It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 288 Marrying into a rich family? Dragon Mother is born! Slap in the face and authority! 20 p

Chapter 288 Marrying into a rich family? Dragon Mother is born! Slap in the face and authority! 20 pieces? ! !

I don’t know when it started, but suddenly there was such an unwritten rule in the circle.

If you want your company's stock to continue to rise, then marry a female star who looks excellent in all aspects!

This is what an actor who likes Dzi beads did.

The news of Liu Tao's engagement even spread to Iceland. He became one of the "Four Young Masters" and married into a wealthy family.

This news was brought by Shu Chang. She was originally planning to contact Liu Yifei, but she couldn't get through the call, so she simply called Chen Fei.

"She is currently working on the dubbing of "Mulan". The sound effects of some scenes are not very good and she is making final adjustments."

Chen Fei briefly explained to Shu Chang, asked about the filming progress of "The Prequel to the Lotus Lantern", and hung up the phone directly.

He could clearly hear the chirping voice of a little girl on the other end of the phone, and he knew who it was without having to guess.

In other words, Shu Chang has a kind heart, otherwise this "vampire" would never succeed!

After a long journey to the new filming location, the filming of the tenth episode of Game of Thrones Season [-] officially began.

Eddard Stark was beheaded by the enemy. In order to protect Arya, Yoren cut off her long hair and sent her to Winterfell among the troops of the men in black.

Joffrey hung Eddard Stark's head on the city wall and forced Sansa Stark to gaze upon her father's head.

Surrounded by his subordinates, Robb Stark is called "King in the North"!
  Khal Drogo's life was retained, but he was like a living dead. Most people left him, and only slaves and a few subordinates remained.

Daenerys smothered Khal Drogo and cremated him, along with the witch Mirri Maz Duur, three dragon eggs, and herself.

"I am Daenerys Stormborn, from the Targaryen family with the blood of ancient Valyria. I am the daughter of the dragon. I swear to you that anyone who harms you will die in mourning!"

The blazing torch engulfed the entire altar. Facing the scorching light, Daenerys walked into the fire without hesitation.

Outside the flames, countless subjects knelt down and prayed for her safe return!

As the witch wailed, the fire burned, swallowing her completely and burning the horse king to ashes.

Everyone was staring at the fire, waiting for the moment when the flames disappeared.

The fire burned from night to day!

When dawn came, the fire finally died down, the smoke filled the air, and everything disappeared.

The subjects gathered around and came to the center of the scorching flames, where they saw a charred figure!

Daughter of the Dragon, Daenerys!
  After being burned by flames all night, she was actually safe and sound, and there were actually three little dragons of different shapes climbing on her body!

The moment she stood up from the extinguished fire, she had transformed into what a queen should be!
  At this point, Dragon Mother was officially born!

Industrial Light and Magic sent many special effects artists to cooperate with the filming. The person in charge of the team was Sandra Netback, who assisted Chen Fei in the filming of "Iron Man".

At this time, looking at Daenerys reborn from the ashes in the camera, his eyes were shining with blazing light!

"The special effects of the three little dragons can surround her, arranged in the upper, middle and lower areas. The dragon wings should tremble slightly. Although the baby dragons are weak, they must show a domineering posture..."

Chen Fei nodded in agreement while checking the playback on the monitor.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the scene just now, he picked up the loudspeaker placed nearby and shouted: "Cut!"

The staff immediately ran over and put a thick coat on Emilia Clark.

Due to the requirements of the plot, she was almost naked in this scene, with her upper body exposed to the camera, and only a sticker the size of a fingernail covering her most private parts.

Emilia didn't care. Before the filming started, Chen Fei reminded her that the role of "Dragon Mother" would have many nudity scenes.

For the final effect, she never looked back!
  When it comes to professionalism, this group of foreign actors are very serious. Each of them has their own weight in their hearts. At least the work they put in should be worthy of the high salary.

Acting as a big name is very rare here. After all, the most important thing in Hollywood is actors.

You can leave at any time if you don’t want to shoot, but of course, the premise is that you have to pay a high penalty!

Moreover, excellent scripts are very rare in Hollywood, and this opportunity to work with a three-time European gold medal winner is even more rare!

Everyone on the crew cherishes this job.

Not to mention "996", until the end of the filming, some people even thought that "997" was not a bad idea.

The reason is very simple. Chen Fei's overtime pay was actually changed to be received immediately after the filming of the day!

Not to mention how happy I am to receive money every day!

The logistics team is so motivated that they can't wait to shoot until the end of the year, just so they can receive a generous salary and go home to spend money!

It's just that with the "Birth of the Dragon Mother", the first season of Game of Thrones also came to an end.

"It's finished!"

Chen Fei held up a loudspeaker and announced the good news to all the cast and crew.

After two months, the filming of Game of Thrones is finally over!

"Yo hoo!"

In an instant, bursts of cheers erupted from the scene, and all the actors, logistics, props, cameramen, etc. were all raising their arms and shouting, venting their inner excitement.

Emilia came to Fade Chen and carefully watched her performance just now.

Expressions, movements, demeanor...all fit the scene perfectly.

The only thing that made her a little dissatisfied was that the two peaks seemed to be falling.

Girls always have strict requirements for their figure.

"Director? Can you adjust them upwards during post-production?"


Looking at the position of Amelia's finger, Chen Fei was stunned for a while.

This horse riding is for filming a movie, not breast augmentation. What the hell is an upward adjustment?

However, looking at the hopeful look in Amelia's eyes, Chen Fei still nodded slightly and said: "I will tell them, but you should also pay attention to strengthening your exercise, and try to drink as little milk as possible. It's too big." It will also affect the filming of the second season."


Emilia nodded, her face slightly red.

Is he saying that mine is big? !
  However, wouldn’t it feel better if it were bigger?

The night after the filming was finalized, all the actors and creative members of Game of Thrones held a finalization banquet in Almeria, a small town in Spain.

Everyone knows that "Game of Thrones" will have many seasons. This was told to them when they signed the contract.

However, if you want to continue filming the second season, you must first ensure that the ratings of the first season are high enough!

Holding a beer bottle in his hand, Chen Fei personally made a promise to everyone: "At the latest in June next year, you will see "Game of Thrones" land in North America, and by then, it will be the time for all of us to meet again!

The first season of Game of Thrones is sure to be a global hit! "

"Clap clap clap!"

Warm applause resounded throughout the audience, and everyone stared at Chen Fei with burning eyes, feeling that he was very charming at this moment.

Some actresses are happy but also a little sad.

Many people have expressed their love to Chen Fei during filming, and even actively asked to spend a night with him, without requiring him to be responsible.

But without exception, they were all rejected directly by Chen Fei.

She was not willing to have a too close relationship with the actress during filming, as that would lead to deviations in his control of the plot.

"Pillow wind" is quite scary. This can be seen from the relationship between emperors and concubines in the past dynasties.

As a director, if you want to make an excellent movie, you must be restrained, calm, and avoid external temptations and interference.

Of course, after it's done, he doesn't mind what happens with those sexy girls.

For example, tonight, when Chen Fei returned to the room a little drunk, he suddenly saw a girl sitting on the sofa.

"Little Rose? What's the matter?" Chen Fei habitually called Natalie Dormer by her title in Game of Thrones. "Hmm? Director, can't you see it?"

Slowly getting up from the sofa, Natalie showed off her outfit tonight.

The thin gauze skirt couldn't cover up her proud figure at all. Her straight legs were wrapped in black silk and shone with a faint charm as the light shone.

Chen Fei shrugged and raised his arms naturally.

"Help me undress."

"Very happy!"

Natalie's eyes lit up and she walked over quickly.

Since the filming of Game of Thrones began, she has expressed her inner love to Chen Fei many times, but every time before, Chen Fei would justly reject her.

But what she never expected was that her last attempt tonight actually succeeded!

When the bright red roses bloomed, Natalie leaned next to Chen Fei's ear, bit her lip softly, and said softly: "Humph, who asked you to scold me during filming? I'm going to squeeze you dry tonight!"

"Then try it!"

Chen Fei shrugged, it was no exaggeration. After all, he had never experienced the feeling of defeat.

At the same time, while the two were working day and night, the domestic film market began a publicity melee.

"Report of Name", "Nanjing!" Nanjing! ", "Yangtze River No. [-]", "Mulan"...

The Lunar New Year program is a battleground. For a time, major talk shows and variety shows showed a trend of singing and then me appearing.

At the same time, various operations have also begun on the TV series!

"My Brother's Name is Shunliu" will be released on Mango Channel on December 12st.

This is also a TV series produced exclusively by Feiyue Film and Television, and the protagonist is Wang Baoqiang.

With the previous endorsement of "囧囧", Bao Qiang is also very popular now, and he has been promoted to the level of a first-line male star.

There were many extras in Hengdian whose eyes were red with envy.

Everyone is a group performer, why do you make movies and TV series, and now you have become a leading actor with a box office of [-] million?
  This strong jealousy led to the emergence of a lot of negative information about Wang Baoqiang on the Internet.

But the time after these black materials appeared did not last long. After all, the public relations department of Feiyue Film and Television is not a vegetarian!

Following the popularity of military-themed TV series such as "Bright Sword", "Latent", "Soldier Assault", "My Captain, My Regiment", Feiyue Film and Television Company has become an evergreen tree in the TV series industry!

Now, "My Brother's Name is Shunliu" is about to premiere, and it has also attracted the attention of many people.

At the same time, Zhang Dabeard's side started to make trouble again.

While promoting "The Deer and the Cauldron", he also began conducting national auditions for his new work "Journey to the West".

This time, we are cooperating with Blueberry Channel, and the banner is that the "Star Team" will compete fairly with the "Folk Amateur Team".

It probably means that this TV series will use new actors and well-known artists in the industry.

However, after summarizing the lessons learned from the casting of previous TV series such as "Dragon", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and "The Deer and the Cauldron", many people in the industry have seen the urinary nature of Zhang Beard.

There is not a word of truth in this guy's mouth!
  There is absolutely no limit to the hype!
  Therefore, as soon as his draft was announced, he received a wave of ridicule from insiders.

Perhaps it was the beard on his face that made him thicker-skinned. He didn't mind the ridicule from the people around him at all, but instead started his sexy tricks again.

When interviewed by reporters, he said matter-of-factly: "Huang Xiaoming is scheduled to play the role of Tang Monk. The crew has sent an audition invitation to Liu Yifei. She and Tang Wei will compete for the king of the daughter country, and Wang Baoqiang will play the role of Sha Wujing..."

Anyway, this guy is attracted to whoever he is, and he wants to tie all the recently popular actors into his promotions.

However, the slap in the face came quickly!
  That afternoon, Liu Yifei stated on her blog that she had not received an audition invitation and would not play the role of the king of a daughter's kingdom.

Tang Wei also quickly made a clarification.

Wang Baoqiang, who is currently participating in the promotion of "My Brother Is Shunliu", also denied it immediately.

Playing Sha Wujing?

Are you kidding me?
  There are still guest roles for him in "Painted Skin". How could he go and film Zhang Jizhong's "Journey to the West"?
  Only Huang Xiaoming failed to clarify in time, nor did he come forward to admit that he would participate in the filming.

But fans are not stupid. Huang Xiaoming is currently participating in the filming of "Painted Skin". How could he go to co-produce a TV series with Zhang Jizhong?
  The continuous slaps in the face completely covered Zhang's beard, and he even dared not participate in the exclusive interview event jointly organized by the three major portals.

For a time, the netizens’ jeers became even louder!
  Even the Sixth Teacher has begun to take the lead. He has always considered himself to be the absolute "authority" in terms of "Journey to the West".


Despite a whole night of overwork, Chen Fei still opened his eyes at six o'clock on time in the morning.

He still had to catch a flight today. Natasha had found a tool director, and he had to go back and meet him. The schedule was still very tight.

Glancing at Natalie Dormer, who was still sleeping soundly next to him, he couldn't help but recall what happened last night.

Stretching and putting on his underwear first, Fade Chen walked into the bathroom.

While washing his hair, he accidentally saw himself in the mirror with a slightly sallow complexion. Thinking back to the intense work of the past two months and the crusade with Natalie Dormer last night, he suddenly felt angry!
  "In recent days, I have been hurt by work and drinking and sex, and I have become so haggard. From today on, I will never attend parties again. I must stop drinking to nourish my kidneys!"

After washing, when he returned to the bedroom to get dressed, he saw that Natalie, who should have been sleeping soundly, was also awake at this time.

Unlike Chen Fei who was tired and haggard, this woman was still energetic and radiant even though she had experienced a battle!
  Sure enough, there were only exhausted cows and no damaged land!

"Are you afraid that you have learned the witchcraft of harvesting yin and replenishing yang?" Chen Fei's eyes were complicated.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand?"

Natalie blinked, with a confused look on her face, and threw the ten-packed green packaging box next to the pillow into the trash can.

"It's okay, I just said it casually. This is an old saying in our country."

Chen Fei shook his head, started to get dressed, and packed his luggage along the way.

"let me help you."

Although her legs were a little weak, Natalie still managed to get out of bed and wanted to come over and help.

Fade Chen raised his hand to stop her, "No, you should take a shower first, you smell like that."

"Humph, it wasn't you who did it."

Natalie pouted, turned and walked into the bathroom.

You actually dislike her smell?
  People on the Internet say that men don’t admit it when they lift up their pants. It’s true, men all over the world are the same!

Although she originally didn't want to have any follow-up stories with Chen Fei, she just wanted to invite him to experience the greatest happiness in life, but the other party's attitude still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"At least we had fun together..."

The sound of water flowed. Natalie pouted and stroked her tender white skin. Thinking of the battle last night, she suddenly felt as if there was an electric current flowing through her body...

The water from the shower head keeps flowing, and I feel so wet!
  "I'm leaving first." A smelly man's voice came from outside the bathroom.

Natalie didn't reply, just minding her own business and feeling sulky from nowhere.

But after a while, another voice came in: "You have been working hard during this period. Let's go back and rest for a few days, and then go to Marvel Studios to report to Kevin Feige. There is a role that suits you very well. Come and try it out." mirror."

  Natalie's eyes lit up, he didn't admit it without lifting his pants!

"I...can I see you again?"

"Don't be sensational. I'm not gone tomorrow. I'm still the chief content executive of Marvel Studios. We'll see you often in the future."

"Hehe, okay, I'll prepare 20 sticks next time."

Chen Fei, who had just walked to the door, suddenly felt that his legs were a little weak, and his waist was inexplicably sore.

"Mader, it seems that we need to continue to improve our attributes. The buffalo must evolve into a rhinoceros..."

Pack of 20?
  I really want to squeeze out every last drop!

(End of this chapter)

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