It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 291 Hollywood Film Project South Korean Film Project Hong Kong Film Project

Chapter 291 Hollywood movie project, South Korean movie project, Hong Kong movie project...

After the Qinglong Film Festival, Chen Fei and CJ's people sat at the negotiating table again.

The fish has bitten the hook and can be pulled up!
  In view of the huge sales of "New World" and its social influence in South Korea, CJ's president in charge of film and television came to the conference room in person to negotiate with Chen Fei.

"Director Chen, you can tell from previous cooperation that CJ is definitely your most loyal partner. We very much look forward to cooperating with you again."

Chen Fei smiled, what he said was true.

The box office share and copyright share were immediately transferred to Feiyue Film and Television’s account, and various subsequent shares are also arriving one after another.

The reasonable distribution of interests will always be the basis for subsequent cooperation between both parties!

"President Pu, there will be no problem with subsequent cooperation. I also trust your ability very much, but the success of "New World" also proves the quality of my script, right?"

"Yes, do you have any requirements?" The other party also focused on efficiency.

Chen Fei didn't talk nonsense to him, and went straight to the point: "The share given to me by ShowBox is 40%, plus an investment share of 5%. So what kind of sincerity can CJ give me?"

  After hearing Chen Fei's words, many people in the conference room began to curse in their hearts.

Give so many shares?

ShowBox is all bad, right?

Can you still make money by riding a horse?
  However, they could only complain a few words in their hearts.

The competition in the South Korean film and television industry is already very fierce. In order to win over Chen Fei, it is not abnormal for ShowBox to give such a high share allocation.

It’s nothing more than making less money.

Taking a deep breath, President Pu of CJ said bluntly: "On this basis, we are willing to increase the investment share to 10%!"

All in all, Chen Fei has received 50% of the top share, which is already a [-]-[-] split.

He only needs to provide the script and 10% of the investment share, and he can get half of the final box office share, which is equivalent to CJ working for him.

This deal was done well!

Of course, although CJ lost a lot of profits, it also gained gains in terms of "fame".

A popular movie can not only increase the company's stock price, but also increase CJ's voice in the South Korean film and television industry.

Overall, this is a win-win cooperation, with Chen Fei gaining "profit" and Xijie gaining "fame".

But because the opportunity to win the title was given to them by Chen Fei, CJ looked like an otaku looking at a goddess, and they all wanted to lick Chen Fei like a dog.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Chen Fei stood up and handed a script to the other party with a smile.

A group of people craned their necks to look around and saw three big words written on the cover of the script.



On the 25th, CJ held a media conference.

Park Seo-han, as the representative, announced at the meeting that he had reached a cooperation with Chen Fei on the new script "The Defender".

Although the investment shares of both parties were not disclosed, it can be seen from the bright smile on Chen Fei's face that this wave is definitely profitable.

When it was Chen Fei's turn to speak, he said with a smile: "I will serve as the producer of this film and provide appropriate assistance for the filming..."

This sentence is naturally a "face project".

After the meeting, the news quickly spread throughout South Korea's major portals and print media.

ShowBox received the news immediately.

"Axi! CJ got the better of us again!"

Park Bucheng was furious, especially when he thought about being deceived by a "female liar" recently, he felt even more resentful.

"Continue to allocate appropriate resources to Lin Yuner and contact reporters in China. I want to anonymously expose the misdeeds of that female liar."

"Okay, I see."

A clerk turned around and left.

Jiang Yiyan had done many stupid things in the name of Chen Fei before, but what she didn't know was that all the things she did were used as leverage by CJ's people.

South Korea has a very high talent for "candid photography"!
  That is to say, Chen Fei is more cautious. Every time he comes to stay in a hotel, he will check every corner of the room very rigorously to ensure that he will not let the other party get the most private information.

What happened to Yang Mi later made him take warning at all times!

As for his relationship with Li Zhien and Lin Yuner, it actually doesn't matter at all.

He is considered half a chaebol after all, so what does sleeping with two female idols mean?
  Let alone two, according to the "traditional customs" here in South Korea, it would not be a problem for him to cultivate a girl group by himself.

The term "harem" is already common in South Korea.


No. 27, Hong Kong Island International Airport.

After landing in Hong Kong, Chen Fei met Huo Qigang who came to pick him up.

As soon as he got in the car, he joked: "Why are you alone today? Where is my sister-in-law?"

"I haven't seen her for several months during the national team training."

Huo Qigang sighed, his eyes full of sadness, like a pig's head being thrown away by a swallow.

"It's a good thing that someone wants to participate in the Olympics and win glory for the country. Why are you acting like the national team has taken away your wife? Is that necessary?"

Chen Fei was speechless. This love brain is simply hopeless.

"I hope the Olympics can be held successfully, and I hope Guo Jingjing can win the championship. By then we can get married."

"You are quite affectionate!"

"What about you? Do you need me to introduce you to a girlfriend?"

"No, I'm still young. I have a lot of great time waiting to be enjoyed. I don't want to step into the grave of marriage so early."

"How wonderful is it to get married? How can it be a grave?"


Chen Fei simply chose to shut up. He was already waiting to see this guy being trained by Guo Jingjing after getting married.

Originally, he was planning to go back to the capital directly, but it happened that the closing banquet of "October Siege" was going to be held here.

This can be regarded as the first work after the acquisition of Golden Harvest. As a major shareholder, he naturally has to come and support it. Moreover, Yinghuan and Media Asia have also invited him several times, so he can stop by and sit together.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go directly to the banquet. It's about to start there, and there are many friends waiting for you."

"October Siege" has an all-star cast, with actors from across the Taiwan Strait and three places, especially Hong Kong, with many actors participating.

This wrap-up banquet was also an opportunity to make connections. Huo Qigang sent invitation letters to all film and television agencies in Hong Kong except for Yongsheng and China Star Group.

Since Xiangjia began to enter the Japanese market, it has been completely abandoned by Jiahe.

Although Huo Qigang seems to be smiling all day long and seems easy to get along with, his temper and methods are no worse than Chen Fei!
  I don't know since when, Chen Fei felt that his reputation seemed to be getting bigger and bigger...

Just like today, when he and Huo Qigang arrived at the wedding banquet together, before they could even get out of the car, they saw a group of people approaching.

Yang Shouchen, Huo Wenxi, Zhuang Cheng, Shi Nansheng and others were in the first echelon, followed by a group of film and television company bosses and artists.

"Director Chen, haha, welcome to Hong Kong again."

Yang Shouchen was the tallest in age and status among the people present, so he was the first to shake hands with Chen Fei as his representative.

"Director Yang, long time no see."

Chen Fei responded with a smile.

There were many people around saying hello, and a bunch of reporters were crowded outside. The flash directly increased the brightness of the scene by several levels.

"Shall we go in first?" Chen Fei was not used to being surrounded by so many people.

"Okay, let's go."

A group of people surrounded him and walked into the venue.

Because the banquet had not officially started yet, when Chen Fei was chatting with Yang Shouchen, Shi Nansheng and others, he could see a steady stream of celebrities arriving at the door.

All the four heavenly kings were present. Liu Dehua's eyes lit up when he saw Chen Fei, and he quickly came up to greet him.

This one also had a different acting appointment. After "Three Kingdoms: Seeing the Dragon Disarms" ended, I heard that he had taken on another film, "You Dragon Plays with the Phoenix", with Shu Qi as his partner.

"Brother Hua? Is there a chance for us to work together?"

After finally coming here, Chen Fei is not going to run away in vain. He has already selected several scripts and will renew his relationship with several partners after today's closing banquet.

"Okay, I'm just waiting for your words."

Andy Lau is very excited. Although he has high national popularity, he always feels that he can't handle the box office. Now he urgently needs a high-box office film to prove himself.

"And what about me? Don't leave me behind. I've been idle recently."

There was a shout from the side, and Chen Fei turned around to look, only to see Chen Long approaching happily, also shouting for cooperation. "The King of Kung Fu" has been completed, but its release date is set for 08.

"Rush Hour 3" has grossed US$2.58 million at the box office since its global release in August, which is a bit unsatisfactory compared to the previous two films.

The investment of up to 1.2 million U.S. dollars caused New Line Entertainment to make a wave of blood. Unfortunately, it was unable to restore the glory of this series in the end.

Most fans who have watched it say that the plot of the third film is boring and cliched, and it seems to be a waste of the acting skills of the two protagonists. They think it is the worst of the many trilogy sequels in Hollywood this summer.

Obviously, this series is completely finished.

Like Andy Lau, Chen Long is currently looking for a new breakthrough in order to regain his glory in Hollywood!

Chen Fei looked at Chen Long with a smile and said, "Are you free tomorrow? Let's meet. I just wrote a script recently and I think it's very suitable for you."


Hearing this, Chen Long was suddenly surprised: "Is there really a script?"

He just said a joke.

"Yes, it really is."

Chen Fei responded with great certainty.

"Okay, then I'll find you tomorrow."

The two of them decided on tomorrow's schedule in just a few words, which made a few people around them feel envious.

But when they thought about it, their eyes lit up again!
  its not right?
  This man flew here specially from South Korea. Is he preparing for a big one?
  For a time, many people thought of the "USD 15 billion movie plan" a few days ago.

"Ip Man 2" and "Overheard 2" were both huge successes, and "October Siege" was officially announced to be finished. Will we have to start the journey again?

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly became excited as if they had discovered a new continent.

As time passed and the sky darkened, all the invited guests arrived and the dinner officially began.

The waiter shuttled among the crowd carrying a tray with red wine glasses and various pastries on the side. It felt like a buffet.

"Director Chen, let me introduce to you, these two are the group that we Yinghuan have recently promoted, Gillian and Asa."

Huo Wenxi led the two girls and introduced Chen Fei carefully.

"In addition to being singers, they have also studied acting. Gillian even participated in "Mei Lanfang" directed by Chen Kaige, playing the young Mei Lanfang..."

"Well, I look pretty good. I might consider acting in an idol drama."

Chen Fei gave a fair evaluation.

"If there is a suitable role, I hope Director Chen can give us a chance."

"Let's practice Mandarin first and then speak it."


The two girls looked a little embarrassed. Huo Wenxi also smiled sheepishly and hurriedly added: "We at Yinghuan have been following up on this aspect and will definitely arrange for artists to work hard to practice Mandarin."


Chen Fei responded and did not continue to answer.

As an actor, using dubbing is actually a very shameful act.

What he wants is actors like Zhou Xun and Wang Zhiwen. If their acting skills are not very good, they can be trained, but whether an actor's line skills are good enough depends entirely on whether he works hard or not!
  Liu Yifei is an example. Although this girl didn't go to school much, she worked hard enough, otherwise she wouldn't have gotten the role in "Mulan".

At this moment, Yang Shouchen suddenly walked up to Chen Fei with a girl.

"Director Chen, this is Bai Bing, a newly signed artist under Yinghuan Entertainment. He currently plays the role of Xue Baochai in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions","

  Looking at the round-faced girl in front of him, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Bing and snow are slightly sweet"... It seems that this is the "ice" among the four major groups.


"Hello, Director Chen, I have often heard Jing Tian mention you before, and today I finally have the opportunity to meet you."

"Oh? Do you know Jing Tian?"

"Yes, we are all from the northwest, and we are all fellow villagers."

The word "fellow" is very powerful in the entertainment industry, because it means complicated interpersonal relationships, and it is very likely that you and a certain director will become relatives.

Yang Shouchen stood by and said helpfully: "If Director Chen has a role suitable for her, you can contact me and I will arrange for her to audition."

"it is good."

To be recognized by Yang Shouchen personally, this person's starting point is already considered very high.

Perhaps it will be another example of “bringing capital into the group” in the future.

At this time, Chen Fei suddenly thought of another person: "By the way, Director Yang, that He Yunshi I told you about last time..."

"It has been taken care of. She promises not to appear on any programs related to Ying Huan in the future."

"Okay, thank you."

After the Golden Eagle Award last year, He Yunshi had a conflict with Liu Yifei. After returning to Hong Kong, she found many media outlets to deliberately smear her.

After learning about this matter, Chen Fei directly called both Yinghuan and Media Asia and asked them to help deal with it.

A year has passed. If he hadn't come to Hong Kong, Chen Fei would have almost forgotten the woman known as "Anita Mui's disciple".


After the closing banquet, Chen Fei rejected the invitations from Yang Shouchen, Zhuang Cheng and others, and followed Huo Qigang back to his residence in Hong Kong.

"October Siege" has officially entered post-production, and then he has to start a new plan. He has to discuss it with the second shareholder first.

The next day, Chen Long took the lead in arriving at Jiahe.

Chen Fei didn't hesitate with him and directly took out the script of "Twelve Zodiac Signs".

"Here, take a look at this script first."

Taking the script from Chen Fei, Chen Long first glanced at the title, and then became immersed in the story of the script.

At the same time, Chen Fei and Huo Qigang got up and left the office and came to another conference room.

A group of people from Yinghuan are already waiting here.

"Director Yang, I told Director Huo last time that the "Ip Man" series can be stopped for a while. Come and take a look at this script."

While talking, Chen Fei took out a script from his bag and handed it to Yang Shouchen.

"Sweeping drugs?"

Huo Wenxi whispered to himself, a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"You guys watch first, I have something else to do over there, we'll see you later."

After saying hello, Chen Fei and Huo Qigang turned around and went to another conference room.

Media Asia’s Zhuang Cheng and Shi Nansheng are already waiting here.

"The "Overheard 3" series can continue. So far, the box office of this series of movies is quite good."

While talking, Chen Fei took out two scripts from his bag.

Holding the script of "Overheard 3" in his hand, Zhuang Cheng looked at the cover of another script with some curiosity.

"A fierce battle?"

"Yes." Chen Fei nodded with a smile: "I hope these two movies can appear in 08 and 09 respectively."

There is no need for Chen Fei to intervene in the subsequent negotiations. In this regard, the teams of Huo Qigang and Jiahe are the most professional.

"Zodiac", "Anti-Drug", "Overheard 3", and "Fighting", these four movies were prepared by him to win over more partners.

As for Jiahe, which has just finished "October Siege", it will launch the "Cold War" series next.

While these veteran actors in Hong Kong can still act, they must be allowed to move.

Otherwise, when they get older, they really won’t be able to do it!

Just like Chen Long, in "Rush Hour 3", it was obvious that his physical fitness was declining rapidly, and it was obvious that he could no longer handle the high-intensity action scenes.

Now that he can still make a difference in the furniture market, and coupled with the recent popularity of Mr. He's purchase of "Horse Head", he can just launch this "Twelve Zodiac Signs".

The negotiations went very smoothly.

On the last day of November, Golden Harvest teamed up with Yinghuan, Media Asia, and Chen Long International Pictures Co., Ltd. to hold a press conference and announced the next film plan.

When Huo Qigang read out the five movie plans of "Zodiac", "Anti-Drug", "Overheard 3", "Guild Wars" and "Cold War", the flash lights in the audience directly connected!
  Chen Fei was invited to speak on stage.

"You don't need to find out any gossip. These five movies are all written by me, and I will participate in the filming as a producer. Fans and friends please wait and see."


In an instant, there was a continuous sound of shutters!
  The news spread back to China and once again caused an uproar!
  Sina even posted a bold and enlarged headline:

[Hollywood film project, South Korean film project, Hong Kong film project, the name of "script magician" is beyond doubt! 】

(End of this chapter)

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