It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 302: If you don’t make a sound, that’s enough, if you make a sound, it’s amazing! Mainland’s

Chapter 302: It’s nothing but a blockbuster! Mainland’s leading brokerage company? (asking for monthly ticket)

In the auditorium, there was a roar of people and the stars were shining brightly.

Ren Zhonglun's face was full of resentment, "Mr. Chen, you are not honest, why don't you call me for this good thing? I am also very interested in the artist management business."

Chen Fei shrugged and directly "framed" Han Sanping.

"One state-owned enterprise is enough, no more is appropriate. If there is a suitable project in the future, I will leave you an extra copy."

"Haha, I feel relieved with your words."

The resentment on Ren Zhonglun's face dissipated quickly. He knew that Chen Fei was not the kind of stingy person. Keeping an extra share would probably mean tens of millions of profits!

Just like "Inception", a project worth US$2 million, only 2000% of the investment share is US$ million!

If he makes money this time, Ren Zhonglun can't even imagine how much profit he can get!

I'm afraid Shanghai Film's entire year's income in the Mainland is not as much as it makes from such an investment!


Today can be regarded as a grand event in the entertainment industry. All the bosses of well-known film and television agency companies are present, and there are even many bigwigs in the investment industry.

Someone took the initiative to come up and asked Chen Fei if he needed investment?

"Mr. Ma, thank you for your kindness. The company is not short of funds recently. I will find you if necessary."

"Haha, okay, you are welcome to come to Ali as a guest."

Alibaba has not fully entered the film and culture industry yet, but it is estimated that it will not take long. Bermuda completed its H-share listing in Hong Kong in 1994, and will be acquired by Alibaba in a few years.

If I remember correctly, Zhao Yanzi and his wife completed the triple jump with the help of Ali!

Watching Ma Yun walk towards Huayi with a smile, Chen Fei's eyes showed a hint of understanding. It seemed that this person saw the future hope of the film and television industry in Huayi.

Tang Dynasty's Cai Yinong is also the focus of many actors' attention tonight.

The day before New Year's Eve, Tang Dynasty officially released the news that preparations for "Sword and Sword 3" will begin.

The popularity of "Sword and Sword 05" in 1 is still deeply engraved in many people's minds. The idiom "everyone is empty" is not just a joke.

Each character has his or her own story, and the leading actors are even more popular now, which clearly proves the success of the Fairy Sword series!

Now that it has been announced that preparations for "Sword and Sword 3" will begin, it has naturally attracted a lot of attention.

Hu Ge has been confirmed to star in "Sedum", but other roles have not yet been decided.

Most first-tier actresses have no interest, but many second-tier and third-tier actresses are already itching for it.

If we can step on this springboard, we may not be able to complete the leap from the third line to the second line, or even touch the threshold of the first line.

Who doesn’t want to be the second Liu Yifei?

"Chen Fei, if I were to act in Sword and Sword 3, would there be a suitable role for me in it?"


Looking at Shu Chang who was looking forward to it, Chen Fei recalled the scenes in "Sword and Sword 3" in his memory, but he never expected that any role would be suitable for her.

"You'd better ask Cai Yinong yourself to see if she has any suitable roles for you."


Shu Chang shrugged and didn't pay much attention. He turned around and went to find Liu Yifei.


Time came to noon in a blink of an eye, and the opening ceremony officially began under the chairmanship of He Jiong.

Han Sanping, Yang Shoucheng, and Chen Fei took the stage to speak respectively.

The three people did not say anything in detail. They spoke purely in a formal way. They also appeared to show that they were the boss behind the company.

The real highlight is Huo Wenxi!

"Let us welcome Huo Wenxi, CEO of "Feiyinghuang Agency", with warm applause to the stage to speak."

With thunderous applause, Huo Wenxi, wearing a white suit and high heels, appeared on the stage.

"Welcome to the opening ceremony of Feiyinghuang Agency. Today happens to be the first day of the Lunar New Year, and it is the beginning of the new year. First of all, I want to say Happy New Year to everyone..."

As expected of a professional, what he said was both appropriate and appropriate to the matter.

After a brief introduction to the company's basic structure and business, as well as future development directions, the main event came.

"Next, I would like to introduce to you the artists currently signed by our company. If the directors and producers here have suitable projects, please remember to contact us."

After that, Huo Wenxi took a deep breath and said softly: "First of all, let us welcome actor Liu Yifei and actor Chen Fei!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene was quiet at first, and then exploded.

"What the hell? Are the first brother and first sister of the company announced now?"

"Good guy? Are you kidding me? Director Chen actually signed a contract with this company as an actor?"

"What happened? Didn't Liu Yifei sign with a foreign agency? Why did she turn around and sign with Feiyinghuang Agency?"

"Damn, can you still play like this?"


Despite the commotion at the scene, Chen Fei and Liu Yifei walked onto the stage together.

"Ahem." After clearing his throat, Chen Fei took the lead and said: "Those who are familiar with me should know that I am actually an actor, and I won the Hundred Flowers Best Actor when I debuted.

All the producers and directors here, you can also pay attention to me. If you have a suitable script or role, you can contact my agent. "

The identity of an actor is just a gimmick. It is naturally impossible for Chen Fei to really act as a voice actor for other people, just to set off the atmosphere.

However, after hearing this, some people in the audience began to curse in their hearts.

Which role is right for you?

What kind of international joke are you kidding? According to your current status? Doesn’t the salary start at 300 million? Who can use you when riding a horse?

At this moment, Liu Yifei took the microphone and said softly: "Hello all directors and producers here, I am Liu Yifei, an actor who has appeared in "Dragon", "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", "Sword of Immortal", "Source Code", "Mulan" and other film and television dramas, if you have suitable scripts or roles, you can contact my agent!"

At this time, the eyes of all the female stars in the audience were extremely complicated.

Take a look at their appearance. Without exception, all the TV series they have starred in have been hits. After transitioning to filmmaking, they have been on the rise all the way. Their luck level is really high!

In the back row of the venue, Yang Mi did not hide the envy on her face, staring straight at Liu Yifei, and thinking secretly in her heart,

"If I could cooperate with Director Chen, my current achievements would definitely not be inferior to yours!"

After all, she also made her debut as a child star. Her first movie was with Zhou Xingchi, and her subsequent role as Xiao Guo Xiang was also loved by many people.

If she hadn't signed with Rong Xinda and her resources couldn't keep up, she would at least be among the first-tier actresses now!

"It seems I have to find a way to escape as soon as possible. Rong Xinda can no longer provide me with high-quality resources..."

Liu Yifei's agency contract was indeed signed by Bruce, but she only signed an agency contract with Hollywood, and she was still free in China.

This time, a new brokerage company happened to be established, so I just signed here.

Liu Xiaoli had no objection, and even she herself signed the agency contract here.


After introducing the identities of the first brother and the first sister, the next step is the middle-level backbone of the company.

"Wang Baoqiang, Wang Luojue, Chen Hao, Zhang Yi, Tong Liya, Zhu Zhu, Wan Qian, Wu Jing, Wang Zhiwen, Bai Bing, Shu Chang, Jiao Enjun, Zunlong..."

After a long list of names was read out, everyone present came to the stage one after another and began to introduce their identities and their previous achievements.

Looking at the actors standing neatly in a row on the stage, the eyes of the bosses of the major film and television agencies involved in the agency business were red!

Especially Li Shaohong!

Looking around, any one of these actors on the stage, as long as he joins Rong Xinda, will be a brother and sister in the company.

But when it comes to Feiyinghuang's agency, he can only be regarded as a second-tier artist.

This Nima...

There is no justice!

"Hello directors, I am actor Chen Hao..."

Wu Kebo's face was so gloomy that he could squeeze out water.

Cheng Tian’s former first sister, the heartthrob Chen Hao, actually joined another agency after leaving the company!

He seemed to have already seen the media reports tomorrow.

Cheng Tian will once again become the laughing stock in the circle!

It took a lot of effort to drag Fan Bingbin into his own trench, but the previous "Apple Movie Incident" caused him to stumble so hard that he could not recover for several months.

But now that Chen Hao has moved to another company, it actually gave him the illusion of being face-to-face!

Just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable!

"Actor, right? Haha, let the fans see your real acting skills, right? Are you from a major? I want to see if you are a real major or a fake one?"

Wu Kebo once again focused his attention on Chen Fei in the front row, his face full of mockery.

To use a popular word, this person has begun to enter the state of "crazy criticism".


On the stage, after the backbone of the company introduced themselves, Huo Wenxi began to introduce the newly signed artists from several media schools. "New actors Zhang Xiaofei, Kan Qingzi, Zhu Yilong, Ye Qing, Jiao Junyan, Li Ruojia, Song Yi, Mao Xiaotong, Jiang Yilei, Zhang Jianing..."

This group of people was indeed hard-earned. When Huo Wenxi contacted them at first, most of them chose to refuse.

Although Emperor does have a lot of influence in Hong Kong Island, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the core of the future film and television industry will be in the mainland.

Only a fool would eagerly follow her to Hong Kong for development.

However, when Huo Wenxi revealed to them that this agency was jointly founded by Emperor, Feiyue Film and Television, and China Film, a group of young people immediately flocked to it!

Emperor's failure does not mean that China Film and Feiyue Film and Television cannot do either.

In particular, Feiyue Film and Television, founded by Chen Fei, has become a holy place that 80% of acting students hope to join!

But Chen Fei had never engaged in artist management business before. Even if they wanted to join, they could not find a suitable channel.

But now it's different!

Even if the internal competition of this company is not small from the outside, who makes Chen Fei the boss?

With him here, you don't have to worry about not having a chance to get ahead!

Therefore, the vast majority of invited current students agreed to sign.

However, Huo Wenxi still had some regrets. After careful consideration, several young talents she had previously been very optimistic about ultimately rejected her invitation to sign a contract.

Nortel's Zhai Tianlin (Level 06) and Zheng Shuang (Level 07), these two are her favorites. Unfortunately, they seem to have other plans and don't want to sign with a brokerage company so early.


In the audience, listening to a group of new actors introducing themselves, the heads of several large brokerage companies had very complicated eyes.

The names Huo Wenxi read out just now exceeded thirty people!

Not to mention other things, just based on the number of signed actors, "Flying Shadow King Agency" has far exceeded several other agencies.

"If you don't make a song, you're done. It's a blockbuster!"

Wang Changtian sighed secretly.

Comparing the number and quality of artists in Feiyinghuang Agency, the company is like a grassroots team.

At present, only Huayi and Chengtian can compete.

The three-legged confrontation has taken shape again!

The opening ceremony lasted for three hours. After the actor introduction session, everyone went to the banquet hall to eat and drink while socializing.

Various media have begun to report, and the news of the establishment of the "Flying Shadow King Agency" spread throughout the entertainment industry in a very short period of time.

Netizens watched it online and discussed it on major forums.

"First brother Chen Fei? First sister Liu Yifei? Damn it, who can compare to this horse riding?"

"Good guy, Wang Baoqiang, Chen Hao, Wang Zhiwen and others have become the backbone of the company? Directly retreating to the second line?"

"This is just a second-tier artist within the company. If he were placed in the industry, he would be a first-tier artist!"

"What's going on? Why did you invite Zunlong here? Didn't this guy announce that he's going to retire?"

"Tsk tsk, look at this lineup. Isn't it too much to say that it is the leading brokerage company in the mainland?"


Netizens talked a lot and expressed their own views and opinions.

In the banquet hall, Chen Fei directly called Jiao Junyan over and asked her to stand with Jiao Enjun.

"Ning Hao, tell me, do they look alike?"

"Hey?" Ning Hao looked around in surprise, his face gradually showing a look of disbelief: "What's going on? Even the last names are the same? Father and daughter?"

"No." Jiao Junyan waved her hands quickly, her cheeks slightly red: "This is actually the first time that Teacher Jiao Enjun and I met. We are not related."

"It really seems more like her than my own daughter..." Jiao Enjun also looked confused at this moment, and he had even started to think wildly.

Chen Fei smiled and joked: "Haha, Jiao Junyan, you will follow teacher Jiao Enjun from now on. You two can play father and daughter, and you will never let the audience get into trouble."

Jiao Junyan's eyes lit up, as if she had discovered a new world!

There were many people at the banquet, and many people even came late and hurriedly came over to apologize to Chen Fei.

"Director Zhou, congratulations, "Yangtze River No. 7" is a hit."

Xingye is still awesome. In less than ten days, the box office has exceeded 1.5 million.

Chen Fei secretly thought that if the fans knew that this was the last movie he participated in, the box office would probably reach 4 million!

"Tongxi, I just watched the news in Hollywood. Your animated film has a global box office of more than 6 million US dollars, and it has won again."

Zhou Xingchi chuckled softly. There were too many people around him, and he felt a little uncomfortable for some reason.

His personality is actually a bit withdrawn, and he is not the kind of person who likes excitement.

"Sit anywhere…"

After calling Ning Hao to entertain Zhou Xingchi, Chen Fei turned around and went to Zun Long's side.

I regretted not being able to meet him when I went to Hengdian before. After casually mentioning it to Yang Shoucheng, I didn't expect that Emperor would actually arrange for this agent to come to the mainland.

"Mr. Chen, haha, this is the first time we meet. From now on, we will be part of the same company. Please take good care of me."

"Teacher Guoliang, I have long admired your name."

John Lung, whose real name is Wu Guoliang, graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. He is the first Chinese-American actor to be nominated for the American Film and Television Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Actor.

He is still very famous in Hollywood and is even the first Chinese-American presenter of the Oscars!

In fact, according to normal circumstances, his development in China should be very good. Unfortunately, he was cheated by "Kangxi Private Interview 5", so that he has a prejudice against domestic film and television companies...

There are too many bad people!

After chatting for a while, Chen Fei mentioned the script of "Inception".

"Who have you chosen as actors so far?"

"It has been decided that I will direct it, and Leonardo will be the male lead. The female lead and second female lead have not yet been decided, but we are in contact with Monica Bellucci, Sophie Marceau, Kate Wynn Slater and other actresses, if nothing else happens, they should agree to star."

Hearing this, Zunlong was stunned.

The director, screenwriter, and actors are all famous for their box-office performance, so this project is not an easy one!

He asked tentatively: "How much is the investment?"

"At least $2 million."

"I agreed!"

Zunlong didn't hesitate at all. This kind of project is completely rare. You don't even need to read the script, just agree to star without a brain!

He felt that Chen Fei didn't look like a bad person.


Just as Yang Shoucheng envisioned, with the establishment of the "Feiyinghuang Agency", most of the attention of netizens has focused here.

Coupled with the Emperor's series of iron-fisted measures, the "Photogate Incident" was quickly put to rest.

Huayi took advantage of the situation and announced within the company the news that Chen Fei had subscribed for the original shares.

Huang Xiaoming received the news immediately, and with an idea in mind, he immediately went to Wang Zhonglei and wanted to subscribe for more original shares.

Regarding the listing of Huayi, most people within the company are still not optimistic. After all, there has never been a precedent for a film and television company to go public in the mainland.

Taking this opportunity, Huang Xiaoming took the opportunity to acquire a lot of original stocks that were completely "hot potatoes" to others.

Although he has little confidence in Huayi's listing, he has great confidence in Chen Fei.

You are right to follow Chen Fei!


At the same time, when the mainland was in turmoil due to the establishment of the "Flying Film King Agency", Chen Fei had already appeared at the "Annie Awards" award ceremony.

Looking around, animation producers, directors, voice actors, etc. from major companies such as Paramount, DreamWorks, Sony Classics, Disney, Pixar, 20th Century Fox, etc. were all present.

Tonight will be the time for movies such as "WALL-E", "Ratatouille", "The Simpsons", "Shrek 3", "A Little Bee" and "Surfer the Penguin" to compete.

Natasha followed Chen Fei to the scene happily.

However, her original good mood disappeared instantly when she saw a certain producer from Disney.

At this moment, she suddenly understood the old Chinese saying, "Go out without looking at the almanac!"

(End of this chapter)

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