It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 268 Mortal body!How can one resist the horrors of nature?

Chapter 268 Mortal body!How can one resist the horrors of nature? (This is a big piece of paper worth [-] words, please vote for me)
On the endlessly rolling waves with huge ripples, a figure wearing a fiery red jumpsuit was galloping on the waves!
The white mark left by the surfboard was like a sharp blade, cutting the entire wave in half.

The dark clouds in the sky are becoming more and more oppressive, and the gloomy clouds are rolling like the sky is falling, as if they are going to connect with the water curtain and completely engulf the entire sea area!
Standing on a surfboard, Chen Fei skated on the waves wantonly!
The blast of wind was raging mercilessly around his ears, and the heavy raindrops were "cracking" on his body, as if they were going to knock him off the surfboard. was as if there was glue between his feet and the wave board, and they didn't move at all.

"Chuck! Chuck! Chuck!"

The angle of this backhand wave was much larger than the forehand wave just now, and it even pushed Chen Fei's speed to soar!
The surface of the board rubbed against the water like crazy, making bursts of explosions, as if it was playing on the Colster Sea like a horn of charge!

The director constantly switches the viewing angle of the broadcast, sometimes watching the dangerous surfing action from a distance, and sometimes allowing the audience to experience the waves in person from the No. 1 viewing angle.

For a while, people in front of the screen kept exclaiming!

In the "Mulan" training ground, even those warriors who had experienced hundreds of battles were exclaiming and talking endlessly at this moment.

"My God? Control the sea? What a god!"

"I really want to play together..."

"One of my brothers serves in the Navy. He showed me the video. In this situation, no one dares to go to sea, let alone go surfing."

"Art masters are bold!"

"It's no exaggeration at all. Are you running alongside the God of Death?"


The power of the backhand wave is slowly weakening, and the white waves are rolling at the tail fin, forming a wonderful parabola.

There were constant "rumbling" sounds at the scene!

The wave was coming to an end, and Chen Fei was inevitably pushed to the bottom. The wave behind him howled like crazy, trying to eat this bold challenger alive!
The huge waves quickly rolled into a barrel shape, so that he seemed to be trapped in an undersea tunnel. Above, below, left and right were dark blue waters, mixed with some strange marine life.

The director promptly switched the camera to the main perspective.

The next second, the eyes of the audience in front of the screen lit up.

I saw that in the "undersea tunnel" formed by the waves, there were many palm-sized, flashing fluorescent fish that were rolled uncontrollably by the sea water. It was quite beautiful!

"so beautiful!"

At the filming scene of "Magic Phone", Shu Chang led a group of people to watch the broadcast.

Now looking at the scene of the surfing scene, she kept exclaiming, and the sudden appearance of those small fish made her eyes shine unconsciously.

However, the more beautiful something is, the more terrifying it is!
The exit of the huge wave in front of him is getting smaller and smaller. If Chen Fei cannot rush out before the exit closes, he will be swept into the ocean by the huge wave!

By that time, even if his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, he may be buried in the sea.

He leaned down again, his eyes as bright as a torch, staring at the exit, leaving all distracting thoughts behind.


Adrenaline rushed through his body, and his fearless belief enveloped him, pushing him forward.

When the outlet of the wave shrank to just over one meter in diameter, and when Chen Fei was about to be swallowed by the huge wave, the audience in front of the screen held their breath unconsciously.

"You must rush out!"

On the set of "Anaconda", Jing Tian clasped his hands together and prayed silently.

As soon as the scene turned, the camera suddenly switched to the yacht.

Just when the exit was about to disappear, Chen Fei shot out from the exit of the waves like a sharp arrow.


The rolling waves were like collapsed boulders. After Chen Fei escaped, they instantly fell apart and turned into strings of white foam, disappearing into the boundless ocean.


Riding on the waves, Chen Fei stood firmly on the sea, looking up to the sky and roaring.

"This is called challenging nature with life."

"We respect everything in this world, but when disaster strikes, we will never back down!"

“It’s very rare to be able to surf to this level.”


The audience kept talking, but Chen Fei's challenge did not stop.

While the huge wave was still brewing in the distance, he suddenly took off the shortboard on his back, jumped up, and replaced the surfboard in an instant.

After completing the sprints of "Forehand Wave" and "Backhand Wave" respectively, Chen Fei felt more and more comfortable.

Not only can he freely shuttle through the huge waves, he can even fly into the air with the help of the waves.

When a small wave of several meters high came, he quickly squatted down with his legs bent and grabbed the front end of the surfboard with one hand.

When the wave completely collided with the board, his arms suddenly exerted force, and his body and the surfboard flew into the air at the same time, undergoing a 360-degree rotation. When he was about to fall, he actually used the waves surging on the sea surface. The wave stands firm.

For a moment, the audience in front of the screen was stunned.

"Did you make a mistake? You actually showed off your skills?!"

The storm became stronger and stronger, and the waves continued to crash.

Perhaps it was Chen Fei's provocation that made Kolster Sea angry. Two huge waves came from opposite directions, like two mountains about to collide with each other!

If he, who is located in the center, does not respond, he may be crushed directly by the huge waves!

Seeing this situation, Chen Fei quickly adjusted his movements, used the thrust of the wave to make a turn, and rushed towards one of the huge waves.

The tiny figure looked so vulnerable under the impact of the huge waves!
The audience in front of the screen once again shed a cold sweat for him.

In an instant, Chen Fei had reached the bottom of the wave.

He adjusted his movements again to bring his center of gravity to the perfect angle, and then started to use the wave wall to accelerate, rushing to the top of the wave in a diagonal straight line along the huge wave!
The waves beneath his feet seemed to turn into a ship, carrying him forward in an indomitable sprint!

At the moment when he reached the top of the wave, just when some surfers thought he was going to fly into the air with the help of the huge wave, Chen Fei quickly adjusted his posture, changed his center of gravity, and then used a "turnaround tail flick".

He actually completed a cool drift on the huge wave!

In the crew of "October Siege", Huo Qigang led a group of people to watch the broadcast. When they saw this scene in front of them, a group of people kept exclaiming!

"Good guy? Can you drift while surfing?"

"Omg? This is so cool, isn't it? Can anyone tell me how he did it?"

"I really didn't expect that a young man who seemed to be gentle and gentle could be so crazy!"

"This body coordination is simply amazing!"

"How about I stop throwing my guitar when I hold concerts in the future, and I also play some new tricks?"


After the drifting action was completed, Chen Fei did not stay too long on the wave, but dived directly from the top of the wave.

Using the wave wall to accelerate, his speed had soared to the limit, and the surging wind and waves were far behind him.

In the eyes of everyone who looked at him in disbelief, he rushed straight into the huge wave on the opposite side as if he were skateboarding in a bowl.

A group of people watched helplessly as his body continued to climb upwards even though it was tilted [-] degrees from the sea level!
"What the hell? Are you using the huge wave as a bowl? Are you using it as a skateboard?"

Before everyone could finish marveling, they saw that Chen Fei had already reached the top of the wave, and once again performed the back-and-forth tail drift, dived down again, and launched a fearless charge towards the huge wave on the opposite side!
Going back and forth several times in a row is like a skateboarder using the slope to turn and turn again and again in a bowl.

At this moment, Chen Fei felt a little more emotional.

"It's no wonder that skateboards evolved from surfboards, and there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two?"

As an "extreme challenge" enthusiast who has mastered both surfing and skateboarding skills, his operations have become increasingly smooth when facing such huge waves in natural bowls formed by nature.

A few minutes later, the two-layer giant waves finally showed signs of decline and formed an inverted state.

However, the force of the water under the feet is still turbulent, and even the strength of the wave surface, wave top, and wave shoulder is extremely surging.

It can be seen that a new wave is about to form!

The collision of the forehand wave and the backhand wave can easily form a tubular wave.

Different from the "curl wave" formed by a single inverted wave, this "tube wave" has a strong sense of closure and sustainability.

Traveling through such a wave tube is a great test of a surfer’s skills and courage.

Once something unexpected happens, the probability of escape is less than [-]%!
This kind of wave is the most likely to cause death. Almost every year, hundreds of surfers are shot into the deep sea and buried in the belly of fish.

But even so, it does not affect challengers' love for this "tubular wave".

If you can escape from such a wave, it means that no wave in the ocean can form an obstacle!


Suddenly, a hoarse voice echoed in everyone's ears along with the pounding of raindrops.

"In the next few minutes I will be deep in the ocean."

What do you mean?
South Korea, at the filming site of "The Melting Pot", Lin Yuner was hiding alone in the dressing room and watching the broadcast.

Listening to the voice ringing in her ears and looking at the tall and majestic figure on the screen, the remaining trace of dissatisfaction in her heart gradually dissipated.

Since it is inevitable to dedicate yourself, such a "universal hero" may be a good choice.

But, what does he mean by going deep into the ocean?

Heading into the ocean on a surfboard?
With everyone watching in confusion, when the two huge waves behind him rushed to the highest point and completed their overlap, Chen Fei quickly lowered his center of gravity and adjusted the tail rudder.

The galloping speed slowed down significantly, and the huge wave tongue caught up with him in the blink of an eye!
The gloomy dark clouds covered the top, and the dark waves were like the roar of the gate of hell, instantly swallowing Chen Fei into it, leaving only a piece of snow-white spray to the audience!

"What the hell? No one is alive?"

The rolling waves were turbulent, but Chen Fei was nowhere to be seen on the undulating sea.

"where it goes?"

"What about people?"

"What does it mean to go deep into the sea? Have you been swallowed?"

"Can we have a dinner now?"

There was constant noise in front of the screen, but Chen Fei inside the tube wave was very calm.

The combination of the two waves makes this tubular wave extremely fierce. The waves are also colliding with each other. The violent impact makes the space very narrow.

Because the space is compressed too small, the entire wave tube is sunk under the sea level, looking like a deep undersea tunnel.

The only light source that can be provided is only a trace of light refracted from the gap at the top of the wave.

Being in it is like being in a dark and damp sewer. It is very depressing and even gives rise to terrible claustrophobia!
At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly realized the feeling of Andy Dufresne crawling in the dark sewer in "The Shawshank Redemption".

It was a kind of intense depression and tension that made it hard to breathe!
The surging waves and the roar of the sea lingered in his ears, constantly shrinking inward, seeming to completely imprison him!


Taking advantage of the last gap, Chen Fei let out a long breath, and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

He quickly lowered his center of gravity, adjusted the tail rudder, and followed the direction of the water flow. While raising his arms for guidance, he tried hard to fight against the centrifugal force under his feet.

This is a very difficult process. You must master the direction and angle throughout the entire process, and be sure to avoid any deviation.

Once there is a deviation, the tube wave will not be polite to you and will drag the surfer into the water in a very short time until it is pulled to the bottom of the sea!


Fighting is an extremely difficult and time-consuming process.

Due to signal reasons, the director wanted to shift the perspective to Chen Fei several times, but could not capture the signal port, so he had no choice but to switch to the yacht.

Time passed minute by minute, and the high-power camera kept focusing, but no one could be found.

"Where is the person? Lost?"

"Huh? Why can't I find it?"


In South Korea, in the "LOEN Entertainment" trainee company, a group of teenage girls are staring directly at the broadcast screen.

Li Zhien clenched his fists and silently prayed for Chen Fei, hoping that he could return safely!

The mountains and waves were rolling endlessly, and the bright red figure was still missing on the sea level.

Just when everyone thought that Chen Fei was buried in the deep sea without a trace, suddenly, the staff who were constantly looking for the signal source suddenly connected to that port!


The screen flashed and instantly switched to the first main perspective.

The sound of "crashing" water waves instantly lingered in everyone's ears. Looking around, the rotating wave tubes were like undersea tunnels, spinning endlessly and spreading to unknown places!
Countless fish were rolling around him, the foam and waves were intertwined, wrapped in the faint skylight, gorgeous and bright!
"Wow! So beautiful!"

Countless people were exclaiming in front of the screen. This scene was like being in the underwater world.

Gorgeous pictures and galloping speed are intertwined, and the sense of dream becomes more and more intense, which is mesmerizing!
I don’t know how long it took, but just when everyone was immersed in the beautiful picture and couldn’t extricate themselves, the end of the wave tube was already in sight.

Looking around, the rolling waves made the water surface extremely unstable due to the inertia of rotation.

The beating sea level is constantly condensing and spreading under the raging wind, seeming to be pulling and converging, causing chaos at the end point.

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly became tough, because this would be the most difficult level to pass!
The direction of the surging waves around him was difficult to control. Chen Fei could only choose the most suitable route and charge with all his strength!


The increasingly violent storm suddenly broke out from the right side!

"what's the situation?"

Chen Fei frowned, feeling that the crisis was approaching.

He subconsciously separated his thoughts and looked to the right, only to see mountains of waves coming one after another!

"The storm is officially coming?"

Chen Fei murmured, and a strong sense of crisis began to boil in his heart.

The closer you get to the depths of the Corster Sea, the greater the impact of the storm, and this sudden combination of waves is the product of the storm.

The so-called combination wave, as the name suggests, is a combination of various "waves".

Among them are forehand waves, backhand waves, convolution waves, high waves, low waves, trapezoidal waves, ups and downs, undercurrents, whirlpools...

Everything is combined together without any rules, and there are many dangers in it that are difficult to dodge.

Obviously, the eye of the storm is lingering not far away at this moment, or it is passing through the sea.

This may be the last level that Chen Fei will face, and it is also the most difficult level to pass!
If he is not careful, he may be swept into the deep sea by a sudden undercurrent and completely die!

He took a deep breath and began to concentrate on dealing with the tubular wave in front of him.

The emergence of the combination wave is inevitable. All he can really do is face it calmly and try his best to survive.

The lucky orange has been eaten in advance, and now it’s time to compete with God!

The sound of water flow suddenly became much louder, and the surfboard scratched the water, leaving white marks.

At the filming site of Super 4, James Wan's eyes were filled with excitement, and a bold idea could not help but emerge in his mind.

What would it be like to go surfing in a racing car?
Romulo Otero, the producer of Fast 4 who was sitting next to him, seemed to sense something and subconsciously turned his head to look at him.

In an instant, Romulo's heart trembled!

Could this guy have thought of some extremely destructive scene?

Since filming started, James Wan has blown up hundreds of luxury cars.

More than half of the crew's funds were spent on buying cars. Even the investors were a little frightened and sent people over to communicate several times.

Wen Ziren promised to exercise restraint every time, but as soon as the other party left, the cars seemed to be free of charge, one after another, and even a group of actors were a little horrified!

Romulo secretly prayed, hoping that Chen Fei could come back alive. He had to communicate with Chen Fei that this car really couldn't continue to explode!

Universal Pictures will not make additional investment. If all the funds are exhausted, it will be in big trouble!

Corster Sea, within the tubular wave.

When he was about to leave the end of the wave, Chen Fei first made an adjustment in his focus.

He moved all his body weight to the rear, and then made two uninterrupted high-speed turns to increase his gliding speed.

Just after his speed increased to a certain level, the tubular wave suddenly fell apart!

Chen Fei was already prepared and rushed resolutely towards the undulating wave coming from the right.

As the wave surged, he suddenly bent his legs, first made a 45-degree turn, followed the bulge of the undulating waves and decisively jumped into the air, jumping directly out of the chaotic undercurrent area like a hodgepodge, and completely escaped. Encircled by tubular waves.

The moment he soared into the air, he quickly tightened his core, leaned back, and forced the wave board to flip forward, just in time to climb onto the forehand wave coming from the right! "laugh!"

The tension of the water surface lifted him up very smoothly. As the tongue of the wave rolled, the blade of the board kept cutting back and forth on the surface of the wave!

The white waves are flying and splashing in all directions like a canopy, which looks quite spectacular!


At the final scene of "My Leader, My Team", a group of senior men gathered together and watched the challenge together with the reporters who came to interview.

Watching Chen Fei gliding on the waves, Zhang Yi put his arm around the shoulders of an actor next to him and shouted crazily!

However, before they could be happy for too long, when the camera moved, they saw that behind this forehand wave, a higher trapezoidal wave was continuously superimposed, pressing hard towards this side!

The crazy waves kept roaring, and the intense terror and depression instantly made the audience in front of the screen freeze.

A wave is higher than a wave!

How does this play?
"Damn it, boss, he...he...will he be smashed?"

On the set of the filming of "My Brother Is Shunliu", Wang Baoqiang stared blankly and began to stutter when speaking. He was obviously very frightened.

No one at the scene could answer his questions, because they had no less doubts than Wang Baoqiang.


On the wave, Chen Fei could feel the approaching crisis more intuitively.

He didn't dare to bet on whether the waves would knock him out. It would be okay if he won the bet, but if he lost the bet, the whole village would have a banquet!
Turning his body, he quickly applied pressure to the surfboard and used his shoulders to steer, guiding the board around and toward the tail end.

Since you can't bear it forcefully, you can only hide!
However, combination waves are not that simple.

Before he could reach the end of the wave, another huge forehand wave successfully brewed from the left direction, and it hit him hard like a huge slap!

Seeing this, Chen Fei reacted quickly again!

A junction has been formed at the end of the wave. If he dares to rush over now, he will be met with a brutal crushing.

Therefore, the best way is to ride the forehand wave.

The combination of the two waves once again formed a bowl-like shape, which just catered to his advantage.

However, before the joy on his face was fully revealed, Chen Fei suddenly found a push coming from under his feet.

Before he could react, a layer of terrifying undulating waves was like a pillar suddenly propped up, lifting him directly onto the wave more than ten meters high!


The sudden scene not only frightened Chen Fei, but also shocked Er Dongsheng, Gu Tianle, Liu Qingyun, Wu Yanzu and others who were watching the broadcast with concentration.

Today happened to be the time when "Overheard 2" was wrapping up. A group of people had nothing to do and simply watched the broadcast.

But they never expected that Chen Fei's series of coquettish moves would really frighten them!


The sudden crisis did not make Chen Fei confused. His rationality quickly returned and he began to adjust his gliding posture hurriedly.

After briefly assessing his current situation, he decided to descend from the back of this ups and downs.

However, the next second he controlled the surfboard to rotate 180 degrees, a scene suddenly appeared in the distance that made him feel extremely horrified!

I saw a huge tornado on the sea appearing thousands of meters away!
It is like a huge, crazy "beast", roaring wantonly on the ocean and devouring everything.

Under its convolution, the huge waves on the sea rise and fall like mountains, and a huge amount of seawater is sucked into the mouth, forming a huge water column hundreds of meters high!

It moves extremely fast, and the violent storms and huge waves surrounding it seem to destroy everything in the world, making people feel extremely helpless and frightened!
And the combination wave that Chen Fei is facing now is its "vanguard army"!
The ferocious combined waves seemed to have discovered Chen Fei, the fearless challenger. They rolled and roared, seeming to swallow him completely.

In front of the screen, looking at the tornado on the sea that seemed to swallow everything, all the viewers could not stop trembling at this moment.

"Hiss! What... what is this?"

"My dear, is this too damn scary? You actually encountered a tornado?"

"Why are my pants wet?"

"Oh my god! This is so crazy!"

"Fortunately, the tornado headed straight towards the Pacific Ocean. If it had gone inland, not to mention the surfers, even the whole of Mexico would have suffered a horrific natural disaster!"

At this time, inside Sony Columbia Pictures.

As the producer of the disaster movie "2012", Walker Engel originally viewed this challenge with a spectatorial attitude.

But when he saw the huge seaspout, he suddenly realized why Chen Fei could write such an excellent script as "2012".

When a screenwriter has truly experienced death and fear, his words can become more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Just like his title.

"The father of horror movies!"

This may be a "pet name" for him by movie fans, but only real film practitioners can know how difficult it is to write so many excellent horror movie scripts.

But now, when the real horror comes, those hidden horrors suddenly seem ridiculous.

As long as he adds a little bit of his mentality when facing real horror when writing the script, it will be enough to create an excellent horror movie script!


After taking a deep look at the seaspout that was gradually moving away from the Pacific Ocean, Chen Fei let out a long breath and began to face the combination of mountains and waves.

The word "anticipation" is the best way to break the situation when dealing with combination waves.

And facing this unpredictable wave, if you want to compete with him, you have to become even more unpredictable than it is!
At this moment, the sea in front of him seemed to have become a place for Chen Fei to play.

High wave suppression?

Change the blade!

Low wave crash?


Buried by ups and downs?

For a moment, the sharp surfboard raised a stream of white mist on the sea level, and countless difficult movements were performed smoothly and mesmerizingly!

"Oh! This is really cool! He only borrowed a surfboard and was flying on the sea."

"I declare! Everyone stand up! He will be the strongest voice in surfing."

"Red Bull is making a lot of money this time."

"Contact Red Bull. We need a copy of the broadcast. This is the best way to promote the movie."

"I suddenly recognized the conjecture that humans evolved from sea creatures!"

In front of the screen, countless people screamed and shouted crazily for it.

On the sea of ​​​​Colster, Chen Fei was like a nimble dolphin, dodging the impact of the waves one after another, fighting for himself a glimmer of hope.

However, the crisis is not over yet!
Behind all the combined waves, a huge water curtain left by the sea tornado before it left was launching its final charge towards him!

The name of this wave is: Killing Wave!

Fans who have watched "The Perfect Storm" produced by Warner Bros. in 2000 know that the power of this "killing wave" cannot be resisted by humans at all.

In the movie, even if it is an offshore drilling platform dozens of meters high, or an aircraft carrier of tens of thousands of tons, a strong sense of powerlessness will arise when facing it.

Because this kind of "murderous wave" has no solution. It is not a tsunami, but it is more terrifying than a tsunami!
Its length can stretch up to several thousand meters. There is no "wave tail" or "wave head" at all. There is only a diagonal wave that is tens of meters high like a mirror!
This is a scene where the entire sea level is raised from far to near. It is like a mountain that is about to topple over, slowly pressing in!
Faced with this kind of crisis, there is no chance of escape.

It is impossible for a person to run across the waves. Even if Chen Fei goes back the same way, there is no way to avoid it!

"It's over, he will be completely lost in the ocean."

On the Mexican coastline, there was a man standing next to Flory.

Griffin Dunne.

He is the most famous surfer in the world. Before Chen Fei appeared, he was the holder of the world record in Nice.

But today, his record has been broken several times by Chen Fei, and even an even more terrifying record was created!

However, the arrival of the killer wave convinced Griffin that the new Guinness World Record surfer would completely perish in the ocean.

"Isn't there any way to avoid it?" Flory frowned, but there was nothing he could do.

The challenge Chen Fei is undertaking now is too terrifying, just like climbing Mount Everest before. No one can rescue him at all.


Griffin Dunn said very confidently: "Facing the murderous wave, even the supertanker Mingxing, known as the "unsinkable ship," eventually died tragically in its hands, let alone people?"

Mortal body?

How can one resist the horrors of nature?

However, what everyone did not expect was that in the face of such a terrifying murderous wave, what Chen Fei did was not to avoid it, but to face it with a move!

I saw him following a forehand wave and rushing straight towards the "murderous wave" that looked like a black cloud.

This scene was immediately incomprehensible to the audience.


Do you know you can't run away?
So you want to surrender?

"Brothers, the time has come to conquer!"

Chen Fei licked the corners of his lips and put on a pair of goggles covered by sea water. His eyes were full of enthusiasm, and there seemed to be endless adrenaline pumping crazily inside his body.

Since there is no way to escape, why not launch a charge?
Killer waves are indeed terrifying. After encountering them, many drilling platforms and cruise ships can only accept death.

But Chen Fei is different!

Even in the face of such a terrifying crisis, he still has a way to deal with it.

Climb to the top of the wave!Conquer it completely!

According to the degree of cohesion of the wave in front of me, when it finally reaches its peak, its height must be at least 30 meters.

Once the wave falls completely, no matter how fast Chen Fei runs, he can't be as fast as it.

Not to mention manpower, even a motorboat would probably be unable to leave its coverage!


The turbulent water was constantly being slapped by the waves. Chen Fei was very fast and his reaction was extremely quick.

He first chose a trapezoidal wave that was constantly superimposed, and began to climb higher with the help of the raging tide.

During this period, he will also encounter many high waves. Whenever he encounters these higher-level waves, he will climb to the top of another wave in the shortest possible time by taking off with a brush board.

In this way, as he continued to climb, he soon came to the backhand wave closest to the murderous wave.

This is the last wave in the previous combination wave. Its tail end just connects with the killer wave, showing a downward sloping arc.

As long as you start upward from this backhand wave, you can reach the top of the murderous wave!
Chen Fei's speed was extremely fast, and he had already slid several meters away in the blink of an eye.

Because the backhand wave was still some time away from melting away, with his efforts, he finally came to the "V"-shaped intersection where the two intersected.

His strong physical fitness helped him. After finding a suitable starting point, Chen Fei used his center of gravity to shift backward, causing the nose of the board to rise high.

After completing this action, his right foot suddenly brushed forward, and his left foot quickly brushed back and to the right.

Using the sprint speed accumulated before, in the blink of an eye, he and the board were already in mid-air!


Under the gaze of a high-focus camera, he easily crossed the slope where the two waves intersected, bringing up a patch of whitecaps.

And when the surfboard touched the waves again, Chen Fei had already landed on the top of the murderous wave and started walking side by side with it!
The director quickly switched the camera to Chen Fei.

However, the next second, a scene that shocked everyone in front of the screen suddenly came into view!
Under the dark sky, behind the murderous waves, the waves rolled endlessly, like thousands of wild horses breaking free from their restraints, galloping and roaring.

With their unstoppable momentum, they completely destroy everything in their way.

Even the sturdiest ships will crumble under their onslaught!

The endless sea water surged as if it were being boiled, and the waves and sea breeze intertwined into a poignant picture.

Every wave is like a mountain peak standing in the endless ocean, and every roll is like the roar of a dragon on the bottom of the sea.

This is an unpredictable force of nature, and its destructive power makes people both amazed and frightened!

However, in this storm, Chen Fei, riding a surfboard, was like a fearless warrior, standing firmly on the stormy waves.

No matter how the storm raged, he remained steady as a rock and faced this challenge with full concentration!

At this moment, countless people in front of the screen were shocked and speechless!

Even if they were just watching in front of the screen, the ferocious storms and waves aroused strong uneasiness and fear in people's hearts, and even gave them an irresistible sense of depression.

They couldn't imagine what kind of pressure Chen Fei would face when he was on the scene?
"If this scene could be captured with a camera, it would be the most realistic disaster movie in the world, right?"

"Oh my gosh, I seem to have imagined what surprises Director Chen will bring us when he makes science fiction films in the future!"

" he really not afraid?"

"What? You can still do this?"

"The killing wave has been conquered? Is it that simple? Are you kidding me?"

On the coast of Mexico, Griffin Dunn's eyes widened. He wanted to say something, but the words came to his lips but he didn't know how to speak.

He couldn't imagine that a surfer could control a surfboard and climb a killer wave by climbing a ladder!

Flory swallowed and asked tentatively from the side: "Is this... is this considered a success?"

"Not yet."

Griffin Dunne shook his head, his face still solemn: "Based on the current situation, the height of the murderous wave will continue to rise, at least to about 30 meters!
He has indeed completed the most difficult climb and avoided being photographed under the sea, but now what he needs to do is survive, and this is still a difficulty. "


The huge waves rising from the ground set off a stormy sea tens of meters high!
Chen Fei subconsciously raised his hand, and he could even feel the strong moisture, which was the feeling of his fingertips coming into contact with the clouds.

In order to meet the roar of the huge waves, his speed continued to increase.

The overwhelming waves were like installing a supersonic engine on the surfboard, pushing him forward and charging towards the coastline.

The speedboat he was driving when he arrived had already been knocked into the seabed by huge waves. Chen Fei was still worried about how to return to the coastline, but now the "murderous wave" provided him with a way to return.

Riding the waves, he inexplicably thought of "Sea King".

"It would be fun if I had a steel fork."

Chen Fei grinned, but his eyes were extremely cautious.

Although this is the best way to return, it is also a crisis moment when huge waves are raging. If the chain suddenly drops at the last moment, all the previous efforts will be wiped out.


The roaring waves intertwined with the black clouds, and driven by the storm, they erupted into earth-shaking roars.

The high-magnification cameras installed on the coastline have captured Chen Fei's figure!

When the third perspective appeared, there was another uproar in front of the screen!
"Ride on the waves?"

"Why did I suddenly think of the Dragon King of the East China Sea?"

"Nima, can anyone answer my confusion? Is this a real scene? Isn't that a green screen behind it?"

New posts kept popping up on Tieba, and doubts reached their peak.

But not long after, a reply below disrupted all doubts.

"As we all know, broadcasts cannot be edited. Are you questioning the "Live" logo in the upper left corner of CCTV Sports Channel?"


The waves are still raging, but as the distance increases and the tornado moves away from the sea, the power of the murderous wave gradually slows down.

The waves began to decrease downwards, and the rolling water behind them gradually subsided.

30 meters!
20 meters!
10 meters!
5 meters!

An interesting scene suddenly happened. When the huge waves completely disappeared, with the last wave, Chen Fei returned to the beach on a surfboard!

This scene immediately stunned everyone.

At this time, he was like a soldier who went on an expedition. After annihilating the opponent's generals, he was sent back by the surrendered prisoners holding the noble canopy high.

And in this "war" with the ocean and storm, Chen Fei was safe and sound!
(End of this chapter)

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