It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 280 The difference between chaebols and senior officials Mango Tianyu? $60 billion!

Chapter 280 The difference between chaebols and senior officials Mango Tianyu? $60 billion! (Ask for monthly ticket)
The movie "The Crucible" is based on a real school incident in South Korea.

The film is cut from the perspective of art teacher Jiang Renhao, telling the story of how he cleared away the fog, uncovered the truth about the long-term abuse and bullying of deaf-mute students by the principal and others, and worked hard to protect the rights of students.

Through the narrative structure of "binary opposition between good and evil", it shows the social phenomenon in which deaf-mute children, as a vulnerable group in society, are oppressed and humiliated by the privileged class such as principals, lawyers, and judges who collude with each other. It has strong social criticism and practical significance. .

But if it is placed in South Korea, not only can it easily pass the review, it can even be made into a movie for social groups to watch!
Here I have to mention the urinary nature of South Korean chaebols.

You can accept it humbly,

But I will never change!


A lot of media came to the closing banquet, including some domestic reporters.

After coming here so many times, Chen Fei got to know a lot of people, so when many actors came to say hello to him, he could almost call out each other's name.

Kong Liu, Zheng Youmei…

These two can be considered the male and female protagonists of "The Crucible", and they are both very good actors in South Korea.

When seeing Zhang Guang's big face, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh, this horse-riding guy is the real "old pervert"!

The deaf-mute school principal he played was really impressive, especially the scene in the bathroom, when that big pie face poked out from the overhead partition, it was simply scarier than the devil in hell!
After greeting each other, Chen Fei specially exchanged a business card with him.

This is a good "tool man". Leave your contact information and you may not know when it will be used in the future.

Just when he was looking for other suitable tool men, Park Bucheng led a young man about 27 or [-] years old to him.

"Director Chen, I have long admired your name." The young man took the initiative to extend his hand.


Chen Fei reached out and shook hands with him, then looked at Park Bucheng curiously, "Who is this?"

"The son of the president of ShowBox, She Deqi."

The name is quite unique.

Chen Fei suppressed the thought of laughing and shook hands with him again.

The person in front of him should be regarded as the second generation of a serious South Korean chaebol, but what disappoints Chen Fei is that even if he is wearing a crisp suit, these chaebol boys always smell like tobacco, but on the other hand, the Chinese high-ranking cadres have a smell of tobacco. But it has a scent of agarwood.

Perhaps this is the temperament brought by cultural heritage.

Seeing the Sina reporter approaching, Chen Fei escaped without having much communication with She Deyi.

He just noticed that there was something wrong with the way this guy looked at the actresses. He was obviously greedy, and he was probably not a good guy.

"Director Chen, I didn't expect to meet you here." The Sina reporter was very enthusiastic.

"Haha, after all, I am still the screenwriter of this movie. It just happened that "Mulan" has also been completed, so I stopped by to support it."

"Can I interview you?"

"of course can."


Keywords such as South Korea, "The Melting Pot", and the Finale Banquet quickly spread back to China.

"This guy is really fast. He just attended the premiere of Ip Man and then went to South Korea to attend the final party of the new movie?"

In Chengtian Agency, Wang Jinghua looked at the news on the Internet and sighed secretly.

If she could have reached a cooperative relationship with Feiyue Film and Television, the situation would never be like this!
As soon as "Mulan" finished filming, Ning Hao announced the cast of "Painted Skin" and informed the media that filming would officially begin in September.

It's a pity that none of the actors from Chengtian can participate in it.

What's even more shocking is that just after the cast of "Painted Skin" was announced, news came from the Film Bureau that Feiyue Film and Television had once again submitted three scripts for review.

"Bullfighting", "The Line between Life and Death", "The Wind".

The news released so far only has the name of the script, and the specific content has not been exposed.

But even so, the major film and television companies and actors in the industry are already ready to take action, and they have begun to inquire about the news and want to participate.

Wang Jinghua also tried to contact Chen Fei, but the reply she received was not ideal.

However, what really made her feel aggrieved was not that her artists could not participate in Chen Fei's movie, but that Cheng Tian actually played tricks behind his back!
In the past six months, Chengtian headquarters has signed contracts with at least a dozen artists.

Even Fan Bingbin signed a contract with Chengtian directly instead of contacting her, the nominal head of Chengtian Agency.

This made Wang Jinghua feel a little uncomfortable. If Chengtian continued to do this, wouldn't she be sidelined again?

"It's better to open a brokerage company by yourself than to rely on others here..."

Wang Jinghua thought to herself, the idea had just emerged and it was already taking root!


After the closing banquet of "The Melting Pot" ended, Chen Fei went to see his other little sister Li Zhien.

When he appeared outside the practice room door, there was a burst of exclamations!

Since "New World" became a hit at the box office, Chen Fei's face has been spread in the South Korean entertainment industry. Coupled with the blessing of the Golden Bear and the Golden Palm awards, almost 80.00% of the people in the South Korean film and television industry know him. .

Famous director, screenwriter, investor...

These three identities are the top in the South Korean entertainment industry, even far surpassing some ordinary chaebols.


When Li Zhien ran over and threw herself into Chen Fei's arms with a smile on her face, the other trainees and tutors couldn't help but feel their hearts tremble.

Almost instantly, Li Zhien's status in their hearts skyrocketed!
It is no exaggeration to say that this just confirms the idiom passed down by the "South Korean ancestors": Reach the sky in one step!

Ignoring the group of people from CJ Company behind him, Chen Fei kept to himself and chatted with his little sister.

"Aren't you tired? Oppa, why are you here? Are you here specifically to see me?"

The little girl had a very cute smile, and her two pointed tiger teeth were particularly cute, which gave him a great feeling.

Chen Fei patted her little head: "Of course, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I came to see you."

"Thank you Oppa."

Turning his head and looking at Pu Qihan, Chen Fei asked: "Can I give her a day off? Let her take me to visit Seoul."

Pu Qihan responded quickly: "Of course there is no problem."

There is actually nothing interesting to do in Seoul, and the streets are very congested.

After briefly strolling around the snack street and watching a newly released movie, Chen Fei and Li Zhien returned to the villa together.

The little girl is already familiar with the road, her tongue is very dexterous, and she has more experience than Lin Yuner.

"Oppa, I went to learn Thai oil massage. Do you want to give it a try?"

"Okay, come on."

"You have to take off all your clothes first."

"Hey? Is this a regular massage?"

"Don't worry, it's guaranteed to be legitimate. I won't lie to Oppa."

"Forget it, I don't really like doing formal things."

"Oh! Then I can help you do it informally. Don't worry, I won't ask you for money!"

The little girl's technique is quite good. At least she has all the necessary procedures. Although she is a little unskilled, she gives Chen Fei a good experience.


The next day, after sending Li Zhien back to the trainee company and saying hello to Park Qihan, Chen Fei got on the plane to New York.

Because of the huge sales of "New World", CJ very much hopes to continue to cooperate with him.

But Chen Fei was not prepared to provide them with a steady stream of scripts.

However, if you want to maximize your profits, you have to be like fishing for "licking dogs". You have to tease them until they can't stop.

Internet is usually available on ocean flights.

Chen Fei received news from the Emperor that the box office of "Ip Man 2" reached 3500 million on the first day, and the Douban score directly rushed to 8.5, far exceeding expectations! Reviews from fans and critics have been very good, and it can be said to be a double success in word-of-mouth and box office.

Even foreign media have published reviews about Ip Man 2.

The Hollywood Reporter: "The martial arts choreography for the one-on-one showdown between Donnie Yen and Hong Jingbao is very good. It can be seen that Donnie Yen is at the peak of his career and his ability is astounding."

"Ip Man 2" turns traditional kung fu into an art of storytelling. Every fight promotes the development of the plot. The film provides a window for southernism!
"San Francisco Chronicle": Donnie Yen's performance is quiet and elegant. The rigorous martial arts choreography and compact fighting scenes are not aerial CGI, and the impact is very strong!

Foreigners like to watch this kind of kung fu movies. Although they can't understand the storyline, as long as there are fist-to-fist fighting scenes, it's enough.

It even gave it a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes!
Huo Wenxi said with strong excitement in his tone: "Director Chen, how do you think we should arrange the third part?"

"It will be postponed until after 2010."

Chen Fei's words were concise and concise, directly pouring cold water on Huo Wenxi's excited mood.


She was very curious, shouldn't she take advantage of the current popularity and continue to release a sequel?

"The current movie theater schedule and market economy are not ideal. Just wait a little longer. The economic recovery is coming soon. When the theater chain starts to develop rapidly, we will continue to launch sequels.

You don't have to worry about losing popularity as time goes by. Since both "Ip Man 1" and "Ip Man 2" have very good reputations, fans will only look forward to the sequels more, and will not stop paying attention because of the passage of time. "

Fade Chen's explanation is reasonable, and besides, the script is still in his hands, and the Emperor cannot make the final decision at all.

"Then listen to you."

Huo Wenxi felt a little disappointed and had to cut off the call.

On the other hand, the premiere ratings of "My Leader, My Team" on Mango Channel were also very high, even exceeding 3% at one time!

The only thing that bothers Mango Channel is that the reputation of this TV series on the Internet is polarized.

Some viewers called it "China's Band of Brothers", while others described it as a vulgar and inferior soap opera and called it intolerable.

Using a bunch of defeated troops to reveal the history of the expeditionary force is the biggest reason for criticism.

However, the play's innovative artistic concepts and creative practices have been recognized by many people.

A professor from Nanjing University published an article online, affirming the drama’s breakthrough on two levels:

First, the ideological connotation of the play has risen to the national and humanitarian level, taking "people" as the core in war, and fundamentally recognizing the desire for survival in human nature.

The second is a breakthrough in the shackles of class theory. This TV series does not make simple class distinctions among the people in the drama, but also reflects on the cultural roots of China. In fact, it breaks through the past war-themed TV series that cannot rise to the level of Issues at the level of universal values ​​for all mankind.

A professor from the Chinese Department of Peking University believes: "The controversy caused by "My Leader, My Regiment" is actually a difficulty caused by the imbalance between the pursuit of the elite and the popular form."

Various scholars took turns to appear, and the audience received mixed reviews, but this did not affect the increase in ratings at all.

After the initial worries, Mango Channel gradually accepted the polarization on the Internet.

They even found that this kind of discussion did not affect the ratings, but actually caused them to continue to rise!
There is no doubt that this TV series produced by Feiyue Film and Television has once again been a great success!
Wang Ke called and expressed that he was very much looking forward to the ratings of "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", and also expressed his desire for the "Line of Life and Death".

"Hey? The script has just been reviewed and preparations haven't started yet. Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?"

Chen Fei was a little dumbfounded. This guy was staring him to death!
"There's no need to rush. You are now the prize in everyone's eyes. If someone takes you away, I won't even be able to find a place to cry."

"Haha, relax, as long as your Mango Channel can uphold the concept of win-win cooperation, how can I give up my old friend?"

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ke savored the words "win-win cooperation" and an idea suddenly came to his mind.

Chen Fei's Feiyue Film and Television Company is undoubtedly one of the leaders in film and television production in the industry, and Mango has the platform and artists.

That being the case, why can't there be deeper binding?
"If Mango Tianyu is used as negotiation capital to secure all future TV series of Feiyue Film and Television, is it possible to negotiate this cooperation?"


new York.

Longxiang Capital.

The purchase of CDS has been going on for a long time. According to the timeline, it has almost reached the moment of staged victory. Chen Fei is ready to come over to check on the progress of Leon Walras and the others.

In the elevator, Bruce looked confused.

"Fei? What on earth is this CDS? Why are you so keen on acquiring it?"

Bruce's talent in investment is not very high. He has a typical miser mentality and prefers to convert money into gold and save it instead of investing in various stocks and funds.

In his words, those ever-changing numbers will only give people a headache, and are far less affordable than beautiful female models and golden gold.

The elevator was rising slowly. Chen Fei organized his language and explained:

“To give a simple analogy, for example, you buy a car insurance for your car, and the CDS is a betting agreement issued by the insurance company on this car insurance.

I spent money on each betting agreement and paid a year's premium.

If there are no accidents with your car within a year, then I will pay the premium for that year. But if you crash, I will be able to get a claim from the insurance company, and you will not know anything about it.

There are two ways to make money with CDS. One is that after you crash, I can get a claim from the insurance company, with a claim settlement rate of up to twelve times!
Or maybe I foresee that you might crash the car, so I can resell this gambling agreement at a higher price, or even split it into several parts for sale. Do you understand? "

"I see!"

Bruce's face suddenly showed an expression of realization.

"So, you are just waiting for housing prices to plummet?"


Chen Fei didn't hide it from him, because now the time was ripe and there was no need to cover up.

"Is this possible?"

"Let's wait and see."


After stepping out of the elevator, Bruce went to find his eldest nephew, while Chen Fei walked directly into Leon Walras' office.


As soon as he saw Chen Fei walking in, Leon stood up immediately, with strong shock in his eyes.

He couldn't wait to say: "American Home Mortgage Investment Corporation, the tenth largest mortgage lender in the United States, formally filed for bankruptcy protection with the court yesterday. The stock market plummeted directly. The Dow Jones Index, S&P 500 Index, and Nasdaq Index all fell one after another. It fell by more than 500 points, and even the Hang Seng Index fell by 700 points, a drop of 4%!”

"and then?"

Chen Fei seemed to have expected it. He sat on the sofa calmly and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"I expect that CDOs will soon cause a wave of selling, and CDS will usher in a wave of surge!"

Sweat broke out on Leon's forehead. At this moment, he finally understood that the people had been deceived by the bloodthirsty capitalists!

When house prices rose to a certain level, they could no longer rise, and no one took over the offer. When those real estate speculators saw that the house could not be sold, but they still had to pay high interest rates, they simply sold the house to the bank!

Chen Fei obviously made the right bet. As the Home Mortgage Investment Company files for bankruptcy, the next company will go bankrupt, and a large number of investment banks and bank funds may even go bankrupt.

They will also suffer huge losses because of their investment in subprime mortgage bonds. This move will even cause European stock markets to suffer a crash!
This will be an extremely cruel financial crisis!

Chen Fei was still drinking coffee leisurely and asked at the same time: "How many CDS have we bought so far?"

“USD 5.3 million in principal has been deposited!”

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up. In order to earn commissions, these people worked very quickly.

It's almost done now, just waiting to collapse!
"Tell the people outside to stop, and then arrange for everyone in the company to keep an eye on the stock market!" Chen Fei had a trace of madness in his eyes.


Leon picked up the phone, but his hand was shaking uncontrollably.

CDS with a principal of US$5.3 million, the value created by this leverage has reached more than US$60 billion!

Chen Fei made the right bet, and instead of losing the premium, he gained huge profits.

What's even more frightening is that if the situation goes as he expected, the money may increase more than ten times!
Thinking of this, he couldn't help but shudder, and a deep curiosity welled up in his heart.

Where did this boss of mine get such courage?
On the sofa, Chen Fei was holding a coffee cup, his eyes slightly narrowed, and he was thinking about the follow-up plan.

It’s just a $60 billion CDS contract. If it were placed on the A-share market, it would directly blow a hole in the market, but it might not even make a splash on the US stock market.

CDS can only be regarded as the clarion call for charge, the real battle is yet to come!
This battle will even determine whether his future plans in Hollywood can be successfully implemented!
(End of this chapter)

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