It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 297 Awakening? Get out of here! Save Guoman? The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony has begun!

Chapter 297 Awakening? Get out of here! Save the national comic? The Golden Globe Awards Ceremony has begun!

In the blink of an eye, there are only two days left in December.

The premiere of "Wall-E" on the 29th went smoothly.

But when they walked out of the Kodak Theater, many producers from film and television companies looked worried.

This is not an ordinary "wolf", but a bloodthirsty hungry wolf!
  Even scarier than the "werewolf" in Twilight!
  The director team of the Spring Festival Gala called and wanted to invite Chen Fei to perform a show. He would do whatever he was good at.

Chen Fei refused without thinking. Rehearsal, first trial, second trial, third trial... the process was too troublesome and he didn't have the time to do it.

Wang Baoqiang and Liu Yifei are lucky. They are in the spotlight this year, and their programs were already scheduled for the Spring Festival Gala.

Because of the time difference, the domestic side took the lead in reporting "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "'s first-day box office results.

With China Film's strong publicity channels and the pressure of Mulan, Lu Chuan managed to score 1257 million at the box office.

For a while, the two Japs were still fighting each other, and interviews came one after another.

"Actually, when I first thought of filming "Nanjing! Nanjing!", my idea was relatively simple. I just wanted to make a film about the Chinese people resisting the invasion. It took a total of three years from the idea of ​​the film to the final completion of the film.

From the resistance against aggression to the exploration of war and human nature, the production process made me extremely painful. I was immersed in the historical materials of the Holocaust every day, and I often felt exhausted mentally and physically, and felt that life was worse than death..."

As he talked, this guy cried again, and he was so moved that he burst into tears!

Jiang Wen called and cursed:

"Made, this piece of shit actually made a movie about the spiritual struggle of ordinary Japanese soldiers from a Japanese perspective. How can he be both a sinner and a victim? It's really outrageous..."

Jiang Wen scolded him harshly, and he was obviously very angry.

"Just wait and see. There are too many problems with his film. It's difficult for ordinary people to accept it. This is a trend that will push himself towards being infamous for eternity."

Chen Fei said happily and stopped paying attention.

In other words, those who consider themselves noble in the literary and art circles can condescend to experience and experience the rich literary and artistic spirit from various angles.

But the movie is for ordinary audiences, and the box office results are also supported by ordinary audiences. Who can have that lofty consciousness when riding a horse?

At dawn, Chen Fei drove to Volton Pictures as soon as possible.

As soon as he entered the door, before he could say anything, he looked up and saw a line of big red fonts appearing on the LED screen in the company lobby.

"WALL-E" opened at the box office on its first day: $2763 million!


Looking at this number, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

This achievement is going to hit the sky again!

He immediately found Natasha who was in the office. As expected, she was looking through the various reviews of the film by film critics and audiences.

"This is the best animated movie I have ever seen. It makes me feel very warm. The only verbal communication between the two robots is to call each other's name, but it is just a name, but it contains a thousand words!"

"The main line of the film is the love between Wall-E and Eva. Wall-E used his strong sense of responsibility and persistence in love to win over Eva and impress the audience. The opening chapter is nearly 40 minutes without dialogue or human characters, which is considered one of the highlights of the film. Big feature.”

"The depression and decline of the earth are in sharp contrast with the feasting and feasting of mankind's new residence. The behavior of destroying the environment due to over-exploitation, and the human beings who have become obese, vain, and lazy due to their reliance on technology are also fully satirized and criticized. , it can be said that in addition to showing the heart-touching love between robots, it is thought-provoking and educational."


Natasha became more and more excited as she watched it, and said excitedly to Chen Fei: "Many people said that this animated movie is very good. It has romance, science fiction, and is thought-provoking."

"We succeeded?"

"Yes! We succeeded again!"

The two looked at each other with bright smiles.


At this time, the office door was suddenly pushed open, and Bruce walked in excitedly holding a newspaper.

"Fei, Natasha, "Wall-E" has been nominated for the Best Animated Feature Film at the 65th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards!"

Yo? Double happiness?

After taking the newspaper, Chen Fei lowered his eyes and looked at it.

A total of four films were nominated this time, including "Wall-E", "The Movie" from DreamWorks, "Ratatouille" from Pixar Animation, and "The Simpsons" from [-]th Century Fox.

"There are still quite a lot of competitors, right?"

Chen Fei muttered, but his heart was full of confidence.

That's it?

Compared to the cute and cute WALL-E, these movies above have no ability to fight for!

The first three days passed by in a hurry, and when the time came to January 08, 1, WALL-E's North American box office appeared on the front pages of major domestic portals.

Three days, $8129 million!

Converted into RMB, it’s a staggering 6 million!

This is only the performance in North America. You know, this movie has taken the global distribution route.

Just like today, with the arrival of 08, "WALL-E" has been launched in the three major regions of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan at the same time.

"Nanjing! Nanjing! 》It was directly surrounded.

Previously, there was "Mulan" with a box office of over 3.8 million in ten days after its release. Later, there were Hollywood Class A animated feature films "Wall-E" and "Nanjing!" Nanjing! 》The film schedule is constantly being compressed.

Even in the Pan-Asian theater chain indirectly controlled by Chen Fei, "Nanjing!" Nanjing! 》There was only one midnight screening one day, and the attendance rate was less than [-]%!

On January 1, the domestic box office of Wall-E reached 2 million yuan.

In contrast, "Nanjing!" Nanjing! 》, only a pitiful 750 million!
  Four days, 4526 million?
  "Director Han, you have to think of a way. The number of films scheduled is too low. Many theaters are not following the rules and have moved my movie to the midnight slot. Who would go to the movies at night?"

Lu Chuan directly found Han Sanping and wanted him to bring justice to him.

Looking up and holding him back, Han Sanping waved to him: "Come, come and take a look for yourself."

Somewhat confused, he walked behind the computer screen. Lu Chuan looked curiously and saw that everything in front of him was about "Nanjing!" Nanjing! "comment of.

"The character Kadokawa is just trying to clean up the Japanese! What does the director think? Is he sick?"

"Made, I wasted two hours to watch such a bad movie that claims to be patriotic. It is messy and disjointed, has no main line, is too dramatic, and emphasizes the cowardice of the Chinese people and the innocence of the Japanese. It is simply speechless. It is in the name of patriotism but it is counterproductive. , I really hope that relevant departments can pay attention to review, and not all so-called patriotic films can play a good educational role."

"The Japanese who were the perpetrators did not reflect on themselves, and then the victims reflected on the perpetrators? Lu Chuan, right? I think it would be better to change his name to Taijun Lu Chuan."


The more he looked, the darker Lu Chuan's face became.

Han Sanping looked at him seriously: "I'll ask you again now, how do you think I should discuss the film schedule with the theaters? The attendance rate of each show is less than 40%, who would be willing to share the film schedule of the golden period with you? ?”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Chuan's face became even more ugly.

He wanted to defend himself, but netizens simply didn't understand the inner thoughts he wanted to express.

This is the nature of literary and artistic films. They always use a condescending attitude to forcefully push the ideas that the director wants to express into the heads of film and television viewers.

But who would fall for this?

"Mulan" has been soaring at the box office, and news that "Wall-E" was nominated for the Best Animated Feature Film at the 65th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards quickly appeared online.

Netizens suddenly became excited again.

"Brother Fei is really awesome. He has won two of the three European gold medals, and he has been nominated for three Hollywood awards in turn. He has gained every time. This one is really awesome!"

"Best animated feature film, well-deserved!"

"I never expected that Director Chen would be so good in the field of animation. This movie made me cry. He is really good!"

"I used to think that companies like Pixar, DreamWorks, and Disney are already very good, and we can't compare with them in China. But now I realize that Director Chen's level is not worse than them at all!"

"Director Chen, please save Guoman!"


A lot of people came to Waltan Animation Studio today.

The "Chen Family Class" headed by Chen Long and the "Hong Family Class" headed by Hong Jingbao specially chartered a flight from Hong Kong to Hollywood.

The production of the animation "Kung Fu Panda" is much more complicated than that of "WALL-E".

To blend comedy elements with kung fu elements and incorporate a heroic coming-of-age story into it is not something that ordinary computer animation can do.

CG technology comes in handy again.

The five master groups in the movie happen to come from the five boxing styles named after animals in Chinese Kung Fu: Tiger Fist, Snake Fist, Monkey Fist, Crane Fist, Mantis Fist, etc.

Therefore, domestic action instructors can come in handy.

After briefly watching some of the clips that had been produced on the computer, Chen Long suddenly raised his doubts.

"In this kind of virtual world expanded by animated movies, our real kung fu doesn't seem to have much adaptability, right? After all, the protagonists in the movie are all composed of animals. If the actions are arranged according to the structure of the human body, it may cause the movie The main characters look like people in animal costumes performing."

Worthy of being a famous "Kung Fu Superstar" in Hollywood, Chen Long's views are indeed to the point!

Chen Fei nodded and replied: "Yes, you are right, so we need to use movements that conform to the animal's body structure to adjust each fighting scene. You all have practiced martial arts, and you are also the best in the field of martial arts instructors. Readers, my idea is that you can be divided into several groups, each group provides a martial arts action of an animal, and displays it appropriately in conjunction with its body structure, so as to complete the final scene on the screen."

The production of the Kung Fu Panda movie is extremely complex. In addition to dealing with martial arts and kung fu scenes, it also has to incorporate Chinese architecture, painting, sculpture and other visual elements.

If foreigners were to do this, it would definitely be a headache, and the production cycle would take at least three years.

But Chen Fei is different.

He is Chinese himself, and he also knows martial arts, modeling, animation post-production, CG and other technologies, and he has a good relationship with a group of martial arts instructors in Hong Kong.

In this way, the shooting cycle can be greatly shortened.

Moreover, China Film and Shanghai Film Group also gave a lot of support. They participated in the investment of "Kung Fu Panda" and some ancient architecture experts were sent by them.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Fei dared to shout the slogan that was released during the Olympic Games!

Hong Jingbao doesn't talk much, but he is the kind of person who does practical things. Moreover, the relationship between Hong Jiaban and Chen Jiaban is quite good, and the two sides cooperate well.

In this way, "Kung Fu Panda" officially entered the filming period.


CJ held a grand opening ceremony for the movie "The Defender", in which Lee Ji-en also played a supporting role.

Although Chen Fei was not present, he arranged for Su Guohai to go to the South Korean platform.

“The hospitality in that place is so warm!”

After returning from South Korea, Su Guohai repeatedly lamented that he had to have high concentration, otherwise he would have given up.

At the same time, "The Crucible" produced and distributed by ShowBox has also been officially released.

Park Bucheng called again, inviting him to the celebration banquet and conveying the film's box office results.

"Although the film specifications are "19 banned", the total number of movie viewers still created an excellent result of 485 million. This time, we were a great success!"

"Okay, we can try to release it in multiple regions in the future. Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia and other regions can try to expand the market."

"Okay, we will arrange it."

"There is another great thing." Park Buncheng said very excitedly: "While triggering a movie-watching craze, "The Crucible" has also had a profound social impact in South Korea.

Millions of signatures appeared online, calling for a re-investigation of the Gwangju Inhwa School incident.

Under pressure from public opinion, the procuratorate launched a re-investigation into the case and closed the school involved.

A 63-year-old person involved in the case who was previously sentenced to probation and released was also commuted to 12 years in prison. At the same time, the National Assembly passed the "Partial Amendment Bill to the Special Criminal Punishment Law" with a high vote.

This bill strengthens the protection of people with disabilities and children, and also strengthens the penalties for crimes that are extremely harmful to children and people with disabilities.

Because the bill was born due to the movie "The Melting Pot", it is also called the "Melting Pot Law" by South Korean netizens! "

WTF? ? ?

On the other side of the phone, Chen Fei was stunned for a while.

After making a movie, the South Korean Congress actually revised the bill?
  This influence is really big!
  "In view of your influence in the South Korean film market, South Korean netizens even affectionately call you "Movie Judge."

"Hey, this is interesting?"

After the release of the previous "New World", Chen Fei heard that Congress had strengthened its control over evil forces and criminals.

Now that "The Crucible" is released, Congress has re-amended the bill!
  What kind of impact will "The Defender" have after its release?

Chen Fei said he would wait and see!


Due to the impact of the Hollywood Writers Guild strike, many Hollywood stars recently announced that they would collectively miss the awards ceremony.

The day before the awards ceremony began, the organizers had no choice but to announce that this year's Golden Globe Awards ceremony would be downgraded to a press conference lasting only one hour.

Because there are no red carpets and banquets, the process this time has been reduced to a press conference instead of the award ceremony, in exchange for the presence of celebrities, and the list of winners will be announced live.

NBC (American National Broadcasting Company) will provide live coverage of the Golden Globe Awards, which will be attended only by reporters.

Since 1943, this is the first time in the 65-year history of the Golden Globe Awards that such embarrassment has occurred!
  But there is nothing we can do about it. The Screenwriters Guild is on strike and the Screen Actors Guild is strongly supporting it, which will naturally affect the awards ceremony.

Some media even speculated that this situation may affect the 35th "Annie Awards" and the "Oscar Awards" held by the Hollywood International Animated Film Association.

Various media are reporting relevant news, but these news have little to do with Chen Fei.

As long as he can win the prize, other situations are not within the scope of his consideration.

On the 13th, senior executives of Volton Pictures gathered in the conference room and watched this special Golden Globe Awards ceremony through NBC's broadcast.

So far, "Wall-E" has been released for half a month, and the North American box office has exceeded US$1 million, settling on the figure of US$1.6 million.

Among other foreign distribution channels, Japan and the United Kingdom had the highest box office, both achieving US$3000 million.

As for the total score, it is fixed at the number 1.9 million.

This also means that this animated film, which invested US$1.5 million, has now earned a total box office of US$3.5 million.

This is only half a month after its release!

A professional data analysis company predicts that Wall-E's total global box office will be around US$6 million.

There is no doubt that this is another hugely profitable movie!

At the same time, "Mulan" has been in theaters for 23 days. Today it officially broke the record of "囧囧" and further raised the box office to 5.5 million yuan.

In North America, this movie also broke the box office data of movies such as "Heroes", "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", and "Source Code", achieving an excellent result of 1.5 million US dollars.

Cavalry charge and Shili Hongzhuang have become the best methods of publicity!

China has begun to summarize the box office results created by major film and television production companies in 07.

There is no doubt that in the face of "Mulan" and "Lost in Thailand", two movies with box office sales exceeding [-] million yuan, other film and television production companies are simply "horrible"!
  And sandwiched in the middle is "Nanjing!" Nanjing! ”, although the box office has barely exceeded [-] million, the new box office every day is less than [-] million.

If Lu Chuan hadn't begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother everywhere, and if this movie was invested by China Film, it might have been taken off the shelves by major theaters by now.

But even so, the film schedule was still pushed to the extreme. It was a great honor for him to barely hold on until the end of the one-month release period.

Wang Zhongjun made a special call and proposed the idea of ​​cooperation.

After listening to his reasons, Chen Fei did not refuse, but made a proposal to discuss in detail when he went back to attend the premiere of "Yangtze River No. [-]".

"Then I wait for you."

"it is good."

After a brief conversation, Chen Fei hung up the phone.

The Golden Globe Awards press conference has begun!

Chen Fei saw many familiar movie names in the shortlist.

"Juno," "Tangled," "The Kite Runner," "Atonement."

In addition, there is a movie with a particularly interesting title.

"Inflatable doll love?"

Bruce on the side curled his lips and mocked: "Only losers use inflatable dolls."

You are noble!
  You are amazing!

Chen Fei rolled his eyes at him, and then saw "Stephen Spielberg", the only person qualified to be shortlisted for the Lifetime Achievement Award.

This old man is really awesome!
  At the age of 62, he should have retired in China, but he can still produce outstanding works such as "Minority Report" and "Munich".

He is worthy of being an internationally renowned director!

In addition, Chen Fei also saw Li Bian's "Lust, Caution" on the shortlist for the best foreign language film.

"Mulan" directly applied for the Oscars and did not respond to the organizer's invitation to participate in the Golden Globe Awards because time was really running out.

On the TV, after the host read the opening remarks, the press conference officially began!
  Best Original Song, Best Score, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress...

The awards were announced one by one, and everyone in the conference room became nervous.

Can he win the prize?

The French film "The Diving Bell and the Butterfly" won the best foreign language film, while "Lust, Caution" unfortunately failed to make the list.

Four animated films nominated for Best Animated Feature suddenly appeared on the screen, and "Wall-E" was among them.

An old man came to the podium, opened the envelope and took out a card.

"I announce that the winner of the 65th Golden Globe Awards for Best Animated Feature is - "WALL-E". Congratulations, FeiChen in front of the screen!"

boom! ! !
  As soon as he finished speaking, cheers exploded in the conference room of Volton Pictures!

"We won an award, our movie won an award!"

The crowd burst into excitement, and screams resounded throughout the company!

(End of this chapter)

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