It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 296 I’m just chatting with you, won’t you ruin my movie?

Chapter 296 I’m just chatting with you, won’t you ruin my movie?
  Time quickly came to the fifth day after the release of "Mulan", and the box office successfully exceeded [-] million.

At this time, after a twenty-day release period, "The Movie" successfully exceeded the 100 million mark, but the daily box office dropped to less than [-] million per day.

Although China Film Group did not report specific data, the media compiled the overall box office results based on the box office announced by each theater chain.

Because the distribution range covers Southeast Asia and other places, after aggregation, the final figure of US$4280 million was obtained.

For a while, before the investors came out to reply, netizens and major media started to explode.

An investment of US$4000 million, a box office of US$4280 million?

It's outrageous!
  Chen Kexin never expected that the situation he disclosed during promotion would now become a boomerang, stabbing him hard!

"What exactly are the [-] million costume props used for?"

"If you are so obviously greedy, can no one care about you?"

"Boycott Hong Kong directors..."

There was an uproar on the Internet. Reporters wanted to find Chen Kexin, but after asking around, they found out that he went to Hawaii for vacation.

At the start of "Bullfighting", Chen Fei and Huang Bo chatted freely about Chen Kexin.

"You already have the money, why are you still hanging around? Can't you make yourself happy?"

"China Film doesn't care?"

"How to control it? I can't control it, it involves too much."

"So you admit it?"

"Look at Mr. San, he is now the boss of China Film Group. He must have something up his sleeve."

Chen Fei followed, but he had a pessimistic attitude in his heart.

"Tou Ming Zhuan", "Red Cliff", "Nanjing!" Nanjing! ”, these three movies will definitely become the three thorns in China Film Group’s body, piercing deeply!

It was his first time as a director to make a movie, and Huang Bo was quite nervous.

A lot of media came to the "Bullfighting" launch scene. When being interviewed, he stroked the bull he chose, and his gratitude was beyond words.

"I'm very grateful to Director Chen for supporting me. This is also my first time trying the directing industry. I don't ask for a box office hit, I just want not to be embarrassed or lose money."

Huang Bo has already begun to support himself. He really has no confidence in his own level. He just hopes that he will not make big mistakes and can continue filming smoothly.

Chen Fei stood beside him and shook his head with a smile: "I'm not that pessimistic. Work hard, focus, and be careful. Where there is a will, things can happen."

Seeing him suddenly answering, the reporters suddenly became excited.

"Director Chen, what do you think about the ban of "Apple" starring Fan Bingbin?"

In recent days, there has been quite a stir about the affairs between Wu Kebo, Jiang Yiyan, Chen Hao and Fan Bingbin.

ShowBox was responsible for igniting the fire behind the scenes, and Huayi took the opportunity to add fuel to the fire and torment Cheng Tian severely.

Big and Little Kings is not a good person, and an uncut version of "Apple" suddenly appeared on the Internet and began to spread widely.

This film was invested by Chengtian, and it was precisely because of this film that Fan Bingbin switched sides to Chengtian.

Revenge is late but coming!

There was a lot of commotion online, and the bureau was also under pressure. In addition, there were indeed many violations in this film, so they simply followed the trend and banned it directly!

The screening license was revoked, all actors wrote self-criticisms, serious criticism and education...

For a time, Chengtian became a joke in the circle!

Chen Fei took this matter as amusement, and he would support anyone who tried to trick Wu Kebo. At least Huayi did a pretty good job this time, but it was much more enjoyable than poaching Tong Liya.

But of course he couldn't say that to reporters.

"Be a warning."

Everything is on the right track, that's for sure.

"Some netizens responded that since "Apple" has been blocked, then "Lust, Caution", which is similar to it, should also suffer the same treatment. What do you think?"

Chen Fei glanced at the person he was interviewing. Sure enough, his logo was that of an entertainment tabloid.

This is the kind of media that dares to say anything and ask questions.

"You should ask the directors who make art films about this. I only make commercial films. How do I know this?"

This statement left the reporters at the scene confused.

"You have won the Berlin Golden Bear and the Cannes Palme d'Or, so how can you not be considered a director of art films?"

"First ask people in the literary and art circles, do they recognize me as a director of art films?"

Huang Bo's forehead had begun to sweat.

I’m here to talk about it for you, but “Bullfighting” won’t be talked about anymore, right?


As soon as the launch conference ended, Chen Fei's speech appeared online.

[Ask people in the literary and art circles if they recognize me as a director of art films? 】

The bolded and blackened title was hung high on the portal, which made many directors feel sour when they saw it.

The faces of the old men in the literary and art circles turned dark again.

They have received two awards, the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or, but are not recognized as directors of artistic films. This makes them feel sad just thinking about it.

At the same time, "Nanjing! Nanjing! " is approaching release, and the premiere ceremony has begun again.

"Didn't he just hold a movie viewing party some time ago? Why did he have a premiere again?"

Chen Fei had a dark look on his face, threw the invitation letter into the trash can, and asked his assistant to book a flight.

Who has time to watch a bad movie?
  Jiang Wen, who finally couldn't escape this time, was also very angry. He did it again and again. Isn't this sick?
  "Who knew! I was really convinced. Director Han called me specifically and said that I must have support this time."

"Good luck."

"Hey? Are you going to run away again?"

"I feel sick just looking at him. If you seize the opportunity, remember to spit in his face for me."


Jiang Wen hung up the phone with a speechless expression.

As he said, if he really had the chance, he would have done this long ago. The key is that this kid has almost never met him since he finished filming "The Gun".

No chance!


The filming of "Painted Skin" is progressing very quickly. They are all veteran actors and their acting skills are absolutely superb.

"Which schedule is the company planning to choose?" Ning Hao took the initiative to ask on the phone.

In the VIP lounge of the airport, Chen Fei crossed his legs and asked, "In how many months will you be able to finish filming?"

"Next March."

"Then let's release the summer holiday. Anyway, the seven-day May Day holiday has been cut down to only three days, so there is no need to join in the fun."

"Okay, then listen to you."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei casually browsed through the news on the portal.

The news that Liu Tao is marrying a "rich man" is another hot news recently. He even announced at the wedding that he would quit the entertainment industry to focus on raising his husband and raising children.

"Tsk, another good cabbage was snatched by a pig."

News about the financing of major video websites also began to emerge, which made Chen Fei suddenly think of "streaming media". He was not in a hurry now, but he could let Longxiang Capital take a step forward in this direction in the future.

Of course, he would definitely not choose to do it himself. This thing would be too expensive in the later stage.

Taking advantage of the blue ocean period, it is a good choice to hold a certain amount of shares and control a certain amount of voice.


Wang Zhongjun has started to have some headaches recently.

"The King of Kung Fu" was originally scheduled to be released during the May Day holiday, but who would have thought that the seven-day holiday was suddenly cut to only three days, which would inevitably have a great impact on the box office.

In addition, Chengtian's revenge came very quickly.

A lot of negative reviews of "Assembly" suddenly appeared on the Internet.

One netizen angrily expressed on the Internet that if his grandfather had not suffered from Alzheimer's disease, he would have fainted from anger after watching this movie. "If you can't hear the rallying call, even if there is only one person left, you have to fight me!"

This is a line in the play, and of course there is nothing wrong with this order. After all, military orders are like mountains, and it is the duty of soldiers to obey orders.

But the key thing is, I didn’t fucking blow this trumpet!

What is the nature of this riding horse?

There is no problem in the end. Everyone has gone to the battlefield and has long been prepared to die for the country.

But it was promised that the trumpet would be blown after the retreat, but the rally trumpet did not sound after the actual retreat, and the Ninth Company was dragged down on the battlefield.

Is there any difference between this behavior and deception?

Seizing this point, some film critics, media, netizens, etc. began to vent their anger on the Internet, angrily complaining about Feng Xiaogang and Huayi's dark history!

Coupled with Chengtian's push, this matter seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

"What should I do now?"

Wang Zhongjun looked at Huayi's public relations manager, wanting to hear his opinion.


"What kind of proof?"

"Making another movie with a similar theme will prove that our story is excellent and divert the attention of netizens who follow the trend of criticism."

Hearing this, Wang Zhongjun frowned.

The method is indeed quite good, but is it easier said than done to reproduce the excellent results of "Assembly"?
  Where can I find this kind of script that can earn high box office, get good reviews from all parties, and can also divert attention?

Suddenly, a name appeared in his mind!
  "Fade Chen!"

It's definitely easy to find him.

Wang Zhonglei's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the past, it would have been difficult for Huayi and Feiyue Film and Television to have the opportunity to cooperate, but it is different now. Their current "enemies" are Chengtian. Doesn't this form a natural alliance?
  As the saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Cooperating for a whole movie allows Cheng Tian to see what "powerful alliances" mean and how powerful he is to kill him!

Thinking of this, Wang Zhonglei suddenly made up his mind.

And he already has a goal!
  Some time ago, Feiyue Film and Television sent several scripts to the film bureau, and one of them was just right to deal with the current bad situation.


The Lunar New Year stalls are very important in China, as well as abroad.

During the December schedule, a total of ten companies including Paramount, Lionsgate, Warner, [-]th Century Fox, Disney, Dimensions, Sony, MGM, Universal, and New Line were gathered!

Natasha took a form and reported to him: "The overseas box office of "Mulan" is still very impressive. It has reached 7650 million US dollars in the first week of release, which is basically maintained at [-] million per day."

"Well, not bad."

For a foreign language film, this box office is already very good, and there should be no problem at least surpassing "Source Code".

The most important thing now is the cartoon "Wall-E".

Fortunately, its only rivals so far are Disney's "Magic" and [-]th Century Fox's "The Chipmunks."

The former has been released for more than a month, and the latter has been released for more than half a month.

As for box office performance, Disney is still quite stable, with the total box office now reaching US$3 million.

On the other hand, 2th Century Fox is a little inferior. It took half a month to break through [-] million dollars, and the final estimate was only [-] million US dollars.

"How's the premiere going?"

"Everyone who should be invited has been invited. The venue is set to be the Kodak Theater and it will start tomorrow morning."

Kodak Theater?

"Hey, you're doing this well. You turned the venue designated by the Oscars into the premiere?"

"What's the point?" Natasha said nonchalantly: "The Kodak Theater was originally provided for external parties to hold various activities, and it was also usually rented out.

It's just that Oscars and Victoria's Secret are more popular, so everyone thinks that place is more noble. In fact, the essence is just to spend more money. "

Chen Fei silently gave her a thumbs up!
  This gesture definitely drags my sister.


On the 29th, major directors and actors in China attended "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "At the premiere of "WALL-E", Waltons Pictures in Hollywood also held a premiere for "WALL-E".

There were many guests present, and besides Disney, other Hollywood film companies also sent representatives.

Many companies are looking forward to and testing the first animated film produced by Waltons Pictures.

Animated movies are much more difficult to shoot than live-action movies. Various props, post-production, characterization, stories, etc. all require a very refined production process.

And more importantly, the copyright of animated movies and the sales of various peripherals are incomparable to live-action movies!
  Why is Disney so awesome?

Isn’t it because they have so many animation copyrights, various peripherals, Disneyland, etc., which have earned the company huge profits!
  Because of this, many companies have a "crying wolf" attitude towards Walton Pictures' entry into the animation field.

The cake is not quite divided to begin with, but if another strong competitor comes along, it will be difficult to win the market in the future!
  The MGM producer who created the classic animated series "Tom and Jerry" seemed a little nervous today because his friend had gone to see a screening of WALL-E and came back to tell him some very bad news. .

"This animated movie is likely to refresh many people's outlook on life!"

Spielberg, who currently works at DreamWorks, also came to the scene and was chatting with John Lasseter, chief creative officer of Pixar Animation.

Although Pixar is affiliated with Disney, it is an independent animation studio, but its films will be distributed by Disney.

Therefore, even if Disney and Walt Disney Pictures had no contact with each other, John Lasseter still came without hesitation.

As the chief creative officer of an animation company, while ensuring content output, he must also always pay attention to the trends of other competitors.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, Chen Fei and Natasha walked into the Kodak Theater, followed by a group of people from the animation studio and the actors who dubbed the movie.

There was a commotion in the theater, because almost all the employees in Volton Pictures' animation studio were recruited from other companies, so it is inevitable that everyone will blush when they meet again today.

Of course, as a boss, Chen Fei would not be as thin-skinned as them.

“First of all, I would like to welcome everyone to the premiere of Volton Pictures’ first animated film. The production cycle of this animated film lasted for a year and took a lot of effort from all our staff.

I'm ashamed to say it. This is actually my first time as an animation director, but fortunately, even though the production process was a bit bumpy, I still managed to make this movie.

Everyone present here are top Hollywood animation producers, directors, voice actors, etc. I also ask you to give me some feasible suggestions after watching the movie. "

After the speech ended, the video started playing.

Chen Fei walked off the stage and deliberately sat down between Spielberg and John Lasseter.

Both of them are seniors in the animation industry. After the movie is over, they are the most qualified to evaluate it.

The film slowly unfolds. On a planet full of garbage, a garbage cleaning robot WALL-E is working tirelessly. He is accompanied by cockroaches, and gradually develops feelings and self-awareness...

As time passed, Chen Fei clearly noticed that Spielberg and John Lasseter beside him quickly changed from their casual expressions at first glance to serious and shocked expressions!
  "WALL-E" is the first fully computer-produced animated feature film in human film history, and it also includes a film clip starring real people!
  This footage is from the 1969 musical "Hello, Dolly!" ", is director Andrew Stanton's favorite work. In order to buy the copyright, Chen Fei even spent tens of thousands of dollars!

Two hours passed slowly, and the moment the film ended, the entire Kodak Theater was completely silent.

Fade Chen specially observed the expressions and movements of the others. Without exception, they all looked confused!
  Technology, love, protecting the environment...

From this animated movie, they actually saw many features that can only be achieved in live-action movies!
  "Clap clap clap!"

Applause rang out, and everyone gradually came back to their senses. Their eyes moved from the screen to Chen Fei.

This can no longer be described as a genius director, this Ta Ma is simply a genius director!
  A producer at Fox yelled, "Fei! This... this is the best animated feature I've ever seen!"

"Thank you very much for the compliment."

Chen Fei smiled at him, then turned his head and looked at John Lasseter, the head of Pixar Animation Studio.

This feeling of NTR in's quite fun!
  "Mr. Lasseter? What do you think?"

Taking a deep breath, John Lasseter said slowly: "Legendary!"

Spielberg even expressed his emotions again and again, quite unsatisfied: "Lovely characters, well-made jokes, incredible friendliness and wonderful pictures.

Fei? Are you sure this is your first foray into animated films? This is really amazing. "

All you need is your words!

Chen Fei smiled slightly and said modestly: "Thank you both for your compliments. I will definitely continue to work hard and create more high-quality animated films."

As soon as these words came out, the heads of several film and television production companies at the scene changed their roles slightly.


The wolf is really coming!
  (End of this chapter)

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