It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 274 The dispute between Jing Tian and actress in costume, Twilight premiere, the stars are s

Chapter 274 The dispute between Jing Tian and actress in costume, Twilight premiere, the stars are shining! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Near the end of the month, Chen Fei arranged for his assistant to buy a ticket to the United States.

He was not planning to go to Hollywood at first. After all, the investment in "Twilight" had not yet reached the level of Class A production, so he could just let Natasha and the others make arrangements.

But he couldn't bear it. Producers, directors, and actors from many companies took turns calling him, urging him to hold parties.

Arnold Gonzalez, vice president of the production department of Universal Pictures, urged him several times: "Fei, you have won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Aren't you going to arrange a party?"

"Busy! Really busy!"

"It's only two or three days, can't you still spare some time?"


A group of people took turns, and Sony Colombia also called him many times, wanting to have a good chat with him about some follow-up cooperation matters.

Film companies such as Lionsgate, New Line, [-]th Century Fox, and Warner Bros. also frequently send emails.

Helpless, Chen Fei had no choice but to arrange for Natasha to expand the venue for the premiere of "Twilight" so that many people from the industry might come.

DiCaprio is quite interesting. Recently, foreign media suddenly broke the news that he and his new girlfriend will be engaged.

When he called, Fade Chen deliberately teased him: "Leonardo? Are you really captured by love?"

"Oh! Fei! Love is a wonderful thing. Sometimes it comes quickly, but sometimes it also goes quickly. The media information is out of date."

"Hey? I think you can't bear to part with those Victoria's Secret girls, right?"

"No! I just feel that my youth should not be tied to a certain person! Being exposed to more new and beautiful things can improve my acting skills."

Good guy!
Chen Fei never expected that he would hear another explanation of the word "scumbag" from Leonardo.

Could it be that this explanation can also be applied to the seamless connection between Xia Yu and Yuan Quan's Seven Year Itch and Gao Yuanyuan, which has been hotly discussed on the Internet recently?

Chen Fei sighed secretly.

If you are not married, it is not a big deal to break up and fall in love.

But it’s quite outrageous to think about being in a relationship for seven years and having a seamless relationship!
Emotions are really complicated!

"So have you decided to hold a premiere for "Twilight"?" Leonardo was also urging on the other end of the phone.

"I'll fly over before the premiere."

"Okay, just in time we can talk about the new play."

Chen Fei couldn't hold it back for a while and laughed out loud: "You are really persistent about that Oscar!"

"It has become my nightmare! I must get it! Even if it means sacrificing my fresh body..."

"Oh, don't disgust me."

Chen Fei simply hung up the phone. That guy was really unscrupulous. He was not as funny as he was when he was filming "Titanic". He was an old pervert!
No wonder I can hang out with Bruce, a guy who never talks about female models!
After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei was about to stand up and tell everyone to continue filming, but as soon as he looked up, he saw a bunch of people surrounding him, eyes wide open.

Jing Tian looked hopeful: "Director Chen? Were you just on the phone with Leonardo who played Jack in "Titanic"?"

"Ah, yes, what's wrong?"

"Can you please bring me an autograph? I like him very much. He is handsome, has good acting skills, and is talented..."

As soon as Jing Tian said these words, the other actresses around him immediately gathered their courage.

"I want one too."

"Little Plum is so handsome! I was crazy about him when I was in school. It's just a pity that I didn't get to meet him."

"Ah! I actually heard Leonardo's voice!"


Seeing a group of girls excited, Chen Fei suddenly understood why Xiao Lizi could change his girlfriend every day.

These silly girls, their IQs follow their facial features!

"How about I take him to the country when I have the chance and let you take photos with him one by one?"

"Long live Director Chen!!!"


In the military camp, Mulan began to live with a group of soldiers.

Chen Fei also put on specially customized armor, began his guest appearance career, and continued to help Liu Yifei improve her acting skills.

The little girl still occasionally cried when being scolded, but her eyes showed perseverance.

Wu Jing's fighting scenes are really good. It can be said that he has all kinds of martial arts. He plays an adjutant under Jiao Enjun and leads the soldiers in training!
When he first came back to the mainland, he was inevitably a little acclimatized, but with Chen Fei as his backer, he could be considered a success.

The day before I was about to fly to Hollywood, I finally filmed a scene opposite Liu Yifei and Jing Tian.

The title of "the flower of wealth in the world" is not just a boast!
Jing Tian's costumes focus on nobility, which is comparable to Liu Yifei's celestial spirit, and the general's daughter she plays in the film is even more charming.

As soon as he walked out of the dressing room, there was an uproar on the scene.

"What the fuck? It's so beautiful!"

"This dress is so flattering, absolutely stunning..."

"Director Chen's vision is really great. His temperament is really suitable for taking the ancient style route."

"This is how a general's daughter should be and how a lady should be!"

"Haha, two girls acting in a relationship scene? It's quite interesting."

Jing Tian is not the kind of shy person. Faced with the crowd, she is calm and composed, and behaves calmly and generously.

After modification by Chen Fei, the plot became that Jing Tian came to the military camp to visit the general's father, and then met Rouran's small vanguard army, and was rescued by Hua Mulan...

The standard hero saves the beauty. Although it is bloody, this style is popular now.

This scene can only be regarded as a side plot. In the end, Hua Mulan must have rejected the other party's favor and resolutely stepped onto the battlefield to serve the motherland.

A real lady will not force herself. Jing Tian will also pray for her loved one and wish him or her to come back victorious.

As for the end, when Hua Mulan's identity was exposed, the two naturally became good friends...

Chen Fei has always felt that Leng Weapon's charge is very handsome. It is a state that can make people's blood flow and they are not afraid of death!
On the plain, when Hua Mulan led a standard thousand-man cavalry regiment to charge against a small group of soldiers from the Rouran Kingdom, Chen Fei behind the monitor had a burning gaze!

In the picture, the cavalry rush into the enemy formation from all directions like lightning, with their cavalry galloping and dust flying.

They brandished their sharp swords and launched a fierce attack on the enemy. An unstoppable force instantly tore open the enemy's defense line!

Each cavalryman wore hard armor and galloped on the battlefield like a torrent of steel.

And their mounts seemed to feel the blood and passion of their owners, neighing with their heads held high, and charging forward wildly!
The stragglers of Rouran Kingdom fell one after another under the fierce attack of the cavalry, their flesh and blood flying everywhere, and their white blades flashing.

The soldiers rushed into the enemy group like wolves and tigers, cutting the enemies to the ground. Each enemy turned into flesh under their iron hooves.

The sound of war drums, the sound of iron hooves, the sound of swords clashing, and the shouts of soldiers intertwined together to form a shocking battle symphony.

The enemy's flags fell one after another under the impact of the cavalry, and even abandoned their weapons and fled. However, the cavalry became more and more courageous like tigers descending the mountain, and continued to charge with thunderous momentum until the enemy was completely defeated!
In the carriage, when he heard the guards protecting him saying that the enemies outside had been driven away, Jing Tian secretly breathed a sigh of relief and opened the sedan curtain.

Her delicate face was exposed, and her watery beautiful eyes just met Hua Mulan's.

"Thank you General."

Speak softly and be like a lady, that's all!

"You don't have to thank me, girl. We'll just do it casually. Just be fine."

Mulan nodded, whipped up her horse, and led the cavalry to continue patrolling to protect the rivers and mountains!

"Jingtian, pay attention to your eyes!" Chen Fei specially reminded him.

Chen Fei specifically told her this scene nearly ten times, and she already understood the essentials.

Starlight shone in her eyes as clear as autumn water, looking at the retreating figure, full of respect and admiration, but without losing the calmness and wisdom unique to all ladies.

"Great! Great!"

Looking at Jing Tian's eyes and expression on the monitor, Chen Fei did not hesitate to praise him.

Actors who are as clean as a blank sheet of paper are the easiest to teach. As long as the director can speak clearly enough and arrange for them to learn from it.

Jing Tian was like this. After Chen Fei gave her several small steps, she finally successfully completed the filming of this scene.

While watching the replay, a group of soldiers also gathered around.

There are not many opportunities to go on field trips like this, let alone filming. Everyone is scrambling for it, fearing that their performance will be too poor and they will be embarrassed.

The word "order and prohibition" is unique to them, which is something that the group performers in Hengdian cannot do.

Coupled with professional training, they easily completed the cavalry charge shot.

After checking it carefully, Chen Fei immediately shouted: "Ok, the shooting is perfect. That ends today. Let's take a three-day holiday and continue shooting when I come back."

"Yeah! You can go play!" cheers rang out from the crew, and everyone made an appointment to watch the latest movie.

But Chen Fei was not so lucky. He had to rush to the airport.


Zhu Yawen is also a gossip in private. On the way to the airport with Luo Jin, she rambled on about insider information in the industry.

"I heard that Feng Xiaogang suffered from vitiligo again and was hospitalized directly this time."

"is it serious?"

"It's probably not serious. He seems to be discharged from the hospital soon."

Fade Chen: "..."

Luo Jin: "..."

"You've already been discharged from the hospital, why are you talking nonsense?"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes and while replying to the Qinglong Film Festival invitation email sent from South Korea, he pricked up his ears and listened to Luo Jin's gossip about the past few days.

"I heard from friends in the industry that Gao Yuanyuan wanted Xia Yu to give her a status, but the other party refused to continue talking about it in front of the media because he had broken up with Yuan Quan."

"The romance thing is actually meaningless. I think Xia Yu got carried away on impulse. He will definitely get back together with Yuan Quan in the future. After all, it has been seven years. There is family affection even if there is no love."

Zhu Yawen was very open-minded, looking like a prodigal in love, talking about the principles he had derived from his feelings.

In a place like the entertainment industry, falling in love is not worth talking about.

Chen Fei casually changed the subject: "I heard that Zhao Yanzi and Fan Bingbin were fighting? What's going on? Are there any conflicts between the two?"

"I know! I know this!"

Zhu Yawen explained while driving: "It's not because of the college student film festival. Shortly after the opening ceremony of the No. 14 College Student Film Festival, many entertainment reporters across the country received an email "Zhao Yanzi spent 50 to hire "People voted for the "Best Actress" anonymous email, and it was later reported that it was Fan Bingbin's newly signed manager Mu Xiaoguang, "intended to warn Zhao Yanzi not to be too complacent."

Luo Jin added: "Fan Bingbin gave an explanation. A reporter contacted her, but she said that this matter was completely false. They have always been good friends and there is no hostile competition at all."

Chen Fei asked back: "Do you two believe this?"

The two of them shook their heads and said in unison: "I don't believe it at all. These two don't seem to be easy to get along with."

"Today's female celebrities are still bolder..."

Chen Fei suddenly felt a little emotional. Most of the female artists at this time had real abilities.

But the second and third generations who came later had to consider whether the sponsor behind them could protect themselves even when they spoke a word. They were all timid and did not dare to go too far.

It's more fun now for female celebrities to "pinch each other"!

After arriving at the airport, after saying goodbye to the two of them, Chen Fei walked straight into the VIP waiting room.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he entered the door, he saw a video clip of Feng Yuan Zheng being interviewed by a reporter playing on the TV hanging on the wall.

“The various plays performed by stars now cannot be considered dramas at all, I think they are more like extended sketches.

In addition, the audiences who watch these plays cannot be regarded as drama audiences. What they are interested in is not the drama itself. For example, many people watched "Looking West to Chang'an" at the beginning of the year because of Ge You, and there are not a few Ge You fans among them.

Drama itself has its own rules and patterns. It does not mean it is called a drama just because it is performed on the stage! "

This video immediately stunned Chen Fei.

This person really dares to say it!

Criticizing celebrities and the chaos in the drama industry! ?

It’s almost as good as the situation where I and the old people in the literary and art circles are “firing” at each other!

"Brave enough!"

After silently giving him a thumbs up, Chen Fei suddenly thought of what Jin Xin said: "You see Zhang Ziyi is a first-class actor in the National Theater, but have you seen her ever appear in a play?"

"Sister" Jin is also very daring to speak out. She can be said to be a super cannon in the "post-entertainment era", and she often makes famous quotes.


It was already 12 hours later when we landed in Hollywood.

"Fei, you are really a master of time management. It just so happens that today is the premiere of "The Twilight Saga". You just happened to arrive in Hollywood at the right time. Did you plan it in advance?"

Chen Fei felt that Bruce was scolding him, but he had no evidence.

"You are the master of time management!"

He said this in Chinese, but Bruce didn't understand and looked confused and ignorant.

"Fei? Forgive me for my poor Chinese. Can you speak English?"

"I mean you're really good, and you seem to have become a lot more handsome."

"Haha, thank you for your compliment. My new Japanese nanny also said the same thing. He also said that my brother is very cute when he is small, and she can't put it down..."


Good guy!
Is this guy really incapable of understanding good words?

Shrugging, Chen Fei quickly changed the topic and refused to discuss with him the feature of "small and particularly cute".

"Is there any new news recently from the Hollywood Six?"

"Are you talking about new movie plans?"

"Well, you can understand that too."

After thinking for a while, Bruce said: "JetLi has reached a cooperation with Universal Pictures and will star in the villain "Dragon Emperor" in "The Mummy 3"."

Hearing this, Chen Fei frowned instantly!

What's going on with Li Lianjie?

The previous "Shaolin Temple" and "Once Upon a Time" finally made him famous again in China. Together with "The King of Kung Fu", it was enough for him to gain a foothold in the mainland.

But why did he turn around and play a villain in Hollywood?

"Danny the Wolf Dog" has already been criticized by many people, and now there is another villain called "Dragon Emperor". Isn't this an obvious attempt to plot against the First Emperor?

"Dig your own grave!"

Chen Fei's eyes were slightly cold, and his good impression of him disappeared instantly.

"We invited a lot of people to this premiere, and other movie companies besides Disney said they would attend. Leonardo specially sponsored several beautiful female models and asked them to be responsible for the reception..."

"Wait a minute? What does sponsoring a female model mean?"

Chen Fei was suddenly confused.

"That's the literal meaning, because there will be a dinner after the premiere, and someone will definitely be needed to receive it. Leonardo happened to know many female models from Victoria's Secret, so he asked them to serve as temporary waiters."

"You guys are really capable of tossing things around!"

Chen Fei suddenly felt dumbfounded. These two people were having so much fun.


Driving all the way to the premiere theater, Chen Fei raised his head and looked out from the windshield.

I saw a brand new red carpet being laid outside the theater, with guardrails blocking both sides. More than 40 strong men with a height of 1.9 meters were maintaining order, keeping reporters and fans away from the red carpet.

At the entrance of the theater, Natasha and Mr. Woody Allen led a group of Twilight actors to receive guests.

The scene was truly star-studded!
Leonardo was signing autographs for fans, and Robert Downey Jr. was cheerful in his steps, enjoying the screams and cheers of the fans.

James Wan, Andy Serkis, James Franco and others were present, which also attracted bursts of cheers.

On Sony's side, "2012" director Roland Emmerich led John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet and others to the premiere.

Universal Pictures was much more exaggerated. All the actors from Fast 4 arrived at the scene, causing bursts of cheers!

Looking around, there are also many female celebrities.

There are not many people Chen Fei can name, but he still knows people like Anne Hathaway, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman, and Keira Knightley.

What surprised him most was that his "little lover" Amanda Seyfried was also standing in the crowd!

Bruce shouted: "Let's go, Fei, it's time for you, the protagonist, to appear."

Chen Fei nodded, adjusted his suit, and felt a sense of pride in his heart!
Once upon a time, did Chinese directors have such great influence in Hollywood?

Not even Li An can do it!

But Chen Fei did it!

(End of this chapter)

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