It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 290: Both make their debuts, just choose the one that is suitable and not expensive, it all

Chapter 290: Both make their debuts, just choose the one that is suitable and not expensive, it all depends on your conscience! We are all classmates, is it necessary?
  As soon as the "USD 15 billion movie plan" was announced, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

No fewer than ten films, which means plenty of employment opportunities for actors and support staff.

Combined with the "Mainland Actors Going Global Plan" previously proposed by Chen Fei, it clearly means that many mainland actors will have the opportunity to go to Hollywood to make movies!

All of a sudden, many artist management companies and film companies called Chen Fei.

Most of them have the purpose of participating in investment or introducing actors.

Unfortunately, what greeted them was "The number you dialed has been turned off."


After arranging work in Hollywood, Chen Fei immediately went to the airport and boarded a flight to South Korea.

The Qinglong Film Festival was about to start, and CJ called him several times, inviting him very enthusiastically to attend.

He just had some free time, so he agreed to the invitation without refusing.

After attending the Qinglong Film Festival, he plans to return directly to China to lead the promotion of "Mulan".

The competition for this year's Lunar New Year movie is still very fierce. As Chen Fei knows, there are at least 4 movies that will compete with him.

Originally, he was planning to arrange for "WALL-E" to have a global release, but after thinking about it, he decided to postpone the Lunar New Year release.

An animated film with this kind of heartwarming theme can be placed in January. The twelfth lunar month happens to be when students are on vacation. This animated film should be loved by many students.

Don't underestimate the students, their contribution to the box office is no less powerful than those of adults!

Especially at the end of the year, and on New Year's Eve, everyone has New Year's money in their hands, just in time to go to the cinema to watch a favorite movie.

At that time, it will be the time for "Wall-E" to reap the box office success!

Han Sanping's ascendancy has given Chen Fei a lot of conveniences. For example, in terms of imported films, except for those horror thrillers, the signing of contracts for other films will be completed as soon as possible.

This is an opportunity that is hard to come by for other Hollywood studios.


When he landed in Seoul, a group of people from CJ Company were already waiting for him at the airport.

Pu Qihan and a senior leader of Xijie greeted them very enthusiastically and bowed repeatedly to say hello, which made Chen Fei feel a little embarrassed.

This group of people took the word "groveling" to the extreme!
  As soon as he walked out of the terminal, the flashbulbs fell on Chen Fei, but because there were many bodyguards on both sides to protect him, no reporters dared to rush up.

When he came to the parking lot and opened the door, as expected, Li Zhien was already waiting for him in the car.


The girl's eyes were glowing with heat.

Although she was in South Korea, news about Chen Fei often reached her ears.

Especially the recent "USD 15 billion movie plan" even caused an uproar in South Korea!
  ShowBox took this opportunity to promote the movie "The Crucible" on a large scale, which once again aroused the curiosity and expectations of the South Korean people.

The popularity of "New World" has made many people remember the name "Screenwriter Chen Fei".

Interestingly, the screenwriter of "The Melting Pot" is also Chen Fei!

Previous movies such as "Rise of the Planet of the Apes", "Iron Man", and "The Twilight Saga" were also brought back to South Korea, all of which triggered a high craze for movie viewing.

With the blessing of so many excellent movies, the name "Chen Fei" has spread throughout South Korea!
  This is also the reason why Chengtian let Jiang Yiyan develop in South Korea under his banner.

Just the status of "Classmate Chen Fei" is enough for her to gain a foothold in the South Korean entertainment industry, and ShowBox even treats her as a guest!
  Touching the girl's little face, Fade Chen asked with a smile: "How have you been training recently?"

"It's great. I've made my debut and released my first song."

"Oh? Is this your debut?"

Chen Fei blinked and was a little unable to react for a moment.

When he went to see Li Zhien before, he paid special attention to the training situation of her girl group. Compared with Girls' Generation, it was completely different!

He vaguely remembered that didn't South Korea have very high requirements for trainees?
  How dare a girl group like that debut? It's a little too early, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, Pu Qi, who was sitting in the front row, turned around and explained with a smile: "Zhi En's career path is as a solo singer, not with those girl group members.

The previous training was just to help her master dance skills. Her real development path is to become a singer and dancer. "

That's it!

Chen Fei suddenly realized.

"Oppa, this is a very nice song. I can sing it to you when I get home tonight."


Chen Fei responded with a smile and turned on the phone.

As expected, missed calls and new text messages take up most of the phone interface.

"Director Han, we were on a plane just now, what's the matter?" Han Sanping called the most, so Chen Fei chose to answer his call first.

"What's going on with your $15 billion movie project?"

It really came for this matter!

Chen Fei smiled: "I'm still attending the Qinglong Film Festival in South Korea, let's go back and chat."

"Okay, come find me at the company when you come back."

"no problem."

Afterwards, he called back several companies including Shanghai Film, Guangwang, Wanda, and Bona, and then turned off his phone again.

Huayi's current brokerage department managers Li He and Wang Jinghua both called him many times, but he did not reply.

There are indeed many opportunities for actors to audition, but he has to choose by himself. He only chooses suitable ones, not "expensive" ones or famous ones.

Just like Zhao Yanzi, he would not dare to use this kind of person even if he was paid 0!
  Tomorrow is the closing ceremony of the Qinglong Film Festival, so CJ arranged for him to stay at the organizer's hotel. Li Zhien also stayed in the hotel together because he would be performing on stage tomorrow.

But what Chen Fei didn't expect was that as soon as he opened the elevator door, a group of girls wearing short skirts came.


In the crowd, Lin Yuner recognized Chen Fei at a glance, even though he was still wearing sunglasses and a mask.

Chen Fei nodded, shook his phone at her, and walked into the elevator with a group of people from CJ Company.

Back in the room, Li Zhien seemed to notice something, and asked curiously: "Oppa? Do you still know Lin Yoona, the leader of Girls' Generation?"

"Well, I have to call her sister."

"So, she and you..."

"Yes, just as you thought."

"Wow! Oppa is so awesome!"

Li Zhien understood in an instant that she was not unhappy, but was shocked by the relationship between the two.

Girls' Generation caused a big sensation in South Korea when they debuted, and their first album ranked first on Japan's ORICON weekly charts!


Overall, this debut event was very successful.

Lee Ji-eun's debut was one month later than Girls' Generation, and its popularity is incomparable to that of the former.

At tomorrow's Blue Dragon Film Festival, Girls' Generation will be the opening guest, and she will just be the atmosphere singer during the intermission.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Before Chen Fei could react, Li Zhien ran over excitedly: "I'll drive! I'll drive!"

The door opened, and as expected, it was Lin Yuer.

"Hello senior!"

Lin Yuner was startled by the sudden greeting. When she came to her senses, she realized that a girl several years younger than herself was standing in front of her.

After carefully examining the other person's face, she asked tentatively: "Are you... Zhien?"

"Huh? Senior, do you know me?"

"Well, I was also backstage when I participated in the Shining Star event before. You debuted a month later than me, right? Nice to meet you."

"Hehe, I'm happy too..."

The two girls actually started chatting directly at the door.

They are both ice and snow smart. If they can meet in this room, they naturally know who the other person is.

However, based on her own experience, Lin Yuner could still see that the girl in front of her was still intact.

This gave her a new understanding of Chen Fei's senses. He seemed to have a strong adherence to the matter of being underage.

Although his status is also very noble, he is not like those high-ranking prosecutors.

With Girls' Generation's official debut, the sisters in the group all had "masters" in a short period of time.

But unlike her luck, other sisters are often ravaged and even violently abused!
  This also made Lin Yuer very lucky. At least she met a "master" who still had humanity and didn't have those weird bad habits.

"Oppa, long time no see." Walking up to Chen Fei, Lin Yuner greeted him obediently.

"Well, do you want to have a drink together?" Chen Fei pointed to the wine bottle on the table and the two wine glasses prepared in advance.

Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol, so there is no role for Li Zhien.

"Thank you."

Taking advantage of the situation, he sat down next to Chen Fei and filled his wine glass first, and then Lin Yuner poured himself a glass.

Li Zhien looked on with envy, but Chen Fei didn't allow her to drink, so she had no choice but to pout and stare.

"Go and put the bath water in?"

"Okay, Oppa!"

Li Zhien readily accepted this arrangement and took many baths together. She already knew Chen Fei's favorite water temperature.

Sleeping with a big quilt should be something every man has fantasized about. Tonight Chen Fei can happily say: "Brothers, I will enjoy it for you first!"

The small ones can't be touched, but the big ones are OK.

After struggling until midnight, Chen Fei went to sleep on his own, preparing to regain his energy and face tomorrow's film festival activities in a full state.

After watching a real battle, Li Zhien blushed and looked at Lin Yuer in surprise, who was still in the cloud state.

"Sister, how do you feel?"

"very nice……"

Because she shouted for too long, Lin Yuer's voice was a little hoarse.

Li Zhien quickly got out of bed and poured her a glass of water. She had to sing tomorrow, so she had to protect her throat.

But when she thought about the microphone she would use when singing, she blushed inexplicably.

"It really looks like a microphone!"

"Thank you." He took the water glass, moistened his throat, and moved his numb tongue. Lin Yuner finally felt better.

A petite body suddenly got into her arms. She looked down at this lucky girl who was only a few years younger than herself. Lin Yuner smiled softly and hugged her tighter.

"Sister? Can we marry Oppa together? Do you love him? I like him very much. He saved me from a terrible devil's cave."

  Listening to this word that should not exist in her body, Lin Yuner was stunned for a long time.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, how can love continue to exist?

It all depends on your conscience...

"Go to sleep quickly, you will be responsible for waking up Oppa tomorrow!"

"Hey, I can wake him up by singing." Li Zhien stretched out his pink tongue and licked it along his lips, with a smirk on his face.


23th, afternoon.

Sitting in the car prepared by the organizer, Chen Fei moved his body uncomfortably to cover up his discomfort.

The little girl didn't have much experience, and she acted a little too hastily. The sharp tips of her little tiger teeth actually broke a piece of skin!

"Screenwriter Chen, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Li Zhengzai, who was riding in the same car, asked with concern.

Chen Feiqiang pretended to be calm: "It's okay, it's just that the seat is a bit hard and not comfortable to sit on."

Fortunately, the wait for the red carpet didn't take too long. In less than ten minutes, the organizer's car had stopped at the edge of the red carpet.

The staff stepped forward and opened the car door. Chen Fei, Cui Minzhi, Huang Zhengmin, Li Zhengjae and others got out of the car and walked towards the Sunshine Theater of the National Theater in Seoul.

As expected of South Korea, which is famous for its entertainment industry, stepping on the red carpet, flashes of lights and screams erupted from both sides at the same time, as if they were going to overturn the entire venue.

Vaguely, Chen Fei even heard many people shouting his name!
  The host introduced their identities emphatically, but had no intention of interviewing them. After arranging autographs, they were sent into the theater.

The hosts of the awards ceremony were Kim Hye-soo and Jung Joon-ho, and the opening program was performed by Yoona Yoon's Girls' Generation girl group singing and dancing.

Overall, the atmosphere of the show is quite good.

Because he is not very proficient in Korean, when watching the award show, Chen Fei could only rely on his memory to distinguish the actors on the stage.

"Song Hye Kyo?"

Looking at the list of Best Actress nominees that suddenly appeared on the screen, Chen Fei muttered subconsciously.

However, at this moment, Park Buncheng, the producer of the ShowBox film and television department who was sitting on his right side, quickly came over, completely ignoring the murderous looks from CJ's side, and said to himself: "Chen Does the director like her? I can help you contact her."

Pu Qihan, who was sitting on his left, quickly started the conversation: "I can arrange for her to go to your room tonight!"

"I'm just saying it casually."

Chen Fei was a little depressed. What did these people think of him?

  Meet one love one?
  He also has pursuits, right?
  He doesn't want it if it's not for cultivation.

But at this time, Chen Fei suddenly thought of something.

He turned around and said to Park Buncheng lightly: "By the way, I have to tell you something in advance. You have to pay attention to the female artist who came to South Korea in the name of my classmate. She is not an artist of my company. , we just have a very ordinary relationship as classmates, but Lin Yoon'er is quite good, I have watched the final film of "The Crucible", her acting skills are very good, and she can be cultivated more."

As soon as he finished speaking, Park Pucheng's expression changed slightly.

He was just about to say something, but at this moment, the presenters Lee Jun-ki and Kim Yun-jin announced: "The winner of the 28th Blue Dragon Film Award for Best Screenplay is Chen Fei's "New World"!"

With thunderous applause and the attention of the audience, Chen Fei confidently stepped onto the podium and received his second trophy in South Korea.

In the audience, Park Pucheng's face was dark, and he felt inexplicably that he had been tricked.

So, the Chinese actress they have been fawning over for so long is actually a liar who uses someone else's name to do things for them?

Thinking of this, he suddenly became furious, took out his cell phone and typed a line of words.


At the same time, Jiang Yiyan, who was preparing to promote her new work on KBS TV station, suddenly received a notification from ShowBox about the temporary manager she had arranged for her.

"Ms. Jiang, I'm sorry, this promotional event has been temporarily canceled. Your luggage in the riverside villa has been packed for you. Someone will take you to the airport tomorrow morning to arrange for your return to China."


Jiang Yiyan was stunned after hearing what her agent said.


"Sorry, we at ShowBox only cooperate with friends who tell the truth, and will not cooperate with a liar who tells lies."

Hearing these words, Jiang Yiyan's expression suddenly changed!
  She got it!

Chen Fei is coming to South Korea!

In order to expose himself, he actually flew to South Korea himself!
  "We are all classmates, is this necessary? Isn't it just that I borrowed your name? As for going online like this?"

Jiang Yiyan felt resentful in her heart.

They are all friends, so why can Wang Luodan and Liu Yifei be arranged to film in Hollywood, but she can't even borrow Chen Fei's fame?
  "Mr. Wu, there's something wrong with me..."

Jiang Yiyan called Wu Kebo directly.

She and Wu Kebo came up with the "borrowed name plan" together. Now that there is a problem, it is natural to find the financial backer behind her.

"Chen Fei flew to South Korea in person?"

In Chengtian Group, Wu Kebo frowned slightly, with a vague feeling of bad premonition.

When Zhu Yawen went to tell Jiang Yiyan about this before, he had already received the news, but at that time he thought that Chen Fei would care about his relationship with his classmates and would not care about it.

But looking at it now, it seems that he has thought too much...

"You come back first, ShowBox and I will explain it first, and we will find an opportunity to go there later."


Jiang Yiyan wanted to say something more, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

She subconsciously found Chen Fei's phone number, but as soon as she called it, before the ring rang for a while, there was a busy signal.

"I'm sorry, the phone number you dialed is currently on call..."

"Hmph! How stingy!"

Stomping her foot on the ground, Jiang Yiyan stood up directly, completely ignoring the makeup on her face, and rushed out of the door.


At the same time, here at the Qinglong Film Festival.

The popularity of "New World" brought it seven awards in succession, including Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Picture...

The group of people on CJ's side had smiles on their faces.

On the ShowBox side, Park Buncheng's face was gloomy and he could not hide his resentment.

He has really never seen such a person, blatantly cheating outside under someone else's name!

Where did she get her confidence and face?
  If it weren't for Chengtian Entertainment behind her, she wouldn't even have thought of leaving South Korea safely this time! !
  (End of this chapter)

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