It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 295: Conflict of interests, taking the wrong path! Home was stolen?

Chapter 295: Conflict of interests, taking the wrong path! Home was stolen? (asking for monthly ticket)
  First day box office: 7865 million!
  As the first-day box office results were posted, more news about yesterday's "Mulan" premiere also appeared online.

Chen Fei's popularity suddenly spread throughout the circle again!

"All the domestic entertainment directors are present."

"Emperor, Golden Harvest, Media Asia, Starlight... Director Chen showed off his connections in Hong Kong Island for the first time!"

"Well-known Hollywood producers, directors, actors and other figures were present, and Director Chen showed off his Hollywood connections for the first time!"

"Leonardo and his girlfriend, a Victoria's Secret Angel, went to China to support Director Chen's new film. The two have a close relationship and are suspected of collaborating."

"Wang Jinghua led Orange Sky's popular artists to attend, while Orange Sky boss Wu Kebo and Orange Sky's artists were all absent."

"According to an insider in the industry, the invitation to the premiere was not sent to Chengtian..."

The media's ability to catch rumors is not comparable to that of ordinary people. In addition, some paparazzi are indeed very capable, and they quickly dug up the conflict between Chengtian and Feiyue Film and Television.

Although they only know some superficial information and the real inside story has not been dug out, it is enough to know that there are contradictions.

For a time, as the box office performance of "Mulan" continued to rise, various speculations emerged on the Internet.

Some people say that the two companies are competing for artists, others say that it is because of uneven investment distribution, and some even say that Chen Fei and Wu Kebo started a dispute because they were competing for an artist named "Fan".

Because of "Thailand", Fan Bingbin has indeed become popular again.

Coupled with the Golden Horse Supporting Actress Award she just won some time ago, her popularity has always been high.

Now Fan Bingbin has left Huayi and chosen to join Chengtian. At the same time, he also made a guest appearance in Feiyue Film and Television's "Thailand"...

I don’t know which media broke the news first. Anyway, the credibility is extremely high, and the media began to pay close attention to the interests and entanglements involved.


At this time, Feiyue Film and Television.

Natasha, Bruce, Kevin Feige, and Isaac Perlmutter did not go to the Great Wall with Chen Long.

When they came to China this time, in addition to supporting Chen Fei's new movie, they were also very curious about "Feiyue Film and Television".

Along the way, he has led Waltons Pictures, revitalized Marvel, and has many A-class production scripts in hand...

Chen Fei's performance not only shocked and frightened his competitors, but also shocked his partners!

"Fei? Is this your company?"

Looking at the company in front of them, which only occupies one floor of office space, several people obviously couldn't believe it.

Before arriving, they all thought it would be a very tall building!

Chen Fei smiled and explained nonchalantly: "We only do content production business, and there is almost no artist management business. The only people working here are screenwriters, legal affairs, finance, personnel, post-production, etc.

And those who are responsible for content production include assistant directors, executive directors, producers, scriptwriters, producers, coordinators, stage managers, photography directors, photographers, photography assistants, mechanics, lighting engineers, sound recordists, chief artists, art assistants, and costumers. , props, makeup, etc., these people rarely return to the company. "

"Why? Is it because the company can't sit down?"

Foreigners speak very straightforwardly, and Chen Fei is used to it.

In fact, as the company continues to grow, the office area on this floor is indeed stretched. He has recently entrusted an agency to find a place for him.

It would be best to buy a building that has already been built and spend some money to buy it, or build your own office building like Huayi did.

However, as the Olympic Games are approaching and housing prices in the capital have begun to rise, it is indeed difficult to find this kind of building.

He was not in a hurry, and even asked the intermediaries to take their time. There was no need to be too eager for quick success. As long as it was suitable, it was okay to pay more intermediary fees.

Facing the curiosity of several people, Chen Fei briefly explained: "Actually, because the company has too much business, they have no chance to come back. After one project ends, they will immediately invest in the next project, so few people come back to report. "

"Too many? How many specifically?" Kevin Feige asked curiously.

"At present..." Chen Fei thought for a while and replied: "There are about nine movie and TV projects in Asia, and there are also many overseas. You should all know these, right? Almost everyone is spread out ”


The group of people was instantly speechless.

There are 9 films in Asia alone, and there are currently 7 films in preparation abroad.


No wonder those people in the logistics department can't come back. There are 16 movies and TV series planned, and there are so many people who can't fill them!

A group of people looked at Chen Fei with extremely complicated eyes.

They thought that Chen Fei's achievements and record in Hollywood were already impressive enough, but when they came to China, they discovered that this "chief content executive"'s record in China was even more exaggerated!
  They just want to ask, which screenwriter can achieve such results at the age of 23?
  Who else? !

The recent Hollywood Screenwriters Guild strike has been very intense, and many companies' film shooting plans have been suspended. This is why Leonardo has time to travel domestically.

But Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures are different.

Their "chief content executive" will not go on strike and instead continue to launch movie plans, so that the employees of both companies are extremely busy!
  However, this kind of "busyness" is what everyone wants, because it means they can get a high salary.

After a brief visit to "Feiyue Film and Television", several people left the company under the watchful eyes of many employees.

There was quite a lot of work in Hollywood, and they didn't have much time to play, so they simply went back first.

If Chen Fei hadn't specially invited them to support the premiere this time, it would have been impossible for this group of people to travel a long distance to the other side of the ocean.

"WALL-E is going to hold a premiere, can you make it there then?"


"Okay, then I'll see you in Hollywood."

After sending a few people onto the plane, Chen Fei turned around and went to China Film.

The box office of "Mulan" was very explosive, with 7865 million on the first day, 7705 million on the second day, and 7430 million on the third day.

In just three days, the total box office in the Mainland has reached 2 million, which is a huge amount.

The Douban score is as high as 9.5, which is highly praised.

"Damn it, the extras in this war scene are so good, they even know how to ride a horse!"

"I thought the war scenes in "Heroes" were already impressive enough, but I didn't expect that "Ten Thousand Cavalry Charges" would be even more fierce!"

"Grandma, look at this movie. The story is clear, the core is clear, the scenes are grand, and it conveys a lot of cultural knowledge. Look at the previous ones, what kind of garbage are they filming?"

"Made, no matter how much money you spend on Ten Miles of Red Makeup, it is worth it. No wonder you invest 7000 million US dollars and then go back to watch other movies... What kind of debt is it? Is it so difficult to settle?"

"What are you afraid of? Labor and management just named them. "The Night Banquet", "The Promise", and "The City Is Full of Golden Armor" are all rubbish!"

Of course there will be bad reviews as well as good reviews, and many people pointed out the problems with Liu Yifei's acting skills...

But these sounds did not last long. Almost as soon as they appeared, they were suppressed by the stressed die-hard fans!

The rice circle culture has begun to take shape...

Chen Kexin's "The Proposal" was originally quite popular, but when "Mulan" was released, the box office was cut in half.

When he came to China Film and Television, Han Sanping happily conveyed the instructions of the bureau to him: ""Mulan" has become a benchmark for domestic commercial blockbusters. I hope that newcomers can take this as a standard..."

"Oh, this hat is so stressful!"

Chen Fei secretly lamented that this instruction also means that the performance of his next movies cannot be much lower than "Mulan"!
  "Haha, if you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight."

China Film Group held a [-]% investment share in "Mulan". Looking at it now, this deal is definitely profitable.

"What's going on between you and Cheng Tian?"

Han Sanping's sudden words made Chen Fei startled.

"Director Han is going to be a lobbyist?"

"No, I'm just curious. There's a lot going on on the Internet that you two are competing for Fan Bingbin? Let me remind you, try to have as little contact with that woman as possible."

"Haha, it has nothing to do with her, it's because of other things."

Chen Fei didn't go into details. It was better not to talk about his family affairs to anyone as much as possible.

"Okay, the contract between China Film and Volton Pictures has been signed. You have helped me a lot. The celebration party in a month will still be hosted by China Film. How about it?"

"Hey, it's late. Mr. Ren just told me that China Film Group is in charge of the premiere and the celebration banquet must be handed over to him."

"Hey, this old Ren is quick enough!"


After leaving China Film Academy, Chen Fei received a call from CJ.

These people in South Korea are pretty fast, and the launch of "The Defender" is scheduled for January.

"Let's play for the jackpot. Does Director Chen have time to come over?"

"We'll see when the time comes. There's a good chance I won't have time. I have to go to Hollywood."

"Well, that's a pity."

After talking for a long time, Park Xihan reported the number of moviegoers for "Mulan" in South Korea.

There were 32 moviegoers on the first day. Although it was 07 less than "The Crucible", it still ranked among the top five in [-]!
  "Okay, I'll leave you with the follow-up announcement."

"No trouble, no trouble at all..."

Although Xuanfa is cooperating with competitor ShowBox, this wave is definitely profitable.

The story of "Mulan" is also liked by many people in South Korea.

Just after hanging up the phone, Chen Fei saw another text message from Wu Jing.

"Mr. Chen, I've arrived at the animation studio, please don't miss me."

The promotion of "Mulan" has come to an end, and Wu Jing has nothing to do for the time being, so Chen Fei arranged for him to help with the preliminary preparations for "Kung Fu Panda".

Chen Long, Donnie Yen, and Hong Jingbao have also agreed that they will lead the Chen family and Hong family to help.

For this "Kung Fu Panda", Chen Fei invested a lot of attention, striving to make "Chinese Kung Fu" once again trigger a movie-watching craze in Hollywood!

It is our duty to spread Chinese culture!

Huang Xiaoming is a music person, so he specially asked his assistant to send him a set of albums, which were signed with his name.

Chen Fei took out the disc and listened to it. After all, he was not tone-deaf and had a certain knowledge of music.

Speaking of which, he also released a song when he first debuted.


  Chen Fei turned off the CD player directly.

Except for the first sentence, which is a bit unpleasant, the rest are very unpleasant.

He really couldn't appreciate it... ˆ ˆ ˆ "Yangtze River No. [-]" and "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "At the same time, a grand promotional campaign began. Lu Chuan was also very unlucky. Not only was he scheduled behind "Mulan", he also had to compete with Xingye on the same stage.

Chen Fei seemed to have seen the tragic scene of his "death".

However, compared to Lu Tailang's various death-defying operations, he suddenly had a new understanding of Zhao Yanzi's "no lower limit operation"!
  While "Mulan" was in theaters, Zhao Yanzi, Chen Kun, Hu Jun, Vitas, Fang Taizi, and Hong Kong director Ma Chucheng suddenly held a press conference.

"We have received the support of Yongsheng Film Company and will prepare a movie called "New Mulan" with an investment of up to 2.5 million, which will interpret a brand-new story of Hua Mulan with flesh and blood and emotions..."

When he saw this news on the portal website, Chen Fei was immediately happy.

Why didn't Grandma Rong stab this woman to death in the first place?

Damn it, this wave of heat has been fully absorbed by you!
  Still brand new, with flesh and blood, and emotions... Why don't you resurrect Hua Mulan?

Yang Shoucheng and Han Sanping called Chen Fei one after another and quickly explained that they did not know about it.

Whether in the Mainland or Hong Kong, who doesn't know the conflict between Chen Fei and the Xiang family?

Now that Zhao Yanzi suddenly appeared like this, it was obvious that she wanted to openly provoke her, or it could be said that she had someone behind her to back her up and was fearless.

"What is the relationship between Zhao Yanzi and China Film Emperor Entertainment Agency?"

"She joined in a studio mode, which is considered a cooperative relationship. We can choose whether to provide her with resources, but we have no right to control her personal behavior, and she did not notify us in advance about her participation in "Mulan"... …”

"You have to make a statement first."

Chen Fei's words were very direct, and he clearly wanted them to take sides.

Hearing the strong displeasure in his tone, Yang Shoucheng couldn't help but feel a hatred towards Zhao Yanzi.

seek death!

If you really step on the horse, you are seeking your own death!
  A few months ago, he announced that he would spend [-] million to support Zhao Yanzi. Not long after the contract was signed, this person suddenly made such a move.

"You're really sick of riding a horse! I'm going to shame your mother! You're a two-faced thing!"

Yang Shoucheng was so angry that he couldn't sleep well all night. After all, the leading party of this brokerage company was Emperor, and China Film only acted as a partner, so what happened was naturally due to Emperor's lack of management capabilities.

Exchange of interests is common in the entertainment industry, and this kind of siding also happens from time to time.

The next day, the China Film Emperor Entertainment Agency in the capital quickly issued an emergency statement.

"Due to the company's internal equity adjustment, China Film Emperor Entertainment Agency will suspend all agency business for its actors and will reopen after adjustment..."

When the news came out, the industry was in an uproar!
  Zhao Yanzi, who was participating in the filming of "Red Cliff" in Hong Kong, was immediately confused.

You just announced yesterday that you will be participating in "Mulan". Why did your agency suspend business today? What happened?

She called Yang Shoucheng directly.

"Director Yang..."

"Come back and sign the termination contract when you have time."

"Huh? Why?"

"You're going the wrong way."


The call was immediately hung up, and Zhao Yanzi quickly came to her senses, her face instantly becoming gloomy.

We went the wrong way, which translated into “we’re on the wrong team”!

With a sigh of relief, she turned her phone back on, looked through her address book, found a contact number and dialed it directly.

The call was quickly connected.

"Youlong, the plan is developing in the direction we expected, but will the price be a bit too high? That old guy Yang Shoucheng is very angry now. Can Xiang Jia really help us? Abandon the mainland market completely, is it really possible in Hong Kong Island? Can you stand firm?"

"Yanzi, believe me, we will definitely succeed. In order to win the trust of Xiangjia and stabilize my resources in Hong Kong, we can only do this."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. We'll get married when everything stabilizes..."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yanzi took a deep breath, and the panic on her face gradually dissipated.

From now on, she will complete the transition from actor to director, and then to "capital"!

Wang Baoqiang finally came.

What Chen Fei didn't expect was that this guy looked very honest and easy to fool, but in fact he was not.

"Brother Fei, I have to ask you for help with something."

Holding back a glance at the woman standing next to him, Chen Fei frowned slightly.

Why did he feel that this woman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while...

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter?"

As he spoke, Chen Fei pointed to the sofa next to him: "Sit down and talk. You don't have to be so restrained. We brothers have been together for several years. No matter what choice you make, I will respect it."

"Brother Fei, know everything!"

Wang Baoqiang's eyes widened violently, showing a shocked look.

"I'm not blind. Even the paparazzi can take photos of your date. How can I still be kept in the dark? And if I don't take action, do you think you two can sit here and talk to me today?"

No matter how big a celebrity you are, no matter how good your looks are, if an actor is in love and is discovered by reporters, he needs public relations.

Although the current fans are not as scary as later, there is no guarantee that there will not be some idiots.

Therefore, when it comes to things like falling in love, it is best to reduce big things to small things. It is more appropriate to make small things small.

Thanks to Chen Fei's good relationship with several media outlets over the years, and his relationship with the Publicity Bureau, the popularity of "Shun Liu falling in love" completely disappeared from the Internet before it even became popular.

Wang Baoqiang has developed quite well in the past two years, and his grassroots character is also very stable. Things like "falling in love" that are obviously contrary to other people's characters should be avoided as much as possible.

"Isn't it handled by President Wu?" The girl was also a little surprised.

"Wukebo? Hehe, he hasn't even taken care of his own affairs, how can he still care about dealing with the scandal about your relationship?"

ShowBox is quite ruthless. After learning that the news about Jiang Yiyan going to a nightclub and having sex with her male idol was suppressed, they broke new news.

This time the fire burned directly on Vukbo.

When I went to South Korea before, the video of the two of them staying in the same hotel room was recorded by a candid cameraman using an extremely tricky angle.

Now he has a headache!
  This revelation is not easy to suppress. Huayi is deliberately stoking the flames, even involving the former first sister Chen Hao and Fan Bingbin, causing scandals in the industry to fly all over the world.

"You haven't said what you want me to do for you?"

"I...I..." Wang Baoqiang lowered his head coyly, and after a while he muttered in a low voice: "Yaya's contract is with Chengtian. She wants to terminate the contract now, but Wu Kebo threatens her. If she terminates the contract, she will have to pay [-] A liquidated fine was imposed on her, and she also sent people to her hometown to threaten her parents..."

Yaya? !
  "Fuck! Tong Liya!"

Chen Fei finally came to his senses. Wasn't this man married to Chen Gou in his previous life, and he was also cheated on!
  Is the butterfly effect so scary?

"Axiang" actually came together with "Tang Ren"?
  After a while, Chen Fei finally came back to his senses from the complicated relationship.

There is almost no difference between what Wang Baoqiang said and what Su Guohai said. Tong Liya was indeed sent by Wu Kebo, and her mission was to "seduce" Wang Baoqiang in an attempt to drag him to Chengtian.

But in the end, somehow, she was instigated by Wang Baoqiang to rebel!

Does this kid have something?

"How much is the liquidated damages?"

"130 million." Tong Liya replied weakly.

"That's it?" Chen Fei looked at Wang Baoqiang in shock: "What's going on with you kid? After making movies and TV series for so many years, your salary is at least tens of millions, right? You can't even get 130 million?"

Wang Baoqiang's face turned red and his head was lowered, as if he had done something wrong.

"The village...the village needs to build roads and schools, which are all sponsored by me. And I don't need that much money by myself, so I donated some to the welfare institution and supported dozens of college students to contribute to the construction of the motherland. Also supported a lot..."

Mad, what the hell is it that makes you feel so ashamed of yourself all of a sudden?

Chen Fei opened his mouth several times, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

Call him stupid, he is really stupid, but what he did was inappropriate, and I can't live with it in my conscience...

"Hey, keep some spare money for yourself in the future. If your parents are sick and need money, you can also use it."

While saying this, Chen Fei looked at Tong Liya who was sitting next to him.

"I can help you pay the liquidated damages, and I can also help you with matters in your hometown, but I have a condition."

"Director Chen, please tell me."

"I want you to join Feiyue Film and Television and become an artist under my company."

As soon as she finished speaking, Tong Liya's expression suddenly became one of surprise.

"I am willing!"

Who in the industry doesn’t know that Feiyue Film and Television’s resources are the best?

He often works on big productions. Although he is not a full-time artist manager, he doesn't have to worry about running out of work if he stays in the company.

And once you join Feiyue Film and Television, it means stepping on the pedal to Hollywood!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!
  Seeing Tong Liya's expression of joy, Wang Baoqiang cast a grateful look at Chen Fei from the side.

He just looks honest on the outside, it doesn't mean he is a fool, so he can naturally see that Chen Fei did all this for him!

Women are best at acting, especially those who have studied acting.

Who knows if Tong Liya is too involved in the drama, or if she is sincerely grateful?
  In order to continue to verify, Chen Fei simply took her under the company, which not only created opportunities for the young couple to fall in love, but also stopped losses in time.

why not?


Things are actually quite easy to deal with.

The lawyer came forward to pay the liquidated damages, and Tianshan Film Studio was responsible for relocating Tong Liya's parents. The bluffing dragon could not overpower the local snake.

With strong connections and financial resources, Tong Liya became a contracted artist under Feiyue Films in just two days.

After Wu Kebo had sorted out his mess, he looked back and saw that his home had been robbed!

"The number you dialed is currently active..."

  The brand new mobile phone was smashed to pieces. Wu Kebo was breathing heavily in the office, thinking to himself, he must get this place back!
  Labor and management will never continue to suffer this loss! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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