It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 298 Transformation successful! The pressure on major Hollywood animation companies has doubl

Chapter 298 Transformation successful! The pressure on major Hollywood animation companies has doubled! Ginny Award! Oscar! god!

[Congratulations to Director Chen, his first animated feature film won the Film and Television Golden Globe Award! 】

In this information age, Hollywood news is no longer a secret to the country. As soon as Chen Fei won the award, the news spread back to the country immediately.

"What the hell? Are you holding it in your mouth like that?"

"Good guy, when it comes to transformation, except for Director Chen, I am not convinced by anyone else."

"Haha, did you read the report some time ago? Director Chen's film in South Korea actually promoted the improvement of South Korea's parliamentary laws."

"I also saw this news. Damn it, it's so awesome!"

"I'm already looking forward to the Oscars. "Wall-E" and "Mulan" are both participating in the selection. If he wins another Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, Director Chen will become a god!"

"Pfft... Nortel is quite interesting. I just passed by there today and hung up a banner for Director Chen again."

"... "

Domestic media and netizens were in an uproar, and seeing the box office continue to rise, theaters were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths.

It has to be a Hollywood blockbuster, and the money earned is so cool!

"Director Chen, make more blockbusters. Wanda has always been your strongest support."

"What about IMAX3D?"

"I will definitely handle it for you!"

"Okay, thank you Mr. Ye."

Although the filming of "Inception" has not yet started, Chen Fei has already begun preparations for future releases.


Theaters also decide what to choose. When WALL-E won the award, the major theaters in Hollywood quickly adjusted their film schedules the next day.

"Chipmunks" produced by [-]th World Fox was not very optimistic by theaters. Now, in order to make way for WALL-E, the film schedule has been severely suppressed!

But if the one facing the greatest pressure right now is Pixar Animation Film Studio.

After John Lasseter attended the premiere of "Wall-E," he felt vaguely that he might lose the Golden Globe selection.

Sure enough, he guessed it right!
  An emergency meeting began.

Disney’s current CEO Bob Iger personally came to the meeting room to listen to his ideas.

"Ratatouille failed to win the Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film. This was something we did not expect, but we do not need to be discouraged. The quality of "Up" is no worse than it. We strive to make this An animated film appeared in major theaters in 08, proving our strength!"

Bob Eagle spoke slowly: "I need a specific time."

Disney will release two animated films next year, "Lightning Dog" and "The Princess and the Frog," but according to people familiar with the matter, filming of Waltons Pictures' latest animated film has already begun.

If the new movie can still maintain the level of WALL-E, it may be difficult for Disney to surpass it!
  Therefore, the burden still has to be placed on Pixar Animation Studios.

After John Lasseter thought for a while, he replied: "Animation post-production is very difficult, and it will not be until the end of the year at the earliest."

"Okay, I hope you can achieve what you said."

Temporary success or failure is not terrible. After all, the Disney family has a great business. It will be good to win back next time.

But I'm afraid that it will still fail miserably next time, and the trouble will be big!
  Also as worried as Pixar is Katzenberg, the president of DreamWorks Animation, who has left DreamWorks and completed its IPO.

He is studying this year's strategic plan with Spielberg, who just received the Golden Globe Lifetime Achievement Award, and some senior executives.

The box office revenue of animated films accounts for a large part of DreamWorks' revenue, so they must ensure that they produce animated films every year and ensure that each film can achieve high box office.

A senior executive first said: "The news has been confirmed. Volton Pictures will launch a movie called "Kung Fu Panda" this year, combining elements of "Chinese Kung Fu" and "Panda National Treasure."

As a professional animation planner, Katzenberg instantly felt a sense of crisis.

"Chinese Kung Fu" has a high reputation in North America, not to mention the "Panda National Treasure", which is a favorite among children.

He had a vague feeling that this new movie from Volton Pictures would lead the trend again.

"How is the post-production of "Madagascar 2" going? Even if it is put until the end of the year, this movie must be released this year."

In Hollywood, as long as the first movie is successful, it is destined to be followed by a sequel.

This is especially true for animated movies!

"Madagascar" is one of DreamWorks' big IPs, and it also has a complete sequel plan, which can stabilize the morale of the military.

"Post-production is in progress and is expected to be completed around September."

"Okay! If there are not enough manpower, you can continue to send more people. Be sure to determine this year's output."

"But "Monsters vs. Aliens" is also in preparation and may require more manpower. The company's existing ones are simply not enough."

"Keep hiring! Or go to Disney and pay a high price!"

"it is good."

The senior executive in charge of the personnel business nodded, and the grudge between his CEO and Disney suddenly came to his mind.

I'm afraid I'll have to fight with Disney for the rest of my life...


Just two days after the Golden Globe Awards for Film and Television ended, the shortlist for the Annie Awards was announced.

Chen Fei, who was busy filming "Kung Fu Panda", received a newspaper from Bruce, which marked the list of all animated films shortlisted for the 35th Annie Awards.

The Annie Awards is an animation award and one of the highest honors in the global animation field. It has been held since 1972 by ASIFA-Hollywood, a member of the Los Angeles, California, branch of the International Animated Film Society.

This award was originally designed to reward lifetime achievements in the fields of animation direction, production, production, design, screenwriting, dubbing, sound effects and soundtrack.

Later, the Annie Awards began to evaluate animation as a whole, and established an award for the best animated film. At the same time, awards were also established in various animation fields.

The Annie Awards are held on February 2th, half a month before the Oscars.

"Best Animated Film, Best Director of an Animated Film, Best Screenwriter of an Animated Film, Best Art Direction of an Animated Film, Best Animation Effects..."

After counting carefully, Chen Fei was surprised to find that "Wall-E" actually received a total of 13 nominations!
  In contrast, "Ratatouille", released by Disney and produced by Pixar Animation Film Studio, also received 13 nominations.

This was followed by Sony's "Surf of the Penguins," which only received 10 nominations.

Before Chen Fei could react, Natasha came to the animation studio excitedly and shouted excitedly: "Fei, we can go to war with Disney!"

Chen Fei took a look at the newspaper in her hand and smiled slightly: "From now on, we will punch Disney, step on Pixar, and elbow DreamWorks."

"Are you confident?" Natasha asked expectantly.

Looking back at the modeling of the panda "A Bao", Chen Fei shrugged: "Why are you not confident?"


Woody Allen is quite fast, and the filming of "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" is almost over.

Chen Fei decided to put this movie on the summer vacation, when high school students will be on vacation, and he can swindle the pocket money of American high school students.

Come to think of it, there seems to be a little bit of evil~

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2" is still in preparation. Natasha specially built a greenhouse in the suburbs and built all the necessary equipment and scenes there.

As for Marvel, there is no need for Chen Fei to take care of it, Kevin Feige will arrange everything.

On the other hand, "Game of Thrones" requires him to work with his own hands and cooperate with Industrial Light and Magic to continue fine editing, which also results in him having to work overtime every night...

James Wan has finally finished filming Fast 4, and he plans to take a break first, and then try another horror movie to get a feel for it.

Overall, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Companies such as Lions Gate and New Line still contact him from time to time, wanting to continue to cooperate with him.

It's a pity that Chen Fei doesn't have much "surplus food" himself. He really doesn't have a suitable script to share with them, so he can only politely refuse it again and again.

On the contrary, the preparations for "Inception" were a little more complicated.

In order to make a 3D version, Chen Fei could only squeeze out more time and start revising the script.

The original script is actually quite good, and it is a standard commercial script creation template.

First, he started to do a small task, which led to the basic settings of Dream Stealing through a layer of dreams. Then the task failed, and he was forced by the big devil to work for him. He started to find people around the world to form a team, and finally fought the boss.

Team members come one after another, clashing with each other, working hard to get along, and understanding each other.

At the end, after the team completed the adjustment, the group officially started and achieved success!
  This is actually a standard Hollywood commercial film routine, and it is similar to the script theory of Avengers.

But routines are routines, and the core of the story is the key to supporting the routine, and the concept of "Inception" just supports the core of the story. At the same time, in addition to revising the script and displaying the 3D effects, he is also preparing to revise the arrangement of the actors.

For example, for the heroine "Ariadne", a transgender actress cannot be used for this role, and he plans to find a more suitable one.

In addition, there is the energy tycoon "Saito".

He doesn’t want the actors from his childhood either, he wants to replace them with Chinese ones!

"Which mainland actor can win this role? He must be able to match Leonardo's acting skills..."

While muttering to himself, Chen Fei conveniently drew an "×" on the word "Saito", and then wrote the word "Zhuang Zhou".

Stealing Dreams…Zhuang Zhou Mengdie…

Simply perfect!
  Foreigners may not understand "Zhuang Zhou Mengdie", but I believe that domestic movie fans will definitely watch it and can't stop watching it!

A copy of the script for "Inception" has been given to DiCaprio. This guy said he wanted to cooperate every day when we met. Now that Chen Fei actually sent him an invitation, he was quite excited.

This is also the reason why he went to China to attend the premiere of "Mulan" before.

Although it has not yet been determined whether he will appear in the show, it should be no problem.

In addition to the changes in actors, the filming location also had to be changed.

In order to respond to the film bureau's call, Chen Fei decided to place some of the scenes about the energy tycoon in the mainland. The main choice was the Magic City, which is more international and the effect should be good.

Script, actors, filming locations, preliminary preparations...

With the cooperation of many parties, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.


The news that "WALL-E" received 13 nominations for the Annie Awards was first reported by

Mainland fans were a little confused when they first watched it. After all, no one had much impression of this "Annie Award" and there were no domestic films that could participate in the selection.

Later, after some insiders spread the news, fans suddenly realized it!

"Hey guys, this is the battlefield where all animated movies compete globally!"

"Oh my god, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, that, I, I, I, I've got a new understanding of Director Chen's level. 13 nominations? How good does this movie have to be?"

"Is there a broadcast? Can you watch it on the computer?"

"Save Guoman!"

""Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit" has been banned. I'm really speechless. None of our Chinese comics can make it to the big screen?"

Some fans were making a heated argument, but before the scope could be completely expanded, the shortlist for the 80th Academy Awards was suddenly announced!
  Many people are not very familiar with the numerous foreign names. Looking at it, only Depp, who plays the "pirate captain", looks familiar, while the others look unfamiliar.

Therefore, after seeing the list, most people will invariably focus on the "Best Foreign Language Film".

Austria, Poland, Kazakhstan, Russia, China! ! !
  "Holy shit, "Mulan" was selected for the best foreign language film."

In the crew of "Painted Skin", Huang Xiaoming and Jiao Enjun were shouting and screaming, not at all calm as usual.

No way, who asked them both to participate in this movie, and Jiao Enjun has quite a lot of roles in the crew.

"real or fake?"

Zhou Xun and others came over one after another, and even Ning Hao, who was organizing the manpower to set up the scene, was alarmed.

Everyone gathered around and stared at the Oscar shortlist without blinking.

When they saw that "Mulan" was indeed included in the shortlist for Best Foreign Language Film, everyone was so excited that they couldn't help themselves!

Ning Hao took out his cell phone without hesitation and called Chen Fei, but the message displayed was "Call in progress."

"The invitation letter for the premiere of "Yangtze River No. [-]" has been sent to your mailbox. Remember to come back and participate in it. You are really awesome. You have actually been shortlisted for the Oscar. Are you confident about winning the award?"

While listening to Han Sanping's voice on the phone, Chen Fei read the newspaper in his hand.

  I really didn't expect it!
  "It's hard to say. Winning awards at the Oscars usually requires investing a lot of resources. At least winning over the judges is quite difficult."

The end of the year and the beginning of the year are usually the "wine party" time for the Oscars. In order to win the award, in addition to the quality of the film being high enough, attracting enough votes from the judges is also a top priority.

Chen Fei has assigned all the work in this area to Bruce. This guy is a good communicator!
  "If you need any help, just say it, China Film will definitely support you."

"Haha, okay, thank you very much, Director Han."

After chatting for a few more words, Fade Chen hung up the phone and pressed the power off button.

He didn't have time to deal with too many "congratulations" calls. The production of "Kung Fu Panda" was very complicated and he had to race against time.

In fact, in addition to "Mulan" being nominated for Best Foreign Language Film, "WALL-E" was also nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film.

But no one expressed shock at the news.

It won the Golden Globe Award for Film and Television, and was also nominated for 13 Annie Awards. It would be strange if such a movie was not shortlisted for the Oscars!

The only thing everyone is curious about now is whether "Mulan" can win the best foreign language film?

A group of film and television production company bosses and actors from major brokerage companies are waiting for Chen Fei to return. They are preparing to have a chat at the premiere of "Yangtze River No. [-]".

If he is sure to win the award, Chen Fei's status in the mainland film market will be unmatched by anyone!
  Zhang Yimou, Li Jian... these people have to stand back a little!

Time quickly came to January 1nd. After a month of release, "Mulan" finally ushered in the moment of production.

Many people are waiting for China Film to report the box office data of this movie.

They all want to know, can "Mulan" really exceed 6 million at the box office as Chen Fei said?
  There are many people sitting in Wang Zhonglei's office.

Two brothers from the Wang family, sisters Feng Xiaogang, Chen Guofu and Li Bingbin.

At present, these people should be regarded as the most deeply involved in Huayi's community of interests, and they are also the helmsmen of Huayi's big ship that can continue to move forward!
  The conversation among several people at this time was still focused on Chen Fei.

Wang Zhongjun said with envy: "This guy is really awesome. According to statistics, in the mainland film market in 07, he alone accounted for 68% of the total box office!"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but take a breath.

"His company made all the money." Li Bingbin pointed out.

"I can't help it. I can't help but be envious. This guy's writing and directing skills are too high. To describe him as "talented" is not an exaggeration at all."

So far, if calculated based on the movie box office, Chen Fei is already the first among the commercial film directors!

Ranked second is Ning Hao, third is Zhang Yimou, fourth is Feng Xiaogang, and fifth is Brother Chen Kai.

And it only took him "five years" to get to where he is now!
  Simply inhuman!


While everyone was marveling, the offices were suddenly opened, and Wang Zhonglei's secretary walked in.

"Director Wang, the box office results of "Mulan" are out."

"How much? Has it exceeded 6 million?" A group of people stared at him.

The secretary nodded slowly, "The mainland box office is 6.37 million yuan, and the total overseas box office is currently 2.13 million US dollars."


This time the gasping sound was much louder than before.

2.13 million dollars.

Converted into RMB, it is 17.04 billion. Add 6.37 million to the total, and the total reaches 23.41 billion!
  The film investment is US$7000 million, which is 5 million yuan!
  In addition, theater distribution, film copyrights, DVDs, video copyrights...

Wang Zhongjun swallowed, his face full of disbelief, "The revenue of this movie must be at least 10 billion yuan!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Bingbin showed uncontrollable shock on his face!

In the face of such income, Feng Xiaogang's "Assembly Number" is obviously a younger brother!

So...can the "Kung Fu King" that I participated in achieve such results?
  A group of people were still here for a long time, unable to recover, but at this time, major portals and entertainment media had begun to rush to report:

[Mainland's first 6 million box office club director - Chen Fei! 】

[Just after being nominated for the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, it has entered the 6 million box office club. It is worthy of being a "script golden touch". 】

[The first person in the domestic film and television industry! 】

[Breaking down Director Chen’s excellent “records” at home and abroad this year...]

[The total box office data of the mainland film market in 07 is newly released. Feiyue Film and Television Production Company alone accounted for 68% of the total box office for the year! Director Chen is awesome! 】

(End of this chapter)

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