It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 271 is far ahead at the box office!Combine vertically and horizontally?Marvel's Twiligh

Chapter 271 is far ahead at the box office!Combine vertically and horizontally?Marvel's Twilight is a big deal!
Flowers bloom outside the wall and fragrance inside the wall!

It was already very late when the closing ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival ended, but the news of Chen Fei's award spread back to China as soon as possible.

[Winner of the Palme d'Or for Best Film at the 60th Cannes Film Festival: Chen Fei! 】

When this title appeared on the headlines of major portals, forums, and post bars, it immediately caused an uproar in the circle and shocked countless people.

"23 years old! Palme d'Or winner!"

"China's second Palme d'Or trophy was finally won by domestic director Chen Fei!"

"I have not let down the "old-timers" in the country. Life is endless and struggle is endless!"

"A tender and tearful film, jury chairman Stephen Frears praised it highly, saying it was deeply rooted in people's hearts."

"Old artists? Are you watching?"

After winning the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 05, two years later, he won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival!
Chen Fei's achievements simply make a group of domestic literary and artistic film directors feel numb!

What's more important is that he is not a director who focuses on making literary films. His real main business is actually making commercial films, and he is also the youngest A-class production director in the history of Hollywood!
This horse riding is really scary.

He has only made two literary films since his debut, but he has won the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or one after another, which directly established his lofty status in the international literary and art circle!

In comparison, those old men who make sarcastic remarks on domestic portals are simply ridiculous!
It's just a simple meal for each corpse, and he has no achievements, and the words he speaks are even more feeble.

Now that the "Palme d'Or" has been won by Chen Fei, their speeches online a few days ago were like clown fishes, ugly and vulgar!

"The banner has been hung up for you, haha, you are so awesome, you actually won a Palme d'Or."

Zhao Zhenyangle couldn't close his mouth and kept telling Chen Fei about some situations in the country.

"The school is very happy. Someone proposed to prepare a celebration banquet for you, but all the old guys who were still working on the joint letter have silenced, and now no one dares to come forward.

I heard that Professor Jiang also encountered obstacles in Venice, and Lu Chuan’s movie was rejected twice, and the guy was almost autistic..."

Chen Fei was listening here and couldn't close his mouth.

Those old guys were clamoring to ban him before!
It's a good thing now, let alone being banned, not even one person dares to jump out and make a few sarcastic remarks!

They are actually very cowardly. After all, the superiors are sparing no effort to support Chen Fei. Now, with the addition of a Palme d'Or trophy, Chen Fei's status has been directly raised a lot.

Who dares to show up at this time?
Isn’t this just looking for death?
The meaning of the words "returning with great honor" cannot be compared with that of a group of old guys who "have a vegetarian meal".

Han Sanping also called, with undisguised excitement in her voice.

"I didn't expect that Wong Jiawei, who was the most favored, didn't even win a prize, but you actually won the Palme d'Or!"

He knew that this kid could definitely do it. There was also a [-]% investment from China Film Group in this film, and he had already obtained the "fame" he was looking for.

The movie he invested in actually won the Palme d'Or. Everyone has to give Han Sanping a thumbs up!

"Haha, I'm just lucky. I didn't expect that I would win such a big award."

With the help of the only Palme d'Or trophy in the country, Chen Kaige has firmly entered the ranks of first-line directors and gained both fame and fortune.

Now Chen Fei, in his weak years, won the Golden Bear first and then the Palme d'Or. Who in the country can have such strength as him?


After chatting for a while, Chen Fei hung up the phone and began to look at the bidding list on the table.

After the closing ceremony, film dealers from all over the place came in droves, and the prices they offered were even higher than the last!

Chen Fei didn't care who the buyer was. It didn't matter who he sold it to, so he simply made a request and sold it to whoever offered the highest price.

This kind of warm, literary-themed movie can touch people's hearts the most. If the actors' acting skills are good enough and the production is sophisticated enough, they can definitely give the audience an excellent movie-watching experience!

Therefore, film producers in Europe, America, Asia and other regions offer extremely high prices.

Although the prices offered by film companies in other countries are not low, in comparison, they are still far behind those of those blockbusters.

What surprised Chen Fei the most was that the one with the highest bid turned out to be the "Toho Co., Ltd." film company from Xiaoli!
The offer of US$3000 million really surprised him.

"Hey, you were quite rich when you were young? Are you asking such a generous price?"

The film purchase representative sent by Toho Co., Ltd. was named Toshiharu Morinaga. He seemed to be a gentle man, and he was the same type as the people in South Korea. They were all quite polite.

After meeting in the hotel and saying hello to each other, Chen Fei was quite surprised: "Mr. Morinaga seems to be very optimistic about the performance of my movie in your country?"

Morinaga Toshiharu's face is full of smiles, which makes people feel like spring breeze:
"Director Chen may not have paid attention to it, but your influence in our country is very high, and many of your works have been well received.

And because the social foundations of our two countries are almost the same, the theme of your film is also applicable to our country's national conditions. I believe that it will definitely have a good performance after being introduced. "

Chen Fei nodded silently, feeling a little complicated for no reason.

If he remembered correctly, before his rebirth, "Shoplifters" seemed to be a movie produced by Toho Co., Ltd.

Isn't this a kind of face-to-face NTR?
The price offered by the other party was very high, so Chen Fei naturally had no reason to refuse, even if he signed a copyright authorization agreement.

Before leaving, Morinaga Toshiharu said very sincerely: "If Director Chen has suitable works, please contact me. Toho Co., Ltd. is a mature Japanese film production company. We have up to 350 theaters and occupy a large area in the country. With a high market share, I believe it will bring you a great experience..."

"Okay, if there is a suitable script, I will definitely contact your company."

At this moment, Chen Fei suddenly thought of the three scripts in his script library.

"My Accidental Dad", "Spirited Away", "Your Name"...

Don't rush now, good things have to be taken out slowly.


After staying in Cannes for three full days and having "games" with hundreds of film producers, Chen Fei returned home with a pile of contracts and a lot of money!

A golden palm earned him nearly a thousand times the rate of return, making him a lot of money!
He first flew to Hollywood and went to Marvel specifically to learn about the box office situation of "Iron Man".

It has been exactly one month since it was released on April 4. Although the film has not yet been released in North America, the general box office trend is already clear.

Arriving at the new office building of Marvel Studios, Chen Fei got the latest box office results from Kevin Feige.

North American box office 4.3 million US dollars.

The total global box office total is 8.15 million.

Kevin Feige said very excitedly: "The box office trend is great, and your global influence has played a great publicity effect.

So far, "Iron Man" is still far ahead in the box office rankings of Hollywood movies in the first half of the year.

However, the subsequent "Spider-Man 3", "Shrek 3", and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" all have very strong box office trends. I am afraid that our leading trend will not last long. "

"It doesn't matter, this data has far exceeded my expectations."

The release period of domestic movies is usually one month, but it is different abroad. There is no limit to this time, and it all depends on the arrangements of the theaters.

According to current trends, the final box office of "Iron Man" should be around US$8.5 million.

After splitting the accounts with theater chains, you can get at least 4.25 million U.S. dollars in share.

After deducting an investment of US$1.4 million, the final profit will be approximately US$2.85 million.

And this is just the share of the box office. The subsequent video tapes, DVDs, image copyrights, and TV copyrights are the real bulk. Coupled with the sales of various peripherals, the final estimated revenue will be at least 5-6 million US dollars!

After thinking for a while, Chen Fei ordered: "Go and talk to the theater chains in North America and tell them that Marvel Studios wants to increase our box office share ratio.

Negotiate with a base price of US$5 million. If the North American box office of the subsequent new movie exceeds US$5 million, the account sharing ratio needs to be at least 55%. If not, then it will be divided according to the original contract.

In this regard, you should find a few people who do statistical calculations, try to negotiate a sequentially increasing model, and strive to maximize the benefits of box office sharing. "

This sharing model was originally unique to the six existing giants in Hollywood, but with Chen Fei's success in two consecutive Class A productions, he naturally gained the confidence to negotiate prices.

"Ok, I see."

Kevin Feige nodded heavily, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

Years of financial pressure had almost made him breathless. With the appearance of "Iron Man", it disappeared instantly, and he was even qualified to negotiate terms with theaters!
It’s so exciting for his grandma!


It is now the beginning of June, and the competition for the summer vacation has begun.

The comedy "Knocked Up" produced by Universal Pictures and starring Seth Rogen is competing with the disaster film "2012" produced by Sony Columbia.

"Knocked Up" grossed US$3000 million in its first weekend, but "2012" grossed US$6500 million in its first weekend.

There is no doubt that the former failed miserably.

Of course, the investment between the two is not of the same magnitude. The latter’s investment of US$2 million far exceeds the former’s US$3000 million!It's a pity that the latter two are still a little sluggish in the face of last week's "Pirates of the Caribbean 3".

Walker Engel didn't care at all, and even called Chen Fei very enthusiastically to invite Chen Fei to the celebration banquet.

“Fei, we don’t expect to compete with Disney. After all, there are too many supporters of the Pirates Trilogy, and we have no chance of winning.

Moreover, the audience for disaster movies is relatively fixed. As long as we can recoup the cost at the box office, it will be a big profit for us. Sony specializes in the imaging industry, and the income in this aspect is far beyond what the theater box office can compare with. "

"Ok, I will definitely come as promised."

While Chen Fei said that he would definitely go to Sony Columbia Pictures, he was thinking secretly.

The IP "Spider-Man" was sold to Sony by Marvel a long time ago. It is impossible to take it back now. They will never agree to it.

But the subsequent Avengers cannot do without Spider-Man, so this role must be won.

Now that there is no competitive relationship between the two parties, perhaps we can talk about the subsequent development of the Spider-Man IP. After all, the authorization for the main copyright and character peripheral development is still in the hands of Marvel.

Among the hundreds of scholars, there is one family called the "Principalists", and Chen Fei likes their ideas very much.

Combine vertically and horizontally!

This method can naturally also be used in cooperation with competitors.


After focusing on the release date of "The Incredible Hulk" and the preparations for the follow-up "Thor" and "Captain America", Chen Fei left Marvel Studios and returned to Waltons Pictures.

The follow-up production of "Wall-E" is proceeding in an orderly manner, and the animation studio has completed part of the prop production.

It's a pity that Chen Fei has to return to China to film "Mulan" first, so he can only put his work here on hold for now.

When he came back this time, he mainly wanted to know about the promotion work of "Twilight".

The release date of the first Twilight part is set at the end of June. The 72-year-old Woody Allen is in high spirits and appears quite excited.

"Fei, the early publicity effect is very good. As you wish, our main publicity scope is still teenagers. We may have a great harvest."

Chen Fei smiled and joked: "How is it? Doesn't it feel great to be with young people?"

"That's natural! I feel as if I am several years younger and full of energy."

Seeing his state, Chen Fei turned around, opened his backpack, and took out two scripts.

"So...Mr. Woody Allen, are you still willing to continue filming the second and third parts of Twilight?"

The scripts for Twilight 2 and Twilight 3 have been in Chen Fei's script library for a long time, but he was not in a hurry to take them out.

The reputation of the subsequent films after the original version is getting worse and worse, and the quality of the scripts is also worrying. This is also a key factor that limits the box office and influence of the film.

Therefore, in his spare time, Chen Fei will make detailed modifications according to his own ideas. While continuing to maintain the bloody plot that is attractive to teenagers, he also adjusts the overall character of the heroine.

A love triangle is not impossible, but the original heroine's operation is too "fairy"!

If you don't like him, why did you kiss him?
Just like the hot search that Chen Fei saw before he was reborn.

"I'm not pregnant, he just put it in, he didn't move..."

This operation is so cool!

Pinru felt ashamed after hearing this!

In addition to some plot adjustments, Chen Fei also added some battle scenes showing vampires and werewolves in terms of visual effects.

The original work has too little representation in fantasy, so the audience is getting smaller and smaller.

Therefore, he decided to add various scenes such as magic, demons, hell, angels, wizards, etc., and strive to get closer to the direction of "Harry Potter".

Even if you can't reach Harry's level, at least don't make it too messy. This will really damage your image.

After taking the script, Woody Allen read it carefully, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

"I love this story!"

Half an hour later, he looked up at Chen Fei and promised very seriously: "Fei, believe me, I will give you a big surprise."

"Okay, then I'm waiting for your big surprise."

The subsequent signing of the contract with Woody Allen has nothing to do with Chen Fei, Natasha will be responsible for this aspect of the business.

However, just when he was about to leave the company and go directly to the airport to take an international flight, Bruce found him and handed him two invitations.

"Warner Bros. Pictures asked me to invite you to the premiere of "Ocean's Thirteen". They hope you can be there to support and express their hope to discuss future cooperation with you."

Thirteen Arhats?

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then a name suddenly appeared in his mind.

Hollywood prodigy: Steven Soderbergh!
This 44-year-old bald white director is quite interesting. At the age of 26, he won the Palme d'Or for Best Picture at Cannes, which is coveted by countless literary and artistic film directors.

Seven years ago, he was nominated for Best Picture and Best Director at the No. 70 Academy Awards for both "Never Compromise" and "Reading Network".

In the end, it defeated "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and won both awards.

Afterwards, he remade the classic old film "Ocean's Eleven", and the global box office exceeded [-] million, another huge victory!

Because of his achievements, he was awarded the title of "Prodigy Director".

Whenever a young talented director emerges in Hollywood, the media will bring him out and compare him with him.

Chen Fei is naturally one of the comparisons.

However, with his wins in both "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and "Iron Man", plus the recent Palme d'Or, he is obviously much better than Steven Soderbergh!

During this time, no one in the media compares the two of them anymore. After all, Chen Fei's excellence is beyond the comparison of ordinary people!
Literature and art, business, two major fields are killing each other, a group of great people!
"Let Natasha go instead of me. There are too many things at home and I don't have time."

Chen Fei said while looking at another invitation letter.

Bruce took advantage of the situation and said: "This is an invitation from 20th Century Fox. They hope you can participate in the premiere of "Fantastic Four 2"."

"Don't go."

Chen Fei was a little angry when he heard this. Marvel didn't know how it was done before, and it sold out the copyrights of so many excellent movies.

"Fantastic Four" and "X-Men", two such good IPs, were packaged and sold to 20th Century Fox.

How stupid to step on the horse!

"Then I'll go?"

"Well, you can go for me and ask them by the way if they are interested in returning the film rights. I can pay a premium for it."

"I will try my best."

Bruce shrugged, not expecting much.

20th Century Fox is not stupid. They will never take advantage of two such popular IPs.


On June [-]th, Chen Fei landed at Hengdian Airport.

In the follow-up of "Mulan", we will shoot some scenes about the palace. There happen to be existing buildings here, so we can just use them.

There were many reporters and paparazzi squatting in the airport. Chen Fei deliberately took the VIP channel to avoid meeting them.

He even covered himself tightly to avoid fans recognizing him.

The word "fan" has been a bit unlucky recently, so it's better not to touch it or not to touch it.

Although Liu Tianwang can't hold up the box office, his charm is amazing!

Sasaeng meal is so terrible!

Chasing stars for 13 years drove his father to commit suicide, and his suicide note was full of abuses against the King of Heaven.

What's even more outrageous is that while the other party was scolding, he also asked the king to meet his daughter!
The group of media and paparazzi in China and Hong Kong are just watching the fun and don't take it too seriously. They use the term "moral kidnapping" to their fullest!
They agreed to meet and persuaded him to return home...but the other party still pushed for more and was unscrupulous, and there was even a feeling that someone was supporting them behind the scenes!
It's a good thing now, dad jumped into the sea and died.

It’s really sad and ridiculous!

The music scene is quite chaotic, and there is even a certain singer who doesn't mind the excitement and openly engages in "charitable donations", making the word "no bottom line" very clear.

Do you dare to indulge in this kind of heat?
Is it true that the King of Heaven is a soft persimmon, and anyone can come up and pinch him?
(End of this chapter)

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