It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 284 Douban score 96, the greedy monk made money while standing! 5 million!

Chapter 284 Douban score 9.6, the greedy monk made money while standing! 5 million!

The filming locations of "Game of Thrones" are almost all over Europe and America!

"The Iron Throne" was filmed in Belfast, the capital of Ireland.

The northern part of the series is mainly in Northern Ireland and Iceland, while the southern part is in Croatia and Spain.

In the first season, the wedding scene of Daenerys and Khal Drogo before she became the Mother of Dragons was filmed in Malta, also known as the "Blue Window". The scenery is very spectacular and beautiful.

The filming location for Winterfell is Doune Castle in Scotland, and the forest outside the castle is in Tollymore Forest Park in Northern Ireland.

There are many more scenes like this!
  Except for King's Landing, which was in a studio, most of the scenes were shot on location and on location.

Although Marvel is responsible for the coordination of these shooting locations, each transition consumes a large portion of funds, which is why the investment per episode is as high as $600 million.

“What a beautiful scenery!”

When she came to the "Blue Window" filming location, Emilia was obviously conquered by the miraculous craftsmanship of nature in front of her, and she couldn't recover for a long time.

This is the place where Dragon Ma and Ma Wang held their wedding, and it is also where Dragon Ma officially rose to power!
  "I can film and travel at the same time, haha, I like this crew."

Jason Momoa held up his camera and took a sharp picture of the scenery in front of him.

High investment means big scenes, and the background of Game of Thrones clearly matches the movie scenes, and even far exceeds the average fantasy film.

Chen Fei's goal is very simple. As long as every shot can be comparable to the image quality of "The Twilight Saga", this is the effect he wants.

Of course, he can only keep these words in his own heart. If Mr. Woody Allen knew about it, he might scold him!

Even if your TV series has an investment of 600 million US dollars per episode, it cannot be compared to a movie with an investment of 3000 million US dollars!
  What an international joke?


The first round of broadcast of "My Leader, My Team" has officially ended. Mango Channel has given feedback and the ratings have been soaring!
  When it first premiered, it was very controversial online, with almost mixed reviews.

But as subsequent episodes were presented one by one, the Douban score climbed all the way from 5.6 to 9.6, and at the end of the first round of broadcasts, the forums and Douban discussion groups were full of praise!

"This is a work that was seriously underestimated when it first aired. I have never seen a TV series that depicts human nature and national character more profoundly and accurately than this TV series. It also has multiple interpretations on the basis of restoring history. It is fascinating. Shocking!”

"Defeat, victory; homesickness, defense; shamelessness, kindness; hatred, compassion; collapse, struggle; wrangling, comrade; survival, death; guilt, pride; debt, repayment; sacrifice, revenge; self-deprecation, contempt; disillusionment, invocation ;Despair, faith; fear, fearlessness; decadence, passion! This drama not only lets you know why China was forced to almost subjugate, but also tells you why we did not subjugate even though we fought like that."

"I like this narrative, this madness, and the endless tossing. After reading it, I felt like I cried the entire 2007 year!"

On the other end of the phone, Wang Ke said very seriously:

"At the beginning of the year, I thought "New Shanghai" would continue to dominate this year's ratings. In the middle of the year, I thought "Struggle" would be successful. But at the end of the year, I felt that "My Captain, My Group" was the real success. The overlord!

Regardless of the concept or the core of the story, it is much better than that pseudo-struggle. "

  Chen Fei suddenly became happy: "Don't let these words reach the ears of those in the Beijing circle, otherwise I'm afraid your position as deputy director will have to be moved."

"Ahem." Wang Ke coughed twice: "Just pretend I never said this."


After the first round of broadcasting, the advertising fee share will gradually be transferred to the company's account. As for the second round, third round, and even the sale of webcast copyrights, the company's professional team will be responsible for these.

A week has passed, and the mainland box office data of "Overheard 2" has been firmly fixed at 1.15 million yuan, once again breaking the record of the first film!

Perhaps because they saw signs of recovery in Hong Kong films, Shaolin Temple actually opened a new drama, and specially invited action actors from Hong Kong such as Hong Jingbao.

Su Guohai complained on the phone: "I finally discovered that these monks are so obsessed with money that they don't even know what kind of Buddha they are worshiping."

After listening to his explanation, Chen Fei realized that those from Buddhism had actually contacted Feiyue Film and Television, saying that they could provide a portion of the investment share in the new drama.

The condition given there was that they wanted Chen Fei to participate in the filming of the new drama!
  Su Guohai was so angry that he refused without even asking for permission.

He was particularly puzzled, where did those people get their confidence?

Chen Fei laughed happily on the phone: "Haha, haven't you heard of this sentence? I can only save Yuan people."

"What kind of bullshit are they..."

Su Guohai believed in Taoism and nature, and had no good impressions of that temple.

"Just ignore them. Their goal is to become bigger and stronger and create greater glory. Just treat them as pure businessmen."


The Venice Film Festival finally came to the final closing ceremony, and Chen Fei took the time to pay attention to the live broadcast.

European Sanjin will not make those speechless double egg yolks like in China.

After the results of the Huabiao Awards held at the end of August came out, the industry was in an uproar!
  Two movie kings, two movie queens...

This operation is simply disgusting!
  In order to promote "The Ballad of Clouds and Waters", the group of guys above who had nothing to eat, actually ignored the influence of the outside world and forced Chen Kun and Li Bingbin to become the best actor and best actress.

Poor Fu Dalong and Ding Jiali, even though they were very dissatisfied, they still had to smile on the awards stage.

Chen Fei was secretly glad that he didn't give away "Shoplifters", otherwise he would probably have made a three-egg yolk.

That's a lot of fun!
  Now, except for the Hundred Flowers Award, which Chen Fei can barely accept in China, he doesn't like any other awards.

What are all these things?
  The chairman of the jury for the main competition unit of this Venice International Film Festival is Zhang Yimou. On the closing ceremony, Lao Mouzi's fluent English triggered bursts of applause from the audience.

There are quite a few Chinese-language films shortlisted for the main competition this year, which can be regarded as the largest number ever.

Lao Mouzi probably put a lot of effort into it!

"Lust, Caution", "The Sun Also Rises", "The Detective", "Help Me Love God".

The director from Wanwan is also very good. The plot of three people walking on the rooftop is not something that ordinary directors can come up with!

However, Li Ying's move was quite bad. The Oscar-winning director could have allowed him to be directly "conferred as a god" in China, but because of lust and caution, his privileges in the mainland were completely revoked.

He is also quite strange. Sometimes he behaves very patriotic, and sometimes he shows another attitude.

It's both good and evil, it's really hard to tell.

There were quite a few famous international directors and Hollywood superstars going to the scene.

The camera swept across the audience, and Chen Fei looked around and saw several familiar faces.

Catherine Brea, George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Owen Wilson, James McAvoy…

"It's worthy of three gold medals in Europe. This event is even bigger than the Oscars!"

Chen Fei secretly thought that he had already won the Golden Bear and the Golden Palm before, and it was time to charge for the Golden Lion next time!
  There is no discrepancy between the awards and the fragments in his memory.

Li Yin once again won the Golden Lion Award for "Lust, Caution"!
  When the news came back to the country, there was an outpouring of praise, instantly crushing the previous popularity of the Huabiao Awards and completely suppressing the popularity of Chen Fei's transition to filming TV series.

Ning Hao called and asked if he wanted to come back to participate in the opening ceremony of "Painted Skin"?
  "囧" will also be released on the National Day schedule on October [-]st, and it has been heavily promoted recently.

If it weren't for Li Yin winning the Golden Lion Award, all major portals would have been full of news about this movie shot in Thailand recently.

"You can take care of it yourself. I won't go back. I'm in Iceland right now. It's too much trouble to go back and forth."

"Hey? After all, it's a movie written by you. Why don't you get some snacks?"

"I believe in you. You are enough. After all, you are also the only director in the [-] million box office club. Why do you need me to give you a platform?"

"I love hearing that!"

After chatting for a few words, Chen Fei hung up the phone directly.

"Painted Skin" is about to start shooting, and "The Line of Life and Death" has been handed over to Kang Honglei after passing the review. Only the remaining film "The Wind" has no one to take over for the time being.

Chen Fei suddenly thought of Tian Zhuangzhuang.

The director's ban period has passed. This year, he also filmed his first biopic "Wu Qingyuan". His directing skills are absolutely superb!

Tian Zhuangzhuang and Chen Fei said before that if there is a suitable script, they can be given to him to try.

"How about letting him film "The Wind"?"

Chen Fei thought secretly, but did not contact the other party immediately.

This kind of thing can't be explained clearly on the phone. When you have free time, you can talk face to face.

A piece of news from abroad suddenly dominated the headlines of the portal!
  "Lust, Caution", which won the Golden Lion Award, was rated NC-17 in North America.

The meaning is very simple, that is, teenagers under the age of 17 are prohibited from watching.

This is even more powerful than the 18-year ban!
  Some netizens who returned from the Venice Film Festival began to spread the word on the Internet, promoting how wonderful this film is, how sexy the mole is, and how refreshing the sideways movement is...

For a time, the movie fans felt even more itchy.

The film bureau urgently refuted the rumors, saying that this type of scenes will never be released in domestic theaters and will be deleted when the time comes.

It was fine without an explanation, but once it was explained, netizens became even more itchy.

"Brothers, the days of flying to Hong Kong to watch horror movies are over, let's go watch Lust, Caution together."    "Okay! Count me in!"

"Everyone, listen to me. I have inside information here. Because the scale is too large, the version in Hong Kong has also been cut out a lot. If you want to watch the whole process without editing, you have to go to the Wanwan side!"

"I'm going to buy a plane ticket right now!"

"Everyone, can you help me bring a pirated copy back? We can't go out, we don't have money to buy a plane ticket!"

"We're all brothers, it's absolutely okay to bring one!"

The news on the Internet was so hot that even Li Yin had to explain in person: "I will not deliberately show off pornography, but if I don't do this well, I will be sorry for the audience and the subject..."

Because I watched the uncut version one midnight before rebirth, Chen Fei still has the right to speak.

"Lust, Caution" is actually the same as the drama film of the island country, but the core of the story is more fleshed out than that kind of plot.

There is no doubt that this movie will be a big hit in Xiaoli!

While filming "King's Road", the second episode of Game of Thrones Season [-], Chen Fei received a call from Jiang Wen.

"Oh, failed again."

"Where's the copyright? Didn't it sell?"

"Almost no one wants it."


Jiang Wen's film is too dangerous. Most people in China are taboo about it, but foreigners can't understand it, which creates a deadlock.

Although it was shortlisted for the main competition, Venice is somewhat different from Cannes and Berlin.

If you want to sell copyrights there, you must get an award, otherwise you won't be able to get a good price at all.

"Then what are you going to do? Go back?"

"Wait a minute."

Jiang Wen sighed and said: "I finally discovered that this art film is really difficult to make. I have to try commercial films after I go back this time."

"Any new plans?"

Chen Fei asked casually.

But he never thought that Jiang Wen actually responded: "I already have an idea. I recently set up a film company with a friend and bought a novel "The Thief of Officials" written by Ma Shitu and set in the Republic of China era. copyright and are researching this book.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly became interested!

Lao Jiang is preparing to make money standing up!
  "Do you need investment? Do you want me to help you?"

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Wen's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Are you kidding me, brother?"

"Hey? Are you kidding me? Given our attitudes towards the Japanese, isn't it right for me to help you?"

"Is that an agreement? I will leave you a role during the preparations and a [-]% investment share."

"no problem!"

Chen Fei agreed without hesitation.

This film is definitely a classic. He had watched it several times, so being able to participate in it was a dream come true.


"Painted Skin" officially launched on September 9th. All major investors were present, and the red carpet ceremony was star-studded.

The media all thought that Chen Fei would rush back, but when they arrived at the scene, they discovered that the host was actually Ning Hao!

Obviously, that man never came back!
  "Director Ning, are you confident in this movie? It's a fantasy genre, and it also has special effects. This is a style you've never been exposed to before."

"Try it and take your time. Anyway, Mr. Chen has a lot of trust in me. Didn't you see that he didn't come back today? Leave everything to me."

"囧囧 will be released in half a month. Do you have any predictions about the box office?"

Upon hearing this, Ning Hao's eyes suddenly became complicated.

"I personally feel that it will exceed 2 million, and it should be around 2.5 million..."

The flashbulbs have started to flash, that is, the director of Feiyue Film and Television dares to say this, and the opening price is 2 million, which is really awesome!
  However, what everyone at the scene never expected was that Ning Hao then added: "But Mr. Chen feels that the total box office should exceed "Source Code", and he predicted that the domestic box office will be 5 million."


As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy power-on ceremony suddenly became silent.

The three investors, China Film, Shanghai Film, and Wanda, all looked at it with deep doubts in their eyes.

5 billion?

Are you kidding me?
  Han Sanping looked even more unbelievable: "Did Chen Fei say this himself?"


Ning Hao nodded slowly and put the hammer down directly.

In the afternoon, Chen Fei's box office forecast for the movie "囧" was published on the portal.

The title is so domineering!
  ["囧囧" will be officially released on the National Day schedule on October [-]st. Its screenwriter and producer Chen Fei personally predicts that the box office will eventually exceed [-] million yuan, and the first [-] million box office club director in domestic film history is about to be born... 】

The news spread quickly, netizens were stunned, and the film and television industry was in an uproar!
  "5 million? Are you kidding me?"

"Pfft... Just treat it as a joke. It's just nonsense."

"Hahahaha, I don't think it's even 2 million."

"Tsk, tsk, he is indeed a great director, 5 million is like five yuan in his mouth."

"Stop it……"

For a time, doubts resounded in the circle, and it also attracted the attention of countless netizens in post bars and forums.

Ning Hao immediately called Chen Fei's mobile phone.

"It's over, we can't hold it any longer. Now many people in the industry say we are bragging. No one is discussing the launch of "Painted Skin" at all. They are all talking about 5 million..."

"Calm down first and listen to me. In fact, this is also a good thing. The greater the attention it arouses, the more curious people will be. There will inevitably be many people who walk into the theater out of curiosity, which will have an impact on the box office increase. beneficial impact.”

Ning Hao's face was full of tangles: "But what if the reputation collapses, the box office fails, and the final revenue does not reach [-] million?"

Chen Fei smiled confidently: "The number of 5 million is what I said, not you. Even if it is not reached by then, netizens will only laugh at me, so what does it have to do with you?"


"Stop being so stubborn and go shoot your "Painted Skin" right away. Don't worry about it, just let it ferment."


Ning Hao had no choice but to hang up the phone, but his heart was full of tangles.

For the sake of publicity, Chen Fei has apparently staked his undefeated record!

If "囧囧" does not perform well at the box office, it will be his first stain since his debut.


At this time, in Spain, Chen Fei, who had already filmed the fourth episode of "The Broken Body" of Game of Thrones, was enjoying the sunbath quite leisurely.

The work intensity has been a bit intense in the past few days, and the actors obviously couldn't handle it anymore, so he took a day off.

Ning Hao was very worried, but Chen Fei didn't panic at all.

"囧" is not an ordinary comedy. It is the first domestic movie to have a box office of over 21 billion within [-] days of its release!

Although this achievement was created in 2012.

But a movie with a very mature comedy style will not make a huge difference just because of the time difference of just five years!

The gap between the movie market in 2007 and 2012 is reflected in the number of theaters and economic size. Therefore, Chen Fei does not expect it to achieve a box office of 21 billion in 10 days.

He only wants [-] million now!

High-frequency publicity + top-tier film schedule + National Day schedule + no rivals at the same time...

[-] million box office!

Easy to get!

(End of this chapter)

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