It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 270 Open fire!A joint ban from “old seniors” and “old artists”?

Chapter 270 Open fire!A joint ban from “old seniors” and “old artists”?

When I first met Maggie Cheung, I was on the set of "Hero" directed by Lao Mouzi.

Playing the role of the heroine "Feixue", she is cool and noble, and in terms of acting skills, she has achieved international recognition!
Chen Fei didn't communicate much with her, and they could only be regarded as acquaintances.

After leaving the crew of "Hero", it was already 04 when I heard news about Maggie Cheung again.

With the movie "Clean", she won the Best Actress Award at the Cannes Film Festival and became Asia's first Cannes Best Actress.

The chairman of the jury, Quentin Tarantino, even called her "one of the best actresses of our time" and bluntly said that she deserves the honor of Best Actress!

Later, the "New York Times" named her one of the 2006 great performers in the film industry in 22, commenting that she can perfectly interpret both Chinese classical images and Western modern images, and her acting skills are solid and comprehensive.

But since entering Cannes, Maggie Cheung has entered a period of "always having schedules and never having any schedules."

"Nanjing!During the preparations for the filming of "Nanjing", Lu Chuan was still clamoring in front of the media that he wanted to invite her to participate in the filming of the film, and negotiations were ongoing.

But I never thought that Zhang Manyu would contact the media the next day to clarify, which embarrassed Lu Chuan.

To be honest, compared to other Hong Kong female stars, Chen Fei doesn't think her appearance is that high, but her temperament is definitely one of the best!
The look in his eyes when he played "Feixue" is still unforgettable for Chen Fei!


At the front desk of the restaurant, Zhang Manyu took the initiative to say hello.

"Director Chen is here for dinner?"


Chen Fei nodded, glanced at Zhang Manyu and her companions, and asked politely: "Are you preparing to leave?"

"Yes, we've finished eating."

Zhang Manyu smiled very generously and took the initiative to introduce a foreigner next to him: "This is Stephen Frears, a British director and the chairman of the jury of this year's Cannes Film Festival."


Upholding politeness, Chen Fei took the initiative to extend his hand to the other party.

Unexpectedly, the red-faced British foreigner with few hairs on his head hugged him excitedly, "Oh! Fei! That surfing session of yours was so cool!"

Obviously, another extreme sports enthusiast…

After exchanging a few words and leaving contact information with each other, we parted ways.

Before leaving, Zhang Manyu greeted the people behind Chen Fei cordially, and the face was definitely given!
"As expected of an international guy, this style is really awesome!"

Zhou Xun's character was also quite reserved. He would say whatever he wanted and he was the kind of person who was outspoken. Watching Zhang Manyu leave, she felt very emotional.

Chen Fei smiled and joked: "Work hard, maybe one day you can reach her level."

"Difficult! Difficult!"

Shrugging, Zhou Xun quickly suppressed the envy in his heart.

The competition among mainland female stars is not as big as usual. Now she can only hang out in mainland film festivals. It is not that easy to go international.

Strictly speaking, Chen Fei's film is her most praiseworthy film in the 15 years since her debut.

Nominated for Actress at the Cannes International Film Festival in France!

This honor alone has put a big distance between her and other female stars.


The opening ceremony red carpet featured a star-studded ensemble.

Among a group of foreigners, the crew of "Shoplifters" led by Chen Fei was quite conspicuous. As soon as they arrived at the red carpet, they received bursts of cheers from the audience!
Of course, most of these cheers were given to Chen Fei.

The impact of the surfing challenge is not ordinary. The complete video is available for viewing on mainstream portals in various countries, gathering a large number of fans for him.

Under the flashlight, several people had reserved smiles on their faces.

Chen Fei was wearing a light gray suit today. The slim-fitting clothing showed that he had a tall and straight figure, a face with sharp edges and corners, and a depth of fortitude.

Wang Zhiwen was wearing a Mao suit, elegant and gentle, and looked like a literary man.

Zhou Xun, who was beside him, was wearing a strapless dress, with a touch of excitement in the evening, and even greeted domestic reporters warmly.

After making sure that she would not say "there are so many people", Chen Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I don’t dare to let Mr. Zhou’s famous scene appear here!

The fragrance is fragrant, and Zhu Zhu next to him is dressed quite boldly.

Today she wore a white fishtail floor-length evening gown with a large V-neck in the front, and the deep ravine could be seen even further down her exposed back.

The entire dress is covered in bright silver sequins, which sparkle under the flash!
"Who helped you choose these clothes?"

While walking towards the signature wall, Chen Fei asked curiously.

"My agency..."

The smile on Zhu Zhu's face was a little stiff. If this evening dress was worn by foreign female stars, it would be very common. But in domestic entertainment, only Fan Ye, Zhang Jingchu, and Jiuji Zhang would dare to wear it.

Now, at the request of her agency, she had to be "bold" again.

Although she has received an open education since childhood, she is still quite conservative at heart. Unless the plot requires it, she usually does not wear revealing clothes.

The agency's idea is very straightforward, it is to make her famous in Cannes!
The red carpet ceremony is a must-win event for female celebrities!

Judging from the frequent flashing lights around her, the agency's goal was indeed achieved, but after the news spread back to China, she might have suffered a wave of criticism.

"Director Chen, can I delay you for a few minutes?"

A reporter was shouting outside the venue. Chen Fei turned his head and glanced, smiling slightly: "Let's talk after the opening ceremony is over. There are others waiting to enter the venue."

After that, he turned and left.


The opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival is not much different from the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival. The chairman of the jury also speaks on stage, and then everyone in the venue watches the opening ceremony video.

Wang Jiawei is sitting on Chen Fei's right hand side, with Zhang Manyu in the middle.

The organizer was very considerate and deliberately arranged the Chinese directors and actors in the same row to facilitate communication.

After watching "Blueberry Nights", Wang Jiawei leaned over and asked Chen Fei: "What did Director Chen think of my film?"

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei replied: "It is quite in line with Director Wang's usual style. The poetic, soft, nostalgic light yellow and hazy lights are the background color of the film. The illusory romance of old Hong Kong is blurred among the lights. Hui also found a foothold among the high-rise buildings in New York.

There are also the deliberately slowed-down shots and the sexy close-ups, which do not stay between the legs and skirt, but move to the face, which not only tests the director's ability, but also tests the actor's skills. Overall, it is very good. "

There was no conflict between the two, so when making comments, Chen Fei also chose nice words to say.

It is absolutely impossible for him to say in front of Wang Jiawei: The story of your movie is so thin that it makes you sleepy...

That would be a bit disrespectful.

Wong Jiawei, who is nearly 50 years old, is smiling very happily. It is an honor for him to be given such a high evaluation by a new Chinese director!

"Haha, I must cooperate with Director Chen once if I have a chance."


Chen Fei's eyes lit up, he still had a lot of Hong Kong movie scripts in his hands.

Although Lao Wang's screenwriting skills are not very good, his directing skills are still quite good, so it is just right to give him a hand.


After the opening ceremony, Chen Fei and a group of people came to the theater hall.

"Shoplifters" specially rented an advertising space in the lobby. The huge poster was quite eye-catching and attracted many people's attention.

There are only about twenty films in the main competition, and almost every one of them is the target of global film producers!
Seeing Chen Fei coming out, a group of people quickly approached him.

"Director Chen, can I talk to you about copyright sales?"

"Fei! My old friend, you must choose me this time."

"Oh! This movie made me cry all my tear ducts. It is so good. I must take it back to my country!"


The opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival also happens to be the premiere of Shoplifters.

Although none of the main creators attended the premiere, the work of a Golden Bear Award-winning director, coupled with Chen Fei's outstanding record in recent years, directly attracted the attention of countless film producers!

Small film producers know that they definitely have no chance, and most of them choose to give up directly, but those big film producers are gathered together.

At first glance, Shoplifters appears to be a bittersweet fable.

But as the story progressed and deepened, everyone realized that it was not only a touching family film, but also a deep sigh and review of the failures of society and the shortcomings of human nature!
After watching this film, the film producers had only one idea left in their minds.

Be sure to buy it!
This kind of film will never go out of style no matter how it is adapted. It focuses on the underlying logic of survival today consisting of pensions, housing, medical care, funerals, etc., and it is the most touching!
It's a pity that Chen Fei will not be fooled by them.

"Don't worry, everyone. It's too early to talk about copyright now. We can talk about it after the awards are over."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the film producers suddenly darkened.


The group of people sighed, stopped surrounding him, and dispersed one after another.

The lessons learned from the Golden Bear Awards Ceremony are still in front of them. They understand Chen Fei's style. Since he said he won't sell it now, he definitely won't sell it!
We can only wait until the awards are over before bidding again.


After accepting interviews with some domestic reporters, news of Chen Fei's participation in the Cannes International Film Festival quickly spread back to China.

In particular, the scene of the red carpet at the opening ceremony was put on the top of the home page by the media.

“Handsome men and beautiful women” are always the most eye-catching!
As expected, Zhu Zhu, who wore bold clothes, once again became the target of verbal and written criticism from the old scholars in the literary and art circles.

"To wear such a "vulgar" dress in such a "high-end" place is simply a kind of blasphemy, and the disgrace has been sent abroad!"

"This kind of artist should be banned!"

"Forbidden filming, let other female stars take a warning..."

Various comments were not only spread in the domestic media, but also traveled thousands of miles to reach Chen Fei's ears.

Seeing Zhu Zhu's nervous expression, Chen Fei curled his lips and said casually: "Why bother with those people? Just pretend they don't exist.

The loess is almost halfway buried, and maybe one day they will suddenly lie down, just think they are farting.

Still blocking?Did you give them face?Let them try to seal one for me?I wonder who dares to play this trick in front of me?A bunch of disrespectful old people! "

Chen Fei's words did not save any face for those old men, and they were said publicly in front of several media outlets, making it clear that he wanted to support Zhu Zhu.

The reporter of the Sixth Princess silently turned off the camera. This kind of report was not suitable for the official media.

But several other media outlets didn't care about this, especially the reporter from Sohu who started the topic. At this time, his face was even more excited!

Young people are so energetic!

Chen Fei is the only one who dares to openly attack those "old artists" in China.The news quickly spread back to China, and for a while, the mainland media became even more lively!
How did the old artists get this angry?They all withdrew their fingers from Zhu Zhu and quickly shifted their focus to Chen Fei.

"This son's virtue is not worthy of his place!"

"If you don't even have the most basic respect and lack of character, how can you take on the important task of revitalizing the film and television industry?"

"This film festival will definitely return in vain."

"Block him! Strictly prohibit him from continuing to film in the mainland!"

"Expelled from the division..."

There is constant turmoil in the mainland. Old artists maintain their noble status, prominent status, and condescension. They continue to express their opinions in major media and criticize Chen Fei verbally.

But he didn't care at all.

Just say whatever you like, anyway, if you piss someone off, you don't need his life to pay for it.

As the closing ceremony approached, Chen Fei was waiting for a call or invitation from the organizer.

As usual, films that win awards are usually invited again separately, and the creative team is required to attend the awards ceremony dinner.

This is already the unspoken rule of the three European gold medals.

"Jingle Bell…"

The sudden ringing of the phone made Chen Fei's heart tremble.


Under the gaze of several other people in the room, he quickly picked up his phone.

But when I looked at the caller ID, it turned out to be Lao Zhao!
"Hello? Lao Zhao, what are you doing?" Fade answered the phone with some disappointment, smacked his lips and responded weakly.

"A few old guys signed a letter and wanted Nortel to fire you."

Lao Zhao seemed to be suppressing a laugh, his tone full of ridicule.

Chen Fei immediately became happy: "What did the school say?"

"The principal just threw the letter into the trash can and held a special meeting for us. Anyone who dares to accept such a letter will resign and go home to farm."

"What about Professor Jiang? He didn't express his opinion?"

"He went to Venice, and "Nanjing! Nanjing!" was called back five times by the General Administration. I saw that Lu Chuan cried several times."


Nortel made it clear that they wanted to support Chen Fei, and their internal opinions were extremely unified.

Expelled from the division?

Those old guys are really thinking nonsense!

If such an outstanding graduate student is really expelled from Nortel, he doesn't know how he will be laughed at by being in the theater and being in the theater!
After chatting for a while, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

But before he could tell the joke to the other people in the room, the phone suddenly rang again.

"Sister Manyu?"

Chen Fei was inexplicably nervous. It was a coincidence that Zhang Manyu's call came.

"Remember to come to the closing ceremony."

He didn't say much, he just hung up the phone after a few words.

"Can I get a prize?" Zhou Xun looked excited.

"Well, there is!"

Chen Fei responded with great certainty.

Suddenly, Zhu Zhu's scream resounded throughout the room!
She seemed to have seen the image of Chen Fei holding the trophy in his hand and slapping those old guys in the face with shoehorns!


Two days passed in a flash.

Domestic news is still messy, and most "old-timers" are not optimistic about Chen Fei.

That was the Cannes International Film Festival. Films from more than 20 countries around the world participated in the selection. How could it be won by a young boy in his twenties?
The morning of the 27th.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Fei led the crew of "Shoplifters" to the waiting area for the closing ceremony.

"Fei, your movie is great."

"Pent into the hearts of the people..."

"I loved this film so much. The scene seemed calm as water, but the emotional tension seeped out bit by bit. I even cried unknowingly at the end. It was so shocking!"

"... "

Many people came over to say hello.

"Shoplifters" was screened for more than ten days, and it was packed with seats, giving many people a strong shock.

The complexity of human nature is expressed euphemistically and implicitly in a soothing and restrained way, which is simply breathtaking!
"Thank you for your appreciation."

Chen Fei's smile was bright and refreshing.


There were quite a few people on the red carpet at the closing ceremony, and there was even an actress who took the initiative to fall down and deliberately exposed her breasts.

"Hey? You really know how to play!"

Seeing an actress on the red carpet being escorted out by security, Chen Fei suddenly became happy.

Zhu Zhu was dressed very modestly tonight. Looking at the European and American actress who was forcibly taken out, she tightened Chen Fei's arm and secretly rejoiced that she was so lucky.

The group walked onto the red carpet, accompanied by flashing lights, and paused in front of the host.

"Fei, I watched your surfing challenge, and I was really shocked that you came back alive."

"Haha, when I thought that there was a prize waiting for me to receive, I suddenly became extremely motivated and my desire to survive exploded to a very strong level."

As soon as he finished speaking, the cheers on the scene suddenly became enthusiastic!

That challenge really shocked so many people!


As night falls, the lights shine, the awards ceremony officially begins, and the huge auditorium is packed with seats.

Film Cornerstone and Short Film Section, Golden Camera, Un Certain Regard Section...

Three consecutive non-main competition unit awards were announced, which first triggered a wave of enthusiasm.

Jury Prize for Best Short Film, Caméra d'Or for Best Film, Best Short Film Palme d'Or...

The second stage of the award ceremony came to an end soon. Several foreigners whom Chen Fei didn't know at all walked onto the podium, and one of them even shed tears at the scene!

Wang Zhiwen suddenly asked: "Is it a big investment to shoot a short film?"

"It depends on the type and style..." Chen Fei said while looking at him curiously: "Do you want to try it? If you are interested, you can come to my company to find me."

Wang Zhiwen was obviously moved, his eyes flickered slightly, and he nodded silently.

Best Screenplay went to a Turkish-German co-production, while the Jury Prize went to the director of "Silent Sunshine."

"The rest is all about big prizes."

Chen Fei murmured, feeling inexplicably nervous.

In comparison, Wang Zhiwen and Zhou Xun were even more nervous than him!
"Best Actress Award at the 60th Cannes International Film Festival, Jeon Do-yeon's "Secret Sun"."

Zhou Xun let out a long breath and looked a little sad.

Chen Fei arranged for her: "Don't be disappointed, this is just the beginning, there will be many opportunities in the future."

In comparison, Wang Zhiwen's Qi nourishing skills were stronger. He seemed to have thought of something, and his body relaxed a lot in an instant.

"Best Actor Award at the 60th Cannes International Film Festival, Konstantin Laronico's "Love in Exile"."

As the applause rang out, Wang Zhiwen looked at Chen Fei with a smile and joked: "Director, the next step is to win the grand prize."


Fade let out a sigh of relief, secretly looking forward to it.

Can you become the brightest star tonight?
"Best Director: Julian Schnabel, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly."

His breathing began to become rapid, and Chen Fei stared at the podium without blinking.

"Jury Grand Prize: "Forest of Logs" (Naomi Kawase)!"

A Japanese female director walked onto the stage, held the trophy, and told many interesting stories from the filming process.

A moment later, the chairman of the jury, Stephen Frese, walked up to the podium, opened the envelope with a smile, and took out a beautifully made card.

"The winner of the Palme d'Or for Best Film at the 60th Cannes International Film Festival is..."

There were many people at the scene who were staring directly at the stage. The Palme d'Or trophy seemed to be shining with an alluring light, which was so touching!

"Please allow me to sell it out first, because the winner of the award is one of my favorite directors. He has diverse styles, talents, and has created many amazing works..."

On the stage, Stephen Frears was talking so eloquently that he almost described the Palme d'Or winner as something unique in the world!
Chen Fei's breathing became inexplicably rapid...

"Let us welcome Hollywood's youngest emerging A-category production director, a talented director who has won the Golden Bear Award, Saturn Award, Golden Globe Award, Oscar and many other awards: Chen Fei!"

Stephen Frears' Chinese is a bit convoluted, but the words "Chen Fei" are very clear.

There was thunderous applause in the venue, enthusiastic and fierce!
Chen Fei stood up, hugged each other with Zhou Xun, Zhu Zhu, Wang Zhiwen, Zhang Manyu, and Wang Jiawei, and then walked to the podium.

"Fei, do you want to say something?" Stephen Frears looked at him with a smile.

After receiving the Palme d'Or trophy and looking at the golden palm branch engraved above, Chen Fei let out a long sigh of relief.

"I am honored to be the second Chinese director in history to win the Palme d'Or. I am very grateful to the jury for their recognition and to every actor on the crew for their hard work. This is not just a trophy that belongs to me, but A trophy for the entire cast.

In fact, before I came to the Cannes Film Festival, I suffered a lot of criticism. After all, I am only a young director in his twenties, and the works I produce will inevitably be questioned by many seniors and artists.

But fortunately, I did not disappoint the seniors. In the coming time, I will definitely continue my efforts and create greater glories.

I firmly believe that life never ends!The struggle doesn’t stop! "

In the audience, Zhou Xun and others tried hard to hold back their laughter, for fear that they would suddenly be unable to hold back.

Zhang Manyu, who knew the inside story, covered her mouth slightly, and the raised corners of her mouth were harder to suppress than an AK47!
This speech is really cruel!It's like roasting those old people in the country who have nothing to do with their corpses!

 The state is gradually coming back. The update is a bit late. I'm sorry. One hand was a little swollen after the sling bottle was applied, and it was not very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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