It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 303 Counterattack? King's return! Big win! The ray of hope of Chinese comics! The power

Chapter 303 Counterattack? King's return! Big win! The ray of hope of Chinese comics! The power of a double-edged sword!

"Fei, I guess I have to introduce you to him."

Staring at the foreigner at Disney, Natasha gritted her teeth with hatred. If the situation hadn't been wrong, she might have had to rush up and beat him up on the spot!


Chen Fei followed her line of sight and saw a white foreigner about 27 or 8 years old chatting with Brad Bird, the director of "Ratatouille".

"His name is Larenz Tate, and he is a college classmate of mine. He majored in production and directing. It was he who suggested that I open a film and television production company. However, because he was unable to produce high-quality film and television works, he finally quietly leave."

Natasha was very aggrieved, and the feeling of being abandoned by her partner made her very uncomfortable.

Moreover, she provided all the funds when starting the company. Not only did that shameless guy not contribute a penny, he quietly left in the end, leaving such a mess to her!

"He is simply a shameless person!"

Natasha gritted her teeth every time she thought of the name "Larenz Tate."

But her family upbringing and personal upbringing are always a warning to her. She is a daughter of a noble, not the kind of resentful woman who behaves on the street, and cannot yell at annoying people like other girls.

Seeing Natasha's angry look, Chen Fei knew that she had been tricked.

When the two first met, Walton Pictures was already on the verge of bankruptcy. If he hadn't turned the tide with low-cost movies, the company might not have been able to survive for long.

Resentment is also appropriate. It is really annoying to have a partner who leaves halfway and leaves a lot of mess behind!

"Do you want to fight back?" Chen Fei asked softly.

"I think!" Natasha nodded without hesitation, her eyes full of expectation: "Fei? What should I do? I want him to know that after leaving him, my life will be better than before!"

"I'll teach you. You'll say this later..."


The two were whispering in the audience, while the host on the stage announced that the award ceremony had officially begun!

Like other awards, the order of awarding of the Annie Awards starts from the small prize and ends with the final grand prize.

The first one is Best Score.

The award presenter is a very professional scorer in the field of animated films.

Pulling out the card from the envelope, he announced directly: "The winner of the 35th Annie Award for Best Score is - "Wall-E"!"

Everyone in the venue turned their attention to Chen Fei. Wall-E's soundtrack is indeed the best, there is no doubt about it.

A dubbing artist from the post-production department of Volton Pictures walked up to the podium, his face full of joy.

It was from this “good start” that big prizes came one after another!

Best storyboard (storyboard), best production design, best character design, best character animation, best screenplay...

Five consecutive awards were won by "Wall-E"!

In the audience, the CEOs of the animation departments of Disney, Pixar, 20th Century Fox Animation, Blue Sky Animation, Illumination Entertainment, Sony Animation, Warner Animation and DreamWorks Animation were all trying to smile.

There is no doubt that this year’s Annie Awards has become completely unique to “Wall-E”!

But they didn't complain in their hearts, because WALL-E is so powerful, with a global box office of 6.35 million, which can be said to be unparalleled.

Looking at the animated film market in 07, there was no one that could compete with "WALL-E".

Among them, Disney is the worst.

If WALL-E had not come out, "Ratatouille" would definitely have crushed other animated films in terms of box office and critical reception!

However, things are unpredictable!

"The winners of the 35th Annie Award for Best Director are - "WALL-E" and FeiChen!"

Listening to the shouts echoing in his ears, Chen Fei, who had just received the Best Screenplay Award, had to stand up again and walked to the podium.

"Thank you to the organizers and all the judges..."

This wave is really amazing.

Except for the Best Visual Effects Award and the Best Art Direction Award for "Ratatouille" and "Surfing Penguins" respectively, all other awards were won by Chen Fei.

The awards ceremony has been held so far, and there is only one final award left for Best Animated Feature Film.

According to relevant records, since the organizers of the Annie Awards launched the "Best Animated Feature Film Award", the coincidence with the Oscar Award for Best Animated Film has been as high as 83.3%!

And this also means that if WALL-E can win this award, it can be said that there is almost an 83% chance of winning an Oscar!

As Chen Fei stepped off the stage with the Best Director Award in hand, another award presenter came from the backstage.

Opening the envelope and pulling out the card inside, a loud voice echoed in everyone's ears: "The winner of the 35th Annie Award for Best Animated Feature Film is - "Wall-E". Let us congratulate FeiChen and Walt Film." Industry."

A pair of eyes fell on Chen Fei again, and their envy was beyond words.

However, just when everyone thought that Chen Fei was about to get up and go on stage to receive the award, he sat motionless in his seat.

Beside him, Natasha, who was wearing a red evening gown, stood up, held her head high like a proud swan, and walked onto the podium confidently.

Many people in the audience applauded.

Everyone can't help but marvel at this nearly 26-year-old female president who already owns Volton Pictures and Marvel Pictures.

John Lasseter, CEO of Pixar Animation Studios, subconsciously praised: "Oh! She is so young. With such beauty and achievements, it is really hard not to be deeply fascinated by her."

Seeing Natasha shining brightly on the stage, the expression on Larenz Tate's face was a little complicated.

When he resolutely chose to leave, he had already determined that Walton Pictures would be completely lost in the hustle and bustle and become one of the many bankrupt film and television companies.

But I never expected that Natasha would stage a "Return of the King" today!

See you again today. She is beautiful and charming on the stage, but she looks like a clown off the stage...

"It's an honor to receive this award today. The efforts of our entire company for a year have not been in vain. We have successfully promoted our first animated film to the world.

To be able to achieve today's results, I need to thank Fei. It is your arrival that has restored the glory of Volton Pictures and made the betrayal of a shameless villain even more ridiculous.

I hope that in the years to come, Waltons will continue to soar, while those who betrayed will experience injustice, betrayal, loneliness, and all their good fortune.

And I will overlook you, laugh at you, and quietly watch you lose everything in your wandering life! "

This speech stunned many people present.

Everyone is not stupid, and you can tell from Natasha's words that there is someone on the scene who has betrayed Waltons Pictures and betrayed her trust.

So who is this person?

John Lasseter looked around curiously, but he did not notice that Larenz Tate beside him was flushed and ashamed.

This wave of facial contact was like slaps on his face one after another, it was a burning pain!

Holding the trophy, Natasha walked down the podium very proudly and sat next to Chen Fei.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?"

"Oh! This is so cool! He can't even look at me!"

"Haha, I'll let you come next time I get a chance."

"Okay, it's a deal!"


The Annie Awards ceremony ended successfully, and the media quickly wrote the headline and posted it online.

【Thirteen nominations! Nine awards! The Oscar preview has been completed ahead of schedule! 】

The Internet was abuzz, and fans expressed their congratulations one after another.

After the news spread back to China, it aroused enthusiastic support from a group of animation fans.

"Director Chen is awesome!"

"What the hell? 13 nominations? 9 awards? This is pretty awesome!"

"Look at his transformation, he's so damn awesome, he became a god in just one movie."

"Literature, business, animation, what else can Director Chen not know about?"

"Save Guoman!"

"Brothers upstairs, please stop shouting. Director Chen has already started to save Guoman. It has been spread on the Internet for a long time. Director Chen's latest animated movie is called "Kung Fu Panda". Everyone can look forward to it."

"real or fake?"

"Can't you tell by just looking at the Internet? Is this fake?" "Is the light of hope for Chinese comics about to appear?"


After the Annie Awards comes the Oscars, but there is a full half-month gap between the two, so Chen Fei still has a lot of free time.

Invitations from the mainland continued to be sent to his mailbox.


"The King of Kung Fu" was originally scheduled to be released on May 5.1st, but it was cut to three days due to the May Day holiday, and finally returned to April 4th.

In other words, five movies will be released in the mainland in April!

Chen Fei was suddenly curious, why did these people get into trouble with the April schedule?

Aren’t May and June worthy of them?

Later, when he inquired about it, he learned that "October Siege", which took a year to complete, was scheduled to be released on May Day, while "Painted Skin" is expected to be completed at the end of this month and will be released in the summer.

"Okay, so you are avoiding me?"

Chen Fei suddenly understood and rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

In my dying dream, I sat up in shock, the great power was actually myself...

This group of people was obviously frightened by Chen Fei's title of "script master" and would rather gather together than compete for the May Day and summer slots.

Speaking of which, it was Chen Fei who first became popular about the "May Day period".

The previous films "Buried Alive", "Crazy Stone", "Crazy Race", etc. were all released on May Day, and without exception, they were all great successes!

This time "October Siege" is coming again, and everyone is a little nervous.


Perhaps the establishment of Feiyinghuang's agency put Wang Jinghua under pressure. Suddenly there was the latest news online, saying that she had submitted her resignation to Chengtian and was preparing to go it alone.

Zhu Yawen confirmed the news in the QQ group.

"Although I don't know where the reporter got the news, it is true. We are moving again."

Chen Fei silently typed out a line of text and clicked send: "A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time?"

Luo Jin suddenly realized, "Hey? If I leave this time, I will really become a slave of the third surname!"

Liu Yifei's melon-eating skills have always been among the best among several people, and her reputation as a "surfing expert" is not deserved.

"Have you heard? The Hong Kong actor surnamed Chen just held a press conference yesterday and said that he would permanently retire from the entertainment industry."

"Real or false?" Shu Chang jumped out quickly and asked: "I heard that he was hiding from the limelight in the United States. Why did he suddenly come back? Isn't he afraid of being beaten by those actresses? He even took secret photos."

Chen Fei silently closed QQ.

This thing is that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Whether it is a photo or a subsequent Uniqlo video, in fact, both men and women are willing to do it.

But who told him not to keep it well? It's his fault if it spreads.

Chen Fei is very vigilant. He never takes photos of himself or leaves any videos.

He's not a prodigy, and he doesn't make money from this, so what else can he use for it?


The mainland is very lively, and Hollywood is certainly no different.

"The Golden Compass" directly lost all the money New Line Cinema has earned over the years!

Recently, Time Warner announced that New Line Cinema will be completely merged into Warner Bros., directly ending New Line's 40-year film career.

From then on, the movies produced by New Line will bear the Warner Bros. logo, and New Line has become a film company that only produces but does not distribute movies.

"It's a pity. "Rush Hour" and "Lord of the Rings" are both very good series, but they really made one wrong move and fell directly into the abyss!"

Opposite the desk, Wen Ziren, who was reading the script of "Insidious 2", shrugged and responded nonchalantly:

"This situation is actually normal in Hollywood. According to statistics, no less than three film and television production companies are established in Hollywood every day, and correspondingly, the number of bankruptcies is only a lot more."

Chen Fei suddenly thought of the movie "Wind Whisperer" and directly beat Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to death.

Wu Yu is also unlucky enough.

After watching Wen Ziren read the script, Chen Fei brought the topic back to normal: "How do you feel?"

"Awesome! I can't wait to get back that feeling of making fear."

"Haha, then increase your power and get ready to set sail!"

So far, the title of "Father of Horror Films" still belongs to Chen Fei, and he is not ready to give this title to others for the time being.


The 58th Berlin International Film Festival officially ended on the 18th.

The Brazilian film "The Force" pulled off a major upset, winning the Golden Bear for Best Film, while the Silver Bear, the Grand Jury Prize, went to "Standard Procedure."

"Left and Right" directed by Wang Xiaoshuai lived up to expectations and brought double happiness!

After winning the "Special Attention" award based on audience opinions, the film also won the Silver Bear Award for Best Screenplay for its wonderful script. It followed "Tuya's Marriage" which won the Golden Bear Award at the last Berlin Film Festival. Later, it once again won glory for domestic films.

The mainland media has started a new round of reports, and the literary and art circles are as lively as the Chinese New Year!

Wang Xiaoshuai took advantage of the situation and announced the release date of the movie, which is set to be April 4st, which is April Fool's Day, and will be officially released in the mainland.

Suddenly, 5 domestic movies have been scheduled for April!

The media are all speculating, who will be the final winner?

The most popular one is "The King of Kung Fu".


On the eve of the Oscars, Chen Fei took the time to visit Longxiang Capital.

Walking through Wall Street, he could clearly feel the depression on the street. Pedestrians were no longer cheerful. Everyone had their heads lowered and walked in a hurry.

Bruce, who came with him, was full of amazement: "Fei, you really guessed it right, the house price has dropped by one-third!"

Chen Fei smiled slightly, his eyes full of enthusiasm!

It feels great to make money from the United States and go back to build the motherland!

Arriving at the company, Chen Fei had just sat down on the sofa when Leon Walras came to him holding a pile of documents.

"Boss, just the day before yesterday, the Federal Reserve prompted JP Morgan Chase Bank to acquire the Bear Stearns investment bank. The credit default swap has now appreciated three times. The rescue plan has been delayed, and the market has become restless again..."

Chen Fei was already very familiar with these professional terms.

Credit default swaps refer to CDS purchased by oneself!

He listened to Leon's story without interrupting, and it was not until more than ten minutes later that he gave an instruction: "Leon, you did a good job, and you need to pay close attention to the market trends next.

Because in less than three months, the CDS in our hands will increase to about six or seven times. At this time, you can sell it, but you have to pay attention to it. You must put it in a small amount at the beginning, so as not to attract the attention of any party. .

When you reach nine times the profit, you will ship a large number of goods. At this time, don't worry about anything and ship quickly!

At the same time, you have to focus on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. As soon as news comes out that an official department has taken over these two companies, we should not keep any remaining contracts in our hands and sell them all. over! "

Leon Walras was dumbfounded and murmured: "WTF! Official takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? How is this possible?"

Chen Fei smiled slightly, recalling the movie clips in his mind, and said lightly: "After Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are taken over, Lehman Brothers Holdings, the fourth largest investment bank, will apply for it within a week at most. Bankruptcy protection, and by then, CDS will become useless paper!"

Leon Walras's eyes suddenly widened, "Why?"

"Because everything collapsed, by this fall, the once glorious Wall Street investment bank will come to an imperfect end. In the future, it will only exist in people's memory as a historical term."

Leon Walras subconsciously took a few steps back, leaning on the table with a look of horror on his face, and his hands were trembling slightly.

"How is it possible? How is this possible! Why does this happen?"

Although these words only came from Chen Fei's mouth and the reality has not happened yet, Leon already believed it.

Because in the past few months, the market trends have completely followed Chen Fei's previous predictions!

But if what he said is true, in the end, wouldn't the entire United States, and even Europe, be in a mess?

"As long as you do something wrong, you will definitely pay the price you deserve."

Chen Fei meant something.

Financial derivatives are a double-edged sword. While they harm others, they will also harm yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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