It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 292: Poach Baoqiang? Honey trap? 8 million market? Your circle is so chaotic!

Chapter 292: Poach Baoqiang? Honey trap? 8 million market? Your circle is so chaotic!

On December 12th, Chen Fei returned to the mainland.

After a one-month release period, "Lust, Caution" successfully concluded, finally earning a box office of US$1.38 million.

The 38th Taiwan Golden Horse Film Awards announced the shortlist last month. A total of [-] films were shortlisted, but "Lust, Caution" received more than ten nominations.

You don’t need to guess to know that the biggest winner of this year’s Golden Horse Awards will definitely be Li Bian.

The organizer of the Golden Horse had also sent an invitation letter to Chen Fei before, hoping that he could send "Shoplifters" to participate in the selection, but Chen Fei rejected it.

For the same reason, an award at the Cannes Film Festival is enough. He has no interest in carrying the sedan chair for others.

However, Ning Hao participated in the selection with "囧囧" and received 6 nominations, including Chen Fei's Best Screenplay.

But he was not prepared to go, because the best screenwriter would also be Li Jian.

Back at the company, Chen Fei was just about to ask Su Guohai how the premiere of "My Brother Is Shunliu" went when he saw Huang Bozheng leading a woman out of the Legal Department.

The two were chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After getting closer, Chen Fei discovered that this woman was actually "Sister Weiji" Yan Ni.

"Huh? Mr. Chen is back?"

Huang Bo smiled and said hello.

"Well, we just arrived." Chen Fei responded and looked at the two of them curiously: "What are you..."

"The casting for "Bullfighting" is over. Sister Yan Ni will play the role of "Jiuer" in the film. I will bring her to the company to sign a contract."

Chen Fei suddenly became happy: "Wait a minute? Why do you call me sister Yan Ni? Are you younger than Yan Ni?"

"Look what you said." Huang Bo looked depressed: "She is 36 and I am 33. She must be my sister. Is it possible that I can still call him sister?"

"Hey, I really didn't see it."

Although she is nearly 40 years old, Yan Ni's skin condition is much better than that of Huang Bo, and her dress is quite fashionable. She looks like a royal sister in her 30s.

Huang Bo's head was covered with black lines, and Yan Ni covered her mouth and giggled happily.

"Let's go. I won't talk to you anymore. Remember to come when the movie starts!"

As he spoke, Huang Bo dragged Yan Ni quickly towards the door of the company.

"Goodbye, Director Chen."

This sister spoke slowly and her sense of tipsiness was very obvious. If it weren't for the smell of alcohol on her body, Chen Fei would have doubted whether she had drank before coming here.


Su Guohai always looked very busy. When he saw him, there was a thick bundle of documents piled on the table.

"Lao Su, have the ratings of "Shun Liu" been released? Did Mango Channel send you a report?"

"Mr. Chen?"

Su Guohai was stunned for a moment, still unable to react.

Calculating carefully, he hadn't seen Chen Fei for nearly three months.

After waiting for a while, he rummaged through the pile of documents in front of him, and soon handed Chen Fei a form.

"Not bad, it can be said to have reached a new high. The ratings on the first day of the broadcast reached 5.407%, and the average ratings of the first five episodes were as high as 6.534%, second only to "Struggle" in the middle of the year and "New Shanghai" at the beginning of the year."

The struggle is indeed quite ruthless, with a single-episode ratings of 11%, ranking high among the crowd!
  Chen Fei opened Douban and briefly checked the professional reviews from major media and film critics.

""My Brother Is Shunliu" has excellent quality and easy-to-understand dialogues. It is the best among anti-Japanese dramas. It is not an anti-Japanese drama in the general sense, but creates a concept of anti-Japanese drama shooting."

"There are many light-hearted and humorous lines in this drama, which is the biggest difference between this drama and other war-themed TV dramas. However, the sadness becomes more apparent in the joy. After bringing people joy, it tells a tragic story. , which makes people feel even more poignant and shocking.”

"These lines that are engraved with the characters' touching spirit will, like wonderful plots, leave lasting memories for the audience."

"The story of this drama revolves around the sniper Shunliu. It is the first of its kind on Chinese screens. What is even more groundbreaking is that Shunliu breaks the boring image of snipers in previous film and television dramas and creates a cheerful and refreshing young sharpshooter."

"This play breaks away from the impetuous creative trend of being external and new and pursuing the inner spirit of sincerity. It is a heroic work that adheres to the lofty bottom line..."

Combined with these professional evaluations and audience feedback, this drama is destined to be a great success!
  Chen Fei's reputation as the "script master" has once again been widely publicized by the media.

"Mr. Chen, there is something you need to pay attention to."

Su Guohai's voice drew Chen Fei's attention back from netizens' comments.

"what's up?"

"About Wang Baoqiang..."

"Baoqiang? What happened to him?"

Su Guohai frowned slightly: "Many companies have been contacting him frequently recently, among which Huayi and Chengtian are the most attentive, and they even used... no beauty trap!"

  Chen Fei immediately became happy: "Tell me, what's the beauty trick?"

"This is an operation done by Chengtian..."

As Su Guohai talked, Chen Fei suddenly had a new understanding of Wu Kebo's methods.

For the extras in Hengdian, Wang Baoqiang's rise can be described as "the goddess of luck favors her".

From a small supporting role in "House of Flying Daggers" to "Shagen" in "A World Without Thieves", "People on the Road to Difficulty", "Soldier Assault", "Thailand", "Shun Liu"...

Along the way, he has collaborated with top domestic commercial film directors such as Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Ning Hao, and Chen Fei.

Especially after joining Feiyue Film and Television, he has risen all the way and directly entered the category of first-line actors in the industry.

It is no exaggeration to say that in today's box office list of mainland male actors, Wang Baoqiang is at least in the top three!

But it is precisely because of the popularity and audience love he aroused that he has been favored by many brokerage companies in the industry.

Many people want to poach him.

Huayi and Chengtian even promised that as long as he is willing to leave Feiyue Film and Television, they are even willing to pay a high penalty for him!

Among them, Chengtian was the most attentive. Not only did she promise a high signing fee, she even used a honey trap. She specially arranged for one of her actresses to meet Wang Baoqiang by chance on the show, and approached him as an admirer...

These are all information that Su Guohai investigated and have not yet told Wang Baoqiang.

"Okay, I understand, you don't need to pay attention to it, just wait for the incident to develop."

Chen Fei waved his hand and didn't care.

If Wang Baoqiang chooses to leave Feiyue Film and Television because of these temptations, then he will definitely be the one regretting it.

Because as long as Chen Fei is willing, he can launch many actors similar to Wang Baoqiang in a very short period of time.

And if Wang Baoqiang wanted to leave wholeheartedly, he would not be able to stop him. After all, both Chengtian and Huayi had promised to compensate him for liquidated damages.

This happens to be an opportunity to test him. Chen Fei is ready to see how he will make the final choice?

Leaving Feiyue Film and Television? Or choose to accept the temptation?

This choice will determine his subsequent resource allocation!
  "Chengtian? Wu Kebo? Beauty trap?"

Chen Fei quickly focused his attention on Wu Kebo. This guy was quite interesting. Didn't he know that touching the tiger's beard was very risky?

Wang Jiawei has been under a lot of pressure recently.

Since the last time he mocked Chen Fei as "Ip Man" in front of the media, the paparazzi and reporters in Hong Kong have focused their attention on him.

When he walked on the red carpet of the Golden Horse Awards, a group of reporters finally found the opportunity to stop him.

"Director Wang? Ip Man's descendants generously praised the excellent results of "Ip Man 1" and "Ip Man 2" on the program, and recognized Director Chen Fei's adaptation of Ip Man's deeds. At the same time, he also expressed that your "Ip Man" The script of "The Grandmaster" has not been inspected and approved by the descendants of the Ye family, what do you think about this matter?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Jiawei's face suddenly turned dark.

Isn’t it because they didn’t spend high salaries to invite descendants of the Ye family to be film consultants?
  Is it necessary to do this?

The speech made by the descendant of the Ye family on the talk show made him a human being. Originally, he could still stand on a moral footing, but now he has been turned against him by Chen Fei!
  "There may be a misunderstanding in this matter, and I will explain it to you later."

After a few simple words, Wang Jiawei left the red carpet as if he was running away.

The results of the Golden Horse Awards came out soon. As expected, Li Yin won the whole process and won seven awards including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actor for "Lust, Caution".

Major entertainment newspapers quickly reported some inside information about the Golden Horse Awards.

Chen Fei paid special attention to it.

The host Wu Junru attracted a lot of limelight. At the award ceremony, she not only asked Li Yin to pose cutely, but also tore up the envelope containing the list of winners in public. For this, Li Yin could only pick up the torn pieces of paper one by one from the ground. He got up and pieced together the name "Liang Chaowei".

On the mainland, Fan Bingbin won the "Best Supporting Actress" award for "The Ghost in My Heart".

Uncle Benshan temporarily canceled his trip to attend the Golden Horse Awards ceremony because he had to take care of his critically ill father, and issued a public letter to apologize.

"This situation really happens frequently..."

Chen Fei showed up at the China Film Office Building with the invitation letter to the premiere of "The Film" in his hand.

When I saw Han Sanping, she was holding a bundle of documents, signing and sealing them, and she was very busy.

"Director Han? What are you doing?"

Han Sanping didn't even raise his head, and a buzzing voice came: "It's almost the end of the year, and there is still a lot of money in the account, so I have to spend it quickly." As he spoke, the tip of his pen suddenly paused, and he raised his head and looked at Chen Fei .

"Right? Do you have any projects over there that China Film Group can participate in? It just so happens that I still have a lot of money that I can't spend here."

As for state-owned enterprises, they have to spend whatever funds are distributed, and they cannot keep it in their hands.

"Yes! There are a lot." Fade Chen said with a smile: " you have enough money in your account? These are projects worth tens of millions of dollars."

Due to copyright reasons, Marvel Studios' movies can only cooperate with other Hollywood companies.

However, the projects from Volton Pictures can be distributed domestically, firstly for the convenience of publicity, secondly for the convenience of importation, and thirdly for the purpose of increasing the number of films scheduled.

Cooperating with several theaters is definitely a win-win situation!
  Han Sanping threw the pen on the table casually: "Don't worry, as long as it is foreign investment, even if the money in the account is not enough, I can continue to apply, and it will definitely be approved."

What you invest is RMB, and what you earn back is foreign exchange. The boss absolutely supports this transaction.

Otherwise, during the last meeting, the big boss of the bureau would not have specifically singled out Chen Fei. While praising him, he also told him to speak out if he needed help.

"Okay, then I will contact Volton Pictures. They have recently launched several projects and are looking for investors to share the pressure. China Film Group can just participate."

“Is it only China Film Group?”

"Hey? Director Han, have you forgotten what I said before? We have to cooperate for a win-win situation."

"Well, it seems we can only take advantage of Lao Ren and Wanda."

"And Jiahe."

Chen Fei emphatically added that Pan-Asia Cinemas is short of money recently and needs to get more money from other places.

"So many investors? Is the project big?"

"Let me tell you the bottom line. Waltton Pictures alone has a market value of almost 8 million U.S. dollars. Do you think it is big?"

"Hiss!" Han Sanping took a breath: "Good guy, your stall is really big. Where is Marvel Studios?"

"There... we can't say anything for now."

Chen Fei changed the subject and quickly brought the topic to the other side: "The promotion of "Mulan" must continue to be promoted. This movie is very important, and there are also documents to apply for the Oscar selection. You have a good relationship. Please help me with it." Already?"

"That's no problem, I've already prepared it for you."

Han Sanping opened the drawer and took out a form from it.

"Take this form back, fill it out, and mail it to the bureau. I've already said hello over there."

"Okay! Thank you!"

After achieving his goal, Chen Fei left directly and returned to the company.

However, just as he came back to fill out the form, there was a sudden knock on the door.


With a creaking sound, the office door was pushed open. Liu Yifei looked around and after making sure that no one was there, she walked in with a smile.

"What are you doing? Looking like a guilty thief?" Chen Fei looked at her curiously.

"No way, am I afraid of disturbing you? It would be embarrassing if there were other actresses here."

Chen Fei rolled his eyes: "I heard that Shanghai Film Academy arranged a meeting for you? How was the effect? ​​Were there many fans who went?"

"A lot! A lot! A lot!"

Liu Yifei shook her short shoulder-length hair and made a sword-waving gesture, "I also competed with many martial arts enthusiasts, and many of them are very good at kung fu."

"Okay, you go back and prepare first, then fly with me to Mango Terrace tomorrow night to participate in Happy Camp."

"Okay." Liu Yifei nodded, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Will you attend the premiere of "The Proposal" tomorrow?"

"Well, go."

"How about we walk the red carpet together?"

"it is good."

"Yeah! I'll prepare the dress!"

Han Sanping still attaches great importance to Chen Kexin's "The Proposal", and invitations to the premiere were sent out throughout the film and television industry.

When Chen Fei and Liu Yifei came to the venue the next morning, what they saw was a star-studded state!
  Many people came from Hong Kong Island. The three leading actors Liu Dehua, Li Lianlian, and Jin Chengwu were being interviewed. Fans outside the red carpet screamed for a long time.

But when Chen Fei and Liu Yifei walked on the red carpet, the targets of the screams changed instantly!

"Mulan! Hua Mulan! Hua Mulan!"

The shouts were uniform, and those who didn't know thought that today was the premiere of "Mulan".

Chen Kexin's face was slightly embarrassed, and she suddenly regretted inviting Chen Fei and Liu Yifei over today. As the biggest competitor in the Lunar New Year festival, "Mulan" is too popular.



After a brief conversation with Han Sanping, Chen Fei and Liu Yifei entered the venue together.

Although there is no staff to arrange seats, everyone has a clear idea of ​​their position. Whether they should sit in the front row or the back row, everyone has a scale in their mind.

Ning Hao also came with a group of people who worked on the "Painted Skin" script, and entered the venue early.

Chen Fei took the opportunity to sit next to him, but before he could speak, he turned to the side and saw Huang Xiaoming and a girl secretly holding hands, as if you were talking to each other.

"Hey? Why are you talking about love here?"

"Director Chen?"

Huang Xiaoming turned around suddenly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was Chen Fei.


The girl was quite bold and greeted with a smile: "Hello, Director Chen, I am Li Feier."

Huang Xiaoming added next to him: "She is now my girlfriend. We met when we were filming "The Deer and the Cauldron", and Feier played my wife in the drama."

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and suddenly remembered a piece of gossip Zhou Xun told him before.

After being explicitly rejected by Zhao Yanzi, Huang Xiaoming found another girlfriend, but that girl seemed to be attracted by "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "Getting together with that idiot Lu Chuan, and then dumped Huang Xiaoming.

This person may have figured it out, but he turned around and started talking about another one!
  I have to say, your circle is really chaotic!
  After Han Sanping and Chen Kexin spoke on stage respectively, the premiere began.

The quality of the movie is indeed very high. Although Chen Kexin is a bitch and always wants to stuff money from the mainland into his own pocket, his quality in making movies is still good.

Li Lianlian's acting skills in this movie are much better than those in his previous movies, and Andy Lau and Kim Sung-wu can also get along well. Overall, they are pretty good.

The only thing that Chen Fei felt regretful was that after the movie ended, Li Lianlian went to Hollywood and filmed "The Mummy 3", a movie about the evil ancestor.

It was from then on that his condition took a sharp turn for the worse!


After the premiere, that night, Chen Fei and Liu Yifei flew to Mango Channel to prepare for recording the new episode of Happy Camp.

On the morning of the 13th, China Film announced the first-day box office of "The Movie".

2100 RMB!

After getting this number, all the major media in the circle began to praise it one after another.

There is no doubt that the film is on track to exceed [-] million!
  However, just as the industry is cheering, "Mulan" has officially launched the final wave of publicity. The film's promotional posters shot by Chen Fei, Liu Yifei, Chen Daoming, and Jiao Enjun have officially appeared on the bulletin boards of major theaters. .

Also released at the same time is a trailer!

Mulan had her hair cut off and her armor pierced, and she went to war on behalf of her father...

At the end of the trailer, the scene of the decisive battle between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Rouran army flashed by.

Although it only lasted a few seconds, a chilling, majestic and majestic momentum suddenly erupted.

Black armor and spears, elite soldiers and horses, overwhelming...


At the end of the trailer, a roar erupted from Mulan's mouth, and the soldiers behind her echoed in unison, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

A reporter got something from Chen Fei's mouth.

"The war scenes are even more majestic than those of the Qin Army in "Heroes"!"

For a time, movie fans were even more looking forward to it.

Led by Pan-Asia Cinemas, China Film, Shanghai Film, Wanda, Bona and other cinemas simultaneously launched movie ticket pre-sale activities.

This scope includes Hong Kong, Macau, Bay Island, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and other countries.

Since Chen Fei and Huo Qigang jointly acquired Golden Harvest, this is the first time that Pan-Asia Cinemas has truly used all the cinemas it acquired!
  On December 12nd, all theater chains will increase the number of films scheduled for "Mulan" to the highest level within the "required range"!
  This is the effect of "win-win cooperation".

(End of this chapter)

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