It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 289 Script Midas Touch? Press conference: "$15 billion movie plan!"

Chapter 289 Script Midas Touch? Press conference: "$15 billion movie plan!"

After more than ten hours of flight, Chen Fei finally landed in Los Angeles.

Bruce was waiting for him outside the airport, but...the two had just finished talking on the phone, and before Chen Fei could see him, they were surrounded by a group of reporters standing at the airport exit.

"Hey? Your business has expanded to Los Angeles Airport?"

Looking at the Sina reporters crowded in the crowd, Chen Fei looked surprised.

These guys are becoming more and more like the paparazzi in Hong Kong Island. Even if their business has expanded to Hollywood, they have actually adopted the same set of operations used to block airports in China.

"In response to orders from above, we should spread Chinese culture."

"Hey? As expected of a reporter, you are quite a talker."

Chen Fei curled his lips and looked down at the time: "Since you guys have blocked me, let's come on. Let's ask questions and answer them quickly. I have other things to do."


The reporter from Sina completed the switch between Chinese and English very smoothly:

"Director Chen, many people in China now call you the script magician. As long as the scripts you write are successful, they are always successful. Is there a secret to this?"

Script Midas touch?
  Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, this title was quite interesting.

After thinking for a while, he replied: "Actually, there is no secret. It's just concentration, seriousness, a combination of unconstrained thinking, and a little bit of luck."

(The system helps me!)

A group of reporters were confused after hearing this, but they didn't know how to continue asking questions.

This is already the foundation of Chen Fei's rise. He certainly cannot reveal too much. It is already a great honor to be able to reply with a few simple sentences.

A reporter from the Washington Entertainment News took over the topic: "Fei, has Game of Thrones been completed? It is claimed that the investment is US$600 million per episode. Is it true?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded, and added: "The minimum investment is US$600 million per episode. There are ten episodes in the first season, and the current investment has been increased to US$7500 million."

$7500 million! ?
  "Oh! This is too crazy!"

The scene immediately erupted with exclamations of exclamation.

Investing $7500 in a TV series? how did you do that? Could it be that he was filming a movie?
  Sohu's reporter looked shocked: "So...Director Chen, you spent 6 million yuan to film ten episodes of the TV series? Each episode invested up to 6000 million yuan?"

"Well, that's understandable too."

A group of reporters from China felt as if they were in a trance.

6000 million RMB!
  So far, the highest investment in domestic TV dramas has not exceeded 5000 million yuan, but Chen Fei is lucky. The transformation project has gone straight to 6000 million yuan, and it is still 6000 million yuan per episode!
  Youya is about to take off!

Another foreign media asked: "Walton Pictures and Marvel Pictures both announced that the second part of "Iron Man" and "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" are in preparation. Will you still direct and shoot it yourself?"

"No, other directors will be in charge. I should restart a new science fiction masterpiece."

Chen Fei didn't mean to hide it, and he also gave his new movie a preview in advance.

A new science fiction masterpiece?
  The reporters at the scene all brightened up.

NetEase's reporter hurriedly asked: "Can you tell me more about it? What kind of work is this?"

"Combining dreams, reality, science fiction, magic, games, doomsday, destruction..."

Chen Fei said more and more, and the curiosity on the faces of the reporters became more and more intense.

"How much is the investment?"

"The initial budget is $2 million."

boom! ! !
  As soon as he finished speaking, the scene suddenly burst into excitement again.

Foreign reporters were reluctantly calm. After all, Hollywood has top directors such as Nolan, Cameron, and Spielberg. Investments of US$2 million are quite common.

But reporters from Sohu, Sina, NetEase, and Sixth Princess were in an uproar!
  2 billion dollars?

16 million yuan?

This is no longer a wild ride, this is taking off on a rocket!
  They simply can't imagine that this is the filming funds that domestic Chinese directors can control!

After parting with the reporters, Chen Fei met Bruce outside the airport.

"Huh? Where's your Cadillac? Why did you change it to a Rolls-Royce?"

Feeling the soft texture of the seat under him, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, quite curious.

The shotgun was replaced by a cannon?
  Holding a cigar in one hand and holding the steering wheel in the other, Bruce said quite leisurely: "This year's company dividend has been paid. Although I only have a 10% share, there is still no problem in changing to a Rolls-Royce."

From the beginning of 07 to the present, Walton Pictures has launched several works one after another. Almost every one of them has been a hit and made a lot of money.

Now that the company has begun to pay dividends, Bruce Le can't close his mouth.

His income this year alone has far exceeded all his income in the first half of his life!
  Of course, Chen Fei's dividends have gradually arrived, but his profits are currently being injected into Longxiang Capital, with Leon Walras leading his team of stockbrokers in charge of coordination.

Combined with the movies he had watched in his previous life, such as "The Big Short", "A Stealer", "Too Big to Fail", and "The Ultimatum", it is clear that the subprime mortgage crisis has become a stepping stone for his rise!
  In addition, he also entrusted many real estate, car, and heavy asset brokers to conduct searches throughout North America.

When the economic crisis completely breaks out, these originally expensive assets will fall rapidly and become cheap quickly.

And then it was a good opportunity for him to take action!

Chen Fei currently has a bold idea. He plans to ship a batch of equipment from these foreign special effects companies to China to seize the mainland's special effects market in advance.

While this is also a daunting task, preliminary planning can already begin.

"Fei, Natasha has found a great partner for you. Those long legs are simply longer than any model I have ever met."

Ok? !

Chen Fei looked at him with confusion: "Why don't I understand what you mean?"

"You'll find out later."

With deep curiosity, Chen Fei returned to Volton Pictures and also met his long-legged partner.

"Catherine Bigquin, Californian, director, screenwriter, producer..."

Listening to the introduction ringing in his ears, Chen Fei's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise!
  He never expected that Natasha could invite this female director with a model figure.

This female director is still at a low point. The movie "K-02: Widowmaker" directed in 19 only grossed $6500 million at the global box office, which was a mess.

But Chen Fei knows that next year she will direct and shoot a feature film called "The Hurt Locker" and win 82 awards including Best Director and Best Picture at the 6nd Academy Awards, becoming the first A woman who won an Oscar for Best Director!
  Although she is a female director, Catherine has a high talent for action and explosive films.
  "Blue Angel" in 90 and "Armageddon" in 96 are her representative works. Without exception, they are both action crime films.

However, what really made her famous in Hollywood was her ex-husband!
  In 89, Catherine married the famous Hollywood director James Cameron.

Although the marriage only lasted less than two years, with the help of her ex-husband, Catherine still achieved a good status in Hollywood.

She even appeared in the movie "Titanic" which grossed US$18.4 billion. This movie still firmly occupies the first place in the global box office!
  "Ms. Catherine, long time no see."

"Fei, it's an honor to meet you again."

Although the two don't know each other very well, they have met at the Oscars and Golden Globe Awards.

And Catherine's business card is still stored in Chen Fei's business card bag.

"Please sit down."

"Thank you."

Several people sat down in the conference room, and Chen Fei didn't mean to talk to her. He asked directly: "You should have read the script, right? Do you have any ideas? Do you think you are qualified for this film with an investment of up to 1.7 million? A directorial position at Dollar Movies?”

"War for the Planet of the Apes: Battle for Liming" is the sequel to the first film.

The story will connect with the end of the first film, and it mainly talks about the deadly poison that spreads all over the world, and only a small part of the human beings who suffered from this disaster survived and gathered in San Francisco.

The evolved ape leader Caesar also established his own home with his tribe in the deep mountains and forests, and tried to bring humanity into the ape society.

However, with the arrival of a small group of humans, their tranquility was tragically broken!

In this war between humans and apes, humans are divided into two camps. The characters played by Jason Clark and Keri Russell will become friends with the apes, while the character played by Gary Oldman will be hostile to the apes... …

Facing Chen Fei's questions, Catherine was quite calm.

"I have read the script, and there is absolutely no problem in directing and filming. I have systematically studied this knowledge and have rich experience.

But I still have a question. Will this movie continue the 3D shooting method of the first movie? Abandon 2D completely? "

"Yes, we will completely enter the 3D market and use IMAX cameras to shoot the whole process."

The first true IMAX3D feature film was "The Polar Express" shot in 04 by director Robert Zemeckis, who is also the director of "Forrest Gump".

However, the box office and reputation of this movie can only be considered average, because there were very few 3DIMAX screens at that time, and there were only 75 in the entire United States.

But now it is different.

According to statistics, there are now 3 150DIMAX screens in North America alone, and this number is still increasing!

Cameron made a great contribution to this.

And through the achievements of "War for the Planet of the Apes" in the 1D market last year, Chen Fei has also come to a conclusion.

3D movies will once again lead a wave of trends!
  In the previous life, the US$09 billion box office revenue of "Avatar" in 18 is the best evidence.

This is the wind outlet. When standing on the wind outlet, even a pig can fly very high!
  Catherine shrugged and responded: "Ok, you are the chief producer, you have the final say, when can we sign the contract?"

Natasha, who was sitting next to her, took over the topic and said, "Any time!"

Since we have decided to invite Catherine, it means that her directing skills are no problem, and it is not difficult to shoot this kind of sequel, as long as you follow the script throughout the process.

Of course, the editing rights will definitely not be handed over to her. With such a large investment, Chen Fei must personally handle it.


After agreeing on a time to join the group for filming, Chen Fei, Natasha, and Bruce sent Catherine away from Waltons Pictures.

Returning to the office, the three of them sat down.

Natasha could no longer suppress her inner curiosity and asked: "Fei, are you so optimistic about IMAX and 3D? So the company's next development goals should all focus on the 3D business?"


Chen Fei nodded seriously.

Although the popularity of 3D movies will not last long, it can effectively prevent the circulation of piracy and at the same time improve the mainland movie ecology.

It is precisely because of the emergence of 3D movies that the domestic movie market can usher in a huge explosion!

Many viewers who are keen on watching pirated copies and have no cinema consumption habits are forced into cinemas by 3D movies. As a result, the domestic film market's box office and number of moviegoers have jumped several times, making China's film market the second largest in the world. Ticket warehouse! With the development of time and the iteration of technology, the mainland film market has even surpassed North America and become the world's largest box office!

This is a huge east wind, and Chen Fei must ensure that he stands firmly on the wind.

Pan-Asia Cinemas is currently gradually laying out 3DIMAX screens. Although this is a long process, when "Avatar" is released in two years' time, it will definitely shine.

Of course, there has to be a "Inception" mixed in between.

It's released a month before "Avatar", just in time to catch this fast ship.

If you are lucky, you may even be the first to lead the new trend of 3D movies!

"Has the registration for "Inception" been successful?" Fade Chen turned to look at Bruce.

"It's all done."

After receiving a positive answer, Chen Fei turned to look at Natasha and arranged: "You will be very busy next. The preparations for "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2" and the release of "Wall-E" must be completed. Get it done in December.”

"Okay, no problem."

Natasha patted her pair of heavy fruits quite confidently.

"There is also the script of "Inception". This will be the filming plan I will launch in 08. The investment is estimated to be 2 million US dollars. It is also in 3DIMAX mode. You need to contact actors for this script.

I have marked the suitable actors at the end of the script, you just need to confirm their schedule and salary. "


Natasha nodded again, feeling an inexplicable excitement rising in her heart.

So far, Volton Pictures has four movies planned!

"The Twilight Saga", "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Kung Fu Panda", "Inception".

And except for Twilight, the investment in the next few movies has exceeded [-] million US dollars, which is a proper Hollywood A-level production.

A rough calculation shows that the investment in these four movies alone has reached US$5 million!
  Such a high production cost has reached a level comparable to that of the six major Hollywood companies, and this is just for Walt Disney Pictures, not including Marvel.

But even so, Natasha was only excited, without any fear or worry.

She believed in Chen Fei, just as Chen Fei trusted her as always.

After arranging some preliminary work, Chen Fei went to the post-production department.

The post-editing of "Mulan" has been completed. With the assistance of Chen Chusheng and Zhang Liangying, the theme song, ending song and interlude have also been completed.

After taking the film to the screening room and watching it completely, Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.


He first praised the staff of the post-production team, and then arranged for people to immediately send the negatives to China for review and copying.

There is still more than a month until the movie is released, just enough time to catch up.

Later, he and Andrew Brocher, the head of the animation department, watched the completed "WALL-E" in its entirety.

"Ok, very good. It meets my requirements very well."

While giving praise and encouragement, he also reviewed the preliminary preparations for "Kung Fu Panda".

Andrew asked nervously: "Fei? The filming of this animation requires the use of many Chinese elements, as well as the application of Chinese Kung Fu. You must participate in the entire production."

"Don't worry." Looking at his nervous look, Chen Fei patted his shoulder and said, "In the first half of next year, I will devote myself to the filming and production of "Kung Fu Panda"."

"Oh! This is great!"

After receiving Chen Fei's promise, Andrew Brocher immediately relaxed a lot.

Wall-E will be scheduled for December and will also participate in the Golden Globe and Oscar Best Animated Film selections.

Of course, Chen Fei does not need to follow up on this part of the work. A dedicated person will be responsible for following up.

The negatives of Game of Thrones have been sent to Marvel Entertainment, and a professional editing team will work with special effects artists from Industrial Light and Magic to complete post-production.

Next is the work of Marvel Studios.

Kevin Feige has found suitable directors for the three movies "Iron Man 2", "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger".

However, when the two met, Kevin Feige was the first to report about the Hulk's box office.

"The release of "The Incredible Hulk" has ended. It earned 2100 million U.S. dollars on its opening day in North America and over 5000 million U.S. dollars in its first weekend. The film earned 3 million U.S. dollars at the global box office."

Compared with the box office results of "Iron Man", although The Incredible Hulk has recovered its costs, its results are not too impressive.

"What does Universal Pictures mean?"

Hulk's movie rights have been sold to Universal a long time ago, so this movie is the product of a cooperation between the two companies.

If you want to continue filming a sequel, you must seek permission from the other party.

"Not ideal, Universal Pictures said the movie didn't do as well as they expected at the box office and they declined to pursue a sequel."

Chen Fei was not surprised by this.

"Can you find a way to get the copyright back?"

"It's difficult, but I will try my best to negotiate. Maybe I just need a suitable opportunity."

"Okay, we must speed up the copyright recovery. We will take whatever we can collect. No matter what, we must sign a cooperation agreement. Our subsequent series of movies cannot be separated from the character of Hulk."

"Ok! I will try my best."

Later, Kevin Feige took Chen Fei to meet the directors he was looking for for three other movies.

"Jon Favreau was born in Flushing, New York, USA. The science fiction adventure film "Jumanji 05: Cosmic Adventure" directed in 2 achieved good results. He is very good at shooting science fiction and fantasy films. director, I am going to let him direct and shoot "Iron Man 2"."

Time and space eventually returned to its original trajectory.

Looking at the "Happy" in front of him, Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh: "The word fate is really wonderful."

In the original time and space, the "Iron Man" movie series is Jon Favreau's masterpiece!

"Good afternoon, Director Jon."

"Hai, Fei, congratulations on winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival."

After a brief greeting, Chen Fei looked at a pair of directors next to him who looked very similar.

"Anthony Russo and Joe Russo are brothers and famous Hollywood directors. They will be responsible for the filming of "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​respectively."


Chen Fei smiled and greeted the two brothers in front of him.

We all work in Hollywood. Although we are not very familiar with each other, we have met each other more or less at a few parties, and each of us has some impressions.

"It's an honor to work with Marvel."

The two brothers said in unison.

"Welcome to join us!"


Time soon came to March 11th.

On this day, Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures jointly invited major Hollywood media to attend the press conference of the new movie.

Under the stage, hundreds of media outlets were targeting the press conference seats on stage.

Natasha, Chen Fei, and Kevin Feige attended the press conference as the main persons in charge.

Joining them at the venue were Woody Allen, Katherine, Jon Favreau and brothers Anthony and Joe Russo.

Young people, the main thing is to be crisp and neat!
  After trying the microphone's sound pickup effect, Chen Fei announced directly: "07 has come to an end, and 08 is just around the corner. In order to give back to the fans and friends who support Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures, we will More sequels and new film plans will be released in the future.

"The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is still directed by Woody Allen and will see you again in June next year.

"War for the Planet of the Apes" will be directed and filmed by Ms. Catherine, with me as the producer. It is expected to be released in 2.

As for the highly anticipated "Iron Man 2", the sequel of this film will be directed by Jon Favreau, with me as the producer and executive producer.

Marvel Studios' latest releases "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger" will be directed by the Russo brothers, with Kevin serving as producer and me cooperating as executive producer.

At the same time, Volton Pictures will launch two A-class large-budget movies, "Kung Fu Panda" and "Inception."

Taking into account all film plans, it is expected that in the next three years, we will launch no less than ten works, with a total investment of up to US$15 billion..."

15 billion? Dollar!

Seeing Chen Fei on the stage talking non-stop, the reporters below all opened their eyes wide with disbelief on their faces.

Be obedient, bang, bang, bang! This is going to be a big game!


The content of this press conference quickly spread throughout Hollywood, and even major domestic portals immediately published the blockbuster news jointly announced by Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures. .

[Recently, Chen Feiguang, chief content executive of Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures, invited the media to hold a film conference and promised to invest US$15 billion in the next three years to shoot no less than ten major A-level productions...]

When the news came out, the mainland film and television industry was immediately "bombed" into a mess!
  Most people are still immersed in the figure of 6000 million yuan for an episode of TV series and cannot extricate themselves from the shock in their hearts for a long time.

Fortunately, now, after the news that the investment in the new film was no less than US$2 million was exposed, before anyone could react, Chen Fei turned around and announced the "US$15 billion movie plan"!
  For a time, the Internet was completely abuzz!

"Holy shit! A US$15 billion movie project? How much does this horse riding cost in RMB?"

"120 billion RMB."

"What the hell? Doesn't that mean that the average investment in each movie exceeds 10 billion yuan?"

"It can be calculated like this, but this is only the investment share. If various publicity activities are included, I am afraid that the investment will not be less than 20 billion US dollars."

"That's 160 billion yuan? Damn it! Director Chen has completely screwed Hollywood!"

"That's awesome! That's awesome! I'm afraid Chen Fei is the first Chinese director to control such a big project in Hollywood, right?"

"There is no doubt that he is the number one director in China! He truly deserves the title!"

(End of this chapter)

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