It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 301: ‘Photo scandal’: Cooperate in artist management business? The wolf is really coming!

Chapter 301: ‘Photo scandal’: Cooperate in artist management business? The wolf is really coming!

The money goes quickly.

Early the next morning, Chen Fei directly transferred 6000 million into the designated account.

This "stock subscription" cooperation is actually beneficial to both parties. Chen Fei can make a lot of money through it, and Huayi can also gain the trust of investors.

Even Chen Fei, the best director in domestic entertainment, is willing to support Huayi’s listing. What does this mean?

Huayi is trustworthy!

At the same time, the two parties also officially reached a cooperation on the film "The Wind".

Wang Zhonglei came to Feiyue Film and Television to sign the contract in person, not only to express his sincerity, but also to observe Chen Fei's condition.

Don't drink up the little friendship between the two parties just because of the drink last night.

"Mr. Chen, would you like to wish us a happy cooperation?"

"Haha, good, happy cooperation."

Chen Fei smiled and nodded, not at all unhappy after being "cheated" for 6000 million.

Wang Zhonglei immediately felt relieved, and before leaving, he specifically said: "Mr. Chen, regarding the stock subscription and script cooperation, please keep it confidential for the time being. Huayi will promote it at the appropriate time."

"it is good."

Chen Fei nodded in agreement without hesitation. He is just a script seller. He can cooperate with Party A to promote the project and make money.

As for other things, what does it have to do with him?

After seeing Wang Zhonglei off, Chen Fei asked the driver to take him to the airport.

The crew of "Painted Skin" was filming in Hengdian recently, and he had to go and visit the crew. It happened that Zunlong was also filming a public service announcement in Hengdian, so he could take this opportunity to get acquainted.

After getting the name "Zun Long" from Chen Long's mouth, Chen Fei couldn't help but think about his performance in "The Last Emperor".

This person's temperament is indeed more suitable for playing the role of "Confucian businessman" than Chen Daoming!


Perhaps it's because the mainland's paparazzi methods have begun to evolve. Recently, Chen Fei suddenly felt that the entire entertainment industry was "unclothed."

The mainland paparazzi exposed the fact that Huang Xiaoming, a big grudge, gave a house to his ex-girlfriend, and the dispute has been heated recently.

His ex-girlfriend was also careless, a pure licker, and didn’t know what was going on in her head?

As soon as he landed in Hengdian, Chen Fei was preparing to go to the crew of "Painted Skin" when he saw the cast members gathered around and having a heated discussion. Some crew members even stopped working!

"what's going on?"

He arrived at the shooting scene with a confused look on his face. Seeing the scene management and a group of cameramen and lighting technicians gathered around him, he became more and more puzzled.

After I went up to take a look, I realized that it was "Mr. Chen's photography work" that had been exposed by paparazzi in Hong Kong!

"Hey? One person ruined the futures of more than a dozen actresses, and this one is quite awesome."

Many people in the crew were discussing this matter. The computer expert was really awesome. Photos were posted like a blowout, giving Mr. Chen no chance of public relations at all.

Chen Fei vaguely remembered that he seemed to have heard a rumor somewhere, saying that the two parties did not agree on the price, so the computer repairman broke the pot.

Now that I think about it, that's probably true.

When he found Ning Hao, Huang Xiaoming, Zhou Xun, Jiao Enjun, and Chen, he heard them discussing this matter.

"Isn't it? Are you kidding me? Aren't these Hong Kong actresses all flaunting themselves as pure beauties? Why are they so horny in the photos?"

At present, there are no technological means as advanced as those of later generations, which can cut off these photos from the source.

Looking around, all the photos exposed online are high-definition photos!

"Oh, I'm still quite disappointed. She looks pretty on the screen, but in fact, she looks the same even when she's naked?"

Huang Xiaoming's words made Chen Fei amused, and he couldn't help but said: "They are all the same as riding horses, so why do you still look for young people every day? Why don't you go after those in their fifties or sixties?"

"Director Chen?"

"Ouch! You scared me!"

A group of people reacted belatedly and quickly turned around to say hello.

Sitting down next to Ning Hao, Chen Fei subconsciously moved closer, but he didn't expect that this guy was still looking at him with a camera!

"Do you want me to give you a copy?"

"piss off."

Chen Fei rolled his eyes at him and pretended to take out his cell phone to call Xing Aina.

"No, no, no! Wrong! I was wrong!"

Ning Hao quickly stopped him and begged for mercy.

After making a few jokes, Chen Fei took the camera from his hand and looked through a few photos seriously.

Let’s not talk about the figure. As Huang Xiaoming said, they look the same even if they are naked.

But the facial expression and the can't-stop expression are vividly displayed. As expected of a student of acting, they are all at the level of Academy Award-winning actresses!

A group of people were chatting when Fade Chen's phone suddenly rang.

I looked down and saw that it belonged to Yang Shoucheng.

He stood up and walked aside, answered the phone, and heard the voice on the other end was extremely hoarse.

"Oh, something big happened."

Chen Fei could understand his mood. Those female artists who were highly praised by the Emperor were all cheated.

Especially a certain person named "Zhang", she has the greatest influence, married woman + mature woman, this buff is simply stacked!

Although nothing happened to Nicholas Tse when the video was taken, but the revelations suddenly came out all of a sudden, I'm afraid he was on edge.

"Director Yang, do you need my help?" Chen Fei secretly guessed Yang Shoucheng's purpose. This phone call was such a coincidence.

"It's okay here on Hong Kong Island. We have called the police as soon as possible and the influence has been controlled to a minimum. However, the mainland is in great trouble. Now we have to provoke a new hot event to make this matter more popular." Just suppress it."

"Oh? What's the choice?"

"Let's cooperate."


Chen Fei is a little confused. We haven't already collaborated on all the movie scripts. What other projects can we collaborate on?

"Do you have time? Let's meet and chat? Let's meet at China Film Studio?"

"Ok, I will wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei and Ning Hao said hello and hurriedly turned around and left.

He had a vague feeling that Yang Shoucheng wanted to play a big game this time!


Wu Kebo reacted very quickly. Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, he immediately asked Tang Yan to fly back to the mainland.

The same goes for Wang Jinghua, who immediately stopped the schedule of all artists under Orange Sky Gandshi in Hong Kong Island.

Huayi also started self-examination as soon as possible. If its female artists were also involved in the "Photogate" incident, it would be in big trouble!

When Chen Fei flew back to the mainland from Hengdian and appeared in Han Sanping's office, he saw Yang Shoucheng had arrived.

"Mr. Chen."

Seeing Chen Fei come in, Yang Shoucheng and Huo Wenxi hurriedly stood up and looked at him as if they had seen a savior.

"Director Yang, Director Huo, Director Han."

Chen Fei nodded and said hello, and then sat down on the sofa.

The situation was quite urgent, so Yang Shoucheng did not talk about any digressions and said straight to the point: "My idea is this. If we want to suppress the heat of this matter, we must let another more hot matter break out. .”

As he said that, he turned to look at Chen Fei and begged: "So I need your help, Mr. Chen, in this matter."

"Oh? How can I help?"

"Led by Emperor, together with China Film and Feiyue Pictures, we will reopen an artist management company and sign a few more well-known artists to bring in the online attention to the mainland and try to reduce the heat of the incident in Hong Kong."

After hearing these words, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a good suggestion!

He himself is not going to do the artist management business himself anyway. Just look at the situation of the three film and television management companies, Huayi, Chengtian, and Xinghui. Because of the uneven distribution of resources, they have caused a lot of troubles within the company.

There is a natural conflict between film and television production and artist management.

Film and television production needs to reduce remuneration and costs, but artist managers need to make profits. If the two parties get involved, conflicts will arise sooner or later because of uneven distribution of benefits.

There are clear regulations in Hollywood that film and television production companies and brokerage companies must be separated.

Because the producer definitely wants the actors to be as cheap as possible, and the price for participating in the filming of the movie to be as low as possible, but the agency will strive to make the actors' remuneration as high as possible, so that the commissions the company can get will naturally be higher.

Because of this, it is difficult for ordinary film and television brokerage companies to take care of both ends. The proportion of one end must be much higher than the other end.

For example, Feiyue Film and Television currently has three contracts under its umbrella: Wang Baoqiang, Zhang Yi, and Wu Jing.

When they go to film movies or TV series produced by other companies, the remuneration they receive is always higher than when they participate in movies produced by their own company!

Although they have no complaints now, there is no guarantee that changes will occur in the future. Chen Fei used to think about picking them out. Feiyue Film and Television only engaged in pure film and television production, but after thinking about it, he didn't know how to arrange them.

Now Yang Shoucheng has given him a new idea!

The three jointly opened an artist management company.

In this way, Chen Fei can transfer the management contracts of his three artists. When filming, everyone can make a clear distinction between public and private matters and how much they should get, which greatly avoids conflicts over remuneration in the future.

Although this will increase the production cost of the movie, it gives the actor a high salary and the commission can still go into his pocket.

It's nothing more than left hand to right hand.

Even if there are inevitably some omissions in the process, compared with the income from film and television production, these are just drizzle.

The most important thing is that it saves a lot of trouble!

From now on, I won’t have to worry about finding endorsements, arranging activities, accepting variety shows and other related matters.

"Okay, I agree with your idea." Chen Fei agreed without hesitation.


Yang Shoucheng was suddenly a little confused. He had actually thought of a lot of excuses before coming, and was even prepared for heavy bleeding, but he never expected that Chen Fei would agree directly.

Of course, if you promise, you can't just give away all the benefits you deserve.

"How to inject capital? How to divide it? Let's agree in advance. I can transfer all the brokerage contracts of everyone under Feiyue Film and Television, but the share must satisfy me, and I am not responsible for management."

After Yang Shoucheng thought for a while, he tentatively said: "Mr. Chen is the source of resources. After the company is established, many artists will have to rely on you to maintain their jobs, so you should get the big share.

My personal idea is that you take 5%, Emperor and China Film will share the remaining 5%, and let Wenxi take charge of the company's operations. How about that? "


Chen Fei turned his head and glanced at Huo Wenxi, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Are all the capable generals going to be sent to the mainland?

"Does Director Yang want to completely shift the focus of his work from Hong Kong to the mainland?"

Yang Shoucheng did not deny it, and nodded very straightforwardly: "It is true that the Hong Kong market is saturated, and the mainland will be the central hub of the future film and television industry!"

It is true that people get better with age.

Chen Fei turned to look at Han Sanping, who was sitting next to him without saying a word, "Director Han? What do you think?"

"I can do it, you just have to figure it out."

Han Sanping didn't care at all. Anyway, China Film itself did not engage in artist management business, and she could participate in this cooperation just to share the money.

It can even be called "protection fee".

The existence of China Film Group is to protect the development of this company in the mainland!


The "Photogate" incident continues to ferment.

It is not only Hong Kong that is affected, but also several other countries in Southeast Asia.

The Hong Kong Performing Arts Association issued a notice requiring all brokerage companies to strictly guard the computers and cameras of their artists.

Many media are looking for Mr. Chen, but according to insiders in the industry, he has gone to the United States to escape the turmoil.

Of course, when it comes to the worst situation, it must be Director Chen.

"Mei Lanfang" was originally scheduled to be released, but now it's a good thing, the boss directly slapped him back and ordered him to go back to work and remake it.

For this reason, China Film had to make an additional investment to allow Brother Chen Kai to re-edit.

Although netizens' attention is focused on Hong Kong, "Yangtze River No. 7" has not been greatly affected. The name "Zhou Xingchi" is destined to show a brilliant appearance in this movie!

The box office on the first day was 2105 million, and the subsequent daily box office was more than million.

"As expected of Master Xing!"

Chen Fei was inexplicably envious. It had been a long time since he appeared on the screen as a serious actor.

Thinking about it, I still feel a little nostalgic. After all, I also graduated from Nortel, but in the end I embarked on the path of directing. The industry span is really big!

What’s even more outrageous is that he himself is currently a postgraduate student majoring in performance at Nortel…

Let me ask you, who is a graduate student in the performance department who has not even attended a day of class? Work as a director on the set every day?

"Why don't I make a literary film of my own when I have time? At least I can use my identity as an actor to go abroad and win a few awards. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if I don't tell anyone..."

Today happened to be New Year's Eve, and the old man said he was going to the kitchen to cook some dishes to go with the wine, and arranged for Chen Fei to make dumplings and watch the Spring Festival Gala here.

No one else was invited to the family, so the grandfather and grandson ate by themselves.

News came from Hollywood that the Writers Guild strike has almost been resolved, and the "Annie Awards" announced that it will be held as scheduled.

Today is already the 6th, and there are only two days left before the awards ceremony, but Chen Fei is not panicking at all.

The ticket has been booked and the person to pick him up has been found. As long as the plane can take off normally on the night of the 7th, it will be fine.

Under normal circumstances, flights will not be delayed.

The Spring Festival Gala has begun.

Han Ling has become more and more famous in the industry in recent years, and this year he even directly participated in the Spring Festival Gala.

International Chapter, SHE, Evil Demon King Fei Yuqing...these people all sing quite well, and the most important thing is that they all really sing!

Wang Baoqiang sang a song "Song of Migrant Workers" and appeared in a cross talk drama "Bus Concerto". He still looked honest and honest.

Chen Fei is still quite curious. He wonders if he can catch Tong Liya firmly with his honest and responsible character?

Uncle Benshan's skit "Torch Bearer" was performed really well. Chen Fei and the old man waited the whole night, looking forward to this show!

"Hey, old man, I don't know how many more years I can watch the Spring Festival Gala with my old bones." Just after the skit ended, the old man suddenly started to feel sad.

Hearing this, Chen Fei suddenly remembered the scene when he saw the old man boxing in the yard when he just came back in the morning.

How does that vigorous posture look like that of an old man in his 60s?

"Don't let go of your lamentations. Let me tell you, if you have nothing to do, go find an old lady you like and have an evening love affair to make up for the regrets of your youth. This is much more interesting than watching the Spring Festival Gala."

"Hey? You have the nerve to talk to me? Where do you want my grandson-in-law? I just want to ask you, can I still have a great-grandson in my arms?"

"I'm sleepy. I'm going to bed first. I have a signing event to attend tomorrow."

Chen Fei turned over and got off the kang and disappeared in a flash.

"Hey? You kid! You washed the dishes after all!"

The old man shouted behind him, but he pretended not to hear it and ran faster.


The sound of firecrackers kills one year old.

As soon as the Lunar New Year is over, Chen Fei officially celebrates his 24th year!

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, red lanterns were hung high outside the CPPCC auditorium.

The red carpet was spread from the entrance of the auditorium to the road. The exploding fireworks and the sound of the media's camera shutters were intertwined, making the scene extremely lively!

Today is the opening ceremony of the artist management company jointly established by Feiyue Film, China Film and Emperor.

When they received the invitation letter, dozens of film and television companies and brokerage companies in the industry were stunned!

Not long ago, Yang Shoucheng just announced that he would suspend all business of his "China Film Emperor Agency" and conduct internal rectification.

At that time, everyone thought that this brokerage company would be shut down indefinitely, especially after the "Photogate" incident emerged, which confirmed this speculation.

But I never expected that the rectification would be completed in such a short period of time!

And this change actually "changed" Feiyue Film and Television!

When I arrived outside the CPPCC Auditorium, I walked onto the red carpet and looked at the banner hanging high at the door of the auditorium. For a moment, some people were happy and some were worried.

"Flying Shadow King Agency?"

As Wu Kebo walked into the auditorium, he secretly complained in his heart: "What a stupid name for this horse? It has no connotation at first sight, and it is destined to go bankrupt soon!"

However... for some reason, he suddenly felt very sour in his stomach, and there was a feeling of something stuck in his throat.

The two Wang brothers got out of the car and looked up at the banner. They looked at each other subconsciously.

"Huayi's fierce rival!"

The two brothers said in unison, with complicated eyes.

Later, when the CEOs and directors of major companies such as Guangguang, Orange Sky, Tangren, Zhouyi, TVB, New Picture, Starlight, Rong Xinda and other major companies appeared on the red carpet, each one of them either forced a smile. , or his face was full of shock!

"The wolf is coming!"

The private film and television production company with the largest box office and the most resources in the Mainland: Feiyue Film and Television!

The only one in charge of imported films from the mainland, the leading state-owned film and television company: China Film Group!

The well-deserved No. 1 film and television production and artist management business in Hong Kong: Emperor Pictures!

These three companies actually joined forces and started an artist management business?

What is this going to do?

I want to have a monopoly!

(End of this chapter)

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