It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 269 Dream: "The Father of Science Fiction Films"!Goal: "3 gold medals in Euro

Chapter 269 Dream: "The Father of Science Fiction Films"!Goal: "Three European Golds"! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"You're... back?"

On the Coast of Colster, Griffin Dunne, Flory and other onlookers all looked confused.

The scene of Chen Fei's return just now has been watched by them all the time, but because of this, everyone's first reaction was strong disbelief!
It is very common to go surfing on the sea with a surfboard.

But it would be outrageous to go surfing in the deep sea and be sent back by the waves in the end!

How exactly is this done?
In ordinary people's impressions, isn't the sea usually full of dangers?

But why did he suddenly act like a docile little sheep when he was in front of Chen Fei, acting like he was at the mercy of others?
Flory turned his head in confusion and asked curiously: "Griffin? Is this situation common in your surfing community?"

"No! No! I have never seen such a scene!"

Griffin Dunne, who is known as the No. 1 surfer today and is also one of the Red Bull signees, was also extremely shocked. The scene just now really scared him.

He couldn't imagine that such a magical operation could exist in the surfing world!

Is it because he conquered the ocean?
Just like the cold weapons confrontation in ancient times, the losing party will eventually surrender and voluntarily dedicate everything?
The two senior Red Bull extreme sports experts looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. For a moment, they didn't know how to express their opinions.

But others don't care that much.

The noise instantly echoed throughout the audience!
"Successful, victorious, he conquered the ocean."

"It's so powerful. This is really the greatest challenge I've ever seen!"

"I've seen a lot of awesome people, but I've never seen one so ruthless. This is the first time a surfer has conquered the ocean!"

"Oh! This is so cool! How on earth did he do it?"

"I want to become his teacher, is that okay?"

On the coastline, fans cheered enthusiastically for Chen Fei, as if they were welcoming the victorious God of War!
And around the world, viewers who are watching this broadcast are also cheering.

At the filming site of Fast 4, James Wan, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker and others raised their arms and shouted. While their faces were full of shock, they could not help but feel a deep sense of envy in their hearts.

This is so handsome!
Suddenly, James Wan seemed to have thought of something, turned to look at producer Walker Engel, and suggested excitedly: "If we continue to film the next one, let's go to the ocean and drive a submarine wildly, what? Sample?"

"it is good…"

Walker Engel was excited and without thinking much, he subconsciously nodded in agreement.

But suddenly, his rationality returned. Thinking about the burning funds, he couldn't help but have a headache: "James, I don't think it's good!"


"Submarine drift...that's just too expensive and we couldn't afford to do that."

Pouting his lips, Wen Ziren turned his head and continued to look at the screen.

From this point of view, Chen Fei is still playing more playfully. The investment of 1.4 million US dollars in "Iron Man" was invested at any time. So many luxury cars were blown up at any time...

After all, Universal Pictures is also one of the eight largest companies in Hollywood. Why did you search so hard?

Compared with Super 4’s “search”, Sony Columbia is much more generous.

With a wave of his hand, Walker Engel first bought the replay rights from Red Bull, and then directly ordered the propaganda department to spread the word on a global scale.

"2012" will be released on June [-]st, and they don't have much time left for promotion.

Some of their previous publicity was a bit mediocre, but Chen Fei's challenge opened up a new "continent" for him!
Isn't "2012" just a disaster movie in which the ocean pours in and destroys the world?

It just so happens that Chen Fei also stars in it. Combined with this shocking surfing challenge, it will definitely attract global attention!

"Fei, you are really Sony Columbia's lucky star!"

Walker Engel's face was full of excitement, as if he had already seen the box office success.

Looking at Chen Fei who was receiving praise on the screen, suddenly, another bold idea came to his mind.

"The IP "Spider-Man" originally belonged to Marvel, and now Fei has become Marvel's chief content executive and proposed a ten-year development plan for Marvel.

In this case, why can't Sony Columbia cooperate with Marvel to develop this IP? "

Thinking of this, he immediately felt moved and ran to find his boss.


At the same time, domestically.

Seeing Chen Fei's successful landing, the crews of "My Captain, My Group", "Overheard 2", "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", "October Siege", "Mulan", "Anaconda" and so on came to the rescue. Warm cheers broke out!
Jing Tian's face turned red with excitement and he jumped up and down in the set, his face full of joy.

In "Mulan", Liu Yifei was also so excited that she couldn't help herself, but she was still a lady, but her pretty face was red, and she kept shaking her arms holding Liu Xiaoli.

"Mom, why do I suddenly feel that he is so strong and I can't catch up at all?"

Hearing her daughter's question, Liu Xiaoli's face was startled, and her eyes suddenly became much more complicated.

She thought of her bleak life...

After pondering for a moment, she stroked her daughter's short hair and smiled: "The unparalleled hero in every girl's heart should be very powerful. Only in this way can he protect his lover."

"That's it..."

Liu Yifei seemed to understand, but she still nodded slowly and secretly prayed in her heart: "May my unparalleled hero be safe."


South Korea.

"LOEN Entertainment" trainee company, filming location of the movie "The Crucible"...

At this time, the two little girls Li Zhien, who is still five years away from adulthood, and Lin Yuner, who is still three years away from adulthood, are a little excited.

When Chen Fei Yulang returned, they were no less excited than others.

Their "big hero" is so powerful!

"Ouba is amazing!"

Li Zhien cheered and jumped up and down in the practice room regardless of other people's strange looks. He was very excited.

Most of the other girls in the team looked at her with envy, even jealousy.

They all knew that the "god"-like man on the screen was Li Zhien's financial sponsor.

No one would think this is abnormal, because other girls also have their own sponsors behind them.

But compared to Chen Fei, those old and ugly old men who don't know how to care about people are simply so vulgar!
"Yoon'er, it's your part."

Outside the dressing room, the manager was calling Lin Yuer softly, completely unlike other managers who treated their artists with cold words.

"Come on!"

Finally looking at Chen Fei who had already landed, Lin Yuer walked out, suddenly feeling a little hopeful in his heart.

I wonder if I can see Oppa at the wedding banquet?


The crisp sound of smashing resounded in the editing room. Lu Chuan was breathing heavily. Looking at the broken computer screen in front of him, he felt a sense of depression in his heart that he couldn't let out.

"Why didn't you drown?"

He roared angrily, and the unhappiness in his heart was extremely strong.

Originally, the fact that the film failed the final review had already made him very irritated, and the fact that Chen Fei succeeded in surfing made him extremely unhappy!
Why did the film I cut out have been rejected by the General Administration several times, always asking the editor to make changes, and it still failed to pass the review.

But what about Chen Fei?

I took a surfboard to challenge the sea, and finally came back alive!
Where is the reasoning behind this horse?

Depressed, unwilling, angry...

Various emotions intertwined together, making Lu Chuan feel increasingly depressed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

All he wants now is "Nanjing!"Nanjing! "Can gain something at the Venice Film Festival to save the face I lost during this period.


Corster Sea.


Chen Fei, who made a successful return, received cheers and onlookers from fans.

Especially Griffin Dunne, who kept asking how he accomplished the "climbing" action in the waves?

The "murderous wave" that even the aircraft carrier could not withstand turned out to be his boost. It's amazing to think about it!

“I just combined my surfboard and skateboard skills, that’s all.”


Griffin nodded with some vague understanding, and after actively asking for Chen Fei's contact information, he walked aside.

He had to ask Red Bull for a replay first and carefully study Chen Fei's surfing skills just now!
This is an opportunity not to be missed to improve your surfing skills, so you must seize it!


After greeting the enthusiastic fans at the scene, Chen Fei and Flory left the Corster Sea in a car and went straight to the airport!
The day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival, and he has to fly to France first.

in the car.Flory said leisurely: "Red Bull accepted your request. They agreed to increase your endorsement fee and even proposed the idea of ​​making you a global spokesperson."

Global spokesperson?
Chen Fei was quite surprised: "Huh? How much endorsement fee are you going to give me?"

"Two hundred million dollars."

"Hey! Are you so generous?"

"Believe me, the value you created for Red Bull far exceeds [-] million US dollars. For Red Bull, this is a sure-profit deal."

"Have them send me the new contract."


There was a direct flight from Mexico to Cannes. After leaving a series of subsequent matters to Flory, Chen Fei took the first class cabin.

The plane took off smoothly, Chen Fei put on his eye mask and started to check the system prompts.

The rewards have been distributed successfully, but because there were too many fans before, he didn't have time to check them at the first time.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the second SSS-level challenge!Please select your skills! 】

Chen Fei is already very familiar with this.

"Skill selection", as the name suggests, allows him to decide by himself what skills he wants this time.

After completing the climb to Mount Everest last time, Chen Fei chose "Computer Proficiency" and "Prop Production Proficiency", and both of them have potential for growth.

But this time, Chen Fei had a plan in mind.

He first asked: "How many skills can I choose?"

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this mission, the host can choose two skills. 】


Chen Fei couldn't help but waved his fist in excitement, and then made his request without hesitation: "I want to improve my directing and acting abilities to the highest level."



These two items are his old profession and the channel through which he accumulates raw resources and fame, which he cannot lose no matter how long it takes.

Times are progressing, society is developing, and everyone is growing rapidly!
The same is true for the film and television industry.

From the original literary films to the current science fiction films, fantasy films, 3D, IMAX, motion capture technology...

More and more new "technologies" are being used in film shooting. In order to keep up with the pace, it is necessary to choose to improve the director's skills.

As for the performance, it is even more important.

As an excellent director, in addition to mastering the ability to create and visualize scripts, he must also have the ability to guide actors.

There is a saying in the industry: There are no actors who can’t act, only directors who can’t direct!

As a director, if he knows nothing about acting, even if he has a lot of knowledge about directing, he still cannot produce excellent works.

Especially after entering the field of science fiction films, more and more green screens will be used in the future, which will be a huge challenge to the director's ability and the actors' acting skills.

Therefore, these two skills are what Chen Fei urgently needs to improve now, and it has even reached the point where there is no need to delay!

[Ding. Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge task (Eight Extreme Life of Water, the challenger needs to go to the Sea of ​​Cortez in the Baja Peninsula, Mexico, and complete an extreme surf amidst a world-destroying tsunami.)]

[A total of 69353 reputation points were obtained for this mission. 】

[Due to the extremely high degree of completion of this task, double blind box rewards are triggered. 】

[SSS level reward blind box × 2 has been distributed successfully. 】

[The blind box is opening...]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving awards: Acting Mastery (∞), Director Mastery (∞). 】

As the reward was handed out, the familiar intracranial climax came, making Chen Fei fall into some indescribable state as if he was drunk.

After half an hour, all the rewards were finally distributed, but it would still take a long time to fully understand them.

After all, this kind of "growable" skill is constantly instilling new knowledge into Chen Fei almost every day, and this is also a step-by-step process.

After asking the flight attendant for a cup of coffee to refresh himself, Chen Fei turned his attention to the system's personal panel interface.

Host: Chen Fei

Age: 23
Power: 199
Speed: 99
Stamina: 199
Constitution: 199
Skills: Director Proficiency (∞), Acting Proficiency (∞), Computer Proficiency (∞), Prop Production Proficiency (∞), Horror Thriller Script Gift Pack, Wild Extreme Survival Skills Proficiency (Lv5), East Asia Premium Script Gift Pack, Comics Wei series script gift pack, skydiving proficiency (level 5), science fiction movie script gift pack, "Kung Fu Panda", Hong Kong movie script gift pack, film and television special effects photography proficiency (Lv3), film and television special effects post-production proficiency (Lv3)...

Reputation value: 219978
Unknowingly, more and more skills and film and television scripts have been stored.

It has been six years since I entered the film and television industry. Looking back on the past, the moment when the system was activated in 02 seems to be still in front of me.

From the original Hundred Flowers Award to today's Golden Bear Award, Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, Oscar Award, Saturn Award...

In just six years, Chen Fei has impressively achieved goals and achievements that most people cannot achieve in their lifetime!
But in the coming time, he will not stop.

Starting from the Cannes Film Festival, which will open the day after tomorrow, to the Golden Globe Awards, Oscars, Venice Golden Lion Awards... He wants to win all the famous awards in the world!

And in the field of commercial films.

The title "Father of Horror Films" is a bit too petty. Only "Father of Science Fiction Films" can be worthy of his status!


December 2007, 5.

Cannes, France, is a leisurely town with beautiful scenery on the Mediterranean coast in the south of France.

It was already the afternoon of the 15th when Chen Fei landed at the airport, and the staff from China Film Group were responsible for picking him up and checking him in at the hotel.

Zhou Xun and Wang Zhiwen arrived two days in advance and are getting familiar with the environment here.

Han Sanping was originally planning to come over, but because China Film was preparing for a change of leadership recently, and the big mess of "Red Cliff", he was "locked" in the company, unable to escape at all.

However, as one of the investors, China Film Group sent a working group to prepare for the promotion of "Shoplifters".

Chen Fei was very satisfied with this working group, because when he arrived at the hotel, he immediately saw the huge poster hanging in the hotel lobby.

On the poster, several actors from "Shoplifters" are smiling brightly.

At first glance, the first impression seems to be that it is a warm movie. I believe it will definitely give movie fans a "surprise"!
"The screening room has been rented, and the movie screening will continue from the opening ceremony until the awards ceremony."

"Okay, let's have dinner together tonight."

The team leader sent by China Film Group was Han Sanping's secretary, and Chen Fei was already very familiar with him.

"Haha, then I won't be polite."

The other party did not refuse, but he had already made up his mind that Chen Fei could not treat him to this meal.

Han Sanping is now only one step away from that position, and the Cannes Film Festival will be the most critical link. The influence after winning the award can completely offset the mess caused by "Red Cliff"!
The staff at the Cannes Film Festival were very dedicated to their duties, and the hotel where they stayed was heavily guarded. Although some French media and reporters gathered outside the hotel, they were unable to enter at all.

After checking in, Chen Fei met Zhou Xun and the others.

In addition to the female protagonist Zhou Xun and the male protagonist Wang Zhiwen, those who came here this time were also followed by the second female protagonist Zhu Zhu.

Others did not come because they had work on hand and were affected by their visas.

"Director Chen, you are so amazing!"

As soon as they met, Zhu Zhu shouted excitedly. It was obvious that she was also paying attention to Chen Fei's surfing challenge.

Zhou Xun and Wang Zhiwen didn't say anything, and acted quite calmly.

Smiling, Chen Fei did not answer her question and waved directly to the three of them: "Let's go and sign in first, and then go to dinner together."

The reception desk officially arranged by the film festival was downstairs. After signing in, the group left the hotel and went straight to a restaurant recommended by Zhou Xun.

In the car, Wang Zhiwen said with emotion: "It's quite lucky to say that we are the only one participating in the Cannes Film Festival from China this time."

Chen Fei asked subconsciously: "Isn't Wang Jiawei here too?"

"His "Blueberry Nights" is a co-production, mainly with a French background, and cannot be considered a domestic film."

"That's true."

Chen Fei immediately realized that this seemed to be the first English-language film directed by Wang Jiawei.

Speaking of which, Wong Jiawei and the Cannes Film Festival are also quite connected.

In 97, the feature film "Happy Together" directed by him won the Best Director Award at the 50th Cannes International Film Festival, becoming the first Chinese director to win this award in the history of the Cannes International Film Festival.

In 04, he directed the feature film "2046", which was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the 57th Cannes International Film Festival.

In 06, he served as the chairman of the jury of the 59th Cannes International Film Festival, becoming the first Chinese chairman of the jury of the Cannes International Film Festival.

And this year, he brought his first English-language film co-produced by China and France to the Cannes International Film Festival.

As the opening film, "Blueberry Nights" will undoubtedly be one of the strongest contenders for this year's Palme d'Or!

What Chen Fei didn't expect was that just when he was about to find a time to meet Wang Jiawei first, he bumped into an acquaintance in the restaurant.

Zhang Manyu!
 The surgery was quite successful, more or less. I try my best to keep updating
(End of this chapter)

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