It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 275: Is the talent exhausted?Big change in style?Will talented screenwriters also perish?

Chapter 275: Is the talent exhausted?Big change in style?Will talented screenwriters also perish?

Outside the theater, when Chen Fei stepped on the red carpet wearing an expensive suit, he immediately attracted the attention of countless people present.

Although he is not the protagonist of "Twilight", he is no less important than the protagonist!

As the chief content executive of Volton Pictures and Marvel Studios, he has countless scripts in his hands and is the target of countless producers and film and television companies who want to cooperate.

As a director, he holds two major international awards, the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or, as well as the Saturn Award for Best Director and Best Picture. He is also famous in Hollywood!
What's more important is his achievements in Class A large-scale productions.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" earned him $7.5 million, ranking third in the global box office rankings in 06, leading Volton Pictures to become one of the top ten film and television production companies in North America!
And this year, "Iron Man" grossed US$8.7 million, ranking first in the box office rankings in the first half of 07!

In addition, Marvel, which was supposed to be on the verge of bankruptcy, was directly revitalized by him. Now there are rumors that Marvel Studios has two major productions in preparation.

At the same time, he has achieved great fame in the field of horror and thriller films, and is affectionately called the "Father of Horror Films" by fans.

What’s even more shocking is that he is also the global spokesperson for Red Bull Extreme Athletes, enjoying an endorsement fee of up to 2 million US dollars!
With these numerous achievements, he already has a good status in Hollywood.


"Director Chen! Look here!"

A reporter who was relatively close to Chen Fei shouted and pressed the shutter of the camera in his hand.


With a flash of light, Chen Fei, who has an aura of [-] meters, once again made the domestic headlines and became the subject of discussion by countless people in the industry.

"Fei, I finally got you here."

Arnold Gonzalez, Vice President of Universal Pictures Production Department, was present in person today, firstly to congratulate Chen Fei for winning the Palme d'Or, and secondly to support his daughter's new debut film.

Kristen Stewart was dressed very beautifully today, wearing a white dress that set off her skin as white as milk.

The girl smiled very sweetly and greeted Chen Fei playfully.

"Haha, Mr. Arnold, you are welcome."

Chen Fei greeted everyone who came to support him cordially, and he did not resist the behavior of some actresses deliberately posting on them, because this is very common in Hollywood.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Ziyi also came to the Twilight premiere, and behind her was a woman who frequently changed husbands for profit.

Wendy Deng!
Why did the News Corp boss lady show up at the Twilight premiere?

"Director Chen, long time no see." Zhang Ziyi was very enthusiastic.

"Sister Ziyi, Ms. Deng."

Even though his heart was full of doubts, Chen Fei still smiled and said hello to the two of them.

After taking some free time, Chen Fei winked at his "little lover" Amanda Seyfried.

The girl smiled slightly, her teeth were bright and she was very cute.

Calmly walking to Natasha, Chen Fei asked Wendy Deng about the purpose of coming here. This woman was not easy to get along with. She was very scheming, so she had to be avoided.

Zhang Ziyi is also unlucky enough. If you follow her, you will be sold sooner or later.

"They asked to come here on their own initiative. They said they would increase your popularity and support the release of the new movie."

Add to my popularity?

"Hey? You really know how to put gold on your own face!"

Chen Fei couldn't help but want to laugh. Does my brother's popularity in Hollywood need to be supported by you guys?This reason is really high-sounding.

After greeting Xiao Lizi and other actors, producers and directors from major companies who came to support, everyone entered the theater.

Wendy Deng pulled Zhang Ziyi and seemed to want to sit next to Chen Fei, but two little girls, Kristen Stewart and Amanda Seyfried, got the chance and surrounded him on the left and right.

Helplessly, the two of them had no choice but to sit behind Chen Fei.

The movie started soon.

The reason why Chen Fei doesn't want to hold a premiere is because this movie is purely about making money for high school girls, and it may not be very popular in the eyes of adults.

The audience for this movie is fixed, and maybe people who like "Harry Potter" will also like it, but it's certainly not a crazy obsession.

Halfway through the show, Amanda Seyfried watched it very carefully.

Especially when the five members of the Cullen family appeared, she, like all the girls in the back row of the theater, couldn't help but scream loudly for how handsome they were.

Kristen Stewart has a starry eye throughout. Although the story is a cliched high school love story, the rendered images are really great, and it is a completely different experience from filming a movie.

After watching the two-hour movie, everyone had different thoughts.

Arnold Gonzalez didn't like this type of movie. He even wondered whether the two words "FeiChen" in the column of screenwriter at the end were secretly pasted in by some people with evil intentions.

This movie is very different from Chen Fei's previous style.

Although his style is indeed quite varied, it is still hard to accept.

The plot is so bloody!
He deliberately analyzed it from the perspective of a professional producer, but finally concluded that there was a lack of chemical reaction between the actors, and he relied heavily on extreme close-ups to make up for the emotional weakness of the protagonist...

Overall, the atmosphere of the film is well created, but the plot seems a bit boring and not very to my liking.

"Fei? Is this really a work you wrote?" Arnold frowned, his eyes full of doubts.

Chen Fei smiled and nodded: "How about it? Do you think the plot is stupid? Apart from the beautiful pictures, there doesn't seem to be anything worthy of praise?"

"That's exactly what I wanted to say."

Arnold looked a little suspicious. Why would anyone comment that the plot he wrote was stupid?

"Please allow me to remain mysterious for now. Once it is officially released, you will understand how interesting this movie is."

Chen Fei didn't give him too much explanation, because the audience for this movie was not these middle-aged viewers at all.

Like Wendy Deng.

Originally, she came with a sense of expectation, but as the plot developed, her inner expectations were quickly shattered.

High school student feelings?

That thing is too illusory, and for her, love has a clear price tag, and it is not worth describing in a movie.

When the show ended, except for the specially invited book fans and younger audience members, everyone else had doubts on their faces.

The level of this movie seems to be a little lower than their expectations for Chen Fei?

They were not too embarrassed to discuss it in the theater, but after leaving the theater, the noise instantly resounded!

"This movie doesn't seem to be very good, does it?"

"What's going on? Is your talent exhausted?"

"Oh, I almost thought it was another superhero movie."

"The pictures are so beautiful, but the story feels a bit hollow. Also, would anyone like high school students falling in love?"

"The talented screenwriter will gradually sink to the bottom..."

In a brand new Cadillac, Wendy Deng's face was full of surprise. She couldn't help but look curiously at Zhang Ziyi next to her.

"Zi Yi? How did you feel after watching this movie?"

"The picture is very good, it should be in line with the interests of little girls, and it is also very different from Director Chen's previous style..."

She said it very tactfully, but Wendy Deng curled her lips and said with disdain: "I think there is probably a lot of water in the Golden Bear and the Golden Palm. Anyway, I don't think this movie is good."

She came to the premiere this time with the intention of cooperating with Chen Fei.

But after watching this movie, she felt that cooperation should be carefully considered. If the scripts Chen Fei writes in the future are of this level, then he still has to sacrifice his life?
Zhang Ziyi smiled and said nothing.

She could hear the disdain in Wendy Deng's tone, but she couldn't express her subjective opinion. If you talk too much in the entertainment industry, you will get slapped in the face.

With Chen Fei's current influence in Hollywood, he can easily block her!


After the premiere, there was a party in the evening.

The theme of this party was to celebrate Chen Fei's winning of the Palme d'Or and the box office success of "Iron Man".

The figure of US$8.7 million not only shocked Chen Fei, but also shocked a group of people in the industry. They did not expect that this "superhero" who had been shunned by many companies could actually have such a huge box office potential!

There are also people from Industrial Light and Magic.

As the chief special effects supervisor of "Iron Man", Sandra Netback is very satisfied with the work she personally directed.

"Fei, thank you very much for the steel suit you sent me. It's really cool. My son and I like it very much."

Chen Fei smiled and hugged him: "Sandra, we will have more cooperation in the future. As long as you work hard, we can create more interesting steel armors."

"Are you saying that Iron Man 2 is already in development?"

As soon as these words came out, many producers turned their eyes curiously to Chen Fei, their faces full of hope.

They want to be involved if they can.

There are many companies on the scene that hold the rights to Marvel's superhero movies, and they will not let them go casually.

For example, "Spider-Man" was bought by Sony. They will never return such a popular IP to Marvel.

But if it is cooperation for co-creation, they will raise their hands in approval!

"No," Chen Fei shook his head firmly: "There will definitely be "Iron Man 2", but not now. I decided to shoot a TV series first, which requires a lot of special effects. Maybe we can cooperate on this."

TV drama? ? ?
As soon as these words came out, many producers, directors, actors, etc. at the scene showed strong curiosity.

You, a three-time European gold medal + top A-category production director, want to make a TV series?Isn't this span a bit too big?

Chen Fei still didn't explain too much. Sometimes "mystery" is also a unique propaganda method.


After the party, he said goodbye to all the friends and partners who came to support him, and Chen Fei returned to the estate he purchased in Beverly Hills with Amanda Seyfried. "What are you doing recently?"

Touching his little lover's pretty face, Chen Fei asked curiously.

A charming look was thrown at her, and while the girl was leaning over her work, she said vaguely: "As you wish, we are working hard to improve our professional skills."

Since the filming of "Escape" ended, Amanda returned to school to study at Fade Chen's suggestion.

Now it seems that the results are indeed good.

The pillow style was quite useful. Anyway, Chen Fei remembered that in the next two hours or so, he seemed to promise to leave a suitable role for Amanda in the next movie.

Afterwards, the girl collapsed on the bed, but the satisfaction on her face did not seem to be fake.

"Fei, when are you going to return to China?"

"I can only stay for two days and will go back soon because I am quite busy with work in China."

"Then let's take a quick break. We can do it again during the day."

"Hey? Addicted?"

"Yeah, I'm very obsessed with your body. It's like a perfume full of temptation, which makes people intoxicated."


The day after the premiere, the box office battle officially began.

The domestic media are full of news about Chen Fei attending the premiere abroad. The stars at the scene are so bright and enviable.

Overseas, most of the media and film critics who had received money in advance were praising the film, which naturally aroused the curiosity of many passers-by.

Suddenly, more and more people walked into the theater and bought movie tickets for "The Twilight Saga".

Of course, the main force among them is still the high school students. After all, the scope of the early publicity is these ignorant boys and girls who are full of fantasies about love.

So far, Twilight's opponent is Fox's "Fantastic Four 2."

The former is released a week earlier than Akiko, and because it is a work produced by Fox to compete for the box office rankings, its opening scale is much stronger than Akiko.

However, the first-day opening performance of the former was not very good, and the reviews from fans were almost mixed.

In fact, the opening results of the original Twilight were not ideal, but with targeted publicity this time, Chen Fei is quite confident.

After being woken up by Amanda's bite the next day, the two of them did couples yoga for nearly two hours before packing up and getting ready to go shopping.

I've run out of condoms, I have to go out and buy more...

When passing by a movie theater during this period, Chen Fei went in specifically to check the attendance of "Twilight".

Not surprisingly, the attendance rate was as high as 95%.

Some boys can relate to it, but most of them say they don't understand it. However, many girls almost have red eyes when they come out of the cinema!

Seeing this, Chen Fei knew that this wave was a sure win!

Girls can earn much more money than boys.

This is just like selling clothes. It is easy to lose money when making men's clothing, but most people make a lot of money when making women's clothing, and it will even drive men's consumption power in reverse.

The girls I love love this movie so much, so how could the boys not take them to see it?
As soon as Chen Fei walked out of the theater, he saw Amanda walking towards him with a handbag, her pretty face even redder.

"Fei, I bought a lot of styles. This is the first time I know that there are so many types of small umbrellas."

"Want to know what it feels like?"

"miss you!"

"Then go home."


At the same time, while Chen Fei and Amanda were doing small scientific research experiments together, major theaters in the country also ushered in a wave of movie viewing.

Twilight's promotion in China is just one sentence: ignorant and brave fantasy love!
Chen Fei's female fans are very curious, how exactly is he going to talk about the anticipated but somewhat resistant word "love"?

From the "Mulan" crew, Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Jiang Yiyan, Zhu Yawen, and Luo Jin walked into the theater together.

The crew of "Dream of Red Mansions", Yang Mi and a group of girls also walked into the theater.

Here in the capital, Zhao Liying, who had just finished promoting "Golden Wedding" with Jiang Wenli and Zhang Guoli, also walked into the nearest cinema.

The Magic City is much more lively.

After signing his personal music album, Hu Ge walked into the theater with Liu Shishi, Lin Yichen, and his current girlfriend Xue Jianing who came to support him.

But what the four of them didn't expect was that they had just finished buying their tickets when a muffled voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Hello, are there any more performances of "Twilight"? I'd like to book one."


The conductor was slightly startled and didn't respond.

Hu Ge and the others who had bought their tickets and were about to leave turned their heads subconsciously, and then saw a man covered in famous brands but less than 1.5 meters tall looking at them with cold eyes.

"After buying the ticket, hurry up and leave. Don't block the road."

"Excuse me…"

Hu Ge apologized and led several girls to the screening room.

Liu Shishi asked in a low voice with some curiosity: "Who is that? Why does it look so familiar?"

"Guo Jingming, the screenwriter of "How many flowers fall in my dream"."

"Yeah? Do you know him?"

Lin Yichen shrugged and said softly: "I went to audition for the show. This guy is quite talented, but he doesn't have a good temper."

"Then it's better to stay away from him."

Liu Shishi didn't know what he was thinking of, and his expression was extremely complicated.


After getting up early on the third day, Chen Fei packed his things while waiting for Natasha's call.

Fox has announced the first-day box office of "Fantastic Four 2", which was as high as $1950 million.

Judging from the box office trends, there is no problem in making back the money, but it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve a big hit.

Fan reviews are not very good, much worse than the first film.

There are many people outside now waiting for the opening data of "Twilight" on the first day, and many people are even preparing to watch Fade Chen's jokes.

After all, in the eyes of most "professionals", this movie is indeed substandard and is very different from Chen Fei's previous "high-quality" style.

"Jingle Bell…"

The phone rang loudly, waking up Amanda who was sleeping.

Chen Fei gestured to her and pressed the connect button.

“The opening data on the first day was US$3465 million!”


Chen Fei had thought that the spending power of those little girls would be very high, but he never expected that young people in North America would be so "tough"!
This figure is even close to catching up with the US$3770 million generated by "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

However, "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" had an investment of more than 3000 million US dollars, while "Twilight" only had [-] million US dollars.

The production costs and publicity costs of the two are not at the same level, but the final box office results are extremely close!
The news quickly spread to major media and film and television production company documents.

$3465? ? ?

Looking at this data, 20th Century Fox was immediately confused.

A fantasy romance film mainly about teenagers falling in love. The box office on the first day of its opening was twice that of "Fantastic Four 2"?
How exactly is this done?
As for Universal Pictures, after receiving the box office data, Arnold immediately called Kristen Stewart.

"$3465 million? Is this data true?"

Kristen laughed heartily: "Daddy, it's true. Many of my classmates are blessing me. They said I did a great job!"

In an instant, Arnold's eyes suddenly widened.

He remembered what Chen Fei said.

“You’ll know what’s ‘interesting’ about this movie when it’s released.”

He couldn't understand it at the time, but now he suddenly realizes it!

Chen Fei is not at the end of his talents, he is completely holding back his big move!

The consumption intensity of high school girls is not low!
On News Corporation's side, Wendy Deng also received the opening data for "The Twilight Saga" immediately.

The naked reality was before her, making her unable to recover for a long time.

It is impossible to falsify the data, because these are statistics made by major theater chains, and there is no inflated box office at all.

"So, this movie is successful again?"

After being stunned for a while, he quickly picked up the mobile phone on the table and broadcast a number.

"Contact Director Chen Fei for me and tell me that I want to invite him to dinner."

However, after a while, a message came back from the other side: "Wendi, I'm sorry, Director Chen is rushing to the airport to return to China. He rejected your request to meet."

Wendy Deng: “…”

(End of this chapter)

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