It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 279 Huang Bo’s “important task”, 6th generation director? Nothing to do today, go hook up an

Chapter 279 Huang Bo’s “important task”, sixth generation director? Nothing to do today, go hook up and listen to music!

At the end of July, the news that "Mulan" had officially wrapped up dominated the headlines on major portals.

For this large-scale production with an investment of up to 7000 million U.S. dollars, both movie fans and major film companies in the industry are paying close attention to its filming status throughout the entire process.

All the actors are Chinese, but the investment is close to that of a Hollywood Class A production!
There is no doubt that this will be another "masterpiece" that will challenge for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

Five years have passed since Li Yi's "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and Zhang Yimou's "Hero", but there is still no domestic director who has been able to win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.

The following three films, "The Promise", "The Banquet", and "A City of Gold", were all blocked from Oscars.

Even three famous domestic directors, Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang, and Zhang Yimou, were ridiculed by netizens for a long time.

A murder caused by a steamed bun, a magical version of Shakespeare, a murder caused by a pile of steamed buns...

Three blockbuster movies in succession almost completely destroyed the moral integrity of the three of them.

And now, after the three major directors failed one after another, Chen Fei came out with his $7000 million investment "Mulan"!
Can this film once again prove his dominance in the field of commercial films?

Many people are saying they will wait and see!

After the closing banquet, Chen Fei returned to the company first.

The casting process for "Painted Skin" has come to an end, and the filming location is currently being planned and the behind-the-scenes team is being arranged to inspect the scenes.

This year, the bureau issued a document requiring strict restrictions on the filming of film and television dramas in the core areas of various natural scenic spots and protected areas.

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a key protected area.

Director Chen was also very supportive and almost single-handedly promoted the implementation of the policy.

"Who has been cast in the current cast of "Painted Skin"?"

Ning Hao handed over a list of names and said at the same time: "Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Xun, Jiao Enjun, Chen Hao, Zhu Zhu, Wu Jing..."

"Huang Xiaoming plays Wang Sheng?"

"Well, yes, he came over and tried out the scene several times, and I felt it was quite suitable."

"It's a good fit, but his acting skills are [-]-[-] equal to anyone else's. He's the kind of person who gets stronger when he's strong and weak when he's weak. You have to keep an eye on him when filming starts."

"Haha, I know that."

Ning Hao was also amused. Huang Xiaoming's acting skills have been widely recognized by people in the industry.

Meeting such an actor will test the director's skills. Whether he can train him well depends on whether Ning Hao is willing to work hard.

As long as he can be trained, Huang Xiaoming will definitely give movie fans a huge surprise.

As for the male protagonist of the original version, Chen Kun, he has recently been caught up in the news that "the son is five years old and the woman keeps it a secret".

The confidentiality agreement was really good. The baby was only exposed when he was five years old. Moreover, when he gave birth to the baby, he was in the period of rising career. I don’t know how he made up his mind to give birth to the baby.


After discussing the plot and shooting details with Ning Hao for more than half an hour, Chen Fei finally waited for Huang Bo, who was belatedly arriving.

After the wrap-up party for "Mulan", Huang Bo said he was going back to his hometown, then turned around and ran away.

Chen Fei promised him at the beginning that he would give him a script after the film was completed and would also fund his creation.

Excellent acting leads to directing, and this is really true for Huang Bo.

He is now full of confidence in himself as a director, but it is a pity that he does not have a suitable script in hand.

"Director Chen, Director Ning..."

While saying hello, Huang Bo handed over the two big bags he was carrying.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Fei took it and curiously opened the bag and looked inside.

I saw that there were several hairy crabs tied up inside!

"Good guy? Qingdao seafood?"

"Yes." Huang Bo nodded and said with a smile: "I brought it here from my hometown. This thing is so fresh. You can take it back and eat it. It tastes great."

Ning Hao's eyes lit up: "Yo! You've come at a good time, just enough for your sister-in-law to go back and replenish her health."

"You guys have a taste first. If it feels good, tell me and I'll have someone pick it up from home."

Although the "monitor" is not very good, Huang Bo's "host" is definitely high-end!

In terms of emotional intelligence, Chen Fei currently sees only He Jiong who can compare with him.

Let’s not talk about other things, but in terms of character, he is quite good.

The three of them sat together and chatted for a while. Seeing Huang Bo's hesitant expression, Chen Fei suddenly smiled and said, "I accepted the gift too. I will definitely not break my promise. The script has been prepared for you."

After that, under Huang Bo's excited gaze, Chen Fei casually took out a script from his bag.


Looking at the two big characters on the white cover, Ning Hao's eyes suddenly lit up: "Artistic film?"

"Yes, it's a low-budget literary film, let Huang Bo practice on it first."

While talking, Chen Fei looked at Huang Bo: "How about directing and acting on your own? Can you get it?"

"Bullfighting" is an Anti-Japanese War themed comedy film. It tells the story of Niu Er, a villager from Ma Muchi in Yimeng Mountain. In order to stick to his promise to take care of a cow given to the anti-Japanese base area by the International, he battles wits and courage with Japanese soldiers, bandits, and Jianghu doctors, and engages in a life-and-death contest. story.

Although the investment for this kind of drama is not large, the requirements for the director and the leading actors are quite high.

After all, it is a literary film, and the main focus is "acting"!
After spending half an hour reading the entire story, Huang Bo took a deep breath: "I'm confident, but I have to take my time. This book is not easy to shoot.

And I'm afraid I can't handle it by myself, so I need to find someone to help me. "

Chen Fei responded casually: "Okay, you can arrange it yourself. Anyway, I have already given you the script. I will ask Su Guohai to recruit a group of people for you in the logistics team."

"Okay!" Huang Bo nodded hurriedly: "I think Wang Shiliang, the director of our company's "Latent" is quite good. How about asking him to complete this movie with me?"

Chen Fei was immediately happy.

Otherwise, Huang Bo has a high emotional intelligence. He wants to take the initiative to find someone to supervise himself.

"As you like."

Ning Hao looked at it eagerly: "I actually like this kind of literary film."

"Hey, you already have a painting, but you can't steal it from me!" Huang Bo quickly held the script in his arms, fearing that Ning Hao would snatch it away.

Shaking his head helplessly, Chen Fei stood up and left the director's department.

Let them do whatever they want.


As soon as he turned around and walked into the screenwriting department, Chen Fei suddenly had a headache.

There are more and more A4 papers littering the ground...

"Ni Xuelin, why don't you clean it up?"

"Hey? Brother Fei! You're here!"

When he was in school, Chen Fei often played with Ni Xuelin and others. Now, even though the relationship has become a boss and employee, in fact, they don't get hierarchical when they get along.

Therefore, these guys are very casual on weekdays.

"Clean it up immediately. Don't worry, you can come and see it again tomorrow. This place will definitely be clean..."

"I believe you a ghost!"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes, and the word "clean up" popped out of their mouths, as if the prostitute was promising the fallen girl that he would marry her home.

"Hey, we've written two more scripts. Brother Fei, can you come over and take a look?" Ni Xuelin said in a cheeky tone.

"Huh? Quite efficient?"

Chen Fei approached his computer curiously.

"The Line of Life and Death"

"The Wind"

"Based on the scripts of the anti-war dramas you gave us, the brothers brainstormed and wrote two more spy war and anti-war type scripts, one is a TV series and the other is a movie..."

Listening to Ni Xuelin's explanation, Chen Fei moved the mouse and began to study the two scripts carefully.

"The Line of Life and Death" tells the story of the period when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, and the iron hooves of Japanese imperialism traveled all over the country. Ouyang Shanchuan, a Chinese language teacher at Guning Girls' Middle School, rekindled his passion for revolution, and accidentally crossed paths with the proletarians. The story of Feng forming a secret organization to fight against Japan together.

As for "The Sound of the Wind", it is adapted from the novel of the same name by the Mai family.

The script is based on the historical background of the puppet regime during the Anti-Japanese War. It tells the story of five people, Gu Xiaomeng, Li Ningyu, Wu Zhiguo, Jin Shenghuo, and Bai Xiaonian, who were suspected of being undercover agents of the anti-Japanese organization and were forced to survive in the closed Qiuzhuang. After a series of psychological battles, the story of "Old Ghost", a member of the anti-Japanese organization, finally died heroically for the cause of national liberation.

After spending more than an hour reading these two scripts, Chen Fei's eyes flashed unconsciously.

He looked at Ni Xuelin and others in surprise, and couldn't help but praise: "Not bad, the quality of these two scripts is quite high."

"Hey!" Ni Xuelin scratched his head and replied humbly: "The scripts you gave us before have been a great inspiration to our brothers. Recently, we have been fighting against the war of resistance and espionage. ”

"it's actually very good."

Chen Fei reached out and patted Ni Xuelin's shoulder, "Is there no problem with the copyright? Continue to improve the details, and Kang Honglei can continue to direct "The Line of Life and Death"."

"There are no copyright issues. Our screenwriting department has ample funds. We have purchased the film and television adaptation rights of many suitable published books in advance."

"Okay, I'll let Su Guohai continue to give you more authority. The adaptation of "The Wind" is indeed very good. In the future, you can gradually develop into movie scripts." With Chen Fei's approval, Ni Xuelin and others had smiles on their faces, and at the same time It also made them more confident.

"Okay, brother Fei, don't worry, the brothers will never let their guard down."

"Haha, okay, I will inform the finance department later that all your basic salaries will be increased by 20%, which will be regarded as bonuses."

"Brother Fei, open up!"

A group of people's eyes suddenly lit up and they shouted.


July flies by.

August [-]st, today is the birthday of all the soldiers who protect our homes and our country.

"Ip Man 2: The Legend of the Grandmaster" and "My Leader, My Team" were officially launched in major theaters across the country and Mango TV today.

After attending the premiere of Ip Man 2, Chen Fei took the film of "Mulan" and boarded the plane to South Korea.

Tomorrow happens to be the final day of "The Crucible", and ShowBox sent him an invitation letter, asking him to attend the final banquet.

Chen Fei did not refuse.

He happened to be going to Hollywood to do the post-production of "Mulan", so it wouldn't hurt to take a detour from South Korea.

However, just when he landed in Seoul, Zhao Zhenyang suddenly called him.

"Chen Fei, you can do it. You have been selected into the list of sixth-generation directors."

Sixth generation?
The sixth generation of directors generally refers to a group of young directors who entered Nortel's directing department in the mid-to-late 20s and began directing films after the 80s.

"Is it just me?"

"And Ning Hao."

Taking out the laptop he carried with him from his bag, Chen Fei just opened the portal and saw the news about the newly released list of "Sixth Generation Directors".

Zhang Yuan, Wang Xiaoshuai, Guan Hu, Wang Quan'an, Jia Zhangke, Lu Chuan...

Looking at it, one can see that there is even a piece of mouse droppings mixed in with Yishui's artistic film director.

"Is this thing authoritative? Isn't it the evaluation of Nortel itself?"

Curling his lips, Chen Fei closed the computer and stopped paying attention to this matter.

By saving time on looking at the list, he can also pay more attention to the news about Huayi's new sister taking over.

I heard that Li Bingbin and her sisters went together...

I don't know if it's true or not?

However, her younger sister is still quite capable. She was directly parachuted into the position of co-general manager of Huayi Brokerage Company. She still has a lot of skills.

I just feel sorry for Zhou Xun, I'm afraid her life in Huayi will not be easy in the future.

By the many years has she signed with Huayi?

Why don't we abduct her and send her to film and television?

After all, this "tool man" is quite easy to use, and his acting skills are also excellent. If he is placed in Huayi, he will probably get dusty!


"Director Park, Ms. Zhu, long time no see."

Arriving at ShowBox by car, Chen Fei immediately met Park Bucheng and Zhu Zhihui.

These two are also old CPs. They often stay together and are almost inseparable.

Chen Fei even wondered if they often went to the same hotel at night?
"Director Chen! Welcome to ShowBox, and congratulations on winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival."

A bunch of people bowed ninety degrees, as if they were meeting a gangster boss.

"Thank you."

Chen Fei nodded and looked towards the back of the crowd.

Lin Yuner was standing pretty in the crowd, her big eyes flickering, looking at him curiously.

Her sponsor is here!

The Fengfeng Banquet is unavoidable, but Chen Fei is not used to the food here. Besides kimchi, he also smells of kimchi.

The idiom "beautiful and delicious" can be used in Girls' Generation groups.

Chen Fei was having dinner with several senior executives of ShowBox, while nine girls under the age of 19 were jumping around on the stage in the box, singing some cheerful Korean songs.

"Is your trainee group's business capabilities quite good?"

"Director Chen was joking. Each of them has been a trainee for more than three years, so they will definitely be able to withstand the test."

Chen Fei chatted with Zhu Zhihui all the time, raising his hands to applaud from time to time.

The chaebol life in South Korea is quite interesting, and the eight words "I have nothing to do today, just listen to the music" are vividly displayed.

In the evening, Zhu Zhihui took the initiative to arrange a hotel for Chen Fei and said that there were two "surprises" waiting for him.

Chen Fei shook his head and refused: "No, I'll go live at her house."

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Yuner: "Where is it convenient for you?"


After being stunned for a moment, Lin Yuner blushed and nodded gently: "It's convenient, but the room is not very big. I'm a little worried that you won't be used to it."

"I don't have that many rules."

The status of girl groups and boy groups in the South Korean entertainment industry is completely at the bottom, and because of this, most of them do not live a very good life.

Especially those trainees who have not yet debuted are in a very tight situation.

Arriving at an old residential complex, Lin Yuner led the way and said, "This is a house I rented, which is closer to the company.

In fact, the company also provides accommodation, but the environment there is not very good, so I often come back to live here. "

Passing through the corridor filled with many sundries, Chen Fei followed her to the door of a rental house.

The environment doesn't look very good from the outside, but the interior decoration is quite good, the room is very clean, and there is a faint scent of jasmine.

"Do you want to take a shower first?"

"Well, please excuse me."

"No trouble, no trouble, I'll get some water for you."

Alone and alone, the little girl was a little nervous.

Although I have already prepared for it, when I actually face this situation, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

There was the sound of running water in the bathroom, and Chen Fei turned on the computer, preparing to reply to the emails sent back from abroad.

But I never thought that a pop-up message would suddenly pop up on the subscription portal.

Chen Fei clicked and glanced, his eyes suddenly became complicated.

Lu Zheng’s approach is so damn wild!

She went to Hollywood to audition for the role of "Grave Keeper" but failed, but she turned around and bought Jing Tian the identity of the annual spokesperson of the Northwest Cherry Association of America!

In addition, he actually took a photo with the governor of Washington State?

"Hey? This is really strong. You can get this for 10,000+ US dollars?"

Chen Fei was a little helpless. This girl really spent a lot of money to buy a pair of bad cards. His management team didn't know what they were thinking, and they did this kind of shameless operation.

"Oppa, the water is ready."

There was a sudden call from behind, and Chen Fei subconsciously turned his head and saw that Lin Yuer had changed into a pair of white silk pajamas as thin as cicada wings at some point.

The delicate body curves are looming, and the full outline holds up the silk pajamas, making people want to play with them unconsciously.

After closing the computer, Chen Fei stood up, took the pajamas she handed him, and walked straight to the bathroom.

Sensible girls are usually proactive.

"I'll help you make bubbles."

Chen Fei did not refuse. He lay on his back in the bathtub and let the soft, boneless hands gently massage his body.

The girl was very sensible, and in order to repay his kindness, he decided to teach her everything he had.


The next day, on the way to attend the closing banquet of "The Melting Pot", Chen Fei called Zhu Zhihui directly.

"Change Lin Yuer to a bigger place. The sound insulation of that house is too poor and the environment is not good. I don't like it."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhu Zhihui had a bright smile on his face.

This is what she wanted!

Mutual benefit is the basis of cooperation. ShowBox is not afraid of Chen Fei's requests, but is afraid that she does not ask for them.

Chen Fei, who holds the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or, is almost as powerful as the US military stationed in South Korea in the entire South Korean entertainment industry!
(End of this chapter)

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