It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 299 Hollywood’s ‘New 7’, No. 1 in the global box office rankings! Jack and Rose reunited?

Chapter 299 Hollywood’s ‘New Seven’, No. in the global box office rankings! Jack and Rose reunited?

Many domestic film and television companies are still immersed in the news that the box office of "Mulan" exceeded 6 million, and they have not been able to calm down for a long time.

But abroad, the six major Hollywood companies and many independent film companies were extremely shocked by a data analysis of the North American box office market in 2007 by the "boxofficemoji" website!

Data shows that Walton Pictures, which acquired Marvel and has successively launched several A-class productions, has reached the forefront of the major Hollywood film and television companies in terms of market share!

As soon as the news came out, the major producers in Hollywood were stunned!

Are you kidding me?

You know, in addition to the big six in Hollywood, there are also several particularly powerful independent production companies, such as Lionsgate, Weinstein, New Line, etc.

According to data analysis, the achievements made by independent production companies in 07 are not at the same level as Waltons Pictures!

What's more important is that Walton Pictures' ranking has reached No. 1 in North America!

Many people were chanting “Oh my god!”

This is no longer the cry of wolf, this horse is actually coming to the table to share the cake!

When the Hollywood media saw this data, their first reaction was that the structure of the Big Six in Hollywood was about to change again.

[Hollywood’s “Six Major Film Companies” will be officially promoted to the “Seven Major Film Companies!”

This report has been circulating in the United States recently!


"Be gentle, don't bite me."

In the villa, Chen Fei was sitting at the dining table and looking at the report sent in the mailbox, leaving Natalie Dormer to concentrate on eating popsicles under the dining table.

This girl was indeed obedient. After the completion of Game of Thrones, she went to Marvel Studios and got a role in "Captain America".

But because the movie hadn't been started yet and she had nothing to do, she came to Waltons Pictures.

Seeing how bored she was, Chen Fei directly used her as a tool.

During the day, I dubbed a character in "Kung Fu Panda", and at night, I bought a box of 20-piece condoms and went back to the villa together to discuss intimate topics between men and women.

Seeing that she was eating her popsicles seriously, Chen Fei didn't bother her and just kept looking at the data report about "boxofficemoji".

The box office statistics start from 2007 in 1.1 and are calculated until 12.31, which is exactly one year of accumulated results.

Although "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" is a 06 movie, since it was released at the end of last year, most of the box office revenue was generated in 07, so a large part of it was classified into the 07 category.

Then add "Iron Man" in the first half of 07, "The Twilight Saga" in the summer vacation, "The Incredible Hulk" in the end of the year, and "WALL-E" in the Lunar New Year season.

Five carriages walked side by side, dragging Volton Pictures forward quickly!

The remaining low-budget horror films, as well as "Mulan" co-produced with Feiyue Film and Television, together also account for a large share.

The success of each movie brings a lot of profits to Waltons Pictures.

It is precisely because of this that this independent film company, which was unknown last year, jumped up this year and occupied half of the Hollywood box office market!

Chen Fei continued to look at other companies.

To his surprise, the second place turned out to be Paramount.

Relying on its subsidiary DreamWorks, Paramount has produced two 3-million-dollar movies, "Shrek 3" and "Transformers," as well as two -million-dollar box office movies. Overall, it seems to be thriving.

But don’t forget, these are all achievements made by its subsidiary DreamWorks!

On the other hand, the parent company Paramount itself is in a miserable state. The highest box office of a movie released by it is just over 100 million US dollars, not even as high as Lions Gate.

The third place is occupied by Warner Bros., which has three movies: "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", "I Am Legend" and "300", firmly occupying the third position on the list.

Will Smith is worthy of the title of "Box Office Myth" and has once again proved his box office appeal.

The fourth place is Sony Columbia, which made a lot of money from "Spider-Man 3"!

The only pity is that the cost of 2.6 million is too high. The actor seems to be asking for an increase in salary, and Sony is almost unable to bear it.

Seeing this, Chen Fei suddenly remembered something Kevin Feige said to him some time ago.

Sony seems to want to end the development of the Spider-Man series and seek another direction, and even invited Marvel to brainstorm ideas.

"Haha, I finally couldn't bear it anymore."

Chen Fei's eyes flashed slightly, and the plan began to emerge in his mind.

If the Spider-Man IP is completed, it will be a money printing machine, no worse than movies such as Thor and Captain America.

Then in fifth place is Disney. The parent company released a "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" and its subsidiary Pixar produced a "Ratatouille."

Overall, Disney seems to be in decline in recent years.

The Pirates of the Caribbean series is almost finished, and I’m afraid I’ll have to look for other IPs in the future.

On the other hand, Pixar is quite strong and has recently announced many movie plans, which has greatly stabilized Disney's value in the capital market.

The sixth place goes to Universal Pictures, which mainly produces three movies: "The Bourne Supremacy", "My Big Fat Gay Wedding" and "Butterfly".

The only pity is that "Fake God II" suffered too much loss, which once lowered Universal Pictures' box office share.

And what's even more fatal is that Universal Pictures is very lacking in big IP series.

They are working hard to develop the "Fast and Furious" series and make it the "backbone" of their company.

However... there is still a long way to go!

As for 2th Century Fox, which ranked last, it was even worse. Only "The Simpsons" and "Die Hard" barely exceeded million in the North American box office market, and the remaining "Fantastic Four " was miserable.

This series was even ended directly, and Fox made it clear that there would no longer be a Fantastic Four series in the future.

However, as soon as this announcement was released, Kevin Feige eagerly stepped forward to redeem the film rights to the Fantastic Four.

The two parties are currently in contact, and if nothing unexpected happens, Fox should let it go.

Because for them, this copyright is destined to lose money in their hands. They might as well resell it to Marvel. Maybe they can recover some costs and make up for the losses caused by the second part.

Fox is now fully focused on Avatar.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

The last page of the data also specifically states that these seven companies directly took away 80% of the North American market share, while the remaining dozens of companies carved up the poor 20%.

For a moment, everyone who saw this data report was stunned.

Is Volton Pictures No. 1? ? ?

Although I was shocked, it was very reasonable after I recovered.

"Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and "Iron Man" were extremely popular, not to mention the "WALL-E" released at the end of the year, it was a total kill!


As day and night turn, news from the United States is once again posted on

The title is extremely eye-catching and shocking!

[Since Chen Fei became the chief content executive of Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures, it only took one year to successfully make the company the number one in Hollywood! The six major situations in Hollywood were officially broken, and a new seventh major was born! 】

Seeing this title, countless fans chose to open it without hesitation and quickly spread the content.

Anyone who has a general understanding of the Hollywood film market knows that before Sony entered the market to acquire Columbia Pictures, the situation in Hollywood had always been equally divided among the eight major players.

Later, United Artists was acquired by MGM, and soon after Sony acquired Columbia, it brought the former two under its control, naturally forming the "New Six Hollywood".

Then DreamWorks, founded by Spielberg, suddenly emerged and once again formed the New Seven.

However, times have changed, and DreamWorks suddenly sold itself to Paramount in 06, and the Big Seven turned back into the Big Six.

But last year, in 07, Waltons Pictures began to shine with "Rise of the Planet of the Apes".

Subsequently, Marvel was acquired by this little-known company. Movies such as "Iron Man", "Twilight Saga", "The Incredible Hulk" and "WALL-E" appeared frequently and reaped huge profits!

In last year's North American box office market share, Waltons Pictures even ranked first!

The "New Seven" trend has emerged again!

If Chen Fei can steadily produce excellent Class A productions in the future, this will clearly mean that he will effortlessly take away a large piece of the Hollywood pie!

In the forum, a group of people were discussing enthusiastically.

"What the hell? Is Director Chen so awesome?"

"Good guys, the country just issued a notice yesterday. In the mainland film market in 07, Feiyue Film and Television alone accounted for 68% of the share. But I never expected that it was also number one abroad!"

"Pfft, can't these foreigners in Hollywood do the same? None of the six major universities can surpass me, Director Chen?"

"Tsk, if you look at it this way, Chen Fei is already the number one director in the global box office rankings in 07, right?"

"The brother upstairs is right. I just did some calculations and it turned out to be like this!"

"Pirates of the Caribbean 3" released by Disney achieved a total global box office of US$9.60 million, ranking first in the global box office rankings in 07.

This was followed by "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" released by Warner Bros. and "Spider-Man 3" released by Sony.

But the next fourth and fifth are "Iron Man" and "War for the Planet of the Apes" produced by Volton Pictures. Both movies have a box office of US$8.5 million.

Add the two together, far more than Pirates of the Caribbean!

"No. 07 in the global box office rankings in ?"

After reading the news from the Washington Entertainment News, Natasha couldn't calm down for a long time.

After a while, she raised her head in confusion, staring straight at Chen Fei, "So, have we achieved the goal of surpassing the six majors now?"

"What are you thinking about? It's still very early."

Chen Fei reached out and touched her forehead. He almost thought the girl had a fever.

Do you want to surpass the top six in this achievement?

Are you kidding me?

If you want to truly establish your position as the top of the "New Seven", you have to at least wait until Marvel's ten-year plan is fully launched, or it will top the Hollywood market share list for five consecutive years.

"Well, it seems I was daydreaming."

Natasha shrugged, feeling a little disappointed. She originally thought her goal could be achieved in a short period of time. “Lower your expectations, and you will be more relaxed, and you may not be able to achieve it next year.”

Chen Fei laughed and joked with her, and stamped the actor's contract in front of him.

Leonardo has been confirmed to play the male protagonist "Cobb" in "Inception". Although his salary is a bit expensive, considering his box office appeal, this salary is nothing at all.

Of course, what really impressed him was the investment share. He had a 10% investment share in this movie.

Xiao Lizi didn't hesitate at all about following Chen Fei.

The Golden Bear and the Golden Palm simply make him want to stop. He is looking forward to it now. How great would it be if he could work with Chen Fei to make an award-winning film?

In fact, in addition to Xiao Lizi, many people have expressed their desire to cooperate with Chen Fei through their agents.

Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Johnny Depp, Will Smith, Nicolas Cage, Brad Pitt…

These people have all expressed that they can play the role of "Cobb", and some of them even offered a price much lower than that of Leonardo DiCaprio.

But in terms of box office appeal, Li Zi's advantage was too great, so Chen Fei chose him in the end!

Handing the signed contract to Natasha, Chen Fei continued to ask: "Where is the heroine?"

"According to your instructions, I am contacting Monica Bellucci, Sophie Marceau, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, Keira Knightley, etc. Actresses may not be cast in a short period of time because they all have their own jobs and it depends on their schedule and remuneration."

"Okay, there's no rush. Filming is not expected to start until the second half of the year. Just take your time."

Just as he was talking, Chen Fei suddenly thought of another thing and asked tentatively: "Why don't you try to contact Kate Winslet? I feel that she is quite suitable for the role of "Mel"."


Natasha was instantly frightened by his words, "Are you going to let Jack and Rose reunite in this movie? Isn't that too crazy?"

"Let's try it. Maybe it will work? I believe Kate Winslet will be very interested."

"Oh my god!"

Natasha looked very shocked, but after thinking about it, she suddenly felt that it was not impossible!

Jack the Dream Stealer?

Phantom Rose?

"Oh! No! This is so crazy! Is it a dream or reality?"


The end of the month was approaching, and after arranging the next work, Chen Fei asked Bruce to book a flight back to China for him.

China Film sent an invitation to the premiere of "Yangtze River No. 7", and Zhou Xingchi also called specifically to ask him to be there to support.

This invitation cannot be refused, and there are still a few important things that need to be done in the country, so he can just go back and deal with them on the way.

After "Mulan" was withdrawn from theaters, Lu Chuan's "Nanjing!" Nanjing! " also ushered in the release moment, and the box office was finally set at 1.15 million yuan.

The box office losses were disastrous, and the reputation was ruined.

The 58th Berlin International Film Festival has announced the shortlist. From the mainland, only Wang Xiaoshuai has been shortlisted for the main competition with his film "Left and Right".

Over in Hong Kong is Du Qifeng's "Wenque", which was also shortlisted for the main competition.

As for "Nanjing!" Nanjing! ” failed again!

And this time's failure also means that Lu Chuan will miss the three European gold medals, and he will come to a successful conclusion with the three major awards of Golden Lion, Golden Palm and Golden Lion.

But according to Jiang Wen, this guy sent the film to the Tokyo International Film Festival.

As expected, there will definitely be a grand prize waiting for him over there.

And this "grand prize" will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back!

Chen Fei is ready to call him "Taijun" the next time they meet. This guy looks like a Japanese traitor!


On January 1, Chen Fei left the animation studio.

Chen Long rushed to the airport by car with him.

On the way, the two inevitably chatted about movies.

"12 Zodiac Signs" is in preparation. Chen Fei doesn't care about casting or anything else, leaving everything to Chen Long.

As long as those actors with crooked butts are not chosen, he will not interfere.

However, when talking about "Inception", Chen Long gave Chen Fei a new choice!

"According to the image of the character you mentioned, Chen Daoming is indeed suitable among Mainland actors, but he is not well-known in Hollywood and may not be able to handle too much box office, and he is not well-known in South Korea, Japan and other places.

If I had to decide, I would probably choose Chow Yun-fat. "

"Chow Yun-fat?"

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment. The role of "Zhuang Zhou" is indeed very suitable for Chow Yun-fat, but he... is really difficult to evaluate!

Seemingly seeing the confusion on Chen Fei's face, Chen Long suddenly said again: "Actually, there is another person who is quite suitable."


"The one from The Last Emperor."


"Yes, that's him. In terms of appearance, temperament, body shape, popularity, and box office appeal, he is actually quite suitable."

Chen Fei suddenly thought of the movie "Knight Ranger" released by Lionsgate in August last year.

Li Lianlian, Jason Statham, Zun Long...

Although he is 56 years old, this person's temperament is indeed quite good and fits the role in the play very well.

After pondering for a while, Chen Fei nodded and said: "His image is indeed quite suitable. I just returned to China this time, so I can invite him to come over and audition."

"Do you need my help contacting him?"

"Then trouble you."

"Haha, what's the trouble? It's just a phone call."


The direct flight from Los Angeles to the capital took off soon, and both of them booked first-class seats, so they didn't have to worry about being disturbed by outsiders.

In China, Shu Chang, who is busy promoting "Magic Phone", came to the crew of "The Prequel of the Lotus Lantern".

She came to see Jiao Enjun.

This person is also very busy, running back and forth between the two crews of "Painted Skin" and "The Prequel of the Lotus Lantern", he is very busy, and now he has to help promote "Magic Phone", so one person is directly divided into three roles!

"Changchang? Are you here?"

As soon as he entered the set, someone greeted Shu Chang.

She turned her head subconsciously and saw Zhou Yang wearing filming clothes and holding a script in his hand, seemingly memorizing his lines.

"Well, I'm here to see Uncle Jiao."

As he spoke, Shu Chang subconsciously walked in the direction of Zhou Yang.

However, when she walked next to Zhou Yang, she suddenly discovered something that shocked her!

"your face…"

Zhou Yang raised his head and smiled at her: "How is it? Do you feel much more coordinated than before? It looks much more pleasing to the eye?"

"Did you go under the knife?"

"It doesn't really matter, it's just a slight adjustment."

As he spoke, Zhou Yang excitedly took out his cell phone, "I'll give you a call. That doctor is very skilled. If you have any ideas, you can try it."

Hearing her words, Shu Chang subconsciously took a step back, waved his hand quickly and said: "Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to use it anymore. I don't have any idea of ​​fine-tuning it."

"Okay, that's up to you. Remember to come to me if you need anything, and you can get a discount!"

"it is good…"

Watching Zhou Yang get up and leave, Shu Chang's eyes were very complicated.

He suddenly thought of Chen Fei's advice long ago: if you want to continue in this circle, you must not touch your face!

The movement of his face means bidding farewell to the big screen completely!


A shout pulled Shu Chang back from his thoughts. Looking at little Nezha running from a distance, Shu Chang's eyes became more complicated!

She also gradually realized that her cousin was also restless.

Jiao Enjun specifically told her that when filming on the set, her cousin would often say bad things about her!

Sometimes even very close relatives may not always be good to you...

(End of this chapter)

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