huge thrust from an unknown place suddenly came behind him!

In an instant, he was like a spinning top. Under the premise of applying power, he quickly spun across the five-meter-wide vortex, leaping directly from the end of the forehand wave in a parabolic state. At the beginning of the backhand wave!

Another sound of water entering was heard, and Chen Fei's figure disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Just when everyone was still worried about him, fearing that he would be swept to the bottom of the sea by this backhand wave, they saw a fiery red figure following the flow of the water and climbing directly to the top of the wave!

At this moment, the lone brave man on the sea is riding the waves!

(End of this chapter)

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