It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 285 Success or failure? 996 shooting mode, the golden rooster kills the pen, the blow from m

Chapter 285 Success or failure? 996 shooting mode, the golden rooster kills the pen, the blow from my brother is deafening!
  After all, "The Sun Also Rises" failed to sell the rights in Venice.

But even so, after returning to China, the Emperor still held a premiere event for the film.

Director Yang felt quite generous and did not care about this failure at all.

The invitation was sent to Feiyue Film and Television, and Su Guohai went to the premiere instead of Chen Fei and Ning Hao, which was also a kind of support for Jiang Wen.

"Jiang Wen personally admitted that the cost of this movie reached [-] million!"

"How many???"

Chen Fei, who was in Spain, looked in disbelief.

Although he knew that "The Sun Also Rises" cost the Emperor a lot of money, the figure of [-] million was still a bit scary.

It was a purely literary film. It didn't even have any special effects. How could it cost [-] million?
  "Have you watched this movie? How do you feel about it?"

"I can't quite understand it. It feels like it's in the clouds and there are metaphors everywhere. And I think this film is quite dangerous. If it doesn't go well, it may be banned again."

"Lao Jiang is simply used to living in the compound, and the artistic films he makes also have a sense of pride."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei didn't pay too much attention anymore. This film was destined to be supported by the Emperor.

However, the popularity of "Lust, Caution" was once again stirred up. Tang Wei's original goal of filming this movie was realized, and she successfully joined the ranks of first-line actresses.

A certain advertisement offered her 200 million, and she was already on the same level as Fan Bingbin, Zhou Xun, Zhao Yanzi and others!

However, her glory may not last long.

Success is also about lust, failure is also about lust!

Game of Thrones has filmed its fifth episode, "The Battle between Wolves and Lions."

When he learned that the Targaryens were plotting to invade Westeros with the Dothraki, King Robert was furious and ordered the Targaryens to be exterminated.

Ned objects to Robert's decision, and a rift develops between the two.

The captured Tyrion promised to help Catelyn, but in the Eagle's Nest, Catelyn's sister Lysa, the widow of former Prime Minister Jon Arryn, gave Tyrion a blow.

Catelyn is shocked by Lysa's paranoia and suspicion.

The news of Tyrion's capture reached King's Landing, putting Ned in an embarrassing situation.

However, the handsome Knight of Flowers Tyrell makes Sansha's heart flutter, but the future princess may get into trouble.

Meanwhile, Arya overhears a plot against her father...

Alan Taylor often complained about the multi-line parallel shooting plan, and the huge workload made him extremely shocked by Chen Fei!
  "Fei? Are all your Chinese directors like this? You even shoot all night for the sake of progress?"

"Is this an exaggeration?"

Chen Fei looked at him with some confusion. The investment of 600 million US dollars per episode was not only used for filming, but also part of it was used by him to pay overtime wages to the actors.

The Hollywood Screen Actors Guild has regulations that prohibit production crews from forcing actors and behind-the-scenes teams to work overtime.

If forced, this will involve illegal behavior!

After working in Hollywood for two years, Chen Fei naturally knew this rule, so he came up with the strategy of paying "overtime pay".

Most of the people participating in the filming are second-tier or even third-tier actors who are not well-known. They all have dreams of becoming famous!
  I am very lucky to be able to work with Chen Fei, a well-known Hollywood director, and he will also receive high overtime pay, so most of the actors readily agreed to the overtime request.

Alan Taylor didn't know how to reply to Chen Fei's words, because in his opinion, working overtime was a very crazy behavior!

"What kind of high-pressure environment are Chinese directors and actors in?"

"Do you know what 996 is?"



An email from China appeared in Chen Fei's mailbox.

"The shortlist for the Golden Rooster Award has been announced. The jury is really a bunch of bad guys. If you want to have fun with yourself, just say so. Why call people over..."

Ning Hao cursed on the phone!

Chen Fei opened the email and was immediately happy.

Lao Mouzi's film didn't even get a nomination, Feng Xiaogang was only nominated for the Best Sound Recording Award, and all other commercial films were kicked out.

Ning Hao also sent "囧囧", but he didn't get even half a nomination.

The most ridiculous thing is that "The Good Man", which won the Venice Golden Lion last year, and "Tuya's Marriage", which won the Golden Bear this year, were both kicked out!

Just like Ning Hao said, they are really a bunch of bad guys.

A reporter went to interview the Secretary-General of the Jury, but the other party's answer almost made Wang Quan'an and Jia Zhangke suffer from cerebral hemorrhage!

"The Golden Rooster Award has its own selection rules. Even films with Golden Bear, Golden Lion and Golden Palm may not necessarily meet our selection criteria..."

Chen Fei was secretly glad that he didn't agree to Ren Zhonglun's suggestion and sent "Shoplifters" to the Golden Rooster Awards to participate in the selection, otherwise it would really have become a stepping stone for the other party!
  He first comforted the restless Ning Hao, then turned around and called Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun.

"In the future, films produced by Feiyue Film and Television will no longer need to be sent to the Golden Rooster Awards. If they send invitations, just refuse them directly."

"it is good!"

Ren Zhonglun agreed happily. He had long been dissatisfied with these old things, and the movies produced by Shanghai Film Studio had been deceived several times.

This group of old guys who have nothing to do with their bodies no longer care about public opinion, but are dedicated to confronting public opinion. It seems that this way they can appear noble!
  Those who don’t know think that the Golden Rooster Award has surpassed the top three in Europe...

Perhaps because of her different position, Han Sanping still advised: "The film does not need to participate in the selection, but people still have to go if they can. If the fight is too tense, the bureau will not be able to maintain its reputation."

"Hey? I give them face, who gives me face?"

"The bureau has given a task to make a gift film for the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. They named me and asked me to personally take charge."

"Huh? Then?"

Chen Fei was a little confused.

What is this for? Weren’t you talking about the Golden Rooster Award just a second ago? Why did you end up in a gift film again?

"You can come up with a suitable script for me and we can shoot it together. I'll make sure you win the Golden Rooster, Golden Horse, Hundred Flowers, Golden Statue, and Huabiao Awards for Best Director. How about that?"

Oh Yo?

After hearing these words, Chen Fei immediately became energetic.

This can be!
  Aren't those high-ranking old-timers in the literary and art circles uniting to resist him?
  If a tribute film is made, no matter how unhappy they are, in order to keep the spiritual tone correct, this award must be given!

"Okay, let me think about it for you."

"Then this year's Golden Rooster Award..."

"I'm not going anyway, I don't have time."

"Hey? You guys are really insufferable, so let Ning Hao come over and promote "囧囧" and "Painted Skin" by the way."

Han Sanping looked helpless, but there was nothing she could do.

Chen Fei's current identity and status are enough for him to abandon all domestic awards. Three European gold medals and Oscars are his real goals.

The Golden Rooster Award may be a grand prize that needs to be competed for by others, but he will never pay special attention to it.

But when talking about "Thailand", Han Sanping suddenly became energetic again.

"Are you so sure that the final box office will reach [-] million?"

"Just wait and see."

"Okay, if it really reaches [-] million, China Film will be responsible for all the expenses of the celebration banquet, and I promise to create a big scene for you."

"Haha, it's a word!"


"The Sun Also Rises" and "Overheard 2" have started a battle for the box office.

Unfortunately, the former was removed from the shelves less than two weeks after its release due to poor box office performance, and the figure finally stopped at [-] million.

This box office was really miserable, not even as high as the latter's first-day box office.

A reporter from Hong Kong interviewed Yang Shoucheng and asked him how he felt about this box office failure.

This person is quite open-minded, and his phrase "a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse's bones" won unanimous praise from the industry, and also laid a solid foundation for the subsequent cooperation between Emperor and Jiang Wen.

As the National Day holiday approaches, the posters of "囧 in Thailand" have begun to cover major theaters.

Five theater chains, China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, Bona, and Pan Asia, have launched pre-sale activities at the same time, and all distribution channels in Southeast Asia have been arranged.

Pan-Asia Cinemas' expansion abroad and domestically continues, and Huo Qigang unswervingly implements Chen Fei's development proposals. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are still the main revenue areas for mainland movie box office, but the layout in second- and third-tier cities is also very important.

Regarding this, Wanda and Pan Asia have the same goals.

Ever since "The Night Banquet" hit the streets, Feng Xiaogang has focused exclusively on his new movie, and now "Assembly" is back with a bang!
  Zhang Hanyu, Deng Chao, Yuan Wenkang and others have also launched movie promotion plans, and their popularity is second only to Xu Zheng, Wang Baoqiang and Huang Bo.

Due to the raging popularity of Hollywood blockbusters in the first half of the year, almost all of the domestic films that escaped were concentrated in the second half of the year.

Starting from August, a variety of domestic movies will be released in theaters every month, which also makes the theater schedule very crowded.

However, this will not affect the filming schedule of "囧囧". The reason is very simple. The eight words "Director Ning Hao, Screenwriter Chen Fei" are really too powerful.

No matter how hard Huayi works, the publicity for "Assembly" just can't get up!
  "How about I go out and shout a slogan? Let's just say that the expected box office of the assembly number is 6 million, which just stabilizes the 5 million from Feiyue Film and Television!"

After hearing Wang Zhonglei's words, Wang Zhongjun looked at him as if he were a fool.

"Chen Fei has the confidence and the qualification to shout, do you have it?
  One "China Partner" went straight to 3 million, and one "Source Code" went straight to 4 million, and even broke the overseas distribution record of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". Does Huayi have such achievements? "


The heavy blow from his brother left Wang Zhonglei speechless.


On this day at the end of September, Chen Fei was filming the sixth episode of Game of Thrones, "The Golden Crown."

Robert reinstated Ned, despite Cersei's strong objections, and he acted as Hand of the King while he was away hunting.

Ned learns from the common people that the minions of the Lannister family are causing chaos in the lands of the Seven Kingdoms, and issues an order that may have far-reaching consequences for the Seven Kingdoms.

And Bran left Winterfell for the first time since the accident, only to be ambushed by wildlings.

On the other side, Robb and Theon Greyjoy had a big fight, which caused an irreparable rift in their relationship.

In the Eagle's Nest, Tyrion was forced to admit his crime and asked Lysa to give him a fair trial - to participate in the duel in the arena!

Arya continued to train in swordsmanship under the guidance of her teacher.

Ned's shocking discovery pushes Westeros to the brink of civil war!

Joffrey formally apologizes to Sansa...

The arrogant Viserys once again conflicted with Khal Drogo, and Khal Drogo officially gave him the last gift-a golden crown!


On October [-]st, Chen Fei suddenly received two emails.

One of them was the news that "囧囧" held its premiere in the capital, and the response from guests and audiences was very good.

The other is the box office data of "Overheard 2" one month after its release.

The mainland box office data was 2.34 million yuan, while Hong Kong received 1856 million Hong Kong dollars!
  After the news was exposed, the mainland side was already used to it, and it did not attract much attention.

After all, this is a work written by Chen Fei, and the box office data of "Ip Man 2" is even more exaggerated than this.

However, Hong Kong has been very restless recently!

The box office trends of the Ip Man series and The Overheard series continue to soar, with both exceeding [-] million. Doesn’t this mean that Hong Kong movies are back to life?
  If you follow this trend, there is absolutely no problem making money!

All of a sudden, major film companies on Hong Kong Island began to take action, actively contacting mainland film companies, and wanted to cooperate in filming.

Many Hong Kong film producers have almost all set their sights on companies such as China Film, Shanghai Film, and Bona.

Having money, theater chains, promotion and distribution convenience... isn't this the best partner?

However, their little calculation was obviously a little too cheerful.

The filming of "Red Cliff" gave Han Sanping a headache. She finally resumed filming, but either the ship sank, the aerial vehicle lost control, or the cast and crew contracts expired...

Many people within the company and even in the industry are saying that this film should not be filmed!
  Wu Yu is so evil. According to his request, the Dianjiang Tower and the city tower built not long ago on Fangshan Mountain were destroyed by flash floods before they were officially put into use.

Taking advantage of the expiration of the contract, the cameraman and martial arts instructor ran away first...

Han Sanping was almost furious, but there was nothing she could do.

The film is already halfway through filming. If we announce a shutdown at this time, all the early investment will be completely wasted!
  I have no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to inject capital into it.

A lesson learned. Faced with the steady stream of Hong Kong film and television companies that approached her, Han Sanping chose to reject them all without exception.

Emperor, Media Asia, Golden Harvest, Xinghui... these are the partners he has found for China Film. As for the others, just go as far as they can!

He is even screening directors and actors in Hong Kong now. Some people can be cooperated with, but some people are best never to meet!
  Incompetent bungler.


Huang Bo not only has a high EQ, but his IQ is far higher than the average person!

Taking advantage of October 10st, the day "囧囧" was released, he asked Su Guohai to convene the media and announced that his new film "Bullfighting", which he was about to direct and star in, had officially entered the casting period.

"This is an Anti-Japanese War themed comedy film written by Chen Fei. It tells the story of villager Niu Er and his cow living together. The investment is less than [-] million. It can be regarded as my first practice film. I still have it here. I would like to thank Mr. Chen and Feiyue Film and Television for their strong support."

Niu Er will be played by Huang Bo himself, but other roles will be openly cast for the entertainment industry.

Jiuer, Ernuo, Grandpa, Thirteenth Uncle, Shibuya, Langzhong...

Huang Bo faced the camera and said the names of more than ten characters, as well as their images, characteristics, etc.

"All film and television industry practitioners are welcome to contact me. This is a very interesting script and it is also my first directorial work. There may be many shortcomings in the filming, but I believe that as long as you work hard, you will eventually gain something! "

As soon as the news came out, the second- and third-tier artists in the circle suddenly became excited.

According to Huang Bo's description, this should be regarded as a small-cost literary comedy that requires actors to have sufficient acting skills, but does not require high fame.

And more importantly, this is the work of screenwriter Chen Fei!

Even if he is not the director, as long as he has the names of screenwriter and producer, the movie will not be any worse.

All of a sudden, Huang Bo’s phone was buzzing with calls!
  Kang Honglei is also a fan of the popularity. In the morning, Huang Bo just announced the start of casting for "Bullfighting", and in the afternoon he announced that "Line of Life and Death" will enter the preparatory stage.

As a result, for a whole day, the four characters "Feiyue Film and Television" completely dominated the three major domestic portals!

"Overheard 2" earned 2.34 million at the box office, "囧囧" was released, "Bullfighting" was cast, and "Life and Death" entered the preparatory stage...

The bosses of several small film companies have already started cursing in the office.

Taking advantage of the National Day holiday, they also want to earn more box office revenue and earn back their investment costs in time.

But now it's better, Feiyue Film and Television doesn't care about martial ethics at all, and it has taken away the popularity!
  What the hell is this?
  However, what they didn't expect was that South Korea also joined in the fun.

In the evening, the [-]th Busan International Film Festival announced the shortlist.

The work "New World" written by Chen Fei is among them!
  What's even more shocking is that Chen Fei was nominated for the "Asian Filmmaker of the Year Award".

For a time, the country was in a state of excitement again, and the faces of the bosses of the small film companies became even paler.

This wave is definitely over!
  No heat at all!

At six o'clock in the morning on October [-]nd, with much anticipation, the first-day box office of "囧 in Thailand" was announced.

Many domestic film and television industry practitioners are paying attention to this movie, which Chen Fei himself estimates can earn 5 million in box office, and even many netizens are waiting for news.

In many cases, the first week's box office determines the final trend of a movie, and the first day's box office happens to be the highest box office moment for a movie.

So, what will be the first-day box office of "囧"?
  Over in Iceland, Chen Fei immediately received a call from Han Sanping.

As a theater chain, China Film Group usually has first-hand information.


On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping's breathing was a little rapid, and her voice even trembled a little: "According to statistics, the box office of "囧" on the first day was 5650 million!"

What the fuck?

Such a catch!
  Chen Fei couldn't calm down for a while.

"Shoplifters", released in mid-July, grossed 4850 million yuan on its first day thanks to the promotion of the Palme d'Or.

Although the box office was a little weak in the later period due to the artistic film, it did break the first-day box office record of "Source Code".

Almost everyone believes that the results created by "Shoplifters" will be the highest in 07!

But I never expected that after more than two months, "囧囧" would come out!
  High-frequency and large-scale publicity + top-shelf film schedule + National Day schedule + pre-sale activities + no competitors at the same time...

After some operations, the box office broke the record again!
  5650 million!
  New high!

(End of this chapter)

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