It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 294 The premiere scene! secret guest? Wan Qi charges, Li Hongzhuang angrily kills "Hero

Chapter 294 The premiere scene! secret guest? Ten Thousand Riders Charge, Shili Hongzhuang Kills "Hero"

On December 12, the weather was fine and it was suitable to break ground for the opening.

Outside the Great Hall, the red carpet stretched from the door to the roadside. Hundreds of media gathered on both sides with cameras, and the flash lights lit up from time to time, making it dazzling.

Starting from nine o'clock in the morning, there was an endless stream of guests entering the venue, and there was no trend of interruption at all.

"Brother Chen Long, look here."

"Director Yang, Mr. Huo, can I interview you?"

"King Liu! King Guo!"

The security guards formed two queues to keep the enthusiastic fans at bay.

People from Hong Kong came quite early. The CEOs of Emperor, Golden Harvest, Media Asia, Starlight and other companies arrived at the scene with their popular artists.

All the Four Heavenly Kings came except Lai Ming, who was holding a concert in the UK.

Nicholas Tse and Zhang Baizhi followed Huo Wenxi, holding hands and looking very affectionate.

"Who is Zhou Xingchi leading?"

"Is that the new star girl? Her name seems to be Zhang Yuqi?"

Yang Mi followed Li Shaohong and walked into the venue while paying attention to the artists present.

But what she didn't notice was that Li Shaohong looked at her with something wrong, as if he was shocked that she could get the invitation.

At present, Huayi’s pomp is considered the largest.

The two Mr. Wang and Feng Xiaogang walked in the front row, followed by Zhang Hanyu, Li Bingbin, Zhou Xun, Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming, Luo Jin, Li Feier...

Zhao Liying hid in the crowd and looked inconspicuous, but someone still recognized her.

Only Wang Changtian and his company's two popular hosts, Xie Nan and Liu Yan, came to the light.

What a coincidence, there happened to be Chen Kaige and his wife, Chen Hong, and his wife behind them.

Chen Hong was also holding a boy who looked to be only seven or eight years old. He was wearing a suit and looked like a little adult.

Lao Mouzi, who was busy with his busy schedule, also came, along with Zhang Weiping, who had been silent for a long time.

The reporters on both sides became more and more excited as they watched. Today's scene was even more exaggerated than the previous Golden Horse Awards. This is a trend that all the top directors and artists in the country are here to support!

A large number of people from Nortel also came. Zhao Zhenyang walked with Jia Zhangke, Gu Changwei, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Wang Quan'an, Jiang Wen, Jiang Wu, Ning Hao, Wang Zhiwen and others.

Old Zhao was very happy. After all, Chen Fei was his student.

Tang Ren, Zhou Yi, Mango, Zhang Dabeard, and heads of major film studios also arrived at the scene, but the number was not large.

Shu Chang came alone, but walked with a group of people led by Wang Jinghua.

She didn't sign with any company, and she found it boring to be alone, so she approached Zhu Yawen.

On the way here, Wang Jinghua asked her vaguely what her next plans were, but she stopped her using Chen Fei as a shield.

"When will Sissi come?"

"I don't know. The crew should arrive at the end, right?"

Zhu Yawen said while looking around.

He suddenly discovered that there didn't seem to be any Chengtian artists present today. Combined with what happened with Jiang Yiyan before...

"Tsk, have you touched a tiger's butt? Just because you have a good temper, doesn't mean you have no temper!"

He also disliked Wu Kebo. He always felt that there was something sinister and cunning about that person. He didn't know what Sister Hua was thinking at that time and actually chose to cooperate with Cheng Tian.

With Chen Fei's current identity and status, he wouldn't give in to Cheng Tian at all. No, today he just showed off his power!

Some reporters also noticed this situation and quickly recorded the news, preparing to investigate the cause after the premiere.

The time lasted until 12 noon. As the invited guests completed their entrance, the "Mulan" crew finally stepped onto the red carpet.

Liu Yifei, Jing Tian, ​​Chen Daoming, Jiao Enjun, Wu Jing, Liu Xiaoli, Chen Baoguo...

"Mulan! Mulan!"

"Ouch, what the fuck? Erlangshen!"


The fans were roaring and it was so lively.

The flashlights turned on, dazzling, and included all the actors in the "Mulan" crew.

But at this moment, someone still noticed something was wrong: "Huh? Where are Director Chen, Director Han, Director Ren, Mr. Lu, and Mr. Ye? Why haven't they arrived yet?"

"That's right! The creative team is here, where are the directors and investors?"

The reporters looked at each other, confused.

In the main venue, guests from all walks of life who were already seated looked at the many empty seats around them and couldn't help but feel curious.

"What's going on? Why are there so many places?"

"I don't know. Are there any important guests who are not here?"

"Besides the "Mulan" crew, there should be no one else, right?"

"Those investors didn't come either?"

"Listen! What's going on outside?"

The sudden noise outside the stadium attracted everyone's attention. Many people stood up curiously and looked outside.

The first thing I saw was Liu Yifei in a dress.

"The crew is here!" Shu Chang's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly raised his hand and shook it towards Liu Yifei.

However, as a group of people filed in, the noise outside the venue did not stop, but became more and more lively!
  "Are they Chen Fei and Director Han here?"


Huang Xiaoming and Deng Chao were chatting casually, while Li Feier stood beside them with her head slightly lowered.

There were too many big guys in the venue, and she, a newbie, was a little scared.

Liu Yifei and others had arrived at the center of the venue, and at the entrance of the auditorium, Chen Fei, Han Sanping, Ren Zhonglun, Ye Ning, Yu Dong and others filed in.

But what made everyone curious was that as several people entered the room, they did not take their seats immediately. Instead, they leaned slightly sideways, as if waiting for something.

The next second, one after another, faces that are out of reach for ordinary actors and extremely familiar to the bosses of major film and television companies appeared at the door of the auditorium!
  Walton Pictures President Natalie Walton, Vice President Bruce Kovner, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige, Marvel Entertainment President Isaac Perlmutter...

Famous Hollywood directors Roland Emmerich, Woody Allen, James Wan, Kathryn Bigequin, Jon Favreau, Anthony Russo, Joe Russo, Alan Taylor...

Hollywood actors Andy Serkis, James Franco, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Robert Downey Jr., Amanda Seyfried, David Lee Smith, Paul Walker…

Seeing these people appear on the scene, everyone in the venue was stunned for a moment.

Looking around, the people who appeared in front of them were all international superstars who often appeared on the big screens in Hollywood, and they were all red and purple!
  Especially Tony Stark, who plays Iron Man, and the two leading actors and actresses in Twilight, they are so impressive!
  This year they have attracted a large number of fans in China!
  "What the hell?! This guy invited Iron Man here!"

Zhu Yawen was completely stunned, her face full of disbelief.

"Paul Walker, oh my God! My favorite!"

Even Luo Jin, who always maintained a quiet state, went crazy.

There have been many large-scale premieres held in China before, and many Hollywood stars came to participate, but this is the first time that Chen Fei plays on such a big scale!
  This horse riding is no longer a premiere, but an exchange meeting between domestic and foreign film and television circles, right?
  "Wow, Sissi, there are so many stars."

Shu Chang held Liu Yifei's arm and kept shaking it. She especially liked the male vampire in Twilight, and she didn't expect to meet him here today.

"anything else."

"Huh? And..."

"Fuck!!! Leonardo DiCaprio!!!"

When Leonardo DiCaprio and his new girlfriend, a Victoria's Secret Angel, walked in from the door of the auditorium, the crowd of actresses immediately exploded.

  Xiao Lizi actually appeared in China on horseback? !

Fan and Li Bingbing, who were wearing blue and white gifts, did not hesitate and subconsciously prepared to get closer.

But the next second, when their attention fell on the female companion next to Xiao Lizi, they subconsciously stopped.

can not go!
  There were too many people at the scene, and their aura couldn't compare to that of Victoria's Secret supermodel Bar Refaeli, and it was embarrassing to go up there.

Under everyone's disbelieving gaze, stars, directors, and producers who came all the way from Hollywood took their seats in the empty seats that had been prepared.

Chen Fei led the actors from "Mulan" to the podium.

Taking the microphone handed over by the host, he first thanked: "I am very happy that you can come to the premiere of "Mulan". Let us first welcome with warm applause the friends who flew from Hollywood to China to support me. Thank you. Your presence.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was thunderous applause.

Chen Fei's operation really shocked everyone present. No one expected that his connections in Hollywood would be so wide!
  Liu Yifei took the microphone without any stage fright: "I'm glad that you all can support this movie. I actually still have a lot of shortcomings. It was Director Chen who gave me confidence and a chance, so I can stand here." …”

Bruce shouted from the audience: "Crystal, you are really beautiful today!"

"Thank you." Liu Yifei thanked her and specially introduced: "This is my agent, Bruce, a middle-aged uncle with a very sense of humor."

The protagonist is Hua Mulan. Although the others appear in supporting roles, they have quite a lot of roles.

Jiao Enjun, Chen Daoming, Wu Jing and others spoke one after another and told some stories in the play. Jing Tian was still a little nervous, so he took the phone and just said some words of thanks.

After some speeches, the premiere officially began.

As the investor's logo kept popping up on the screen, Yang Mi, who was sitting in the back row, couldn't help but cast her eyes to the front row.

Looking at Leonardo, Natasha and others sitting next to Chen Fei, she couldn't help showing envy in her eyes.

Looking back, Liu Yifei, Shu Chang, and Jing Tian were sitting together. Next to them was the heroine of Twilight, and a foreign girl who although she didn't recognize, was very good-looking.

At this time, Liu Yifei's name suddenly appeared on the screen, and at the same time, the three words "Mulan" slowly appeared.

After seeing this, she subconsciously looked at Li Shaohong beside her.

The other party's eyes were actually full of envy...

Since Zhou Xun left, Rong Xingda has plummeted, and now his influence in the circle has been greatly reduced.

"It seems we have to find another way out."

She was thinking secretly in her heart, her eyes full of desire for fame!

The movie officially begins.

Just like the story in "Mulan Ci".

Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji, Mulan is a household weaver. At first, Mulan was just a lady of the family. Although she also practiced martial arts because of her father, it was just a show of skill and embroidery.

Rouran went south, and the war continued...

The Northern Wei emperor, played by Chen Daoming, was solemn and majestic. He ordered the conscription of troops and prepared to go out to conquer Rouran.

Hua's father was seriously injured, but he still wanted to protect his family and the country. Mulan felt distressed and gritted her teeth, determined to join the army in her father's stead!
  When they saw Hua Mulan cutting off her hair and wearing armor, there were bursts of exclamations at the scene!

"Oh, so this is where the short hair style started?"

"Be good! Little Dragon Girl is so dedicated!"

Training, injuries, hiding identities...

The atmosphere in the military camp is alternately stiff and cheerful, and although the situation is frequent, it is very engaging and feels like it is actually happening rather than being forced to perform.

Mulan leads a patrol for the first time and saves the general.

When Jing Tian's costume appeared in front of everyone, many film and television company bosses and agents were impressed.

"With this look, is there a role in Sword and Fairy 3 that suits her?"

"Your acting skills are very good! Are you from Nortel's Class of 07?"


After the military training was over, Mulan went to war, and Chen Fei, who had been by his side as his deputy, followed her onto the battlefield.

The big scene is coming!
  On the unobstructed grassland, tens of thousands of cavalry gathered.

Each cavalry warrior wears iron armor with exquisite patterns and holds a spear. The horses under him are strong and powerful, with bright coats, and the sound of horse hooves is like thunder!
  They were riding on war horses, their bodies straight and their eyes sharp, as if they could see through everything!
  "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The roar suddenly broke out, thousands of horses galloped, charging into the battle, and the spears were like lightning, instantly piercing the enemy's defense line...

Looking at the war scene in front of him, Zhang Yimou, who was sitting in the audience, secretly compared it with the "Hero" he shot.

Not equal!

No one can refuse the Qin army shouting: "Wind! Wind! Wind!"

But who can resist the heavy cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty armed with spears and thousands of horses rushing towards them, shouting: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At the end of the film, Mulan returns victorious.

"No need to be a minister, I would like to travel thousands of miles to send my son back to his hometown!"

"Open the door of my east pavilion, sit by the window of my west pavilion, take off my war robe, put on my old clothes, fix my hair by the window, and look at the mirror with yellow appliqués..."

The moment she regained her daughter's body, the crowd cheered even louder!
  The contrast is simply stunning!
  And at the end of the film, Chen Fei showed the gringos from Hollywood what "three books and six etiquettes, ten miles of red makeup, phoenix crowns and clouds, eight big sedans, and a bright matchmaker marry!"

"Oh my god!"

The Victoria's Secret supermodel sitting next to Leo kept exclaiming, his eyes sparkling.

All the actresses at the scene had their eyes red with envy.

Although it's just filming, who can withstand such a big scene?

Shu Chang turned to look at Liu Yifei with a shocked expression, exclaiming: "Xiqian, then... is that person sitting in the sedan chair you?"

"Yes, it must be me!"

Liu Yifei responded with a smile, and her eyes swept over Chen Fei unconsciously.

When filming this scene, she was totally dazed and just listened to what others were doing. The whole scene felt like a dream.

Chen Fei truly recreated the scene of "Ten Miles of Red Makeup" and performed it meticulously!

The cost of this wedding alone was as high as [-] million, and the number of extras used was tens of thousands, which directly took away the time of a local county!
  With the end of the wedding ceremony, the two-hour movie has officially come to an end.

The main creators took the stage again and thanked everyone in the audience for their support.

A leader of the film bureau took the microphone and made no secret of his praise.

"This is what a good movie should be like! Spend every penny wisely! Spend it on the right place! The effect will be excellent!

The development of the film industry is inseparable from commercial blockbusters, and this kind of film is what we support and is an example that everyone needs to learn from.

I hope I can see more quality movies like this in the future! "

Chen Kexin's old face suddenly turned red...

In the audience, a group of actors from Hollywood have not yet recovered from the scene just now.

Although there are no gorgeous special effects, the magnificent scene left a deep impression on them, and the story about Mulan is also easy to understand, and will not make people confused.

All in all, this is a very good commercial masterpiece!
  Even if it is put on the Hollywood market, it will definitely gain praise and admiration from many people, and at the same time it will spread many Chinese cultures!
  Several film bureau leaders in the front row were whispering to each other with smiles on their faces.

Just with this movie, they can answer to their superiors this year!


The Sixth Princess reporter went out of his way and asked Chen Fei about his box office predictions.

"Director Chen, last time you predicted that the box office of "Thailand" would exceed [-] million, and it finally came true. So what do you predict the performance of "Mulan" will be?"

This question attracted a lot of people's attention. Several investors were staring directly at Chen Fei, hoping that he would come up with a bold number.

"Domestically, the starting price is RMB 6 million."

  As soon as these words came out, the scene was filled with excitement.

Although it had been expected, many people were still shocked when the number "6 million" appeared.

This is going to set a new record again!

"What about abroad?" Sixth Princess' reporter asked again.

"At the very least, we have to surpass "Source Code" first. Let's start with US$2 million. I hope we can achieve good results in the end."

Suddenly, the scene became more lively.

This horse is no longer riding a rocket, this is to truly establish the position of the number one person in the mainland film and television industry!
  Literature, art, business, big events... take turns!

The interview is over and the banquet officially begins!
  A group of people who flew over from Hollywood really saw the enthusiasm of domestic actors and directors, especially Leonardo. He never had time to come down that night and took one group photo after another.

Chinese hospitality is all about hospitality. For friends who come from afar, it is natural to make them feel at home.

It was already very late after the banquet, and everyone left the party. Everyone in Hollywood checked into the five-star hotel specially arranged by Chen Fei for them.

Most people are not in a hurry to go back. They plan to visit the domestic attractions.

Chen Long was invited by everyone to be their guide. The eldest brother did not refuse. He easily agreed to the group's request and promised to lead them to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

This is a great publicity opportunity, and the actors' narrations will attract fans and drive tourism development.

The film bureau expressed that it attached great importance to it, and even the cultural and tourism bureau became nervous. They specifically contacted Chen Fei and said that they would arrange for someone to come and help.

When these people see the grand occasion of their motherland and feel the hospitable atmosphere, they will definitely become one of the tourism advocates after returning to Hollywood...

Just when all parties were busy, the time came to December 12.

The first-day box office data of "Mulan" is newly released.

7865 million!
  When this data was posted on the front pages of major portal websites and major entertainment newspapers, the entire domestic entertainment industry exploded!
  "What the hell are you doing? Are these movie fans crazy?"

In Huayi's office, the two Wang brothers looked at the data on the Internet and were stunned.

On the Chengtian Entertainment side, Wu Kebo and his "godsister" Jiang Yiyan were stunned on the spot and could not recover for a long time.

Chengtian has been established for two years and has invested in no less than ten movies, but they have never heard of such horrific first-day box office figures as "Mulan"!

After receiving the news, directors such as Chen Kaige, Feng Xiaogang, and Zhang Yimou all sighed silently in their hearts.

"He succeeded again..."

(End of this chapter)

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