It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 286: Breaking 3 million in [-] days, far ahead! Will Chen Kexin and Lu Chuan change their sc

Chapter 286: Breaking [-] million in three days, far ahead! Will Chen Kexin and Lu Chuan change their schedules? What did you do for breakfast?
  "Tell me again, what was the first-day box office of "囧"?"

At the recording site of Happy Camp on Mango Channel, Feng Xiaogang received a call from the studio.

"Director Feng, it's 5650 million."


The call was immediately hung up, and Feng Xiaogang stood backstage with a look of disbelief on his face, unable to recover for a long time.

5650 million!

This is data that "The Night Banquet" took a whole week to obtain, but "Thailand" actually obtained it in just one day.

He had an inexplicable feeling that God had played a joke on him.

He originally wanted to compare it with "Assembly", but after the figure of 5650 million came out, his confidence was immediately shattered.

When Chen Fei shouted "5 million" before, some media also interviewed Feng Xiaogang and asked him if he had predicted the box office data of "Assembly Number"?

At that time, he really wanted to shout "6 million", but after thinking about it, he still didn't dare to do so.

Chen Fei has that confidence, but he does not, because in his opinion, if Assembly Numbers can get 2 million box office in the mainland, it is considered a complete victory.

5 million is a completely unattainable dream!
  Even the idea of ​​3 million was only an idea that came to him when he was daydreaming.

But now?

"囧" was so successful that it directly raised the first-day box office data in domestic film history to an unreachable level!

Who can compete with riding a horse?

In a daze, the name "Mulan" suddenly came out of Feng Xiaogang's mind.

Some time ago, Sina released an announcement specifically informing that "Mulan" will compete in the Lunar New Year movie.

This movie has an investment of US$7000 million, and it is a work written and directed by Chen Fei himself. It is even bigger than "囧"!
  "This guy won't shout out another 6 million, will he?"

I don’t know why, but the more he thought about it, the more Feng Xiaogang felt it was very possible!


As the first-day box office results of "囧囧" were announced, reviews from film critics followed closely and sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

A professor from Nortel published an article saying: "As a comedy, "囧" is undeniably entertaining, whether it is the actors' funny performances, the humor of the characters' language, or the plot settings. The misunderstandings and coincidences will make people laugh uncontrollably, which is an essential condition for attracting the audience."

A PhD supervisor from the Chinese Theater Screenwriting Department published an article saying: "This film has a strong cast, outstanding early advertising, and meets the needs of modern urban moviegoers to relax and decompress. The plot is funny, and the release schedule is reasonable. It can achieve such a high first-day box office It’s also reasonable.”

A director teacher at Shanghai Theater Academy said: "'Lost in Thailand' has successfully expanded the classic road comedy genre, with typical genre elements of "road mode" and "spiritual redemption", and an extension of the road scene. Sex is iconic.”


Many film critics personally praised it, coupled with the word-of-mouth spread among movie fans and the focus on film scheduling, the film's box office continued to rise!

There have been heated discussions on Tieba, forums, blogs, Douban and other major websites.

Douban opened the painting with a score of 8.0, and the number of comments was as high as 5!
  "Haha, it's even funnier than the first one. I feel like it's over before I even get enough of it. I'm going to watch the second one."

"All the joy of this National Day is given by "囧". Xu Zheng and Wang Baoqiang are so fun."

"Where is Lao Zhou? Who can tell me who Lao Zhou is? Hahahahaha!"

"Pfft, that ladyboy really scared me when he spoke."

"It's harder for me to get a power of attorney than to get a Buddhist scripture from the West. Isn't this just me? This stupid bidding document is annoying me to death!"

An excellent comedy film must contain "comedy elements", and it is best to have comedy elements that are familiar in life, so that movie fans can have a sense of involvement.

This is the hardest thing to figure out.

But Taiji did it!

Close to the real life of the target audience, accurately teasing the audience's laughter, and consistent with their life experience and aesthetic taste...

The three-pronged approach directly produced a violent chemical reaction and produced excellent results!

In the blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash.

On the morning of the [-]th, China Film Group once again announced the box office results of "Thailand".

4257 million!
  Combining the data from October 1.4nd and adding up the three days, the total domestic box office just exceeded [-] million!
  At this moment, the entire mainland film and television industry was in an uproar.

Even if it breaks through 1.4 million in three days, it jumps directly to [-] million?
  What is this for?

It's not that fast on a rocket, right?
  Those voices that were still mocking Chen Fei for his arrogant words disappeared without a trace at this moment. "囧囧" achieved a score of 1.4 million in just three days, and there are still 27 days of release time...

5 million is already within reach!


Chen Kexin, who was running around for the "Report of Nomination", was dumbfounded after receiving the news.

Although he was also shocked by the results of "囧囧", he was not afraid of Ning Hao because his real opponent was the "helmer behind the scenes" Chen Fei!
  The film's release date was December 12th. Although it was more than a week away from "Mulan"'s December 12nd release date, he was still scared!

Then a Big Mac is standing behind him, not to mention the great pressure.

He called Han Sanping with a sad look on his face, "Director Han? Why don't you move the release date of the Letter of Nomination forward to December 12st?"

"Are you kidding me? Is this something I can move if I want?"

Han Sanping rejected him mercilessly.

Why did you get something to eat when you were so early?
  It's already October, and now you think of moving the release date? The cucumber vegetables have already finished cooling!

The film schedule at the theater has been arranged in advance, and there is no chance of changes at all, so we have to bite the bullet!

Also holding a pessimistic attitude like Chen Kexin is Lu Chuan, who is studying the selection rules of the Berlin Film Festival.

He still refused to give up, even though he was rejected by both Cannes and Venice, but isn't there still a Berlin Film Festival?
  However, awards are too uncertain. At present, if you want to recover the investment cost, you must gain something at the box office.

However, "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "The release date is December 12.

Although it is also separated from "Mulan" by a whole week, if the former has another big breakout like "Lost in Thailand", his film schedule will probably be pushed to the extreme!

Even if this movie is jointly invested by China Film and Huayi, the film schedules of other theaters will not give him face.

If theater chains want to make money, they have to schedule more movies with high box office. And several theater chains are not related to Lu Chuan, so why should they increase the number of movies they schedule for him?

While thinking about it, Lu Chuan couldn't hold back after all and called Han Sanping.

"Director Han, can our schedule be moved back?"

"Beep beep..."

A busy signal came from the receiver, and Han Sanping hung up the phone.

Why did you get something to eat when you were so early?
  When the schedule was originally scheduled, everyone thought about going to the Lunar New Year stall to grab the box office, but now, seeing that the situation is not right, they suddenly want to change again?
  Want to eat fart?

Lu Chuan: "..."


With a long sigh, he had no choice but to give up.

There are not so many opportunities to regret in life. Even if you go to your teacher to cry, it is useless. Now you should think about how to pass the Berlin Film Festival!

A week has passed by in a hurry, and the weekly box office of Thai囧 has been fixed at 2.47 million.

Although the box office will definitely experience a sharp drop after the National Day period, there is still a 21-day release period, and it is absolutely no problem to break 4 million.

As for Chen Fei's previous prediction of "5 million", we can only wait and see how it changes.

These domestic directors are still in the 3 million box office. Currently, only "China Partners" and "Source Code" have box office sales exceeding [-] million.

Because of this, they simply can’t understand the trend after the box office exceeds [-] million!

Who knows how many there will be in the end?
  Just wait and see what happens!
  An invitation to the premiere of "Assembly" appeared in Chen Fei's mailbox. Unfortunately, he is currently in Hawaii and cannot make it back.

Not to mention the premiere, he didn't even have time to go to the Busan Film Festival on the [-]th.

However, he had already told Pu Qihan that if he won the award, he would ask CJ to send someone to receive the award on his behalf.

The news about Lin Yoona's Girls' Generation debut was revealed to Chen Fei by Park Bucheng, the producer of ShowBox Film and Television Department.

The release date of "The Melting Pot" is also set during the Lunar New Year period.

Park Buncheng happily told Chen Fei: "Yooner is now the leader of Girls' Generation. She is very popular. She has released three songs so far. ShowBox is preparing a concert for her..."

"Okay, thanks for your hard work."

It was obviously just a very polite thank you, but it made Park Buncheng respond excitedly!
  Chen Fei was still wondering why this guy was so excited about Mao, when he heard a voice from the other end of the phone: "ShowBox has signed a cooperation agreement with Chengtian Film and Television Company in your country. In the next time, we will sign a cooperation agreement with each other." Undertake some artists from the other company, and gradually expand the performing arts career of its artists in the entertainment circle of another country.

Among them is one of your classmates. We will give her generous treatment and resources. Director Chen, please rest assured that ShowBox will definitely take good care of her. "

My classmate? ? ?

After being stunned for a moment, Chen Fei asked curiously: "Who is my classmate that you mentioned?"

"Jiang Yiyan."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei frowned and called Zhu Yawen directly.

"What's the situation between Chengtian and ShowBox? Why would Jiang Yiyan use my name to publicize her relationship with my classmates everywhere in South Korea? What on earth is Wang Jinghua doing?"

This inexplicable feeling of being picked out made Chen Fei very unhappy.

Living in South Korea under his banner is already considered a kind of misappropriation of resources. What's more important is that he has not received any request for instructions from Cheng Tian and Jiang Yiyan.

This is a bit disturbing!

That's not how things work. If there is any trouble, ShowBox will only think that Chen Fei is behind it.

What's more, he had already made preparations for "fishing" when he left South Korea some time ago, but now Jiang Yiyan's sudden appearance has made him feel like a human being!
  "Alas..." Zhu Yawen sighed and said helplessly: "According to the information I learned, this should be Chengtian's idea.

Sister Hua is now once again faced with the same predicament she had when she was at Huayi Company. The two sides have begun to have conflicts again, and it is estimated that they will break up again soon. "

Chen Fei was speechless for a while. Isn't this Wang Jinghua very powerful? Why does she always do this?
  "So Jiang Yiyan is signed with Chengtian now?"


"Please help me tell her that I have other plans in South Korea. Let her tell Cheng Tian by herself and don't use my name to show off there in the future!"

"Okay, I'll contact her right away."

After all, they were classmates. Chen Fei didn't want to make the relationship too tense, so he just said hello and asked Jiang Yiyan to pay attention to him.


The first-day box office of "Assembly" was set at 2050 million.

This movie breaks the narrative method of traditional main theme movies. It starts from the experiences of ordinary soldiers, expresses the spirit of heroism, and shows the audience the power of fighting for their beliefs!

Although the box office performance was not as good as "囧", the official media headed by the Sixth Princess gave high praise.

And the reviews from fans are pretty good.

As soon as the film was released, it had a strong response in society. Many experts and scholars fully affirmed the film, believing that the film is filled with a vivid and touching spirit of heroism, promotes the prosperity and development of the cultural industry, and is a great film. An excellent work on war themes.

Feng Xiaogang finally felt proud and proud. The abuse brought by "The Night Banquet" was completely broken by "Assembly Number".

On the way to the Busan Film Festival, Director Feng accepted interviews with reporters like a big rooster!
  I just never thought that the reporters who were just watching the excitement would start stirring up trouble with the first words they spoke.

"Director Feng, what do you think of the fact that the first-day box office of "Assembly" is half as good as "囧"?"

Feng Xiaogang's expression changed slightly.

If you really want to step on the horse, which pot will you not pick up?
  What's the box office talking about?
  Can't we all just have a serious chat about movies?
  In fact, he was quite lucky. Huayi originally wanted to put the movie on the Lunar New Year schedule, which was December 12th.

The schedule was almost set, but after Feng Xiaogang paid special attention to the filming progress of "Mulan", he vaguely felt that Chen Fei also wanted to rush into the Lunar New Year schedule.

Therefore, he quickly moved "Assembly" to October 10th.

Although he didn't expect that "囧囧" that came out halfway would be so powerful, he was still relieved.

If he really went to the Lunar New Year stall, he estimated that he would be completely tortured to death by "Mulan"!

"In my opinion, the box office is not important. The theme of the movie is the key. In such a tragic era, there was a group of small but great people carrying forward the burden, teaching us to always remember history. Don’t forget the tragic lesson…”

These words directly raised the core idea of ​​the film, and the reporter was immediately confused.

Helpless, he could only give up the idea of ​​continuing to talk about box office.

The opening film of the Busan Film Festival was "Assembly". Although Chen Fei did not go to the scene, he could probably guess the state of the fans when they saw this film.

Countless soldiers charge on the screen, and the scenes of resisting the United States will inevitably linger in front of them again!

This is called cultural export!

CJ's public relations team is pretty good, and the "Asian Filmmaker of the Year Award" was actually awarded to Chen Fei... even though he didn't go to the scene.

The recipient of the award was sent by Su Guohai, who was regarded as the public relations manager of Feiyue Film and Television. The person assigned by CJ was not put to good use.

"First of all, I would like to thank the Busan Film Festival for its recognition. Director Chen must be very happy to receive such an award. Unfortunately, he is currently filming in Iceland and it is a pity that he could not come to the scene..."

Under the stage, a trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of two young girls, Lin Yuer and Li Zhien.

They thought they could see Chen Fei at the award ceremony this time, but they didn't expect that he didn't come.

When he received the news of winning the Busan Film Festival, Chen Fei was filming the seventh episode of Game of Thrones - "Death by Victory"!
  Tywin, worried that the Lannister family was in danger, ordered Jaime to be a man of courage and prepare for battle.

Ned questions Cersei about her involvement in the plot to kill Jon Arryn.

Benyan Stark's whereabouts are still unknown, Jon decided to officially join the Night's Watch Legion and go to find his uncle beyond the Great Wall.

However, the mission Jon gets is far from what he expected!
  On the other side, Jorah Mormont rescued Daenerys who was nearly assassinated, and Drogo decided to lead the Dothraki to an unknown land they had never been to.

Robert was seriously injured during a hunting trip. Knowing that his life would not last long, he began to arrange the transfer of power in King's Landing...

The progress of Game of Thrones was a little slow when it first started shooting, but after a month of hard work, the actors have now entered a rapid shooting period.

Regarding the "996" work model, under the impact of double remuneration, they unexpectedly accepted it without knowing it!

The current filming schedule is maintained at one episode a week. According to the original plan, Chen Fei is preparing to completely complete the filming of the first season of Game of Thrones by the end of October.

Perhaps because of his status, whenever he goes to a country for filming, he receives warm hospitality and support from the locals.

This is why the shooting progress can be kept very fast.


The popularity of the Busan Film Festival has slowed down, and the "Asian Filmmaker of the Year Award" won by Chen Fei did not arouse much discussion. At present, everyone's attention is still fixed on the box office of "囧".

Whether it can reach nearly [-] million has become the most concerned thing among netizens!
  Because of the endorsement from the official media, "Assembly" is quite popular, but at the box office it has always been far behind "囧".

On October 10, after 20 days of release, China Film announced the latest box office results.

4.25 billion!
  In an instant, the entire entertainment industry was completely boiling!
  In just 20 days since its release, "囧囧" has successfully broken the box office record set by "Source Code"!

And Ning Hao was also officially promoted to the 4 million box office director club on this day!

There are still 10 days left, and we are already one step away from 5 million...

On the 26th, Ning Hao and Su Guohai attended the Golden Rooster Awards together.

Liu Yifei was also invited to the scene and sang her famous song again at the opening ceremony.

Bruce's "training" was quite useful. This girl's aesthetics improved quickly, and her stage appearance was finally not so eye-catching.

The short hair style has attracted the attention of countless people since its debut!
  The closing ceremony was on the 27th. Ning Hao, a new member of the "4 million box office directors club", led a group of people from the "囧囧" and "Painted Skin" crews to the red carpet.

Warm applause and cheers resounded throughout the audience, and the flashlights and film reels of major media outlets were consumed rapidly as if they were free of charge, directly suppressing the enthusiasm of the "Kung Fu King" crew ahead!

At the entrance of the venue, Wang Zhonglei, Wang Zhongjun, Zhao Yanzi, Li Bingbin, Chen Long, and Li Lianjie subconsciously turned their heads with complicated expressions.

"It's good to be young!" Chen Long said with emotion.

The two Wang brothers were speechless and walked into the hall with their heads down silently, followed closely by Li Bingbin.

On the contrary, a trace of jealousy flashed in Zhao Yanzi's eyes, and she stared at Liu Yifei for a long time.

Unfortunately, a director in Hong Kong recently contacted her and Chen Kun and expressed that he also wanted to make a story about "Mulan".

She has read the script, and as long as she agrees to play the role, she will be a proper heroine.

But if you decide to participate in the filming of this movie, you will inevitably have interactions with Liu Yifei, and fans of both parties will inevitably compare them everywhere.

"Hmph, I want to see how good your Hua Mulan is!"

With a cold snort, Zhao Yanzi turned around and walked into the award ceremony venue.

But what she didn't notice was that Huang Xiaoming, who was walking on the red carpet with Ning Hao, was staring straight at her, with complicated expressions in his eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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