It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 300 Star Girl? How to talk about cooperation! Earn him 57 billion first! kissing boy

Chapter 300 Star Girl? How to talk about cooperation! Earn him 57 billion first! Kissing boy…

With the support of China Film Group Corporation, "Yangtze River No. 1" held a premiere press conference on January 30.

Master Xing’s appeal is not comparable to that of ordinary people!

When Chen Fei arrived at the scene, he saw that both sides of the red carpet were crowded with media, and the fans who came to support the event completely surrounded the entire CPPCC auditorium.

Even the road outside was crowded with fans who came to support.

"Sissi! Sissi! Sissi!"

When Chen Fei and Liu Yifei walked on the red carpet together, the roaring screams seemed to overturn the entire auditorium!

The red carpet host shouted very excitedly: "Let us welcome Chen Fei, the first mainland commercial film director with a box office of 600 million, to attend the premiere of "Yangtze River No. 7"."

The media's flashlights were flashing, and Chen Fei raised his hands with a smile, greeting the fans on the left and right.

The reporter from the Sixth Princess stopped the two of them.

"Director Chen, many people in the industry have been predicting recently that "Mulan" will win the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film this year. Are you confident?"

There were many media outlets nearby who handed microphones to Chen Fei.

The Sohu reporter curled his lips. He felt that this question was not exciting enough.

If he were asked, he would definitely bring along Li Xin's "Lust, Caution" and let these two Chinese directors who are developing in Hollywood at the same time "fight"!

"I have confidence, but I can't say whether I will win the prize in the end. We'll have to wait and see."

After that, he ignored the other reporters, left his name on the signature wall, and walked into the venue with Liu Yifei.

Staff members have been waiting at the door in advance to guide guests to where they should sit.

Ever since Lu Chuan snatched Chen Fei's seat at the event last time, everyone began to pay attention to whether the seat they were sitting in was consistent with their status.

Liu Yifei sat in the third row with top actresses in the industry such as Fan Bingbin, Li Bingbin and Zhou Xun.

Obviously, in China Film's view, she has been officially promoted to a first-line actress in the industry!

Especially in terms of box office, after the blessing of "Source Code" and "Mulan", Liu Yifei is already the highest box office among all Chinese actresses.

Many people came to the scene today, and Chen Fei also saw Wu Kebo.

Interestingly, Jiang Yiyan actually sat next to him. The two of them were talking and laughing, and seemed very close to each other.

"Sure enough, people change."

Chen Fei sighed secretly and continued to look around.

People from Huayi and Chengtian are here, and Wang Jinghua is also present. Companies such as Guangguang, Bona, Wanda, and New Picture will naturally not be left behind.

After the previous "Mulan" incident, Zhao Yanzi has completely left the mainland, and now she only has one acting contract left in "Red Cliff".

Under the joint ban of Feiyue, China Film and Emperor, she had no choice but to run to Hong Kong Island to join Yongsheng.

There is no shortage of excellent actresses in domestic entertainment, not to mention she is not very good either.


At 11: in the morning, Zhou Xingchi led the creative team to appear on the stage.

What Chen Fei didn't expect was that Han Sanping was really "brave"!

Facing many Hong Kong film and television company owners and actors in the audience, he said directly:

"Director Zhou Xingchi's talent is recognized by movie fans, and China Film will continue to support him. I hope you can remember my words and stop doing meaningless things..."

This was obviously said to someone who worked with Xiaori Film Company.

In the audience, the wrinkles on Yang Shoucheng's face turned into flowers when he smiled.

That's how it should be!

The film market on Hong Kong Island should have been thriving, but it was held back a lot by that big family and became a mess.

After Han Sanping stepped down, Zhou Xingchi said something more.

The new star girl officially appeared in front of the public today, and she did a good job in activating the atmosphere.

Ren Zhonglun came over calmly and asked Chen Fei in a low voice: "Do you think this star girl will be like Huang Shengyi and eventually part ways with Xinghui?"

"Hard to say."

As Han Sanping said, Zhou Xingchi's ability and talent are indeed recognized as strong, but in terms of dealing with interpersonal relationships, many of the things he did are really puzzling...

The movie "Yangtze River No. 7" is quite good. Chen Fei really likes the young actor in it, who is quite spiritual.

Although it is a science fiction comedy movie, the discussion about "family love" occupies a large part of the space.

It was also after this movie that Star Master officially retired from the stage to behind the scenes.

And his last Fengshan work can be said to be full of sincerity, and it can be called a "work of conscience" in terms of both quality and story!

After watching the movie for two hours, Zhou Xingchi led Zhang Yuqi to Chen Fei.

"You flew back from Hollywood all the way? Thank you for your hard work."

"Haha, of course I have to support your movie."

After chatting for a while, Zhou Xingchi specially introduced the "Xing Girl" behind him: "Xinghui's artist, Zhang Yuqi."

"Hello, Director Chen. I've heard of you for a long time. It's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me."


Chen Fei smiled slightly and didn't say much.

He prefers the young actress Xu Jiao, but doesn't have much impression of Zhang Yuqi. The only memory he has is that she was very broad-minded!

After leaving the premiere, Chen Fei did not return to the company, but got into Wang Zhonglei's car.

Many people saw this scene, their eyes suddenly changed, as if they thought of something.

The Li Bingbin sisters couldn't hide their excitement. There was news within the company that Huayi would cooperate with Feiyue Film and Television.

Looking at it now, it seems that this is not a rumor!

Since it was his first time to come to Huayi Building, Chen Fei was quite curious about it.

It is worthy of the title of "the number one private film and television agency in the Mainland". Along the way, he has met many second-tier artists who are active in the industry.

"Hello, Director Chen."

Zhao Liying met Chen Fei as soon as she stepped out of the elevator and hurriedly said hello.

"Well, hello, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

Chen Fei had a pretty good impression of Zhao Liying. In his memory, he had pretty good acting skills and worked hard enough.

As if she didn't expect Chen Fei to talk to her, Zhao Liying responded quickly after being stunned for a moment: "I'm going to shoot a movie. The crew gave me a short notice and asked me to come over quickly."

"Okay, pay attention to safety on the road."

"Thank you, Director Chen, for your concern."

After a simple conversation, Chen Fei got into the elevator with the two Wang brothers and the senior executives of Huayi.

However, in the lobby on the first floor, many second-tier artists and Zhao Liying's managers, assistants and others who were coming and going looked at her in shock!

"Li Ying? Do you know Director Chen?" The manager looked at her in surprise, completely losing his previous indifference.

Zhao Liying's eyes flashed slightly and she smiled brightly, "Yeah, I have worked with Director Ning and Director Chen before, and they had a pretty good impression of me. It was Ning who gave me the invitation to attend the premiere of "Mulan" Guided.”

"Director Ning? You mean Ning Hao?"


"Hey, you girl, why didn't you tell me earlier if you had such a serious relationship? You wait here for a while, I will drive you to the set, so you don't need to take a taxi."

The agent went to the underground garage with a smile, completely losing his previous indifference.

Others around him also had bright smiles on their faces, releasing a lot of goodwill.

"Is this the strength of a great director?"

Zhao Liying was secretly shocked that she could make these people change their attitudes so quickly just by saying a few words to Chen Fei!

This is how the entertainment industry has to be done!


Arriving at the conference room on the top floor, everyone was seated separately by the guests of honor.

An actress whom Chen Fei was very familiar with came in and began to serve them tea and water.

As expected of the public relations manager of Huayi...

"Thank you."

Taking the tea cup from Huo Siyan, Chen Fei thanked him softly and selectively ignored the affectionate look in his eyes.

This one is much more explicit than Mr. Fan!

"Okay, let's go out."

Wang Zhonglei waved his hand and sent Huo Siyan out who had completed the task.

When only a group of senior executives were left in the conference room, Wang Zhonglei said bluntly: "Mr. Chen, the reason for inviting you here this time is actually for the matter we discussed on the phone.

Do you think we can co-produce the script "The Wind"? "

"Oh? What kind of joint method?" Chen Fei also asked straight to the point.

"You come up with the script, we come up with the director and actors, and we split it 30-70, how about that?"

"Haha." Chen Fei immediately became happy, crossed his legs, his eyes fell on Wang Zhonglei, and said curiously: "I heard that Huayi has received a lot of financing recently? Is it preparing to go public?

We all work in film and television companies, and I am not an outsider. There is no need for Mr. Wang to make such silly jokes with me. I actually planned to shoot this script myself, and the director also decided that Tian Zhuangzhuang would direct it. You have expressed your desire to cooperate many times, so I came here. Otherwise, the filming would have already started.

So, if you really have the intention to cooperate, then show your sincerity! "


This word is the hardest to grasp!

Seeing Chen Fei's attitude of leaving if we can't reach an agreement, Wang Zhonglei's expression changed.

Indeed, this is them asking for cooperation, rather than someone rushing to deliver it. The initiative lies entirely in Chen Fei's hands.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Wang Zhonglei said slowly: "Fifty-fifty, you will get 20% of the script, and another 30% of the investment. The director and actors will be decided by Huayi. This is the biggest we can come up with." Sincerity.”

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei stood up directly and stretched out his right hand towards Wang Zhonglei.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation."

Wang Zhonglei was stunned for a moment, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Director Chen is worthy of being an actor, and ordinary people cannot match this level of determination."

"Haha, each other."

If the cooperation is successful, it is natural that there will be a meal.

The two Wang brothers are quite generous in this regard.

In the private restaurant, a large table is filled with abalone, lobster and other delicacies from the mountains and seas. The drinks are all top-notch aged Moutai, and the main dish is full of noodles!

While drinking the Maotai wine that Huo Siyan poured for him, Chen Fei suddenly felt in a trance. He had forgotten how many Maotai shares he had bought?

Speaking of which, he has been arranging stockbrokers from Longxiang Capital to acquire high-quality domestic stocks for him. He doesn’t know how much money he has now?

"Director Chen, does your company have any financing ideas? I know a lot of investors, and they are all very interested in your Feiyue Film and Television."


Chen Fei shook his head and refused without hesitation: "Let's forget it. Our company's cash flow is quite abundant, and we have no plans to go public for the time being."

After saying that, he asked casually: "Where is Hua Yi? When are you going to ring the bell?"

"It's coming soon. We are currently preparing for the listing. We have contacted many investors for support, but it is still quite time-consuming to prepare the materials and approval..."

As the first private film and television company in mainland China to be listed, Huayi has indeed received a lot of attention recently.

Everyone is waiting. If Huayi is successfully listed, there will be another route to raise funds in the future!

But at this time, Wang Zhongjun seemed to suddenly think of something. After toasting Chen Fei with a glass of wine, he asked tentatively: "Mr. Chen, are you interested in playing? Huayi currently has many subscription qualifications open for you to purchase... …”

The two Wang brothers are the kind of deceivers who are eloquent and constantly instill in Chen Fei the illusion that this is a sure-fire deal!

"Real or fake? A sure profit without losing money? Don't fool me? I've never played any stocks before."

Chen Fei acted like he was a "newbie" at the right time, and at the same time, he also showed a hint of excitement.

"Haha, how could I deceive you?"

Wang Zhongjun smiled with a smile on his face and gave Huo Siyan a look calmly.

Keep pouring!

Get him drunk!


Huo Siyan nodded slightly, with hot eyes.

As the "Public Relations Manager" of Huayi, she has never given up on anyone when it comes to drinking!

For a moment, compliments resounded in the box.

"Then how many shares can you give me? Since you are guaranteed to make a profit without losing any money, then give me more shares?"

At this moment, Chen Fei's acting skills reached the level of Baihua Best Actor. His eyes were hazy and his eyes were wandering, as if he was already in trouble.

The two Wang brothers looked at each other and said in unison: "How about 1000 million shares? Can Director Chen afford it?"

"How much per share?"

"3 dollars."

"3000 million?" Chen Fei's face showed a hint of disdain at the right moment, "That's it? How about sending a beggar away? Then I won't vote."

When he said this, he was still a little nervous.

He still clearly remembers that Huayi's market value would be the highest in 14, even reaching 290+ per share.

It was precisely because of the purchase of Huayi's shares that Huang Xiaoming started his investment journey, and it skyrocketed until he became one of the capitalists in the entertainment industry.

Now it’s only 3 yuan per share?

Isn't this horse riding just for picking up money?

These two brothers are so stingy, at least give them more!

"How much do you want, Mr. Chen?"

"I will pay 6 million to buy you 2000 million shares. Since it is a guaranteed profit without loss, I must buy more."

"No problem! I'll give you 2000 million shares!"

Wang Zhongjun waved his hand, which was called free and easy.

In case Chen Fei changed his mind after sobering up, the contract was delivered overnight.

Although the money could not be exchanged until Chen Fei sobered up, the two brothers were not worried at all that he would not give them the money.

Such a big boss naturally sticks to his words. The contract has been signed, can he still default on the money?

The meal lasted until one o'clock in the middle of the night. Huo Siyan offered to send Chen Fei to the hotel, but he refused.

Although his innocence has long been gone, he can't let this woman eat him again.

Wang Zhonglei's emotional intelligence is quite high, and he didn't even say that he wanted to see him off in person. He actually called Luo Jin over!

This arrangement made Chen Fei look at him differently.

It won my heart!

"Ronald, we must send Mr. Chen home safely."

"Okay, Mr. Wang."

Luo Jin nodded, and together with Zhu Yawen, he set up Chen Fei and settled him in the back seat.

"Do you need my help?" Huo Siyan was still a little unwilling to give up.

"Sister, no need, you drank a lot too, go back and rest quickly."

Luo Jin rejected her softly, stepped on the accelerator and raced into the darkness!

At the door of the private restaurant, Huo Siyan was quite disappointed. Tonight was supposed to be a good opportunity, but she didn't expect to be stopped.

"Let's go, don't look at it."

Wang Zhongjun came over and hugged her slender waist.

He drank a lot tonight and he couldn't hold it in any longer...


Under the night, a black Mercedes-Benz car was speeding towards Houhai.

In the back seat, Chen Fei crossed his legs and held a bottle of mineral water in his hand. His face was not at all drunk.

His physique is already far beyond that of ordinary people, so how could he be drunk by a few kilograms of liquor? It was just a joke just now.

Looking at the contract put aside, he raised his lips slightly and began to silently calculate the income from this transaction.

The highest value of Huayi's stock price is 290 yuan per share. After subtracting the subscription price of 3 yuan, there is still 287 yuan left.

2000 million shares, times 287…

57 billion?

Mudd! Can't forget it! This horse riding was like a daydream!

"It's a good thing that these two guys don't know how high the company's stock price will rise in the future, otherwise this meal will be in vain."

Chen Fei thought to himself, and couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

This drink is so worth it!

However, just when he was still immersed in his sweet dream, Zhu Yawen's voice suddenly came from the passenger seat:

"Brother Fei, haven't you finished the matter with Jiang Yiyan yet?"

"Oh? What do you mean by that?"

Chen Fei looked at Zhu Yawen with some curiosity. He had already sternly warned Jiang Yiyan before. If she wasn't stupid, she wouldn't have continued to seek death, right?

"It's okay, I'm just asking. When I went to see Wu Kebo yesterday, I heard him talking to Jiang Yiyan on the phone at the door of the office, asking about news about your time in college."


Asking about my time in college?

Chen Fei secretly remembered this matter in his heart. This guy is not a good guy, so he must be guarded against.

"Why are you looking for him?"

"Sister Hua was about to leave Chengtian. Wu Kebo came to talk to me and asked me whether I was going to follow Sister Hua or stay in Chengtian."

"Shall I go? Wang Jinghua is leaving again?" Luo Jin, who was driving, couldn't help but look over.

"Hmm." Zhu Yawen nodded and explained: "Chengtian has too few resources. Sister Hua is completely dependent on others, and she has not been able to arrange high-quality resources for her artists.

So she is planning to start a new business. This time she will not rely on other companies. She will directly open her own company and only deal with artist management projects..."

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly thought of Wang Jinghua's son.

It seems that after the establishment of Wang Jinghua's new company "Galaxy Culture", this "genius boy" who likes to shoot kissing scenes suddenly appeared, right?

(End of this chapter)

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