It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 287 The Art of Irony, Director of the 5 Million Club! Lust and Caution controversy, new plan

Chapter 287 The Art of Irony, Director of the 5 Million Club! Lust and Caution controversy, new plan?

"Director Ning, your team is quite large, isn't it?"

In front of the signature wall, Ning Hao, who was leading a group of people, was stopped by the host.

"Haha, thanks to Director Chen's kindness, he gave me many directing opportunities, otherwise I would still be carrying the camera on the crew at this time."

Ning Hao is the kind of person who knows how to be grateful. Whenever he meets someone who praises him in interviews, he will almost always mention Chen Fei.

Without Chen Fei, he wouldn't have all the achievements he has now!
  Facing the interview with the host, Ning Hao's answer was quite satisfactory. After all, there were some things that Chen Fei dared to say, as did Jia Zhangke, Wang Quan'an, and Jiang Wen in front of him, but given his status, he still had to be taboo.

After briefly introducing the filming situation of "Painted Skin" and doing some brief publicity, Ning Hao was ready to lead a group of people inside.

But I never thought that the host would change the interviewee to Liu Yifei again!

"An announcement was posted online some time ago that "Mulan" will be released in December. Is the post-production process ready now?"

Liu Yifei nodded and said, "Well, it's almost over."

Host: "Unfortunately, we were not able to see the excellent work "Mulan" this time at the Golden Rooster Awards, and Director Chen's "Shoplifters" was also not present. Is there any reason for this?"

This statement clearly means digging a hole.

Ning Hao was just about to take over the topic and block Liu Yifei's trouble, but this girl didn't think too much about it.

"Regarding this situation, Director Chen specifically told me that he felt that the threshold for the Golden Rooster Award was too high, and that neither "Mulan" nor "Shoplifters" deserved it.

We can only go to places like the Oscars and Cannes Film Festival to try and see if we can win awards. As for the Golden Rooster, let’s wait until we are confident enough. "

As soon as these words came out, Ning Hao was stunned!
  Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Xun, Xu Zheng, Huang Bo and others behind him opened their eyes wide with disbelief on their faces!
  Good guy, are you so brave? !

They could tell that this was probably Chen Fei's special instruction to Liu Yifei, and asking her to bring it to the scene was a way to express his attitude.

But this... is a bit too explicit, right?

Including the host, they looked at Liu Yifei stupidly at this time, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, the reporters on both sides of the red carpet were all so excited that they couldn't help themselves. There was so much fun tonight. Each of these directors dared to say that their future performance was guaranteed!

They originally thought that Jia Zhangke and Wang Quan'an in front were brave enough, but they didn't expect that Chen Fei, who didn't come to the scene, was even braver!

The threshold for the Golden Rooster is too high. We can only go to Oscars and Cannes and have no confidence to participate...

Guaguai, you are worthy of being a screenwriter. This art of irony is truly outstanding!

The lineup for this year’s Golden Rooster Awards is quite strong!

Even though Chen Fei is not in the country, people are still updating him on his mobile phone, such as Zhu Yawen and Luo Jin.

"All the top artists from Hong Kong are here, including Chen Long, Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Tony Leung Ka-fai, Lai Ming, and the Four Heavenly Kings are all here!

In addition to Zhang Yimou, famous directors from China are also here. Brother Chen Kai is really good at Noodles. I heard that the crew of "Mei Lanfang" was moved directly to an unopened area of ​​the Forbidden City! It really deserves to be from the compound.

Li Bian also came and led the crew of "Lust, Caution". Tang Wei is really brave. He doesn't even care about real swords and guns. He took advantage of the actors in Hong Kong..."

Chen Fei had received news before that the reason why Hong Kong and Taiwan artists went there so much was entirely because of Liu Jialing.

This person is the image ambassador of this film festival, and he is doing well on Hong Kong Island.

The golden rooster is still the same golden rooster, and the double yolk operation is a thief 6.

The Best Actress award was won by both Carina Lau and Yan Binyan. The former smiled brightly, while the latter looked slightly embarrassed.

The Best Director award is also a double yolk, and there are many commercial film directors holding back their laughter. This horse-riding is just like playing a child's house game.

Two people winning together?
  Where is the fairness and justice?

As soon as the award ceremony ended, Chen Fei's phone call came from Iceland to Han Sanping.

"Director Han, can you see for yourself what is going on with this award? Can we still go?"

"I will respond to the superiors..."

Han Sanping said this with no confidence at all. The retired "old guys" all firmly control the votes in order to have the right to speak and will not let them go easily.

Other film festivals dare to announce the names of the judges, but the Golden Rooster Awards only dares to announce the number of judges!

But the odd-numbered judges always produce even-numbered double yolks, which is much more interesting.

Chen Fei suddenly thought of the actor who called himself an "odd number control". Is there such a person among the judges of the Golden Rooster Awards?

The media, advocating that it is no big deal to just watch the excitement, published verbatim speeches made by major directors on the red carpet online.

Although Chen Fei is not in the country, the speech relayed by Liu Yifei is still on the front page of

Perhaps unable to bear the pressure, the Film Association and the organizing committee held a media meeting to specifically explain why the "double yolk" situation occurred.

"During the voting, some judges also abstained from voting because they were confused about which excellent film to choose..."

"Go to hell..."

Chen Fei directly turned off the interview video.

There really is nothing new under the sun. How can one abstain from voting for this kind of award?

I’m struggling with your sister!
  Can't you tell whether the acting is good or not, and whether the directing is good or not?


October flew by amid netizens’ ridicule and abuse of the Golden Rooster Awards.

On November [-]st, two major events happened in domestic entertainment!
  The first is Li Yin's "Lust, Caution". After many edits and revisions, it was finally released in major theaters in the mainland.

Immediately following is the film "囧" directed by Ning Hao, written by Chen Fei, and produced by Feiyue Film and Television.

After China Film Group announced its final box office results for one month after its release, the entire film and television industry suddenly became quiet for a moment!

5.15 billion!
  As Chen Fei predicted before, Thai囧’s box office actually exceeded [-] million!

After a moment of silence, suddenly, the entire film and television industry was completely boiling!

Several portals were the first to react and posted the news on their front pages.

["囧囧" box office is 5.15 million! The first domestic director’s club member with a box office of [-] million is born! 】

Ning Hao, who was filming "Painted Skin" in the northwest desert, was immediately bombarded with calls. "Director of [-] million" was so awesome!

"Actually, this is all the credit of Director Chen. His script is well written, otherwise I would not have been able to achieve such results..."

"Don't be so modest. If your level wasn't high enough, why would Director Chen ask you to make a movie? Why didn't he ask me to make a movie?"

This speech really silenced Ning Hao.

Think about it carefully, it seems to be true!

If his own abilities were not good enough, Chen Fei would not be able to ask him to make a movie.

For example, he is currently filming "Painted Skin". This type of fantasy theme is something he has never even thought about before, but Chen Fei still chooses to trust him unconditionally!

Ning Hao let out a sigh of relief and felt a touch of emotion in his heart.

If it weren't for Chen Fei, I'm afraid he would still be struggling to study literary films, and his life would be even more impoverished. How could he have achieved what he does now?
  "Director Ning, are you treating me tonight?" Zhou Xun came up.

"Please! Must please!"

Ning Hao waved his hand and felt happy.

Going straight from the director's club of 3 million box office to 5 million, this is a big deal!
  Many phone calls and text messages also appeared in Chen Fei's hands. There is no doubt that this movie has once again made huge profits, especially for several theaters. Now watching him is like watching his biological father.

After answering a few more important calls, Chen Fei turned off the phone directly.

The eighth episode of Game of Thrones is about to start filming. He plans to finish all the filming tasks for the first season in mid-November, so he has to continue to maintain the filming schedule of one episode a week.

Even under the pressure of "囧囧" with a box office of 5 million, the popularity of "Lust, Caution" remains unabated.


The box office of over [-] million on the first day is the best affirmation for Mr. Li!
  However, while the box office is rising, some sharp reviews of the movie have gradually appeared online. "The movie "Lust, Caution" uses the pan-love idea of ​​"true love is not guilty" that transcends morality and national interests to defend the love between the anti-Japanese comrade Wang Jiazhi and the traitor leader Mr. Yi. To a certain extent, it beautifies the traitors and vilifies the anti-Japanese comrades. , is this really appropriate?”

"I finally figured it out. Li Yin had three motives for filming "Lust, Caution": one was money, the other was to glorify the traitor, and the third was to defend someone. It's really vulgar!"

"The novel "Lust, Caution" written by a certain writer seems to also write about Mr. Yi, the leader of the traitors, in an appreciative tone. She has the feelings of a traitor both in the novel and in reality!"

"Although this movie is revealing human nature, it shows the power of sex to a great extent. It returns to human nature, but it also stays away from people."

"Too much "caution" and too little "sex" squeeze out most of the dramatic content in the film. There is too little real drama in this two-and-a-half-hour drama."

From countless good reviews to bursts of bad reviews, Chen Fei was paying attention the whole time.

The most interesting thing is the Douban score.

Many people gave it a high score of 8.6, but their comments below were "better than 99% of youth films and better than 99% of romance films."

This comment immediately amused Chen Fei.

There are so many talented people among contemporary netizens!


A call from Bruce pulled Chen Fei back from his busy filming work.

"Leonardo recently invested in a movie called "Forbidden Island". An invitation to the movie project's launch reception was sent to the company. Your name is also on the invitation. Do you want to go together?"

Forbidden Island?
  "Hey? Xiao Li is planning to win another prize?"

"Haha!" Bruce was also amused: "Old Martin's attainments in literary films are quite high. Leonardo is like a fish that is dying of thirst. He can't wait to get an Oscar to prove it. Own."

Chen Fei shook his head and laughed.

If he remembers correctly, this "Forbidden Island" did not allow DiCaprio to realize his dream.

"It's better to film "Inception" and try to compete for the Saturn Award for Best Actor..."

Chen Fei muttered to himself, but suddenly, his eyes suddenly changed!

He quickly opened his video library and looked around, only to see the script of "Inception" lying there quietly.

"Damn it! I almost forgot! "Inception" and "Interstellar" are both mine!"

Chen Fei became excited instantly. If Bruce hadn't suddenly mentioned Leonardo, he would have completely forgotten this classic science fiction masterpiece.

Quickly calling Bruce back, he immediately ordered: "Wait a few minutes, I will send two scripts to your mailbox, and you can help me send them to the Editors Association for filing."

"Okay, I'm happy to oblige!" Bruce responded with a smile.

It's been a long time since he helped Chen Fei go to the Screenwriters Association to register his script. He heard that a beautiful receptionist from the association came to him, and he just wanted to go and have a chat.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Fei was secretly thinking about the follow-up arrangements.

With the great success of "Iron Man 1", Marvel Studios is preparing for the early shooting scenes of the three movies "Iron Man 2", "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger" according to the original plan. and props.

It's a long time job.

Chen Fei is preparing to return the movie to the normal timeline, which means that "Iron Man 2" will be released in theaters around the world in 2010.

The reason is simple. The next 08 and 09 will be the trough period of the American economic crisis.

At this point in time, box office performance in North America will inevitably continue to decline. After all, most movie fans are bankrupt. Who has the time to go to the cinema to watch blockbusters?
  So the next two years will be filming.

Chen Fei will try his best to make all the A-class blockbusters in his hand to be shot during this time period, and then put them all into release 10 years later.

"Iron Man 2", "War for the Planet of the Apes", "Thor", "Captain America: The First Avenger", "The Twilight Saga 2", "The Twilight Saga 2".

The above is the work plan of Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures so far.

He had told Natasha before that the follow-up series of Rise of the Planet of the Apes would be handed over to other directors, on the grounds that making too many repetitive series would weaken his creative passion.

Natasha believed his "nonsense" and is currently looking for a suitable science fiction film director in Hollywood.

The Twilight Saga has been completely entrusted to Woody Allen.

As for the three movies "Iron Man 2", "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger", Chen Fei finally decided to only provide the scripts, and Kevin Feige would find the director.

There are many tool directors in Hollywood who only have the right to shoot but not edit.

Chen Fei's current plan is to set aside enough time to deal with the economic crisis sweeping the world!
  Whether you can become the "richest man in the world" and one of the most powerful capitalists in this life depends on this operation.

However, when he saw the script of "Inception", he couldn't help but start to take action!
  When "3D movies" really began to enter a period of vigorous development, it started after "Avatar".

But Chen Fei had no chance to get involved in that movie, because 20th Century Fox regarded it as a turnaround, and the production cycle lasted four years, making it impossible for ordinary people to play it.

But "Inception" is different. The 3D+IMAX camera will definitely make movie fans shout that the effect is wonderful.

If it were released before Avatar...

The epoch-making battle for 3D movies may begin early!
  Thinking of this, Chen Fei couldn't hide his excitement. He wished he could end Game of Thrones immediately and start the phantom journey of "Inception" directly.

It's a pity that he can only fantasize about it now, because everything has not been prepared yet.

Moreover, there is still a "Mulan" waiting for him in China, and the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film is also one of his goals.

"It would be great if there were 48 hours in a day." Fade Chen whispered.

Alan Taylor, who was sorting out the shooting schedule for the ninth episode of Game of Thrones, suddenly stopped moving his hands, and a look of fear appeared on his face unconsciously!
  The "996 working mode" even feels like a crime to him. If there are 48 hours in a day...

18, 18, 12? ? ?

"Oh! No! This is slavery! Slaves are not so miserable!"

Fade Chen: "???"

What is this guy talking about? Why did the subject of slaves suddenly come up?
  Could it be that you were stimulated when you attended the Emmy Awards ceremony before?
  Shouldn't it? Didn’t he just win the Emmy Award for Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series?
  Is it because I was too excited and overjoyed?

South Korea was determined to bind Chen Fei tightly to the chariot.

On November 11th, the 11th South Korea Blue Dragon Film Festival announced the nominations, and as this year's hot hit, "New World" won seven nominations in a row!

In the column for best screenplay, the name "Chen Fei" suddenly appeared.

A vice president of CJ personally called him and extended an invitation to him enthusiastically: "Director Chen, the awards ceremony will start on the evening of the 23rd. It will be held at the Sunrise Theater of the National Theater in Seoul, South Korea. Please be there. support…"

Chen Fei nodded and responded casually: "We'll see when the time comes. If I have time to go, I will notify you in advance."

Game of Thrones has now reached the end of its ninth episode and is about to start filming its tenth episode.

If he followed the originally planned process, he should have time to participate, and by the way, he could also deal with the Chengtian matter.

Chen Fei originally thought that Zhang Weiping was enough to make people ignore him, but he didn't expect that Wu Kebo from Chengtian did something even more disgusting!

Push Jiang Yiyan to South Korea and let her use her classmate relationship with Chen Fei to engage in an exchange of interests at ShowBox.

Zhu Yawen acted as a middleman, but Jiang Yiyan said that she had no knowledge and that everything was arranged by President Wu.

Chen Fei was immediately amused by this reply. If that's the case, let's try to see whose method is tougher!

Domestic portals have been very lively recently. Although the box office of "Lust, Caution" has been rising since its release, it has been controversial.

However, in comparison, another piece of news is even more dazzling!
  Mr. He spent 6910 million Hong Kong dollars to take a photo of the "horse head" that had been lost overseas for 160 years, and chose to donate it to the country free of charge.

As soon as this incident came out, the Internet was in an uproar!
  After paying attention to this matter, Chen Fei suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a rather special script in the "Hong Kong Film Script Gift Pack" that he had previously drawn.

"Twelve Zodiac Signs"

"Why don't you take the time to find Chen Long? Anyway, let's just leave the script there, just throw it to him..." Chen Fei thought to himself.

"October Siege" is about to be completed, and Jiahe has a lot of free logistics staff.

This group of people had to get paid even if they were just idle. It happened that there were a lot of Hong Kong movie scripts in the script library, so it was up to them to pick a few and throw them to Huo Qigang.

We can't let this guy idle, otherwise he will have to pester the diving queen again.

There is less than a year left before the Olympics. Guo Jingjing must devote herself to training and win glory for the country. She cannot let Huo Qigang's love brain disturb her!
  (End of this chapter)

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